Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(Moo)

"Sorry." Chris said with a low moo as he began to walk through the crowded streets. There was obviously enough space for him to go through because a lot of people were staring. Hoping to avoid the gazes, Chris went much faster and was in the forest within the next few moments. The bull man began to look around for anywhere that would suffice as a picnic spot. He looked over at Kelica as he spoke once again,"So...see anywhere good?"

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren was confused when the purple butterflies attached to his wand but then just faded away but he didn't have time to dwell on it as he was trapped in a barrier and the lights were able to catch up to him. This time he could feel it. his magical energy was being sappe dout of his body. It was then he realized that these were anti magic particles, or flux to be exact. He had read about it in a book at some point when he was studying. If that was the case then he could get rid of the annoying lights by canceling them out with magic of his own. He stopped drawing the sigil for a moment to pull out one of his enchanted cards. Instead of throwing it like he normally would, he used it as a blade to slash at the lights in hopes of destroying them. If he got rid of them then he'd have much more room to think about how to deal with the unusual woman that was his opponent. Well, after he escaped the barrier she trapped him in but one problem at a time!
At the moment that the card collided with one of the lights, the card itself imploded along with the light. If he tired to do that again he would probably run out of cards. Kim held her left palm out she closed her eyes, the markings of her skin glowed once again. " Tainted lance." She mumbled. A violet lance appeared in her palm, she wrapped her out stretched fingers around the handle. Her other hand was resting on her side, it kept flexing, due to that movement the barrier around Ren got tighter and tighter. Limiting his movements. If ren didn't do something ,anything, he would be crushed into submission.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Alicia thought her name was pretty...? If only she knew the meaning behind it. Ophelia decided not to dwell on names but on other things, like magic and sparring. "Maybe if you train with Gilad enough, he can teach you how to use both of your beads at once. Even if I can make things with it, water still isn't that special. And yeah, I saw you fight Alfie... that fireball you shot was really strong. I'm surprised it didn't kill him. I think it has something to do with his magic, like how he didn't die when I blew him into pieces. But, y'know, something that strong is good for a mage. I'm glad you can spar with me, because I really wanna see what you have in store." Ophelia herself knew she'd obliterate Alicia if they were going all out, but spars weren't like that. It would just be a friendly match between two little girls. But what about Gilad? How would he feel about that?

And when asked how she became a Guild Master, the girl couldn't quite explain it. How
did she obtain such a high rank so soon? "I dunno, really. I guess it has something to do with Cece's death. Maybe I was just the strongest and they chose me? Or maybe they wanted to keep the record Cece started with little girls being Guild Masters?"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia nodded, maybe she could ask Gilad to help her more..though..Gilad didn't exactly share such beliefs. At-least she didn't think he did, who knows. She'd be sure to ask him when they got back and he wasn't busy, though generally he was busy so she couldn't ask. Though the sad thing was the fireball Ophelia saw had been powered by both the grief energy and Alfie himself. Although..she didn't have to tell Ophelia that, she'd figure it out for herself. "Maybe, I dunno if he will though. I guess I can ask later, it'd be pretty cool if he could. I'm not that strong really though..I'm only B Class. But either way it'll be fun sparring you, I'm looking forward to it to!" She told her.

