Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kayzo said:
Mizuki's eyes locked onto Alfie as he began to speak to the girls. It seemed that he was in a much better mood than the day before where he attempted to murder her in the streets, most likely due to the positive vibes being sent out. Alicia seemed to be ecstatic to see Alfie, yet she clung onto her side as if she was afraid of something. The dark Mage continued to stay silent until Alfie spoke directly to her, asking how her day was. This was a question she wasn't asked very often due to the fact that most people believed her day to be bad. "My day has been terrible, but I'm thankful that you got us away from the others. They were getting on my nerves..." Mizuki replied, her arms easing up a little. She could really use some tight ribbons around her neck about now.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Random Roof
Alicia nodded slowly. She didn't really mind talking to the others, one of them she recognized as a member of Sabertooth too. Well..she minded talking to the guy that was apparently a zombie, he was rude even worse than that he'd made Mizuki unhappy. Ophelia didn't seem to be too happy about the situation..oh well. Alicia couldn't help but smile slightly at the fact of Alfie and Mizuki getting along decently well, however. She'd been kind of worried that Alfie would attack them, really, going by what he'd told her last. Though any semblance of worry was soon erased, though she stayed in her half hugging posistion beside Mizuki simply because she liked being there and Mizuki seemed to like it too.

She couldn't help but giggle at Ophelia's posistion though, it was kind of funny. "
What's wrong Ophelia? Corndogs making you feel sick?" She asked her jokingly, an amused grin on her face.
Alfie nodded after Mizuki thanked him for getting the three away from the nerve-wracking people, but frowned that the same time hearing she was having a bad day. "Is there anything I can do to help make your day a bit better...?" Truth be told, he really hoped he could repair relations with Mizuki. Alicia was already friendly enough toward him, and that seemed to help, but the shadow lady still didn't seem completely comfortable with him. Which was understandable, considering he tried to kill her and the one that was most precious to her, but he couldn't think straight when that happened. Now he could.

Meanwhile, Ophelia only blushed and let out a small 'hmph', turning her head away from the teasing of Alicia.

Sabrina felt Chris let go of her. He then asked about the tombstone. "Ah...that thing..." she said with a small, sad smile. "Oh...it's just...I-I...um...I-I think it would be the most beneficial if you see it...yourselves..." Sabrina trailed off. She walked up to her tombstone, placing her hand on the front. She sighed and opened a secret chamber inside the slab. The chamber contained a single, small wooden chest, with a combination lock on it. Sabrina dialed in the code: ARDESDNRS. The small lock swung open, and Sabrina opened then chest. She took out what seemed like a old, framed photograph. She placed her hand on its wooden frames, looking at it longingly before placing it face down on the nearest table. She sat back down on the sofa and gave Kelica and Chris both a sad, little smile. "Go ahead...look before I change my mind..." she said before curling up on the sofa, hugging a pillow tightly.

@Zuka @Isune
Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared at Alfie in silence for a few moments after his question. Surely Alfie had to be planning to kill them by gaining their trust. No one ever asked what they could do to make Mizuki's day better. She was so used to being a dog and carrying out orders that she wasn't used to being served. Of course Alicia helped her even if she didn't know it, but no one addressed it directly. Speaking of dog, the Dark Mage spoke finally, her voice less tense than normal. "Wrap some ribbons around me. Make them tight..."
"O... Okay." Certainly not the kind of answer he was expecting. He thought he'd hear "leave us alone" or "get out of my sight" or something of the sort, but she wanted to be wrapped in ribbons...? Mentally shrugging the weirdness of the request off, Alfie clasped his hands together in a praying motion, resulting in the formation of a mandala under Mizuki. The formation of the mandala resulted in the formation of satin ribbons, and after a minute or two of generic magical girl transformation sequence, the dark haired mage was wrapped completely and carefully in a suit deep violet, squeezing ribbons. "Like this...?"

Ophelia stared in awe at the suit of ribbons, speechless. I'd go gay for that, she thought to herself.
Kelica - Sabrina's Apartment

Kelica felt Chris drop the girl to her feet so Kelica unwillingly let go as well, following her as she made her way to the tombstone, watching with intent as she unlocked it. The longing look on the photo didn't go unnoticed, and as she curled up on the couch Kelica wanted to give her another hug, she refrained though. Kelica grasped at the photo and lifted up to see it. A family? It looked like child Sabrina and her dad, the mum scribbled out. But what was more troubling was the man looked identical to that Dr Sanders, the one who had done all those horrible experiments. It finally clicked and the information dawned on her face. This Sabrina was the same sabrina who had died when she was 4...Dr Sanders, her father no less, had ressurected her from the grave, and had continually done those torturtious experiments on her.

