Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Valken - Milkshake Shop

Valken was impressed this guy didn't slink away the second he gave him that look, most people knew not to cross him when he was serious. That was, until this guy had the nerve to say "Down Boy". Valken tensed up almost instantly at that, his shoulders squaring up, his feet spread just a fraction and in a second he had unshelthed the evil and hooked looking dagger on his hip. Just one, he wouldn't need two to slit the guys throat, watching him walk away casually. He had no idea what Valken was capable of and undead or not he would cut him into so many pieces he would never reform again. His purple eyes seethed rage, almost as strong as when he thought Sera had injuried Millie. There was a shifting of darkness around him, like the lights were struggling to keep up, as a tiny black mist swirling at his feet. The second he left the store, Valken readied himself. He would never kill a person in front of Millie, but outside was free game. He had not even a second before he would slink into the shadows and appear behind the guy in an instant to kill him.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Unknown Falling
rbshinichi said:
Mikael agreed to Sera's plan. They were to distract the it as she tries to cut it. But Mikael was sensing something malicious about all these. His blade could cut through a boulder with ease but it didn't even make a scratch on the beast's scale. He thought that maybe, something else is reinforcing the wyvern's body. Magic perhaps. Either way he was planning to play along with Sera's plan.
Mika dashed towards the monster in a jiff, so fast that it seemed he teleported. He swung his sword upward attempting to hit its chin but he was surprised by the monster's swiped. The titanic winged-arm of the wyvern hit him so hard he flew a good yards away. He stumbled to his feet with a ruptured left arm. Good thing his regeneration is fast enough to get him through that hit.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
Lavender looked at Sera as she said what she could do to the wyvern. Make it bleed out. "Make it bleed out?" they couldnt even cut through the scales! How were they meant to make it bleed?! The wizard's eyes moved over towards Mika who had dashed at the monster, seeming as if he teleported but then was hit on his side where his arm was, causing him to send him a few yards away "MIka!" she yelled as she glared at the Wavern and pulled out a key "Open gate of the monster slayer: Hurcules!" a doorbell had been heard and a flash of light had appeared before her, showing a well built man in greek clothes "I was waiting for you to call me." he said with a smirk as he looked at the Monster "Ah, this is just down my road." he said.

Lavender smiled a bit and then spoke "It has scales of steel. It's hard to penetrate the skin and get it to bleed. We have a plan but it cannot work if the scales are this tough." @Mitchs98 @rbshinichi
Lysander - Milkshake Shop

Lysander turned an alarmed expression on Sora as he felt the wind begin to pick up. The poncho about Sora's shoulders began fluttering, and he could feel his own hair lift from his neck, picked up by the breeze. He knew that Sora was the source of it; he had felt that wind the day before when Sora grew upset over her guildmate's request to learn her magic. And since that was the case, the man's comments must have bothered her. And this angered him in turn. He gripped his revolver with a firm grasp, pulling it full out of it's holster, and pointing it directly at the man. "Leave, now," he said, his teeth gritted. He was half out of his seat by this time. Sora's observation that the man was a corpse made him pause though; he knew his gun would probably not be an effective intimidation against a corpse, so he lowered it, though still keeping it in his grasp. He studied the man more closely. There was a strange, slight smell of decay in the air, all the stronger now due to the breeze. Sora was right; the man reeked. He had this immense urge to cover his nose with his hand right there and there.

He immediately turned towards Sora as she directed a question at him, about whether her age mattered to him. It was the shakiness in her voice that made him immediately sit down by her side. There was an unsure expression on his face, as he studied her, wanting desperately to provide some sort of comfort to her, yet not daring to in case she was put off by his age. Though as it seemed... she was scared that her age mattered to him while at the same time he was scared that his age mattered to her. And in all honesty, while he had originally thought dating someone more than five years his junior felt weird, he realised now that allowing age to be the main reason for turning someone down when there was obviously a clear connection between them was foolish. Though he was scared that he would not see it that way, and it terrified him that she would turn him down for being too old for her. He let out a sigh. "I... your age doesn't matter to me," he said finally. "But... I was wondering if my age mattered to you... there's eight years apart between us and... is it too great a gap for you to be comfortable with?" He had not even noticed that the wind had died down by now.

