Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora's face lit up as Lysander accepted her invitation and it was this sudden excitement that brought her to lean down and place a gentle kiss upon his cheek. It lingered for a few seconds before she pulled away with an even bigger smile spread across her face and a deep blush to accompany it. Her spontaneous nature coupled with how comfortable she felt with him was starting to make her actions easier to do now, less hesitance weighing behind them. Though it was still something that she was extremely shy about, at least she knew it was desired from the both of them based on their small interactions thus far. Even though she'd collapsed she was happy that she was surrounded by people she loved and adored, being in their presence despite sitting in a hospital bed, was all she needed to have her spirits lifted. And as if coming in to further cement those thoughts, Clair walked into the room carrying a pair of pajamas that she'd placed neatly on the table beside her, atop of the poncho.

A small irritated twitch caused her lips to shift into a momentary frown as she remembered that it was Clair who had sent the man to make the ridiculous insulting comment at the milkshake shop but it quickly
dissipated. There was no point holding a grudge right now, especially when Clair had cared enough to think of her and get her a change of clothes and come visit her. Their bond as a team went far deeper than any silly prank and in the end they'd always have each-others backs; it was just the way they were. " Hooray, I get to escape this gorgeous hospital gown and slip into something more comfortable! Thanks Clair. " She flashed the red head a grin after she grabbed the pajamas and hugged them to her chest, almost too appreciative. " You've met Lysander, right? Or have you not had the pleasure? He's wonderful and we're a coupl--.." She quickly flailed as she cut off her words, covering her mouth with her pajamas and wanting to shove them into her mouth in an attempt to completely shut herself up. Both cheeks were as red as Clair's hair and they literally felt like they were on fire; a burn that refused to simmer down. Her eyes remained as wide as an owls, hues flickering around from face to face in the room.

Of course Sora had never been with anyone at all nor even liked someone that way before and Clair was going to either tease her or - well that was all she could see her doing actually. She wasn't even sure if that was what they were exactly but that's just how it felt to her with the bond, the promises, the trust, the physical and mental interactions; it all pointed to them being officially together in her eyes. Hopefully he wouldn't be too upset that she'd just jumped the gun with referring to them as a couple to one of her best friends. She lowered the
fistful of clothes and fell back against the pillow, basking in her shame and embarrassment. She wasn't shamed in Lysander at all, rather she was ashamed she just spurted things out without thinking at times. Her figure rolled around upon the bed a few times in an attempt to 'shake it off' before she sat back up, recollected enough to face them. " And Lysander, this is Clair, she's my teammate and one of my best friends even though she picks on me as you got to witness earlier. " The words fumbled out rather quickly before she turned to Clair and continued speaking. " I was just saying we should go to the hot springs for my birthday and then have a sleepover type party at my house after the parade. How does that sound? Would you like to come? " Sora disappeared under the covers then, shifting about like a bed monster before she reappeared in her pajamas and placed the folded hospital gown beside her. She didn't bother mentioning the wizard saint part in the introduction since her pin was clearly visible and if Lysander was observant enough then he'd gather that information all on his own.

A mischievous look appeared in her eyes as she glanced at Clair once again. " I'm sure you'll bring a lot of cake, you always do. And I always get super excited and then realize most of it is for you. Maybe that's why Maya won the competition this year. You had too much cake!" A shrug befall her shoulders, grin wide. She might be stuck in this bed for some time but she definitely had the energy to get Clair back a little bit, even if it was with small mental stabs. Sora looked around the room a bit and suddenly felt guilty that they weren't out enjoying the festival. " You guys don't have to stay here you know... I wouldn't want you missing the festival simply just to be here with me. It can't be fun just watching someone lay in a bed. " She pulled the blanket closer and tilted her head to gaze at Lysander. " And you look exhausted... " Her voice dropped to a more delicate and concerned tone as she looked him over more closely now, noticing the lack of sleep. " You can get on the bed and take a nap, I'll even share the pillow. " Sora offered, scooting over to make more room. She wasn't too concerned with what Maya or Clair would think on the matter of them laying in the same bed, he looked tired and she just wanted him to be able to get some well needed rest.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
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Chris Lengheart (Investigation of the secret door)

Chris peered into the room for a breif moment but it was honestly too dark to see anything. When Kelica ordered him to push the bookshelf back into placed he only smiled at her as he said, "Yes empress, your wish is my command." before putting the bookshelf back into place. The way he moved it however, it was apparent that it obviously didn't weigh that much. Chris then returned to his "patient" and grabbed the rag off of her head. He dipped it into the water once again, wringed it out, and gently placed it onto her forehead once again. Chris then looked around the newly cleaned apartment and nodded in approval. Now, this place looked like someone actually lived here.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora's face lit up as Lysander accepted her invitation and it was this sudden excitement that brought her to lean down and place a gentle kiss upon his cheek. It lingered for a few seconds before she pulled away with an even bigger smile spread across her face and a deep blush to accompany it. Her spontaneous nature coupled with how comfortable she felt with him was starting to make her actions easier to do now, less hesitance weighing behind them. Though it was still something that she was extremely shy about, at least she knew it was desired from the both of them based on their small interactions thus far. Even though she'd collapsed she was happy that she was surrounded by people she loved and adored, being in their presence despite sitting in a hospital bed, was all she needed to have her spirits lifted. And as if coming in to further cement those thoughts, Clair walked into the room carrying a pair of pajamas that she'd placed neatly on the table beside her, atop of the poncho.

A small irritated twitch caused her lips to shift into a momentary frown as she remembered that it was Clair who had sent the man to make the ridiculous insulting comment at the milkshake shop but it quickly
dissipated. There was no point holding a grudge right now, especially when Clair had cared enough to think of her and get her a change of clothes and come visit her. Their bond as a team went far deeper than any silly prank and in the end they'd always have each-others backs; it was just the way they were. " Hooray, I get to escape this gorgeous hospital gown and slip into something more comfortable! Thanks Clair. " She flashed the red head a grin after she grabbed the pajamas and hugged them to her chest, almost too appreciative. " You've met Lysander, right? Or have you not had the pleasure? He's wonderful and we're a coupl--.." She quickly flailed as she cut off her words, covering her mouth with her pajamas and wanting to shove them into her mouth in an attempt to completely shut herself up. Both cheeks were as red as Clair's hair and they literally felt like they were on fire; a burn that refused to simmer down. Her eyes remained as wide as an owls, hues flickering around from face to face in the room.