Her own father, her own blood. Kelica's face paled and she was stunned again, feeling that familiar churning of her stomach. Though when she spoke, it was oddly calm if not dripping with coldness. "Where is he-?" Her eyes even narrowing down. "Where is Dr Sanders-? When I find him..."

@Isune @PeteTSs
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"O... Okay." Certainly not the kind of answer he was expecting. He thought he'd hear "leave us alone" or "get out of my sight" or something of the sort, but she wanted to be wrapped in ribbons...? Mentally shrugging the weirdness of the request off, Alfie clasped his hands together in a praying motion, resulting in the formation of a mandala under Mizuki. The formation of the mandala resulted in the formation of satin ribbons, and after a minute or two of generic magical girl transformation sequence, the dark haired mage was wrapped completely and carefully in a suit deep violet, squeezing ribbons. "Like this...?"

Ophelia stared in awe at the suit of ribbons, speechless. I'd go gay for that, she thought to herself.

Alicia: Random Roof

Alicia giggled at Ophelia's reaction to her statement though she soon found herself staring in confusion at Mizuki as she asked for Alfie to wrap ribbons around her. Maybe she liked the feel of ribbon? Shrugging she moved her arm off of Mizuki so as to not get wrapped up in the ribbon herself, she liked hugging Mizuki, not being worn by Mizuki. She watched as Alfie proceeded to fulfill her reuqest, eventually ending up with a Mizuki wrapped up in ribbon. It looked kind of cool, to be honest. Uncomfortable, but cool looking.

At that point she made her way to sit down beside Ophelia, it seemed they'd be here for at-least a little bit. That was of course, unless Ophelia or herself left without Mizuki. Which, might be best. Give them some time to work things out and whatnot. Then again..there was still a partial bit of not trusting Alfie in her that made her worry for Mizuki. Though, everything was going fine so far? And if Alfie really wanted to he could probably of hurt them all already. Shrugging she looked up at Ophelia, "I was only kidding by the way, didn't mean to make you mad or anything." She told her. "But I gotta ask, what exactly was with those corndogs? Didja know about them before we ate them?" She asked her. She wouldn't be mad either way, she was just curious to see if her friend knew or not. It was kind of funny anyway, she guessed. Though she wasn't entirely sure why it didn't effect that guy, but she guessed it didn't do anything to her for a while either..so yeah.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Random RoofAlicia giggled at Ophelia's reaction to her statement though she soon found herself staring in confusion at Mizuki as she asked for Alfie to wrap ribbons around her. Maybe she liked the feel of ribbon? Shrugging she moved her arm off of Mizuki so as to not get wrapped up in the ribbon herself, she liked hugging Mizuki, not being worn by Mizuki. She watched as Alfie proceeded to fulfill her reuqest, eventually ending up with a Mizuki wrapped up in ribbon. It looked kind of cool, to be honest. Uncomfortable, but cool looking.

At that point she made her way to sit down beside Ophelia, it seemed they'd be here for at-least a little bit. That was of course, unless Ophelia or herself left without Mizuki. Which, might be best. Give them some time to work things out and whatnot. Then again..there was still a partial bit of not trusting Alfie in her that made her worry for Mizuki. Though, everything was going fine so far? And if Alfie really wanted to he could probably of hurt them all already. Shrugging she looked up at Ophelia, "I was only kidding by the way, didn't mean to make you mad or anything." She told her. "But I gotta ask, what exactly was with those corndogs? Didja know about them before we ate them?" She asked her. She wouldn't be mad either way, she was just curious to see if her friend knew or not. It was kind of funny anyway, she guessed. Though she wasn't entirely sure why it didn't effect that guy, but she guessed it didn't do anything to her for a while either..so yeah.
The blush faded as Alicia apologized, pushing Ophelia to at least look at the other girl. Her arms were still crossed, but this wasn't out of anger, as she spoke to answer the Sabertooth member's questions. "I really had no idea the corndogs would do that. They seemed like just normal corndogs. But my guess is that they had to be infused with some sort of magic. I'm not sure why I saw the space stuff and you didn't, though... But I guess it doesn't really matter now. Maybe after this, we can go and get more for a test...?" The Guild Master hadn't quite thought that doing such a thing could be dangerous, but she'd overkill anyone dumb enough to actually poison food as such a big event.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]The blush faded as Alicia apologized, pushing Ophelia to at least look at the other girl. Her arms were still crossed, but this wasn't out of anger, as she spoke to answer the Sabertooth member's questions. "I really had no idea the corndogs would do that. They seemed like just normal corndogs. But my guess is that they had to be infused with some sort of magic. I'm not sure why I saw the space stuff and you didn't, though... But I guess it doesn't really matter now. Maybe after this, we can go and get more for a test...?" The Guild Master hadn't quite thought that doing such a thing could be dangerous, but she'd overkill anyone dumb enough to actually poison food as such a big event.

