Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

With a sparkle in her eye, Ophelia just stood as the blade swung at her. The water already coating her own slid off and formed a replica, and before Alicia knew it, her slash was blocked by the watery double. With a grin, the Guild Master made a small movement with her hand, the second blade swiping vertically with an uppercut. However, it was even slower than Ophelia's normal slashes with normal blades, making the spell even easier to deflect.

Alicia: Training Streets

Alicia stared at the water sword with childish awe momentarily, she still said Ophelia's magic was much better than hers. She could even heal people! All she could do was break stuff or protect people with barriers, really. Nevertheless she regained her focus quickly, now potentionally having to deal with two blades at once. She easily deflected the blade simply due to it's speed, normally she had trouble dodging and deflecting strikes, but that one was slow enough to be moot.

Though before she could do anything she paused momentarily, an odd look on her face as she suddenly became dizzy. Her vision became blurry and she found it a bit hard to stand. "
I don't feel so goo.." She started, her voice barely understandble, before passing out altogether with a small thud. Whereas Ophelia got temporary magical powers from it, the corndogs made her sick. Although it was doubtful Ophelia put two and two together, the better assumption being side effects of taint sickness.
Mizuki: Fight Ring

Mizuki's human hands began to work on her next spell, a shadow slash for when her shadow arms latched onto Lyra. The things she would do to this girl would be glorious in her eyes and it excited her just thinking about that. It's been much too long since her last good fight. However the dark mage never felt her hands around Lyra's neck, the girl suddenly disappearing while a small rabbit took her place. Mizuki was very tempted to smash the rabbit right there but refrained from doing so due to the fact that Alicia may be watching. She knew that the little girl wouldn't appreciate that at all. "Come out you little thing. Let Mizuki hurt you..." Her voice was dark and haunting.

When Lyra appeared again Mizuki had nearly no time before a sharp pain filled her head, actually causing the girl to wince. Pain didn't bother her that much, but for once it bothered her. Her shadowy limbs dissipated into thin air as her body began to lock up. There was a bit of a panicked looked in her eyes as this went on, through the rest of her face remain expressionless. She had never seen magic like this in her life, and never in her life had she been beaten so easily. It angered her knowing that she had failed Master Gilad's only order to win the tournament. If she went out fighting was one thing, but this? This was embarrassing even for her. Mizuki's panicked eyes gave Lyra a hateful glare before her body gave out, the dark Mage collapsing to the floor and her eyes staring up at the sky. Soon her mind became blank and she couldn't recall what was happening.

Millie: Milkshake Shop

Millie was a lite confused about what had host conspired. She was so flustered about Valken's comment that she hadn't even noticed the rude man that came in and insulted Sora's cheek. Though she didn't know the girl all that well, and even if she did have much bigger breasts than her, she definetly would've stood up for the girl and her small chest. It was cute, and cute was good. But unfortunately she couldn't say anything as the man was gone as quick as he arrived. Her soft blue eyes drifted over to a rather distressed Valken who looked like he was ready to kill. Her hand fell on top of his with a much more gentle approach.
"Are you ok?" She asked as she was suddenly pulled into his body, his lips pressing against hers. It seemed that he wasn't going to stay here for milkshakes and would leave her to be the third wheel. "Stay safe sweetie..."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training Streets
Alicia stared at the water sword with childish awe momentarily, she still said Ophelia's magic was much better than hers. She could even heal people! All she could do was break stuff or protect people with barriers, really. Nevertheless she regained her focus quickly, now potentionally having to deal with two blades at once. She easily deflected the blade simply due to it's speed, normally she had trouble dodging and deflecting strikes, but that one was slow enough to be moot.

Though before she could do anything she paused momentarily, an odd look on her face as she suddenly became dizzy. Her vision became blurry and she found it a bit hard to stand. "
I don't feel so goo.." She started, her voice barely understandble, before passing out altogether with a small thud. Whereas Ophelia got temporary magical powers from it, the corndogs made her sick. Although it was doubtful Ophelia put two and two together, the better assumption being side effects of taint sickness.

