Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kayzo said:
Mizuki wasn't against leaving the city to hunt for supplies. The festival had grown quite boring for someone like her, and with the fail in the fight arena she was dying to disappear for a little. Yet the only thing hdinh her back was Alicia. She didn't want to leave the girl alone in such a big city all by herself. Though the dark Mage recalled when Sasuke and Alicia went far away and came back safely. Surely the city was more safe than wherever they went. Thus her mind was set and she was ready to go. "Yes. I suppose we can stray from the city for awhile. I hope you know your way around however."
Alfie nodded with a polite smile before preparing a travel ribbon. "I wouldn't lead you to a place we'd get lost, much less a place I'd get lost. Now..." The ribbon spun itself into a ball to curl around the two mages, transporting them to a place seemingly in the middle of a dark, dense forest, in which was seemingly in the middle of nowhere.


"Here we are," the ribbon mage said with delight as he stopped at a clearing filled with towering pillars of rock rather than trees. Of course, the location of the forest they were in had never been revealed, and with how silent things were, an atmosphere of unease would hang over the two. The odd, deep grey obelisks with countless symbols and tally marks carved into them only made the air colder, and as Sagitta Luminis slowly formed into Alfie's hands, he pulled the strong and released a white-pink arrow at the grass. A deep, black opening stretched across the ground and would only end less then an inch at the man's feet, a few eerie specks of light occasionally popping out of the portal-like hole. "Ready?"

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie nodded with a polite smile before preparing a travel ribbon. "I wouldn't lead you to a place we'd get lost, much less a place I'd get lost. Now..." The ribbon spun itself into a ball to curl around the two mages, transporting them to a place seemingly in the middle of a dark, dense forest, in which was seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

"Here we are," the ribbon mage said with delight as he stopped at a clearing filled with towering pillars of rock rather than trees. Of course, the location of the forest they were in had never been revealed, and with how silent things were, an atmosphere of unease would hang over the two. The odd, deep grey obelisks with countless symbols and tally marks carved into them only made the air colder, and as Sagitta Luminis slowly formed into Alfie's hands, he pulled the strong and released a white-pink arrow at the grass. A deep, black opening stretched across the ground and would only end less then an inch at the man's feet, a few eerie specks of light occasionally popping out of the portal-like hole. "Ready?"

The area that Mizuki was transported to was absolutely stunning to her. The ominous and dark area only added to the beauty of the place. The silence was calming and perfect. This would be a wonderful place for Mizuki to test out spells and try out summoning. "This place is intriguing. Where might this be on a map? I wish to return here on a later date." This would be the perfect area for the Dark Mage, and she wanted to inhabit it. Of course she wouldn't disturb the area too much as she didn't want to ruin the silence in the area. Her eyes drifted from the surrounding area and down to the black portal that had grown out of the ground. It looked a little sketchy but Mizuki wasn't a wuss. She wouldn't back out now. Though she didn't want to go in first. "Yes, I'm ready. But you go in first. For safety reasons..."
Kayzo said:
The area that Mizuki was transported to was absolutely stunning to her. The ominous and dark area only added to the beauty of the place. The silence was calming and perfect. This would be a wonderful place for Mizuki to test out spells and try out summoning. "This place is intriguing. Where might this be on a map? I wish to return here on a later date." This would be the perfect area for the Dark Mage, and she wanted to inhabit it. Of course she wouldn't disturb the area too much as she didn't want to ruin the silence in the area. Her eyes drifted from the surrounding area and down to the black portal that had grown out of the ground. It looked a little sketchy but Mizuki wasn't a wuss. She wouldn't back out now. Though she didn't want to go in first. "Yes, I'm ready. But you go in first. For safety reasons..."
Alfie shook his head with a chuckle as Mizuki asked where this place was on a map. If only she knew the half of it... "If you say so," he ignored the question about the location before walking down the steps hidden by the portal-like veil. To anyone who didn't know it wasn't actually a portal but instead a defective barrier of demonic, evil energy, it would have looked like the ribbon mage was plunging into his death. But as his body was half covered by the darkness, he turned to Mizuki and motioned her to follow before continuing, the last visible bits vanishing.


