Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Drink Vendor

Ophelia allowed herself to be pulled over to the drink vendor, sighing to show the relief from not having to go to the infirmary. But wherever she looked, there were bits and pieced of her vision completely blocked by cloud of... space? Were the corndogs really that good? Shaking her head, the found that the two had arrived at the stands, a variety of giant tanks of assorted liquids lining the back. "Woah... I'll, uh... I'll have what you're having."

Alicia: Drink Vendor

Alicia looked curiously between the tanks of drinks, it was kind of hard to decide. In the end she chose a frozen grape soda drink, getting one for Ophelia as well. Taking a sip of hers she grinned, "Mm. Tastes good!" She told her. "What do you wanna do now?" She asked her excitedly. She kind of wanted to go see how Mizuki's match was going and see how Ren did in his, but she also wanted to do stuff with Ophelia.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Drink Vendor
Alicia looked curiously between the tanks of drinks, it was kind of hard to decide. In the end she chose a frozen grape soda drink, getting one for Ophelia as well. Taking a sip of hers she grinned, "Mm. Tastes good!" She told her. "What do you wanna do now?" She asked her excitedly. She kind of wanted to go see how Mizuki's match was going and see how Ren did in his, but she also wanted to do stuff with Ophelia.

Ophelia - Drink Vendor

Contented, Ophelia sipped on the tasty grape soda smoothie, leaving her tongue a deep purple. Soon, her vision would become clouded with more space, and she began finding it hard to walk, just like before. The bland and fancy voice had worn off, rendering her seemingly normal sans the spacey eyes, but now the random clouds of purple dotted with stars? Uncalled for. Even so, it wasn't worth mentioning, as Alicia might suggest the infirmary, and Ophelia being the stubborn brat she was at doctors, she might "accidentally" split a few people in white apart. "You're right! I like this stuff! And, if you want, we can skip the tournament and begin training outside of the crowds of people. Hey, if Gilad finds us, he finds us. We explain to him what was going on... and whoop his wrinkly butt if he tries to tell us no!"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Drink Vendor

Contented, Ophelia sipped on the tasty grape soda smoothie, leaving her tongue a deep purple. Soon, her vision would become clouded with more space, and she began finding it hard to walk, just like before. The bland and fancy voice had worn off, rendering her seemingly normal sans the spacey eyes, but now the random clouds of purple dotted with stars? Uncalled for. Even so, it wasn't worth mentioning, as Alicia might suggest the infirmary, and Ophelia being the stubborn brat she was at doctors, she might "accidentally" split a few people in white apart. "You're right! I like this stuff! And, if you want, we can skip the tournament and begin training outside of the crowds of people. Hey, if Gilad finds us, he finds us. We explain to him what was going on... and whoop his wrinkly butt if he tries to tell us no!"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia laughed. "Okay! Sounds good to me." She cheered in reply. "BUT! We'll have to come back before the finals start, I wanna at-least try to win after all." She told her. "Annd I wanna go check on Mizuki and Ren's matches first too. Then we can go, okay?" She added. Though, really, she didn't give the girl time to reply before quickly walking off towards the stands while making sure Ophelia could keep up. She wanted to see how well Ren and Mizuki were faring, after all. Especially Mizuki. She figured it would be kind of fun to fight her if she made it to the finals too. Sadly it seemed Ren's match had tied, however. And that Mizuki's match had finally started. Which was good. She hoped she'd win, but she had no clue who she was up against.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament StandsAlicia laughed. "Okay! Sounds good to me." She cheered in reply. "BUT! We'll have to come back before the finals start, I wanna at-least try to win after all." She told her. "Annd I wanna go check on Mizuki and Ren's matches first too. Then we can go, okay?" She added. Though, really, she didn't give the girl time to reply before quickly walking off towards the stands while making sure Ophelia could keep up. She wanted to see how well Ren and Mizuki were faring, after all. Especially Mizuki. She figured it would be kind of fun to fight her if she made it to the finals too. Sadly it seemed Ren's match had tied, however. And that Mizuki's match had finally started. Which was good. She hoped she'd win, but she had no clue who she was up against.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Nodding in agreement to all of Alicia's conditions, Ophelia followed the girl through the crowd perfectly despite her crippled eyesight. It seemed Ren and Kim had tied, which she guessed was particularly better than Kim losing. But the one Alicia had seemed to talk about a lot, this Mizuki character... had been paired up against Lyra, a Fairy Tail wizard. With a smile, Ophelia jumped up and down, shouting, "Go Lyra! You've got this!"
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Raa - Let the pun times begin!