Ophelia - Training Streets

Much to Ophelia's content, Alicia had no problem blocking her water copy. Another smile on her face, the Guild Master readied to show the girl spin attacks, what to do and what not to do when faced against them--that is, if the Sabertooth member had not become sick and passed out. With a blush and a small giggle, Ophelia mumbled to herself, "Guess magic-infused corndogs aren't for everyone, heh... Sorry, Alicia."

"Waterfall: Purify!"
Stabbing her sword into the air and then slashing twice to form a sort of golden cross-themed rune, Ophelia pointed at the sleeping Alicia, believing her go-to ailment-curing spell would to the trick. The rune dragged itself high over the little girl before raining down golden droplets of water which seemed to vanish into her body as they made contact. The Guild Master waited for a few seconds, and when the spell had run out of magic, Ophelia summoned a tendril of water to lift Alicia back to her feet.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Much to Ophelia's content, Alicia had no problem blocking her water copy. Another smile on her face, the Guild Master readied to show the girl spin attacks, what to do and what not to do when faced against them--that is, if the Sabertooth member had not become sick and passed out. With a blush and a small giggle, Ophelia mumbled to herself, "Guess magic-infused corndogs aren't for everyone, heh... Sorry, Alicia."

"Waterfall: Purify!"
Stabbing her sword into the air and then slashing twice to form a sort of golden cross-themed rune, Ophelia pointed at the sleeping Alicia, believing her go-to ailment-curing spell would to the trick. The rune dragged itself high over the little girl before raining down golden droplets of water which seemed to vanish into her body as they made contact. The Guild Master waited for a few seconds, and when the spell had run out of magic, Ophelia summoned a tendril of water to lift Alicia back to her feet.

Alicia: Tournament Streets

Alicia was fast asleep, induced by magic infused corn dogs and partial exhaustion from her fight with Alfie coupled with what was probably an after effect of the taint sickness. Her expression slightly pained from the corndogs relaxed fully once the healing spell healed her, however she didn't wake up. When the tendril of water lifted her up she did little more than flop back over onto the ground, still asleep and completely out cold. It was quite possible Ophelia would be worried for her, but in reality the only thing wrong with her was she needed a bit of sleep. She'd probably wake up if she shook her either way.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Streets
Alicia was fast asleep, induced by magic infused corn dogs and partial exhaustion from her fight with Alfie coupled with what was probably an after effect of the taint sickness. Her expression slightly pained from the corndogs relaxed fully once the healing spell healed her, however she didn't wake up. When the tendril of water lifted her up she did little more than flop back over onto the ground, still asleep and completely out cold. It was quite possible Ophelia would be worried for her, but in reality the only thing wrong with her was she needed a bit of sleep. She'd probably wake up if she shook her either way.

Ophelia - Training Streets

Starting to lose patience, Ophelia couldn't help but wonder if the corndogs had been at fault or not. Was Alicia suffering from something incurable, or was she just sleeping? Unable to decide, the Guild Master had remembered that she hated doctors and would never wish them upon even her worst enemies, so she calmed herself down by saying the little girl was just tired from the run. As she looked outward in the direction of the focus of the festival, Ophelia gracefully moved her hand outward. The humidity in the air was turned back to water completely, allowing for a small, watery train to slowly build itself. Heaving Alicia off of the ground and priding her with a waterbed to sleep on, the train began to make its way back to the tournament. This time, rather than crash straight through the buildings, Ophelia decided today was a day where she'd navigate around them instead.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Starting to lose patience, Ophelia couldn't help but wonder if the corndogs had been at fault or not. Was Alicia suffering from something incurable, or was she just sleeping? Unable to decide, the Guild Master had remembered that she hated doctors and would never wish them upon even her worst enemies, so she calmed herself down by saying the little girl was just tired from the run. As she looked outward in the direction of the focus of the festival, Ophelia gracefully moved her hand outward. The humidity in the air was turned back to water completely, allowing for a small, watery train to slowly build itself. Heaving Alicia off of the ground and priding her with a waterbed to sleep on, the train began to make its way back to the tournament. This time, rather than crash straight through the buildings, Ophelia decided today was a day where she'd navigate around them instead.

