Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@Salt Lord[/URL]
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia continued to sleep peacefully on the bed Ophelia had made for her. One would assume a bed made out of water would soak someone who tried to sleep on it and thus wake her up, but it surprisingly didn't. She was stirred from her sleep by the sound of crashing down a street they slowly passed by. Yawning she held up and rubbed her eyes, staring at what caused her to wake up. Surprisingly enough it was Mizuki, her eyes widening at the sight of her completely trashing some random persons' stand.

It was rare for her to see her do such a thing, just what exactly had happened? "
I'll be back Ophelia! Something's wrong with Mizuki!" She told her before clambering off of the moving train and manging not to brutally maim herself in the proccess. Afterwords she stood and ran down the streets towards her, though before she reached her that weird guy from before came up to her.

Maybe he knew her? It was possible, she guessed. Nevertheless she soon came to a stop in front of the two, standing beside Mizuki as she did. Though she addressed the weird guy first, "
Sorry for yelling at you earlier.." She told him before turning to Mizuki. "What's wrong Mizuki? What happened?" She asked her.

Mizuki- Magnolia Street

Mizuki continued to pummel the stand as the stranger began to make terrible jokes. Fortunately those jokes weren't pissing her off or he would be in the same position as the stand. She didn't listen to Raa and continued to destroy the fruit stand, her face dark and emotionless. She would've continued to hurt the stand until her anger subsided, but instead turned it to the stranger. His hand touched her body, a place meant only for Alicia and her innocence. The Dark Mage felt tainted and the man couldn't go unpunished. Her extra limbs turned away from the stand and latched onto Raa, grabbing his arms and legs tightly. She turned around and faced him, her grip tightening on him. "Never touch me. You are not innocent enough to do so." She growled, glaring at him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alicia arrive along with another cute young girl whom she assumed to be a new friend of the little one's. However Mizuki did not respond to Alicia quite yet, her attention focused on Raa.
Kayzo said:

Mizuki- Magnolia Street

Mizuki continued to pummel the stand as the stranger began to make terrible jokes. Fortunately those jokes weren't pissing her off or he would be in the same position as the stand. She didn't listen to Raa and continued to destroy the fruit stand, her face dark and emotionless. She would've continued to hurt the stand until her anger subsided, but instead turned it to the stranger. His hand touched her body, a place meant only for Alicia and her innocence. The Dark Mage felt tainted and the man couldn't go unpunished. Her extra limbs turned away from the stand and latched onto Raa, grabbing his arms and legs tightly. She turned around and faced him, her grip tightening on him. "Never touch me. You are not innocent enough to do so." She growled, glaring at him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alicia arrive along with another cute young girl whom she assumed to be a new friend of the little one's. However Mizuki did not respond to Alicia quite yet, her attention focused on Raa.

Ophelia - Magnolia Street

As something black and ominous appeared out of the corner of her eyes, Ophelia took her attention off of Alicia and directed it toward her friend, who had been intimidating a poor bystander. Unsheathing one of her blades, the Guild Master pointed it at Mizuki, a ball of H20 forming at the tip of it. "You! Put that man down or else! If I'm right, you belong to Sabertooth! Even if you can find a way past me, there's Gilad you'd have to--" recognizing the man she was holding up in the first place, Ophelia sheathed her sword and jumped into the air. "Crush him, Mizuki!" she shouted encouragingly.
Kayzo said:

Mizuki- Magnolia Street

Mizuki continued to pummel the stand as the stranger began to make terrible jokes. Fortunately those jokes weren't pissing her off or he would be in the same position as the stand. She didn't listen to Raa and continued to destroy the fruit stand, her face dark and emotionless. She would've continued to hurt the stand until her anger subsided, but instead turned it to the stranger. His hand touched her body, a place meant only for Alicia and her innocence. The Dark Mage felt tainted and the man couldn't go unpunished. Her extra limbs turned away from the stand and latched onto Raa, grabbing his arms and legs tightly. She turned around and faced him, her grip tightening on him. "Never touch me. You are not innocent enough to do so." She growled, glaring at him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alicia arrive along with another cute young girl whom she assumed to be a new friend of the little one's. However Mizuki did not respond to Alicia quite yet, her attention focused on Raa.
Raa - Ow.

"Now lady you'd best let me go..." Raa warned with a raspy as he made eye contact with his glowing eyes within his shadowy hood. "I can guarantee your safety if you don't. You can even begin to grasp the situation you've put yourself into, this is your only warning." He added as he applied a small Gas Shift into his cloak, making him ominous. "Now I may make some good jokes every once in a while...but I don't feel like being chatty around you." He started before the ground beneath him started to move. He was beginning to use his Shape Shift on the ground in case that the girl didn't let him go.
Kayzo said:

