Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

She gave a glowing smile and began to scratch the snake, moving all around his head. "Oh, I'm Thalia, and before you ask I don't have a last name." She continues to scratch the snake, and almost as an afterthought, says, "What's your name?"

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Chris Lengheart(Heading Home)

"Alright, let's get going before you fall asleep." Chris said as he took over his draco form. He simply lowered himself down to the ground so Kelica could climb on, Chris was worried she may try to strangle him if he flipped her on again. "Hurry up and get on so we can head home." the familiar low and gruff voice said.

Kelica - Magnolia Forest

Kelica lifted her head and sat up with another yawn and as he transformed and lowered himself, and then had the nerve to tell her to hurry up, she shot him a rather angry glare. "I'll climb up when I'm good and ready..." Reaching down to roll up the picnic rug, shoving it into the basket and slinging it over her arm, before clambering up onto his back, spare hair gripping the scruff of his neck like always. The willow tree's low branches suddenly parted ways, allowing them to leave if they did so choose, to which Kelica turned slightly and looked to the large tree trunk. "Thank you Willow for letting us eat under your branches!...We will come back really soon, promise." smiling brightly.

Chris Lengheart(All aboard!)

Chris let Kelica thank the tree as he began to run through the forest. He eventually made it back into the extremely crowded streets, but seemed to be able to navigate through the massive crowds with ease. However Chris suddenly came to a halt as he saw a advertisement in the window if a shop. His sudden stop almost launched Kelica off his back as the beast stared at the add. It was for a new movie Lacrima! Chris suddenly turned around and went charging through the door before suddenly releasing the takeover and running to the owner (who was obviously freightend). He pointed to the ad and spoke as quickly as possible when he said, "Is the movie lacrima still for sale!?" the poor man behind the counter simply nodded as he pointed to it on the shelf. Chris, not caring how much the thing was, suddenly yanked it off the shelf along with multiple movies (I'm assuming that's how they work so correct me if I'm wrong) before slamming it onto the counter and yanking off his jewel pouch. He paid for it all and took his new lacrima before exiting the shop. Then it occured to Chris that Kelica was still on his back, he was waiting to be choked out by her any moment now.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/aijf4ic.gif.f1b5cfebdaa1e80166dd558ed483b7b1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/aijf4ic.gif.f1b5cfebdaa1e80166dd558ed483b7b1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica was happily watching the world fly by, however in a moment Chris skidded to a hault before a store, she barely even got the name of it before she was being flung inside, he transformed back into his normal form. She had stars in her eyes and her head was spinning. "Stop the ride..." She mumbled out. Did...he just buy a whole bunch of movies? Her grip slipping around him as she was so dizzy.

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Chris Lengheart(Setting new speed records)

Chris ran all the way home with Kelica still on his back. Once he made it home he gently put Kelica down on the bed before running into the living room and setting up the lacrima. He took out all of the movies and began to examine them. He had gotten enough to satisfy himself for the next two weeks if he were to watch them all at once. He sat on the couch and thought carefully about what movie to watch first.

About an hour later the party of three, Mikael, Lavender and Sera arrived at the foot of the white mountains valley. "This is as far as I could take you sire." the man said. "Shall I wait for your return or what?" Mikael turned to him and politely he asked, "It would be best if you shall be awaiting our return, but I shall warn you though, the first sign of danger please run and don't look back." his eyes were straight and dead serious.

Mikael turned to his company, Sera and Lavender. "You both have my gratitude for accompanying me on this mission. I am forever in your debt." he politely bowed in front of them. Looking at the cold and marvelous mountain before them he spoke, "This is where they told me to find the Wyverns. Shall we?"


Carefully but swiftly Mikael ascended the steep tracks of the mountains. It was freezing but a vampire wouldn't be bothered by something like that. The wind is as cold as his body when it's cold. He looked at Lavender over his shoulder, "You okay with the cold m'lady?" he asked thoughtfully. He didn't think to ask the same question to Sera, he knows she'll be okay even without clothes on, he's reassured for as he'd like to think about it, "she's another me."