Of course Sora had never been with anyone at all nor even liked someone that way before and Clair was going to either tease her or - well that was all she could see her doing actually. She wasn't even sure if that was what they were exactly but that's just how it felt to her with the bond, the promises, the trust, the physical and mental interactions; it all pointed to them being officially together in her eyes. Hopefully he wouldn't be too upset that she'd just jumped the gun with referring to them as a couple to one of her best friends. She lowered the
fistful of clothes and fell back against the pillow, basking in her shame and embarrassment. She wasn't shamed in Lysander at all, rather she was ashamed she just spurted things out without thinking at times. Her figure rolled around upon the bed a few times in an attempt to 'shake it off' before she sat back up, recollected enough to face them. " And Lysander, this is Clair, she's my teammate and one of my best friends even though she picks on me as you got to witness earlier. " The words fumbled out rather quickly before she turned to Clair and continued speaking. " I was just saying we should go to the hot springs for my birthday and then have a sleepover type party at my house after the parade. How does that sound? Would you like to come? " Sora disappeared under the covers then, shifting about like a bed monster before she reappeared in her pajamas and placed the folded hospital gown beside her. She didn't bother mentioning the wizard saint part in the introduction since her pin was clearly visible and if Lysander was observant enough then he'd gather that information all on his own.

A mischievous look appeared in her eyes as she glanced at Clair once again. " I'm sure you'll bring a lot of cake, you always do. And I always get super excited and then realize most of it is for you. Maybe that's why Maya won the competition this year. You had too much cake!" A shrug befall her shoulders, grin wide. She might be stuck in this bed for some time but she definitely had the energy to get Clair back a little bit, even if it was with small mental stabs. Sora looked around the room a bit and suddenly felt guilty that they weren't out enjoying the festival. " You guys don't have to stay here you know... I wouldn't want you missing the festival simply just to be here with me. It can't be fun just watching someone lay in a bed. " She pulled the blanket closer and tilted her head to gaze at Lysander. " And you look exhausted... " Her voice dropped to a more delicate and concerned tone as she looked him over more closely now, noticing the lack of sleep. " You can get on the bed and take a nap, I'll even share the pillow. " Sora offered, scooting over to make more room. She wasn't too concerned with what Maya or Clair would think on the matter of them laying in the same bed, he looked tired and she just wanted him to be able to get some well needed rest.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail : 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia infirmary

Clair was happy to see Sora's reaction however before she could reply with a 'your welcome' Sora went on to introduce Lysander. That would of been fin and dandy if she didn't then go on to say that he and her were a couple , she had only met him yesterday! This truly left Clair at a complete loss of words , and a complete loss of action. This relationship was moving along way to quickly in Clair's mind and this was only reinforced when Sora mentioned that she was going to be going to the hot springs for her birthday clearly with the intention of having Lysander come too. Clair of course knew that the hot spring was divided for different sexes however as of this moment all her logical reasoning had gone out the window.

Clair gave a quick look over at Maya who didn't even seem fazed by the situation , this only strained her brain even more. The only thing that stopped Clair from going mad was Sora's comment about cake , was this entire thing a joke ? Did Sora really pull something this big over her eyes ? The idea of this being a joke somewhat calmed Clair down until of course Sora decided she'd let him 'nap in the same bed as her ! This was clearly not a joke and in Clair's ,now hyperactive, mind Sora would be pregnant within the month. That was all that Clair could take and so she went faint and hit the ground like a rock.

After a few minutes she regained her consciousness and sat up , rubbing her head , and let out an "ow , ow , ow". For a few seconds she was confused as to where she was however her memories came rushing back when she seen the 'couple'. Clair was in no fit state to argue with the dragon slayer about this right now and so she just went with it to save herself yet another headache. "the hot spring ....yeh sure however I will not be bringing any cake to your house this year due to your comment little chest , sorry girl"

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @HuorSpinks
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
Sakura grinned excitedly and nodded with just as much excitement and vigor the grin deserved. "Yup! I can summon any kinda drawing for the most part, including food!" She replied. She watched as Tokine climbed up and moved to show her her own magic with a excited expression on her face. She wondered just what the girl could do, maybe she did something similar? She watched as she formed what looked to be a giant flower made out of metal, when she asked if it was cool she immediately nodded.

Woah! That's awesome!" She replied. "How did you do it? I've never seen magic like that before!" She asked her.
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"I'm happy you were impressed," she said while dismissing the construct,"I can manipulate Etherano particles to do various things. Most commonly, make objects like you just saw. I can't recall where I learned it though." she explained. She first discovered her ability when street thugs decided to try and rob her father while she was with him. When one of them tried to take a swing at them, she instinctively casted distortion and the man had broken his hand. From that day she practiced every day with her powers until she felt like she could join a guild and be relatively useful.

"It can used it for combat as well. For example..." she trailed off as she moved her hand to touch Steve's scales. The entire frame of the T-Rex was then enveloped in a blue light that faded away to reveal that the dinosaur was now clad in metallic armor. The armor looked to be quite cumbersome but in actuality, it was very light due to the material that it was made from. The most prominent feature of the suit was the large helmet that adorned Steve's head that was tipped with a deadly looking horn. Whoever got headbutted by that would NOT have a fun time. Of course, the dinosaur was quite large in comparison to herself and she was only using her own magic to keep the construct stable so it was quite difficult. She wanted to seem impressive to Sakura. Soon though, the armor dematerialized and Tokine let out a small relieved exhale as she was released from the strain.

"I can't make especially large things last for long on my own." she explained before the question was asked.
Mizuki Kohasomethimg; Being Weird

Mizuki frowned more as Ophelia instructed her to stay out of the fight. She just wanted to help, and hurt the hooded man for touching her shoulder. She (attempted) to hurt Alfie for touching her, and Raa would get the same treatment. Yet she was a slave to the younger generation and decided to respect her wishes, unless put in a perilous situation. Her gaze drifted down to Alica as the little one explained that the other girl would be perfectly fine. Did the girl really posses such power? Sure, the hooded man gave off a weak magical signal, but that didn't stop her from worrying. Then again Alicia was able to handle herself just fine, so she shouldn't worry so much. "I will stay back."

Not long after Raa seemed to figure out that he couldn't handle the fight and began to flee. Mizuki was glad to see the man was gone, and that the three of them could continue in piece. Besides, he was a nuisance in her eyes. "You should've let me at him. I would've broken all of his bones." She said, glancing over to the blue haired girl and beckoning for her come over with her extra arms, her real ones running through Alicia's hands. She needs affection...

Grace Rey; Infirmary

Grace was just now beginning to wake up from her nice and warm sleep. Her hair, which took a long time to get ready mind you, was messy and poofy, as if any sign of effort had been swept away in one swift wave of disappointment. Her body ached as well due to Momoki's terrifying lightning attack. She also found out that someone had changed her clothes and put on an uncomfortable and ugly gown while she was asleep, which sent shivers down her spine. Someone saw her naked and she didn't know who. If it was another girl that was fine as long as they don't tease her about her chest, but if it was Masaki or someone else, who knows what could've gone down. Her hands felt the soft blush on her face at the thought of Masaki seeing her naked until a sudden thought popped into her head. Masaki was fighting right now! He was brawling it out in her name yet she wasn't there to watch. But did she really want to get up? Not really. The bed was comfortable and Grace was in pain, so there really was no point. Besides, surely he'd understand.