Mizuki- Magnolia Street

Mizuki continued to pummel the stand as the stranger began to make terrible jokes. Fortunately those jokes weren't pissing her off or he would be in the same position as the stand. She didn't listen to Raa and continued to destroy the fruit stand, her face dark and emotionless. She would've continued to hurt the stand until her anger subsided, but instead turned it to the stranger. His hand touched her body, a place meant only for Alicia and her innocence. The Dark Mage felt tainted and the man couldn't go unpunished. Her extra limbs turned away from the stand and latched onto Raa, grabbing his arms and legs tightly. She turned around and faced him, her grip tightening on him. "Never touch me. You are not innocent enough to do so." She growled, glaring at him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alicia arrive along with another cute young girl whom she assumed to be a new friend of the little one's. However Mizuki did not respond to Alicia quite yet, her attention focused on Raa.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Street

As something black and ominous appeared out of the corner of her eyes, Ophelia took her attention off of Alicia and directed it toward her friend, who had been intimidating a poor bystander. Unsheathing one of her blades, the Guild Master pointed it at Mizuki, a ball of H20 forming at the tip of it. "You! Put that man down or else! If I'm right, you belong to Sabertooth! Even if you can find a way past me, there's Gilad you'd have to--" recognizing the man she was holding up in the first place, Ophelia sheathed her sword and jumped into the air. "Crush him, Mizuki!" she shouted encouragingly.


Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia jumped slightly when Ophelia ran up to her worried about her. "Sorry Ophelia, I was just worried about Mizuki. She's usually not like this is all." She replied before sighing. She watched with a frown as Mizuki started threatening Raa, something clearly made her mad for her to do all this. And she was determined to find out what when this situation resolved itself. When Ophelia threatened her with her sword she was about ready to move in front of her and stop her, but for some reason she stopped and encouraged her to beat Raa up.

Maybe its because she recognized him? Probably. "
What's wrong Mizuki?" She asked her.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia jumped slightly when Ophelia ran up to her worried about her. "Sorry Ophelia, I was just worried about Mizuki. She's usually not like this is all." She replied before sighing. She watched with a frown as Mizuki started threatening Raa, something clearly made her mad for her to do all this. And she was determined to find out what when this situation resolved itself. When Ophelia threatened her with her sword she was about ready to move in front of her and stop her, but for some reason she stopped and encouraged her to beat Raa up.

Maybe its because she recognized him? Probably. "
What's wrong Mizuki?" She asked her.
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Ow.

"Now lady you'd best let me go..." Raa warned with a raspy as he made eye contact with his glowing eyes within his shadowy hood. "I can guarantee your safety if you don't. You can even begin to grasp the situation you've put yourself into, this is your only warning." He added as he applied a small Gas Shift into his cloak, making him ominous. "Now I may make some good jokes every once in a while...but I don't feel like being chatty around you." He started before the ground beneath him started to move. He was beginning to use his Shape Shift on the ground in case that the girl didn't let him go.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Street

As something black and ominous appeared out of the corner of her eyes, Ophelia took her attention off of Alicia and directed it toward her friend, who had been intimidating a poor bystander. Unsheathing one of her blades, the Guild Master pointed it at Mizuki, a ball of H20 forming at the tip of it. "You! Put that man down or else! If I'm right, you belong to Sabertooth! Even if you can find a way past me, there's Gilad you'd have to--" recognizing the man she was holding up in the first place, Ophelia sheathed her sword and jumped into the air. "Crush him, Mizuki!" she shouted encouragingly.


Mizuki- Street Place

Mizuki's cold eyes drifted over to the young blue haired girl as she began to threaten her. She found it cute that someone so small had the courage to stand up to someone so scary, and her respect grew as she suddenly encouraged her to beat up the stranger. She wasn't against that at all honestly, and would proceed to do so in a few moments, Alicia taking priority. Looking to the little one her eyes softened a bit and she spoke with a more calm voice. "This man touched my shoulder. This man is not you. I cannot allow this to happen." She explained, turning her attention back to Raa as he began to speak. "I do not need your protection. I am strong enough to handle myself." She said, tugging at his arms strongly. She wasn't afraid of his threats whatsoever, the moving earth not phasing her at all. If he was looking for a fight, then one he'd get.
Lysander - Outside Milkshake Shop

Right there and there, Lysander was sorely tempted to groan aloud. The last thing he wanted right now was to have the man that defeated him right there as a visual reminder of why Sora was in such a state now. "If you want to," he managed to say in an extremely curt tone as he held Sora securely in his arms, hurrying off in the direction of the infirmary without even waiting for the other man. He had no idea why the man even felt the need to apologise to Sora but either way, it was up to him. Even though Lysander really did not want him there right now.

As he hurried along, he felt somewhat guilty about using such a curt tone of voice on the man who had merely been trying to help. The stress of all the events piling up on him was probably getting to him far more than he had expected. Usually he was able to maintain a calm facade in front of most things, but his worry and guilt concerning Sora was making him lash out in unexpected ways. And, of course, the humiliation of the tournament. He had better learn to keep in better control of his temper, it seemed. Still though, he sincerely hoped that the other man was not following him, and anyway, he had no time to check, his main intent was to get Sora to the infirmary as quickly as possible.