And now the strange man spoke, which quite took the wind out of Lysander's sails. The man was... apologizing for riling them up? And all that had been because someone Sora was close to had told him to do so? Had that 'friend' of Sora knew that such statements would hurt Sora and still went ahead with it? That was far too much, in his opinion. Good matured teasing was one thing; complete humiliation in front of people from another guild was another thing altogether. Some 'friend' that person was. Perhaps he should advice Sora to avoid that friend from now on. Boy was he going to be on the lookout for someone named Clair and if she should show up... well, he was going to make sure he was there.

The strange man was turning away and walking off now, and Lysander turned his head just in time to see Valken unsheathe his knife from his belt. From Valken's tenseness, the rage in his eyes and the shadows darting about Valken's frame, he knew that the man had gone too far with that as well, and that Valken was out for blood. "Valken, don't!" The alarm was clear in his voice as he spun in his seat and gripped Valken's forearm, his gun sliding onto the seat beside him. He was not even sure why he was stopping Valken at this point in time but it seemed prudent to do so. "He's probably trying to rill you up and he's not worth it." He was struggling to keep his own frustration out of his voice.

@Unknown Falling[/URL]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia streets

Clair had remained outside with her back against the front wall of the shop when unknown went to complete his end of the deal. While she waited her mind began to drift into thought , Sora's birthday was tomorrow and she hoped that at some stage during this day she would be able to convince Maya to come by Sora's house for some sort of cake. Clair had only met Sora's aunt a few days ago but it was clear that she meant the world to Sora , sure Sora had had birthday party's with Clair before however this time Clair was determined to make it a party the young girl wouldn't forget! You know the type of party that involved three people and a flying cat , yeh that kind of party !

Clair only came back to her senses when she felt Unknown pat her shoulder , having completely missed what he had said she could only reply with a stuttered "yeh" and a nod. However shortly after a man with a knife appeared behind Unknown clearly intent on , well i'd say killing him but he's already dead. As a natural response she had reequipped into her normal armour/clothing and pointed her katana towards the man , just what had this idiot done in there to piss off this guy so much ? "drop your weapon and back away , there will be no crimes committed upon the streets of magnolia so long as i am here!"

Sora Marvell - Milkshake Shop

Feisty? The man left with that statement and Sora was unsure if that was to be taken as a compliment or another insult. It would be safe to assume it wasn't meant in a negative manner from the way he'd worded himself so she remained calm and composed for the moment, not wanting to appear as a ticking time bomb. A soft sigh left her lips in an exuberant breath, as if her lungs had filled to the brim with held breaths for quite an extended amount of time. Those stray thoughts honed in on one in particular that she'd been quite comforted by despite everything; Lysander had stood up for her. They seemed to be extremely sensitive to one another's emotions, something she only had shared with the small exceed whom was off scouring the city for pastries and that was an adventure that could last the entire day. Nami's appetite was horrendous after-all, her stomach coming to close relation with a black hole.

At the end of it all, Lysander being there would always be enough. This realization helped her break her steady gaze on the window to tilt her head, eyes slowly falling to rest on his face at the exact moment he began to answer her dreaded question. It was so hard to decipher whether physical contact would be welcome here, warranted, desired, or shrugged off it she attempted to reach out. His words were soothing, abolishing the worry that had begun to weigh on her mind, before he turned the question around to wonder the same thing she had been. Logically, it made sense. Eight years was quite an age difference...
Eight years. It doesn't matter... She told herself, truly standing by that decision without fear of wavering. " I'm comfortable with everything about you already, a number isn't going to sway me. And my birthday is tomorrow, so technically it's less than eight. " She couldn't help but smile slightly at the sudden optimism that had surfaced as she spoke before she continued. " Also, I can fly when determined, so gaps mean nothing to me. " And there was the lovable warm persona slowly clambering back up from the mixed emotion whirlpool it had been temporarily drowning in.