She shrugged at the answer to her question, though her expression darkened for a minute at the mention of Cece's death. "
Oh. I see. Still though, that's pretty awesome. You must be really strong and stuff." She replied. "I wish I was as strong as you..maybe when I'm your age I'll be as strong as you." She added. She wasn't exactly that much older than her, but three years makes a difference she guessed.
purplepanda288 said:
At the moment that the card collided with one of the lights, the card itself imploded along with the light. If he tired to do that again he would probably run out of cards. Kim held her left palm out she closed her eyes, the markings of her skin glowed once again. " Tainted lance." She mumbled. A violet lance appeared in her palm, she wrapped her out stretched fingers around the handle. Her other hand was resting on her side, it kept flexing, due to that movement the barrier around Ren got tighter and tighter. Limiting his movements. If ren didn't do something ,anything, he would be crushed into submission.
Ren stopped trying to cut the lights with his cards after seeing what happened the first time. if he couldn't use one card then this would take too long even if he had over 50 cards with him. He was forced to act quickly when his prison began to grow smaller in size. He fwould've liked to use the sigil he had been drawing in a more optimal way but he needed a way to apply pressure to his ooponent before it was too late. He quickly put the finishing touches on the glyph and turned it to face Kim. This was the same projectile enhancing sigil that he had shown Conway. It had a different effect when used with his cards though. In the little space he had, Ren threw 4 cards at the sigil and when they passed through, a barrage of about 20 cards emerged. That's right, when one of Ren's throwing cards passed through the sigil, it instantly became 5. With any luck they would be able to break the barrier and some of them would be able to make their way to Kim.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia nodded, maybe she could ask Gilad to help her more..though..Gilad didn't exactly share such beliefs. At-least she didn't think he did, who knows. She'd be sure to ask him when they got back and he wasn't busy, though generally he was busy so she couldn't ask. Though the sad thing was the fireball Ophelia saw had been powered by both the grief energy and Alfie himself. Although..she didn't have to tell Ophelia that, she'd figure it out for herself. "Maybe, I dunno if he will though. I guess I can ask later, it'd be pretty cool if he could. I'm not that strong really though..I'm only B Class. But either way it'll be fun sparring you, I'm looking forward to it to!" She told her.

She shrugged at the answer to her question, though her expression darkened for a minute at the mention of Cece's death. "
Oh. I see. Still though, that's pretty awesome. You must be really strong and stuff." She replied. "I wish I was as strong as you..maybe when I'm your age I'll be as strong as you." She added. She wasn't exactly that much older than her, but three years makes a difference she guessed.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

"Oh, Gilad may seem like a big ol' meanie, but I'm sure he's kind enough to help one of his guild members with their magic. After all, his goal is for Sabertooth to become number one again," she said in a matter-of-fact voice. Ophelia grinned as Alicia went on about how strong the Guild Master was. She wanted to ensure her that she might get even stronger than her when she reached her age, but age didn't quite matter when it came to magic. Ophelia was trained by more than six people at a time almost every day of her life, and each of the men who had taught her what she knew were almost experts in their field. The girl wouldn't mind training Alicia behind Gilad's back, but even if she were to do that, things might not go the way they hoped. "Hey, uh, listen... age doesn't matter when it comes to these things. I was raised under special conditions and I was even trained in my element for most of my life. I'm not sure what happened with you, but it might take you a while longer before you get as strong as me or even Gilad... But I wouldn't mind taking you under my cape and helping you get stronger."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

"Oh, Gilad may seem like a big ol' meanie, but I'm sure he's kind enough to help one of his guild members with their magic. After all, his goal is for Sabertooth to become number one again," she said in a matter-of-fact voice. Ophelia grinned as Alicia went on about how strong the Guild Master was. She wanted to ensure her that she might get even stronger than her when she reached her age, but age didn't quite matter when it came to magic. Ophelia was trained by more than six people at a time almost every day of her life, and each of the men who had taught her what she knew were almost experts in their field. The girl wouldn't mind training Alicia behind Gilad's back, but even if she were to do that, things might not go the way they hoped. "Hey, uh, listen... age doesn't matter when it comes to these things. I was raised under special conditions and I was even trained in my element for most of my life. I'm not sure what happened with you, but it might take you a while longer before you get as strong as me or even Gilad... But I wouldn't mind taking you under my cape and helping you get stronger."

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Ophelia was probably right, Gilad was nice enough..he was just kinda intimidating so she never really thought about asking. Alicia listened intently to her explaination of how she get to be so strong. She smiled excitedly when she said she'd train her. "Really? You'd help me even if I'm not in your Guild?" She asked her in slight disbelief. "That'd be awesome! I'd love that! Thank you!" She told her. "My parents were trying to teach me..but they died..or at-least I think they did..they haven't come back for a while at-least. Though..It's not so bad. Sabertooth is actually pretty nice, especially Mizuki." She explained.