"So...this is interesting." Raa said as he left a random tent and held up a small ingot. "Hmm...now what to do with this..." He wondered out loud as the bar was tossed from hand to hand. "I think I'll dwell on this on a later date. I think I'll go enjoy the festival some more." And with those words he slid the ingot into his cloak and started to wander around the festival. "Of course in accord to my luck I'll probably end up being eaten by something like last time." He muttered under his breath
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Nodding in agreement to all of Alicia's conditions, Ophelia followed the girl through the crowd perfectly despite her crippled eyesight. It seemed Ren and Kim had tied, which she guessed was particularly better than Kim losing. But the one Alicia had seemed to talk about a lot, this Mizuki character... had been paired up against Lyra, a Fairy Tail wizard. With a smile, Ophelia jumped up and down, shouting, "Go Lyra! You've got this!"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia frowned slightly, though she quickly realized Lyra must of been Ophelia's friend so she wouldn't hold anything against her. She didn't know she was with Fairy Tail, but even still it didn't really matter. Doing the same and jumping up and down Alicia cheered for Mizuki, "
You can do it Mizuki! Kick her butt!" She shouted excitedly. Honestly she didn't know Lyra's capablities so it could go either way, but she believed in Mizuki after all. She was amazingly strong, not stronger than Gilad or possibly Ophelia..but still incredibly strong. After all, she protected her from Alfie before and she thought Alfie was pretty strong too. "Lyra is who Mizuki is up against? You know her?" She asked Ophelia.

Sabrina woke up, covered from head to toe in bandages. Everything hurts. She was bandaged over her right eye too, although she really didn't know why. Why am I so bandaged...didn't I just get blown up? I feel like I've been crushed under a ... She tried to move, but only managed to make herself cry out in pain. Argh! Dammit! I need to get outta here! I need to see the state of the fights! It'll help me heal faster! Sabrina sat up, crying out once more in pain. She really shouldn't be doing this, but she's doing it anyway because why not? She grabbed a nearby wheelchair with her bandaged stiff hand and managed to get herself seated in a comfortabler spot than before. Sabrina managed to somehow wheel herself out of the hospital and to the tourney stands, where she spotted two women socializing. "Hey, you guys! What's happening in the tourney right now? Do you know?" she cried out.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord

Kelica was silent for a time as the movie started that she realised she was bored out of her brain, it was possible to select a bad one at random. She glanced over at Chris as he seemed to be enjoying it, to her dismay, so a strangely evil looking grin worked it's way onto her face. She leaned heavily into his side, nuzzling up to his shoulder and cuddling close, before she let her fingers slip down his arm and to his own hand...It looked for all the world like she was being overly affectionate but then she snatched the remote straight out of his hand, leaping up in victory. "Bored now!" Pressing the eject button before he could answer.

Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Mountain Valley
Honestly Sera couldn't believe it. She'd found someone like her almost completely, minus the wings..no clue why he didn't have wings but ehh. She'd searched for so long for someone like her she could talk about her past too. Sure..her friends from the guild were nice and all, but Cece was the only one she'd went into great detail with. She felt she could trust Ophelia though..so she might start talking with her more about it. After all, she was the Master, she deserved to know who or rather what she was harboring.

She'd barely paid attention to the entire conversation the way there, far to fixated on the fact Mikael was what he was. She'd be sure to talk to him extensively after this mission was over. Nonetheless they eventually reached Mountain Valley and thus their mission officially began. Almost immediately Sera had her scythe drawn. Soon enough the Wyvern was upon them and they were thrust into battle. Mikaels sword proved useless so at that point Sera was also useless. She had no real fighting magic, she was mostly a melee based mage after all. Ehh..maybe she could actually make a scratch on it. If she could get it to bleed she could get it to bleed out.