As he emerged to the top of the mountains, a strong gust of wind blew his robe to flutter with it, almost pushing him back down to the grounds. It was the wind from the powerful wings of the monster facing him. It was just coming down from the sky. It roared a ferocious scream of power. Mikale stood there in front of the gigantic beast.


"Any of you who knows dentistry? Let's extract a tooth ladies, shall we?" Mikael asked as he unsheathed his sword.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
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Kelica - Chris's house - Da hell just happened?

Kelica was about 5 seconds away from hurling her sandwich over his shoulder if he didn't stop this insane ride. And to add insult to injury, he forgot to duck as he walked through the front door, causing her to ram forehead first into the doorframe. That knocked her out for a few seconds before she lifted a hand to cradle the side of her brain. "Owww....." rubbing at it fast to try and subside pain. And then, he unceremoniously dumped her on the bed and disappeared. Was this really happening after such a nice picnic? Her eye twitched dangerously. Her voice raising loudly to travel down the hallway. "NO NO IT'S FINE! I'll just lie in here while you watch some movies Eh? Don't mind ME!!" Crossing her arms with an angry little huff. "Maybe I should sleep NAKED eh? Yeah definitely too HOT in here...." She grinned at that last part, wondering if he would bite and come have a look.

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Genon said:
Adrian sputtered at what she just said. Little boy?! "Excuse me? I'm 21, thank you very much!" But then he smirked and got into a fighting stance. "And sorry, but I don't intend to let you get to the finals in the first place."
Then she rushed towards him with a blazing fist. He just barely had enough time to materialize an arcane heater shield and bring it in front of his chest to block the blow. However, the force was enough to send him flying back about 20 feet, his shoes bringing up dust as he dug in to stabilize himself. So she's a Fire user, eh? She seems to have a highly aggressive fighting style. Fitting. I don't know if I can outrun her, so I'll have to engage her on her terms.

He materialized a broadsword to go along with his shield, moving said shield to his arm rather than his hand as he did so. The broadsword was in a scabbard on his hip. Then, arcane particles coalesced around his body to form a set of purple armor that covered him from head to toe. It was really more like a force-field, it would move when he moved and had no joints of its own, it just looked intimidating. A white orb, glowing purple with power, then materialized in his hand and he hurled it at his enemy. It would explode on impact. If it successfully exploded, he would charge through the cloud of dust that would result and attempt to get Tanari with a horizontal sword chop.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

She held her pose as she watched the boy slide back, a magical shield now held before him. She let her hand drop to her side as she stood up straight, watching carefully as the boy donned what could only be described as a magical suit of medieval armor. In all her fights she has never encountered magic like this and she couldn't help but wonder if this materialization was limited to just ancient combat gear. Her pondering was cut short as the boy quickly hurled an orb of energy in her direction. Using the same nimble grace she displayed in her previous fight she managed to weave her way around the attack, the explosion it emitted behind her caused her hair and jacket to whip around violently.

It became rapidly apparent that that had not been the boy's main attack as he took the opportunity to quickly close the gap. The boy's rapid advance left her no time to ready a proper defense and so she leaned into the swing slightly, kicking off the ground to vault herself over the boy's blade. Using her momentum she swung her legs over her head and landed on the ground to the boy's side. Without pause she sprung forward, another flaming fist aimed at her opponent's face.
rbshinichi said:
About an hour later the party of three, Mikael, Lavender and Sera arrived at the foot of the white mountains valley. "This is as far as I could take you sire." the man said. "Shall I wait for your return or what?" Mikael turned to him and politely he asked, "It would be best if you shall be awaiting our return, but I shall warn you though, the first sign of danger please run and don't look back." his eyes were straight and dead serious.
Mikael turned to his company, Sera and Lavender. "You both have my gratitude for accompanying me on this mission. I am forever in your debt." he politely bowed in front of them. Looking at the cold and marvelous mountain before them he spoke, "This is where they told me to find the Wyverns. Shall we?"