Lysander - Infirmary

After what seemed like hours but probably in reality only about five minutes, he managed to make it to the infirmary. Even without his poncho, the wind brushing against his hair and clothes, he had still managed to work up a sweat. His shirt was already sticking to his back, as he used his back to open the door, as Sora was still in his arms. He glanced down at her to see if there was any change in condition, and to his surprise there was a slight smile on her face. She seemed to be sleeping, her breathing calm and quiet. A relieved smile drifted onto his face, even as he made his way to the nearest healer to request for assistance.

Soon, Sora was dressed in a hospital gown and lying comfortably in one of the beds, tucked smugly under a blanket. Lysander had, of course, left then, but when he was given the permission to return he immediately did. There was no way he was leaving her side this time, after what happened the last time he did. His poncho had been folded and placed on the table by her bedside. Tentatively, he took her hand; ignoring the chair by the table, he settled down on the floor to wait, leaning his right shoulder against the bed as he watched for any serious changes in her.

@LeSoraAmari @Drakerus
Kayzo said:

Mizuki- Street Place

Mizuki's cold eyes drifted over to the young blue haired girl as she began to threaten her. She found it cute that someone so small had the courage to stand up to someone so scary, and her respect grew as she suddenly encouraged her to beat up the stranger. She wasn't against that at all honestly, and would proceed to do so in a few moments, Alicia taking priority. Looking to the little one her eyes softened a bit and she spoke with a more calm voice. "This man touched my shoulder. This man is not you. I cannot allow this to happen." She explained, turning her attention back to Raa as he began to speak. "I do not need your protection. I am strong enough to handle myself." She said, tugging at his arms strongly. She wasn't afraid of his threats whatsoever, the moving earth not phasing her at all. If he was looking for a fight, then one he'd get.

Raa - That Man

"Well...don't say I didn't warn you." He said before he sighed. "Why don't you just SHIFT." He said before the girl's arms contorted and twisted away from him, releasing him from her grasp. Blazing orange eyes stared at her from his hood as he landed safely on the ground. The ingot he was toying with earlier finally found a use as her manipulated it's shape into a gleaming scythe that looked like it slid out of his sleeve. "You were warned. Dissuaded from violence." He started as the ground reached up and engulfed her body except her head in a thick block of earth. "You ignored it." He stated as he dragged the scythe menacingly on the ground as he slowly circled. "All you had to do was stop breaking the property of others. Instead you escalated and tried to harm me. Someone has to teach you the consequences of your actions. And I? I am That Man." The scythe brought itself up, ready to embed itself on the girl's head only to stop suddenly and poke her instead.

"...I lied...that was your second warning..." He said before reaching for an apple and leaving money at the stand. "Do not let this happen again." He said as he returned everything the way it was, except for the scythe.


"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I always thought extreme pain for a few minutes is much better than minor pains for months on end..." Sabrina trailed off, eyes not focused on anything as she had a flashback of what happened during her childhood at the labs. They had done so many inhumane things to her. They sliced her up and stitched her back together. They stuck tubes into her, pumped stuff into her and zipped her back up. She even had multiple scars across her body as a result of these deadly 'experiments' and one even nags at her to this day. She tried to look at Kelica once again. "Kelica, do your thing right here and now. I promise I won't cry out, so it'll be fine..."

Kayzo said:

Mizuki- Street Place

Mizuki's cold eyes drifted over to the young blue haired girl as she began to threaten her. She found it cute that someone so small had the courage to stand up to someone so scary, and her respect grew as she suddenly encouraged her to beat up the stranger. She wasn't against that at all honestly, and would proceed to do so in a few moments, Alicia taking priority. Looking to the little one her eyes softened a bit and she spoke with a more calm voice. "This man touched my shoulder. This man is not you. I cannot allow this to happen." She explained, turning her attention back to Raa as he began to speak. "I do not need your protection. I am strong enough to handle myself." She said, tugging at his arms strongly. She wasn't afraid of his threats whatsoever, the moving earth not phasing her at all. If he was looking for a fight, then one he'd get.
Metaphysics said:

Raa - That Man

"Well...don't say I didn't warn you." He said before he sighed. "Why don't you just SHIFT." He said before the girl's arms contorted and twisted away from him, releasing him from her grasp. Blazing orange eyes stared at her from his hood as he landed safely on the ground. The ingot he was toying with earlier finally found a use as her manipulated it's shape into a gleaming scythe that looked like it slid out of his sleeve. "You were warned. Dissuaded from violence." He started as the ground reached up and engulfed her body except her head in a thick block of earth. "You ignored it." He stated as he dragged the scythe menacingly on the ground as he slowly circled. "All you had to do was stop breaking the property of others. Instead you escalated and tried to harm me. Someone has to teach you the consequences of your actions. And I? I am That Man." The scythe brought itself up, ready to embed itself on the girl's head only to stop suddenly and poke her instead.