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Salt Lord
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Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

Alex just stood there now, awkward as could be as she did not want to intervene them in any way. It would be rude to do so, so she refrained herself from coming over as a rude kid who thought the whole world was turning around her. However as she got the comment of the female, she tilted her head to the side at the tone of voice. She did not like the way it was said, though the other probably had her reasons to do so.
”I’m Alex.” She responded in a short manner as she did not feel like telling more. Why? Because she was not obliged to do so.


Ophelia - Smol

Ophelia dropped down slowly from her watery platform, displeased that the man ran away from the battle before she could pull him back in. "Well, at least I get to keep my title as a Guild Master for not slicing his head off," the girl mumbled to herself as she sheathed her blades and looked over at the taller girl with shadowy arms extending from her back. The sight of it would have been a little unsettling if it hadn't been for her holding Alicia's hands, and as the Guild Master made her way over to Mizuki, she began to say, "If he hadn't run away, maybe all three of us could've crushed his bones."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"I'm happy you were impressed," she said while dismissing the construct,"I can manipulate Etherano particles to do various things. Most commonly, make objects like you just saw. I can't recall where I learned it though." she explained. She first discovered her ability when street thugs decided to try and rob her father while she was with him. When one of them tried to take a swing at them, she instinctively casted distortion and the man had broken his hand. From that day she practiced every day with her powers until she felt like she could join a guild and be relatively useful.

"It can used it for combat as well. For example..." she trailed off as she moved her hand to touch Steve's scales. The entire frame of the T-Rex was then enveloped in a blue light that faded away to reveal that the dinosaur was now clad in metallic armor. The armor looked to be quite cumbersome but in actuality, it was very light due to the material that it was made from. The most prominent feature of the suit was the large helmet that adorned Steve's head that was tipped with a deadly looking horn. Whoever got headbutted by that would NOT have a fun time. Of course, the dinosaur was quite large in comparison to herself and she was only using her own magic to keep the construct stable so it was quite difficult. She wanted to seem impressive to Sakura. Soon though, the armor dematerialized and Tokine let out a small relieved exhale as she was released from the strain.

"I can't make especially large things last for long on my own." she explained before the question was asked.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura nodded and watched as she further demonstrated her magic, covering Steve in armor and even a neat little helmet. "Woah! That's even cooler than the flower!" She told her. "Me eit-" She began, only to be interrupted by Steve dissapearing and plummeting to the cobblestone below. "Ther...urgh.." She finished alongside a pained groan, laying on the ground completely dazed.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki Kohasomethimg; Being Weird Mizuki frowned more as Ophelia instructed her to stay out of the fight. She just wanted to help, and hurt the hooded man for touching her shoulder. She (attempted) to hurt Alfie for touching her, and Raa would get the same treatment. Yet she was a slave to the younger generation and decided to respect her wishes, unless put in a perilous situation. Her gaze drifted down to Alica as the little one explained that the other girl would be perfectly fine. Did the girl really posses such power? Sure, the hooded man gave off a weak magical signal, but that didn't stop her from worrying. Then again Alicia was able to handle herself just fine, so she shouldn't worry so much. "I will stay back."

Not long after Raa seemed to figure out that he couldn't handle the fight and began to flee. Mizuki was glad to see the man was gone, and that the three of them could continue in piece. Besides, he was a nuisance in her eyes. "You should've let me at him. I would've broken all of his bones." She said, glancing over to the blue haired girl and beckoning for her come over with her extra arms, her real ones running through Alicia's hands. She needs affection...

Grace Rey; Infirmary

Grace was just now beginning to wake up from her nice and warm sleep. Her hair, which took a long time to get ready mind you, was messy and poofy, as if any sign of effort had been swept away in one swift wave of disappointment. Her body ached as well due to Momoki's terrifying lightning attack. She also found out that someone had changed her clothes and put on an uncomfortable and ugly gown while she was asleep, which sent shivers down her spine. Someone saw her naked and she didn't know who. If it was another girl that was fine as long as they don't tease her about her chest, but if it was Masaki or someone else, who knows what could've gone down. Her hands felt the soft blush on her face at the thought of Masaki seeing her naked until a sudden thought popped into her head. Masaki was fighting right now! He was brawling it out in her name yet she wasn't there to watch. But did she really want to get up? Not really. The bed was comfortable and Grace was in pain, so there really was no point. Besides, surely he'd understand.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia was honestly glad Raa had ran away, she disliked random violence. Though, it wasn't really entirely random if it was self defense she guessed. She just kind of disliked violence in general unless it was sparring or needed on a mission. She gently leaned into Mizuki as she rubbed her hands, relaxing now that the threat was gone. She frowned slightly when they both seemed intent on breaking the guy.

Though truth be told if he had've hurt Ophelia or Mizuki more Alicia would of smashed him into the ground, really. "Are you okay Ophelia? He did kind of hit you with a giant hammer." She asked her, the frown being replaced with a worried look.
Niur and Raa - Hanging Out.

"So..." Niur started, looking at Raa while he finished his cold dark chocolate soup. "Who did you fight?" She asked him. Raa paused for a moment to meet her eyes. "I fought some people from...I think it was...Fairy Tail? Yeah, one of them was causing a mess and I tried to talk her out of it only to be attacked." He explained to her. "So you won?" She questioned. "Nah, I left it open-ended, had to meet with you, I was more scared of making you mad than fighting a thousand copies of all of them." She gave a small joking grin. "You should be, I make most of the food." The both shared a laugh as Raa finished his treat. It was delightful, the two of them talking together.

"Raa." Niur suddenly started. "Are we ever going to join a guild?" Niur asked him. Raa looked away in though before humming. "...I'll think about it." He said. "Not Fairy Tail. If they attack you for trying to solve things peacefully and helping others while thinking that they're righteous then they're no worse than a cult." Niur stated making Raa freeze. "Yeah...you probably shouldn't say that out loud Niur, people here like Fairy Tail, I'm sure it's just a big misunderstandi-" "I don't care." Something about the way she said those words made him shiver. "Nobody. Nobody hurts you and gets away with it, even if you don't mind."

Raa stared at her for a few seconds. "No bombing the light guild Ruin." He said with authority. Ruin stubbornly looked away. "Say it with me. 'I promise not to bomb the light guild.'" "I promise not to bomb the light guild." She repeated. Raa let out a sigh of relief. 'Good, crisis averted.'
Kelica - Sabrina's Appartment

Kelica kept holding Sabrina's hand as her eyebrow furrowed more, mind thinking long and hard. The girl needed to tell her something days ago, but circumstance's never let it eventuate. And why had she reacted to Alfie as she had? Was that something to do with it? The hidden door only burrowed into Kelica's curiousity, but it would be so rude to just barge in...unless it would help her right? Maybe...maybe if Kelica knew what was going on, maybe she could help the girl without her having to explain it. Kelica's own chest tightened and her vision spun whenever she thought of about the Dragon at Malina, maybe if Sabrina's past was traumatic enough she may never be able to tell her. How could she help her then? Sabrina had been nothing but kind and supportive of Kelica since they had met in the Guild Hall, and she was determined to support her now.

