Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Alfie - Chris' House

Alfie grumpily sighed as Kelica asked her to retrieve Chris to lift Sabrina to her place. Did Kelica know that the wizard himself could just... wait, that wouldn't work. He at least had to know where he was going before he came back into reality, and for once, he didn't know where a place was. Crossing his arms, he looked down at the sleeping Sabrina before unwillingly agreeing. "Ugh. Fine. But if I have to kill Chris in self defense, don't put it on me." Moodily untying the pink ribbon once more, it quickly spun around him, and when it disappeared, Alfie was gone with it.

"Chriiiss. Chriiiisss." The wizard poked at the sleeping man with the tip of his bow casually, acting as though he was a roommate rather than a stalker who uses their ability to cross through space and time solely to sneak inside houses.

@Zuka @PeteTSs @Isune
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Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"Yes, I am having a blast." she said in a tone that was extremely unconvincing while nodding in approval to the girl who hadn't questioned the pastry she had been given. She really was having fun but she just wasn't good at making herself look excited about anything really. When she realized that she might sound extremely sarcastic to the other girl, Tokine did her best to smile a little bit. Unfortunately, all she could really manage was making her usual frown just the slightest bit softer. Oh well.

"Crocus? I have never been there before. Are you from there?" Tokine asked her curiously.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura returned Tokine's blank look with a blank look of her own when she claimed to be having fun. Maybe she was having fun on the inside? You know, imagining razing Magnolia to the ground while laughing maniacally. That kind of inside fun. Sakura did that a lot, really she was doing it while walking around before meeting Tokine. Or rather before coming across Tokine.

She gave her a quizzical look when the girl seemed to question Crocus' exsistance. "You bet! I'm even in the Guild there, Sabertooth!" She replied. "They have much better festivals there, especially the Grand Magic games! Ooh I can't wait..last years was awesome! Fairy Tail won though...again..Sabertooth will win for sure this year though!" She explained excitedly. "What about you? Where are you from?" She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia StreetsSakura returned Tokine's blank look with a blank look of her own when she claimed to be having fun. Maybe she was having fun on the inside? You know, imagining razing Magnolia to the ground while laughing maniacally. That kind of inside fun. Sakura did that a lot, really she was doing it while walking around before meeting Tokine. Or rather before coming across Tokine.

She gave her a quizzical look when the girl seemed to question Crocus' exsistance. "You bet! I'm even in the Guild there, Sabertooth!" She replied. "They have much better festivals there, especially the Grand Magic games! Ooh I can't wait..last years was awesome! Fairy Tail won though...again..Sabertooth will win for sure this year though!" She explained excitedly. "What about you? Where are you from?" She asked.
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"Oh, I see. I'm in Sabertooth as well. I must have forgotten the name of the city. I only recently joined after wandering into the guild hall a while ago. Unfortunately I can't tel you where I'm from because I have no memories from my childhood." she explained. Her blank expression broke a little bit after she remembered she hadn't introduced herself yet.

"My name is Tokine by the way. I have yet to form any real bonds with anyone in the guild so it wouldn't be surprsing if you don't know me." she added.
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Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"Oh, I see. I'm in Sabertooth as well. I must have forgotten the name of the city. I only recently joined after wandering into the guild hall a while ago. Unfortunately I can't tel you where I'm from because I have no memories from my childhood." she explained. Her blank expression broke a little bit after she remembered she hadn't introduced herself yet.

"My name is Tokine by the way. I have yet to form any real bonds with anyone in the guild so it wouldn't be surprsing if you don't know me." she added.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

So, Tokine was in Sabertooth to? Now that she thought about it she might of seen her around the hall at times, she didn't recall speaking to her before though. She frowned slightly when she said she didn't remember her childhood, feeling a bit sad for her. She didn't know what her life would be like without such memories, it also led her to wonder if she even knew her parents. She nodded when she introduced herself, "
I'm Sakura, nice to meet you Tokine! I'm in the same boat as you, really. I joined about a year ago but I haven't talked to anyone save for Master Gilad on occassion and when I joined. You'd be the first person whose name I've managed to learn." She told her.