Alicia: Ophelia's Train

Alicia subconciously clung gently to Ophelia when she picked her up, pretty much her instinct to do so when someone picked her up, subconciously pouting slightly when she was put down on the waterbed. Part of her wanted to wake up and continue her training, but the other more dominant half kept her asleep on the bed. After all, she needed rest for her round in the finals if she was determined to try to win. She dreamed about facing Mizuki in the finals and actually managing to beat her, winning the tournament with a triumphant grin on her face. Sadly, however, it was just a dream. But it was better than corndog induced nightmares she guessed.

She mumbled something incomprehensible, something along the lines of 'dumb corndogs' before rolling over on the surprisingly comfy bed.

Sora Marvell - Milkshake Shop

Sora tried to grasp all the events happening around her, random people along with friends beginning to surround her. First came along the man whom had insulted her earlier, though the negative feelings associated with that were no longer something in her mind as she felt him catch her and lower her to the ground. Both eyes remained open for the time being, vision wavering to becoming so obscured that they finally drew to a close simply from the inability to see properly. If only she could speak, the words trying to be muttered coming out as soft defeated noises instead. This was all a result of her being so careless and headstrong, but her emotions always seemed to cloud her better judgement at times. It wouldn't be something she'd forgive herself for if she'd seen others hurt and chosen to do absolutely nothing, so in her mind, nobody could convince her it was stupid.

The feeling of a body toppling over hers caused her to flinch, the slight stabbing pain in her side from where Ren had made contact quickly numbing down to be nonexistent. Sora was finding it extremely hard to figure out what was happening. It'd seem she was being held, prodded, having paper pressed against her face, and crowded upon but she struggled to remain conscious. Her stubbornness would probably be the death of her someday but that definitely wouldn't be today, at least she hoped not. Ren's sigil activated and shortly after allowed her to eyes to flutter open once again, the heaviness upon her limbs turning to be so light that it was almost a sickening transition. An incoherent groan was released then which would hopefully comfort them that she was somewhat okay but it was all that she was capable of in terms of recognition.

A thank you would have to be given all around to each of them. A thank you for Unknown for being so quick to come to her aid even though she was unaware of his own exhausted condition. A thank you for Ren for healing her a little bit, even if it didn't seem like enough, it was much better than nothing. Maya's worried voice rippled through the air and reached her ears, the blue haired girl silently wishing she could move and reassure her; hug her. For some reason the emotion in Maya's voice didn't sit well with her, it upset her to say the least. Sora wished she wasn't always a source of concern for the older woman, mainly because she frequently found herself in some sort of predicament that nearly gave Maya heart-attacks. It was almost as if she were being selfish though anyone that knew her was well aware of her sacrificial behavior for her friends and guild.

Sleep... that singular thought slowly began to invade her entire mind, everything else being swallowed by it. She'd dozed off for a few minutes before she felt arms wrap securely around her small frame, lifting her off the ground. It seemed weird that she knew it was Lysander and it wasn't until she heard his voice and felt the warmth radiating from his arms did she find herself able to fully drift off, a small smile on her sleeping face. Sora knew that once she'd gotten enough rest, most of her initial energy would be spent trying to reassure him not to put the blame on himself and just be grateful instead that they were together; hopefully that would be enough to soothe his distress. It would only sadden her if he shouldered or harbored blame that involved her. But for now she needed to regenerate and the dreams that came with the well needed slumber were already portraying themselves as extremely lovely and peaceful. Hopefully he'd be there this time when she awakened, certainly he wouldn't dare leave her side for a second time after they'd made promises to one another - promises to tackle things together.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
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Kelica - Tournament Stands

