Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(Heading back to the dark room)

Chris only sighed as Kelica threw herself on top of the still sleeping Sabrina. "Lucky Sabrina, I have to ask to be cuddled." Chris said jokingly as he suddenly entered the room again. He came back out with what appeared to be a tombstone, he said nothing as he placed it onto the counter in the kitchen. It was insane, why would Sabrina need a tombstone?

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As her blade cut cut through the air her target seemed to vanish into thin air. With no time to react she found herself quickly trapped amid the boy's barriers. She let her sword fall to her side as she glared through the barrier as her opponent reappeared before her. From his clothes came pouring another wave of slimes, the mound that was already present making it's move as the mass of ooze soon encased her makeshift prison. She looked around the cage, searching for some way out. However, try as she might she was incapable of finding a crack in the boy's trap. He certainly was far more tactical than her previous opponent and that wasn't exactly someone she enjoyed going up against.

Soon enough the boy spoke up, seemingly assured of his own victory as he offered her the chance to surrender. After he finished she gave a bemused snort of air as a smirk crossed her lips. That smirk quickly grew into a smile as she began to laugh at the very prospect of surrendering. After a few seconds she managed to calm herself down enough to give her own retort. "Surrender? Now why would I go and do a thing like that?" She again glanced around her cage, the strain of the mass becoming ever more evident. "Well I didn't exactly wanna use this so early, but sometimes you're just dealt a bad hand y'know?" As cracks began to form in the boy's barriers she gave her sword a quick twirl before slamming it down, stabbing it into the ground beneath her as a large crimson sigil appeared beneath her feet. She stood straight and firm, her hands clasped atop her pummel and eyes closed in concentration. "Brilliant vanguard of the heavens..." Wisps of flame danced around her blade, climbing along it's surface towards her hands and flowing out across her body. The fire grew in intensity, filling her little makeshift cage with a blazing inferno as if the very ground beneath her was erupting. Fissures began to spread outward from the sigil, an eerie crimson glow emanating from them. "Cry havoc and with your wrath unleash the flames of purification!" Her eyes shot open and she quickly withdrew her blade from the ground. Blazing blue flames erupted from the hole, seemingly being pulled from the earth by the blade as it was brought to point skyward. "Elohim Gibor!"

The fissures in the ground suddenly exploded with light and heat as fire began erupting from them. Within seconds a massive wall of flame arced up from the ground beneath the mountain of slimes. The sheer intensity of the heat overwhelming their ability to absorb the magic and ultimately vaporizing them along with the cage that had encased her. Much like her previous match the eruption rebounded off the arena's barriers, doubling back into itself and further fueling the inferno. Within moments the arena was awash with brilliant blue flames.
Adrian shouldn't have given her the opportunity to surrender. He had tried to be honorable, and he let her use that trick she had up her sleeve. He watched as his pyramid of slimes was utterly disintegrated. He didn't have much magic power left in him, but he had enough to survive. He erected some Arcane Barriers to protect against the torrent of flame. They just barely held, but the ambient heat from the flames got through, and he began to feel burns forming on his skin from the convection. His sleeveless arm turned red, and blisters began to form as sweat dripped down his face. She was going to cook him alive! He needed something to turn this around, and fast.

1d190 = 88 = Ice Make

He cast Chaotic Mimicry again, the circle forming under his feet. When the spell completed, knowledge of Ice Make flooded into his mind. "Ice Make: Shield!" he cried, a barrier of frigid ice forming around him. Normally, it would be a frontal shield, but he had adjusted it to be omnidirectional. The cold of the ice stopped his burns from getting worse, and let him last within its heavenly interior until Elohim Gibor ended.

"Are you done?" Adrian asked with venom in his voice as his barriers dissolved, along with his Arcane Armor as it was too big a magic drain right now. He was clearly worse off than he had been earlier, and Tanari could see several burns on his body from the convection. "Because I'm just getting started! Ice Make: Arrows!" he shouted as he put his arms out in front of him, causing a withering barrage of ice shards to fly at Tanari. He had spread them wide but mantained a densely-packed cone of fire, intending to give Tanari nowhere to run.