Well..enough of that sad stuff. I'd be more than happy to have you help me if you're sure you don't mind. Who do you thinks' gunna win the tournament?" She asked.
Drakerus said:
Ren stopped trying to cut the lights with his cards after seeing what happened the first time. if he couldn't use one card then this would take too long even if he had over 50 cards with him. He was forced to act quickly when his prison began to grow smaller in size. He fwould've liked to use the sigil he had been drawing in a more optimal way but he needed a way to apply pressure to his ooponent before it was too late. He quickly put the finishing touches on the glyph and turned it to face Kim. This was the same projectile enhancing sigil that he had shown Conway. It had a different effect when used with his cards though. In the little space he had, Ren threw 4 cards at the sigil and when they passed through, a barrage of about 20 cards emerged. That's right, when one of Ren's throwing cards passed through the sigil, it instantly became 5. With any luck they would be able to break the barrier and some of them would be able to make their way to Kim.
The cards did indeed pass though the wall, but it did not break. The cards lost all of their magic boost as they exited. Kim swiped back and forth with the lance, knocking half the cards down. Since the cards no longer held and magic Kim could easily control them. " Taint infusion." The remaining 10 cards stopped dead in their tracks, floating encased in a purple aura. Her right hand swong fowards, the 10 cards following suit. The cards passed though the barrier, watch trying to cut at Ren with extreme force.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Ophelia was probably right, Gilad was nice enough..he was just kinda intimidating so she never really thought about asking. Alicia listened intently to her explaination of how she get to be so strong. She smiled excitedly when she said she'd train her. "Really? You'd help me even if I'm not in your Guild?" She asked her in slight disbelief. "That'd be awesome! I'd love that! Thank you!" She told her. "My parents were trying to teach me..but they died..or at-least I think they did..they haven't come back for a while at-least. Though..It's not so bad. Sabertooth is actually pretty nice, especially Mizuki." She explained.

Well..enough of that sad stuff. I'd be more than happy to have you help me if you're sure you don't mind. Who do you thinks' gunna win the tournament?" She asked.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

"Of course! As a Guild Master, I feel as though my powers are meant for helping everyone! I'm not limited to my own guild, and anyone who says otherwise can drown! Besides, with help from both Gilad and I, you'll become powerful in no time! You could do good in the name of every Light Guild out there!" Waving her fist in the air, the grin was wiped off of her face at the mention of the death of her parents. But it came right back as Alicia told her to get off of the sad stuff. "Then it's settled! We start after the tournament! And, uh, speaking of that..." Ophelia looked down at the fights, her attention on Ren and Kim's. "I think Kim's got this one. Her attack patterns are tricky."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

"Of course! As a Guild Master, I feel as though my powers are meant for helping everyone! I'm not limited to my own guild, and anyone who says otherwise can drown! Besides, with help from both Gilad and I, you'll become powerful in no time! You could do good in the name of every Light Guild out there!" Waving her fist in the air, the grin was wiped off of her face at the mention of the death of her parents. But it came right back as Alicia told her to get off of the sad stuff. "Then it's settled! We start after the tournament! And, uh, speaking of that..." Ophelia looked down at the fights, her attention on Ren and Kim's. "I think Kim's got this one. Her attack patterns are tricky."

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia couldn't help but be excited, maybe she could get really strong so that Mizuki didn't have to worry about her so much. Maybe she'd actually be able to protect Mizuki when she needed it. Not only that she'd made a friend her age, and a guild master no less. "Awesome! And yeah, I don't think Ren is gunna win either..I could be wrong though. It'd be neat if he did though, really." She told her. Honestly? Things turned out well, death threat or not, Alfie had actually helped her make a friend. She could've done without the death threats...but she guessed it was worth it.

I'll be sure to take missons closer to Magnolia more often so we can spar and stuff. There's not really that many people my age in Sabertooth..at all really. I mean everyones nice..but its different I guess." She explained before shrugging.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia couldn't help but be excited, maybe she could get really strong so that Mizuki didn't have to worry about her so much. Maybe she'd actually be able to protect Mizuki when she needed it. Not only that she'd made a friend her age, and a guild master no less. "Awesome! And yeah, I don't think Ren is gunna win either..I could be wrong though. It'd be neat if he did though, really." She told her. Honestly? Things turned out well, death threat or not, Alfie had actually helped her make a friend. She could've done without the death threats...but she guessed it was worth it.