"This is the Hall of Misfortune," Alfie motioned at the giant, dark chamber of stone. The whole area looked like it hadn't been visited in years, yet everything was oddly... there was no word to describe it, but not a single writing had been carved into any of the walls or the hundreds of small tombstones dotting the floor. Instead, there were many complicated grooves of what might have been some sort of light, yet not a single bit of it shone through. "We need to uproot as many tombstones as we can," he whispered to Mizuki quietly before carefully setting down the rest of the stairs. "But be careful not to make too much noise. If I remember correctly, this place isn't as dead as it seems."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie shook his head with a chuckle as Mizuki asked where this place was on a map. If only she knew the half of it... "If you say so," he ignored the question about the location before walking down the steps hidden by the portal-like veil. To anyone who didn't know it wasn't actually a portal but instead a defective barrier of demonic, evil energy, it would have looked like the ribbon mage was plunging into his death. But as his body was half covered by the darkness, he turned to Mizuki and motioned her to follow before continuing, the last visible bits vanishing.

"This is the Hall of Misfortune," Alfie motioned at the giant, dark chamber of stone. The whole area looked like it hadn't been visited in years, yet everything was oddly... there was no word to describe it, but not a single writing had been carved into any of the walls or the hundreds of small tombstones dotting the floor. Instead, there were many complicated grooves of what might have been some sort of light, yet not a single bit of it shone through. "We need to uproot as many tombstones as we can," he whispered to Mizuki quietly before carefully setting down the rest of the stairs. "But be careful not to make too much noise. If I remember correctly, this place isn't as dead as it seems."

Mizuki was a bit angry when her question was ignored. All she wanted was the location yet it seemed that it was too hard for Alfie to say just a few words. Just wait until he wants directions... However the dark Mage put her anger aside as her ally began to transcend into the black portal of demonic energy. She could tell something was off about the black abyss which is why she wanted him to go in first, but from the looks of it Alfie was fine. When she was beckoned to follow the began to wade through the portal, once again finding herself in an unknown location. It was just as eerie as the forest they were in, but had a greater sense of dread, as if bad things have happened here. It sent shivers through her body and she loved it. Her suspicions were right seeing that the place was called the Hall of Misfortune. It sounded like something Mizuki had named herself, or somewhere she had came from. What made it even better was that there may or may not be other entities in the Hall. Hopefully something undead, so she wouldn't feel bad if she killed it. "Good. I like the quiet. But what may lay in the depths of these Halls? Surely they're nothing compared to our power."
Chris Lengheart(Sabrina's apartment)