"...I lied...that was your second warning..." He said before reaching for an apple and leaving money at the stand. "Do not let this happen again." He said as he returned everything the way it was, except for the scythe.
@Salt Lord

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia nodded, though she wasn't sure what the big deal was. Oh well. Nonetheless she sat back and watched everything unfold. It took all she could do to not smash Raa into the ground when he threatened Mizuki. No one threatened Mizuki, especially not in front of Alicia. Ever. She quickly put herself in between Raa and Mizuki, fire beads clasped tightly in her hands, the beads pulsing a faint red. "NEVER threaten Mizuki again. Do you understand?" She growled, glaring up at Raa. He probably didn't consider it a valid threat coming from a ten year old, but if he under-estimated her she wouldn't hesitate to show him just how serious she was.
Mitchs98 said:
@Salt Lord
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia nodded, though she wasn't sure what the big deal was. Oh well. Nonetheless she sat back and watched everything unfold. It took all she could do to not smash Raa into the ground when he threatened Mizuki. No one threatened Mizuki, especially not in front of Alicia. Ever. She quickly put herself in between Raa and Mizuki, fire beads clasped tightly in her hands, the beads pulsing a faint red. "NEVER threaten Mizuki again. Do you understand?" She growled, glaring up at Raa. He probably didn't consider it a valid threat coming from a ten year old, but if he under-estimated her she wouldn't hesitate to show him just how serious she was.
Raa - ...

"And never try to harm me again." Raa countered, heaving the scythe on his shoulder. "You forget. She instigated this, I, an upstanding citizen, asked her nicely to stop breaking things and calm down. I then gave warning when she attempted to harm me before ending it in a mannerly fashion." He added. "Now a poor man is devoid of a stand...property destroyed because of her." He gazed into her eyes in a way the would like he was looking into her soul. "That wasn't a threat, that was a warning...unless...you wish to fight me? I'm not edging you on but if that's what you want...I am not above teaching harsh lessons." He quietly bit into the apple. "Also she better pay for the stand."

Ophelia - Magnolia Street

"I'd watch how I talk if I were you," Ophelia said, both of her blades out of their sheaths, one of them resting directly on the back of Raa's neck. "I'd really hate to have to handle you with force." Chuckling at her own little pun, the Guild Master looked sternly at the cloaked man. As long as he couldn't get a grip on her swords, they were safe, but just in case, Ophelia secretly readied a spell, but where it was or what it did was unbeknownst to all but the caster herself.

@Metaphysics @Kayzo
Kelica - Tournament Stands

Kelica sighed as Sabrina seemed intent to go through with it. If that's what she wanted, she would go through with it. Her green eyes did drift upwards to the sky in a pleading manner. She could only hope she didn't crack again like she had done with Chris. "Forgive me Alfie..." She whispered with a strange tone, heaviness in her heart. She gathered that force that floods through her nerves, her necklace glowing like it always did when she tapped into it, subconsciously or not. Here she wrapped her arms around her, one around her neck to cradle to her head, like a mother might, holding her gently against her own shoulder. The other arm wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her up to her feet to stand. Even if the girl was taller, Kelica still held her as if she was her own child. "I'm sorry..." She whispered, echoing the same words she had used when she had healed Lloyd's leg. She could only fathom the pain. At first there was nothing, then it seemed every patch of Sabrina's skin was burning, so painfully infact she would have felt ice cold. Her nerve centre's reconnecting, redirecting. Kelica held her as close to her warm body as she was able, it probably would have looked strange from afar, in such a loving close hold, but Kelica was torturing the poor girl to heal her faster. Her skin tissue was visibly starting to replenish, bleeding clotting. In took only a minute, before the bandages started to fall away exposing almost pristine skin. Taking away some, but not all of her scars. Here Kelica's breathing started to falter, her knee's growing weak but she kept strong, holding Sabrina as much as she was holding herself up. Finally, having fully healed her burns and a few old scar, Kelica gave a half smile before her eyes rolled back and she collapsed, hoping Sabrina had regain her strength so they would not tumble together.

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Street

"I'd watch how I talk if I were you," Ophelia said, both of her blades out of their sheaths, one of them resting directly on the back of Raa's neck. "I'd really hate to have to handle you with force." Chuckling at her own little pun, the Guild Master looked sternly at the cloaked man. As long as he couldn't get a grip on her swords, they were safe, but just in case, Ophelia secretly readied a spell, but where it was or what it did was unbeknownst to all but the caster herself.

@Metaphysics @Kayzo

Raa - Fight For Your Life

"You're not in charge of me." He said before using Liquid Shift on the ground beneath her, prompting her to fall into the liquid dirt. Then he used Solid Shift on the ground and trapped her. "You dig?" He said before kicking away the sword. "I'd also watch who you're pointing swords at, especially if that man is only defending himself." He started to walk away before pausing. "Ah hang on." He said before heading over to the broken stall and taking it's pieces. Slowly he repaired the stand before taking another apple. "I'll take this as payment, if you don't mind." He told the vendor.
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Fight For Your Life

"You're not in charge of me." He said before using Liquid Shift on the ground beneath her, prompting her to fall into the liquid dirt. Then he used Solid Shift on the ground and trapped her. "You dig?" He said before kicking away the sword. "I'd also watch who you're pointing swords at, especially if that man is only defending himself." He started to walk away before pausing. "Ah hang on." He said before heading over to the broken stall and taking it's pieces. Slowly he repaired the stand before taking another apple. "I'll take this as payment, if you don't mind." He told the vendor.