Standing up slowly and putting Sabrina's hand softly on her chest she turned to Chris with a strange sureness and ferocity in it. Not evil like the tournament, just no nonense. "Chris, I need you to pull that bookcase out. We are going into that hidden room and finding out what is going on." Even her tone seemed strong and commanding. This, obviously her Father's influence coming out. At the Empress comment she simply let the corner of her lip turn up slightly. "Had we met under different circumstances, and I had taken over my Father's position as Guardian of the Forest, as a beast take-over specialist, in all rights, yes I would be your Queen. I could command you with a flick of a wrist like a Pharaoh." Letting that sink in for a moment before giggling. If only he knew.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Sabrina's Apartment

As the bookshelf was pushed back open, a piece of paper fell down from the back of it and landed gently on Sabrina's chest, face up. It was a picture, edges yellow from age and rough from years of being handled. The picture depicted the face of a very young girl, probably 3 to 4 years of age. The creepy thing was...the girl in the picture looked almost exactly like Sabrina, minus the age difference. There was also a date on the back of the picture written in ink. It dated back to...fifty years ago...but Sabrina was only 17 years old...what the hell...

There was also a strange code under the date: ARDESDNRS, adding more to the mystery...

@Zuka @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Talk about bossy)

Chris glared at Kelica for a moment as she talked about being a pharaoh to him. The thought alone made Chris chuckle and shake his head. "Don't worry, you'll always be my little empress. Just remember that I'm still your emperor, our rule is equal and sometimes one's word out-rules the other." Chris said with a warm tone as he moved the bookcase away. He watched as the slip of paper gently drifted onto Sabrina's chest. He saw the picture and suddenly raised an eyebrow as he stepped into the room behind the door. It was far too dark to see, no worries though. Chris' eyes became those of his werecat form as he began to dig through some of the files, journals, and pictures that were scattered about. It was crazy. Chris looked over to Kelica,"These are all Sabrina! I-I don't know what to say."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia StreetsSakura nodded and watched as she further demonstrated her magic, covering Steve in armor and even a neat little helmet. "Woah! That's even cooler than the flower!" She told her. "Me eit-" She began, only to be interrupted by Steve dissapearing and plummeting to the cobblestone below. "Ther...urgh.." She finished alongside a pained groan, laying on the ground completely dazed.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia was honestly glad Raa had ran away, she disliked random violence. Though, it wasn't really entirely random if it was self defense she guessed. She just kind of disliked violence in general unless it was sparring or needed on a mission. She gently leaned into Mizuki as she rubbed her hands, relaxing now that the threat was gone. She frowned slightly when they both seemed intent on breaking the guy.

Though truth be told if he had've hurt Ophelia or Mizuki more Alicia would of smashed him into the ground, really. "Are you okay Ophelia? He did kind of hit you with a giant hammer." She asked her, the frown being replaced with a worried look.
Mizuki- Magnolia Streets

Mizuki chuckled darkly as the other girl agreed with her bone breaking thinking. She was definetly starting to like the young girl, though she knew that she'd never replace Alicia. As she was staring at Ophelia she felt a warm body lean into her side, her gaze drifting down to Alicia who seemed to be cuddling up to her. She was so innocent and cute and it made the dark Mage fuzzy on the inside, and made her want more. Fortunately she could get more, seeing as there was another innocent person to hug. Or maybe not so innocent due to the breaking bones comment. She scooted Alicia over and quickly brought Ophelia into her side, holding the two girls in tight hug. "Tell me your name, Little One." She said quietly, her eyes staring down at the two girls. She was in heaven right now.

@Salt Lord
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki- Magnolia Streets
Mizuki chuckled darkly as the other girl agreed with her bone breaking thinking. She was definetly starting to like the young girl, though she knew that she'd never replace Alicia. As she was staring at Ophelia she felt a warm body lean into her side, her gaze drifting down to Alicia who seemed to be cuddling up to her. She was so innocent and cute and it made the dark Mage fuzzy on the inside, and made her want more. Fortunately she could get more, seeing as there was another innocent person to hug. Or maybe not so innocent due to the breaking bones comment. She scooted Alicia over and quickly brought Ophelia into her side, holding the two girls in tight hug. "Tell me your name, Little One." She said quietly, her eyes staring down at the two girls. She was in heaven right now.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia looked up at Mizuki with a shine in her eyes, a cute blink every now and then to counter the dark mage's constant stare. "I'm Ophelia Kaiser! Well, the last name isn't important, seeing as how I'm probably the only person in Magnolia with the name 'Ophelia', but hey!" Despite the scary appearance of the taller lady, the hug was more than enough to send off a vibe that she was an okay person, and although Ophelia had enough height for her head to be where it shouldn't, the love and attention from Mizuki made her feel special. Why was it that Sabertooth, a guild that rivaled Fairy Tail, was treating her better than her own?


Mizuki Kohaku - Hugging Children

Mizuki's eyes softened for a moment as Ophelia began to cutely blink at her. She hated feeling so warm inside, the thought of becoming weak the one thing she dreaded. It seemed that these small girls were doing just that to her, breaking her shell. As nice as it would be to have a comfortable life she couldn't. Gilad was counting on her to represent the guild and continue to carry out his orders. However the dark Mage figured that she could soften up in this moment. When Ophelia revealed her name, Mizuki recognized her as the Fairy Tale Guildmaster. Surely Gilad wouldn't approve of her being acquainted with someone from the rival guild, but he was also an understanding man. Letting out a little sigh, she began to scratch Ophelia's and Alicia's chin, her eyes drifting away from them. "Interesting..."
Kelica - Sabrina's Mad Scientist lab

Kelica lifted a finger to say something but Chris was right. They were equals, she was not The Guardian of her Father's Great Forest, but just some girl who talked to animals and plants, and had a boyfriend as muscular as a sculpture. With a minotaur form that was equally as mooving. She shook her head, did she really just think that?? She took a sideways glance before bringing her green eyes back down to photo of Sabrina that had landed on her. She picked it up slowly, peering at it gently. "Maybe...this is her grandmother or mother? This picture looks old but the girl looks uncanny to Sabrina!" It never occured to her it was the same person. Placing the photo back on the book shelf, before following Chris back into the darkened room, hands suddenly grasping his waist as she could barely see and he made her feel safe. She could make out very little. She felt around and grasped a brown folder called Project: Draco, leaving the room quickly so she could see more clearly in the light. As she opened it, flicking through the pictures and files, the lists of experiments...this could not be for real! Her eyes drifted to the peaceful face of Sabrina as she slept, this was close to a horror story if it was indeed true. The more she read the more she felt sick and eventually she only got through half of the crazy experiments detailing them strapping her down, cutting into her, electrocuting her, injecting her with god knows what...this lovely, nice girl?... She dropped the files which scattered against the ground in a flurry before running into the kitchen and heaving quite suddenly into the sink. It was too much for her...She was sick thinking it. Kelica didn't deal very well with such emotional trauma, how could someone possibly do that? Death was one thing, but torture...That Dr Sanders was a god damn physcopath!