Chris, trying to avoid the depression, interjected as Sabrina went back onto the subject of her death, "How about we avoid the doom and gloom for a while? I'd offer for us to go back to me and Kelica's house, but a certain SOMEONE made a complete mess and I refuse to have people there until I fix it." he said with a stern tone as he shot a glance at Kelica. Chris took a seat on the couch as he waited for one of the girls to come up with something.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was a bit angry when her question was ignored. All she wanted was the location yet it seemed that it was too hard for Alfie to say just a few words. Just wait until he wants directions... However the dark Mage put her anger aside as her ally began to transcend into the black portal of demonic energy. She could tell something was off about the black abyss which is why she wanted him to go in first, but from the looks of it Alfie was fine. When she was beckoned to follow the began to wade through the portal, once again finding herself in an unknown location. It was just as eerie as the forest they were in, but had a greater sense of dread, as if bad things have happened here. It sent shivers through her body and she loved it. Her suspicions were right seeing that the place was called the Hall of Misfortune. It sounded like something Mizuki had named herself, or somewhere she had came from. What made it even better was that there may or may not be other entities in the Hall. Hopefully something undead, so she wouldn't feel bad if she killed it. "Good. I like the quiet. But what may lay in the depths of these Halls? Surely they're nothing compared to our power."
Alfie quietly chuckled again as Mizuki suggested they were nothing compared to their power. "If you consider the formation of the waste of gods of despair, then--" a loud creaking noise interrupted the ribbon mage's sentence, followed by the sound of collapsing stone. Speaking in an even quieter whisper than before, his voice was almost inaudible now. "Not another word. If you see anything that shouldn't be there, call for me immediately. You remember what we're supposed to do, right? Pull the tombstones from the ground. It won't be hard if they don't know you're here. Let's go." With that, Alfie vanished into the rest of the darkness. Well, the darkness that seemed to have no effect on the dim looks of the walls or tombs in the chamber. It only seemed to hide people...
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Mizuki's eyes whipped around to,where she thought the broken stone was coming from, though she saw nothing. Hopefully stone collapsed often in these parts and that whatever despair gods that resided here didn't get all riled up. She was quiet thankful when Alfie told her to stop talking, the dark Mage growing tired of conversation. She was still curious but wanted to rest her mouth. It was as if she believed one could only say so many words. She nodded to say that she understood and slipped away to find a tombstone. Mizuki didn't quite understand what the point of tearing them from the ground was, but she would still do it. Walking over to the nearest tombstone she summoned her four arms and began to rip it out of the ground.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's eyes whipped around to,where she thought the broken stone was coming from, though she saw nothing. Hopefully stone collapsed often in these parts and that whatever despair gods that resided here didn't get all riled up. She was quiet thankful when Alfie told her to stop talking, the dark Mage growing tired of conversation. She was still curious but wanted to rest her mouth. It was as if she believed one could only say so many words. She nodded to say that she understood and slipped away to find a tombstone. Mizuki didn't quite understand what the point of tearing them from the ground was, but she would still do it. Walking over to the nearest tombstone she summoned her four arms and began to rip it out of the ground.
Alfie, in the middle of sliding a tombstone from the slot it had been set in the ground, had began to hear something coming from one of his sides. Freezing completely and listening closely, he began to hear footsteps that were... not coming for him? Well, that couldn't be good. The darkness that had shrouded the arena-sized chamber was concentrating itself into the center, and slowly, he found that it got to the point that even Mizuki was visible. Hopefully, she didn't want some sort of giant sword, because they needed to go. "Mizuki!" he whispered loudly as a small ball of black whizzed past his face toward the center of the room, "We need to go! Now!" Unfortunately, Alfie was too late to call out, and before he could run to where the two came in through, the darkness that had shrouded the chamber was now in the shape of a thick line, zigzagging its way to Mizuki.
Kayzo said:
Millie - Milkshake Shop
Unfortunately for Millie her conversation with the sweet Hibiki had to come to an abrupt end as the glass around the building suddenly shattered, a rather evil looking woman stumbling into the shop. She couldn't help but let out a surprised squeak and bring up her arms in an attempt to shield herself from the sharp shards of glass that flew around the room. She expected to come out cut up and bleeding from the glass, but it wasn't a big deal. She did have very strong healing magic that could cure nearly anything, so she wasn't very worried. However before the shards could enter her body Millie felt tight arms wrap around her and a warm body press against her back. At first the blonde girl thought that Hibiki had stepped in to shield her, but much to her surprise it was Valken. A wave of relief washed over her and she leaned back into his body. He was taking the glass for her, making her feel guilty. "Valken, thank you." She said, sighing softly.

Haruhi -Train to Magnolia

Haruhi was a litz tle surprised by her sisters reaction. She seemed surprised that she wanted to learn music again, though Haruhi had been wanting to learn for awhile. She had been so caught up in her magic that she forgot to mention it until now. "Yes, I'd love to learn music. Of course if that isn't too much work on you." She said, sitting up straight in her chair. Honoka was a great teacher in her mind, but it was Haruhi's skill that lacked. But maybe with her help she could be just as good. "If you help me, I'll help you with magic!"

