Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Alfie - Tournament Stands

Alfie loomed over the sleeping Kelica and the newly healed--yet probably still hurting--Sabrina, a blank expression on his face. Hoping he wouldn't have to take in more negative energy to save the girl from herself, the wizard sat down beside the two and prepared a glyph hidden somewhere around them. "Seriously, Kelica, it's bad enough I had to do this once... you're gonna put me through it again?" he mumbled to himself, but if there was anyone with super-enhanced hearing who happened to know what Alfie sounded like, they'd find that the man was speaking quite a lot less elegantly than normal.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Raa - This. Is. Spart-RAA

Raa wasn't done yet. 'Oh don't count me out yet lady, I ain't called That Guy for nothing.' He thought as he looked for somethings to do. He had very little option before he passed out as he looked around. He was nowhere near the ground for him to do anything to it and using her own magic against her would probably be a bad idea, this left him with using his ingot, his clothes...or some air. He grinned, this could either go very well or very very badly. The breath he was holding earlier was released, giving him some material to work with. He reshaped it to his needs and in a few short moments he was left with a very long straw of solid air that allowed him to breath through the death cloud.

'What next?' He thought. He had to find a way to strike back or else he'd be stuck on the defensive. Then it hit him. He stood still for a long time, gathering enough air before he started striding towards her, cloak billowing ominously with each step. The scythe dragged behind him menacingly.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

With her fist firmly connecting she was quick to follow it up, rushing after her opponent to secure another hit. She slid to a halt as a magic circle appeared beneath the boy, quickly followed by a large microphone appearing in his hands. Deeming a mere microphone as hardly a risk she again bolted forward, hoping to overwhelm her opponent. Just as she was about to reach her target a large blob of slime oozed out from the boy's clothes, rapidly expanding. She was forced to use a rapid ejection of flame to send herself flying back, gaining some distance between the two of them. As the slime continued to flow through the arena she couldn't help but grimace in disgust.

"I'm a very open minded girl but I gotta say this is a bit too much even for me." Her eyes darted to and fro, watching as the mass of goop spread throughout the arena. She took another step back, her fists raised and at the ready as she thought over her options. Without warning several small blobs ejected from the mass and flew towards her. A brilliant flame erupted around her fist as she went to meet the attack, throwing her fist into the blob of slime. Almost immediately her flames were extinguished and she recoiled in disgust while quickly flailing her arm in a vein attempt to remove the slime. She could feel the magic being drained from her and had to move quickly. Seeing only one option to free herself she deftly removed her free arm from her jacket and spun it around, wrapping the slime up within it and pulling her other arm out. Her right gauntlet along with her jacket fell to the ground with the small blob of slime as she was quick to take several strides back.

She looked down at her now bare fist and clicked her tongue in frustration, casting a glare at her opponent. "I ain't gonna lie, you have some really nasty magic." Knowing her usual style of fight wouldn't work against this type of magic she reached her now bare hand behind her back, grasping the hilt of her sword at her waist. An automatic lock unclasped and she quickly drew her sword. Once free from it's scabbard it seemed to lightly pulse with a magic of it's own. In one fluid motion she whipped the sword around, slicing through a few more globules that had lunged at her. The crimson blade effortlessly sliced through the slime, seemingly unaffected by it's magic draining properties and able to render the individual slimes inert, leaving them to fall harmlessly to the ground before her.

Once her immediate foes were taken care of she fell into her usual ready stance, her blade held firmly before her. While her sword may be effective against the individual slimes that came after her it could do nothing against the main mass. Her only hope for victory was to go after the boy directly, but depending on how much control he had that would be more than a little difficult. Nevertheless she would never win at this rate and as the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense. With that she quickly sprinted directly towards her opponent, seemingly ignoring the mass of slime that separated the two. Once she drew close enough flames erupted around her feet and she leapt into the air, vaulting over the mass in an attempt to strike the one controlling it.
"Well, technically it isn't even my magic. I'll explain after we're done beating the daylights out of each other," Adrian responded. Adrian watched as Tanari cut down the slimes he had sent after her, producing a sword to do so. How had he not noticed it earlier? Then, Tanari vaulted over the hill of slimes, her blade glinting in the sunlight as she dropped towards him. Adrian had a few new techniques at his disposal from Dog Whistle, but he decided to go with his original school instead. A purple barrier appeared between Tanari and Adrian, directly in the path of her descent. It launched upwards towards her, and was at least 20 feet in diameter. Its intent was to hit her like a tennis ball and send her rocketing into the wall of the arena. Meanwhile, Adrian's Arcane Armor was still up, hopefully able to deflect Tanari's sword if she got through. And of course, Adrian was itching to put his HEMA skills to work anyway. He had armor, a shield, and a sword, he was much more well-equipped for a close-combat fight.
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Mizuki frowned slightly as the cute little girl and the strange hooded man began to battle it out. Her human arms pulled Alicia close in an attempt to keep her out of the fight, her other arms trying to decide when to jump in. She didn't know the other girl at all, but she was Alicia's friend and young, so she had to protect her. "Do not interfere." She told Alicia, scratching her chin and pulling her in tightly. Her fierce eyes watched Raa's every move, learning his magic and fighting style. When he began to walked towards Ophelia, Mizuki decided to step in. Suddenly the Dark Mage fired a large black beam at Raa, hoping to knock him away from the cute girl.