Sora peered out the window to try to catch a glimpse of Clair and the stranger whom had recently departed but they remained out of sight, at least from this viewpoint. The feeling of something hard and cold skid against her bare skinned thigh, eyes quickly flickering between the gun and then to Lysander and Valken. It would seem the man was upset - no, it was more than that... he was drenched in murderous intent, smelling of a vile motive. She didn't dare utter a word or rise to stop him, knowing it was best left to someone like Lysander whom knew the man and was in the same guild as him. What Lysander said was true though, she admitted as she watched the scene, ready to interfere if it truly came to that but she silently hoped the man would heed Lysander's words and not do anything too serious. Sora's hands grasped the gun delicately then as she reached over to clasp it back into Lysander's holster, returning it to its rightful place. " I think I'll go order for us. " There was a lot of tension in the air and not only could she feel it, but she could taste it and if it could be described it would be anything less than delectable or savory.

An apologetic look was given as she dismissed herself and managed to squirm under the table, avoiding the tangle of legs before she popped out and in front of Valken. She barely managed to bypass the arm Lysander was grasping the other man's with as she took off to wait in line, steps feeling heavy. It would probably have been best to remain seated but it was much too late for that now. The sudden outburst of energy probably wasn't the most intelligent choice seeing as she was already residing on a low pool of magic from using so much of it earlier. Sure, healing a few people wouldn't do in her so easily, but healing someone from the brink of death? That certainly would. Her healing magic always took more than she expected and no matter how hard she trained, it was the one ability she had that didn't want to budge in what it cost her to use. A hand grasped a nearby chair beside her, the occupant swiveling around quite surprised and almost angry but that anger turned to worry as the woman looked at her questionable condition. " S-Sorry... " Sora mumbled dizzily, gaze drifting to the exit.

Hopefully Lysander was too occupied to notice, a pang of guilt tugging at her heart as she remembered she'd assured him she was just fine. At the time, she certainly felt like she had been okay, this was simply unexpected. The room began to spin and with it came to the urge to hurl, hands fumbling to grab onto random people for support as she tried to make her way outside for some air and failing quite miserably. Vertigo started to pull her under, becoming quite prominent with each step before she simply dropped to the ground almost having made it out the door.
Almost. And now she was acting as a barrier for those trying to enter and leave; how embarrassing. At least she wasn't unconscious, every limb just felt like gravity was working against them and pinning her down, inhibiting her movements. Through blurred vision she managed to make out the red head, Clair, but it was currently a mystery if Clair had even noticed her. If Lysander saw her like this then he'd blame himself even if it was her choices that had brought upon the depletion of her magic.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots
PeteTSs said:

Sabrina nodded. Or, at least tried to nod. It caused her to cry out in pain. "Argh! Who would've thought that joining the battle tourney would result in this much damage taken, haha!" she said. "By the way, my name's Sabrina and could you do me a favour and wheel me over to somewhere where I can watch the tourney?" Sabrina said, her unbandaged eye shining in excitement to watch the tourney.

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98

Have badminton can't reply in 3 hours :C
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Sound Arguments

Raa didn't flinch when the blade was aimed at him. Instead he gave a intense glowing eyed stare at the girl holding it before placing his finger on the blade as if he was poking it and using Shape Shift on it, turning it into a large plate of metal. "While it may seem like a...sound argument you still pulled the blade out." He said as the glowing eyes focused of the other girl. "Fine then, I'll leave...you only have yourselves to blame for what will happen soon..." And with those parting words and a small Gas Shift on his cloak, making him an ominous figure, Raa swiftly left the tournament.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