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea why I have such strength. It's been this way ever since I can remember. Anyway, I suppose I wouldn't mind joining you for a little while. What did you have in mind?" Tokine asked, curious. She couldn't help but wonder what kinds of things someone as boisterous as Sakura did for fun. Tokine's definition would be doing something like studying but that was only because she couldn't think of anything better to do with her spare time. Maybe Sakura would enlighten her. She hoped so at least.

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Genon said:
Adrian shouldn't have given her the opportunity to surrender. He had tried to be honorable, and he let her use that trick she had up her sleeve. He watched as his pyramid of slimes was utterly disintegrated. He didn't have much magic power left in him, but he had enough to survive. He erected some Arcane Barriers to protect against the torrent of flame. They just barely held, but the ambient heat from the flames got through, and he began to feel burns forming on his skin from the convection. His sleeveless arm turned red, and blisters began to form as sweat dripped down his face. She was going to cook him alive! He needed something to turn this around, and fast.
1d190 = 88 = Ice Make

He cast Chaotic Mimicry again, the circle forming under his feet. When the spell completed, knowledge of Ice Make flooded into his mind. "Ice Make: Shield!" he cried, a barrier of frigid ice forming around him. Normally, it would be a frontal shield, but he had adjusted it to be omnidirectional. The cold of the ice stopped his burns from getting worse, and let him last within its heavenly interior until Elohim Gibor ended.

"Are you done?" Adrian asked with venom in his voice as his barriers dissolved, along with his Arcane Armor as it was too big a magic drain right now. He was clearly worse off than he had been earlier, and Tanari could see several burns on his body from the convection. "Because I'm just getting started! Ice Make: Arrows!" he shouted as he put his arms out in front of him, causing a withering barrage of ice shards to fly at Tanari. He had spread them wide but mantained a densely-packed cone of fire, intending to give Tanari nowhere to run.

Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As the flames died down she was on her knees, her blade once more stabbed into the ground and being the only support keeping her upright. Her breathing came in ragged gasps as she looked up at her opponent, seeing him still in fighting form. She clicked her tongue in frustration as she wearily pulled herself to her feet. "What is it with you people and just shrugging off my best moves...." She took a deep breath, getting her breathing under control as she stood up straight. She was given little time to regain her composure as the boy soon launched a barrage of ice in her direction.

She took a step back in surprise, her eyes widening slightly as she watched the boy unleash the ice. Just how many types of magic did he even know? The surprise and exhaustion mixed together to slow her reactions and while she managed to cut down an arrow or two she was quickly overwhelmed. She let out a cry of pain as the ice impacted her body and the ground around her, drowning her in an explosion of icy fragments and dust. The force of the attack threw her to the ground and when the dust settled she was laying on her side with trails of blood trickling down from the wounds the attack had given her.

After a few seconds she slowly moved her arms, propping herself up as she looked for her sword. The force of the attack had separated her from her blade which now lay a ways away from her. She turned her attention back to her opponent, her right eye closed as a trail of blood flowed over it from a small wound on her head. If she could simply get in close this would be her fight but the boy just had too much utility with his magic. No matter how much she tried she couldn't get a read on what he might do as he was constantly pulling out new spells and entirely new types of magic. Nevertheless she would have to press on, she wasn't so weak as to fall from simply casting a powerful spell and getting hit by some glorified icicles.

She slowly staggered to her feet and wiped the blood from her face before falling into her usual combat ready stance. As long as the boy was using ice make magic she could make something happen. The problem was he might very well pull something else out of his hat and knowing that vastly limited her options. Much to her chagrin it seemed her only choice at this point was to use her dwindling magic to make this a ranged fight. So far he hadn't demonstrated any ability to use his trickery at range, nor any real ranged capabilities whatsoever. Going on this strategy she decided to repay her opponent and punched the air before her. With each punch a small ball of fire shot out like a cannon round towards the boy, exploding on impact and leaving a napalm-like field of fire in their wake.
Eias Baole - tourney stands

A majority of the people who had once been at the arena stands had left for a while. Either they lost a bet, had to use the bathroom, or lost interest. This made Eias's life much easier. She could see a little better in the crowed now. It seemed like two battles were still going on as far as she could tell while viewing the vision lacrema. All she wanted to do was find Kim and Ryu. Kim's fight was done apparently so she must be somewhere around. Blowing two bubbles, one small and one large, she let the large one fly up into the air. Viewing the area from the small bubble, she looked at the groups of people. With luck, she managed to find the two sitting down.. with another person. A fellow guild member? She thought to herself. Might as well start moving over there. Adjusting her body to the direction she saw them at, she started to make her way over. The crowd was starting to come in a little more now however. She blew another bubble and let if float over to them which ended up being much faster than her squeezing past everyone.