Kelica's green eyes drifted over to Sabrina as she seemed so happy and excited for her. But she didn't see how devoid of emotion she was, how she had wrapped Chris up in thick roots, before covering them in thorns and cutting heavily into him. Crushing him like a boa constrictor. That misty look in her eyes. She shuddered. Regardless, Sabrina needed help, Sora spent all her energy healing Kelica so it was time to use her power to help someone else. She lowered her head slowly before picking herself up and stepping before the girl. She leaned down and wrapped her arms tightly around her neck, head resting on her shoulder, mouth near her ear. "Are you sure you want this? It will be excuriating....I've never tried to heal such a bad wound...I'm not even sure I can, but I will try my best..." Eyes genuinely concerned. Months worth of healing in a few seconds amplifies the pain.

rbshinichi said:
(Wow, she's a celestial mage?)
Mikael shook his head and and struggled to stand up. He held his head on his right hand. "I feel so weak. Is this because of the lack of blood?" Mika thinking back. He hadn't drank any human blood for a while, like 5 decades long of a while. He survived until now on animal blood and he tried living on his own blood. He managed to live one.day after another but his power and strength weren't the way they're supposed to be.

Mikael tried to make up the loss of power and strength with the demon powers his sword possesses, but it would take toll on himself. He had no choice but to try. He went over to Lavender who summoned a celestial beast. "M'lady, I'm a bit outpowered now, haven't had a taste of.blood for a while. But maybe we can attack together. I'm guessing its.neck wouldn't be as hard as his scales."

Mikael raised his sword and summoned its powers. "Lend me thy power O cursed one, I offer thee thy blood. Come unto me, Senketsu!" He slit his arm with the sword and as if it came to life it glow on a black spirit covering the entirety of.the sword.

"Ready when you are Lavender."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
She's part celestial, requipper and working on script magic. Though for her celestial, she only has three keys.

Lavender looked at Mika as well as Hercules as he suggested they'd attack together before he cut his arm with his sword as he pretty much called upon a Senketsu. Lavender had no idea what that was but she had to roll with it. "I'll atack first." Hercules said first before he dashed towards the wyvern and started battling with it, trying to get it to expose his neck. "Dont waste time!" he yelled as Lavender pulled out her sword "Ready Mika?" as he responded she yelled "GO!"

Lavener broke into a sprint towards the wyvern, getting ready to try to attack it's neck. Hercules managed to ge it into a head lock, exposing its neck to them "Now!" Lavender said as she brought her sword in a quick swipe motion against the neck... (You're in control xD if you want lavender to be hit be my guest :P )

@rbshinichi @Mitchs98
purplepanda288 said:
" Oh yes I almost forgot about that." Aiden held out the new key infront of him, his black hair slightly floating form the usage of a new key. He had lost his eye patch in the fight so he had nothing to cover the magic circle that shined in his right eye. " Open gate of the swordsman, Jūn!" For a moment there was a gong mixed with the sound of a bell. Infront of Aiden stood a lean man the adorned a long tail and monkey ears on the top of his head. " You called?" He commented, it was obvious that the money spirit didn't want to be there.
She looked skeptically at the monkey, her face scrunching slightly in doubt. "Can this monkey-man really teach me to use a sword?" The white snake on her shoulder hissed. "My, my. It ssseemsss thisss young wizard hasss a quite powerful key." Thalia pulled her sword off her back, holding it with both hands and shaking slightly. "Whatever. I'm ready!"

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Unknown Falling

Location: Outside the Milkshake Shop

Unknown stood up now that everything seemed to be under control with the current situation and said "Seeing there is nothing more I can do and I assume you want me out of your hair for the time being I'm going to go now." He then walked out of the shop waving, "See you guys later for real this time." Before walking up to Clair, "Well now that, that is sorted what now? You want to go with your teammate to the infirmary? If you are I think it's best I don't tag along after what happened so we can met up later if you wish. You don't have to worry about me causing any trouble as if I use anymore magic at this point I'll be out of action entirely for a while." he chuckled.

@Mr Swiftshots @Everyone else at the Milkshake shop as there are too many people to keep track of at this point

Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with:@Rhodus

Alex cracked her hands as she held them in front of her, moving them with one swift movement so it made her limbs go loose. She sometimes had a bit of an ache so this was her solution for it. Her pink eyes would go through the people who were watching the fight. Honestly, it did not interest her too much in how the clans beat each other up in order to win something in return. Perhaps she was one of the few thinking this way but that was her opinion about it. Humming silently to herself as she made her way through the people. Some were munching on some food while others were pouring booze into their mouths, receiving a red head from it and were even wobbling on their feet from having too much at once. It was idiotic, but who was she to judge them. Maybe there were other reasons which made them act like this.