With a smile toward Sabrina, Ophelia whispered into Alicia's ear. "I'd use my water magic to lift her over here, but I'm kinda busy with something... think you can handle the wheelchair and get it over here? Thanks," the Guild Master said quickly as one of her trusty steel blades was turned into a giant metal pan. While she didn't particularly struggle with lifting it up, she found the extra weight a little irritating. But before she could whack the mannerless guy upside the face with it, he turned into an ominous figure and left the tournament. "The nerve of that guy! Look at what he did to my swo-- oh?" As she had been looking at her shapeshifted weapon, her vision had completely clouded up with space. The metal pan, still being held up, changed with it, looking like what one would see through a window to the universe. Slowly, it changed shape, and when the space clouds had vanished from Ophelia's sight, her sword was back to normal. "I guess carnival food isn't all that unhealthy???"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia flinched when Sabrina cried out in pain but otherwise nodded to Ophelia. "
Sure I can help." She told them, walking down from her spot in the stands to Sabrina. After a bit of maneouvering she managed to pull Sabrina up to the first row of stands and have her face the vision lacrima. "There you go, can you see now?" She asked her. She turned to Ophelia when she started shouting again and watched as her sword morphed back to it's normal form. Shrugging she didn't think much of it and simply thought it was a temporary magic. She waited to see if Sabrina was settled in before going back to Ophelia and seeing if she was ready to go.
Chris Lengheart (No longer a man)

Chris continued to roll around for a short while. He practically ignored Kelica as she talked about rubbing him. He eventually stood up as he gave Kelica a "I'm going to kill you" look as he limped to his room. He threw himself into his bed and didn't bother closing door. Hopefully, he might be able to nap off the pain.


Unknown Falling

Location: Outside the Milkshake Shop

Unknown knew Clair wasn't listening and was going to repeat himself if she hadn't draw her weapon at Valken. He chuckled taking a finger and pushing Clair's sword back down, "A man with some serious anger issues isn't worth your time Clair. That's what anger management is for. All I did was refuse to give in to his threat and he wants to kill me. I call that pathetic." He turns around to face Valken and Lysander behind him, "If that pisses you off even more then your just proving my point. I would suggest you control your emotions better before you end up with life time imprisonment, and that's only if your lucky kid." noticing Sora heading to the exit behind them on the verge of collapse he speaks, "Now if you excuse me something more worth my time and energy has just come up."

He hoped it wasn't anything serious as he didn't have the energy to do much, there was also her friend who fitted more into a gang then a guild with how quick he went to attempted murder. He'd have to be quick, luckily the only person here who knew what he could do was Clair. Unknown quickly readied himself to make a dash and shot forward towards the door, summoning a shield to Valken's side he smashed it into him to get him out of the way. Then as he approached the entrance he fell back and slid into the door to catch Sora as she fell. Before gently placing her down on the ground. He began to set to work, placing her hand on her forehead he checked to see what caused this. Mainly just overworking herself, it shouldn't be life threatening but he didn't have much energy left so there was a margin for error, he was struggling a bit himself. Removing his hand he spoke towards Lysander, "Hey! We need to get her some medical attention, I currently can't say for sure what's wrong with her! All I know is she collapsed from overworking herself and last time I checked that's not very healthy and I like the saying "better safe then sorry"."

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Kyuubey
(Background music because I'm into it ^_^ )



Auren Sol - Milshake Shop

Ren had been properly treated in the infirmary and was now walking towards his favorite milkshake shop for a well deserved treat. You'd think he'd be bummed out about losing his place in the tournament but it was quite the opposite really. Ren was pretty proud that he'd managed to tie against someone like Kim. She was like every mage's nightmare in a petite body. There was also the fact that he had gone in expecting to not get very far. If there was anything he gathered from participating, it would be that seeing all those powerful opponents filled him with determination to become stronger. He'd definitely aim higher once the Grand Magic Games came around.