"Wanna see something cool?" She asked her with a grin. If she agreed, she'd show her one of her drawings.
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
So, Tokine was in Sabertooth to? Now that she thought about it she might of seen her around the hall at times, she didn't recall speaking to her before though. She frowned slightly when she said she didn't remember her childhood, feeling a bit sad for her. She didn't know what her life would be like without such memories, it also led her to wonder if she even knew her parents. She nodded when she introduced herself, "
I'm Sakura, nice to meet you Tokine! I'm in the same boat as you, really. I joined about a year ago but I haven't talked to anyone save for Master Gilad on occassion and when I joined. You'd be the first person whose name I've managed to learn." She told her.

"Wanna see something cool?" She asked her with a grin. If she agreed, she'd show her one of her drawings.
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"Something being 'cool' is based on opinion but yes, I would like to see what you have to show me." she said flatly. She wondered what Sakura had in mind. Was it some kind of magic trick? Maybe a joke? Tokine loved jokes. Although, people often mistook her lack of laughter for a lack of humor in general. She liked how cheerful Sakura seemed to be at least. Maybe by the end of this conversation she would have her first friend.
Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"Something being 'cool' is based on opinion but yes, I would like to see what you have to show me." she said flatly. She wondered what Sakura had in mind. Was it some kind of magic trick? Maybe a joke? Tokine loved jokes. Although, people often mistook her lack of laughter for a lack of humor in general. She liked how cheerful Sakura seemed to be at least. Maybe by the end of this conversation she would have her first friend.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura shrugged, "If ya say so! I bet you'll think it's cool though!" She replied. She quickly requipped her sketchbook that had her sketches of creature summons. Flipping through the pages she found what she wanted, a T-Rex. With a grin on her face she sat the sketchpad down after tapping it, a faint glow surrounding the page as she did. "Might wanna stand back a bit." She told her, though not waiting for an answer she grabbed Tokine by the wrist and pulled her about ten foot away.

There was a pause for a few minutes before the book began to shake violently, a bright light encasing the area directly beside it where the two were once standing. Sakura's breathing got heavier, but she still watched everything with a wide grin on her face. When the light was gone in it's place was a T-Rex. It wasn't exactly as big as a normal one, only about as tall as a one story house.

Giggling excitedly she ran over and climbed atop the beasts back after snatching up her book, just in time for it to roar. "
That means 'I love you' in dinosaur! I think Steve likes you!" She told her followed by a childish laugh. It'd depleted the majority of her magic, but hey..she promised something cool right? She clung tightly to the beast so as to not fall off, her breathing extremely heavy. She wouldn't be able to safely hold it in the physical world for a long time, but for a little while at-least.
Chris Lengheart(Zzz-huh?)

Chris continued to nap until he felt something jabbing him. As a eye slowly opened, Chris saw a bow and quickly tore it from whoever was holding it. He held it like a staff and suddenly lurched up from bed before realizing it was Alfie. Still holding the bow, Chris glared at the man,"Now why are you here? There's a thing called knocking on the door Alfie." he said as he sat back down and began to slowly examine the bow.

@Salt Lord
Alfie - Chris' Apartment

Passively snapping his fingers, a gear shot up from the ground, knocking the bow from Chris' grip back into Alfie's before vanishing into nothing. "Well for one, Kelica needs you to carry her and someone else to a friend's apartment. Secondly," the wizard paused to store the magical bow in the gem in his pocket, "Knocking's for people who care. I don't care. Now come along. Neither of us particularly want to keep her waiting," he said matter-of-factly, pulling on the pink ribbon on his neck to untie it.