If we manage to cut it deep enough I can get it to bleed out. I have to cut it too or it won't work, though." She told them. "Keep it distracted, I might be able to cut it." She added. With that she ascended into the sky far, far above the ground. Once she could barely be seen she hovered above the Wyvern. With that she raised her scythe above her head with both arms and shot towards the Wyvern at full speed, steadily gaining speed as she descended. Provided the Wyvern didn't counter she'd do her damndest to penetrate it's armored flesh.
Mikael agreed to Sera's plan. They were to distract the it as she tries to cut it. But Mikael was sensing something malicious about all these. His blade could cut through a boulder with ease but it didn't even make a scratch on the beast's scale. He thought that maybe, something else is reinforcing the wyvern's body. Magic perhaps. Either way he was planning to play along with Sera's plan.

Mika dashed towards the monster in a jiff, so fast that it seemed he teleported. He swung his sword upward attempting to hit its chin but he was surprised by the monster's swiped. The titanic winged-arm of the wyvern hit him so hard he flew a good yards away. He stumbled to his feet with a ruptured left arm. Good thing his regeneration is fast enough to get him through that hit.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.

"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Raa - Stand up comedy.

Raa watched the fight from beside some chatty girls as he crunched loudly on his snack. The tournament wasn't his exact purpose for attending the festival but that didn't stop him from joining in on the fun. He took another large and loud bite before he threw the wrapper to the side. "Why hello there...My name is Raa and it's...noise to meet you...also you're all kinda noisy...by the way...not being rude or anything..." He said, smoothly inserting himself into the conversation. Or not, depending on how other people view smoothly. @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @PeteTSs
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

She held her pose as she watched the boy slide back, a magical shield now held before him. She let her hand drop to her side as she stood up straight, watching carefully as the boy donned what could only be described as a magical suit of medieval armor. In all her fights she has never encountered magic like this and she couldn't help but wonder if this materialization was limited to just ancient combat gear. Her pondering was cut short as the boy quickly hurled an orb of energy in her direction. Using the same nimble grace she displayed in her previous fight she managed to weave her way around the attack, the explosion it emitted behind her caused her hair and jacket to whip around violently.

It became rapidly apparent that that had not been the boy's main attack as he took the opportunity to quickly close the gap. The boy's rapid advance left her no time to ready a proper defense and so she leaned into the swing slightly, kicking off the ground to vault herself over the boy's blade. Using her momentum she swung her legs over her head and landed on the ground to the boy's side. Without pause she sprung forward, another flaming fist aimed at her opponent's face.
Damn, she's acrobatic! Adrian thought as Tanari vaulted over his blade. Where'd she g-OH, Adrian thought as he turned to see her rushing towards him. He wasn't able to react in time to avoid getting punched in the face, though. He was sent flying back, rolling along the ground until he came to a halt, his armor having protected him from most of the damage he would have taken otherwise. He got to his feet. His sword in his scabbard. Alright, so it looks like fighting her on her own terms won't work. She's too nimble. I guess it's time for magical roulette then.

A magic circle opened up at Adrian's feet as he cast Chaotic Mimicry. When he was done...

1d190 = 153 = Dog Whistle Magic

"Oh you have to be kidding me," he said as a Microphone Staff materialized in his hands. "Well, screw it." Then slime began to ooze out of his body, and began expanding throughout the arena, largely building towards Tanari, but also expanding in other directions to cut off her avenues of escape. A few bubbles of slime began jumping towards Tanari in an attempt to drain her of magic on contact. "I don't like this magic any more than you probably do, Tanari, but I'll take what I can get," Adrian said to his opponent.
Chris Lengheart (Oh hell no)

