Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"That's exactly what we're testing!" Ophelia whispered back almost inaudible before looking back up at the owner of the stand. "We'd like three per person, please!" the girl told him happily before taking the corndogs in both of her hands, leaving the small tent as soon as possible. Giving Alicia's three corndogs to the little girl, the Guild Master devoured her own, and sure enough, small specks of light began to dot her vision. "Well, they do the space stuff for me... what about you?"

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Well..yeah. Alicia had known that, she moreso meant safe insofaras making them really sick, killing them, or otherwise disabling effects. Nonetheless the corndogs were soon ordered by Ophelia. Three was roughly the amount she'd eaten earlier, a bit less, so she should be fine she guessed. Once she'd been handed her corndogs she looked at them warily. She ate them slowly at first but soon found herself eating them as fast as she could, still finding them to be the best corndogs she'd had drugged with magic or not. She blinked and waited a minute or two before reporting any kind of change or anything. Shrugging when nothing happened she was about to speak until this time she saw the space stuff too. "Yeaah..I kinda..see it too now." She replied. "Somethings' definetely wrong..but they taste so good." She added with a hint of sadness. She knew they'd have to do something about it, but those corndogs were just the best! Oh well..
Masaki Yamada: Magnolia somewhere idk

After walking for a few minutes, weakly nonetheless, he bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sor-" looking downwards, he realised that he had coincidentally bumped into Grace. The sight before him caused him to grin rather sheepishly as he was quick to grab her and hold her with the little strength he had remaining at this point. Masaki was completely worn out after having used one of his ace techniques, but... He was glad to finally see Grace. To see her, her petite frame up against his own. It was soothing, and comforting. In fact, it was almost bliss. Breaking free from the hug, he looked down towards Grace. "I fought. And I won. I couldn't lose knowing that you lost to the same opponent and so I had to win." It was then that Masaki's vision began to cloud over, but he stood up and carried on. Masaki knew that he probably had to go and recuperate before he ended up passing out. But, that could wait until later.


Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Milkshake Shop
Valken hissed as some shards cut deep into his heavy set back and side as his body was curled over her body protectively, seriously just how did so much glass manage to fly around anyway! I guess that's what happens when every single window in a joint had broken at the same time. It was oddly familiar to have his body strained and tensed over her's like this, pressed up close and chest rising and falling fast with his worry. A heavy reminder of the night before no doubt, the only problem was his groan was more in pain than any other emotion. Once it had all settled down, he pulled back enough so he had one knee on the booth seat beside her, the other on the ground but still kept his arms wrapped around her possessively. He only allowed one arm to let go to grasp at a huge glass chunk dug into his side, hissing painfully and yanked it out, throwing it to the ground as blood now dripped from that one and the wound on his arm. His shirt basically in shreds now from the remaining glass fragments, so he reached up and ripped the annoying thing off, exposing his whole upper half, muscles and all. And all the tiny scratches as he did. He used the broken shirt to cup at his side to stem the bleeding. He almost forgot Millie had healing magic and was so used to just using First Aid on himself, always on lone and dangerous missions. The kiss on his cheek did make a cheeky grin escape his face, returning by pressing his own kiss on her forehead in a loving manner. "Yeah, stings like a mo-fo but not the worst I've ever had. I don't want you to waste your magic energy on me. Seriously I'll be fine."

Unfortunately he must have underestimated just how much blood he had lost during his battle with Sera earlier, because all of a sudden the world spun slightly causing his arm to naturally throw out at the booth seat top, holding himself up over her to avoid crushing her. His muscles bulging with the effort, though his face was starting to look pale. That deep gash on his side seemed to be the biggest culprit followed by the one on his arm. He refused to faint though, he had to stay strong.

@Kayzo @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

In any other circumstance, Hibiki would've been fully capable of calming her down quite easily, but now all she remembered of him was a much younger version than the boy approaching her who was clearly older. She watched him lifelessly behind the now demonic eyes, unable to recognize him which only enraged her more. The tone he used, his endearing embrace that brought her down, it all ticked her off. Who was he to touch or speak to her in such a way? The emotions inside her spiraled into a rather bottomless pit of darkness, the soft presence of her conscious being drowned out by the scream she involuntarily let out. Her teeth became sharper, canine even, as her chest rose and fell rapidly. But his voice... something in her snapped to focus in on it, eyes quickly lowering to look at the boy knelt down before her. " Who are you? " She managed to speak before she was forced to grit her teeth to suppress another scream, hands beginning to morph as her fingers extended into long slender claws.