With her soda drink in her hands, she was already halfway from where she wanted to be. Groaning as the lines started to become smaller and made it more difficult for her pass through until she actually had to squeeze through with her body. Pushing some people to the front and pushing her hip to the other side so she would have more space to move through. People moved whenever she did that. Well, most of the time it worked. Some girls were glaring at her in the process but Alex just ignored them as they were not her priority. It ticked her off though, but she held herself back to not say anything about it. Just as she thought she was going to make it, she felt a bump behind her, which made her fly towards somebody. Bumping into the latter which made her turn to him and apologize.

”I’m sorry. It’s just too busy here.”

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Marshmallow said:

Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with:@Rhodus

Alex cracked her hands as she held them in front of her, moving them with one swift movement so it made her limbs go loose. She sometimes had a bit of an ache so this was her solution for it. Her pink eyes would go through the people who were watching the fight. Honestly, it did not interest her too much in how the clans beat each other up in order to win something in return. Perhaps she was one of the few thinking this way but that was her opinion about it. Humming silently to herself as she made her way through the people. Some were munching on some food while others were pouring booze into their mouths, receiving a red head from it and were even wobbling on their feet from having too much at once. It was idiotic, but who was she to judge them. Maybe there were other reasons which made them act like this.

With her soda drink in her hands, she was already halfway from where she wanted to be. Groaning as the lines started to become smaller and made it more difficult for her pass through until she actually had to squeeze through with her body. Pushing some people to the front and pushing her hip to the other side so she would have more space to move through. People moved whenever she did that. Well, most of the time it worked. Some girls were glaring at her in the process but Alex just ignored them as they were not her priority. It ticked her off though, but she held herself back to not say anything about it. Just as she thought she was going to make it, she felt a bump behind her, which made her fly towards somebody. Bumping into the latter which made her turn to him and apologize.

”I’m sorry. It’s just too busy here.”

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


After the first round of the matches had concluded, Ryu had gone back to the marketplace in town and had purchased another bowl of ramen for lunch. During the hour break in between the first and second rounds, he had remained in the marketplace and wandered around, looking at the plethora of items available for sale. Nothing really caught his interest (and he didn't really have enough money for much more than food and lodging), so he eventually headed back to the stands.

Once he got to the stands, he almost began to look for where Kim was seated, before he remembered that she was wasn't watching the tournament since she was in the tournament. The stands were still quite packed, and he struggled to wade through the crowd. As he was making his way through the throng of people, he thought he saw what seemed to be a familiar face. Just as he was about to investigate further, someone bumped into him from behind. He stumbled forward, only narrowly managing not to spill his second bowl of ramen that he had picked up on his way back to the stands. By the time he looked back up again, the face he had noticed was no where to be seen. Had he just imagined it? Deciding to dwell on the matter at some other time, he turned to the woman who had bumped into him.

"No, no, it's quite alright," He said with a warm smile to reassure her. "Like you said, there are a lot of people here, so I understand. I was just about to sit back down to watch the rest of the tournament. Would you like to join me?" He asked casually.


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@rbshinichi[/URL] @Mitchs98

Sera: Mountain Valley

As Lavender attacked and proved a useful distraction Sera was almost to the neck of the Wyvern, scythe raised, plummeting at blindingly fast speeds. Assuming that the Wyvern was to distracted to attack her, Sera continued on her path before finally reaching her destination, the scythe connecting with the massive beasts flesh and sending out a icy cloud of dust. She was unsure if she actually damaged it or just pissed it off, really. Thus she sat in place while waiting for the dust to clear, unfortunately fully vulnerable as she hovered in mid air ready to barrage the spot she hit if it managed to graze the skin.
Auren Sol - Milkshake Shop

Ren wasn't too sure about just handing her off but he noticed that this was the man who he'd managed to beat in the first round, Lysander. Well, at least it wasn't a complete stranger he was trusting.