Chris continued to watch the movie with a short smile on his face along with the occasional chuckle. That was until Kelica got a hold of the remote and ejected the movie. Chris only glared at Kelica as she talked about being bored. Chris grabbed the remote as well and forcefully yanked it from Kelica. He then took over his werecat form and tied the remote up in his tail and folded his arms as he continued to glare at Kelica, a challenging look on his face.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia frowned slightly, though she quickly realized Lyra must of been Ophelia's friend so she wouldn't hold anything against her. She didn't know she was with Fairy Tail, but even still it didn't really matter. Doing the same and jumping up and down Alicia cheered for Mizuki, "
You can do it Mizuki! Kick her butt!" She shouted excitedly. Honestly she didn't know Lyra's capablities so it could go either way, but she believed in Mizuki after all. She was amazingly strong, not stronger than Gilad or possibly Ophelia..but still incredibly strong. After all, she protected her from Alfie before and she thought Alfie was pretty strong too. "Lyra is who Mizuki is up against? You know her?" She asked Ophelia.
PeteTSs said:

Sabrina woke up, covered from head to toe in bandages. Everything hurts. She was bandaged over her right eye too, although she really didn't know why. Why am I so bandaged...didn't I just get blown up? I feel like I've been crushed under a ... She tried to move, but only managed to make herself cry out in pain. Argh! Dammit! I need to get outta here! I need to see the state of the fights! It'll help me heal faster! Sabrina sat up, crying out once more in pain. She really shouldn't be doing this, but she's doing it anyway because why not? She grabbed a nearby wheelchair with her bandaged stiff hand and managed to get herself seated in a comfortabler spot than before. Sabrina managed to somehow wheel herself out of the hospital and to the tourney stands, where she spotted two women socializing. "Hey, you guys! What's happening in the tourney right now? Do you know?" she cried out.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Stand up comedy.

Raa watched the fight from beside some chatty girls as he crunched loudly on his snack. The tournament wasn't his exact purpose for attending the festival but that didn't stop him from joining in on the fun. He took another large and loud bite before he threw the wrapper to the side. "Why hello there...My name is Raa and it's...noise to meet you...also you're all kinda noisy...by the way...not being rude or anything..." He said, smoothly inserting himself into the conversation. Or not, depending on how other people view smoothly. @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @PeteTSs

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

A grin of excitement on her face, Ophelia looked down at the slightly shorter Alicia. "Lyra is a proud member of Fairy Tail who... Well, I really haven't had a chance to meet any of these people, but as Fairy Tail's Guild Master, it is my duty to place faith into all of my members! And that's not limited to tournaments!" she shouted daringly, pulling one of her steel swords from its sheath and pointing it to the sky, allowing the sunlight to shine off it coolly. This would soon end, however, as the conversation was interrupted by a girl in a wheelchair. Sabrina, who she also believed was in Fairy Tail, had asked them what was going on in the tournament. "Kim and Ren tied, Mizuki and Lyra are starting their match, and as for the other contestants... I'm not sure!"

Ready to put the sword back in its sheath, Ophelia had almost completed the movement until a second voice from beside her spooked her. With a yelp and a jump, the blade was almost instantly aimed at the man's throat, Ophelia instinctively taking a fencing pose with a frightened look on her face. When the Guild Master had registered what Raa said, her fear was replaced wholly with a burning irritation. Her blade still in her hand, Ophelia spread her arms outward, hinting at the rest of the people crowding the seats.
"Noise is everywhere! How can you complain about us when there's a whole audience shouting and talking and cheering?!"

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada: Round 2 Tournament matches:
Momo was not awesruck at all. She was actually expecting this,and since she saw Masaki lose his cool this could only mean one thing. She's winning this match. As Masaki was talking on and on Momo couldn't help but laugh for a sec as Masaki was doing it. Masaki made a bunch of orbs and sent them at Momoki. She rolled her eyes,"Drama much. Not even I would do that if you destroyed my boyfriend. But loved the act." Momo was just saying this because it's true. If Masaki's mad she should just run the hell away before he beats the shit out of her,but Momoki knew more about then even Masaki's parents knew. Momo immediatly dropped her bag and threw it against the walls. Momo dodged the crystals with ease and expected another move from Masaki . Masaki was a S class mage and Momo was too. No holding back and don't let Masaki's now ugly as hell face (because he makes faces when he's mad) get the best of her. The quicker she finishes this match the better.

Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, Round Two.