Usually the transition was much easier but for some reason she was holding onto Hibiki's words like a lifeline and fighting the change which only made it that much more prolonged and painful. The pulses of sheer energy emitting from her weightless form was enough to push anyone away and act as a barrier and she found it strange that he was able to keep himself grounded and holding onto her through it all. The ground began to crack beneath them, sending fractures into the ground that spanned out in a spiderweb like pattern. Two sets of rather beautiful sharp wings appeared,
protruding snugly from her back and extending out to come together in a way that resembled a butterfly. " I don't think I can stop it... " Pessimism leaked into her mind and voice, fingers sliding back into her hair as she closed her eyes, head shaking back and forth. " I can't.. I can't.. I can't.. " She repeated to herself in a struggling chanted voice as the aura around her darkened and wrapped around her.

Lyra hoped that nobody would try to portray themselves as a threat to her because that would definitely throw her over the edge and the take over would complete itself. As long as the scythe didn't phase itself into reality, there was still a chance to cancel the takeover completely, she just needed to be stronger than it. I don't want to hurt this boy... He reminds me of little Hibiki... The thought brought her to her knees, coming face to face with him as she opened her eyes slowly to stare into his. She searched them rapidly, yellow hues flickering about as if trying to grasp something that was out of reach, trying to make sense of why they looked just like Hibiki's when that couldn't be. " Why do you have his gentle eyes? " Her voice faltered but it was softer now, a minimal amount of control being latched onto. A clawed hand raised itself to press against his chest, directly over his heart, head tilting as she sensed something impossible. " And his heart... I-I know that heart.. " It probably looked weird to see her cry in this state but the tears began to fall of their own accord. Her eyes cycled through their normal pastel purple and back to yellow quite quickly, lips trembling as they did.

@LeSoraAmari @Kayzo @Zuka

Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia Milkshake Shop.

Hibiki had his arms wrapped around the girl securely as he tried to calm her down, her takeover slowly beginning to reach the stages of completion. Wings began sprouting from her back and the sheer magical force cause the ground beneath them to crack. It shocked Hibiki. He thought that Lyra had complete control over her takeovers now, but apparently not. He knew the dangers that would await of the takeover wasn't halted and thus needed to come up with something quickly. Being the type of person he is, Hibiki decided that the best way to solve this was through peaceful means. And simply talking to Lyra should do the trick. The only issue was... That it was taking longer than usual. Any other time he would have been able to calm her down in almost a second. But what had happened this time?

Lyra seemed to question whether or not he was actually Hibiki. Of course, Hibiki could only sigh in response. It had finally clicked. Clearly, Lyra had used her Virus Curse in the fight she was just in. Undoubtedly causing her to win, but that came at a price. Lyra never told Hibiki all that much about her Virus Curse, the only thing she ever told him was that it caused her to 'forget' things. Her memories were obviously distorted and she was beginning to forget things. Hibiki didn't know what she was forgetting, but whatever it was clearly distressed her to such an extent that she caused this much destruction however minimal. Glancing around, the terrified looks of civilians annoyed him. Lyra's demonic form horrifying the civilians. He could even see some people beginning to leave Magnolia altogether, horrified by the scene before them. They didn't understand, they never did. Hibiki understood Lyra and the situation perfectly and it upset him that people were judging her just because of this situation. "Lyra.. Please, you need to fight this." Tightening his hold on her, he kept his eyes fixed completely on hers. "You've fought it before, you can do it again. This is nothing, Lyra!" Sending a kind smile her way as his eyes slowly began to tear up, but quickly Hibiki shook the tears away and held them back, a look of determination and kindness on his face. "You may not know it, but there are people in that shop. The shockwave you've caused has hurt them." With that, he then turned back to face the man and Millie. Calling out to them loudly, he spoke "Go get yourselves checked out at the infirmary, it isn't wise for you to be stood there. The shockwaves can only get stronger." Pausing, he took a deep breath and then continued. "You're witnessing a Take Over, Lyra is a user of the Satan Soul." He felt that that was all they needed to know for the time being. And then with that, he turned back to face the girl, andkept his gaze averted towards Lyra. "You need to fight this. I... I don't want to stop you forcefully."

"I know you can do it Lyra."