"O-okay. But I'm coming with you. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't apologize to her when she's better." Ren said as he carefully picked Sora up off the ground. She was a little heavier than he expected but eventually, he passed her off into Lysander's waiting arms. It was then he noticed all the stares they were getting and he couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. He tried to push those feelings out of his heart by focsuing his attention on Lysander.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
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Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring/Magnolia Alleyway

A rather displeased frown was tugging at Lyra's lips, unsure of how she felt about the situation. It was a really cheap move on her part but alas it was one of the tools of magic at her disposal and she had chosen to use it. This Mizuki woman would surely have a bitter hatred for her after this fight was called, seeing as she was incapable of continuing the fight and her magic wasn't exactly the friendliest feeling. If anything, it was scary to experience for most people and she could only wonder what the dark mage was thinking. Lyra wanted to apologize but figured it wouldn't go very far in the aftermath of things. The virus was held and the longer it was, the worse the penalty would be later, this knowledge seeming not to sway her decision to continue. Sometimes things had to be sacrificed for power and as corrupting and dark it was, Lyra dabbled into the pool willingly.

A few minutes passed of Mizuki laying on the ground incapable of moving before the match was finally called. Lyra took no time to release the virus when she was declared the winner, hesitating with her eyes lowered before she turned and walked out of the arena, knowing Mizuki would feel completely like herself within a few more seconds. Her footsteps were inaudible as she ran through the crowds and away from the tournament, slipping past people to enter an isolated alleyway and collapse against the wall. " Hi..bi..ki.. " She stuttered the boys name out and wrapped her arms around her knees, pulling them tightly against her chest, beginning to cry. A tingling sensation started to trickle through her right hand, spreading quickly along her arm and she quickly raised it to stare at it with wide eyes, trying to figure out what exactly was happening to it.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Lavender's eyes widen as she noticed they did nothing but give it a tiny scratch even with Sera's help and by the looks of it, their actions made it even more angry "S-Sera that did absolitely nothing!" the warrior said in slight fear because now..well..it got up into the air and before she knew it, it started to rain Ice shards and she lifted her shield, using it to deflect the sharp objects. She looked towards Mika who was out on the ground with blood upon his face "Mika!" she yelled as she did her best to rush over "Mika! Sir Mika!" Lavender yelled before remembering that he was low on energy..did he need blood? He needed it..The wizard knew he needed it.

Putting down her sword and continuing to use her shield as an umbrella to shield them from other ice shards, she used her now free arm and pulled him up to her neck "If you're a vampire and need blood, I suggest you take it from me. I refuse to let you die out here due to lack of food!" before he could try to resist, she spoke "DOnt resist. I beg you."

Hercules had been pushed away as all this happened "I'm sorry I couldnt assist you, Lavender." he said before he recieved a nod and he disappeared.

@rbshinichi @Mitchs98
The money spirit put his left hand out to the side. A large golden broad sword flashed into existence. " Alright, first off have to stay in a fighting stance." J?n got it to a stance, his legs wide apart and knees bent every so slightly. " From now on follow my every move." He moved back, letting each leg cross in front of each other as he did. " When your moving back words keep your eye on your opponent."

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


After the first round of the matches had concluded, Ryu had gone back to the marketplace in town and had purchased another bowl of ramen for lunch. During the hour break in between the first and second rounds, he had remained in the marketplace and wandered around, looking at the plethora of items available for sale. Nothing really caught his interest (and he didn't really have enough money for much more than food and lodging), so he eventually headed back to the stands.

Once he got to the stands, he almost began to look for where Kim was seated, before he remembered that she was wasn't watching the tournament since she was in the tournament. The stands were still quite packed, and he struggled to wade through the crowd. As he was making his way through the throng of people, he thought he saw what seemed to be a familiar face. Just as he was about to investigate further, someone bumped into him from behind. He stumbled forward, only narrowly managing not to spill his second bowl of ramen that he had picked up on his way back to the stands. By the time he looked back up again, the face he had noticed was no where to be seen. Had he just imagined it? Deciding to dwell on the matter at some other time, he turned to the woman who had bumped into him.