Sighing, Masaki kept up the crystal orb barrage and watched as she dodged them with ease. Which was to be expected of course, she was an S-Class Mage after all. However the rolling of the girls eyes and the questionable laughed that escaped her mouth told Masaki one thing, Momoki was arrogant in her capabilities. And that was something that would trip her up eventually. When the crystal orbs hit the ground after Momoki managed to evade them, Masaki raised his left hand as the crystal orbs shattered and gathered in a whirlwind of crystal shards and traversed towards Momoki. The shards were incredibly sharp, and the speed of which they were travelling at was incredible. As that was going on, he slammed his hands onto the ground as a large light purple glyph appeared at his feet, and then pillars of crystals began to erupt around the arena, not doing anything specific at the moment. The S-Class Mage had his eyes completely fixed on Momoki, his concentration levels at their highest. He was ready to take her down.

Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

Lyra blinked at the shadow arms plummeting towards her, only to disappear completely in a puff of smoke instantaneously, hat toppling to the ground. A white bunny poked its head out of the top hat moments after before hopping out and out of reach of the spooky shadow arms. It wiggled its nose, beady eyes peering at Mizuki before she changed back and bent over to pick up her hat, a hand slowly dusting it off with a frown though her eyes remained locked onto Mizuki. " Well you know what they say, mind over matter. " Lyra smiled warmly then as her black magic took effect, the virus beginning to manifest within the woman's brain. It was a rapid spread, attacking her motor skills first as it started from the cerebellar functions and worked its way everywhere else, wreaking havoc to every lobe it progressively touched.

Though if the woman was capable of using healing type magic equivalent to one such as sky dragon slayer magic, this kind of dirty trick wouldn't exactly work as it could be easily cleansed from the body with such magic. The lasting effects however would be nonexistent if Lyra chose to lift the spell, the shutting down of Mizuki's brain only active for as long as she held the spell; which she happened to have no intention of letting go of until she was declared the winner. If she had no way of healing the ailment, the battle would soon be over as she realized her body was no longer capable of functioning under such conditions. It was cheap, but this was Lyra's magic, and she used it even knowing the
repercussions she'd be faced with afterwards. I wonder what I'll be giving up this time... The thought was pushed back as quickly as it arrived as she focused on the fight. Luckily Mizuki would be freed from the immeasurable pain the virus usually brought since the ability to feel pain would be cut off, along with speech, movement, and all the other fun stuff the brain had complete control over.

Lysander - Milkshake Shop

Lysander froze upon being asked to order for them both. He rarely made decisions for other people, mainly because he was always afraid that whatever he imposed on them would end up being detrimental to them. In this case, he was afraid that Sora might not like his milkshake choice, and end up not enjoying their treat. "Erm... well..." he stuttered nervously, sinking down lower in his seat. "I was planning to order the apple pie milkshake... I always have that everytime I come here. But there are other pie flavours for milkshakes as well... like blueberry and cherry. I've never tried those before though, so I'm not sure how they would taste." Perhaps, one day, he should... if he should ever get sick of the apple pie milkshake, which he highly doubted he would.

He glanced up at Sora again, before lowering his eyes down to the menu, frowning slightly as he consolidated his thought regarding the festival. "It has been pretty fun," he admitted, with a slight smile, forcing that smile to remain as he was once again assaulted by thoughts of the tournament. Other than that, at least. But he had to admit to himself that the best part about the festival was getting to meet and hang out with Sora, meeting a significant other to share his life with. And if anything, his loss during the tournament had brought both him and Sora to a significant understanding of each other, and that he was extremely grateful for. The tournament had been worth it, in his opinion, despite the shame and humiliation. And before he could stop himself, he blurted out out, "I thought the best part of the festival was getting to meet you." His face immediately turned red at such a statement, but he could not retract it; it was very true, after all. He just wished he had said it in a more... charismatic way? Like Valken probably would have.

And as if by magic, Valken suddenly materialized by his side, Millie behind him. He had not even heard them approach until he heard the man's voice, which caused him to spin around and gap up at him. "Oh erm... hey Millie, Valken," he said, sounding rather lame even in his head. Of course, he could not decline Valken's request, even though he had really wanted to spend time with Sora. He glanced at Sora. At the same time, he did not want to put Sora in the awkward position of having to decline a request. "Well... if you really want to..." he said finally, trailing off as it suddenly occurred to him that the tournament was still going on. If Valken was not in it then... he had lost his match as well? Especially since in the distance according to the viewing lacrimas the second match had already started. "I... did not think I'd see you at this time," he said finally. "You actually lost your match?" He probably sounded as incredulous as he looked. If Valken of all people had lost, this did not bode well for Lamia Scale's chances in the Magic Games this year.