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288
Honoka threw the bow over her left shoulder, as it flew it disappeared in a soft yellow light. " Of corse its not a bother! I'll love to teach you." A thought

Came to mind, she had to preform during the parade tomorrow. Made they could preform together! Will she have learned enough to play at such a large festival? Probably!!!
Kelica - Sabrina's Apartment

Kelica shot Sabrina a saddened look but Chris was right, this was all in the past not the present, and as long as Sabrina was happy and healthy then she didn't mind what had happened to her. They were still friends right? She kept her arm around Sabrina and peeled the pillow from her grasp, taking the initative and pulling her off the couch to the door, hoping Chris would follow. Stall food was just as good as any, or they could go to the Guild Hall to get some grub. She heard they did good Ramen. At the house comment she only gave a lifted eyebrow to Chris "You were the one that turned beast just to get a remote....It was all in from then."

@Isune @PeteTSs
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie, in the middle of sliding a tombstone from the slot it had been set in the ground, had began to hear something coming from one of his sides. Freezing completely and listening closely, he began to hear footsteps that were... not coming for him? Well, that couldn't be good. The darkness that had shrouded the arena-sized chamber was concentrating itself into the center, and slowly, he found that it got to the point that even Mizuki was visible. Hopefully, she didn't want some sort of giant sword, because they needed to go. "Mizuki!" he whispered loudly as a small ball of black whizzed past his face toward the center of the room, "We need to go! Now!" Unfortunately, Alfie was too late to call out, and before he could run to where the two came in through, the darkness that had shrouded the chamber was now in the shape of a thick line, zigzagging its way to Mizuki.

Mizuki heard Alfie's distressed and loud whisper that was calling her name. She could already tell that something bad happened and that a fight was soon to ensue. Her shadowy arms dropped the tombstone to the ground where it cracked into pieces. It seemed that noise wouldn't matter right no if they were already seen. Her gaze looked to where Alfie's voice was coming from, but instead of the ribbon Mage she saw a menacing black line racing towards her. It seemed like some sort of spell, or an entity. With a flick of her wrist a large shield of shadow formed in front of her, the extra arms zipping around it in an attempt to grab the line. "What might this be? A spell of some sort?"

purplepanda288 said:
Honoka threw the bow over her left shoulder, as it flew it disappeared in a soft yellow light. " Of corse its not a bother! I'll love to teach you." A thought
Came to mind, she had to preform during the parade tomorrow. Made they could preform together! Will she have learned enough to play at such a large festival? Probably!!!
A warm smile grew on Haruhi's face as her sister agreed to help her learn music. It would be very very hard, but if they worked hard enough the two could pull it off. "Thank you Honks! What's the easiest instrument to learn? I want to learn something easy." She said, scooting back in the chair and tapping her feet against the floor in excitement. The thought of being able to play with her sister was wonderful. Dreams of the two making a little band could come true too! The possibilities were endless, the only thing holding them back was Haruhi's inability to play anything.

Chris Lengheart(Snack time)

Chris followed behind Kelica and Sabrina. As Kelica began to complain Chris only retaliated with, "But then you threw my expensive vase at me. Sure I may have acted out but that's only because it's harder to control my forms when my blood boils." Chris walked in between the two girls as he hooked his arm around Kelica and continued, "It's okay, I forgive you. I'll just have to revoke your riding privileges for the next few days" he said in a obviously joking manner.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica blinked as Chris forced his way between the girls, then wrapped a strong arm around her. Here she couldn't stay mad, even if he threatened to take riding privileges. Secretly she knew he loved taking her on rides as much as she did riding. She leaned heavily into his side, hand reaching up to cup the side of his face. Whilst still walking, she pulled his face down and planted a solid kiss to lips, letting her eyes closed as she did. She was anything but shy. Poor Sabrina being the third wheel.

@Isune @PeteTSs
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Chris Lengheart(Makeout session)

Chris was taken aback by the kiss, but that didn't stop him from enjoying it. Once Chris felt like he had enough he pulled away and with a smile he said, "I can't stay mad at you forever. Fine, I'll give you a second chance and won't revoke your riding privileges." before changing to his draco form and tossing Kelica onto his back like he normally did. He shook himself a little bit before catching up with Sabrina.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Zuka said:
Valken - Milkshake Shop

Valken was glaring daggers at that silly girl and her destructive powers, truth be told he couldn't really care less if innocents were hurt but his Millie was in this shop... He instantly regretted leaving her for a moment, even moreso when it was a fruitless endenevour to find Lloyd. His eyes searching for the shop for signs of Lysander and that blue haired girl. He wondered quickly if they had left Millie even though he SPECIFICALLY told Lysander to keep an eye on her....When he found that boy....