Using whatever strength he had when within his human form, Hibiki pulled Lyra in towards him and brought her into a tight yet comforting embrace.
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki heard Alfie's distressed and loud whisper that was calling her name. She could already tell that something bad happened and that a fight was soon to ensue. Her shadowy arms dropped the tombstone to the ground where it cracked into pieces. It seemed that noise wouldn't matter right no if they were already seen. Her gaze looked to where Alfie's voice was coming from, but instead of the ribbon Mage she saw a menacing black line racing towards her. It seemed like some sort of spell, or an entity. With a flick of her wrist a large shield of shadow formed in front of her, the extra arms zipping around it in an attempt to grab the line. "What might this be? A spell of some sort?"
A warm smile grew on Haruhi's face as her sister agreed to help her learn music. It would be very very hard, but if they worked hard enough the two could pull it off. "Thank you Honks! What's the easiest instrument to learn? I want to learn something easy." She said, scooting back in the chair and tapping her feet against the floor in excitement. The thought of being able to play with her sister was wonderful. Dreams of the two making a little band could come true too! The possibilities were endless, the only thing holding them back was Haruhi's inability to play anything.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia StreetsWell..yeah. Alicia had known that, she moreso meant safe insofaras making them really sick, killing them, or otherwise disabling effects. Nonetheless the corndogs were soon ordered by Ophelia. Three was roughly the amount she'd eaten earlier, a bit less, so she should be fine she guessed. Once she'd been handed her corndogs she looked at them warily. She ate them slowly at first but soon found herself eating them as fast as she could, still finding them to be the best corndogs she'd had drugged with magic or not. She blinked and waited a minute or two before reporting any kind of change or anything. Shrugging when nothing happened she was about to speak until this time she saw the space stuff too. "Yeaah..I kinda..see it too now." She replied. "Somethings' definetely wrong..but they taste so good." She added with a hint of sadness. She knew they'd have to do something about it, but those corndogs were just the best! Oh well..
The shadowy hands on the line halted it for a split second, but as it broke out to form a triangle, Mizuki's grip was rendered useless. The triangular line then split up to form doors, and out of those doors shot horses, the beings sucking in light as they ran with great speeds at the mage.

"That is a conglomerate of the waste of little under a hundred descended Heart Stones," Alfie called out as a flurry of arrows momentarily broke the horses' sprint, "And I'd rather not spend positive energy trying to kill something that's already dead! Make your way up the stairs, I'll hold it off!" As the ribbon mage prepared to tangle the doors and horses in ribbons and arrows, the entity changed its shape again. An oversized frying pan began to shoot black rain at Mizuki, only to be blocked by velvety pink lines.

Ophelia - Not Being Attacked By a Frying Pan, Magnolia Streets

"I knooww, right?" Ophelia agreed happily, biting the leftover sticks in an attempt to get out more flavoring. "Too bad we're gonna have to stop this... but how? It'll look like we're just attacking a stand for no reason..." The sticks were being chewed into pieces as the Guild Master put her hand over her chin thoughtfully.
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Niur - Hotdog Hotdog Hotdiggitydog

Raa looked over a Niur as he heard her stomach grumble. "Raa..." She started while looking up at him. "Hungry? Here." He said while handing her his pouch of spiced seeds. She popped one into her mouth before spitting it out. "Bleh, salty and spicy-la?" Raa huffed and crossed his arms. "Well I like it...I know, there's a corndog stand over yonder." He said as he handed her some Jewels. "Go get yourself something to eat." Niur cheered and merrily skipped to the stand, Raa popped a seed into his mouth before spotting a target and spitting it at the unfortunate person while giggling silently. "Hmm...I wonder what's good here-la..." Niur wondered aloud as she reached the stand.

(@Salt Lord )
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Eias Baole - Tourney stands

As Eias heard Kim call out with a bellowing voice, Eias sighed with relief. Squeezing past people was challenging. Not like she could use a bubble on them. They were just innocent bystanders looking for a seat after all. Excuse me.. Pardon me please. Coming through! She said in her soft voice. No one would hear her over the crowd but she was just trying to be polite. After getting shoved past people, she caught a glimpse of where the three were at. Kim, Ryu, and the new comer. As she made her way up, she was accidentally rammed into and as she tried to catch herself, she slipped and fell forward over the seat Ending upside down on her neck. With dizzy eyes she spoke in a barely audible voice. H-Hey guys, looks like I made it.

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow @Rhodus

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine was a little unprepared for when Sakura decided to literally pull her along but she didn't really mind. When they arrived at the game stand she regarded it for a moment before tilting her head slightly in confusion.

"How exactly...do you play this game?" she asked. She had never done anything like this before so she was at a loss as for what to do.