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia had never really anticipated being trapped in liquid dirt, but water magic was an all-around kinda thing. As a glyph appeared under her, a powerful blast of water shot her up through the ground and cleaning her off, the girl grabbing her dropped blades on the way up. With a flick of her wrist, the column of water that had propelled her into the sky split and turned themselves into magically-infused shards of ice and sent themselves flying rather speedily at Raa, even leaving trails behind them. "So I've noticed you can change the shapes and states of things, huh?" Ophelia shouted from the sky, a menacing grin on her face. "Well that's fine by me! Turn the shards into water? You'll still find your skin melting with magic! Turn it into gas? You'll be killing everything around you off! Wait... Well, that isn't good."

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia had never really anticipated being trapped in liquid dirt, but water magic was an all-around kinda thing. As a glyph appeared under her, a powerful blast of water shot her up through the ground and cleaning her off, the girl grabbing her dropped blades on the way up. With a flick of her wrist, the column of water that had propelled her into the sky split and turned themselves into magically-infused shards of ice and sent themselves flying rather speedily at Raa, even leaving trails behind them. "So I've noticed you can change the shapes and states of things, huh?" Ophelia shouted from the sky, a menacing grin on her face. "Well that's fine by me! Turn the shards into water? You'll still find your skin melting with magic! Turn it into gas? You'll be killing everything around you off! Wait... Well, that isn't good."


Raa - Ice Cold

Raa looked at the ice shards as they made their way to him. Then he realized that there were people, innocent people behind him in other stands. They had gathered during the commotion and watched everything. If he dodged then people would get hurt, he wouldn't be able to erect a barrier large enough for all of them in time. He had to make a choice. Quickly. Without even looking back he threw himself infront of the crowd and spread his arm's and cloak enough to catch as many shards possible. Some of the ice embedded itself into his limbs and chest. "E...hehe...That's very...cold of you." He said slowly. "Go! Run already!" He shouted, making the the crowd run away. "Is...that the best you got? Endangering innocents?"

It hurt very much yet he'd never felt so alive. "I'm done...with warning...people like you." He said before the ground under him sprang up and launched him into the air towards her, scythe quickly morphing into a hammer and slamming into her side.
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Ice Cold

Raa looked at the ice shards as they made their way to him. Then he realized that there were people, innocent people behind him in other stands. They had gathered during the commotion and watched everything. If he dodged then people would get hurt, he wouldn't be able to erect a barrier large enough for all of them in time. He had to make a choice. Quickly. Without even looking back he threw himself infront of the crowd and spread his arm's and cloak enough to catch as many shards possible. Some of the ice embedded itself into his limbs and chest. "E...hehe...That's very...cold of you." He said slowly. "Go! Run already!" He shouted, making the the crowd run away. "Is...that the best you got? Endangering innocents?"

It hurt very much yet he'd never felt so alive. "I'm done...with warning...people like you." He said before the ground under him sprang up and launched him into the air towards her, scythe quickly morphing into a hammer and slamming into her side.

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

"Endangering innocents? Excuse me, but those shards were aiming for you, mister!" Ophelia exclaimed playfully, a challenging grin on her face. As she readied to slash at Raa quickly, she found that she was knocked in the side with... a giant hammer? The pain not even registering as the girl's frame was hit higher into the air, the Guild Master's eyes sparkled before she made a gesture with her blade. Raa would find that a blue train was heading straight at him from behind, and unless he was a miracle worker, the flying machine would break his body if he were to get hit.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

"Endangering innocents? Excuse me, but those shards were aiming for you, mister!" Ophelia exclaimed playfully, a challenging grin on her face. As she readied to slash at Raa quickly, she found that she was knocked in the side with... a giant hammer? The pain not even registering as the girl's frame was hit higher into the air, the Guild Master's eyes sparkled before she made a gesture with her blade. Raa would find that a blue train was heading straight at him from behind, and unless he was a miracle worker, the flying machine would break his body if he were to get hit.

Raa - Weapons Free

Raa let the hammer's momentum carry him as he planned his next move while morphing the hammer back into a scythe. His blood was pumping and his instincts were in overdrive. He landed on a platform of solid air before using it to propel himself further into the air, dodging the train completely. "What goes up! Must! Holdtheirbreathbecauseohyeahbaby!" He cheered as he rushed past her and started to do something while holding his breath.
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Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora remained asleep for quite some time in a state that almost resembled a coma. Perhaps it was the rhythmic steps that had kept her lulled in a deep slumber, dreams so pleasant that waking up wasn't a strong desire for the time being. Deep down in her subconscious she felt safe, the knowledge of knowing Lysander had a hold of her was all she needed to be even vaguely aware of to feel like she wasn't in any impending danger or vulnerable to threats. Visions of endless skies stretching before her filled her mind, the sheer beauty and serenity of it almost like a vault of wonders above her. It didn't seem too strange to her to dream of things like this, body floating there and looking down towards the world spread below her. An incessant tug at her consciousness finally penetrated the illusion, the pull dragging her to the ground and through the floor to bring her into a more aware state.