I'll be sure to take missons closer to Magnolia more often so we can spar and stuff. There's not really that many people my age in Sabertooth..at all really. I mean everyones nice..but its different I guess." She explained before shrugging.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

If you wanted Ophelia's opinion, even if Alicia and her were almost the same age, the girl was adorable. The way she spoke and the way she acted made part of the Guild Master wish she would stay that way forever. Being cute and powerful at once was a miracle on its own, and if Ophelia trained Alicia enough, that would make her a miracle worker. "Yeah, you never know what kinds of hidden tricks mages can hide up their sleeves. But Kim seems to be going strong."

Now Alicia wanted to take quests closer to Magnolia? That might not be the best thing if you were counting emergencies. Ophelia put one of her hands on the other girl's shoulder, warmth emanating even through her glove. "You really don't have to do that. I know you want to train with me, but what if there's an emergency closer to your city than here? What if the others who can deal with the problem are all busy? We can sort our own schedule out. But quests are made for you to do the job, not spar during the job. I'm sorry to seem so strict, but lives are more important than training. I promise we can work something out when you aren't questing though."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

If you wanted Ophelia's opinion, even if Alicia and her were almost the same age, the girl was adorable. The way she spoke and the way she acted made part of the Guild Master wish she would stay that way forever. Being cute and powerful at once was a miracle on its own, and if Ophelia trained Alicia enough, that would make her a miracle worker. "Yeah, you never know what kinds of hidden tricks mages can hide up their sleeves. But Kim seems to be going strong."

Now Alicia wanted to take quests closer to Magnolia? That might not be the best thing if you were counting emergencies. Ophelia put one of her hands on the other girl's shoulder, warmth emanating even through her glove. "You really don't have to do that. I know you want to train with me, but what if there's an emergency closer to your city than here? What if the others who can deal with the problem are all busy? We can sort our own schedule out. But quests are made for you to do the job, not spar during the job. I'm sorry to seem so strict, but lives are more important than training. I promise we can work something out when you aren't questing though."

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia nodded slowly when Ophelia was finished speaking. Though, she was confused. She didn't mean to come over and spar during her mission..she moreso meant after she'd finished it. Like, take a day extra to come back or something. But she made a point about the emergencies..but she didn't mean to make it a constant thing really. "Okay. Though, I didn't mean during it..that'd be silly. I meant after I was done, like..stay an extra day or something. But I understand what you mean. I guess I'm just a bit too excited..I haven't really ever had any friends my age except for one or two." She replied. "I agree though, working something out would be best. I don't have to go on jobs much cause I live in the hall, so I'm sure it'll be easy enough." She added.

She hoped she wasn't being to obssesive or whatever over the idea, she was just excited was all. The last thing she wanted was to drive Ophelia away by pressing the matter too much.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia nodded slowly when Ophelia was finished speaking. Though, she was confused. She didn't mean to come over and spar during her mission..she moreso meant after she'd finished it. Like, take a day extra to come back or something. But she made a point about the emergencies..but she didn't mean to make it a constant thing really. "Okay. Though, I didn't mean during it..that'd be silly. I meant after I was done, like..stay an extra day or something. But I understand what you mean. I guess I'm just a bit too excited..I haven't really ever had any friends my age except for one or two." She replied. "I agree though, working something out would be best. I don't have to go on jobs much cause I live in the hall, so I'm sure it'll be easy enough." She added.

She hoped she wasn't being to obssesive or whatever over the idea, she was just excited was all. The last thing she wanted was to drive Ophelia away by pressing the matter too much.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Ohhh. That's what she meant. Then things should be a lot easier than she would expect, even with all of the paperwork she'd have to deal with. If she got it done early, training time could be longer. "Then it's settled! Leave the scheduling to me! I'll have everything done! Should we tell Gilad about the sessions or not?"
Kelica - Magnolia Streets then Forest

Kelica sat on top of Chris with not the slightest hint of embarrassment, to be honest she cared little for what strangers thought of her, taking more time and brain power to make sure Chris, and her fellow guild mates were happy. Kelica had that happy go lucky personality that seemed to instinctly turn most people happy or at least smile around her, she wondered idly if she was feeding some sort of postive energy subconsciously but she wasn't much of a thinker so she just rolled with it.