Genon said:
Adrian was satisfied that most of his attacks hit home, but at Tanari's comment, he knew he'd have to tell her how he'd survived her attack later. He also felt that her reaction to his Ice Make skills was priceless. If only she knew that he was just extremely lucky to get the right school to counter her.
then she seemed to change tactics for the first time this fight. She was still directly attacking, but she was mainly using ranged attacks. Adrian was struck in the left shoulder by the first cannonball, caught off-guard by her ranged abilities, his clothes catching fire. He cast an Arcane Barrier in front of him as cover as he patted out the flames (though he recieved moderate burns in the affected area), and lobbed an Arcane Grenade over it. It landed close to Tanari, but any damage it inflicted would have merely been a welcome side-effect: its actual purpose was to create a smokescreen with the cloud of dust it kicked up. Said smokescreen would entirely encompass Tanari's vision at all angles. Then, Adrian used Blink again (he really had to start conserving it a bit more) so that he was above and to the back and left of Tanari, standing on an Arcane Barrier. Then, he put his palms together at his wrists, creating a flower shape with his hands in a manner not unlike the characters of a certain plot-hole ridden but venerable and well-loved anime. A ball of purple light formed in his hands, and a massive Arcane Ray shot out towards Tanari's location, the Arcane Wizard pouring a large amount of energy into the blast. That much energy would cause a sizeable explosion, encompassing the entirety of the smokescreen. It was small potatoes compared to what Adrian could pull off if he was desperate enough, but he wasn't in such a dire situation that he needed to play his trump cards.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As the boy conjured up a barrier to shield himself from her blasts she halted her assault, no sense in wasting magic after all. As the fight progressed she was getting a handle on what the boy was capable of, his weaknesses and strengths began to come into view. After only the briefest of pauses the boy lobbed what appeared to be a small orb of energy. She promptly conjured up a wall of flame to shield herself from the explosion but the vicinity around her was quickly engulfed in smoke from the blast. Based on his attack patterns thus far she had a good idea of what her opponent might try next and she wasn't about to let him have his way. It was clear that he underestimated her, but that was part of the fun.

She closed her eyes and held her arms out, clasping her hands together and interlacing her fingers. Fire engulfed her form and were drawn into her fists, coalescing into a large blue flame. After only a few moments the fire that surrounded her suddenly exploded outward. The blast swept away the smoke around her, clearing her vision. Her eyes darted to and fro, searching for her opponent. Noticing his absence in front of her she spun around and locked her gaze on the boy floating behind her just as he unleashed a large ray of energy at her. A wry smirk crossed her lips as she called out "Incineration!" and a stream of blue flame erupted from her fists. Her attack met her opponent's mid-air, providing enough resistance to set the ray off and causing a large explosion between the two.

She raised an arm to cover her face from the force of the explosion, however she had to act quick to capitalize on the smokescreen the explosion created along with any confusion the boy might be experiencing. Without pause she once again lobbed a few napalm rounds at her opponent. Unlike her previous attempts this would explode if they merely got near the boy.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
The shadowy hands on the line halted it for a split second, but as it broke out to form a triangle, Mizuki's grip was rendered useless. The triangular line then split up to form doors, and out of those doors shot horses, the beings sucking in light as they ran with great speeds at the mage.

"That is a conglomerate of the waste of little under a hundred descended Heart Stones," Alfie called out as a flurry of arrows momentarily broke the horses' sprint, "And I'd rather not spend positive energy trying to kill something that's already dead! Make your way up the stairs, I'll hold it off!" As the ribbon mage prepared to tangle the doors and horses in ribbons and arrows, the entity changed its shape again. An oversized frying pan began to shoot black rain at Mizuki, only to be blocked by velvety pink lines.

Ophelia - Not Being Attacked By a Frying Pan, Magnolia Streets

"I knooww, right?" Ophelia agreed happily, biting the leftover sticks in an attempt to get out more flavoring. "Too bad we're gonna have to stop this... but how? It'll look like we're just attacking a stand for no reason..." The sticks were being chewed into pieces as the Guild Master put her hand over her chin thoughtfully.

Mizuki glared at the black line as it broke free from her grasp and continued its assault on her. She began to step back slowly, her ears fixed on Alfie while her eyes never left the black line now turned into a horse. This peaked her interest to see a simple black line turn into a horse. Though she would've loved to fight this Alfie didn't want to, so she began to retreat. Not before firing a beam of black energy at the horse. When the beam was said and done Mizuki began to crawl away like some demon or beast. It seemed that the entity wouldn't give up and began to rain attacks down from the air, only to be blocked by Alfie's ribbons. "Such a waste of ribbons. But hurry up, I can't leave without you."
HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Infirmary
Lysander had not even known that he had begun yawning until his mouth was half open, which quickly caused him to cover his mouth with both his hands until it passed. He had been taught since young that it was polite to cover his mouth whenever he yawned, and it was pretty much habitual by now. Now that Sora had mentioned naps, he had to admit that he was getting rather sleepy. It had been true that he had little sleep the night before, and the entire day had been both physically and mentally taxing for him. And there he was yawning again. He was quite sleepy, and a nap would be extremely welcome.

He turned a surprised look at Sora as she slid to the floor by his side. "But..." he stuttered. "You should not be sleeping on the floor. Especially since you just recently collapsed." His voice held a note of concern. He could not join her on the bed, especially not with Maya and Clair present, yet he felt guilty about forcing her onto the floor simply because she had wanted to nap with him. And... she wanted to nap with him. This was the first time he had slept with someone who was not a family member. Was this truly all right? He glanced at Maya and Clair, seeking wordless assurance that it was all right with them. Sora was just so comforting to be with yet... he was nervous. Was this really all right?