The boy was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize he had already arrived at the milkshake shop. It was not until he tripped over something in the doorway that he was pulled back into reality. He groaned in pain as he moved to pick his face off the ground. His legs were laying on whatever he had tripped over and judging from the lack of pain that came to them, he figured it was something soft, but relatively weighty. When he recovered from the initial shock of the fall, he turned his head to see what the obstruction was and his eyes widened in horror.

"O-oh my gosh, are you alright!? I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going, I swear!" he exclaimed in alarm as he quickly pulled himself off of the girl he had probably caused pain. She looked extremely out of it and Ren immediately correlated this to his own actions. This caused him to become even more panicked and he moved to pick her head off the ground, resting it in the crook of his arms.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, WHAT HAVE I DOOOOONE!?" he screamed internally as looked into Sora's dazed eyes. He just couldn't get a break, could he? It was like he was prone to ruining people's day!

"U-um, let's see. What do I do....uh..." he mumbled as he racked his brain for a wise course of action. Unfortunately, the distress that swirled around in his mind was not helping. Eventually, a light bulb went off in his head.

"Healing spell. Of course you idiot!" he said to himself out loud as he fished around in his pocket for a scrap of paper. He then began to quickly draw the sigil for a healing spell with his wand. Once Ren had finished, he pressed the paper against the girl's forehead and readied a solaris lacrima.

"Sigil Art: Solomon's Embrace!"

The sigil on the paper glowed and Sora's body was enveloped in a soft golden light. He didn't have time to draw the sigil complexly so it was a rather weak variant of the spell but hopefully, it would be enough.

"Please, please, please, pleeeease, don't hate me..." he said quietly as he watched the girl for any signs of alertness. Throughout this whole conundrum, Ren hadn't bothered to consider the attention he had surely gathered or, that there was someone else he had tripped over as well. The man who was previosuly helping Sora had somehow ended up outside of Ren's immediate field of vision so he was accidentally ignored.

@Kyuubey @anyone else that's around the area
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WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada: Round Two:
Momo wasn't too surprised with this,but she needed to be unreadable by Masaki. But if she got hit it would be too risky to get hit again,so Momo had to go in on her plan and took out some cards to stop this,"Explosion Cards" Momo said throwing several cards at the dragon of crystals making it explode,but in the explosion some of the crystals cut her.But now wasn't the time. Momo took out more cards,but didn't say anything. She never used this one on Masaki before which meant she could get him on this one. As she used the card a bunch of female's with big breasts and wearing bikini's appeared and started running towards Masaki all with arms open and then started holding him down. This should toataly paralize Masaki. Even if he has a girlfriend.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Unknown Falling @Drakerus @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
Kim lock-

looking for food and the guild master

Kim had recovered quite nicely in the infirmary, she felt better after a good 30 minutes nap. She stretch back, letting her back arc along with her arms and head as she walked around the tournament area she looked around for food. She let out a loud yawn, slightly embarrassed that she did so she simply ignored the rude looks others gave her

" I want some thing to eat, Jesus some times it's hopeless in this town." She commented to her self. She remembered that the guild master wanted to talk with her, so she made her way around looking for the master.

Momoki Asada:Round 2

Momo was a bit upset her attack didn't faze Masaki at all.He was completely true to his girlfriend. Respect. Momoki didn't have time to dodge the chains Masaki sent at her and had to use a card,"The prayers Fountain" she shouted just in time so a ball of water stopped the crystals from getting her. She knew the affects of that card were unreadable and changed every time. As the chains of crystal went deeper the more they turned into nothing which was surprising to Momo.She figured she was invincable as long as the water was around her. Momo walked a bit closer to Masaki and looked at him,"Arrogant huh? I know I'm acting arrogant,but I'm only trying to impress someone other than you. Masaki you have Grace,your parents have each other,my parents have each other.I only have myself and there's this guy who I'm into and I think is into me. He even gave me this scarf" Momoki said showing it to Masaki,"Please. You found love. I haven't I guess I just want to be loved by someone that isn't related to me.I know this is a bit dramatic,but...." Momo stopped and thought for a second.She really wanted to win this match and a mad boyfriend wasn't going to stop her.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia flinched when Sabrina cried out in pain but otherwise nodded to Ophelia. "
Sure I can help." She told them, walking down from her spot in the stands to Sabrina. After a bit of maneouvering she managed to pull Sabrina up to the first row of stands and have her face the vision lacrima. "There you go, can you see now?" She asked her. She turned to Ophelia when she started shouting again and watched as her sword morphed back to it's normal form. Shrugging she didn't think much of it and simply thought it was a temporary magic. She waited to see if Sabrina was settled in before going back to Ophelia and seeing if she was ready to go.