As the minotaur and her made their way into the forest she instantly relaxed, every muscle untensing and her necklace ever-so-slightly glowing if one were to focus on it. It wasn't long before several squirrels ran up to the side of the worn track, squeeking to themselves before dashing off. A cluster of birds seem to land in the nearby trees, singing what could be only be described as a soft lullaby. Even the tree's surrounding them tilted their branch's slowly, framing them as they passed. As they continued, Kelica pointed to a huge weeping willow ahead, it's branch cascading down to make an almost curtain of leaves, a cave made out of the living branches of the tree. She slowly slipped from Chris's back to her feet, and as she approached an arcway opened up to allow them underneath it's canopy.

As she wandered in, she turned to look to him with a wide smile. "See? How could you not love the forest?" Hand reaching up to brush through one long drooping branch covered in leaves, to which it seemed to shiver softly.

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Lysander - Milkshake Shop

Lysander sat opposite Sora in a booth seat, in a half-full milkshake shop. He was quite surprised that the shop was that empty; with the amount of people in Magnolia for the festival as well as how popular the shop was, he was actually expecting a long queue. Though there was a long queue at the ordering station for to-go orders though; most people were ordering their milkshakes takeaway, presumably to drink them while watching the tournament. He still felt a pang of regret everytime the tournament was mentioned; if he had not make such stupid mistakes during the tournament, he probably would still be competing. And he had better make sure that he actually got a good night's sleep before any tournaments. But he was with Sora now, and he did not want her to see him upset, so he shook all thoughts of the tournament out of his head and passed Sora a menu, taking one for himself.

"Urm... order anything you like," he said. "It's my treat." And apology, he wanted to add, for getting so injured to the point that she had to heal him and loose her own energy in the process. He was pretty much willing to spend any amount on her at this point in time. He still could not believe how lucky he was at times, and that she was still willing to spend time with him despite him still feeling that he did not quite deserve her.

His face rather red, he quickly looked down at his own menu, searching for his own order; the apple pie milkshake. He had it everytime he visited Magnolia, and it was fast becoming one of his favourite treats. The shop was still family-owned at this point in time, but he hoped that if they were planning to expand, Margaret Town would be one of the places they would open a shop in. Then he would be able to have his favourite every day! Though perhaps not... he might end up getting fat, and now that he had Sora to consider, perhaps he had better watch his own weight.


Sora Marvell - Milkshake Shop

Sora gazed around the shop for a bit, trying to put a finger on why it was so distinctively familiar but her mind failed to come up with any memories to associate the feeling with. Perhaps she'd been there when she was little, too little to remember but old enough for it to have left an imprint of some sort. Her eyes flickered from face to face, curiously watching others converse and blushing at catching intimate moments from a few couples in the shop as well as ones passing by. It seemed so open and free, the laughter, the upfront affection and exchanged kisses, hands molding together to make them look so perfect together. Her cheeks reddened as she silently imagined herself and Lysander being like that in public, in love, and not caring about how the world saw them, only having eyes for one another as they strolled the streets.

His voice broke through her daydream as her hues darted to fall upon his familiar and adored face, a bashful smile being offered in return as she reached for the menu. " T-Thanks.. " This certainly felt more like a date now that she was aware he intended to pay. It took a lot of effort not to insist on paying for her own milkshake but she'd allow him this kind gesture and make sure to repay it somehow before the festival came to an end. An end.. She hadn't even really thought about the fact that the departure of the festival meant Lysander would be leaving with it and it was a thought she preferred not to dwell on so she could enjoy the time they did have together. Her eyes lowered to the menu then, blinking quite repetitively as she mentally ingested every combination and flavor, trying to stop them from going wide instinctively. The choices were endless...

" I don't want to seem indecisive but could you order for me? " She peered at him from over the menu, hiding the embarrassing childish smile that was tugging painfully at her lips, clearly excited about the milkshakes. " I'd love to try something you like. " Sora added in, quickly disappearing behind the menu again in a sheepish manner, cheeks puffing out, as she refrained from bashing herself in the face with it to try to beat herself into a calmer composure. It's just dessert... yummy, delicious, mouth watering dessert. Sora forcefully pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, cooling down enough to show her face again. " So tell me! How do you like the festival so far? " The menu was slowly set down on the table as she spoke, hands neatly resting atop of it, that smile still lingering though the childishness was replaced with warmth.