And then Sora's hand went over his eyes, and he could see nothing. Darkness, yet of a close, comforting sort, as he could feel her snuggled against his frame. He felt his own head being gently pulled to rest against her shoulders and this time, he did not resist it. He gave a little contented sigh as he felt her hands threading through his hair, and on their own accord his eyes slipped shut. She had a beautiful voice, he realized, as she began to hum a soothing melody; against her shoulders he could feel the slight vibrations even before he heard the melody. He was going under; he felt as if he was sinking into a warm, smug blanket and soon he knew no more.

@HuorSpinks (sorry for the delay i have been extremely busy )
Kayzo said:
Mizuki glared at the black line as it broke free from her grasp and continued its assault on her. She began to step back slowly, her ears fixed on Alfie while her eyes never left the black line now turned into a horse. This peaked her interest to see a simple black line turn into a horse. Though she would've loved to fight this Alfie didn't want to, so she began to retreat. Not before firing a beam of black energy at the horse. When the beam was said and done Mizuki began to crawl away like some demon or beast. It seemed that the entity wouldn't give up and began to rain attacks down from the air, only to be blocked by Alfie's ribbons. "Such a waste of ribbons. But hurry up, I can't leave without you."
Mizuki's black beam had put a hole in the frying pan and even disrupted the rain after Alfie's ribbons had dissipated. Nodding, the ribbon mage shot a harpoon from Sagitta Luminis and hooked into the stairs. The tombstone still in his other arm, he grappled himself through the air to the other mage's location before jumping up through the portal-like hole.

"It's... it's a lot less powerful than the last time I startled it," Alfie turned to Mizuki, a blank expression on his face, "But I'd still rather not need to take any chances. Speaking of chances, you didn't plan on having too big a weapon, did you?" he asked, holding up the torso-sized tombstone to show its size. "The most I'll be able to do with this is a bow or a gun of some sort. Or a tiny sword. Or a bunch of tiny swords. Telekinesis is a thing."
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Milkshake Shop
Valken hissed as some shards cut deep into his heavy set back and side as his body was curled over her body protectively, seriously just how did so much glass manage to fly around anyway! I guess that's what happens when every single window in a joint had broken at the same time. It was oddly familiar to have his body strained and tensed over her's like this, pressed up close and chest rising and falling fast with his worry. A heavy reminder of the night before no doubt, the only problem was his groan was more in pain than any other emotion. Once it had all settled down, he pulled back enough so he had one knee on the booth seat beside her, the other on the ground but still kept his arms wrapped around her possessively. He only allowed one arm to let go to grasp at a huge glass chunk dug into his side, hissing painfully and yanked it out, throwing it to the ground as blood now dripped from that one and the wound on his arm. His shirt basically in shreds now from the remaining glass fragments, so he reached up and ripped the annoying thing off, exposing his whole upper half, muscles and all. And all the tiny scratches as he did. He used the broken shirt to cup at his side to stem the bleeding. He almost forgot Millie had healing magic and was so used to just using First Aid on himself, always on lone and dangerous missions. The kiss on his cheek did make a cheeky grin escape his face, returning by pressing his own kiss on her forehead in a loving manner. "Yeah, stings like a mo-fo but not the worst I've ever had. I don't want you to waste your magic energy on me. Seriously I'll be fine."

Unfortunately he must have underestimated just how much blood he had lost during his battle with Sera earlier, because all of a sudden the world spun slightly causing his arm to naturally throw out at the booth seat top, holding himself up over her to avoid crushing her. His muscles bulging with the effort, though his face was starting to look pale. That deep gash on his side seemed to be the biggest culprit followed by the one on his arm. He refused to faint though, he had to stay strong.

@Kayzo @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
Millie blushed slightly as Valken stood up and ripped off his shirt, revealing his fit, muscular body. Even with all the cuts and scrapes it was still candy to the eye. The best part was that she got to touch it. At the sight of all the cuts the blonde couldn't help but feel terrible. She was the one who caused all this pain on him, and she'd be the one to fix him up. Even if he didn't want her to. "Thank you so much Valken, for taking all of those hits. No matter what you want I'm going to heal you. If I don't heal you, you won't get to feel my soft hands." She said, smiling warmly at her boyfriend and pressing her hands against his chest. Suddenly Valken's body began to glow in a bright golden light, the pieces of glass popping out of his body and the cuts slowly coming to a close. After a minute or so the glow faded away and Millie leaned into his chest. "Feeling better?"
@Salt Lord[/URL] )
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia shrugged. How WERE they going to go about it? They couldn't just destroy a stand randomly, it'd look bad. Plus it was illegal, probably. Then again drugging corndogs and selling them to everyone ranging from minors to old people was probably illegal too. She couldn't help but laugh a bit at Ophelia pretty much eating the sticks. Though her expression soon turned to one of concern as more and more people were ordering the drugged food. "
Maybe..we can just tell everyone that the stuff is drugged?" She asked her. "That could work, right?" She added, unsure.

Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine was a little unprepared for when Sakura decided to literally pull her along but she didn't really mind. When they arrived at the game stand she regarded it for a moment before tilting her head slightly in confusion.

"How exactly...do you play this game?" she asked. She had never done anything like this before so she was at a loss as for what to do.

Sakura: Festival Games

Sakura arched a brow. She'd never played this game before? That completely shocked her, really. How could she of not at-least SEEN it before! Well, she guessed it was up to her to educate her. "
I'll show you! Just watch!" She told her before paying for a few tries for the both of them. Grabbing up the ball she held it out to her, "You take this and throw it at those bottles to try and knock them over. If you do you get a prize!" She explained excitedly before placing the ball in her hand and getting one of her own. "It's easy enough if you can throw accurately." She added while picking up a ball of her own. Throwing it she completely missed all together, she'd have better luck hitting them and not trying really. "Now you try!" She told her, her face a picture of excitement despite missing entirely.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Mizuki's black beam had put a hole in the frying pan and even disrupted the rain after Alfie's ribbons had dissipated. Nodding, the ribbon mage shot a harpoon from Sagitta Luminis and hooked into the stairs. The tombstone still in his other arm, he grappled himself through the air to the other mage's location before jumping up through the portal-like hole.
"It's... it's a lot less powerful than the last time I startled it," Alfie turned to Mizuki, a blank expression on his face, "But I'd still rather not need to take any chances. Speaking of chances, you didn't plan on having too big a weapon, did you?" he asked, holding up the torso-sized tombstone to show its size. "The most I'll be able to do with this is a bow or a gun of some sort. Or a tiny sword. Or a bunch of tiny swords. Telekinesis is a thing."

Mizuki conjured one last shield to block the path between the entity and Alfie before quickly crawling back through the portal. The whole experience had her blood pumping, the last time she felt this excited the dark Mage couldn't remember. She had been holed up in the guildhall for so long that she missed fieldwork. She came to a stop when the two arrived back in the familiar pillar forest, her hands preparing another spell just in case the beast decided to pop into the real world. "I do not care what size the weapon is. As long as it strengthens me in magic." Mizuki said, her eyes drifting to Alfie.
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Chow time!)

Chris only shook his head as Kelica called him her "valiant steed" but still complied with what she asked with a small on his face. At first Chris was having second thoughts about letting Kelica lead him around like this, but all that changed once he saw the small ramen place. The smell was very welcoming as Chris released his takeover. The man took a seat next to Kelica and took a bowl of ramen. He slurped it down at a surprising speed as he had already ordered a second bowl. He finished that one as well as adjusted himself a bit. That ramen hit the spot. Chris reached into his jewel bag as he opened it up and looked over to the owner,"How much for all four bowls? I'm paying for all of us, consider it a treat you two."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Ramen Stand Backstreets of Magnolia

Kelica was happily devouring the Ramen, wiping her mouth between slurps afterall she was still a lady. Chris beside her meanwhile was eating like a horse and was already into his second bowl before she was even halfway through hers. She blinked at him. "Really Chris you don't have to pay I can afford myself..." The owner had other ideas and waved a hand. "For the blond haired cutey you can have 4 for the price of two! Only 50 jewels!" It was a steal considering just how good it was, obviously getting return customers being hidden from the main street and still open for business. The cute comment on Kelica made her blush madly. "N..no that's ok really!" What was with everyone buying stuff for her or giving her things cheap. She took a sideways glance at Chris wondering how he might take the offer. The owner did just hit on her afterall.

@Isune @PeteTSs
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Chris Lengheart (Excuse me?)

Chris stared at the owner for moment. Did he just hit on Kelica? Chris counted up the jewels and placed them on the counter before saying, "She is a cutie, isn't she? I'm lucky to have her for as my girlfriend." as he closed his bag and reattached it to his belt loop. He was sure that the owner simply made a mistake. If not, an angry bull man was about to see some red.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Sabrina---Really good Ramen place

Sabrina took a seat on the other side of Kelica. She gladly picked up the bowl of Ramen and started to eat elegantly, taking care of her table manners. After she finished the bowl, she pushed it forward and gave the shopowner a small smile. "Thank you, sir. It was very delicious," she said. "Please do give them something to drink, preferably something that involves two straws and one cup. I will pay for i, so thety could enjoy...their date..." Sabrina stood up and placed one hand on her friends' shoulders.

@Zuka @Isune
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Valken Truss - Milkshake Shop

Valken's arm was starting to shake as he held himself up, he took long deep breaths to try and calm himself, a high blood pressure not the best idea when one was bleeding out. He had a suprised look on his face as she thanked him for taking the hits. It never even crossed his mind not to.