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Chris Lenghert(Ugh...fine)

Chris rolled his eyes at Alfie's statement as he suddenly retorted,"Maybe you should start caring? Caring helps develop healthy relationships you know." he said as he suddenly took over his draco form. He began to head towards to the door as he spoke once again,"Get on if you're gonna get on, but I don't want you put ribbons in my mouth like reins or anything weird like that!"

@Salt Lord
Alfie - Tournament Stands

Alfie finished untying his ribbon, and with a grunt, made it circle around the two rapidly. "Save your strength for Kelica and her friend. I can take care of the transportation." As the ribbon and the two finished being kicked out of reality, Chris would find that they were passing through a tunnel of millions and millions of gold and white Lacrima before finally arriving in front of Kelica and Sabrina, and while the two had gone through a trippy tunnel of nothingness and power at the same time, it would only have seemed like the two just appeared there to everyone else. Alfie turned to the blonde girl and her companion, patting the monster who was hopefully not too affected by what he had just seen. "I convinced him to come along. I'm going off to do my own thing, but you know how to reach me if you ever need my help," the wizard stated blandly before turning away and tying the ribbon back around his collar, forgetting that there was ever a possibility that Kelica absorbed a ton of negative energy.

@PeteTSs @Isune @Zuka
Chris Lengheart(Currently having a brain meltdown)

Everything happened so fast. As it currently stood, Chris was basically in a sense of shock. He was snapped back into reality as Alfie patted him. He looked around for a moment before he saw Sabrina, he quickly went over to her and looked at Kelica,"Alright, hurry up and load her on. I'll handle the rest from there."

@Salt Lord
Kelica - Tournament Stands

Kelica nodded to Alfie as he left and stayed diligently beside Sabrina. Her mind still raced to figure out just what had happened. Then, as if only a second later Chris and Alfie appeared once more, Chris in his draco form. She assumed he was the one that had transported them, but they had arrived so quickly...even Chris wasn't that fast. "Please Chris..Sabrina wanted to tell me something but then she freaked out! Alfie put her to sleep, but I'm not strong enough to move her...could you carry her to her house please? I can follow..."

Kelica then turned as Alfie seemed so...unusual. His normal exuberance was just not there and it left a weird feeling in her heart. "Thank you Alfie..." She whispered to him, in a soft voice before he left. Though her eyes spoke volumes about her concern...Why was he so...uptight? Was that even the word? It was like he wasn't angry or sad just...there. But she had bigger problems in trying to help Sabrina right now.

@PeteTSs @Isune @Salt Lord
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Chris Lengheart(Helping a friend out)

Chris released his takeover as he grabbed Sabrina and with a surprising amount of ease, placed her onto his back. He then began to walk as he suddenly realized, he had absolutely no idea where Sabrina lived. He turned over to Kelica as he took over his draco form again and gestured for her to get on,"Looks like you're gonna have to steer me in the right direction."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Onwards to Sabrina's House

Kelica gave Chris a warm smile as he placed Sabrina on his back, so big, so strong! Like a real man! She sighed and tried to bury that thought quickly, and when he changed to his Draco form, she hoisted herself up and on him, sitting behind the limp Sabrina with an arm wrapped around her to keep her in place. "I only visited it once, one morning, I believe it's down this way..." Pointing down a side alley. For once Kelica pulled through and used her brain so they appeared before her appartment. She slide slowly off Chris's back, but keeping a hand on Sabrina so she wouldn't slip.

"Thank you for being the pack mule." She said genuinely.

@PeteTSs @Isune
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Chris Lengheart(Pack mule!?)