Alicia: Random Roof

Ophelia had seen space? Yeah...Alicia definetely hadn't saw that. She just kinda got sick all of a sudden and passed out. Though she
may have seen some kind of space before she passed out. She thought over her suggestion of checking out the corndogs again. They were good, and if she got sick Ophelia could always help her. "Sure! I could always eat a few more I guess, since we didn't get popcorn or anything." She replied. "Plus I'm curious to see if they'll do anything other than make me sick a little bit after I eat them." She added.

Sabrina closed her eyes. She really didn't want to talk about this, but she knew she had to sooner or later, and it turned out to be sooner. "He...My father's already long gone..." she said slowly. "Please don't take this wrong, but my father, Rufus Sanders, created me...you see, I wasn't born normally...I...I was created by my father alone...through science...He was able to fertilize my mother with the DNA he created, and I was born...he wanted me to live and thrive as his masterpiece of biotechnology." She paused, letting what she had just said sink in. She also almost spat out the word 'mother' when she was talking. "When I was four, I got some sort of genetic sickness...I died within 3 months of the first symptoms. My father was furious, and griefstricken, and did the unspeakable: bring back the dead. The serum my father created after a week of furious researching did bring me back, but it also made me part dragon...he was awestruck. He was also extremely happy I managed to come back, with all my memories at that too..."

"My mother was quite the moral type. I don't know how the two of them got together. But she found out about the immoral experiments he was doing to my body, and so she decided to kill him. On the fourth day after my revival, my father was casually refilling the stock of serums and medication I now must take to stay alive. He did all these experiments on my body to see how my dead body reacted to many things, fir he was always a man of science at heart. My mother creeped down the stairs and stabbed my father in the side , even though I was just standing there, watching, and quickly fled. My father, knowing I would die if I do not take these medication, managed to tell me exactly where I could get the notebook where I could quickly learn how to make it myself...It was the only way for me to live...my father died soon after, and I just barely escaped the police with the notebook and some materials for creating the medication. Turns out, I was a natural when it comes to chemistry and biology, as I was able to successfully make the serum after only 4 tries. I have been living like this ever since back then, searching for my mother...I really do hate her..."

@Zuka @Isune

Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

Alex snorted as the others were behaving like that now, it almost seemed like they were siblings or lovers in distress. She flipped her hair as she then glanced towards the stage of the tournament where the action was going on. Still, because of her height, she could not see much which was a bit annoying to be honest.
”That’s fine~” She responded and waved her hand as to indicate that she did not mind at all. Also, she guessed that being more open would be much better than being awkward around them which was kind of suffocating to her. ”Let’s go~ I saw some spots over there.” She said and pointed to the direction on her right where stands were less crowded.

Niur and Raa - Tourney to the center of the earth.

Niur, curious of everything happening about the tournament fidgeted slightly on Raa's shoulders. "Hm? Something wrong kiddo?" Raa asked her. "Raa, I wanna watch the fights. Can we watch Raa? Pretty please?" She pleaded, Raa chuckled softly prompting Niur to pout. "Alright kiddo, let's go watch." He agreed, causing Niur to cheer as they entered one of the less crowded stands. On the way, Raa picked up some seeds coated in salt and popped one into his mouth but to anyone else looking at him it would seem that the seed just disappeared into shadow. "Want me to set you down Niur?" He asked her. Niur nodded and Raa gently removed her from his shoulders before setting her gently on a seat next to him.

(@Marshmallow hope you don't mind if Raa's around the area.)
Lysander - Infirmary

Lysander had not even known that he had begun yawning until his mouth was half open, which quickly caused him to cover his mouth with both his hands until it passed. He had been taught since young that it was polite to cover his mouth whenever he yawned, and it was pretty much habitual by now. Now that Sora had mentioned naps, he had to admit that he was getting rather sleepy. It had been true that he had little sleep the night before, and the entire day had been both physically and mentally taxing for him. And there he was yawning again. He was quite sleepy, and a nap would be extremely welcome.