Hey guys. Mind holding a spot for me?

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow @Rhodus
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[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling

Location: Magnolia Streets

Unknown narrowed his eye at Mizuki's snarky response wondering if he annoyed some witch that cursed him to explain why everyone was so mean to him, after everything today he is starting to lose his patience "Well for your first point you could have just said "I'm not from around her too so I wouldn't know, sorry." like a polite individual and with the second point because I assumed you weren't a huge jerk."

He then turned his attention to Ophelia, "Well of course the fighting doesn't appeal to me, I just said that?" why was she annoyed at him when she wasn't even paying attention? Then he heard Alicia's suggestion, he knew she was planning something, he had dealt with these types before and being undead made him more sensitive to peoples true intentions and emotions, he was mainly just surprised she was so young with that mindset.

Unknown decided he would make a point and said "I'll try a corndog why not." and went over and bought a corndog, returned to the group and eat it in front of Alicia. Luckily for Unknown being undead meant he was unable to be effected by drugs due to a lack of chemical reactions in his body, not including the fact he didn't even have the blood for it to travel around his body in the first place. He then spoke to Alicia "By the way kid, if you want to trick people you might want to avoid looking "too" innocent, overdoing it is the worse way to lie. Doesn't make it believable and comes across as fake." he then threw the stick into a nearby bin when he had finished his corndog, "Also "never" underestimate your opponents."


Alfie - Random Roof

Our friendly ribbon mage peered over at the three girls and the undead guy, a blank stare adorning his pretty face. Unknown probably wasn't wrong when he called Mizuki a huge jerk, but the fact that he'd interrupt such adorable bonding time could never be forgiven. He was going to have his extra positive energy, damnit! With a swipe of his hand, a small cyclone of ribbon and wire shot up from the ground and encircled the three ladies before they could react to the undead man. Or the lady in that red suit. Maybe he should have waited so the girls could have at least had a chance to speak to her...?


"Pricks. Pricks everywhere," Alfie extended his hand into the sky, sitting on the edge of the roof of an apartment with the other three behind him.

Ophelia - Random Roof

"Oh, hello! I'm O-- wha...?" Ophelia cut herself off as she looked around. The lady who had seemingly been Mizuki's friend was nowhere to be found, and the crowds of people had seemingly vanished... No, they didn't vanish. As the little girl got a better look of her surroundings, she was... on a roof?! What made things even weirder was that a certain man in pink was just sitting there, a hand extended outward... "Alfie! What are you... what are we doing here?! How are we doing here?!"

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Mizuki's arms tightened against her stomach as more people began to come to their location. She really didn't want to have to communicate with so many people, and who knows what lies the Unknown fellow would tell her guildmates. Worst of all he got annoyed when she got angry! He couldn't just insult her and get mad when she talked back. "Perhaps you shouldn't interrupt people's lives." She replied, her dark eyes narrowing at the man. He was very frustrating and she wanted him to leave. Fortunately she had Alicia at her side who was stopping her from lashing out. Luckily she didn't have to stare at him much longer as a ball of ribbons suddenly wrapped around the three girls. Ophelia seemed to know exactly who was doing this, and Mizuki didn't know if she should be happy or sad that it was Alfie. Seeing him would give her a chance to apologize for her behavior and thank him for helping Alicia, and maybe get some ribbon action, but she'd also be seeing Alfie who may still be mad at her. Surely Ophelia would stop him from attacking them. "What was the point of that?"

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia Infirmary -- Milkshake Shop.