(Kinda bad post. I just wanted to get something in.)
Metaphysics said:
Raa - This. Is. Spart-RAA

Raa wasn't done yet. 'Oh don't count me out yet lady, I ain't called That Guy for nothing.' He thought as he looked for somethings to do. He had very little option before he passed out as he looked around. He was nowhere near the ground for him to do anything to it and using her own magic against her would probably be a bad idea, this left him with using his ingot, his clothes...or some air. He grinned, this could either go very well or very very badly. The breath he was holding earlier was released, giving him some material to work with. He reshaped it to his needs and in a few short moments he was left with a very long straw of solid air that allowed him to breath through the death cloud.

'What next?' He thought. He had to find a way to strike back or else he'd be stuck on the defensive. Then it hit him. He stood still for a long time, gathering enough air before he started striding towards her, cloak billowing ominously with each step. The scythe dragged behind him menacingly.

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

Ophelia simply stood there, watching with a playful little grin as Raa easily blew through her cloud of death. Well, she wasn't expecting that to happen so easily, but something so small wouldn't bother her. As she stabbed into her flying platform, a black treble clef formed within the water, and as she forcefully yanked the blade out, a wavy musical staff speedily snaked its way through the skies and around Raa, wrapping both him and the scythe into one. But as she was about to start her attack for real, a black, ominous beam shot up from the ground, blasting the magical web of staffs off of the man. Angrily, Ophelia glared down at Mizuki and began to shout, "I can handle myself! Don't interfere! I'm serious!" With a sigh and a mumble, the Guild Master turned back to Raa, preparing the same magical attack.

Lysander - Infirmary

Lysander had almost been dozing off himself when he felt his hand twitch. The hand holding Sora's. The drowsiness that seemed to permeate the surroundings, setting everything into calming and hazy grey, quickly dissipated and he immediately lifted his head, which was resting against the soft bed, to face Sora's. He smiled then, in relief as he saw that her eyes were open, and that she had turned to face him, a smile on her face. His own lips rose automatically in response to that, and he was quite glad that he had stayed, just to see that beautiful smile.

"Well..." He looked a bit sheepish then. "I brought you to the infirmary but... I think someone else wanted to come along as well. Said that he wanted to apologize to you or something, but he does not seem to be here yet." Lysander could not help wondering if his rude manner had put the other man off from following them but... he simply could not bring himself to apologize. He did not think his pride could take it. To loose to the man in a match, and then to apologize to him. A rather guilty expression grew on his face then. "I... I am not sure what happened either. I was with Valken when I heard someone shouting that you had collapsed. It was that guy from earlier, the one that had commented on our ages. He said you were magically depleted, and someone else came and healed you a bit, and then I brought you here. I did not actually see you collapse, and for that... I'm sorry that I was not there."

He let out a breath and gave her a weak smile. "In that case, I'll have to make sure that I don't end up in such a circumstance that would require you to sacrifice a great deal for me." And he meant it too. He did not think he could live, or if he would be even worthy of living, if something had happened to main or kill her for his sake. He would not put her in such a situation. Not again, not ever. All the more, he was determined to get stronger, so that he could be a worthy partner to fight by her side.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

Grinning as the man reshaped her own water into a mech, Ophelia muttered out the word "Stupid" before making a midair slash. The watery machine that had almost landed on her vaporized completely before Alicia's fireballs had even come close to touching it, and directly afterwards, the girl infused it with magic to slowly suffocate Raa in the enchanted steam. What was even worse was that the hot mist kept its shape, not even allowing the man to continue falling, and as someone would be stuck in a floating block of ice, the cloaked fighter was stuck in a mystical cloud of death. "I guess you ran out of breath a little too quickly! Maybe you should have trained harder!" Ophelia giggled at her own little puns, not even caring that the train was long gone. Looking down below her platform at Alicia, the Guild Master shouted, "I appreciate the help, Alicia, but I've got him right where I want him! And, uh, about the steam... yeah, I'll take back the enchantment after he's at least asleep. I'm only bluffing about killing him... For now."


(Kinda bad post. I just wanted to get something in.)

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

Ophelia simply stood there, watching with a playful little grin as Raa easily blew through her cloud of death. Well, she wasn't expecting that to happen so easily, but something so small wouldn't bother her. As she stabbed into her flying platform, a black treble clef formed within the water, and as she forcefully yanked the blade out, a wavy musical staff speedily snaked its way through the skies and around Raa, wrapping both him and the scythe into one. But as she was about to start her attack for real, a black, ominous beam shot up from the ground, blasting the magical web of staffs off of the man. Angrily, Ophelia glared down at Mizuki and began to shout, "I can handle myself! Don't interfere! I'm serious!" With a sigh and a mumble, the Guild Master turned back to Raa, preparing the same magical attack.


Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia's beads simply bounced off of the steam once Ophelia turned the mecha suit into it before returning to Alicia's side. She sighed and nodded at Ophelia, she guessed she overreacted. "
Okay..You can do it Ophelia!" She cheered encouragingly as she put her beads back in her hair. She watched the fight intensely, silently cheering on Ophelia the entire time. Even when Mizuki brought her in hugging her and such her eyes didn't move from the fight, especially seeing as Raa was walking towards her with his scythe drawn.

She frowned slightly when Ophelia shouted at Mizuki for only trying to help her, but she figured she
was a Guild Master and had a reputation to uphold. She watched with a passive expression as Ophelia prepared her attack once more. "It'll be okay Mizuki. She's strong, she can do it." She assured Mizuki with a smile before directing her gaze back to the fight.