He turned a surprised look at Sora as she slid to the floor by his side. "But..." he stuttered. "You should not be sleeping on the floor. Especially since you just recently collapsed." His voice held a note of concern. He could not join her on the bed, especially not with Maya and Clair present, yet he felt guilty about forcing her onto the floor simply because she had wanted to nap with him. And... she wanted to nap with him. This was the first time he had slept with someone who was not a family member. Was this truly all right? He glanced at Maya and Clair, seeking wordless assurance that it was all right with them. Sora was just so comforting to be with yet... he was nervous. Was this really all right?

And then Sora's hand went over his eyes, and he could see nothing. Darkness, yet of a close, comforting sort, as he could feel her snuggled against his frame. He felt his own head being gently pulled to rest against her shoulders and this time, he did not resist it. He gave a little contented sigh as he felt her hands threading through his hair, and on their own accord his eyes slipped shut. She had a beautiful voice, he realized, as she began to hum a soothing melody; against her shoulders he could feel the slight vibrations even before he heard the melody. He was going under; he felt as if he was sinking into a warm, smug blanket and soon he knew no more.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"O... Okay." Certainly not the kind of answer he was expecting. He thought he'd hear "leave us alone" or "get out of my sight" or something of the sort, but she wanted to be wrapped in ribbons...? Mentally shrugging the weirdness of the request off, Alfie clasped his hands together in a praying motion, resulting in the formation of a mandala under Mizuki. The formation of the mandala resulted in the formation of satin ribbons, and after a minute or two of generic magical girl transformation sequence, the dark haired mage was wrapped completely and carefully in a suit deep violet, squeezing ribbons. "Like this...?"

Ophelia stared in awe at the suit of ribbons, speechless. I'd go gay for that, she thought to herself.

Mizuki was quite pleased when Alfie agreed to her request. The last time she had ribbons around her body was wonderful and she hoped for the same experience this time. Before he began his magic Mizuki felt the absence of Alicia's warm little body by her side, the missing warmth feeling very weird. She had been on her side so long that they seemed to be glued together. But it was better she wasn't wrapped up in the ribbons.

Alicia's missing warmth was quickly replaced as an mandala appeared beneath her, tight violet ribbons snaking around her body. "Do not remove them abruptly." She said, her hands holding her arms and rubbing up and down to feel the smooth ribbons. The tightness gave her an immense calming feeling as if she was being hugged all over by Alicia. She was in heaven. "Thank you for the ribbons. And helping Alicia. You saved her precious, innocent, little life..." Mizuki felt a little strange for thanking someone as it was something she didn't do all that often, though Alfie deserved it for what he did.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was quite pleased when Alfie agreed to her request. The last time she had ribbons around her body was wonderful and she hoped for the same experience this time. Before he began his magic Mizuki felt the absence of Alicia's warm little body by her side, the missing warmth feeling very weird. She had been on her side so long that they seemed to be glued together. But it was better she wasn't wrapped up in the ribbons.
Alicia's missing warmth was quickly replaced as an mandala appeared beneath her, tight violet ribbons snaking around her body. "Do not remove them abruptly." She said, her hands holding her arms and rubbing up and down to feel the smooth ribbons. The tightness gave her an immense calming feeling as if she was being hugged all over by Alicia. She was in heaven. "Thank you for the ribbons. And helping Alicia. You saved her precious, innocent, little life..." Mizuki felt a little strange for thanking someone as it was something she didn't do all that often, though Alfie deserved it for what he did.
Alfie gave a small bow as Mizuki thanked him for his work. Again, not a response he had been expecting, and the positive energy produced by the dark haired, ribbon bound lady was surprisingly high.. but why should he be complaining? More for him! Reaching into his vest for his soul, a ring of light pink runes encircled the roof the four were standing on, and as they sucked in the emotional energy in the radius within them, Alfie's yellow eyes became noticably more gold than yellow, the gem itself becoming more white than pink. When the ring of runes vanished, the ribbon mage sighed with content, satisfied with the power he had just absorbed. "Welp..." was all he could say afterward, not sure whether he should leave the three on their own or try to make some sort of conversation.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie gave a small bow as Mizuki thanked him for his work. Again, not a response he had been expecting, and the positive energy produced by the dark haired, ribbon bound lady was surprisingly high.. but why should he be complaining? More for him! Reaching into his vest for his soul, a ring of light pink runes encircled the roof the four were standing on, and as they sucked in the emotional energy in the radius within them, Alfie's yellow eyes became noticably more gold than yellow, the gem itself becoming more white than pink. When the ring of runes vanished, the ribbon mage sighed with content, satisfied with the power he had just absorbed. "Welp..." was all he could say afterward, not sure whether he should leave the three on their own or try to make some sort of conversation.