@Kayzo @Zuka
Momoki Asada: Round two:

Momo was half expecting the shard thing,but not the weird piller thing. Momo knew Masaki didn't know all of her cards. He hasn't even seen her use five of her cards,so Momo knew Masaki couldn't expect this. She quickly pulled out some specific cards and used them to create one move,"Winds edge" Momo shouted reversing the shards coming at her and going back to Masaki at a faster rate. She knew not to under-estimate Masaki. He always has a few tricks up his sleeve. But so did Momo.

PeteTSs said:

Sabrina woke up, covered from head to toe in bandages. Everything hurts. She was bandaged over her right eye too, although she really didn't know why. Why am I so bandaged...didn't I just get blown up? I feel like I've been crushed under a ... She tried to move, but only managed to make herself cry out in pain. Argh! Dammit! I need to get outta here! I need to see the state of the fights! It'll help me heal faster! Sabrina sat up, crying out once more in pain. She really shouldn't be doing this, but she's doing it anyway because why not? She grabbed a nearby wheelchair with her bandaged stiff hand and managed to get herself seated in a comfortabler spot than before. Sabrina managed to somehow wheel herself out of the hospital and to the tourney stands, where she spotted two women socializing. "Hey, you guys! What's happening in the tourney right now? Do you know?" she cried out.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Stand up comedy.

Raa watched the fight from beside some chatty girls as he crunched loudly on his snack. The tournament wasn't his exact purpose for attending the festival but that didn't stop him from joining in on the fun. He took another large and loud bite before he threw the wrapper to the side. "Why hello there...My name is Raa and it's...noise to meet you...also you're all kinda noisy...by the way...not being rude or anything..." He said, smoothly inserting himself into the conversation. Or not, depending on how other people view smoothly. @Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @PeteTSs
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

A grin of excitement on her face, Ophelia looked down at the slightly shorter Alicia. "Lyra is a proud member of Fairy Tail who... Well, I really haven't had a chance to meet any of these people, but as Fairy Tail's Guild Master, it is my duty to place faith into all of my members! And that's not limited to tournaments!" she shouted daringly, pulling one of her steel swords from its sheath and pointing it to the sky, allowing the sunlight to shine off it coolly. This would soon end, however, as the conversation was interrupted by a girl in a wheelchair. Sabrina, who she also believed was in Fairy Tail, had asked them what was going on in the tournament. "Kim and Ren tied, Mizuki and Lyra are starting their match, and as for the other contestants... I'm not sure!"

Ready to put the sword back in its sheath, Ophelia had almost completed the movement until a second voice from beside her spooked her. With a yelp and a jump, the blade was almost instantly aimed at the man's throat, Ophelia instinctively taking a fencing pose with a frightened look on her face. When the Guild Master had registered what Raa said, her fear was replaced wholly with a burning irritation. Her blade still in her hand, Ophelia spread her arms outward, hinting at the rest of the people crowding the seats.
"Noise is everywhere! How can you complain about us when there's a whole audience shouting and talking and cheering?!"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia nodded, Ophelia really must not of been kidding when she said she was newly appointed and stuff. Even still it showed she cared about her guild to cheer for them without even knowing who they are, for all she knew they could hate her guts yet she still cheered for them. She stared up in awe at Ophelia's sword shining in the sunlight, it looked so cool. Though her attention was soon brought away by a mummy girl in a wheelchair...A MUMMY GIRL IN A WHEELCHAIR? Alicia's immediate reaction once it set in was to yelp in fear and move backwards up the bench a bit, though at that point Raa had appeared and she kind of bumped into him which sent her back to her original posistion.