Sera: Mountain Valley


Sera cursed silently to herself as the Wyvern wasn't damaged beyond a small scratch. That wasn't nearly enough. She was just about to start hacking away at it when it flew upwards, the enormous gust of wind sending her sailing into a nearby tree smacking into it with an audible sound. Next thing she knew she was barraged by small shards of ice. After an initial few managed to pierce her skin she instinctively covered herself with her wings from the rest, the bigger ones managing to cut them but not pierce them so she couldn't fly.

When she finally moved her wings and saw what was wrong she gasped, glaring at the beast. "Mika! Listen to her! I'll keep it distracted! Be damned if I'm going to let you die after just finding you exsisted!" She shouted. With that she flew off after the Wyvern, darting around it and slashing at it in various areas in an attempt to distract it from Mika and Lavender.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Magnolia Skies

Ophelia simply stood there, watching with a playful little grin as Raa easily blew through her cloud of death. Well, she wasn't expecting that to happen so easily, but something so small wouldn't bother her. As she stabbed into her flying platform, a black treble clef formed within the water, and as she forcefully yanked the blade out, a wavy musical staff speedily snaked its way through the skies and around Raa, wrapping both him and the scythe into one. But as she was about to start her attack for real, a black, ominous beam shot up from the ground, blasting the magical web of staffs off of the man. Angrily, Ophelia glared down at Mizuki and began to shout, "I can handle myself! Don't interfere! I'm serious!" With a sigh and a mumble, the Guild Master turned back to Raa, preparing the same magical attack.


Raa - A ring ding ding ding d-ding baa aramba baa baa barooumba (Anyone who get's this is a memelord)

Raa stood unfazed and was about to take another step forward when he suddenly froze and brought out a clock. He frequented looking at the clock and the his opponent before sighing and folding the scythe away and slowly lowering himself to the ground. "As much fun as this is, I have somewhere else to be." He said as he started walking away. "Oh, and do be careful, you never know when you go too far until it's too late." He warned as he took his leave. As much as he would've loved to finish the fight he had somewhere else to be and probably someone else's wrath to face. "And if I find out that one of you has caused someone else inconvenience..." He stopped and looked at them with glowing eyes. "We will be having words." He said. "If anyone get's hurt we will be skipping the conversation entirely." And with those words he tossed a small card and left to meet with someone else.

That Guy

Does Repairs and Construction

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora remained asleep for quite some time in a state that almost resembled a coma. Perhaps it was the rhythmic steps that had kept her lulled in a deep slumber, dreams so pleasant that waking up wasn't a strong desire for the time being. Deep down in her subconscious she felt safe, the knowledge of knowing Lysander had a hold of her was all she needed to be even vaguely aware of to feel like she wasn't in any impending danger or vulnerable to threats. Visions of endless skies stretching before her filled her mind, the sheer beauty and serenity of it almost like a vault of wonders above her. It didn't seem too strange to her to dream of things like this, body floating there and looking down towards the world spread below her. An incessant tug at her consciousness finally penetrated the illusion, the pull dragging her to the ground and through the floor to bring her into a more aware state.

A few twitches of the fingers were given, a small noise following as her head rolled to the side trying to gather a better feeling for her surroundings. Her cheek was met by the soft fabric of the pillow, eyelids struggling to open and the light that pierced her vision caused them to flutter wildly in an automatic defense. Both hands went to make small fists, one grasping the blanket and clutching at it, the other attempting the same and expecting to grab a handful of the cloth though it was met with the warmth of Lysander's hand instead. Sora almost retracted her hand out of paranoia but the tenderness of the one clasping it was all too familiar. Her eyes attempted to open once again and found the light much more welcoming than it had been before, hues slipping to gaze down at their hands then and smiling at the confirmation that it was him. Sora squeezed his hand weakly as she rolled onto her side, which visibly took a strained amount of effort, but she wanted to be able to see him better.

After a few minutes of surveying the room in a daze, her eyes flickered towards the folded up clothes next to the bed and went slightly wide. A blush dusted itself onto her pale cheeks as the question of how she'd gotten into the hospital gown and if he'd been there pushed into the front of her mind. However, she seemed to calm down when she recalled just how polite and shy he was, knowing he surely wouldn't have looked if he had been present. " Sorry if I worried you... and thank you for bringing me here and staying by my side. " She slowly began in a small voice, eyes resting on his face once again as a grateful smile spread. " W-Wait did you bring me here yourself? " She inquired abruptly, eyes slightly wider as she lifted herself up, only to sink back against the bed with a dissatisfied huff at her weakened state. The hospital gown was so light, uncomfortable, and she suddenly missed the poncho adorning her shoulders and fitting snugly against her frame. Sora patted the area next to her with her free hand, motioning for him to sit beside her, clearly not content with the fact that he was sitting on the floor while she laid on a surprisingly comfy hospital bed - especially if he had carried her the entire way there.

" If you're shouldering any blame or guilt over this then you better stop. I'm willing to sacrifice a lot for you and you'll just have to accept that... " Her words trailed off but the serious look on her face remained, only adding to the weight of her words to let him know she wouldn't allow him to beat himself up over it. " Plus, I'm just happy you were the first person I got to see when I woke up. " She added with a far more gentle tone, timid even. Hopefully she hadn't caused too much worry since she was prone to feeling remorseful herself if others were distressed. " Did anyone else see what happened? " As much as she tried to recall what happened it just presented itself as a series of fuzzy, unclear, incomprehensible images. Though she faintly remembered someone falling over her and she questioned whether that had actually happened or not.