Chris followed Kelica's directions as he finally arrived at Sabrina's apartment. Once Kelica called Chris a pack mule a huff a smoke shot out of Chris' nostrils followed by a snort "'Pack mule'," Chris said with a angry look on his face,"I am a proud draco for your information." Regardless, Chris went into Sabrina's apartment and saw the entire science setup. It was incredible! The massive beast walked carefully through all the vials and tossed Sabrina onto the couch before looking at her massive bookshelf, Chris was practically drooling at the sight of it.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Infirmary.
When Sora was taken into the infirmary Maya had roamed the streets in order to calm down, knowing that she'd probably end up tearing down the infirmary if she wasn't told what had happened to the girl. But that was the question, what had happened to Sora? Lysander had said that she has over-exhausted herself and used up too much magic, but surely there was a reason behind that? Maya couldn't help but question nearly everything that came into her mind. "I just hope she's okay." Spoke the woman quietly to herself as she carried the basket of freshly cooked bread to the infirmary. Upon arrival, she noticed Lysander already there, of course, that was to be expected. Sitting herself down on the vacant seat on the other side of the infirmary bed, Maya rested the bread basket on her lap and then handed a piece of bread to both Lysander and Sora. The bread was still hot as if it had just come out of the oven, this strange fact was because Maya put a barrier over it that trapped in the heat. A handy technique apparently. Looking over to Sora, Maya began to speak. "How are you feeling now, my dear?" She then turned to Lysander, "Thank you for sitting with her" a smile on her face as she said those words. Maya was truly glad that it was Lysander that Sora had fallen for.

(Note: I've had permission to do this :3)

Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, Round 2.

"Instead of talking, you should be attacking me and not defending against all of my attacks. Which... Is all you've done so far. You've not actually tried physically attacking me." Watching as she formed a water shield to defend her from the attacks, Masaki took a step back, placing his hands down at his side as he continued. "Being arrogant about something isn't going to obtain you victory, Momoki." The S-Class was then taken aback with what she said next, she had done all of this just because she wants to be loved? "So, you hurt Grace because you want to be loved? Selfish." He sighed, not even looking at Momoki at this point. It was then that he slowly began to raise his hands as two large light purple glyphs formed and with that, all of the crystal pillars that were constructed earlier began to crack away into tiny crystal shards until the surrounding area was completely covered in a storm of amethyst crystal shards. The crystals swirled around Masaki and the surrounding area for a moment the whole arena completely covered, it was then that he proceeded to speak. "In this world, arrogance won't get you anywhere. You underestimated me, Momo." Sighing quietly to himself, the spinning of the crystal shards began to get faster and faster. "You hurt Grace. And now I'll return the favour!" It was then that he called out the spell, "Grand Crystal Formation: Scattering Storm!" Pointing his palm towards Momoki, the crystal shards honed in on her and surrounded her in an orb like construct. Speaking quietly to himself now, a smile appeared on Masaki's face. "She doesn't know it yet. But, my goal in life is to keep her safe. And to do that... I will protect her..." With a clap of his hands, the sphere of crystal shards surrounding Momoki stormed towards her and attacked her in every conceivable direction in a brutal inescapable assault.

Masaki then fell to his knees, exhausted from using such a powerful spell. The boy struggled to keep his consciousness. But he had to hold out, until the overseers declared a winner at least. He also kinda wanted to see Grace before passing out due to magical exhaustion as well. So he had to stay awake. Masaki really couldn't wait to see her again, and if he wasn't carted off there within the next minute or so, he'd be sure to visit her in the infirmary. The red headed boy wanted nothing more but to hold her at this moment in time.
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora listened intently as he explained what he knew, a soft sigh escaping her lips. " Sounds like it was a bundle of stuff then. Maybe the person will stop by to help jog my memory. " Her words came out as a mumble, mind still trying to wrap itself around the images and make some sense of them. She scrunched her lips to the side in a cute manner, peering at him with a sly smile as she retracted her hand gently from his. " Well since you won't get on the bed.. " Her entire frame leaned forward, arms loosely entwining about his neck whilst her hair draped down to the floor, cheek resting against his shoulder. " I'm just glad you're here now, that's all that matters. " Both eyes slipped to a close as she embraced him, holding him as if he was the most precious thing in the world to her.