After a brief minute of panic she calmed down when she realized that they weren't hostile and apparently Ophelia knew the girl in the wheelchair. She frowned slightly once she'd processed what Raa and Ophelia were arguing about. Then she turned to Raa. "
Yeah! Leave if you don't wanna listen to us!" Alicia chimed in.
" The green ones are a lost magic that I can use." Shen nodded at what Aiden had said, when the girl gardded his eye he jumped back and slithered up on to aidens head. Away from the reach of the small girl. " I'm pretty sure Jūn can teach anyone how to wield any sword." Aiden put his finger up to say hold on a minute.

Aiden quickly went to the shop that he saw the silver key in. He grabbed it and went to buy it. Luckily the key cost him 1,000 jewels, he opened the door to the shop and exited. As he went back to the girl he spoke.
" Open your hands."
Clair Fernandes : Fairy tail / 4th Wizard saint

outside the milkshake shop

Clair smiled when Unknown agreed to accompany her , this would make her chances of getting revenge on Sora even higher. Why might you ask , well it's simple you see Clair was almost guaranteed to stumble upon Sora at some stage during the day so having Unknown accompany her would be the easiest way to organize the completion of his side of the agreement. Now that you know why Clair was happy that unknown had agreed to accompany her lets get going with the actual plot hmm.

Clair guided unkown through the streets and to the shop where , by complete chance and not through the power of rp , Sora was. The dragon slayer seemed to be with the boy from before however Clair thought nothing of it as Sora was not one to fall in love , in fact Clair highly doubted the girl had even been on a date before ! Clair turned to unknown with a grin on her face "see that girl with the blue hair in there , that's the one i want you to call a 'flat chested pipsqueak'. @HuorSpinks

Sora Marvell - Milkshake Shop

Sora couldn't help but smile to herself as she watched his mannerisms, finding them to be reassuring and quite endearing. He was shy and bashful, thoughtful, and innocent it'd seem; just like her. Honestly, she'd have it no other way, his personality made him to be the person whom had stolen her heart and gave her the ability to have unwavering devotion and faith in someone - faith in him. The fact that he wasn't super 'suave' or overly confident actually comforted her in some weird way. A cheeky grin spread as he explained his distress in choosing for her, finding it even more adorable, though it was unfitting to call a man adorable at times, she couldn't find a better word to describe it. " Apple pie sounds wonderful then, I'll have that. " Her voice chimed out to pick the one he was having, quite pleased with the choice, only reassuring him further. The fact that he shared favorite flavors with her was only a plus and gave her an idea of things she could actually bake for him. The thought filled her with a new motivation, making a mental note to bake some homemade goods and get it to him when he returned back to Margaret Town. Hopefully that'd be a pleasant surprise.

He went on to answer her question, Sora's hands lifting to hold her own face as she gazed at him, listening intently. The emotions he struggled with over the tournament seemed to still be in his mind, the defeat being one that she realized he'd carry with him for a while, though hopefully not forever. A calm yet vaguely worried expression remained on her face until he admitted that she had been the best part of the festival for him, eyes subconsciously going wide at the confession. Her thoughts scrambled to find a way to respond, knowing the impending silence could be taken in a bad way but the words remained stuck in her throat and wouldn't make themselves audible. Before she'd gathered the courage to speak, Valken and Millie had appeared as if out of thin air. The words were lost then, Sora trying not to look discouraged as she smiled warmly up at the two mages. The glance from Lysander was caught and she simply returned the look with an encouraging one. As much as she wanted to spend time with him on their own, Sora wasn't the type to push friends or fellow mages away, deeming that as rude; even if she secretly wanted to be excessively selfish in this situation. " Feel free to join. " She echoed gently after Lysander had spoken up, just to strengthen the offer.