A few twitches of the fingers were given, a small noise following as her head rolled to the side trying to gather a better feeling for her surroundings. Her cheek was met by the soft fabric of the pillow, eyelids struggling to open and the light that pierced her vision caused them to flutter wildly in an automatic defense. Both hands went to make small fists, one grasping the blanket and clutching at it, the other attempting the same and expecting to grab a handful of the cloth though it was met with the warmth of Lysander's hand instead. Sora almost retracted her hand out of paranoia but the tenderness of the one clasping it was all too familiar. Her eyes attempted to open once again and found the light much more welcoming than it had been before, hues slipping to gaze down at their hands then and smiling at the confirmation that it was him. Sora squeezed his hand weakly as she rolled onto her side, which visibly took a strained amount of effort, but she wanted to be able to see him better.

After a few minutes of surveying the room in a daze, her eyes flickered towards the folded up clothes next to the bed and went slightly wide. A blush dusted itself onto her pale cheeks as the question of how she'd gotten into the hospital gown and if he'd been there pushed into the front of her mind. However, she seemed to calm down when she recalled just how polite and shy he was, knowing he surely wouldn't have looked if he had been present. " Sorry if I worried you... and thank you for bringing me here and staying by my side. " She slowly began in a small voice, eyes resting on his face once again as a grateful smile spread. " W-Wait did you bring me here yourself? " She inquired abruptly, eyes slightly wider as she lifted herself up, only to sink back against the bed with a dissatisfied huff at her weakened state. The hospital gown was so light, uncomfortable, and she suddenly missed the poncho adorning her shoulders and fitting snugly against her frame. Sora patted the area next to her with her free hand, motioning for him to sit beside her, clearly not content with the fact that he was sitting on the floor while she laid on a surprisingly comfy hospital bed - especially if he had carried her the entire way there.

" If you're shouldering any blame or guilt over this then you better stop. I'm willing to sacrifice a lot for you and you'll just have to accept that... " Her words trailed off but the serious look on her face remained, only adding to the weight of her words to let him know she wouldn't allow him to beat himself up over it. " Plus, I'm just happy you were the first person I got to see when I woke up. " She added with a far more gentle tone, timid even. Hopefully she hadn't caused too much worry since she was prone to feeling remorseful herself if others were distressed. " Did anyone else see what happened? " As much as she tried to recall what happened it just presented itself as a series of fuzzy, unclear, incomprehensible images. Though she faintly remembered someone falling over her and she questioned whether that had actually happened or not.

@HuorSpinks @Drakerus @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @whomever else​
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Metaphysics said:
Raa - Weapons Free

Raa let the hammer's momentum carry him as he planned his next move while morphing the hammer back into a scythe. His blood was pumping and his instincts were in overdrive. He landed on a platform of solid air before using it to propel himself further into the air, dodging the train completely. "What goes up! Must! Holdtheirbreathbecauseohyeahbaby!" He cheered as he rushed past her and started to do something while holding his breath.

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

With another sly smile, Ophelia made a slashing motion, and in an instant, the midair train twisted and turned to head at Raa again. While it was doing that, the Guild Master stabbed her other blade into the platform of water, causing a teal glyph to form within it. As long as that dude in the cloak was kept in the dark about what she was gonna do, she was sure he stood no chance against her. "And it's your turn!"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

With another sly smile, Ophelia made a slashing motion, and in an instant, the midair train twisted and turned to head at Raa again. While it was doing that, the Guild Master stabbed her other blade into the platform of water, causing a teal glyph to form within it. As long as that dude in the cloak was kept in the dark about what she was gonna do, she was sure he stood no chance against her. "And it's your turn!"

Raa - Super Fighting Robot

"Oh wait...you're giving me material to work with!" Raa shouted as he jumped onto the train by launching himself off once more. Then he got to work. Using the train that she had hilariously given he started restructuring it to suit his needs. Soon enough instead of a train he was now inside of a make shift large suit of armor with him piloting it from atop. "That was...oh lost my train of thought." He said before he made the mecha leap into the air and try to crush her. He was ready to make another platform underneath just in case.
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Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

The reassuring tone of voice, made Alex feel like she did not do anything wrong. That was a relief. Most of the people would freak out or something like that. People sure could be weird human beings if she had to admit it.
”If you don’t mind, I’d like to.” She responded happily to the question of this male. Now that she thought about it, maybe it would be better to introduce herself first. ”My name is Alex, what’s yours?” She asked him out of politeness, being rude on the first meeting would be a bit too much, that is something that she knew all too well.

However before she could even hear an answer, out of nowhere a girl flung herself towards the male in front of her. Making her blink at the sight as it was a bit of a surprise to see this scene unfold right there. Rubbing the back of her neck as she did not know what to say or do at that moment. Her eyes switching towards the tournament however she could not see all too well from where she was standing.

Metaphysics said:
Raa - ...