His thoughts were ripped back as Millie spoke, glancing down to her as she was curled up under his strong body. But for all the rage, his face was completely soft and flooded with concern, making him look like a young boy again. Even his voice was soft. "Are you alright-?" He said in a sincere tone, all manner of joking or smartass comments void. He almost looked scared that something had happened to her.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks (Lysander gunna get his butt whipped)
Millie - Milkshake Shop

Millie stayed close to Valken as the glass began to die down. Her body was perfectly fine (in every way) but she was still concerned for Valken. He took all the hits for her and she was afraid it would mess him up. Even though the girl did have healing magic she was still concerned. Not only that but she was concerned for Hibiki and the mysterious psycho girl. Surely her boyfriend wouldn't be too happy about Hibiki trying to be nice, and he surely was going to get mad at the psycho gi for almost hurting her. If he does something like that I'll just step in to stop him. Leaning her head back and kissing his cheek she shifted around slightly and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. But what about you? That glass must've hurt." She said, kissing his cheek again as if it would heal him up. "Let me use my healing magic on you. It'll cure all your wounds."
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Marshmallow said:
Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

Alex snorted as the others were behaving like that now, it almost seemed like they were siblings or lovers in distress. She flipped her hair as she then glanced towards the stage of the tournament where the action was going on. Still, because of her height, she could not see much which was a bit annoying to be honest.
”That’s fine~” She responded and waved her hand as to indicate that she did not mind at all. Also, she guessed that being more open would be much better than being awkward around them which was kind of suffocating to her. ”Let’s go~ I saw some spots over there.” She said and pointed to the direction on her right where stands were less crowded.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu's smile returned as the two started to get along better. "Yes, I think it would be best if we were to head to the seating area. It seems like the second round of fights is almost finished, that it does," He remarked, struggling to peer over the crowd to see the viewing lacrimas. It was times like these that made him wonder if it really was the Kasai Uzuken-ryu that had halted his growth. Perhaps he'd never know, he supposed. He smiled and started walking in the direction Alex had indicated. "Let us be off then!"

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - tourney stands A majority of the people who had once been at the arena stands had left for a while. Either they lost a bet, had to use the bathroom, or lost interest. This made Eias's life much easier. She could see a little better in the crowed now. It seemed like two battles were still going on as far as she could tell while viewing the vision lacrema. All she wanted to do was find Kim and Ryu. Kim's fight was done apparently so she must be somewhere around. Blowing two bubbles, one small and one large, she let the large one fly up into the air. Viewing the area from the small bubble, she looked at the groups of people. With luck, she managed to find the two sitting down.. with another person. A fellow guild member? She thought to herself. Might as well start moving over there. Adjusting her body to the direction she saw them at, she started to make her way over. The crowd was starting to come in a little more now however. She blew another bubble and let if float over to them which ended up being much faster than her squeezing past everyone.

Hey guys. Mind holding a spot for me?

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow @Rhodus
Kim laughed at the two, to her it seemed like they would make a cute couple. She secretly started to ship them together. As much as it seemed like kim wanted to be a couple with ryu, it was more like she wanted to be siblings. when that bubble popped and spoke she instantly knew who had spoken, Eias! With her body still attached to Ryu she let out a hardy yell. " Don't worry Eias dear, Ill save you a seat." She looked back at her ride. " And as for the seats, Mush!" She gave Ryu a goofy grin, one that you would find on a little brother or sister after they did something they are proud of.

Kayzo said:

A warm smile grew on Haruhi's face as her sister agreed to help her learn music. It would be very very hard, but if they worked hard enough the two could pull it off. "Thank you Honks! What's the easiest instrument to learn? I want to learn something easy." She said, scooting back in the chair and tapping her feet against the floor in excitement. The thought of being able to play with her sister was wonderful. Dreams of the two making a little band could come true too! The possibilities were endless, the only thing holding them back was Haruhi's inability to play anything.