Mizuki watched intensely as Alfie broke out his gem once again. She knew the gist of the strange magic, the happier the atmosphere the happier the wielder, and the unhappy environment made him angry and sad. She recalled from the prievious day that black meant bad and evil while pink meant happy, but instead it turned white? She didn't know what this white color meant and if it was good or bad, though she assumed that it wasn't bad seeing as she or the others weren't unhappy or mad. In fact she got a little curious and decided to ask herself. "Why is it white? Is that a good thing or are you going to try and kill me?"
Kayzo said:
Mizuki watched intensely as Alfie broke out his gem once again. She knew the gist of the strange magic, the happier the atmosphere the happier the wielder, and the unhappy environment made him angry and sad. She recalled from the prievious day that black meant bad and evil while pink meant happy, but instead it turned white? She didn't know what this white color meant and if it was good or bad, though she assumed that it wasn't bad seeing as she or the others weren't unhappy or mad. In fact she got a little curious and decided to ask herself. "Why is it white? Is that a good thing or are you going to try and kill me?"
With Alfie's eyes still slightly emitting a golden glow, he closed them calmly to answer Mizuki's question. Colors certainly meant a lot among Heart Stones, and that made him even more inclined to tell the dark mage about them. "In case you haven't already noticed, pink is my soul's natural color. When my power is balanced, my magic shows up as pink. White represents ascent. The more positive energy you collect, the closer to white you get. But black is descent. The darker your color, the more negative energy you've collected, and that means you've become closer to being sent into a downward spiral of regret and hate and despair. That black you saw the other day when I tried to kill you?" Alfie paused to brush hair out of his face for dramatic effects, "Was only a light gray by our standards. The blackest black one can get is a black so black it doesn't even exist on this plane of existence." There was so much more the ribbon mage wanted to get into, but in order not to seem rude and ruin what little friendship he might have built up, he'd only speak if Mizuki asked.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]With Alfie's eyes still slightly emitting a golden glow, he closed them calmly to answer Mizuki's question. Colors certainly meant a lot among Heart Stones, and that made him even more inclined to tell the dark mage about them. "In case you haven't already noticed, pink is my soul's natural color. When my power is balanced, my magic shows up as pink. White represents ascent. The more positive energy you collect, the closer to white you get. But black is descent. The darker your color, the more negative energy you've collected, and that means you've become closer to being sent into a downward spiral of regret and hate and despair. That black you saw the other day when I tried to kill you?" Alfie paused to brush hair out of his face for dramatic effects, "Was only a light gray by our standards. The blackest black one can get is a black so black it doesn't even exist on this plane of existence." There was so much more the ribbon mage wanted to get into, but in order not to seem rude and ruin what little friendship he might have built up, he'd only speak if Mizuki asked.

Mizuki was quite happy that she didn't have a soul ge herself. She had been around so many negative people and has been in many terrible events that she surely would've collected enough negative energy to descend to the blackest black of black. Yet she was quite jealous of Alfie too. If she had the gem in somewhere like Sabertooth with wonderful and happy people such as Alicia always by her side the gem would grant her such cheerful attitude. Honestly all she wanted to to be happy yet strong at the same time, and she hasn't found a way to do so. "Is your gem more of a burden or a blessing? And where can I acquire one myself? Must I buy it?" She asked, her hands running up and down her ribbon wrapped arms.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was quite happy that she didn't have a soul ge herself. She had been around so many negative people and has been in many terrible events that she surely would've collected enough negative energy to descend to the blackest black of black. Yet she was quite jealous of Alfie too. If she had the gem in somewhere like Sabertooth with wonderful and happy people such as Alicia always by her side the gem would grant her such cheerful attitude. Honestly all she wanted to to be happy yet strong at the same time, and she hasn't found a way to do so. "Is your gem more of a burden or a blessing? And where can I acquire one myself? Must I buy it?" She asked, her hands running up and down her ribbon wrapped arms.
The calm look plastered to Alfie's face morphed into one of uncomfort as those three simple questions reminded him of why his soul was really condensed into a gemstone. Should he tell her what he needed to do for her to obtain a Heart Stone...? And if that was the case, should either Alicia or Ophelia be around to hear it...? With a sigh, the ribbon mage flashed Mizuki a cringe that just screamed "Not around the children"... though whether the dark haired mage interpreted it that way was to be determined.
Chris Lengheart (I got nothing)