"And never try to harm me again." Raa countered, heaving the scythe on his shoulder. "You forget. She instigated this, I, an upstanding citizen, asked her nicely to stop breaking things and calm down. I then gave warning when she attempted to harm me before ending it in a mannerly fashion." He added. "Now a poor man is devoid of a stand...property destroyed because of her." He gazed into her eyes in a way the would like he was looking into her soul. "That wasn't a threat, that was a warning...unless...you wish to fight me? I'm not edging you on but if that's what you want...I am not above teaching harsh lessons." He quietly bit into the apple. "Also she better pay for the stand."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Street

"I'd watch how I talk if I were you," Ophelia said, both of her blades out of their sheaths, one of them resting directly on the back of Raa's neck. "I'd really hate to have to handle you with force." Chuckling at her own little pun, the Guild Master looked sternly at the cloaked man. As long as he couldn't get a grip on her swords, they were safe, but just in case, Ophelia secretly readied a spell, but where it was or what it did was unbeknownst to all but the caster herself.

@Metaphysics @Kayzo

Metaphysics said:
Raa - Fight For Your Life

"You're not in charge of me." He said before using Liquid Shift on the ground beneath her, prompting her to fall into the liquid dirt. Then he used Solid Shift on the ground and trapped her. "You dig?" He said before kicking away the sword. "I'd also watch who you're pointing swords at, especially if that man is only defending himself." He started to walk away before pausing. "Ah hang on." He said before heading over to the broken stall and taking it's pieces. Slowly he repaired the stand before taking another apple. "I'll take this as payment, if you don't mind." He told the vendor.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia had never really anticipated being trapped in liquid dirt, but water magic was an all-around kinda thing. As a glyph appeared under her, a powerful blast of water shot her up through the ground and cleaning her off, the girl grabbing her dropped blades on the way up. With a flick of her wrist, the column of water that had propelled her into the sky split and turned themselves into magically-infused shards of ice and sent themselves flying rather speedily at Raa, even leaving trails behind them. "So I've noticed you can change the shapes and states of things, huh?" Ophelia shouted from the sky, a menacing grin on her face. "Well that's fine by me! Turn the shards into water? You'll still find your skin melting with magic! Turn it into gas? You'll be killing everything around you off! Wait... Well, that isn't good."


Metaphysics said:
Raa - Ice Cold

Raa looked at the ice shards as they made their way to him. Then he realized that there were people, innocent people behind him in other stands. They had gathered during the commotion and watched everything. If he dodged then people would get hurt, he wouldn't be able to erect a barrier large enough for all of them in time. He had to make a choice. Quickly. Without even looking back he threw himself infront of the crowd and spread his arm's and cloak enough to catch as many shards possible. Some of the ice embedded itself into his limbs and chest. "E...hehe...That's very...cold of you." He said slowly. "Go! Run already!" He shouted, making the the crowd run away. "Is...that the best you got? Endangering innocents?"

It hurt very much yet he'd never felt so alive. "I'm done...with warning...people like you." He said before the ground under him sprang up and launched him into the air towards her, scythe quickly morphing into a hammer and slamming into her side.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

"Endangering innocents? Excuse me, but those shards were aiming for you, mister!" Ophelia exclaimed playfully, a challenging grin on her face. As she readied to slash at Raa quickly, she found that she was knocked in the side with... a giant hammer? The pain not even registering as the girl's frame was hit higher into the air, the Guild Master's eyes sparkled before she made a gesture with her blade. Raa would find that a blue train was heading straight at him from behind, and unless he was a miracle worker, the flying machine would break his body if he were to get hit.

Metaphysics said:
Raa - Weapons Free

Raa let the hammer's momentum carry him as he planned his next move while morphing the hammer back into a scythe. His blood was pumping and his instincts were in overdrive. He landed on a platform of solid air before using it to propel himself further into the air, dodging the train completely. "What goes up! Must! Holdtheirbreathbecauseohyeahbaby!" He cheered as he rushed past her and started to do something while holding his breath.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

With another sly smile, Ophelia made a slashing motion, and in an instant, the midair train twisted and turned to head at Raa again. While it was doing that, the Guild Master stabbed her other blade into the platform of water, causing a teal glyph to form within it. As long as that dude in the cloak was kept in the dark about what she was gonna do, she was sure he stood no chance against her. "And it's your turn!"

Metaphysics said:
Raa - Super Fighting Robot

"Oh wait...you're giving me material to work with!" Raa shouted as he jumped onto the train by launching himself off once more. Then he got to work. Using the train that she had hilariously given he started restructuring it to suit his needs. Soon enough instead of a train he was now inside of a make shift large suit of armor with him piloting it from atop. "That was...oh lost my train of thought." He said before he made the mecha leap into the air and try to crush her. He was ready to make another platform underneath just in case.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

"I didn't try to harm you, yet." She retorted. Warning, threat, all the same thing really just different means of execution. And then a fight broke out, was Raa seriously going to fight Ophelia? Raa was nuts, really. Both for the fact of fighting Ophelia in general and for fighting her in front of her. Though, for the time being she sat back and watched the fight ensue. "You can do it Ophelia! Kick his butt!" She cheered. Though only minutes later she was hit with a hammer, she thought for sure it'd injured her badly but it didn't..which was a relief.