Carefully but swiftly Mikael ascended the steep tracks of the mountains. It was freezing but a vampire wouldn't be bothered by something like that. The wind is as cold as his body when it's cold. He looked at Lavender over his shoulder, "You okay with the cold m'lady?" he asked thoughtfully. He didn't think to ask the same question to Sera, he knows she'll be okay even without clothes on, he's reassured for as he'd like to think about it, "she's another me."

As he emerged to the top of the mountains, a strong gust of wind blew his robe to flutter with it, almost pushing him back down to the grounds. It was the wind from the powerful wings of the monster facing him. It was just coming down from the sky. It roared a ferocious scream of power. Mikale stood there in front of the gigantic beast.


"Any of you who knows dentistry? Let's extract a tooth ladies, shall we?" Mikael asked as he unsheathed his sword.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

Lavender Gray- With Mika and Sera in a Mountain Valley

The trip had been mostly quiet, aside from Mika telling herself and Sera the story of the quest he was dying to get to. Lavender understood where he was coming from and due to his kind heart he wanted to help the rest of the people who were in dire need of help due to some kind of sickness that could kill them. Or did kill them. Along the way the warrior had also asked some questions about Mika and his race -of being a vampire of course- and what made her feel safe is that he didnt bite people when he felt like it.

As the wagon arrived at the mountains, Lavender had gotten out and the cold air had hit her exposed skin. Due to her armor, she had cold air hit more than just arms and face. But lavender had to bear it. When Mika had asked if she had been okay with the cold, gently she nodded "My body will get used to it." fighting the urge to tremble to cold was difficult but she managed it. Though when she'd get back home, the warrior would probably be sick.

Just then, a monster had appeared. Causing Lavender to unseathe her sword as well and prepare her shield "I may not know the ways of a dentist, but I do know how to remove teeth forcefully."

@rbshinichi @Mitchs98
Mikael (with Sera and Lavender ); Location : White Mountains

Mika dashed towards the Wyvern with the sword on his hand. He jumped as high as he can to reach the monster's head. He held the sword with two hands in front of him and swung it all the way to his back to gather as much force as possible. When he was going down he hit the wyvern on the center of its head. The strike did nothing to hurt the beast. The scales were as powerful and sturdy as titanium, it was as thick as the great wall. He jumped back in a split second to create a distance between them. He now realized that he couldn't hurt it with just his normal ways and his sword play and extracting a tooth from it alive is out of the question, he has to rely on something else, his vampire powers and the power of his demon sword Senketsu. Being a vampire isn't a secret anymore from his companions so he could use anything and everything he has, if it need be.

"I've never seen scales that hard, my sword didn't even make a scratch. I think our melee attacks wouldn't make much damage on it." he said to the two ladies beside him. The wyvern flocked its wings and sent out a powerful gust of icy wind. Mika tried to dodge the barrage of thin ice blades but one grazed his face. Blood ran down from the wound but it started to heal up in a few seconds. "That hurts."

(The attack was something similar to Gray's attack, like this :

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.

"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

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Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

Lyra had certainly taken her time, absorbing all the weird conversation regarding some matter going on at one of the fights as she made her way to her own assigned ring. An illness was spreading into the audience? " Interesting.. " She murmured, clearly speaking to herself and ignoring the questioning glance of a random passerby. Both hues fell on the woman standing in the ring as she approached, hands clapping together enthusiastically before she offered her a rather deep bow, hat being tipped in a quick unison. " My apologies, something intriguing came up. The audience at one of the fights seems to be falling ill and collapsing, I heard it was painful too. Some sort of purple welting skin sickness causing them to drop like flies.. " Lyra's lips formed a frown, before she continued in a softer tone. " I hope the children are okay. I heard someone say our beloved Master Ophelia went down, maybe it is serious... " A shrug befell her shoulders then, hat falling to rest snugly atop her white locks once again. " Shall we? "