It had been at least an hour and a half since the events of his match, and after passing out in the ring, Hibiki awake in the confines of the towns infirmary. Sighing, the young man sat up and scratched his head. How could he have been so careless? If only he actually prepared for the matches then he most definitely wouldn't have passed out. The whole thing was embarrassing beyond belief and the fact that it caused him to lose to a guildless mage made matters even worse. No doubt Lyra was going to scold him for that, and for using Satan Soul in a simple tournament as well. Oh well. Leaning back, Hibiki watched the matched unfurl on the lacrima screen above his bed and as it turned out, Tanari was fighting. And her opponent was Adrian, another Fairy Tail mage. "Damn... Well if he doesn't win then I'm not sure, Tanari is a tough girl though that's for sure." A grin made its way into his face, Hibiki didn't actually mind losing. He was glad to have met a Mage like Tanari, she was definitely strong and that alone pleased him. Hibiki just hoped that she'd consider his recommendation and join Fairy Tail. But part of his being believed that that would never happen.

Getting up from his bed, Hibiki got himself dressed and out of the horrible infirmary clothes he had been clad with and then made his way out of the building and into the streets. Deciding to go to the milkshake shop, he did just that and got there in a flash. Upon making his way inside, he noticed a woman sat by herself and being the overly kind person he is, Hibiki couldn't help but say. "Would you like anything?" With a welcoming and endearing tone in his voice. "The names Hibiki by the way... And you are?" He said, waiting for the other mage to answer him. If she chose to, that was.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Heading back to the dark room)

Chris only sighed as Kelica threw herself on top of the still sleeping Sabrina. "Lucky Sabrina, I have to ask to be cuddled." Chris said jokingly as he suddenly entered the room again. He came back out with what appeared to be a tombstone, he said nothing as he placed it onto the counter in the kitchen. It was insane, why would Sabrina need a tombstone?

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Kelica - Sabrina's Apartment

Kelica pulled herself unwillingly off of Sabrina's chest, turning to face Chris as he moved the tombstone onto the kitchen bench. This needed answers and Kelica needed to hear them from Sabrina, she reached up and shook her shoulder gently to try and rouse her. "Sabrina?...Sabrina please...This is Kelica...Sweety you need to wake up..." She said in a concerned tone.

@PeteTSs @Isune
Valken Truss - Ninja Mode gone wrong

Valken was grinning from ear to ear, his instincts were correct and he had found the Lamia Scale Master with such ease, such prowess! He spotted the short scruffy blond hair before him, bent over on the edge of the bed away from him as they looked like they were trying to tie a shoe lace. "So this is where you have been hiding out Master Lloyd?" He was so sure of himself he didn't even notice the underwear, dresses and high heels littering the bed in a messy fashion, so he was equally caught off guard when 'Lloyd' let out a high pitched scream and whirled, jumping backwards and back up against the wall with big, blue eyes. His grin faded and his dark purple eyes went huge. That was not Lloyd...that was a girl. A naked girl...A very pretty, but still very naked girl before him. His mouth opened as if to say something, cheeks bursting into a bright red. But before he could explain, the body with bouncing boobs attached strode across the room, thrust her hands onto his shoulder and forcefully pushed him off the windowsill. "You God Damn perverted butt-hole!!" It screeched, slamming the window as it did. Valken was so surprised, seriously why were boobs so hypnotic?, that he lost balance instantly and fell the whole 3 storeys. Luckily instead of splattering against the ground, he simply morphed into the shadowed floor, taking no damage. And then stepped out as if he had just landed on a trampoline or foam pit. Once on his feet, he put a hand on his chin, looking thoughtful. "I never get my sources wrong...how could I have made such a big mistake in my Intel?" Snapping his fingers as he remembered that last stall owner's information. "It must have been that man! I thought his eyebrow wiggle was peculiar..." Having wasted a good portion of time on a silly endeavor he slowly started to walk back to the Milkshake Shop.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks (Lloyd mentioned)
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Sabrina stirred a bit. She opened one eye and groaned. W...What happened...she lifted her hands and rubbed her eyes. Someone was gently shaking her shoulders. "W...What happened...?" she asked nobody in particular. She sat up and blinked a couple of times. Where was she? Last thing she remembered was someone standing over her after waking up from Kelica's healing. She shook her head and looked around. Strange, I'm in someone's house...wait a minute...IS THAT... Sabrina caught sight of her tombstone, next to Chris. She swung her head around and looked at her now not-so-secret secret room. Her eyes widened when she saw it was open. She looked around again, and caught sight of Kelica. Her jaw dropped in panic and fright, and she started hyperventilating. Her fear of losing her only friends because of her past sprung up once again.