@HuorSpinks @Drakerus @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @whomever else​
Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Infirmary.

When Sora was taken into the infirmary Maya had roamed the streets in order to calm down, knowing that she'd probably end up tearing down the infirmary if she wasn't told what had happened to the girl. But that was the question, what had happened to Sora? Lysander had said that she has over-exhausted herself and used up too much magic, but surely there was a reason behind that? Maya couldn't help but question nearly everything that came into her mind. "I just hope she's okay." Spoke the woman quietly to herself as she carried the basket of freshly cooked bread to the infirmary. Upon arrival, she noticed Lysander already there, of course, that was to be expected. Sitting herself down on the vacant seat on the other side of the infirmary bed, Maya rested the bread basket on her lap and then handed a piece of bread to both Lysander and Sora. The bread was still hot as if it had just come out of the oven, this strange fact was because Maya put a barrier over it that trapped in the heat. A handy technique apparently. Looking over to Sora, Maya began to speak. "How are you feeling now, my dear?" She then turned to Lysander, "Thank you for sitting with her" a smile on her face as she said those words. Maya was truly glad that it was Lysander that Sora had fallen for.

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada:Round 2
Momo was a bit upset her attack didn't faze Masaki at all.He was completely true to his girlfriend. Respect. Momoki didn't have time to dodge the chains Masaki sent at her and had to use a card,"The prayers Fountain" she shouted just in time so a ball of water stopped the crystals from getting her. She knew the affects of that card were unreadable and changed every time. As the chains of crystal went deeper the more they turned into nothing which was surprising to Momo.She figured she was invincable as long as the water was around her. Momo walked a bit closer to Masaki and looked at him,"Arrogant huh? I know I'm acting arrogant,but I'm only trying to impress someone other than you. Masaki you have Grace,your parents have each other,my parents have each other.I only have myself and there's this guy who I'm into and I think is into me. He even gave me this scarf" Momoki said showing it to Masaki,"Please. You found love. I haven't I guess I just want to be loved by someone that isn't related to me.I know this is a bit dramatic,but...." Momo stopped and thought for a second.She really wanted to win this match and a mad boyfriend wasn't going to stop her.

(Note: I've had permission to do this :3)

Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, Round 2.

"Instead of talking, you should be attacking me and not defending against all of my attacks. Which... Is all you've done so far. You've not actually tried physically attacking me." Watching as she formed a water shield to defend her from the attacks, Masaki took a step back, placing his hands down at his side as he continued. "Being arrogant about something isn't going to obtain you victory, Momoki." The S-Class was then taken aback with what she said next, she had done all of this just because she wants to be loved? "So, you hurt Grace because you want to be loved? Selfish." He sighed, not even looking at Momoki at this point. It was then that he slowly began to raise his hands as two large light purple glyphs formed and with that, all of the crystal pillars that were constructed earlier began to crack away into tiny crystal shards until the surrounding area was completely covered in a storm of amethyst crystal shards. The crystals swirled around Masaki and the surrounding area for a moment the whole arena completely covered, it was then that he proceeded to speak. "In this world, arrogance won't get you anywhere. You underestimated me, Momo." Sighing quietly to himself, the spinning of the crystal shards began to get faster and faster. "You hurt Grace. And now I'll return the favour!" It was then that he called out the spell, "Grand Crystal Formation: Scattering Storm!" Pointing his palm towards Momoki, the crystal shards honed in on her and surrounded her in an orb like construct. Speaking quietly to himself now, a smile appeared on Masaki's face. "She doesn't know it yet. But, my goal in life is to keep her safe. And to do that... I will protect her..." With a clap of his hands, the sphere of crystal shards surrounding Momoki stormed towards her and attacked her in every conceivable direction in a brutal inescapable assault.

Masaki then fell to his knees, exhausted from using such a powerful spell. The boy struggled to keep his consciousness. But he had to hold out, until the overseers declared a winner at least. He also kinda wanted to see Grace before passing out due to magical exhaustion as well. So he had to stay awake. Masaki really couldn't wait to see her again, and if he wasn't carted off there within the next minute or so, he'd be sure to visit her in the infirmary. The red headed boy wanted nothing more but to hold her at this moment in time.


Outskirts of Magnolia

Ali Alfa, a wondering mage who was known to never stay
in a place for too long, had just arrived on the outskirts of Magnolia. She would be staying here for a while to pick up some odd jobs. Maybe she would like it here and stay for longer than normal. Though it was highly unlikely. She had considered seeing if she could join Fairy Tail but she had decided that it was overrated. To many people wanted to join that guild. She would go for a more obscure guild if she did join one. Though she probably wouldn't end up being in the guild hall for a long time. She would likely take some jobs that allowed her to travel.