Ophelia - [not so] Secret Training Grounds

Ophelia was quite pleased to see that Alicia was able to handle Sabrina up the stands almost effortlessly, and even more pleased to know that she was ready for training. Excitedly, she nodded, and upon grabbing the younger girl's hand gently, she maneuvered her way down the bleachers and through the crowds of people, running until she could run no more.


Ophelia had pulled herself and her friend to a fairly large street that was fairly far away from the center of action. Not a single person but the two could be found standing there, the roads in that part of Magnolia generally being abandoned throughout the festival. Not a drop of sweat on her forehead from the running, she looked over at Alicia, who may or may not have been exhausted.
"Ready to start?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - [not so] Secret Training Grounds

Ophelia was quite pleased to see that Alicia was able to handle Sabrina up the stands almost effortlessly, and even more pleased to know that she was ready for training. Excitedly, she nodded, and upon grabbing the younger girl's hand gently, she maneuvered her way down the bleachers and through the crowds of people, running until she could run no more.


Ophelia had pulled herself and her friend to a fairly large street that was fairly far away from the center of action. Not a single person but the two could be found standing there, the roads in that part of Magnolia generally being abandoned throughout the festival. Not a drop of sweat on her forehead from the running, she looked over at Alicia, who may or may not have been exhausted.
"Ready to start?"

Alicia: Training Area Thingy

Alicia hadn't expected Ophelia to just up and grab her and start running, so initially she stumbled and almost fell as she pretty much drug her along until she stabalized herself and was able to match her pace. When they stopped Alicia sat down and laid on her back breathing heavily, really not used to running so fast for so long and not quiet sure how Ophelia was completely fine from doing so. "
Gimmie...a minute." She wheezed, clearly out of breath. After a minute or so she sat up and pushed herself off the ground shakily. Running on a full stomach was not exactly a good idea, honestly she felt a little sick, but wasn't going to let that stop her. "Alright, ready. What first?" She asked her excitedly.
purplepanda288 said:
" It's the gate of the snake, Serpen." Aiden began walking to the park. " It won't open with just the enchantment. You have to learn how to funnel the magic of the spirits through your magic as well as make a contract with the spirit." With few strides they were in the lush park of magnolia. Aiden stopped in a zen garden. " This will do nicely."
"Oh. What will that look like?" She began to look around the little garden, crouching to look at the flowers and spinning around without a care in the world. "Wow! A snake of my own. A pet! A friend! He can help me find my parents!" She jumped over to Aiden. "Can we start now?"
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training Area Thingy
Alicia hadn't expected Ophelia to just up and grab her and start running, so initially she stumbled and almost fell as she pretty much drug her along until she stabalized herself and was able to match her pace. When they stopped Alicia sat down and laid on her back breathing heavily, really not used to running so fast for so long and not quiet sure how Ophelia was completely fine from doing so. "
Gimmie...a minute." She wheezed, clearly out of breath. After a minute or so she sat up and pushed herself off the ground shakily. Running on a full stomach was not exactly a good idea, honestly she felt a little sick, but wasn't going to let that stop her. "Alright, ready. What first?" She asked her excitedly.