Her fingers idly played with the loose strands of hair along the back of his neck, trailing upwards through the strands in a comforting and soothing manner. It was so odd how natural every touch felt to make and act on, the barrier between them already so insubstantial. Every look shared, every time they held hands, every touch, even the kiss she'd placed upon his cheek... it wasn't just physical to her, it was something she poured so much emotion into. Sora knew what it felt like to fly, but to fall? It was scary, frightening, fast, and the lack of control she had was terrifying. But it was also exhilarating, exciting, marvelous, and it truly made her feel free; boundlessly alive.

A shift in the air made her look up to gaze at the person entering, blushing as she was once again caught in a loving moment by Maya. She'd put herself in quite the predicament though and hadn't really thought of how hard it would be to lay back on the bed after exerting the energy to lean down and hold Lysander, already halfway on the bed and halfway on him. She reached out and grabbed the bun though, trying not to salivate simply from the fact that she'd had absolutely nothing to eat the entire day and this bread was warm and looked incredibly delicious. " I feel wonderful now, thank you for bringing us something yummy to eat Auntie and I'm sorry if I caused you to worry, forgive me. " A beaming yet apologetic smile spread on her face as she spoke, clearly starting to recover a bit of magic and energy from the
enthusiasm she was showing. The bun found its way into her mouth as she placed both hands on Lysander's shoulders and attempted to sit straight back up upon the bed, not wanting to chew her food directly next to his ear.

The bread was devoured rather quickly, her appetite being rather scary at times plus she had more to say and the food in her mouth was prohibiting her from speaking. She didn't hesitate to spurt out her rising thoughts after she'd finished eating. " Auntie Maya, I was going to ask what you think we should do for my birthday tomorrow? I thought we could celebrate after the festival and fireworks at my place, like a sleepover of sorts. Oh maybe we can go to the spa too! " It was a completely random topic given the circumstances but perhaps talking about her birthday would send the woman into her 'planning' mode. Plus Sora couldn't miss the fireworks portion of the festival since she loved them and always had since she was child. " You're invited too of course! " Sora exclaimed with a growing excitement to Lysander, not even realizing that she'd basically just invited him to the hot springs and to spend the night at her house. Hopefully her optimism would help them not think about her collapsing in the first place. She sincerely just wanted to see them both happy around her; not worried.

Lysander - Infirmary

Lysander's breath caught as Sora made a move to pretty much drape herself on him, her arms around him while her cheek rested on his shoulder. He hesitated, before raising his right arm and placing it gently against her back, rubbing it in smooth, gentle strokes as his grandmother had done to comfort him when he was bedridden himself due to illness. His eyes almost closed on their own accord when, as if in response, her hands began playing with his hair. He felt her fingers running through them, gently combing through the strands, and he sighed contently, resting his own cheek on the bed as he leaned further into the embrace, a contented smile drifting to his face. He was getting better at the physical affection part, it seemed, and it felt so good, so comforting, and his own reservations towards physical contact slowly seemed to be dissipating, especially in Sora's presence.

Lysander immediately looked up as the door opened, a blush quickly rising to his cheeks at being caught in such an intimate position with Sora by Maya. Yet, he was extremely reluctant to move, of pushing Sora away because he had seen how much of an exersion it had been for her to move to the position she was currently in, as well as an extreme aversion to hurting her feelings. He could not be sure that her feelings would not be hurt if he withdrew from their intimacy, so he remained, shooting Maya a sheepish, apologetic look. Much to his relief, Maya did not seem to mind how intimate they were being; if anything, she actually seemed relieved, happy even, to see them, even thanking him for waiting with her. "I... I was glad to," he said finally, blushing even more while eagerly accepting the roll of bread that she offered him. "Thank you, I was rather hungry."