She walked into the town with her travel bags and pulled out her money to count it. She had just completed a rather well paying job but she needed to sort out her money. What she would spend on food, lodging, and any sort of entertainment she might partake in while in town. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun on her head to keep it out of the way when she fought or did anything really. It was so long it nearly touched the ground so it was almost always in the way. Ali sorted her money out while dodging the people walking in the oposite direction. After she was done she asked a random person where a good place to stay was. They pointed her in the direction of the nearest inn and that is where she headed.
Momoki Asada:Tournament Battle Round Two:Masaki

"Masaki.Your wrong.Your trying to beat me for Grace. Well I'm trying to beat you for a man named Vex. I don't need to be loved by him because I'm loved by a whole bunch of others,but I'll tell you later." Momo said pulling out "lighting","reverse tower" and "lovers" card on top of each other as the Prayers Fountain affects disappeared and the orbs of crystal came towards her,"Thunderbolts Fate" Momo screamed making an array of lightning bolts sprout all around her as she held the cards over her head destroying all of the Crystal shards that were coming at her and she noticed that Masaki was pooped.Momo was too,but before she could "take a break" Momo placed the "Heaven","Reverse Death",and "Mountain" cards in a circle around Masaki.This was her last bit of energy for the time being,but she could barely talk,but between gasps she said it,"Su-su-su summond l-l-l-l lighting " Momo said electrifying Masaki as Momoki fell onto the ground.It wasn't until then Momo started to feel all the cuts around her body and fell on her knees."Y-you may think I was blocking you the entire time,but I was just waiting for you to use the move so I could get things over with.But it's over Masaki." Momo said starting to catch her breath and breathing slowly in and out,but still at lost of magic,so she had to hope she just knocked out Masaki.If she was going to fight Masaki now.It was going to have to be with her fists.


Sabrina stirred a bit. She almost instantly went unconscious from the sheer amount of pain she experienced. She slowly opened her eyes, just to find a pink-haired boy look-like man looming above her. Although it was quite obvious that the person standing there meant no harm, Sabrina, in her nauseous state, took it as something much, MUCH more serious. What she saw in place of the lovable Alfie was a man wearing a surgeon's outfit. She screamed and jumped up, and then furiously backing away from Alfie with one hand in front of her as if she was trying to shield herself from something. "NO! NO! NO! GO AWAY! Why are you doing this to me! AHHHH!" she screamed, as she thrashed about wildly.

@Zuka @Salt Lord

Alfie - Tournament Stands

Alfie put his hand over Kelica's forehead as a white mandala popped out of it. Before the wizard could even start the absorption spell, however, screaming from the girl next to the one he was trying to take care of made him lean away in mild discomfort, the mandala vanishing. Upon noticing the tons of bystanders, Alfie sighed before grabbing the ribbon on his neck, untying it, and making it float around Sabrina, shooting soothing sparkles of sleepiness at the panicking girl. "I just can't get a break, can I...?"

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Kelica - Tournament Stands

Kelica's body hit the ground with a loud thud, her hair splayed out around her body, cascading around her face in an almost peaceful manner. Even before she hit the ground she fell into some sort of strange, lucid dream. She never even remembered hitting the ground, her body sort of just started floating in the air with a strange green glow about it. Like she was simply floating in water but could breathe just fine. She glanced around, she wasn't in the tournament stands but in some strange white place, she didn't even know where. It was like a void of nothingness. A strange woman in a long white gown approached her with her hands crossed in her lap, her smile soft but thoughtful. "Sweety....You have a good heart, but you are just not ready..." Kelica's eyes widened and she tensed, but gravity seemed to not exist the same here as normal so she couldn't move away. "I don't understand..." She whispered and the lady only smiled more. "You aren't supposed to..."

Then she was gone. In the corner of her mind, she heard...was that Alfie?...And screaming...Kelica's eyes fluttered open gently. It took a moment to adjust to what was going on, feeling Alfie's hand on her forehead, she looked weakly at him. "Al..Alfie?" That look was replaced surprise as she heard Sabrina screaming now. Kelica sat bolt upright, putting a hand onto Alfie's chest her green eye's wide. "No, Alfie please stop!" Getting to her knee's she reached out and grasped her fingers around the ribbon, pulling it away from Sabrina. Here she moved closer to the girl, her voice softer and more subdued. "Please Sabrina, it's just Alfie and I; Kelica! It's ok!"

@Salt Lord @PeteTSs

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora listened intently as he explained what he knew, a soft sigh escaping her lips. " Sounds like it was a bundle of stuff then. Maybe the person will stop by to help jog my memory. " Her words came out as a mumble, mind still trying to wrap itself around the images and make some sense of them. She scrunched her lips to the side in a cute manner, peering at him with a sly smile as she retracted her hand gently from his. " Well since you won't get on the bed.. " Her entire frame leaned forward, arms loosely entwining about his neck whilst her hair draped down to the floor, cheek resting against his shoulder. " I'm just glad you're here now, that's all that matters. " Both eyes slipped to a close as she embraced him, holding him as if he was the most precious thing in the world to her.

Her fingers idly played with the loose strands of hair along the back of his neck, trailing upwards through the strands in a comforting and soothing manner. It was so odd how natural every touch felt to make and act on, the barrier between them already so insubstantial. Every look shared, every time they held hands, every touch, even the kiss she'd placed upon his cheek... it wasn't just physical to her, it was something she poured so much emotion into. Sora knew what it felt like to fly, but to fall? It was scary, frightening, fast, and the lack of control she had was terrifying. But it was also exhilarating, exciting, marvelous, and it truly made her feel free; boundlessly alive.