Honoka put her violin on her lap, for as far as she could remember she knew how to play every instrument she touched. Her finger tapped her chin softly, she let out a questioning hum. What is the easiest thing to learn? Oh hell, the flute! " The flute!" She out stretched her left hand, a yellow light enveloped her hand. After that display a golden flute laid in her hand. " Here the flute is the easiest thing you can learn."

Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica lost track of how long she kissed him, her mind melting as did her legs and her arms reaching up to wrap around his neck, pushing her body in as close as she was able. She even managed to open her mouth to deepen the kiss slightly, before he pulled away for a breath, or because it was making him to hot and heavy, regardless she let a little grin creep into her face. She was naive but she wasn't stupid. The beast form was still unexpected and like usual he had vaulted her onto his back and she wrapped her thighs tightly around his middle to keep herself secure, one hand loosely wrapping itself into his long hair. He shook for a moment, enough time for her thighs to tighten there grip before he was off to catch up with Sabrina. When they did come to her side once more, Kelica still had that blush plastered on her cheeks. "Heh...sorry...um...so food...I was thinking Ramen, what about you two?" Feeling every muscle in his back flex with every step he took and refusing those thoughts to come into her brain anymore then the were already.....and it was only Autumn!! She didn't even know how she would function in Spring.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Valken Truss - Milkshake Shop

Valken hissed as some shards cut deep into his heavy set back and side as his body was curled over her body protectively, seriously just how did so much glass manage to fly around anyway! I guess that's what happens when every single window in a joint had broken at the same time. It was oddly familiar to have his body strained and tensed over her's like this, pressed up close and chest rising and falling fast with his worry. A heavy reminder of the night before no doubt, the only problem was his groan was more in pain than any other emotion. Once it had all settled down, he pulled back enough so he had one knee on the booth seat beside her, the other on the ground but still kept his arms wrapped around her possessively. He only allowed one arm to let go to grasp at a huge glass chunk dug into his side, hissing painfully and yanked it out, throwing it to the ground as blood now dripped from that one and the wound on his arm. His shirt basically in shreds now from the remaining glass fragments, so he reached up and ripped the annoying thing off, exposing his whole upper half, muscles and all. And all the tiny scratches as he did. He used the broken shirt to cup at his side to stem the bleeding. He almost forgot Millie had healing magic and was so used to just using First Aid on himself, always on lone and dangerous missions. The kiss on his cheek did make a cheeky grin escape his face, returning by pressing his own kiss on her forehead in a loving manner. "Yeah, stings like a mo-fo but not the worst I've ever had. I don't want you to waste your magic energy on me. Seriously I'll be fine."

Unfortunately he must have underestimated just how much blood he had lost during his battle with Sera earlier, because all of a sudden the world spun slightly causing his arm to naturally throw out at the booth seat top, holding himself up over her to avoid crushing her. His muscles bulging with the effort, though his face was starting to look pale. That deep gash on his side seemed to be the biggest culprit followed by the one on his arm. He refused to faint though, he had to stay strong.

@Kayzo @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
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Chris Lengheart(Neigh)

Chris nodded slightly at Kelica's idea of ramen, "Sounds great, what about you Sabrina? Any thoughts?" he said as he continued to walk at a standard pace. It then hit him that winter was basically around the corner. Chris looked over to Kelica as he suddenly said, "Oh, Kelica don't get too comfortable riding this form. I'm coldblooded which means in winter I'll most likely use a different form. Unless you want to spend a ton of jewels getting me wrapped up or a fire in the living room I think I'll stick to my other forms." This was all true. As the temperature dropped, Chris would be much less likely to use his draco form. One of the main reasons why certain breeds of Draco were able to breathe fire like dragons was simply a way to cope with winter. Most Dracos would either breathe flames onto a rock to heat it or set massive fires to keep warm.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Neigh)