@PeteTSs @Isune
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki- Magnolia Streets
Mizuki chuckled darkly as the other girl agreed with her bone breaking thinking. She was definetly starting to like the young girl, though she knew that she'd never replace Alicia. As she was staring at Ophelia she felt a warm body lean into her side, her gaze drifting down to Alicia who seemed to be cuddling up to her. She was so innocent and cute and it made the dark Mage fuzzy on the inside, and made her want more. Fortunately she could get more, seeing as there was another innocent person to hug. Or maybe not so innocent due to the breaking bones comment. She scooted Alicia over and quickly brought Ophelia into her side, holding the two girls in tight hug. "Tell me your name, Little One." She said quietly, her eyes staring down at the two girls. She was in heaven right now.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki Kohaku - Hugging Children

Mizuki's eyes softened for a moment as Ophelia began to cutely blink at her. She hated feeling so warm inside, the thought of becoming weak the one thing she dreaded. It seemed that these small girls were doing just that to her, breaking her shell. As nice as it would be to have a comfortable life she couldn't. Gilad was counting on her to represent the guild and continue to carry out his orders. However the dark Mage figured that she could soften up in this moment. When Ophelia revealed her name, Mizuki recognized her as the Fairy Tale Guildmaster. Surely Gilad wouldn't approve of her being acquainted with someone from the rival guild, but he was also an understanding man. Letting out a little sigh, she began to scratch Ophelia's and Alicia's chin, her eyes drifting away from them. "Interesting..."
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia was glad that Ophelia seemed to be getting along with Mizuki. She figured Ophelia would get along well with her, but she wasn't so sure Ophelia would seeing as Mizuki had been destroying a fruit stand a minute prior. She also figured Ophelia was fine since she didn't answer her. She had to admit, the girl was both strong and very durable. She doubted she could of taken such a physical blow and just shrugged it off. She would of asked Mizuki how her fight went, but she figured that might of been the reason she was mad originally. She doubted there was any other reason. She felt bad for her, really. She'd talk to her about it later, that was for sure.

She wondered what Mizuki meant by 'interesting' but figured she meant it because Ophelia was Fairy Tail's Master. "I know, right? She's actually really nice! I met her after Alfie helped me, it was kind of funny..really." She told her. "Oh! Yeah! I bet you didn't notice..or maybe you did, but Alfie took the energy back and explained why he acted that way yesterday. It was't his fault, kind of. Something to do with the negative energy? He's actually really nice, at-least I think so." She explained. "He told me not to tell you...but I figured I would incase you saw him so you didn't worry or get mad at him." She added.

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora's face lit up as Lysander accepted her invitation and it was this sudden excitement that brought her to lean down and place a gentle kiss upon his cheek. It lingered for a few seconds before she pulled away with an even bigger smile spread across her face and a deep blush to accompany it. Her spontaneous nature coupled with how comfortable she felt with him was starting to make her actions easier to do now, less hesitance weighing behind them. Though it was still something that she was extremely shy about, at least she knew it was desired from the both of them based on their small interactions thus far. Even though she'd collapsed she was happy that she was surrounded by people she loved and adored, being in their presence despite sitting in a hospital bed, was all she needed to have her spirits lifted. And as if coming in to further cement those thoughts, Clair walked into the room carrying a pair of pajamas that she'd placed neatly on the table beside her, atop of the poncho.

A small irritated twitch caused her lips to shift into a momentary frown as she remembered that it was Clair who had sent the man to make the ridiculous insulting comment at the milkshake shop but it quickly
dissipated. There was no point holding a grudge right now, especially when Clair had cared enough to think of her and get her a change of clothes and come visit her. Their bond as a team went far deeper than any silly prank and in the end they'd always have each-others backs; it was just the way they were. " Hooray, I get to escape this gorgeous hospital gown and slip into something more comfortable! Thanks Clair. " She flashed the red head a grin after she grabbed the pajamas and hugged them to her chest, almost too appreciative. " You've met Lysander, right? Or have you not had the pleasure? He's wonderful and we're a coupl--.." She quickly flailed as she cut off her words, covering her mouth with her pajamas and wanting to shove them into her mouth in an attempt to completely shut herself up. Both cheeks were as red as Clair's hair and they literally felt like they were on fire; a burn that refused to simmer down. Her eyes remained as wide as an owls, hues flickering around from face to face in the room.

Of course Sora had never been with anyone at all nor even liked someone that way before and Clair was going to either tease her or - well that was all she could see her doing actually. She wasn't even sure if that was what they were exactly but that's just how it felt to her with the bond, the promises, the trust, the physical and mental interactions; it all pointed to them being officially together in her eyes. Hopefully he wouldn't be too upset that she'd just jumped the gun with referring to them as a couple to one of her best friends. She lowered the
fistful of clothes and fell back against the pillow, basking in her shame and embarrassment. She wasn't shamed in Lysander at all, rather she was ashamed she just spurted things out without thinking at times. Her figure rolled around upon the bed a few times in an attempt to 'shake it off' before she sat back up, recollected enough to face them. " And Lysander, this is Clair, she's my teammate and one of my best friends even though she picks on me as you got to witness earlier. " The words fumbled out rather quickly before she turned to Clair and continued speaking. " I was just saying we should go to the hot springs for my birthday and then have a sleepover type party at my house after the parade. How does that sound? Would you like to come? " Sora disappeared under the covers then, shifting about like a bed monster before she reappeared in her pajamas and placed the folded hospital gown beside her. She didn't bother mentioning the wizard saint part in the introduction since her pin was clearly visible and if Lysander was observant enough then he'd gather that information all on his own.