@Zuka @Isune

Haruhi Redfox

On a Train

Haruhi couldn't help but giggle slightly at her sister's embarrassment. She found any slip up her sister did to be the greatest thing in all of Fiore, due to the fact that she was nearly perfect at everything she did. The only thing that she beat her twin at was magic, seeing that she was an S-Rank wizard. And in terms of hair. Yet she still liked Honoka's magic much more than her own. Haruhi was very tanky and ugly seeing as her skin turned into iron, yet Honoka used the power of her hypnotic music and channeled it into a beautiful form of magic. Speaking of her music, the sweet sound of a violin filled the room, almost instantly making her giggling go away. "Your music never fails to make me happy Honks. You should try to teach me again." Many times before she could recall Honoka attempting to teach Haruhi they ways of music, yet she was always out of tune or squeaking. Music and Haruhi are something that will never go together.

Millie Tlalloc

Milkshake Shop

Millie has been having a rather unpleasant day. First Valken left her to go who knows where with a ton of strangers! To make it worse said strangers had left her alone in the milkshake shop! So there she sat at the booth of the shop, a milkshake in her hands and tears falling down her face. From a few feet away she looked like an alcoholic struggling with depression, replacing the alcohol with ice cream of course. However her loneliness was short lived as she felt a presence beside her of the male gender. For a brief moment she believed it to be Valken, however her assumptions were wrong. Instead it was a man named Hibiki, and he was offering to buy her a drink. Millie would've taken it as being hit on, but the sincere and calming atmosphere that boy gave off said otherwise. Sniffling, she wiped the tears from her eyes and shook her head, her hand shaking the cup gently. "B-no thank you Hibiki, I have my own drink." She said, closing her eyes for a moment. "And my name is Millie, from Lamia Scale..."

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288
PeteTSs said:

Sabrina stirred a bit. She opened one eye and groaned. W...What happened...she lifted her hands and rubbed her eyes. Someone was gently shaking her shoulders. "W...What happened...?" she asked nobody in particular. She sat up and blinked a couple of times. Where was she? Last thing she remembered was someone standing over her after waking up from Kelica's healing. She shook her head and looked around. Strange, I'm in someone's house...wait a minute...IS THAT... Sabrina caught sight of her tombstone, next to Chris. She swung her head around and looked at her now not-so-secret secret room. Her eyes widened when she saw it was open. She looked around again, and caught sight of Kelica. Her jaw dropped in panic and fright, and she started hyperventilating. Her fear of losing her only friends because of her past sprung up once again.

@Zuka @Isune
Kelica - Sabrina's apartment

Kelica watched Sabrina start to rouse from her rest, leaning back slightly with soft, loving green eyes. She tried to make everything about her posture seem caring and none-aggressive, though as she watched the girls eyes spin around and her breath go much to fast, Kelica put a hand out to rest against her shoulder gently. "Relax sweety, it is ok. Deep breaths.... We are not going anywhere...Chris happened to find your secret room..." Here she looked slightly saddened. "We didn't mean to go through all your stuff honestly but..." She wanted to demand why the girl never told her any of this before, but she had her reasons and a lack of time. "Is....is this what you wanted to tell me about last night?" She said in a soft tone, rubbing her shoulder gently. Here, she figured words might not go through so she drew Sabrina into a tight hug, putting a hand on the back of her head and drawing it into her shoulder, holding her close and safe, while she rubbed her back comforting. "It's ok, we are here now and we will keep you safe..." She said finally.