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Auren Sol - 3 Posts until sigil completion

Since Ren was prepared for any projectiles Kim would send at him, he was glad that Kim decided to use basic beam attack that could only travel in straight lines. To avoid this attack he suddenly stopped moving and began running in the opposite direction, the beams missing their mark. He knew this form of dodging wouldn't be fallen for twice in a row so he took out a card from his pocket and threw it at Kim. The card glowed and suddenly became an illusory swarm of Kim's iconic purple taint butterflies. Maybe it would throw her off enough to buy him a little more time.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - 3 Posts until sigil completion

Since Ren was prepared for any projectiles Kim would send at him, he was glad that Kim decided to use basic beam attack that could only travel in straight lines. To avoid this attack he suddenly stopped moving and began running in the opposite direction, the beams missing their mark. He knew this form of dodging wouldn't be fallen for twice in a row so he took out a card from his pocket and threw it at Kim. The card glowed and suddenly became an illusory swarm of Kim's iconic purple taint butterflies. Maybe it would throw her off enough to buy him a little more time.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - 3 Posts until sigil completion

Since Ren was prepared for any projectiles Kim would send at him, he was glad that Kim decided to use basic beam attack that could only travel in straight lines. To avoid this attack he suddenly stopped moving and began running in the opposite direction, the beams missing their mark. He knew this form of dodging wouldn't be fallen for twice in a row so he took out a card from his pocket and threw it at Kim. The card glowed and suddenly became an illusory swarm of Kim's iconic purple taint butterflies. Maybe it would throw her off enough to buy him a little more time.
He was agile, Kim would give him that. She stil had since masses around her. Unfortunately Kim didn't see the illusionary butterflies due to mothers blessing, completely oblivious she sent two more beams at Ren. " Track him down this time." When she spoke those words the two masses shot out more acidic smelling beams, this time though they would follow Ren no matter where he went.

She cast her left hand out and made a imaginary line with her index finger. Another magic circle appeared covering the entire arena. She raised her hand, her right eye glowing intensly.
" Fiberous taint." The same purple substance grew up in a vertical wall, it stopped expanding once it hit the barrier limit. This had forced Kim and Ren into a smaller space, making them both go for a more close range battle.
purplepanda288 said:
He was agile, Kim would give him that. She stil had since masses around her. Unfortunately Kim didn't see the illusionary butterflies due to mothers blessing, completely oblivious she sent two more beams at Ren. " Track him down this time." When she spoke those words the two masses shot out more acidic smelling beams, this time though they would follow Ren no matter where he went.
She cast her left hand out and made a imaginary line with her index finger. Another magic circle appeared covering the entire arena. She raised her hand, her right eye glowing intensly.
" Fiberous taint." The same purple substance grew up in a vertical wall, it stopped expanding once it hit the barrier limit. This had forced Kim and Ren into a smaller space, making them both go for a more close range battle.
Auren Sol - 2 Posts until sigil completion

Ren gritted his teeth when Kim completely ignored the illusion. It looked like she wasn't about to make this easy for him as she sent out 2 more beams of flux. He noticed that these ones were actually curving towards him as he ran. These were obviously homing in on him so he had no choice but to defend. He pulled out the appropriate card and held it so it was facing towards the incoming projectiles.

"Sigil Art: Guard!"