Chris simply sat there, both confused and amazed. Sabrina had actually been brought back from the dead! He had no idea what to say or even do. When she said she hated her mom Chris still remained silent. What could he say? All Chris could honestly do was stay were he was.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]The calm look plastered to Alfie's face morphed into one of uncomfort as those three simple questions reminded him of why his soul was really condensed into a gemstone. Should he tell her what he needed to do for her to obtain a Heart Stone...? And if that was the case, should either Alicia or Ophelia be around to hear it...? With a sigh, the ribbon mage flashed Mizuki a cringe that just screamed "Not around the children"... though whether the dark haired mage interpreted it that way was to be determined.

It seemed from the look on Alfie's face that Mizuki had asked a wrong question. Perhaps he didn't want to discuss it in front of everyone because he did something wrong. Maybe he killed someone? The Dark Mage has killed before, and though she didn't like and and didn't plan on doing it again she was always open to talking about it. It seemed that the ribbon Mage didn't feel the same way. She decided that the best course of action was to change it topic slightly to something less heavy she was very curious about the gem but didn't want to scare Alfie away. "Then perhaps you'll tell me why you decided to use a gem? Or delve into some of its powers? Surely it doesn't give you stronger ribbons..."
*It has been decided by Mitch that Masaki wins this match, and this post is to move things on.*

Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament.

As the attack dissipated, and the announcer called out the winner. Masaki dropped to the floor in relief. Finally. He had successfully avenged Grace and to him, that was all that mattered. His own safety?, his own wellbeing due to this match?, well, they meant nothing to him. Standing up slowly, the exhausted Masaki began to walk out of the arena and head towards the stands, understanding that winning this meant he'd be in the semi-finals, he planned to find Grace and relax. The two hadn't spoke for ages and Masaki didn't even know if she had come to watch the match or not. Preparing for the next round was something that should be prioritised, however, seeing Grace was the priority.


Kayzo said:

Millie Tlalloc

Milkshake Shop

Millie has been having a rather unpleasant day. First Valken left her to go who knows where with a ton of strangers! To make it worse said strangers had left her alone in the milkshake shop! So there she sat at the booth of the shop, a milkshake in her hands and tears falling down her face. From a few feet away she looked like an alcoholic struggling with depression, replacing the alcohol with ice cream of course. However her loneliness was short lived as she felt a presence beside her of the male gender. For a brief moment she believed it to be Valken, however her assumptions were wrong. Instead it was a man named Hibiki, and he was offering to buy her a drink. Millie would've taken it as being hit on, but the sincere and calming atmosphere that boy gave off said otherwise. Sniffling, she wiped the tears from her eyes and shook her head, her hand shaking the cup gently. "B-no thank you Hibiki, I have my own drink." She said, closing her eyes for a moment. "And my name is Millie, from Lamia Scale..."

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Alley streets near Milkshake Shop
Valken was idly stepping through the back streets on auto-pilot, stepping through the crowds and weaving gracefully. He had his hand still on his chin in thought. The whole situation with the girly Lloyd was still waying heavily in his mind, though it gave him a chance to catch up with Lysander, Sora and Millie once more. He rounded the corner just infront of the shop, lifting his dark gaze just as the windows shattered beside him. He felt a shard or two dig painfully into the arm closest to the shop as he lifted it to shielded himself by reflex, making him whince. He reached up suddenly and grasped one shard, then another, ripping it from his skin and blood starting to drip down his arm from the wound, his palm luckily unaffected as it was still bandaged from Sera's fight. He was about to investigate just who did that damage when his brain suddenly snapped, realising Millie was still in that shop. If a single shard hit her...

In a second he had vaulted into the broken window of the shop, rolling the second his feet hit the floor parcore style, leaping up and over a table and in a dizzling flash he was there beside her booth, shoving Hibiki out of the way almost violently and pressing his body against her, arms around her in strong protective hold. He watched thing's rattle, glass fly everywhere, but he didn't care as long as she was safe! His eyes dark and livid as they peered outside.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia/Milkshake Shop