Sabrina fell back down, into Kelica's lap. Her whole body racked from the fact that she was crying. Tears spewed out of her eyes like a river flowing downhill. Sabrina sobbed into Kelica's leg. "I....I'm so....s-s-s-sorry....f-f-for keeping th-th-this from y-y-you guys for this long..." she hiccuped. "I-I-I'm s-s-so....sor-r-ry..." She really didn't want her friends to be spooked off because she was so different from the others. She really just doesn't want to lose another bunch of friends.

@Zuka @Isune
Kayzo said:
Haruhi Redfox

On a Train

Haruhi couldn't help but giggle slightly at her sister's embarrassment. She found any slip up her sister did to be the greatest thing in all of Fiore, due to the fact that she was nearly perfect at everything she did. The only thing that she beat her twin at was magic, seeing that she was an S-Rank wizard. And in terms of hair. Yet she still liked Honoka's magic much more than her own. Haruhi was very tanky and ugly seeing as her skin turned into iron, yet Honoka used the power of her hypnotic music and channeled it into a beautiful form of magic. Speaking of her music, the sweet sound of a violin filled the room, almost instantly making her giggling go away. "Your music never fails to make me happy Honks. You should try to teach me again." Many times before she could recall Honoka attempting to teach Haruhi they ways of music, yet she was always out of tune or squeaking. Music and Haruhi are something that will never go together.

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288
Honoka Redfox

She said what now?

Honoka stopped mid bow, leaving an ugly screech in the place of a note. Hazel eyes stared at Haruhi, small star like reflections appeared in them. " You want to start learning again?" Her twin asking for lessons on how to play? This was something that she didn't expect out of her ,much less after her giving up on music a few years prior! Honoka was always the smaller twin when it came to magic, Haruhi had an amazing affinity for magic. She took after their grandfather, which she admires.
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Chris Lengheart(It's okay)

Chris watched as Sabrina broke down in front of him. As she began to sob Chris suddenly walked over to her. He stared down at her for a brief moment, looking almost as if he were about to choke her. But all of a sudden, he swooped her up with his monster strength and got her wrapped in the a bear hug the likes of which only few lived to tell about. He held her close, tears welling in his eyes as he finally said,"It's okay, you're with people who care about you."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Sabrina's Apartment

Kelica was shocked as Sabrina suddenly broke down in a flood of tears, it shouldn't be but it only made her heart break more. After all the horrible things that had happened to her, the girl was most concerned about if Chris and Kelica would stay by her side? It was crazy to comprehend! Kelica lept up a second later and came behind Sabrina, and wrapped her arms around both the girl and Chris, letting both Chris and Kelica circle her in a warmth of arms and hugs and love. "Shh, shh, shh, shh sweety...." Pressing her face to her back.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sabrina cried. She cried and cried and cried. Cried about what she was. Cried about how she became what she was. Cried for her past friends who have left her. Cried at the fact that she finally found people who were willing to accept her. Cried about the fact that she finally has a family. "Y-You guys! T-T-Thank you! Wahhhh!!!" She continued to cry louder, but this time, instead of shedding tears of pain, oh no, this time they were tears of joy.

@Zuka @Isune
Drakerus said:

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea why I have such strength. It's been this way ever since I can remember. Anyway, I suppose I wouldn't mind joining you for a little while. What did you have in mind?" Tokine asked, curious. She couldn't help but wonder what kinds of things someone as boisterous as Sakura did for fun. Tokine's definition would be doing something like studying but that was only because she couldn't think of anything better to do with her spare time. Maybe Sakura would enlighten her. She hoped so at least.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki's arms tightened against her stomach as more people began to come to their location. She really didn't want to have to communicate with so many people, and who knows what lies the Unknown fellow would tell her guildmates. Worst of all he got annoyed when she got angry! He couldn't just insult her and get mad when she talked back. "Perhaps you shouldn't interrupt people's lives." She replied, her dark eyes narrowing at the man. He was very frustrating and she wanted him to leave. Fortunately she had Alicia at her side who was stopping her from lashing out. Luckily she didn't have to stare at him much longer as a ball of ribbons suddenly wrapped around the three girls. Ophelia seemed to know exactly who was doing this, and Mizuki didn't know if she should be happy or sad that it was Alfie. Seeing him would give her a chance to apologize for her behavior and thank him for helping Alicia, and maybe get some ribbon action, but she'd also be seeing Alfie who may still be mad at her. Surely Ophelia would stop him from attacking them. "What was the point of that?"
@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Alicia: Random Roof