"No, no, it's quite alright," He said with a warm smile to reassure her. "Like you said, there are a lot of people here, so I understand. I was just about to sit back down to watch the rest of the tournament. Would you like to join me?" He asked casually.


Kim skipped happily down the streets, multiple objects floating around her like clothes and foods. She had her hair braided back into a ponytail with a yellow ribbon, her yellow sun dress flowing as she moved around.

" Man, I wonder where Eias or Ryu are." Kim waved her hand making the objects teleport to her flat. Her right eye glowed, showing her the varying amounts of magic energies. When she found one that was similar she began to follow it. As she got closer she saw another magic appear. Odd.

She weaved her way though the crowd. Along the way she received a few congrats and blessings from the onlookers. When she saw the red head she leaped on to his back and wrapped her legs and arms around him.
" Hey Ryu!"

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purplepanda288 said:
The money spirit put his left hand out to the side. A large golden broad sword flashed into existence. " Alright, first off have to stay in a fighting stance." Jūn got it to a stance, his legs wide apart and knees bent every so slightly. " From now on follow my every move." He moved back, letting each leg cross in front of each other as he did. " When your moving back words keep your eye on your opponent."
She copied the monkey's movements, moving slowly from side to side, keeping her eye on him as he had instructed. She grinned, her eyes filled with a crazy light. She was ridiculously happy to be using her sword, finally learning how to actually use it. Excited to use her beloved sword, she lunged forward, the point aimed for his chest. However, due to the weight of the sword and the height of the weilder, the tip was dragging downwards as it rushed to meet the monkey.

Not long after the fight ended Mizuki's body and mind came back to reality. Her eyes were filled with whatever life was left in her, and the girl began to get back to her feet. Though she was unconscious during the fight the dark Mage already knew that she lost. The thought of losing was terrible, and the way she lost was even worse. She didn't get to do anything to represent Sabertooth except make t seem as if they were full of weaklings. Worst of all she couldn't show her face to

Gilad anymore. He gave her one simple task yet she couldn't complete it. Someone of such power didn't deserve to see such a disappointment. This filled her with great anger, her eyes quickly darting around in an attempt to find her opponent. She wanted a rematch right now, yet Lyra was nowhere to be seen. This only made her angrier due to her cowardice. She needed Alicia's kindness and love immediately or who knows what she'd do. Her shadowy arms sprouted from her back and wrapped around her body in a tight hug, Mizuki attempting to comfort herself.

When the Dark Mage exited the arena she began to quickly walk down the street, her eyes scanning around for Alicia. She had no idea where the little one was but she wouldn't stop until she found her, or until someone decided to insult her. A young lad behind a fruit stand stood with a cheeky grin on his face. He had seen the fight and how easily Mizuki had been defeated, and thought that she was too weak to hurt him. "Ha! Maybe you would've won if you actually put up a fight! Does your head hu-" his words were suddenly cut off as she began to violently smash his stand into pieces with her four arms. The man behind the stands let out a panicked cry and hit the deck.
Kayzo said:
Not long after the fight ended Mizuki's body and mind came back to reality. Her eyes were filled with whatever life was left in her, and the girl began to get back to her feet. Though she was unconscious during the fight the dark Mage already knew that she lost. The thought of losing was terrible, and the way she lost was even worse. She didn't get to do anything to represent Sabertooth except make t seem as if they were full of weaklings. Worst of all she couldn't show her face to
Gilad anymore. He gave her one simple task yet she couldn't complete it. Someone of such power didn't deserve to see such a disappointment. This filled her with great anger, her eyes quickly darting around in an attempt to find her opponent. She wanted a rematch right now, yet Lyra was nowhere to be seen. This only made her angrier due to her cowardice. She needed Alicia's kindness and love immediately or who knows what she'd do. Her shadowy arms sprouted from her back and wrapped around her body in a tight hug, Mizuki attempting to comfort herself.