The smell of it, as well as it's freshly baked warmth and softness made him salivate. He realised how long it had been since he had eaten. The last meal he had had had been before that ill-fated tournament, a breakfast that he had not even finished due to how much his stomach had been churning out of nervousness. He hesitated, wondering how he was going to eat with Sora draped over him like that, but to both his relief and disappointment, she herself solved the dilemma by pushing with both hands on his shoulders to sit herself upright, for pretty much the same reason as him; to enjoy the bread. He shot her a grateful look as he took a huge bite out of the roll of bread. It was just as good as it smelt, the softness practically melting in his mouth, the subtle sweetness. He took yet another eager bite, and then another, only slowing down when there were only a few bites left of the roll.

It was then that he realised Sora was talking again, this time to Maya, about her plans for her birthday celebration. A smile arose on his face as she eagerly invited him along, also not realizing that this meant that he would be spending time with her in the hot springs as well as in her room. Realisation would probably bite in later, but for now, he only bowed his head. "Thank you, I would love to come," he said, the smile growing wider. He would indeed welcome more time spent with Sora, at least to delay the inevitable parting that would result when the festival ended. His smile faded as he realised that fact and he sighed. He really did not want to think of that right now.

The door opened again and yet another person entered. A red-haired woman he was not familiar with, carrying a bag. She seemed to know Sora as well, a close friend perhaps. He wondered what she would have thought of seeing them together, if she was aware of their relationship.
Eias Baole - ???

Eias had been watching Kim's battle intently until some strange things were going down. Powers that even she had a hard time grasping even after seeing them close up. In the crowd, she had lost sight of Ryu once the matches started. In her haste to find him, she practically got pushed out of the viewing area. Unable to see much as she tried to see over the crowd, towards the vision lacrema, she decided to take a walk.

She told herself she would get stronger. That music alone wasn't all she wanted. Her family had told her to be the best she could be and that meant both in music and in power. Walking around, she came upon the guild hall for Fairy Tail. It had the same symbol that both Ryu and Kim had on their bodies. Placing her hand behind her ear, she could practically feel where her symbol would go if she had one. Clutching her flute to her heart. It wasn't time yet. She must wait for the tournament to be finished. That's what she promised those two.

She headed back towards the tournament area. It seemed like some matches were done. They should be at least since much time had passed. Stepping up to the crowd once again, she shoved herself past people. She hoped to get a good spot or atleast find someone she knew.

@purplepanda288 (mentioned) @Rhodus (mentioned)
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Kelica - Sabrina's Appartment

Kelica watched Chris's huff of smoke, raising an eyebrow. "You're not a real Draco, you can transform to look like one..." She mumbled quietly. As he stepped inside and dumped her on the couch, she watched a book or two which was on it fly across the room, smacking the wall. "Be careful with her Chris seriously!" Kneeling beside her and grasping her hand gently, holding it in a comforting manner. "Go get a bowl of cold water and a cloth! You can eyeball her bookshelf later!" She said with a stern look.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia StreetsSakura shrugged, "If ya say so! I bet you'll think it's cool though!" She replied. She quickly requipped her sketchbook that had her sketches of creature summons. Flipping through the pages she found what she wanted, a T-Rex. With a grin on her face she sat the sketchpad down after tapping it, a faint glow surrounding the page as she did. "Might wanna stand back a bit." She told her, though not waiting for an answer she grabbed Tokine by the wrist and pulled her about ten foot away.

There was a pause for a few minutes before the book began to shake violently, a bright light encasing the area directly beside it where the two were once standing. Sakura's breathing got heavier, but she still watched everything with a wide grin on her face. When the light was gone in it's place was a T-Rex. It wasn't exactly as big as a normal one, only about as tall as a one story house.