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Chris Lengheart(Picnic *Insert Yogi bear here*)

Chris continued to walk until he saw Kelica slide off and head under the Willow tree. He chuckled as he released his takeover and climbed in as well. Chris' hair was touching the branches, but that was fine. He opened up the picnic basket and grabbed a sandwich before starting to eat. He looked at Kelica and smiled,"Perfect day for a picnic, huh?"

Auren Sol

When Ren saw that his attack had been rendered useless he wasn't s surprised. He suspected that the barrier would sap the magic out of his cards so he bet on the chance that they would at least reach her. He wasn't prepared for some of them to be used against him though so he ended up getting sliced in his left shoulder by one of of them before he could duck. He winced in pain as the cut bled and his strength dwindled but he wasn't out of the match just yet. He held up a Solaris lacrima and used it to activate the cards that were now strewn about around Kim. The sigils that were drawn on the cards didn't count as being magic until they were activated so they were safe from the magic nullifying effects of Kim's flux.

"Sigil Art: Null Field!"

The sigils on the cards glowed and they connected to each other just like when he fought Lysander. The main requirement for performing this technique was that there had to be at least 10 cards surrounding the opponent and luckily, half of the 20 he had shot at her made it through. The field that Kim was now standing in was one that nullified almost all types of external energy. This included both magic AND flux. Any energy based objects that traveled within it's bounds would be nullified as well. In short, only physical combat was possible within the zone. The nullifying effect severed Kim's connection to her flux constructs so they faded away and gave Ren just enough time to make his escape. Strangely though, instead of running away from Kim, he was running straight for her. He planned to fight her inside the field where she couldn't use her flux. The match would be decided by hand to hand combat. When he got close enough, he went for a flying dragon kick straight to her abdomen. Hopefully she'd be caught off guard by the sudden turn of events.


Zuka said:
Valken - Streets of Magnolia
Valken blinked as that random vampire girl appeared sneakily, almost like he might have done, gave him a hug, said thanks, and was off. This caused a very big, bewildered look on his face. It was almost comical really, compared to how serious he had been up till now. Valken turned as he heard Millie's voice reach out to him, slowing down his pace before whirling around to face her. The fact she was leaning into him once more made a soft smile creep into his face. The head resting on his shoulder was not unnoticed, so he wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders, drawing her in nice and close, comforting. He reached a hand up to rub his thumb up under her eyes, wiping the last of the now long lost tears from her face.

"Ahh Millie...you just.. ah...got upset because you thought I was badly injured is all...I'm fine though, so I thought we could go find the others...That was a pretty neto trick you did with these though..." Grinning cheekily as he moved a hand to cup one of those soft round mounds, giving it a squeeze, right there in public, before taking his hand away before she could react. His dark eyes still glued to her face to see her reaction though.

"I was going to try and find Maya in the crowd...but it is so thick...." Glancing around with an over exaggeration, truth be told he would be able to find her in less then a minute if he used his powers and charisma to ask around, but he disliked using his powers extensively near Millie, simply because he was worried it might terrify the poor girl. He could be scary, after all, seeing how close he almost killed that vampire lady. Shaking that thought, he grinned down to her. "Don't suppose you'd like to sit on my shoulders and keep an eye out for her?" He wasn't about to tell her he also didn't mind the idea of having her thighs around his head...


If he could live every night like the night before, that would be living the dream.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Millie felt a great sensation of relief and clarity as Valken explained the situation and that he wasn't injured. She found his cover up very believable and couldn't help but smile up at the man. "Oh, I see. I'm grateful that you aren't hurt. I was afraid that it would've been my fault..." She said, closing her eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath. The calm state she was in quickly changed as she felt a firm hand grab her hongabonbabos. Her face turned bright red her eyes wide. Millie couldn't believe what he just did to her in public, something so embarrassing. If he ever wanted to do something like that again, she wouldn't mind as long as it wasn't in public. "V-Valken, don't do something like that in public!" She said in a flustered tone, frowning up at him.