"Millie...I will never let anything happen to you. I've already kicked myself that had I been a moment later you would have been cut to ribbons..." Here she offered to heal him and he made a disgruntled noise as if to protest but her soft fingers were already pressed into his hard chest.

"Well if you put it that way..." A cheeky grin flooding his face, she was not dumb and had already figured out exactly how to get him to do what she wanted. Clever girl. His dark eyes slide closed as that bright light engulfed him, his whole body tingling and slightly warm but not uncomfortable in the slightest. His heart stablising as he wasn't as paniced, and his hand with bloody cloth pulling away to reveal super soft skin. She'd even managed to clear some old scars along his back, to which he looked equally surprised.

"Thank you Darlin'..." Reaching forward to run his surprisingly soft fingers through her hair to tuck it behind an ear. Years of wearing gloves making his hands void of calluses or scars. His head snapped around at that man who he had pushed aside was attempting to calm the physco girl. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Satan Soul take-over? Valken remembered that beast man from Fairytail being able to do something similar but he had been in full control. Regardless, it was not safe and he needed to get Millie out now. He nodded to the guy, before eyes scanning the shop. There were no clear exits or windows to which he could lead them without going near the two and his face hardened. His gaze glanced down as a crazy idea came to his mind.

"I wonder..." He mumbled giving Millie a weird look. He had never done something like this before, he didn't even know it was possible, but he didn't have a choice if he wanted to get her out safe.

"Baby...I hope you ain't claustrophobic....close your eyes and hold onto me tight. Remember, I'm right here...And maybe hold your breath..." He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, forcing her legs around his waist and arms around his neck, hands resting comfortably on her buttocks. Like a piggy back ride, but facing his front. Here he stepped out of the booth and wandered to the closest bare wall he could find and pushed her back against it, his body pressed against her and holding her up. For all intents and purposes it looked anything but innocent, his pelvis to hers. The cheeky grin returning.

"Alright, close your eyes and hold your breath...." Here what would have felt like a hard wall suddenly seemed to get an almost liquid texture, letting her back seep into it. They weren't morphing into the wall but rather the shadows covering it, his pressure continually forcing her deeper into the wall. It would have felt cold, and was enveloping her body along with his arms. Her head was the last to go under and the second it was he forced his whole body in along with her. Once they had melted into the darkness, she would have felt cold and an oppressive force all around her, like being underwater. But then there was a rush like they were both hurtling through the black water like a missle and a few seconds later Valken walked them both out of the wall. They were now in the alleyway behind the store, and he looked to her concerned.

"You ok Baby?" He asked watching her face intently, most people would have freaked out with the intense almost drowning sensation in the pure darkness, so he pulled her tight to his frame just incase she panicked.

@Kayzo @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
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Kelica - Ramen Store

Kelica blinked as she stared at Chris, he paid up which was nice, and didn't randomly transform into a beast and wreck the place which was equally as nice. She did want to come back another time, though maybe long enough so the owner might have forgotten her. She hooked a pile of noodles on a chopstick, and forced it into her mouth when Sabrina offered a large drink, noodles still dangling out of her mouth unceremoniously, turning her head back to her when she put her hand on her shoulder. "mmmrrf?" Did Sabrina just say date? Since when? Kelica quickly slurped up the last of the noodles and looked to her with a bewildered face.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart (Date?)

Chris stared blankly at Sabrina for a moment. A date? Why would Chris choose here of all places? When Sabrina talked about ordering them a drink Chris only shook his head as he quickly said, "No, no, no! I'm good. You know what, I think it's about time we get going. What do you think Kelica? I'll give us a ride home, besides you still need to clean up the mess you made."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica Refara - Ramen Store

Kelica finished her bowl of noodles with a loud slurp, and placed it before the owner. Here she nodded. "Thank you for the offer Sabrina but honestly I am soooo full from that I couldn't even fit it..." Standing up and pushing herself away from the chair, putting her hands high in the air, arching her chest out as she did. "My mess? Opinions vary buddy..." Putting a hand on her hip as she said this. "Is Sabrina coming with us or going back to her house?" Here Kelica rested a hand on the girls. "Will you be ok on your own?"

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(Giddyup...again)

Chris looked over at Sabrina once Kelica finished speaking, "The truth is Kelica got upset I took the remote from her and decided to throw expensive vases at me. So yes, the mess is in fact her fault." he said as he switched back to his draco form before launching Kelica onto his back. He knew that she might strangle him if he constantly did it, but that was a risk that Chris was willing to take. Chris then suddenly turned to Sabrina as he said, "If you're coming with us you can either hitch a ride on the Chris express or you can just follow us. Either that, or you can just go if you have somewhere to be. I'll leave that decision up to you."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia shrugged. How WERE they going to go about it? They couldn't just destroy a stand randomly, it'd look bad. Plus it was illegal, probably. Then again drugging corndogs and selling them to everyone ranging from minors to old people was probably illegal too. She couldn't help but laugh a bit at Ophelia pretty much eating the sticks. Though her expression soon turned to one of concern as more and more people were ordering the drugged food. "
Maybe..we can just tell everyone that the stuff is drugged?" She asked her. "That could work, right?" She added, unsure.