Giggling excitedly she ran over and climbed atop the beasts back after snatching up her book, just in time for it to roar. "
That means 'I love you' in dinosaur! I think Steve likes you!" She told her followed by a childish laugh. It'd depleted the majority of her magic, but hey..she promised something cool right? She clung tightly to the beast so as to not fall off, her breathing extremely heavy. She wouldn't be able to safely hold it in the physical world for a long time, but for a little while at-least.
Tokine- Magnolia Streets

"I'll admit. That is pretty incredible. So you are able to summon drawings then." Tokine said, genuinely impressed. The girl moved to rub the dinosaur's thigh soothingly before jumping up onto its back behind Sakura. The view was quite nice if you took away the terrifying stares of the people below.

"I'll return the favor and show you something." she said, not waiting for Sakura's consent. Tokine then held up her hand so it was a good distance away from anything that might get in the way. She didn't want to accidentally knock her guild mate off the T-Rex.

"Guard Skill: Ether Forge"


Shining blue particles of light seemed to appear out of thin air and gathered near Tokine's hand. They came together to form a silhouette of something shaped like a giant lollipop before the tip seemed to burst, revealing an object reminiscent of a flower. The construct was quite large and the 'stem' ran up into Tokine's sleeve as she held it up effortlessly.

"Do you think that this is 'cool'? I made it as pretty and lifelike as I could." she asked the girl. It certainly wasn't as impressive as summoning a live dinosaur but Tokine liked to think she was pretty good at her 'sculpting', as she liked to call it from time to time.
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Chris Lengheart(Paging Dr. Lengheart)

Chris reluctantly left the bookshelf and released his takeover as he went into the small kitchen. He grabbed a decently sized bowl and ran it under some cold water for a moment before turning the sink off and grabbing a small rag. Chris sat on the ground next to Sabrina and placed the rag on her forehead and dipping and wringing out the rag. He then turned his glance over to Kelica, "So, what are you gonna do nurse?"

Kelica - Sabrina's House

"Well Alfie put some sort of drowsy spell on Sabrina so I'm not sure what to do...I guess we just have to wait till she awakens on her own. But keeping her comfortable would be the logical step not tossing her around like a rag doll..." Kelica's fingers running gently through her hair, before lifting her neck to place a pillow underneath it. Though as she did she felt a strange scar on the back of her neck, blinking and turning her head to the back of the couch with a intrigued glance. "What's this then?" Peering at whatever it was on her neck. "What'da'ya think Chris?"

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart (Playing doctor)

Chris scratched his neck as he thought of where the scar could have came from. He only shrugged as he got up and went into the kitchen. He slid his hand along the counter as it soon collected a mountain of dust. Chris stared at his hand and let out a disgusted grunt as he suddenly grabbed another rag and began to clean the counter furiously. Eventually, Chris started reorganizing all the vials. They were all in alphabetical order based on their content. He got all the vials and very carefully moved them to the side as he grabbed all the empty ones and dumped them into the sink. Chris then got to work on the bookshelf as he began wiping the entire thing down from top to bottom. He then suddenly pushed it away from where it was to clean all the cobwebs he had assumed formed behind it. But what he found instead was quite the sight. A door? Chris turned to Kelica as his eyes said it all, where did it lead?

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Genon said:
"Well, technically it isn't even my magic. I'll explain after we're done beating the daylights out of each other," Adrian responded. Adrian watched as Tanari cut down the slimes he had sent after her, producing a sword to do so. How had he not noticed it earlier? Then, Tanari vaulted over the hill of slimes, her blade glinting in the sunlight as she dropped towards him. Adrian had a few new techniques at his disposal from Dog Whistle, but he decided to go with his original school instead. A purple barrier appeared between Tanari and Adrian, directly in the path of her descent. It launched upwards towards her, and was at least 20 feet in diameter. Its intent was to hit her like a tennis ball and send her rocketing into the wall of the arena. Meanwhile, Adrian's Arcane Armor was still up, hopefully able to deflect Tanari's sword if she got through. And of course, Adrian was itching to put his HEMA skills to work anyway. He had armor, a shield, and a sword, he was much more well-equipped for a close-combat fight.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As she fell towards her opponent her path became obstructed by a large purple barrier. She had little time to react, barely bringing her sword up to pierce the barrier as it sped towards her. She let out a small cry of pain as she slammed into the solid purple material, however she kept firm hold on the hilt of her sword and used it as an anchor to keep herself from being flung away. With no time to try and recover from the impact she brought her spare hand up, igniting her fist in her customary flame being bringing it down on the pummel of her sword. The fire raced from her fist down across the blade, crimson symbols appearing in tandem with the flames until they reached the tip. The blade let out an explosive burst of magic, shattering a hole in the barrier and causing her to plummet towards the ground.