A mischievous look appeared in her eyes as she glanced at Clair once again. " I'm sure you'll bring a lot of cake, you always do. And I always get super excited and then realize most of it is for you. Maybe that's why Maya won the competition this year. You had too much cake!" A shrug befall her shoulders, grin wide. She might be stuck in this bed for some time but she definitely had the energy to get Clair back a little bit, even if it was with small mental stabs. Sora looked around the room a bit and suddenly felt guilty that they weren't out enjoying the festival. " You guys don't have to stay here you know... I wouldn't want you missing the festival simply just to be here with me. It can't be fun just watching someone lay in a bed. " She pulled the blanket closer and tilted her head to gaze at Lysander. " And you look exhausted... " Her voice dropped to a more delicate and concerned tone as she looked him over more closely now, noticing the lack of sleep. " You can get on the bed and take a nap, I'll even share the pillow. " Sora offered, scooting over to make more room. She wasn't too concerned with what Maya or Clair would think on the matter of them laying in the same bed, he looked tired and she just wanted him to be able to get some well needed rest.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
@Kyuubey[/URL] @LeSoraAmari @HuorSpinks
Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Infirmary of Hell

"Of course little dove, the only reason I came here was to see you for your birthday after all. The competitions weren't the priority and never will be. They're just a bit of fun I decided to join for enjoyment." Maya chuckled as she said that, and accepted Sora's inevitable invitation to her birthday shindig without question. Of course, Sora knew Maya would make it. Or perhaps she didn't? After all, the last party she had been to of Sora's was four years ago. The years prior to now Sora had received her birthday gifts through the post. But not this year, oh no. "I baked a cake during my time at the bakers, their daughter is such a dear~ it's three tiers and is truly beautiful. But none of you shall see it until tomorrow!" She sniggered, then a mischievous look appeared on her face. "I've enchanted the cake to appear invisible anyway, it's safely secured somewhere in the bakery. It shall not be found." The Wizard Saint didn't think it a good idea to tell the group about the other enchantment she had placed on it. It was one of Maya's personal favourites, the enchantment would send a shock coursing through someone's body strong enough to kill a man. Shaking her head slightly, Maya looked up to Clair who seemed truly baffled by the whole situation. A smile on her face, the woman began to speak. "She is going to become a woman tomorrow, she's bound to have relationships sooner or later. Just be happy that Lysander is Lamia Scale like I am, if anything... Unfortunate happens between the two then it'll be me that deals with it." Maya chuckled with a big grin on her face as she approached Lysander and placed a hand in his head. "He'll treat her right Clair, I've known Lysander for a fair amount of time. He won't upset Sora, that's not in his nature."
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Mika La Viere

Location: White Mountains

Mikael's fangs came out as his sight landed on the smooth white skin of Lavender's neck. Her scent, her skin, everything was just too much to resist for Mika, everything about her was just inviting him to go ahead and just take away from her blood. His body grew colder and his veins drying up. He hesitated for a bit, "but..." he looked over to Sera who was leaning against a tree and visibly hurt and shouting towards him, he made his choice. It's not like he could pass up an opportunity like that, it's not like he could resist anymore the temptation plaguing all through out his body. The bloodlust is becoming stronger and stronger as he closes in to her neck.

His right hand held Lavender's shoulder while his left grabbed her by her hip. His anticipation grew stronger as he got closer to her exposed side of the neck. In a blink of an eye, his fangs were sink in her neck. He was drinking from her blood, straight from the veins. The moment her blood touched his throat, his eyes turned to scarlet red and he felt his powers coming to him. He was careful not to drain her and he backed off in an instant. His tongue licked the blood dripping down her skin from the holes he made on her.

Mikael stood stronger and more powerful than before. Just a drop from Lavender's blood, he knew that it was special. He knew that she was special. And that was evident on the overwhelming power he is experiencing. Nothing tastes sweeter, nothing is more special than a blood that hasn't been tainted, a virgin's blood.

Mika's body started to disappear and flutters with the particle in the mist. He became mist himself. Another moment later he was in front of the huge beast and whispered the incantation: "I offer thee thy blood. Consume o sword of darkness. Grant me thy power, Come Senketsu!" he swung his sword up and hit the huge beast on the chin sending it flying upward. Mikael again vanished and hit it again downwards driving the wyvern into the icy ground. The wyvern let screams of pain and agony as he forced his sword into its head with a powerful thrust.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Kayzo said:
Mizuki Kohaku - Hugging Children

Mizuki's eyes softened for a moment as Ophelia began to cutely blink at her. She hated feeling so warm inside, the thought of becoming weak the one thing she dreaded. It seemed that these small girls were doing just that to her, breaking her shell. As nice as it would be to have a comfortable life she couldn't. Gilad was counting on her to represent the guild and continue to carry out his orders. However the dark Mage figured that she could soften up in this moment. When Ophelia revealed her name, Mizuki recognized her as the Fairy Tale Guildmaster. Surely Gilad wouldn't approve of her being acquainted with someone from the rival guild, but he was also an understanding man. Letting out a little sigh, she began to scratch Ophelia's and Alicia's chin, her eyes drifting away from them. "Interesting..."
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia was glad that Ophelia seemed to be getting along with Mizuki. She figured Ophelia would get along well with her, but she wasn't so sure Ophelia would seeing as Mizuki had been destroying a fruit stand a minute prior. She also figured Ophelia was fine since she didn't answer her. She had to admit, the girl was both strong and very durable. She doubted she could of taken such a physical blow and just shrugged it off. She would of asked Mizuki how her fight went, but she figured that might of been the reason she was mad originally. She doubted there was any other reason. She felt bad for her, really. She'd talk to her about it later, that was for sure.

She wondered what Mizuki meant by 'interesting' but figured she meant it because Ophelia was Fairy Tail's Master. "I know, right? She's actually really nice! I met her after Alfie helped me, it was kind of funny..really." She told her. "Oh! Yeah! I bet you didn't notice..or maybe you did, but Alfie took the energy back and explained why he acted that way yesterday. It was't his fault, kind of. Something to do with the negative energy? He's actually really nice, at-least I think so." She explained. "He told me not to tell you...but I figured I would incase you saw him so you didn't worry or get mad at him." She added.
Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia frowned at the fact that "Interesting" was all Mizuki had to say, even if the scratching on her chin was pleasant. It had to do something with Sabertooth, didn't it? Even if they treated her better than Fairy Tail, they were still a rivaling guild, and Master Gilad might not take a liking to his own members making friends with ones that don't belong to him. Begging might not be such a good idea on such a stern old man either, as he seemed one of those types to get irritated by things like that easily...

The petite water mage's thoughts were cut off by Alicia's voice, which had probably been trying to convince Mizuki to do something. What was more was that she was saying something about Alfie... Negative energy? Not telling anyone? Mizuki getting mad at him? Oh well. Guild rivalry and everyone in Fairy Tail being weird, Ophelia assumed it to be, and decided not to say anything about it. She only stood there to await what the shadow mage had to say, adoring the scratching she was receiving on her chin.

Unknown Falling

Location: Magnolia Streets

After everyone went there separate ways from the Milkshake shop Unknown decided to walk around Magnolia taking in the scenery while his magic was slowly returning. Despite everything Unknown was looking at the positives, he was only mutilated once today! If he can keep that up he might get a new record for this month... he then realized people today are pretty violent. Well he was only mutilated because of his dual with Clair so that might not count now that he thought about it. After turning a corner he wasn't sure what he was meant to do in response to what he was seeing.