Chris nodded slightly at Kelica's idea of ramen, "Sounds great, what about you Sabrina? Any thoughts?" he said as he continued to walk at a standard pace. It then hit him that winter was basically around the corner. Chris looked over to Kelica as he suddenly said, "Oh, Kelica don't get too comfortable riding this form. I'm coldblooded which means in winter I'll most likely use a different form. Unless you want to spend a ton of jewels getting me wrapped up or a fire in the living room I think I'll stick to my other forms." This was all true. As the temperature dropped, Chris would be much less likely to use his draco form. One of the main reasons why certain breeds of Draco were able to breathe fire like dragons was simply a way to cope with winter. Most Dracos would either breathe flames onto a rock to heat it or set massive fires to keep warm.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica blinked as Chris showed a far bit of intelligence with his winter statement, it made sense, but then Chris was much brighter then he looked. As was Sabrina. In fact Kelica was really the blond air head in the whole situation with a natural knack for understand creatures and animals, and everything he said was true. She laughed and patted at his back gently, while her other hand ran her fingers through his mane/hair gently, rubbing his scalp as she did. She even rubbed at the back of one ear wondering if he might just wag a tail or kick a leg when she did. "I can survive with just your normal, human form you know Chris. I can walk on two legs just fine AND I do enjoy peeking at your normal form as much as your Minotaur form. Speaking of which....he's a mammal so he should be fine to use...right?" She said with a school girl fever in her voice.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As the flames died down she was on her knees, her blade once more stabbed into the ground and being the only support keeping her upright. Her breathing came in ragged gasps as she looked up at her opponent, seeing him still in fighting form. She clicked her tongue in frustration as she wearily pulled herself to her feet. "What is it with you people and just shrugging off my best moves...." She took a deep breath, getting her breathing under control as she stood up straight. She was given little time to regain her composure as the boy soon launched a barrage of ice in her direction.

She took a step back in surprise, her eyes widening slightly as she watched the boy unleash the ice. Just how many types of magic did he even know? The surprise and exhaustion mixed together to slow her reactions and while she managed to cut down an arrow or two she was quickly overwhelmed. She let out a cry of pain as the ice impacted her body and the ground around her, drowning her in an explosion of icy fragments and dust. The force of the attack threw her to the ground and when the dust settled she was laying on her side with trails of blood trickling down from the wounds the attack had given her.

After a few seconds she slowly moved her arms, propping herself up as she looked for her sword. The force of the attack had separated her from her blade which now lay a ways away from her. She turned her attention back to her opponent, her right eye closed as a trail of blood flowed over it from a small wound on her head. If she could simply get in close this would be her fight but the boy just had too much utility with his magic. No matter how much she tried she couldn't get a read on what he might do as he was constantly pulling out new spells and entirely new types of magic. Nevertheless she would have to press on, she wasn't so weak as to fall from simply casting a powerful spell and getting hit by some glorified icicles.

She slowly staggered to her feet and wiped the blood from her face before falling into her usual combat ready stance. As long as the boy was using ice make magic she could make something happen. The problem was he might very well pull something else out of his hat and knowing that vastly limited her options. Much to her chagrin it seemed her only choice at this point was to use her dwindling magic to make this a ranged fight. So far he hadn't demonstrated any ability to use his trickery at range, nor any real ranged capabilities whatsoever. Going on this strategy she decided to repay her opponent and punched the air before her. With each punch a small ball of fire shot out like a cannon round towards the boy, exploding on impact and leaving a napalm-like field of fire in their wake.
Adrian was satisfied that most of his attacks hit home, but at Tanari's comment, he knew he'd have to tell her how he'd survived her attack later. He also felt that her reaction to his Ice Make skills was priceless. If only she knew that he was just extremely lucky to get the right school to counter her.