When Millie had calmed down and was happy again, she was met with another question. It seemed Valken wanted her to hop up on his shoulders and search for Maya and friends. Being up so high sounded like a blast, and she was sure that Valken could handle her weight.
"Yeah, ok! I'll get on your shoulders!" She said, smiling warmly at him. After some magic Millie managed to sit on his shoulders, her warm thighs tightly pressing against his head. The view from right here was wonderful, but it was still hard to see people. "Wow Valken, it's incredible up here! Start walking!"
Genon said:
Adrian had gotten his burns healed up, but in the end decided to go into battle with his battle-scarred outfit from last match. It made sense from a financial perspective: Would Adrian prefer to have to buy one new outfit or three? It was a no-brainer. He stood across from a woman who the announcer had claimed was named Tanari Varos. He wasn't going to make the same mistake he made with Aiden. He was going to wait for her to make the first move.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

She slowly got to her knees as she surveyed the damage. Laying across the arena from her was a non-transformed unconscious boy, the announcers signaling that it was her victory. Her lips curled into a tired smile as she shakily got to her feet and made her way out of the arena. It had been a long time since she had a fight that good and if her next opponent was even half as decent she'd need to get all the rest she could. She made her way towards the medics, getting her wounds treated before finding somewhere quiet to take a nap and restore her lost magic.

After an hour or so she was woken from her slumber as one of the officials fetched her for the next match. She stretched her aching muscles and let out a yawn as she lazily followed after towards the arena. As she entered the ring she took note of her opponent. He was some short little thing and certainly didn't look the brawler type. Judging by his attire he seemed to have a rough fight same as she did and she couldn't help but wonder if her outfit would survive were she to win this match. With a small shrug she flashed the boy a wry smile as she made a show of looking him over. "At the rate I'm going I'll be facing a little boy in the finals. Not that I'd be against that..."

Unlike her last opponent, this one didn't seem all that chatty. Instead he seemed far more focused and determined. As expected of someone who got to the second round. Nevertheless, stoic and serious fighters weren't that fun so she'd have to coax some life out of him during the fight. She fell into her usual stance as she stared at the boy. It seemed he was the 'wait and see' type as he made no move to engage her. Both of her opponents seemed to share more in common than just a pretty face and yet again she would have to be the one to take the initiative. Without warning flames erupted around her feet and she launched toward the boy with incredible speed, a fiery fist flying right towards the boy's gut.
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Kelica - Magnolia Forest under a Willow Tree

Kelica watched Chris having to bend down to walk in, the tree branches drifting closed behind him and cutting them off from civilisations. Once he put the picnic blanket down, she followed suit and came beside him, laying down on her back and snuggled the back of her head against his thigh. Hands placed gently in her lap, feet to the ground and knee's bent up. She'd already had a sandwich earlier so for the moment she was full. She just really wanted to spend time with him alone. "Tell me about how you got all your beast forms? And when you were a kid?" She smiled, tilting her head back and looking to him upside down.

Valken - Streets of Magnolia

Valken laughed as Millie blushed furiously, though he dragged her in for a quick cuddle and kissed the top of her head affectionately. "Don't stress Darlin', who cares who see's? If they make an issue of it, I'll just knock em' out..." He said matter-of-factly. He would have said cut their jugular or stab their lungs so they would drown in their own blood filled lungs...but again, the girl was too sweet to frighten like that.

The tall man bent down to allow Millie to clamber up on his shoulder, feeling the warmth around his neck and grinning almost evilly. She couldn't see his expression afterall. He lifted up his hands to rest on her shins, and walked steadily. He had no problems what-so-ever holding her like this, he was strong afterall. Not Chris strong, but still well built. (After all muscles that huge would hinder his speed which is much more important to him). They wanderedfor a good while, an hour infact, and though he never said it he was getting more and more frustrated. He knew on his own he would have found them by now, but he couldn't bare to leave Millie alone.