A shift in the air made her look up to gaze at the person entering, blushing as she was once again caught in a loving moment by Maya. She'd put herself in quite the predicament though and hadn't really thought of how hard it would be to lay back on the bed after exerting the energy to lean down and hold Lysander, already halfway on the bed and halfway on him. She reached out and grabbed the bun though, trying not to salivate simply from the fact that she'd had absolutely nothing to eat the entire day and this bread was warm and looked incredibly delicious. " I feel wonderful now, thank you for bringing us something yummy to eat Auntie and I'm sorry if I caused you to worry, forgive me. " A beaming yet apologetic smile spread on her face as she spoke, clearly starting to recover a bit of magic and energy from the
enthusiasm she was showing. The bun found its way into her mouth as she placed both hands on Lysander's shoulders and attempted to sit straight back up upon the bed, not wanting to chew her food directly next to his ear.

The bread was devoured rather quickly, her appetite being rather scary at times plus she had more to say and the food in her mouth was prohibiting her from speaking. She didn't hesitate to spurt out her rising thoughts after she'd finished eating. " Auntie Maya, I was going to ask what you think we should do for my birthday tomorrow? I thought we could celebrate after the festival and fireworks at my place, like a sleepover of sorts. Oh maybe we can go to the spa too! " It was a completely random topic given the circumstances but perhaps talking about her birthday would send the woman into her 'planning' mode. Plus Sora couldn't miss the fireworks portion of the festival since she loved them and always had since she was child. " You're invited too of course! " Sora exclaimed with a growing excitement to Lysander, not even realizing that she'd basically just invited him to the hot springs and to spend the night at her house. Hopefully her optimism would help them not think about her collapsing in the first place. She sincerely just wanted to see them both happy around her; not worried.

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Sabrina thrashed around on the ground, becoming increasingly drowsy. But that didn't stop her from continuously moaning something about dissecting her and about killing her. She finally stopped when she heard that Kelica was there, and slumped onto the ground, her final words being 'save me from the Doctor, Kelica' before falling asleep due to Alfie's ribbon.

@Zuka @Salt Lord
Niur - Ice Cream When In Pain

Niur frowned as she stared at the slowly melting dark chocolate ice cream. He was late. Again. She suddenly perked up when she heard footsteps. "Raa you're he-AAH! Why are you hurt-la?!" She shouted as the cloaked man walked past her and sat down in front of her. "It's nothing Niur, just got into a fight-" Niur silenced him by slamming her hands onto the table. "Got into a fight? Again-la?!" She yelled at him before calming down and reaching over to hug him. "Don't get into fights anymore okay-la?" Raa remained silent.

"Okay, let's get you all patched up, then we can go buy supplies before we leave soon." She made a Gift of Life and broke out, letting out a loud bell chime and flash of light as Raa was healed. "Niur...let's finish our-" "Your." "Let me finish my ice cream first kay?" "Kay."
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HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Infirmary
Lysander had almost been dozing off himself when he felt his hand twitch. The hand holding Sora's. The drowsiness that seemed to permeate the surroundings, setting everything into calming and hazy grey, quickly dissipated and he immediately lifted his head, which was resting against the soft bed, to face Sora's. He smiled then, in relief as he saw that her eyes were open, and that she had turned to face him, a smile on her face. His own lips rose automatically in response to that, and he was quite glad that he had stayed, just to see that beautiful smile.

"Well..." He looked a bit sheepish then. "I brought you to the infirmary but... I think someone else wanted to come along as well. Said that he wanted to apologize to you or something, but he does not seem to be here yet." Lysander could not help wondering if his rude manner had put the other man off from following them but... he simply could not bring himself to apologize. He did not think his pride could take it. To loose to the man in a match, and then to apologize to him. A rather guilty expression grew on his face then. "I... I am not sure what happened either. I was with Valken when I heard someone shouting that you had collapsed. It was that guy from earlier, the one that had commented on our ages. He said you were magically depleted, and someone else came and healed you a bit, and then I brought you here. I did not actually see you collapse, and for that... I'm sorry that I was not there."

He let out a breath and gave her a weak smile. "In that case, I'll have to make sure that I don't end up in such a circumstance that would require you to sacrifice a great deal for me." And he meant it too. He did not think he could live, or if he would be even worthy of living, if something had happened to main or kill her for his sake. He would not put her in such a situation. Not again, not ever. All the more, he was determined to get stronger, so that he could be a worthy partner to fight by her side.


Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard saint

Magnolia infirmary

Clair thought that the girl was probably going to be kept over night to ensure her magic levels evened out and so she went straight to Sora's house to get a change of clothing and pj's for the girl. Once she had done that she began to make her way towards the infirmary , it was getting pretty late now and a lot had happened in a short space of time. For one Clair had fought with Unknown after supposedly passing out herself. Clair let out a soft sigh as she rounded a corner , she had not seen the dragon slayer all day until she of course met her at the milkshake shop and of course that was shortly lived. Maybe if Clair had been with Sora earlier in the day she would have been able to avoid this situation , Maybe it was in fact her fault that the dragon slayer had passed out for this very reason ! Clair knew Sora would possibly end up pushing herself but still she chose to stay at the guild hall. "no , no now's not the time for self blame. I have to be happy when i walk in there or Sora will somehow manage to bounce me off a wall".

After some time Clair had reached the infirmary and made her way up to Sora's room. Clair of course wasn't surprised to see Maya there but she was in fact very surprised to see the poncho boy. Of course she was aware of who his grandparents were but she honestly had forgotten his name from last time they met , had Maya brought him with her ? That must be it ! Clair closed the door behind her and placed the clothing inside the bedside table. "Well Sora , congratulations you've done it again"

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
Ferra: Tournament Vendors

After not finding Sera Ferra had moved back to the stands watching the tournament for a while. When that got boring, or rather she got hungry, she decided to go back to the vendors and try some more of the festival food. So far so good with the place her and Cinla ate at, after all. After a bit she decided to try the corndog stand, seeing as it was the cheapest thing next to popcorn. Of course..popcorn would be next, but still.