Sora didn't hesitate to duck under the table though, reappearing next to Lysander with a victorious look creeping upon her features. " I-I figured they'd want to sit together. " A shy tone entwined with her words, defending her actions as to not seem too silly. It was extremely nice to be next to him once again though, she admitted to herself. Hopefully it wouldn't be taken personally that she'd moved as she didn't know the other two besides their names and she felt naturally safe next to Lysander. Her hands scrambled to grab an extra menu and slide it next to the one she'd deserted across from them, motioning to them with an eager look. " We were about to order if you guys want to take a look and grab something too! There's so much to choose from. " She felt a little out of place talking to his guildmates, unsure if they'd find her annoying or approve of her. Approval... another emotion she'd never had to worry about, always having been accepted by the mages of Fairy Tail, but now Lamia Scale would be a big part of her life too as long as Lysander was a part of it. It didn't bother her that they'd be around, she truly welcomed the thought, but the fear of causing a bad impression drained some life from her face. She also wanted them to like her of their own free accord, not have Maya scare them into some weird submission of accepting her into Lysander's life which she wouldn't put past the older woman.

Sora fell silent then, lost in her own thoughts as Lysander asked about Valken's match, frame subconsciously leaning against his. The minor lean caused her hair to sway and drape along his shoulder and torso a bit, resting there. His guildmates arriving was completely unexpected but surely nothing else was going to happen; the day had been filled with so many events already. Clair's presence remained unbeknownst to her, the blue haired girl too distracted by her surroundings - mostly Lysander.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
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WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada: Round two:
Momo was half expecting the shard thing,but not the weird piller thing. Momo knew Masaki didn't know all of her cards. He hasn't even seen her use five of her cards,so Momo knew Masaki couldn't expect this. She quickly pulled out some specific cards and used them to create one move,"Winds edge" Momo shouted reversing the shards coming at her and going back to Masaki at a faster rate. She knew not to under-estimate Masaki. He always has a few tricks up his sleeve. But so did Momo.

Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, Round Two.

Momoki had managed to deflect the shards and send them his way, all due to a wind card she had deployed. The move was predictable, but he didn't realise she could utilise wind as well. However, it made sense and thus he was not worried that much. Raising his hand, the shards stopped in their tracks and fizzled out into stray magic particles. "You should know that my Crystal Formation can't be used against me." He said, sternly. "Definitely arrogant, but oh well. I guess all we can do is have fun with this.." With that he clapped his hands together, and as he pointed his left palm towards Momoki a purple glyph appeared at in front of his hand. It started out small, but got larger as the seconds went by. "Crystal Formation: Dragon." With that, a large serpentine dragon made out of crystal shot out like a stream of crystals out his his hand and then towards Momoki. This was one his his newly devised techniques, and he hoped that it would at least do something.
purplepanda288 said:
" The green ones are a lost magic that I can use." Shen nodded at what Aiden had said, when the girl gardded his eye he jumped back and slithered up on to aidens head. Away from the reach of the small girl. " I'm pretty sure Jūn can teach anyone how to wield any sword." Aiden put his finger up to say hold on a minute.
Aiden quickly went to the shop that he saw the silver key in. He grabbed it and went to buy it. Luckily the key cost him 1,000 jewels, he opened the door to the shop and exited. As he went back to the girl he spoke.
" Open your hands."
She looked crestfallen when the snake slithered away, but when she realized why he had, she blushed. "Sorry Mr. Snake." When Aiden came back from the shop, she giggled excitedly. "I've played this game before. Shall I close my eyes as well?" In mock seriousness, she closed her eyes and held her hands in a cupping motion in front of her in.

Aiden put the silver key into her palm. The key to one of the 88 constellations, Serpen. " Alright you can open your eyes now, you said that you wanted a pet type thing to I got you a key." Aiden smiled at the girl. He wondered if she could use magic, well it was a low level spirit a baby could summon that spirit. " I'll show you how to summon it if you would like."
purplepanda288 said:
Aiden put the silver key into her palm. The key to one of the 88 constellations, Serpen. " Alright you can open your eyes now, you said that you wanted a pet type thing to I got you a key." Aiden smiled at the girl. He wondered if she could use magic, well it was a low level spirit a baby could summon that spirit. " I'll show you how to summon it if you would like."
When she opened her eyes, they were as wide as plates. She stared in shock at the key for a moment. She then leapt forward towards Aiden, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Can-I-really-summon-this-even-though-I-use-different-magic-thats-so-cool-thankyou-ive-never-gotten-a-gift-this-cool-before--" She stopped for a moment to catch her breath, as she had been speaking so fast she was barely understandable. She looks up, still wrapped around him. “Can I really keep it?”

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