A rectangular barrier materialized in front of Ren and intercepted the attack but the shield was immediately lost. It looked like Ren's basic barrier spell could only take up to two of the flux beams at a time before breaking. Not surprising since it was only a basic defense spell to be used in situations where he didn't have time to draw a sigil that put up a stronger shield. The boy then noticed that the outer limits of the arena were being covered in solid walls of taint. Great, now he had less room to work with. Although, he figured that this might work in his favor. Surely it took up a lot of energy to cover an area as big as the ring. Maybe she wouldn't be able to stop his cards so easily now. Going along with his theory, Ren pulled out a 'shuriken' card(the ones that cut you) and threw it at one of the purple masses floating around Kim. He noticed that they seemed to be the source of Kim's beam attacks. Unfortunately he only had one hand to use so he could only throw one card at a time. The other was obviously busy drawing the sigil he needed.
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purplepanda288 said:
Shen was tounge out, he looked like he was high. If a snake could get high was a completely valid question. Aiden mentally check him self over to see if her got her name, when in fact he thankfully had. " I'm Aiden, that little snake down there is Shen. A celestial spirit."
Her smile grew even brighter, and she began to scratch his head with both hands. She looked up at her new friend. "I've heard of celestial spirit magic, but I've never seen a snake spirit before." Her smile turns into a little pout. "I wish I could summon animal friends to me whenever I wanted. The only animals I can make are out of myself, but I cant pet myself, now can I? By the way, do you know how to use a sword, I'm still looking for someone to teach me." She blushes a bit and looks down. "I'm not very good at swords..." She says all this very fast, not giving Aiden a chance to respond to each question in turn, then looks up at him expectantly.

Aiden was bombarded with questions from the 13 year old. He had to take a moment to absorb everything she just said. Form the corner of his eye he saw something that interested him, a sliver key. Mabye since she likes Shen so much he could get her a celestial spirit key for an animal. when she amazed him about knowing how to use a sword he smiled, he could use one of his new keys now.

" I'm not very good with a sword, but I know who is." He unchained a jade key from his chain. " Little monkey knows how to use a sword." He waved the around, waiting for the teens response.
purplepanda288 said:
Aiden was bombarded with questions from the 13 year old. He had to take a moment to absorb everything she just said. Form the corner of his eye he saw something that interested him, a sliver key. Mabye since she likes Shen so much he could get her a celestial spirit key for an animal. when she amazed him about knowing how to use a sword he smiled, he could use one of his new keys now.
" I'm not very good with a sword, but I know who is." He unchained a jade key from his chain. " Little monkey knows how to use a sword." He waved the around, waiting for the teens response.
When she saw the key, she cocked her head in confusion. "I thought there were only gold and silver keys. Why is that one green? Oh! Is it even more super powerful? Can it teach me how to use a sword?! Cus everytime someone tries to teach me, they get frustrated at how bad I am and give up." She wasn't paying attention, and began to absentmindedly scratch Shen on his eye. "Maybe it has something to do with my sword..." She trailed off.

rbshinichi said:
About an hour later the party of three, Mikael, Lavender and Sera arrived at the foot of the white mountains valley. "This is as far as I could take you sire." the man said. "Shall I wait for your return or what?" Mikael turned to him and politely he asked, "It would be best if you shall be awaiting our return, but I shall warn you though, the first sign of danger please run and don't look back." his eyes were straight and dead serious.
Mikael turned to his company, Sera and Lavender. "You both have my gratitude for accompanying me on this mission. I am forever in your debt." he politely bowed in front of them. Looking at the cold and marvelous mountain before them he spoke, "This is where they told me to find the Wyverns. Shall we?"


Carefully but swiftly Mikael ascended the steep tracks of the mountains. It was freezing but a vampire wouldn't be bothered by something like that. The wind is as cold as his body when it's cold. He looked at Lavender over his shoulder, "You okay with the cold m'lady?" he asked thoughtfully. He didn't think to ask the same question to Sera, he knows she'll be okay even without clothes on, he's reassured for as he'd like to think about it, "she's another me."

As he emerged to the top of the mountains, a strong gust of wind blew his robe to flutter with it, almost pushing him back down to the grounds. It was the wind from the powerful wings of the monster facing him. It was just coming down from the sky. It roared a ferocious scream of power. Mikale stood there in front of the gigantic beast.