She managed to stick her landing, although nowhere near as gracefully as she had intended. As she stood up she couldn't help but rub her right arm, again clicking her tongue as she moved it in various directions to make sure everything was fine. She spared a quick glance behind her at the mass of slime before turning her attention back to her opponent. She gave him a quick once-over, taking in the knightly attire that he now donned. "You really are a bag of tricks, arentchya?" Judging by the way he was using his magic it seemed as if he planned on engaging her in swordsmanship. She knew she'd be at the disadvantage if this came down to a contest of blades, especially with that mound of slime behind her. She spared another glance back at the mound, wondering if he planned to make use of it or not.

Nonetheless, standing around wouldn't get her anywhere and after taking a brief moment to stretch her shoulders she readied her blade before her. As before flames licked at her heels as she quickly rocketed towards her opponent. This time there was no slime to vault over, no barrier to punch through and she closed the gap in seconds. As she got in range she put one foot forward and slid to a halt, angling her blade and quickly swiping it upwards towards her opponent.
Drakerus said:
Tokine- Magnolia Streets

"I'll admit. That is pretty incredible. So you are able to summon drawings then." Tokine said, genuinely impressed. The girl moved to rub the dinosaur's thigh soothingly before jumping up onto its back behind Sakura. The view was quite nice if you took away the terrifying stares of the people below.

"I'll return the favor and show you something." she said, not waiting for Sakura's consent. Tokine then held up her hand so it was a good distance away from anything that might get in the way. She didn't want to accidentally knock her guild mate off the T-Rex.

"Guard Skill: Ether Forge"


Shining blue particles of light seemed to appear out of thin air and gathered near Tokine's hand. They came together to form a silhouette of something shaped like a giant lollipop before the tip seemed to burst, revealing an object reminiscent of a flower. The construct was quite large and the 'stem' ran up into Tokine's sleeve as she held it up effortlessly.

"Do you think that this is 'cool'? I made it as pretty and lifelike as I could." she asked the girl. It certainly wasn't as impressive as summoning a live dinosaur but Tokine liked to think she was pretty good at her 'sculpting', as she liked to call it from time to time.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura grinned excitedly and nodded with just as much excitement and vigor the grin deserved. "Yup! I can summon any kinda drawing for the most part, including food!" She replied. She watched as Tokine climbed up and moved to show her her own magic with a excited expression on her face. She wondered just what the girl could do, maybe she did something similar? She watched as she formed what looked to be a giant flower made out of metal, when she asked if it was cool she immediately nodded.

Woah! That's awesome!" She replied. "How did you do it? I've never seen magic like that before!" She asked her.
Kelica - Sabrina's house

Kelica was getting increasingly concerned when Sabrina would not awaken. She heard Chris fiddling around in her kitchen, rolling her eyes, seriously was his love of interior decorating really that OCD that he had to rattle around someone else's house. When she watched him appear with a cloth in his hand, she couldn't help but envision a maid outfit along with it, apron and all. She giggled but only for a moment before frowning at him. "Chris you shouldn't just move things arou-" Blinking and her eyes widening further as Chris spotted the doorway. "Chris, don't go through there! This is Sabrina's house, not ours, and I don't feel comfortable going through her stuff like some sort of robber...Now push that wardrobe back before she wakes up!" She hissed at him, green eyes livid.

@Isune @PeteTSs

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