then she seemed to change tactics for the first time this fight. She was still directly attacking, but she was mainly using ranged attacks. Adrian was struck in the left shoulder by the first cannonball, caught off-guard by her ranged abilities, his clothes catching fire. He cast an Arcane Barrier in front of him as cover as he patted out the flames (though he recieved moderate burns in the affected area), and lobbed an Arcane Grenade over it. It landed close to Tanari, but any damage it inflicted would have merely been a welcome side-effect: its actual purpose was to create a smokescreen with the cloud of dust it kicked up. Said smokescreen would entirely encompass Tanari's vision at all angles. Then, Adrian used Blink again (he really had to start conserving it a bit more) so that he was above and to the back and left of Tanari, standing on an Arcane Barrier. Then, he put his palms together at his wrists, creating a flower shape with his hands in a manner not unlike the characters of a certain plot-hole ridden but venerable and well-loved anime. A ball of purple light formed in his hands, and a massive Arcane Ray shot out towards Tanari's location, the Arcane Wizard pouring a large amount of energy into the blast. That much energy would cause a sizeable explosion, encompassing the entirety of the smokescreen. It was small potatoes compared to what Adrian could pull off if he was desperate enough, but he wasn't in such a dire situation that he needed to play his trump cards.

Sabrina looked back and saw Kelica and Chris making out with each other. She sighed, a small smile on her face. She turned around and continued walking forward. A few seconds later, Kelica came charging back up to her riding a Draco-form Chris, a slight blush on her cheeks. "I'm fine with whatever, really!" Sabrina said, hands held up as a sign of submission. "I'm fine with Ramen, if you guys want to eat it." Sabrina continued walking, listening in on her two friends' conversation. Chris was being smart person he is while Kelica was trying to get some of that hot, juicy...you know...beef...

(Had to make that joke)

She sighed again. For the first time in forever, Sabrina felt happy. She can finally sit back, relax and enjoy life finally with these two friends. She really just wanted to live her life with the two of them...wait a minute...aren't the two of them already dating? Maybe...maybe if she got the two of them together, she could...go live with them..."Heheheh...I've got the perfect plan..." Sabrina said with a small grin.

@Zuka @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Moo?)

Chris only nodded his head slightly,"Yes, because of the vast amount of fur that form has, he'll be hanging around more often." he said in a bit of an aggravated tone. It was unbelievable to hear Kelica say that she loved his normal form but then instantly asked if his Taurus form would be available. A small puff of smoke shot out of his snout at the thought. He shook himself a bit harder this time as he looked over to Sabrina,"Alright, let's go get some ramen!...Uh, anyone know a good place to go and get some? I think there might be a place down the street from here."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Streets of Magnolia

Kelica felt him shake but she was as steady as she had been this whole time, her grip so sure she barely even looked troubled. If there was one thing she was good at it was riding him, and her strong thighs pretty much did all the work for her. Amazing what a week or so of constant beast rides would accomplish. Kelica suddenly took pack leader and gestured to a side alley. "Go forth valiant steed!" When they entered the alley, reluctantly or happily she didn't care, they walked for some time down here. It was dark and mysterious but tucked in the corner was a tiny little Ramen store, a kitchen bench with a bar and a few stool before it. As they neared, Kelica slide gracefully from Chris to her feet, running her hand up his back in a comforting gesture as she did. "You'll have to be normal to eat here, there ain't enough room, but it does the absolute best Ramen!" Threading her fingers into Sabrina's and dragging her to the counter to sit beside her, the owner simply turned with a smile and had already laid out three pipping hot bowls in-front of three chairs. "I discovered this place while attempting to find the Fairytail Guild Hall for the first time, the owner was so nice and friendly and even offered me directions! You absolutely can not beat it. Plus it's tucked away from the crowds." The owner gave a quick salute and continued to fry up eggs for dishes later on in the afternoon. Kelica didn't even wait for her friends, she already lifted up a bowl and started to slurp some noodles in fast and rather unladylike fashion. "Mmmm ish da bisht ramen eva!" She said between chews.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(Chow time!)

Chris only shook his head as Kelica called him her "valiant steed" but still complied with what she asked with a small on his face. At first Chris was having second thoughts about letting Kelica lead him around like this, but all that changed once he saw the small ramen place. The smell was very welcoming as Chris released his takeover. The man took a seat next to Kelica and took a bowl of ramen. He slurped it down at a surprising speed as he had already ordered a second bowl. He finished that one as well as adjusted himself a bit. That ramen hit the spot. Chris reached into his jewel bag as he opened it up and looked over to the owner,"How much for all four bowls? I'm paying for all of us, consider it a treat you two."

@Zuka @PeteTSs

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