Lyra had remained plastered to the alleyway wall, tears soaking her cheeks, unable to process what was happening. All feeling in her right arm as well as hand was completely gone; numb. Her thoughts had directed themselves to try to focus on Hibiki, knowing the boy was a pillar of support in every aspect even though she'd never admitted that to him. " Hi....bi.. ki... is... " Her fingers slid into her hair at the question, tugging in an attempt to actually yank it out, the memories associated with him started to become harder to grasp or see. They blurred themselves until his face remained a mystery, no longer able to associate the name with the face, the only memories of Hibiki unaffected were from when she was younger. " Little Hibiki... he's like me... I-I t-think h-he... w-who i-is.. " The words were sobbed out, incomprehensible as she held onto the memories of them when they were younger with a desperate cry, afraid they would disappear too. Her whole frame jolted up from the ground suddenly, body slamming into the wall behind it whilst a series of pulses shook her. A dark energy emitted itself like slow rising fog and she let out a shrill scream, footsteps being heard as she ran down the alley and into the streets of Magnolia as if trying to escape from something; in reality she was trying to run from herself.

Both eyes remained squeezed shut as she slammed into people and continued to run, not wanting to slow down.
I can't afford to stop.... This one thought kept her going, struggling to suppress the emotions drowning her. But I'm not strong enough... Her sprint turned into a stumbling stagger, the hands entangled within her hair falling to wrap around herself in means of comfort. It'd seem she'd stopped in front of the Milkshake shop but Lyra remained completely unaware of this as shock waves of energy were released from her body, over and over with immense pressure. The windows of the shops around her burst in at the impact, shards of glass flying around in a frenzied manner as her body lifted off the ground. White strands of hair whipped about in the air before they became stained with black tips, eyes flashing open to be a lifeless yellow that were anything but human, but it was the screams - the pained inhuman sounds that reverberated throughout the area that caused people to cower in fear and drop their belongings only to scatter in hopes of finding safety. The transition had only begun and this one was strictly out of her control, the emotional trigger behind it much too overwhelming. " T-The l-l-lock cannot b-break... t-the chains must r-remain... " Her voice cut in and out almost robotically, tone void of any sign of Lyra being present, but it was a warning spoken nonetheless.

@LeSoraAmari @Kayzo @Zuka ( Since you're there )
Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia Milkshake Shop.

Before he could continue speaking with Millie, a very large and... demonic energy had pulsated from outside and caused all of the windows to shatter in a frenzy. The shards of glass shot in a straight-forward assault as they hurled towards both Millie and himself. "Lyra...!" Was the only thing he said before some strange man come darting in and shoved him aggressively down to the ground. Landing in one heap, Hibiki had managed to avoid being pierced to shreds by the glass shards all thanks to the mans rude shove. Which it was, rude. In fact, it was very rude no matter how one looked at it. Getting up rapidly, Hibiki sighed and shot Valken a momentary glare before heading outside and towards the cause of the blast. Lyra had entered some kind of trauma, that much was evident. Upon leaving the milkshake shop, Hibiki noticed the masses of civilians cowering in fear around Lyra, their belongings scattered across the floor as they ran away in fear. It made Hibiki upset, but it was to be expected. The woman's hair was becoming tipped black and her eyes a snake-like yellow. It felt wrong... evil, in fact. But Hibiki knew exactly what this feeling was like, he was technically a demon too after all. "Lyra..." He said calmly as he approached her, slowly wrapping his arms around her waist as he brought her down from the air and into a warming embrace. "Fight it. You're strong, you can do this Lyra!" He called out, bringing himself down into a kneeling position as he continued to hold Lyra. Hopefully his voice reached her inner conscious, and then this would be all over. Hibiki didn't want to have to use Take Over on her in order to stop this, he really hoped that she would find her way out of this situation soon. And hopefully, what he was doing was helping her do so.
Kayzo said:
It seemed from the look on Alfie's face that Mizuki had asked a wrong question. Perhaps he didn't want to discuss it in front of everyone because he did something wrong. Maybe he killed someone? The Dark Mage has killed before, and though she didn't like and and didn't plan on doing it again she was always open to talking about it. It seemed that the ribbon Mage didn't feel the same way. She decided that the best course of action was to change it topic slightly to something less heavy she was very curious about the gem but didn't want to scare Alfie away. "Then perhaps you'll tell me why you decided to use a gem? Or delve into some of its powers? Surely it doesn't give you stronger ribbons..."
Alfie looked down to the side as the more personal questions kept on coming. He appreciated the fact that she had tried to change the subject, but it hadn't made things any better. One moment he would try to speak but cut himself off when he remembered the others, and the next he'd cut himself off because he wondered if he really wanted to put such a burden onto Mizuki's probably already long list of burdens. "Well... as a Heart Sto--"