Upon entering the stand she immediately ordered fifty corndogs and started eating them, little did she know it was the same stand Ophelia and Alicia had went to however.

Sakura: Fairy Tail Roof > Streets

Sakura had arrived decently late to the festival, half of it was already over it seemed. Oh well. At some point she'd moved to sit atop the Guild Hall of Fairy Tail to get a better view of the fight lacrima and the tournament in general. Beside her sat her sketchpad of food, sushi in particular; of which she had the entire pad dedicated to.

After a bit of watching and eating she found herself growing bored. With a lazy groan she stood and requipped her sketchpad away before climbing down the roof and onto the streets below. After a bit of walking it seemed there was some kind of street fight going on. Rather than watch that, seeing as those were quite common, she moved on to see if there was anything more interesting going on. It was a festival held by Fairy Tail, after all. Anything was possible.
HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Outside Milkshake Shop
Right there and there, Lysander was sorely tempted to groan aloud. The last thing he wanted right now was to have the man that defeated him right there as a visual reminder of why Sora was in such a state now. "If you want to," he managed to say in an extremely curt tone as he held Sora securely in his arms, hurrying off in the direction of the infirmary without even waiting for the other man. He had no idea why the man even felt the need to apologise to Sora but either way, it was up to him. Even though Lysander really did not want him there right now.

As he hurried along, he felt somewhat guilty about using such a curt tone of voice on the man who had merely been trying to help. The stress of all the events piling up on him was probably getting to him far more than he had expected. Usually he was able to maintain a calm facade in front of most things, but his worry and guilt concerning Sora was making him lash out in unexpected ways. And, of course, the humiliation of the tournament. He had better learn to keep in better control of his temper, it seemed. Still though, he sincerely hoped that the other man was not following him, and anyway, he had no time to check, his main intent was to get Sora to the infirmary as quickly as possible.

Lysander - Infirmary

After what seemed like hours but probably in reality only about five minutes, he managed to make it to the infirmary. Even without his poncho, the wind brushing against his hair and clothes, he had still managed to work up a sweat. His shirt was already sticking to his back, as he used his back to open the door, as Sora was still in his arms. He glanced down at her to see if there was any change in condition, and to his surprise there was a slight smile on her face. She seemed to be sleeping, her breathing calm and quiet. A relieved smile drifted onto his face, even as he made his way to the nearest healer to request for assistance.

Soon, Sora was dressed in a hospital gown and lying comfortably in one of the beds, tucked smugly under a blanket. Lysander had, of course, left then, but when he was given the permission to return he immediately did. There was no way he was leaving her side this time, after what happened the last time he did. His poncho had been folded and placed on the table by her bedside. Tentatively, he took her hand; ignoring the chair by the table, he settled down on the floor to wait, leaning his right shoulder against the bed as he watched for any serious changes in her.

@HuorSpinks @Drakerus @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @whomever else[/center]

Auren Sol - Milkshake Shop

"I..." he trailed off as Lysander responded to him rather coldly and walked off without even glancing at him. Apparently, Ren's company wasn't wanted and this caused the boy to feel a little sad. He still wanted to make sure Sora got better but in the end, he complied to Lysander's unspoken wish and settled for grabbing a milkshake and sitting at a table in the far corner of the shop.

"No matter how hard I try, everyone just ends up hating me..." he thought to himself, getting depressed over the subject. The onlookers had gone back to their usual business and ignored him as he stared out the window, lost in his thoughts.

"Maybe I should just go home and forget about all of this."
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Fairy Tail Roof > Streets
Sakura had arrived decently late to the festival, half of it was already over it seemed. Oh well. At some point she'd moved to sit atop the Guild Hall of Fairy Tail to get a better view of the fight lacrima and the tournament in general. Beside her sat her sketchpad of food, sushi in particular; of which she had the entire pad dedicated to.

After a bit of watching and eating she found herself growing bored. With a lazy groan she stood and requipped her sketchpad away before climbing down the roof and onto the streets below. After a bit of walking it seemed there was some kind of street fight going on. Rather than watch that, seeing as those were quite common, she moved on to see if there was anything more interesting going on. It was a festival held by Fairy Tail, after all. Anything was possible.
Tokine Auruna - Magnolia Streets

Tokine was casually strolling through the streets of Magnolia. She didn't really have any interest in the tournament being held today so she opted to browse the many shops and stands littering the streets. There were many deals since there was a festival being held so she bought lots of food she could eat while walking around. She had eaten most of it but she had an extra strawberry jam filled pastry she didn't feel like eating. She really didn't want to waste it so she looked around for someone to give it too. Everyone seemed to have their hands full already so it was tricky to find someone who would take it off her hands. Eventually though, she spotted a girl that looked about her age just wandering around like her. Without hesitation, Tokine approached her and held out the treat, a blank expression on her face.