And then the guy made a freaking mech and was trying to crush her it seemed. Seriously! Who the hell did that to a little girl?! That tore it. She didn't care who the guy was, it was one thing to attack her and fight her, it was another to do something that could potentionally kill her. Perhaps she was underestimating Ophelia's capabilites seeing as she'd never seen her fight before, but there was one thing for certain and that was no one hurt her friends. Clasping her beads she tossed them into the air before thrusting her hand forward towards the mecha, "Fire Shotgun!" She shouted causing the beads to shoot out at blindingly fast speeds towards the mecha.
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Super Fighting Robot

"Oh wait...you're giving me material to work with!" Raa shouted as he jumped onto the train by launching himself off once more. Then he got to work. Using the train that she had hilariously given he started restructuring it to suit his needs. Soon enough instead of a train he was now inside of a make shift large suit of armor with him piloting it from atop. "That was...oh lost my train of thought." He said before he made the mecha leap into the air and try to crush her. He was ready to make another platform underneath just in case.

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

Grinning as the man reshaped her own water into a mech, Ophelia muttered out the word "Stupid" before making a midair slash. The watery machine that had almost landed on her vaporized completely before Alicia's fireballs had even come close to touching it, and directly afterwards, the girl infused it with magic to slowly suffocate Raa in the enchanted steam. What was even worse was that the hot mist kept its shape, not even allowing the man to continue falling, and as someone would be stuck in a floating block of ice, the cloaked fighter was stuck in a mystical cloud of death. "I guess you ran out of breath a little too quickly! Maybe you should have trained harder!" Ophelia giggled at her own little puns, not even caring that the train was long gone. Looking down below her platform at Alicia, the Guild Master shouted, "I appreciate the help, Alicia, but I've got him right where I want him! And, uh, about the steam... yeah, I'll take back the enchantment after he's at least asleep. I'm only bluffing about killing him... For now."



purplepanda288 said:
The money spirit put his left hand out to the side. A large golden broad sword flashed into existence. " Alright, first off have to stay in a fighting stance." Jūn got it to a stance, his legs wide apart and knees bent every so slightly. " From now on follow my every move." He moved back, letting each leg cross in front of each other as he did. " When your moving back words keep your eye on your opponent."
Kim skipped happily down the streets, multiple objects floating around her like clothes and foods. She had her hair braided back into a ponytail with a yellow ribbon, her yellow sun dress flowing as she moved around.

" Man, I wonder where Eias or Ryu are." Kim waved her hand making the objects teleport to her flat. Her right eye glowed, showing her the varying amounts of magic energies. When she found one that was similar she began to follow it. As she got closer she saw another magic appear. Odd.

She weaved her way though the crowd. Along the way she received a few congrats and blessings from the onlookers. When she saw the red head she leaped on to his back and wrapped her legs and arms around him.
" Hey Ryu!"


Marshmallow said:

Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

The reassuring tone of voice, made Alex feel like she did not do anything wrong. That was a relief. Most of the people would freak out or something like that. People sure could be weird human beings if she had to admit it.
”If you don’t mind, I’d like to.” She responded happily to the question of this male. Now that she thought about it, maybe it would be better to introduce herself first. ”My name is Alex, what’s yours?” She asked him out of politeness, being rude on the first meeting would be a bit too much, that is something that she knew all too well.

However before she could even hear an answer, out of nowhere a girl flung herself towards the male in front of her. Making her blink at the sight as it was a bit of a surprise to see this scene unfold right there. Rubbing the back of her neck as she did not know what to say or do at that moment. Her eyes switching towards the tournament however she could not see all too well from where she was standing.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu was about to respond to Alex, when he was suddenly assaulted from behind. Again. "Woah there," He said, struggling to regain his balance with Kim on his back. "You really mustn't startle me like that, miss Kim. If I hadn't known it was you, I would have made a preemptive attack," He took a moment to catch his breath, before continuing. "And why are you clinging to me so tightly?" He asked, a confused expression on his face. "Are you fleeing from something?"

@Marshmallow @purplepanda288
Rhodus said:


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu was about to respond to Alex, when he was suddenly assaulted from behind. Again. "Woah there," He said, struggling to regain his balance with Kim on his back. "You really mustn't startle me like that, miss Kim. If I hadn't known it was you, I would have made a preemptive attack," He took a moment to catch his breath, before continuing. "And why are you clinging to me so tightly?" He asked, a confused expression on his face. "Are you fleeing from something?"

@Marshmallow @purplepanda288
Ryu's back was pretty warm, it was conforting for some odd reason. "Sorry Ryu dear." When Ryu mentioned if she was running from something she let out a small giggle"Oh I'm not fleeing just begin silly, I can get of if you want." She noticed another women infront of them, she look a bit of the awkward side of things. Kim narrowed her eyes at her. " And you may be?" Her voice was more on the accusatory side.

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