There was a twenty three year old hugging a fourteen year old and a ten year old and was enjoying it a little too much for his liking. Unknown didn't know how law enforcement was dealt with here so he couldn't really report anything. He knew he would regret his decisions especially seeing he was low on magical energy and everyone he talks to seems to want to either beat him or murder him but despite this he approached. He would have to be very careful with his words, or he might upset everyone and have to put himself back together... again. He said "Hello" and waved at the group of three as he approached.

"I'm new here and was just wonder what there was to do around here? I've had enough fighting in my life for today so I will be avoiding the tournament..." he noticed her scratching the two kids chins "and I'm not really into touching children like yourself." he shrugged. Surely no one could possibly be upset by that.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord [ Mentioned: @Mr Swiftshots ]
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora's face lit up as Lysander accepted her invitation and it was this sudden excitement that brought her to lean down and place a gentle kiss upon his cheek. It lingered for a few seconds before she pulled away with an even bigger smile spread across her face and a deep blush to accompany it. Her spontaneous nature coupled with how comfortable she felt with him was starting to make her actions easier to do now, less hesitance weighing behind them. Though it was still something that she was extremely shy about, at least she knew it was desired from the both of them based on their small interactions thus far. Even though she'd collapsed she was happy that she was surrounded by people she loved and adored, being in their presence despite sitting in a hospital bed, was all she needed to have her spirits lifted. And as if coming in to further cement those thoughts, Clair walked into the room carrying a pair of pajamas that she'd placed neatly on the table beside her, atop of the poncho.

A small irritated twitch caused her lips to shift into a momentary frown as she remembered that it was Clair who had sent the man to make the ridiculous insulting comment at the milkshake shop but it quickly
dissipated. There was no point holding a grudge right now, especially when Clair had cared enough to think of her and get her a change of clothes and come visit her. Their bond as a team went far deeper than any silly prank and in the end they'd always have each-others backs; it was just the way they were. " Hooray, I get to escape this gorgeous hospital gown and slip into something more comfortable! Thanks Clair. " She flashed the red head a grin after she grabbed the pajamas and hugged them to her chest, almost too appreciative. " You've met Lysander, right? Or have you not had the pleasure? He's wonderful and we're a coupl--.." She quickly flailed as she cut off her words, covering her mouth with her pajamas and wanting to shove them into her mouth in an attempt to completely shut herself up. Both cheeks were as red as Clair's hair and they literally felt like they were on fire; a burn that refused to simmer down. Her eyes remained as wide as an owls, hues flickering around from face to face in the room.

Of course Sora had never been with anyone at all nor even liked someone that way before and Clair was going to either tease her or - well that was all she could see her doing actually. She wasn't even sure if that was what they were exactly but that's just how it felt to her with the bond, the promises, the trust, the physical and mental interactions; it all pointed to them being officially together in her eyes. Hopefully he wouldn't be too upset that she'd just jumped the gun with referring to them as a couple to one of her best friends. She lowered the
fistful of clothes and fell back against the pillow, basking in her shame and embarrassment. She wasn't shamed in Lysander at all, rather she was ashamed she just spurted things out without thinking at times. Her figure rolled around upon the bed a few times in an attempt to 'shake it off' before she sat back up, recollected enough to face them. " And Lysander, this is Clair, she's my teammate and one of my best friends even though she picks on me as you got to witness earlier. " The words fumbled out rather quickly before she turned to Clair and continued speaking. " I was just saying we should go to the hot springs for my birthday and then have a sleepover type party at my house after the parade. How does that sound? Would you like to come? " Sora disappeared under the covers then, shifting about like a bed monster before she reappeared in her pajamas and placed the folded hospital gown beside her. She didn't bother mentioning the wizard saint part in the introduction since her pin was clearly visible and if Lysander was observant enough then he'd gather that information all on his own.

A mischievous look appeared in her eyes as she glanced at Clair once again. " I'm sure you'll bring a lot of cake, you always do. And I always get super excited and then realize most of it is for you. Maybe that's why Maya won the competition this year. You had too much cake!" A shrug befall her shoulders, grin wide. She might be stuck in this bed for some time but she definitely had the energy to get Clair back a little bit, even if it was with small mental stabs. Sora looked around the room a bit and suddenly felt guilty that they weren't out enjoying the festival. " You guys don't have to stay here you know... I wouldn't want you missing the festival simply just to be here with me. It can't be fun just watching someone lay in a bed. " She pulled the blanket closer and tilted her head to gaze at Lysander. " And you look exhausted... " Her voice dropped to a more delicate and concerned tone as she looked him over more closely now, noticing the lack of sleep. " You can get on the bed and take a nap, I'll even share the pillow. " Sora offered, scooting over to make more room. She wasn't too concerned with what Maya or Clair would think on the matter of them laying in the same bed, he looked tired and she just wanted him to be able to get some well needed rest.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
@Kyuubey[/URL] @LeSoraAmari @HuorSpinks
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Infirmary of Hell

"Of course little dove, the only reason I came here was to see you for your birthday after all. The competitions weren't the priority and never will be. They're just a bit of fun I decided to join for enjoyment." Maya chuckled as she said that, and accepted Sora's inevitable invitation to her birthday shindig without question. Of course, Sora knew Maya would make it. Or perhaps she didn't? After all, the last party she had been to of Sora's was four years ago. The years prior to now Sora had received her birthday gifts through the post. But not this year, oh no. "I baked a cake during my time at the bakers, their daughter is such a dear~ it's three tiers and is truly beautiful. But none of you shall see it until tomorrow!" She sniggered, then a mischievous look appeared on her face. "I've enchanted the cake to appear invisible anyway, it's safely secured somewhere in the bakery. It shall not be found." The Wizard Saint didn't think it a good idea to tell the group about the other enchantment she had placed on it. It was one of Maya's personal favourites, the enchantment would send a shock coursing through someone's body strong enough to kill a man. Shaking her head slightly, Maya looked up to Clair who seemed truly baffled by the whole situation. A smile on her face, the woman began to speak. "She is going to become a woman tomorrow, she's bound to have relationships sooner or later. Just be happy that Lysander is Lamia Scale like I am, if anything... Unfortunate happens between the two then it'll be me that deals with it." Maya chuckled with a big grin on her face as she approached Lysander and placed a hand in his head. "He'll treat her right Clair, I've known Lysander for a fair amount of time. He won't upset Sora, that's not in his nature."
Lysander - Infirmary

Lysander blushed once again, giving Sora a shy smile in return for that kiss. This was already the second kiss that Sora had given him, and he had not even given one in return. Yet this was no time to reciprocate, especially not with Maya and Clair in the room. He had no doubt that both women were highly protective of Sora, and Clair especially would react negatively. Maya, on the other hand... he was not so sure. So far, she seemed to approve of their relationship, but if he were to kiss Sora... that might just be pushing it. Soon though, he would have to at least return one kiss or else Sora might think that he was less into her than he actually was. The thought though, of actually kissing her... made him extremely nervous. He shot Sora an apologetic look once again, then quickly bent his head down to finish the last of the bread.