Alicia was about to comment on the whole 'too cute' thing when Alfie swept the three of them away to some random roof. It'd scared her at first, causing her to cling to Mizuki more, though when they were placed on the roof she relaxed upon Ophelia's words and seeing Alfie. If she had to pick she'd choose Alfie over that other guy, she didn't like him already. She was just trying to play a joke on him, not do something evil. Oh well. "Hi Alfie!" She called out followed by turning to him and waving, leaving one arm wrapped around Mizuki's waist. "Watcha' bring us here for?" She asked.

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia/Milkshake Shop

Lyra had remained plastered to the alleyway wall, tears soaking her cheeks, unable to process what was happening. All feeling in her right arm as well as hand was completely gone; numb. Her thoughts had directed themselves to try to focus on Hibiki, knowing the boy was a pillar of support in every aspect even though she'd never admitted that to him. " Hi....bi.. ki... is... " Her fingers slid into her hair at the question, tugging in an attempt to actually yank it out, the memories associated with him started to become harder to grasp or see. They blurred themselves until his face remained a mystery, no longer able to associate the name with the face, the only memories of Hibiki unaffected were from when she was younger. " Little Hibiki... he's like me... I-I t-think h-he... w-who i-is.. " The words were sobbed out, incomprehensible as she held onto the memories of them when they were younger with a desperate cry, afraid they would disappear too. Her whole frame jolted up from the ground suddenly, body slamming into the wall behind it whilst a series of pulses shook her. A dark energy emitted itself like slow rising fog and she let out a shrill scream, footsteps being heard as she ran down the alley and into the streets of Magnolia as if trying to escape from something; in reality she was trying to run from herself.

Both eyes remained squeezed shut as she slammed into people and continued to run, not wanting to slow down.
I can't afford to stop.... This one thought kept her going, struggling to suppress the emotions drowning her. But I'm not strong enough... Her sprint turned into a stumbling stagger, the hands entangled within her hair falling to wrap around herself in means of comfort. It'd seem she'd stopped in front of the Milkshake shop but Lyra remained completely unaware of this as shock waves of energy were released from her body, over and over with immense pressure. The windows of the shops around her burst in at the impact, shards of glass flying around in a frenzied manner as her body lifted off the ground. White strands of hair whipped about in the air before they became stained with black tips, eyes flashing open to be a lifeless yellow that were anything but human, but it was the screams - the pained inhuman sounds that reverberated throughout the area that caused people to cower in fear and drop their belongings only to scatter in hopes of finding safety. The transition had only begun and this one was strictly out of her control, the emotional trigger behind it much too overwhelming. " T-The l-l-lock cannot b-break... t-the chains must r-remain... " Her voice cut in and out almost robotically, tone void of any sign of Lyra being present, but it was a warning spoken nonetheless.

@Kayzo @Zuka ( Since you're there )
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's arms tightened against her stomach as more people began to come to their location. She really didn't want to have to communicate with so many people, and who knows what lies the Unknown fellow would tell her guildmates. Worst of all he got annoyed when she got angry! He couldn't just insult her and get mad when she talked back. "Perhaps you shouldn't interrupt people's lives." She replied, her dark eyes narrowing at the man. He was very frustrating and she wanted him to leave. Fortunately she had Alicia at her side who was stopping her from lashing out. Luckily she didn't have to stare at him much longer as a ball of ribbons suddenly wrapped around the three girls. Ophelia seemed to know exactly who was doing this, and Mizuki didn't know if she should be happy or sad that it was Alfie. Seeing him would give her a chance to apologize for her behavior and thank him for helping Alicia, and maybe get some ribbon action, but she'd also be seeing Alfie who may still be mad at her. Surely Ophelia would stop him from attacking them. "What was the point of that?"
@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
"Yaaay!" Sakura shouted happily in reply. Though, then it hit her. She didn't have anything planned at all. What could they do? She'd kind of just been roaming around to find something herself. "Ummm...Uhh...I dunno.." She eventually told her followed by a sigh. "I was kinda finding something to do myself when you showed up." She added with a shrug and a slight frown. She hoped it wouldn't make her mad or anything, really. "We could both look? Find something we both like to do?" She offered with a hopeful smile.