Ophelia - Training Streets

Excitedly, Ophelia unsheathed one of her swords and stabbed it into the stones of the road. "First thing's first: swordplay! You're gonna come across tons of other people who use swords, and if you don't know the first thing about them, you're as good as dead! Now, the first thing you're gonna wanna do against any kind of sword fighter is to not get hit! Blocking, dodging, all those fun things! Alright, I'm gonna swing at you with this sword," she paused, pointing the steel blade at Alicia dangerously. "Ready, and, now!" Quickly, Ophelia twirled around, swiping at the girl fairly slowly, which to her, was still a slight bit fast. But she had a plan. If Alicia could neither dodge nor send the hit away, Ophelia would stop the slash right before it could hit. If Alicia managed to do either, well, it was on to the next type of slash.
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]"Oh. What will that look like?" She began to look around the little garden, crouching to look at the flowers and spinning around without a care in the world. "Wow! A snake of my own. A pet! A friend! He can help me find my parents!" She jumped over to Aiden. "Can we start now?"

" To Answer your first question, the spirit will look like what ever it believes that their owner would like. But to my knowledge Serpen is kinda like Shen were they can turn from their human like form to their snake form when they want to." Aiden held out the key of the monkey. " Now we may start your lesson. When you start to summon you'll feel an odd sensation, that's just your magic funneling through your body into the key. Then when you feel like the magic is safely connected with the key say the incantation for that spirit."
purplepanda288 said:
" To Answer your first question, the spirit will look like what ever it believes that their owner would like. But to my knowledge Serpen is kinda like Shen were they can turn from their human like form to their snake form when they want to." Aiden held out the key of the monkey. " Now we may start your lesson. When you start to summon you'll feel an odd sensation, that's just your magic funneling through your body into the key. Then when you feel like the magic is safely connected with the key say the incantation for that spirit."
"Well, lets not waste this zen garden!" She sat on the ground in a medetative pose. Her eyes closed in concentration. After a second, the shadows deepened, at the same time, the sun grew a bit brighter. She opened her eyes and said: "Open, gate of the snake... Serpen!" In front of her materialized a largish snake, but something about it was off. It had two heads. One head was white, with black eyes, while the other was black, with white eyes. The two head's neck's converged into a single body that was twirled with white and black. Thalia's eyes widened slightly. "Um, did I do something wrong, or is he supposed to have two heads?" The snake hissed at Thalia.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Excitedly, Ophelia unsheathed one of her swords and stabbed it into the stones of the road. "First thing's first: swordplay! You're gonna come across tons of other people who use swords, and if you don't know the first thing about them, you're as good as dead! Now, the first thing you're gonna wanna do against any kind of sword fighter is to not get hit! Blocking, dodging, all those fun things! Alright, I'm gonna swing at you with this sword," she paused, pointing the steel blade at Alicia dangerously. "Ready, and, now!" Quickly, Ophelia twirled around, swiping at the girl fairly slowly, which to her, was still a slight bit fast. But she had a plan. If Alicia could neither dodge nor send the hit away, Ophelia would stop the slash right before it could hit. If Alicia managed to do either, well, it was on to the next type of slash.

Alicia: Training Streets

Alicia blinked. She was going to do WHAT? She was going to tell her she could simply summon a barrier to protect herself from swords, but before she could she was already starting to slash at her. She quickly dove for and grabbed up the sword she assumed was meant for her to block with. She held it shakily, kind of nervous about hurting herself or Ophelia with the sword. Rather than dodging the strike, she dodged INTO the blade, gaining herself a moderate cut on the arm. She cried out in pain and grabbed her now bleeding arm. Alicia: 0 Luck: 1
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]
"Well, lets not waste this zen garden!" She sat on the ground in a medetative pose. Her eyes closed in concentration. After a second, the shadows deepened, at the same time, the sun grew a bit brighter. She opened her eyes and said: "Open, gate of the snake... Serpen!" In front of her materialized a largish snake, but something about it was off. It had two heads. One head was white, with black eyes, while the other was black, with white eyes. The two head's neck's converged into a single body that was twirled with white and black. Thalia's eyes widened slightly. "Um, did I do something wrong, or is he supposed to have two heads?" The snake hissed at Thalia.