So this was Clair, he thought, as Sora introduced the red-head to him. Originally, he had thought that perhaps he should advice Sora to avoid Clair after what she had done earlier, in sending an unknown man to make such a hurtful comment, but it seemed that Sora had more or less forgiven her for it. In addition, Sora knew Clair much more than he knew her (and he barely knew Clair really), and if she thought their friendship was had too much worth despite some hurtful teasing, then perhaps he should not be so hasty in judging Clair. And there also was the Wizarding Saint pin that Clair was sporting. Even if he had wanted to there was nothing he could do against Clair anyway. As a Wizarding Saint, she would definitely wipe the floor with him, and he might even die in the process.

And then Sora said that both of them were a couple. Once again, his face blushed bright red. Yet, a couple would probably best describe their current relationship. After all, they had both pledged to go through life with each other. A very pleasant warmth spread through him at that thought. Sora was right. They were indeed a couple, and they would indeed go through life with each other by their sides. It was such a pleasant feeling to acknowledge that. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Clair," he said quickly, to defuse the strange situation, a bright smile on his face, though it had to be admitted that his cheeks were still rather red. Maya too, had vouched for him, but... here he could not help feeling nervous at the veiled threat. If he did anything to hurt Sora... those were some heavy weights on his shoulders. He shivered slightly under that thought, slouching a little in an attempt to take the notice off him, even despite Maya's comforting hand on his head. Of course, he would do everything in his power to ensure that Sora was not hurt, not by him or anyone else. Still though, circumstances happened and he could not help worrying that certain things were beyond his control. If anything had happened to Sora because she was with him... he could not forgive himself.

The thought of actually sharing a bed with Sora on the other hand... he stared at her and blinked. "Would... would that really be okay?" he stammered, face red at the mental visualization that that was giving him. He glanced at Maya and Clair to judge their reactions. Would they murder him right there and there for agreeing? And he was not sure whether he dared to move that quickly as well. It was one thing to kiss, it was another to share a bed, and they were not even married yet. But already Sora had changed her position, leaving a space large enough for him. It was true too that they had already shared a bed once, but that had been when he had been unconscious. Right now, he did not dare to, and he did not even know how to respond. Hurt Sora, or get killed by Maya and Clair, thereby hurting Sora? He had no idea, and the confusion and panic showed on his face as he glanced form Sora, to Maya to Clair.

A thump made him start, and his jaw dropped open when he realised that Clair had fallen to the floor, unconscious, a stunned expression on her face. Apparently, he had not been the only one surprised by Sora's offer. Grateful for a chance to at least prolong the situation until he thought of a suitable answer, he immediately crawled over to Clair's side and tentatively poked at her. "She'll be all right, won't she?" he asked, looking at both Sora and Maya for assistance. "Maybe she had better lie down on somewhere more comfortable." Fortunately though, Clair woke up a few minutes later, and he quickly moved back to his original position, by Sora's bedside.
rbshinichi said:

Mika La Viere

Location: White Mountains

Mikael's fangs came out as his sight landed on the smooth white skin of Lavender's neck. Her scent, her skin, everything was just too much to resist for Mika, everything about her was just inviting him to go ahead and just take away from her blood. His body grew colder and his veins drying up. He hesitated for a bit, "but..." he looked over to Sera who was leaning against a tree and visibly hurt and shouting towards him, he made his choice. It's not like he could pass up an opportunity like that, it's not like he could resist anymore the temptation plaguing all through out his body. The bloodlust is becoming stronger and stronger as he closes in to her neck.

His right hand held Lavender's shoulder while his left grabbed her by her hip. His anticipation grew stronger as he got closer to her exposed side of the neck. In a blink of an eye, his fangs were sink in her neck. He was drinking from her blood, straight from the veins. The moment her blood touched his throat, his eyes turned to scarlet red and he felt his powers coming to him. He was careful not to drain her and he backed off in an instant. His tongue licked the blood dripping down her skin from the holes he made on her.

Mikael stood stronger and more powerful than before. Just a drop from Lavender's blood, he knew that it was special. He knew that she was special. And that was evident on the overwhelming power he is experiencing. Nothing tastes sweeter, nothing is more special than a blood that hasn't been tainted, a virgin's blood.

Mika's body started to disappear and flutters with the particle in the mist. He became mist himself. Another moment later he was in front of the huge beast and whispered the incantation: "I offer thee thy blood. Consume o sword of darkness. Grant me thy power, Come Senketsu!" he swung his sword up and hit the huge beast on the chin sending it flying upward. Mikael again vanished and hit it again downwards driving the wyvern into the icy ground. The wyvern let screams of pain and agony as he forced his sword into its head with a powerful thrust.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
How did you know she was a virgin!? O: xD

Lavender Gray

Lavender heard his soft word and she refused to let him go. Before the wizard knew it, Mika's fangs pierced her velvety smooth and pale skin. Causing the wizard to close her eyes as the pinch hurt but it was bareable. It was a weird feeling to allow someone to drink her blood, especially a vampire. The one thing she was really comfortable with is that she knew this vampire. He was so sweet and had his own set of manners which Lavender adored. Though, now was nott he time for relationships.

His fangs then left her neck followed by a lick over the wound that Mika caused before he got out of her grasp and stood up. Lavender took her hand and covered up her wound with that as she watched Mika for a moment before he vanished, already attacking the wyvern and boy was he doing a good amount of damage to it. It had been roaring in pain and it seemed that Mika had a lot more power now that he had a taste of her blood. Was it the blood itself that made him strong?

Or was it that her blood was special in some kind a form? @Mitchs98 (I couldnt find your post to put anything in ;-; im sorry) @rbshinichi
Chris Lengheart (Holding Kelica's hair back)

Chris continued digging through the area until he heard the sound of Kelica's gags. He quickly ran out and did what any good boyfriend would and held her hair back for her while simultaneously stroking her back with the utmost care. He hugged Kelica close and spoke, "You alright? I know what they did to Sabrina is awful. But she's our friend, I'm honestly surprised that I didn't notice when we were fighting. I'd offer you a kiss but I'm worried you already threw up."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
Sakura nodded and watched as she further demonstrated her magic, covering Steve in armor and even a neat little helmet. "Woah! That's even cooler than the flower!" She told her. "Me eit-" She began, only to be interrupted by Steve dissapearing and plummeting to the cobblestone below. "Ther...urgh.." She finished alongside a pained groan, laying on the ground completely dazed.
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

As the dinosaur suddenly vanished from underneath them, Tokine quickly adjusted her midair position to land on her feet safely. She then moved grab the dazed Sakura's hand helped her off of the ground.

"Are you alright?" she asked the girl concernedly. Not everyone had enhanced physical traits like Tokine so she often underestimated others' frailty. When she was younger, many of the other children her age thought she was unnatural nd tended to stay away from her because of her rather distant demeanor. From then on she has tried to be more considerate of how others feel or how they view her.

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