Ophelia - Random Roof

Ophelia let out a loud yawn despite the fact that it was the middle of the day and grabbed Alicia's hand gently before looking up at the dark haired lady. "Hey, Mizuki, this suspense is kinda killing us. Mind if we go somewhere that isn't filled with awkwardness? I promise I'll protect Alicia with my life. After all, I'm not a Guild Master for nothing."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie looked down to the side as the more personal questions kept on coming. He appreciated the fact that she had tried to change the subject, but it hadn't made things any better. One moment he would try to speak but cut himself off when he remembered the others, and the next he'd cut himself off because he wondered if he really wanted to put such a burden onto Mizuki's probably already long list of burdens. "Well... as a Heart Sto--"

Ophelia - Random Roof

Ophelia let out a loud yawn despite the fact that it was the middle of the day and grabbed Alicia's hand gently before looking up at the dark haired lady. "Hey, Mizuki, this suspense is kinda killing us. Mind if we go somewhere that isn't filled with awkwardness? I promise I'll protect Alicia with my life. After all, I'm not a Guild Master for nothing."

Mizuki turned her head as Ophelia suddenly spoke up, asking if she could take Alicia back into the town. She wasn't against it, but if any harm came to the little on it would be on her. Plus it would give her and Alfie and chance to talk about the Soul Gem. If it was possible to have such tremendous power then the events that happened in the fight arena would never repeat themselves. Plus she could finally be the most powerful wizard in her guild, besides Gilad of course. "Yes Little One, you may. But if I find out about a single scratch I will be furious. " she warned,casting her a firm glare before looking back to Alfie.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki turned her head as Ophelia suddenly spoke up, asking if she could take Alicia back into the town. She wasn't against it, but if any harm came to the little on it would be on her. Plus it would give her and Alfie and chance to talk about the Soul Gem. If it was possible to have such tremendous power then the events that happened in the fight arena would never repeat themselves. Plus she could finally be the most powerful wizard in her guild, besides Gilad of course. "Yes Little One, you may. But if I find out about a single scratch I will be furious. " she warned,casting her a firm glare before looking back to Alfie.
Happily nodding with a thumbs up, Ophelia lifted Alicia off of her feet and jumped down from the building. "So, Alicia! Did you have anything else in mind? Ooh! Let's go test those corndogs like we said we would!"


Alfie - Random Roof

"If you really must know," Alfie said gloomily, avoiding eye contact with the other, "A Heart Stone is much more of a curse than anything else. The whole transformation aspect is merely a fraction of what it really means to have your soul crushed and turned into a gem." The wizard slowly took the gem back out of his vest, allowing Mizuki clear vision of it in the palm of his hand. "This small rock is me. My memories, my emotions, my magical power, all condensed into this. But there's still quite a lot more to it than that," he paused to throw the gem back into his vest.

"Harvest. That is the name of the very curse that turned my soul into a rock. Now when I say curse, I don't mean I was punished. I was tricked. Tricked into making a wish in return for my future. When you're inflicted with Harvest, your main goal becomes to inflict others with the same spell, and why I'm not sure what the purpose of it is, I can tell you that I've had to kill off many more descended than ascended."

Alfie turned around to look over at the crowds of people from above before continuing. "I'm not quite sure what point I'm trying to get across by telling you any of this. But what I'm sure of is that it's my duty to inflict others with Harvest and turn their souls into Heart Stones. And as hard as I've tried to stop myself from doing such a thing," the wizard paused yet again, his right hand morphing into a drill of distorted flesh and bone with his left turning into a clamp of some sort, "I can't ignore it if someone asks me of their own accord. But if you really feel like throwing your life away so soon, at least wish for something sensible."
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Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
"Yaaay!" Sakura shouted happily in reply. Though, then it hit her. She didn't have anything planned at all. What could they do? She'd kind of just been roaming around to find something herself. "Ummm...Uhh...I dunno.." She eventually told her followed by a sigh. "I was kinda finding something to do myself when you showed up." She added with a shrug and a slight frown. She hoped it wouldn't make her mad or anything, really. "We could both look? Find something we both like to do?" She offered with a hopeful smile.

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine gave a small nod of acknowledgement before responding,"Lead the way." she said calmly. As she waited for Sakura to start moving she glanced at the surrounding area. There were a few people who were still staring at the two of them but most of the festival-goers had returned to their usual business. She didn't immediately see anything particularly interesting at the moment. Maybe they would just walk around for a while. There had to be SOMETHING worth looking into.

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