Eventually he took the initiative and wandered up to some stalls, talking in a lowered hushed voice with a stern look, his speech so fast Millie would be unable to understand him. He did this with a few different vendors, townsfolk and performers before arriving before an ice cream shop. He glanced up to Millie, making sure to grind his head and neck back as much as he could, to see her more, obviously. He bent down and rather easily grasped at her thighs, lifted her up and off his neck to rest her on her feet, standing up tall beside her. Without a word, he slipped his fingers between one of her hands and lead her inside. He came up to one booth with a blue haired familiar girl and a gun slinging buddy of his. He placed a big comforting hand on Lysander's shoulder, grinning happily down to him. "Would you mind at all if Millie and I joined you?" He wondered idly if the guy would be observant enough to realise if he was there, beside them, then he obviously had not passed into the second tournament round.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Kyuubey
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Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Fairy tail training grounds

After what seemed like an hour Unknown had finally managed to get himself back together , Clair of course had waited upon the edge of the creator watching the clouds blow by. It was a warm enough day and the sun was in clear view , the perfect weather for a festival luckily enough. Clair had had a lot of time to think about how she won the match and unknown had quite a point about how she may have pulled a fast one with the holy hammer , this bothered her quite a bit and so she felt she had to make it up to him in someway. That was when it hit her , this weather wasn't just perfect for a festival it was also perfect for milkshakes. Well that's what she told herself anyway what she was really interested in was the cakes the milkshake shop sold however. "Hey Mr. Falling how about i buy you a milkshake to make up for the 'bias' factor in the match , the shop's pretty close by too about a ten minute walk"

@Unknown Falling
Eias Baole - onlooker area

Eias watched the lacrema for Kim's fight. Watching rather than living the fight was much different. She had a few tricks up her sleeve since she has the magic sapping power. Eias watched and took mental notes. Maybe this fight would give insight to how things are done and even give her a few tricks to besting her one day.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

When Ren saw that his attack had been rendered useless he wasn't s surprised. He suspected that the barrier would sap the magic out of his cards so he bet on the chance that they would at least reach her. He wasn't prepared for some of them to be used against him though so he ended up getting sliced in his left shoulder by one of of them before he could duck. He winced in pain as the cut bled and his strength dwindled but he wasn't out of the match just yet. He held up a Solaris lacrima and used it to activate the cards that were now strewn about around Kim. The sigils that were drawn on the cards didn't count as being magic until they were activated so they were safe from the magic nullifying effects of Kim's flux.

"Sigil Art: Null Field!"

The sigils on the cards glowed and they connected to each other just like when he fought Lysander. The main requirement for performing this technique was that there had to be at least 10 cards surrounding the opponent and luckily, half of the 20 he had shot at her made it through. The field that Kim was now standing in was one that nullified almost all types of external energy. This included both magic AND flux. Any energy based objects that traveled within it's bounds would be nullified as well. In short, only physical combat was possible within the zone. The nullifying effect severed Kim's connection to her flux constructs so they faded away and gave Ren just enough time to make his escape. Strangely though, instead of running away from Kim, he was running straight for her. He planned to fight her inside the field where she couldn't use her flux. The match would be decided by hand to hand combat. When he got close enough, he went for a flying dragon kick straight to her abdomen. Hopefully she'd be caught off guard by the sudden turn of events.

Kim hadn't expected to be hit, she reeled back. A large gasp escaped her lips. As kept down on one knee, she raised her hand to try and use the flux. Nothing, not even a single butterfly. The lance she had summoned no longer had its purple tint but was still able to be used.

She quickly recovered as she got up she grabed the handle of the lance. " You severed the connection with the taint! Do you know what you just did!?" The out side of the null barrier fibrous taint started to form on the ground. She was murderous now, he didn't understand. Kim swong the lance 5 time at the boys head and legs,putting all her weight in to each swing. " Your going to kill us all!"

The flux around the barrier creeped it way up covering it completely letting no light though, both Kim and Ren had to fight in the dark now.
Chris Lengheart(Enjoying picnic)

"What's there to know? I grew up on a farm...I was a basically a cowboy if you really want to think of it that way. I gain takeovers by knocking out a creature to better record i-" Chris said as he suddenly remembered a story "One time, my dad thought that breaking me in like a wild horse would of been the easiest way for me to control my takeovers...let's just say my dad and brother were extra crispy that day." Chris said with a laugh as he leaned back against a few branches. He missed his family from time to time and would visit occasionally, but his visits usually aren't until much later in the year.


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