Aiden looked at the snake, how odd. Mabye it was just the way the snake perceived the girl that it adapted to her. " You said that you can use another type of magic right? What magic would that be?" Aiden eyed the spirit, it looked at him with both heads. That slightly disturbed him.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training Streets
Alicia blinked. She was going to do WHAT? She was going to tell her she could simply summon a barrier to protect herself from swords, but before she could she was already starting to slash at her. She quickly dove for and grabbed up the sword she assumed was meant for her to block with. She held it shakily, kind of nervous about hurting herself or Ophelia with the sword. Rather than dodging the strike, she dodged INTO the blade, gaining herself a moderate cut on the arm. She cried out in pain and grabbed her now bleeding arm. Alicia: 0 Luck: 1

Ophelia - Training Streets

Alicia was wise to grab the sword stuck in the ground, but she was unwise to not do anything after. Ophelia's eyes widening at the sight of the blood, she realized that her plan didn't work quite the way she hoped it would. Sheathing the sword back into its hilt, the Guild Master ran over to Alicia and crouched down, examining her cut arm. It seemed only moderate, and if Ophelia were to heal it, it wouldn't take much to make the arm like new again. Still, she felt bad for swinging at Alicia without warning in the first place, and would make sure to at least properly warn her the next time. "Alicia, I'm so sorry about that! Here, hold on. I can get it back to normal. Waterfall: Fountain of Life!" Despite the spell having such a powerful sounding name, only a very small, lake-blue glyph hovered over Alicia's cut. Soon, it would begin sparkling and turn a pastel green, sealing and soothing the skin, repairing her arm as though it had never been hurt in the first place. "Always a good thing to keep a healing spell or two on you! How does it feel now?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Alicia was wise to grab the sword stuck in the ground, but she was unwise to not do anything after. Ophelia's eyes widening at the sight of the blood, she realized that her plan didn't work quite the way she hoped it would. Sheathing the sword back into its hilt, the Guild Master ran over to Alicia and crouched down, examining her cut arm. It seemed only moderate, and if Ophelia were to heal it, it wouldn't take much to make the arm like new again. Still, she felt bad for swinging at Alicia without warning in the first place, and would make sure to at least properly warn her the next time. "Alicia, I'm so sorry about that! Here, hold on. I can get it back to normal. Waterfall: Fountain of Life!" Despite the spell having such a powerful sounding name, only a very small, lake-blue glyph hovered over Alicia's cut. Soon, it would begin sparkling and turn a pastel green, sealing and soothing the skin, repairing her arm as though it had never been hurt in the first place. "Always a good thing to keep a healing spell or two on you! How does it feel now?"

Alicia: Training Grounds

Surprisingly enough Alicia wasn't crying, sure tears pricked at her eyes from the pain but she didn't burst into tears over it. She was a mage, after all, she needed to learn how to deal with such wounds. When Ophelia came over apologizing and examining her arm Alicia removed her hand from the cut so as to allow Ophelia a better look. "It's okay! Really! It wasn't your fault, I kinda ran into it..literally." She told her as she healed it. When she was done she lightly moved it, testing it for pain when she was asked how it felt. "Good as new! Thanks!" She told her before wrapping her arms around her and hugging her briefly.

I was gunna tell you, but, I can kinda make barriers to protect myself. But, still, you have a point. I should probably learn how to do this when I don't have the time to cast one." She told her as she released her from the hug and grabbed the sword she'd dropped. "I can do it this time, probably. Come on, not gunna let one mistake stop me!" She added excitedly with a wide grin on her face. Alicia was anything if not determined, especially when it came to something she wanted to do.

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