"Any of you who knows dentistry? Let's extract a tooth ladies, shall we?" Mikael asked as he unsheathed his sword.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
@rbshinichi[/URL] @Mitchs98
rbshinichi said:
Mikael (with Sera and Lavender ); Location : White Mountains
Mika dashed towards the Wyvern with the sword on his hand. He jumped as high as he can to reach the monster's head. He held the sword with two hands in front of him and swung it all the way to his back to gather as much force as possible. When he was going down he hit the wyvern on the center of its head. The strike did nothing to hurt the beast. The scales were as powerful and sturdy as titanium, it was as thick as the great wall. He jumped back in a split second to create a distance between them. He now realized that he couldn't hurt it with just his normal ways and his sword play and extracting a tooth from it alive is out of the question, he has to rely on something else, his vampire powers and the power of his demon sword Senketsu. Being a vampire isn't a secret anymore from his companions so he could use anything and everything he has, if it need be.

"I've never seen scales that hard, my sword didn't even make a scratch. I think our melee attacks wouldn't make much damage on it." he said to the two ladies beside him. The wyvern flocked its wings and sent out a powerful gust of icy wind. Mika tried to dodge the barrage of thin ice blades but one grazed his face. Blood ran down from the wound but it started to heal up in a few seconds. "That hurts."

(The attack was something similar to Gray's attack, like this :

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.

"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Sera: Mountain Valley

Honestly Sera couldn't believe it. She'd found someone like her almost completely, minus the wings..no clue why he didn't have wings but ehh. She'd searched for so long for someone like her she could talk about her past too. Sure..her friends from the guild were nice and all, but Cece was the only one she'd went into great detail with. She felt she could trust Ophelia though..so she might start talking with her more about it. After all, she was the Master, she deserved to know who or rather what she was harboring.

She'd barely paid attention to the entire conversation the way there, far to fixated on the fact Mikael was what he was. She'd be sure to talk to him extensively after this mission was over. Nonetheless they eventually reached Mountain Valley and thus their mission officially began. Almost immediately Sera had her scythe drawn. Soon enough the Wyvern was upon them and they were thrust into battle. Mikaels sword proved useless so at that point Sera was also useless. She had no real fighting magic, she was mostly a melee based mage after all. Ehh..maybe she could actually make a scratch on it. If she could get it to bleed she could get it to bleed out.

If we manage to cut it deep enough I can get it to bleed out. I have to cut it too or it won't work, though." She told them. "Keep it distracted, I might be able to cut it." She added. With that she ascended into the sky far, far above the ground. Once she could barely be seen she hovered above the Wyvern. With that she raised her scythe above her head with both arms and shot towards the Wyvern at full speed, steadily gaining speed as she descended. Provided the Wyvern didn't counter she'd do her damndest to penetrate it's armored flesh.
Chris Lengheart (Home sweet home)

Chris heard Kelica shout something about getting nude in his bed! He ran over with a angry look on his face. However, this look soon disappeared once he realized that Kelica was not yet in the buff. Chris calmed down slightly as he suddenly lifted Kelica up and tossed her over his shoulder as he carried her to the living room. He tossed her onto the couch in a joking manner as he pointed to the collection of movies, "Come on, I'll let you have first pick on what movie we watch." he said with a warm smile, waiting for Kelica's selection.


Ophelia - Tournament Stands

The scary welts over Ophelia's body would only last another few seconds as a certain man in pink came to balance magical energies out. With a great sigh of relief, the girl laid there for a bit before springing up, eyes wide. Was Alicia still experiencing the flu(x)? "Alicia!" Ophelia turned her head to face the girl, who, luckily, was also relieved of the effects of flux. The little girl quickly went to feel the other's skin, making sure nothing was there. "Are you okay? Does it still hurt?"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

The welts hurt so bad she couldn't move, she was scared she actually was going to die this time. Or worse. Thankfully though, they didn't last much longer thanks to Alfie. She kind of just laid there for a bit to catch her breath until Ophelia came over checking on her. She shook her head and sat up, "No..it doesn't. Thanks for checking on me." She replied before quickly asking, "What was that stuff anyway?" Whatever it was, she was glad it was gone and they were both alright. Especially due to the fact Mizuki would probably destroy Magnolia if Alicia herself had died.

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