"Here, eat this." she said flatly.
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Zuka said:
Kelica - Tournament Stands

Kelica's body hit the ground with a loud thud, her hair splayed out around her body, cascading around her face in an almost peaceful manner. Even before she hit the ground she fell into some sort of strange, lucid dream. She never even remembered hitting the ground, her body sort of just started floating in the air with a strange green glow about it. Like she was simply floating in water but could breathe just fine. She glanced around, she wasn't in the tournament stands but in some strange white place, she didn't even know where. It was like a void of nothingness. A strange woman in a long white gown approached her with her hands crossed in her lap, her smile soft but thoughtful. "Sweety....You have a good heart, but you are just not ready..." Kelica's eyes widened and she tensed, but gravity seemed to not exist the same here as normal so she couldn't move away. "I don't understand..." She whispered and the lady only smiled more. "You aren't supposed to..."

Then she was gone. In the corner of her mind, she heard...was that Alfie?...And screaming...Kelica's eyes fluttered open gently. It took a moment to adjust to what was going on, feeling Alfie's hand on her forehead, she looked weakly at him. "Al..Alfie?" That look was replaced surprise as she heard Sabrina screaming now. Kelica sat bolt upright, putting a hand onto Alfie's chest her green eye's wide. "No, Alfie please stop!" Getting to her knee's she reached out and grasped her fingers around the ribbon, pulling it away from Sabrina. Here she moved closer to the girl, her voice softer and more subdued. "Please Sabrina, it's just Alfie and I; Kelica! It's ok!"

@Salt Lord @PeteTSs

PeteTSs said:

Sabrina thrashed around on the ground, becoming increasingly drowsy. But that didn't stop her from continuously moaning something about dissecting her and about killing her. She finally stopped when she heard that Kelica was there, and slumped onto the ground, her final words being 'save me from the Doctor, Kelica' before falling asleep due to Alfie's ribbon.

@Zuka @Salt Lord

Alfie - Tournament Stands

The deed already having been done, the puzzled look on Alfie's face was replaced with one of relief as Kelica was too late to stop him from putting Sabrina to sleep. "I'm sorry, Kelica, but I already sort of seem like a stalker to a lot of people. Seeming like a murderous stalker will only make things worse. Anyway, I believe we have somewhere to go... is that right?" Alfie looked back at Kelica as he tied the pink ribbon back over his neck.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Drakerus said:
Tokine Auruna - Magnolia Streets

Tokine was casually strolling through the streets of Magnolia. She didn't really have any interest in the tournament being held today so she opted to browse the many shops and stands littering the streets. There were many deals since there was a festival being held so she bought lots of food she could eat while walking around. She had eaten most of it but she had an extra strawberry jam filled pastry she didn't feel like eating. She really didn't want to waste it so she looked around for someone to give it too. Everyone seemed to have their hands full already so it was tricky to find someone who would take it off her hands. Eventually though, she spotted a girl that looked about her age just wandering around like her. Without hesitation, Tokine approached her and held out the treat, a blank expression on her face.

"Here, eat this." she said flatly.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura had continued walking rather pointlessly down the street, nothing really catching her interest. Sure there were a few festival games for prizes and such, but they didn't seem to pique the girls interest. She'd finally found something of interest; a strength contest, when she was approached by Tokine and her pastry. In all honesty she'd almost walked right into the girl and the outstretched pastry from not paying attention.

Nevertheless she arched a brow in disbelief, looking from Tokine to the pastry before shrugging and grabbing it from her. Of course the thought never occured to her that such an action was weird, she was just in disbelief of someone giving somethkng away. "
Thanks!" She told her before hastily devouring the pastry. "You enjoying the festival?" She asked her curiously. "It's been kind of boring to me..to be honest. Crocus holds much nicer festivals." She added with a shrug.
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
Sakura had continued walking rather pointlessly down the street, nothing really catching her interest. Sure there were a few festival games for prizes and such, but they didn't seem to pique the girls interest. She'd finally found something of interest; a strength contest, when she was approached by Tokine and her pastry. In all honesty she'd almost walked right into the girl and the outstretched pastry from not paying attention.

Nevertheless she arched a brow in disbelief, looking from Tokine to the pastry before shrugging and grabbing it from her. Of course the thought never occured to her that such an action was weird, she was just in disbelief of someone giving somethkng away. "
Thanks!" She told her before hastily devouring the pastry. "You enjoying the festival?" She asked her curiously. "It's been kind of boring to me..to be honest. Crocus holds much nicer festivals." She added with a shrug.
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"Yes, I am having a blast." she said in a tone that was extremely unconvincing while nodding in approval to the girl who hadn't questioned the pastry she had been given. She really was having fun but she just wasn't good at making herself look excited about anything really. When she realized that she might sound extremely sarcastic to the other girl, Tokine did her best to smile a little bit. Unfortunately, all she could really manage was making her usual frown just the slightest bit softer. Oh well.

"Crocus? I have never been there before. Are you from there?" Tokine asked her curiously.
Kelica - Tournament Stands

Kelica felt her whole body tense, Sabrina was so upset! She knew the pain would be excruitating, but she never thought Sabrina would act in this way. It occured to her maybe it was something to do with her past, she wanted to talk to her the night before but Kelica had been to tipsy, so Chris had simply taken her home. "No....No! I'm not leaving Sabrina! Please...Can you go find Chris and lead him here? I want to take Sabrina back to her house to rest, but I'm just not strong enough to carry her..." She said with a sad little sniffle. "Please Alfie..." Her eyes almost watering up. She knew she was using him as some sort of messenger, and she hated that, but she wanted to know just why Sabrina acted as she did.

@PeteTSs @Isune @Salt Lord

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