When the Dark Mage exited the arena she began to quickly walk down the street, her eyes scanning around for Alicia. She had no idea where the little one was but she wouldn't stop until she found her, or until someone decided to insult her. A young lad behind a fruit stand stood with a cheeky grin on his face. He had seen the fight and how easily Mizuki had been defeated, and thought that she was too weak to hurt him. "Ha! Maybe you would've won if you actually put up a fight! Does your head hu-" his words were suddenly cut off as she began to violently smash his stand into pieces with her four arms. The man behind the stands let out a panicked cry and hit the deck.
Raa - It's something.

Raa, who had been wandering around the festival looking for something interesting, overheard the familiar sound of wood being smashed and swiftly made his way over. He took one look at the girl breaking the stand and said broken stand and sighed. "Well, I'd say that you're in quite a pear-dicament." He called out, stepping in to try and mitigate the damage. Not that it probably mattered since he'd probably end up with a broken spine. "So...uh..if you'd be so kind to stop smashing the stand that'd be real peachy." He asked nicely, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. This probably wasn't his best idea yet but he had to do something.
Kayzo said:
Not long after the fight ended Mizuki's body and mind came back to reality. Her eyes were filled with whatever life was left in her, and the girl began to get back to her feet. Though she was unconscious during the fight the dark Mage already knew that she lost. The thought of losing was terrible, and the way she lost was even worse. She didn't get to do anything to represent Sabertooth except make t seem as if they were full of weaklings. Worst of all she couldn't show her face to
Gilad anymore. He gave her one simple task yet she couldn't complete it. Someone of such power didn't deserve to see such a disappointment. This filled her with great anger, her eyes quickly darting around in an attempt to find her opponent. She wanted a rematch right now, yet Lyra was nowhere to be seen. This only made her angrier due to her cowardice. She needed Alicia's kindness and love immediately or who knows what she'd do. Her shadowy arms sprouted from her back and wrapped around her body in a tight hug, Mizuki attempting to comfort herself.

When the Dark Mage exited the arena she began to quickly walk down the street, her eyes scanning around for Alicia. She had no idea where the little one was but she wouldn't stop until she found her, or until someone decided to insult her. A young lad behind a fruit stand stood with a cheeky grin on his face. He had seen the fight and how easily Mizuki had been defeated, and thought that she was too weak to hurt him. "Ha! Maybe you would've won if you actually put up a fight! Does your head hu-" his words were suddenly cut off as she began to violently smash his stand into pieces with her four arms. The man behind the stands let out a panicked cry and hit the deck.
Metaphysics said:
Raa - It's something.

Raa, who had been wandering around the festival looking for something interesting, overheard the familiar sound of wood being smashed and swiftly made his way over. He took one look at the girl breaking the stand and said broken stand and sighed. "Well, I'd say that you're in quite a pear-dicament." He called out, stepping in to try and mitigate the damage. Not that it probably mattered since he'd probably end up with a broken spine. "So...uh..if you'd be so kind to stop smashing the stand that'd be real peachy." He asked nicely, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. This probably wasn't his best idea yet but he had to do something.
@Salt Lord

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia continued to sleep peacefully on the bed Ophelia had made for her. One would assume a bed made out of water would soak someone who tried to sleep on it and thus wake her up, but it surprisingly didn't. She was stirred from her sleep by the sound of crashing down a street they slowly passed by. Yawning she held up and rubbed her eyes, staring at what caused her to wake up. Surprisingly enough it was Mizuki, her eyes widening at the sight of her completely trashing some random persons' stand.

It was rare for her to see her do such a thing, just what exactly had happened? "
I'll be back Ophelia! Something's wrong with Mizuki!" She told her before clambering off of the moving train and manging not to brutally maim herself in the proccess. Afterwords she stood and ran down the streets towards her, though before she reached her that weird guy from before came up to her.

Maybe he knew her? It was possible, she guessed. Nevertheless she soon came to a stop in front of the two, standing beside Mizuki as she did. Though she addressed the weird guy first, "
Sorry for yelling at you earlier.." She told him before turning to Mizuki. "What's wrong Mizuki? What happened?" She asked her.

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