Alicia: Random Roof

Alicia was about to comment on the whole 'too cute' thing when Alfie swept the three of them away to some random roof. It'd scared her at first, causing her to cling to Mizuki more, though when they were placed on the roof she relaxed upon Ophelia's words and seeing Alfie. If she had to pick she'd choose Alfie over that other guy, she didn't like him already. She was just trying to play a joke on him, not do something evil. Oh well. "Hi Alfie!" She called out followed by turning to him and waving, leaving one arm wrapped around Mizuki's waist. "Watcha' bring us here for?" She asked.
Alfie - Random Roof

Alfie looked back over at the three ladies and gave a small wave to Alicia. "When I said that there were pricks everywhere, I was honest. First there was that cloaked man, and then that zombie... So I took all three of you up here so you wouldn't have to deal with that. Or the crowds. The crowds down there are awful." The ribbon mage grabbed onto a conveniently placed ribbon and pulled himself onto his feet with it with it before turning around to face the three. "So, aside from pricks... well, I know how you two are faring so far," he looked at Alicia and Ophelia before turning to Mizuki, "But what about you? How has your day been going?"

Ophelia - Random Roof

The young Guild Master crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks angrily when Alfie told them that he took them away from people so they wouldn't have to deal with them. What did it matter to him?! The three could handle things on their own! They didn't need a dude who wears pink and uses ribbons as his main form of magic to come to the rescue! But she would keep her mouth closed, because this man in pink was a member of Fairy Tail.
Chris Lengheart (Bear hugs for all!)

Chris eventually calmed down enough to let go of Sabrina. He suddenly grabbed the tombstone as he spoke, "Listen Sabrina, we'll believe you no matter what you say...so why is your name on this? Is there something you're not telling us?" he said with a bit of guilt in his tone. He knew he shouldn't bring this up now, but he knew that there had to be some reason for this, and Chris was gonna get to the bottom of it.
Valken Truss - Alley streets near Milkshake Shop

Valken was idly stepping through the back streets on auto-pilot, stepping through the crowds and weaving gracefully. He had his hand still on his chin in thought. The whole situation with the girly Lloyd was still waying heavily in his mind, though it gave him a chance to catch up with Lysander, Sora and Millie once more. He rounded the corner just infront of the shop, lifting his dark gaze just as the windows shattered beside him. He felt a shard or two dig painfully into the arm closest to the shop as he lifted it to shielded himself by reflex, making him whince. He reached up suddenly and grasped one shard, then another, ripping it from his skin and blood starting to drip down his arm from the wound, his palm luckily unaffected as it was still bandaged from Sera's fight. He was about to investigate just who did that damage when his brain suddenly snapped, realising Millie was still in that shop. If a single shard hit her...

In a second he had vaulted into the broken window of the shop, rolling the second his feet hit the floor parcore style, leaping up and over a table and in a dizzling flash he was there beside her booth, shoving Hibiki out of the way almost violently and pressing his body against her, arms around her in strong protective hold. He watched thing's rattle, glass fly everywhere, but he didn't care as long as she was safe! His eyes dark and livid as they peered outside.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
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Alicia: Random Roof

Alicia nodded slowly. She didn't really mind talking to the others, one of them she recognized as a member of Sabertooth too. Well..she minded talking to the guy that was apparently a zombie, he was rude even worse than that he'd made Mizuki unhappy. Ophelia didn't seem to be too happy about the situation..oh well. Alicia couldn't help but smile slightly at the fact of Alfie and Mizuki getting along decently well, however. She'd been kind of worried that Alfie would attack them, really, going by what he'd told her last. Though any semblance of worry was soon erased, though she stayed in her half hugging posistion beside Mizuki simply because she liked being there and Mizuki seemed to like it too.

She couldn't help but giggle at Ophelia's posistion though, it was kind of funny. "
What's wrong Ophelia? Corndogs making you feel sick?" She asked her jokingly, an amused grin on her face.

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