Sakura: Festival Games

Sakura arched a brow. She'd never played this game before? That completely shocked her, really. How could she of not at-least SEEN it before! Well, she guessed it was up to her to educate her. "
I'll show you! Just watch!" She told her before paying for a few tries for the both of them. Grabbing up the ball she held it out to her, "You take this and throw it at those bottles to try and knock them over. If you do you get a prize!" She explained excitedly before placing the ball in her hand and getting one of her own. "It's easy enough if you can throw accurately." She added while picking up a ball of her own. Throwing it she completely missed all together, she'd have better luck hitting them and not trying really. "Now you try!" She told her, her face a picture of excitement despite missing entirely.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki conjured one last shield to block the path between the entity and Alfie before quickly crawling back through the portal. The whole experience had her blood pumping, the last time she felt this excited the dark Mage couldn't remember. She had been holed up in the guildhall for so long that she missed fieldwork. She came to a stop when the two arrived back in the familiar pillar forest, her hands preparing another spell just in case the beast decided to pop into the real world. "I do not care what size the weapon is. As long as it strengthens me in magic." Mizuki said, her eyes drifting to Alfie.
Mizuki seemed to have fun during the battle with the conglomerate. Her breathing was just a tiny bit heavier than normal, and she even had a spell ready in case it wanted to pop out of the hole. Which it had no chance of doing, unless Alfie were to continue the work of... The ribbon mage nodded in relief as the other said all she needed was something to boost her magical prowess. Then a gun would be perfect for Mizuki, wouldn't it? Or maybe two? If he made it so that kick wasn't a factor to worry about, she could wield one in each hand. That paired with her shadow magic, there was no telling how much she could utterly obliterate. Maybe in another seven years, when the conglomerate weakens over time, they could go back and actually kill it. "I'll make sure they do just that. Of course, I'll need some time to make them... I'll get back to you later today. As of now, we should leave the forest. Well, only if you'd like to. We're in no danger of staying as long as we don't enter the Hall again."

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia nodded at Alicia's suggestion before quickly shaking her head. "People are gonna think we're crazy! You know how non-magical people are! As long as they're happy, they don't care about anything! And when they find out that the corndogs really are drugged, they'll think the space stuff is supposed to happen! They'll think it's "cool"! The girl looked down at the blades in her sheaths and then back at the corndog stand. "I just remembered that I have a purification spell... Maybe we could sneak behind the counter and I could use it on all of the corndogs they have stored?"
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Mizuki seemed to have fun during the battle with the conglomerate. Her breathing was just a tiny bit heavier than normal, and she even had a spell ready in case it wanted to pop out of the hole. Which it had no chance of doing, unless Alfie were to continue the work of... The ribbon mage nodded in relief as the other said all she needed was something to boost her magical prowess. Then a gun would be perfect for Mizuki, wouldn't it? Or maybe two? If he made it so that kick wasn't a factor to worry about, she could wield one in each hand. That paired with her shadow magic, there was no telling how much she could utterly obliterate. Maybe in another seven years, when the conglomerate weakens over time, they could go back and actually kill it. "I'll make sure they do just that. Of course, I'll need some time to make them... I'll get back to you later today. As of now, we should leave the forest. Well, only if you'd like to. We're in no danger of staying as long as we don't enter the Hall again."

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia nodded at Alicia's suggestion before quickly shaking her head. "People are gonna think we're crazy! You know how non-magical people are! As long as they're happy, they don't care about anything! And when they find out that the corndogs really are drugged, they'll think the space stuff is supposed to happen! They'll think it's "cool"! The girl looked down at the blades in her sheaths and then back at the corndog stand. "I just remembered that I have a purification spell... Maybe we could sneak behind the counter and I could use it on all of the corndogs they have stored?"

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia shrugged. How WERE they going to go about it? They couldn't just destroy a stand randomly, it'd look bad. Plus it was illegal, probably. Then again drugging corndogs and selling them to everyone ranging from minors to old people was probably illegal too. She couldn't help but laugh a bit at Ophelia pretty much eating the sticks. Though her expression soon turned to one of concern as more and more people were ordering the drugged food. "
Maybe..we can just tell everyone that the stuff is drugged?" She asked her. "That could work, right?" She added, unsure.

Sakura: Festival Games

Sakura arched a brow. She'd never played this game before? That completely shocked her, really. How could she of not at-least SEEN it before! Well, she guessed it was up to her to educate her. "
I'll show you! Just watch!" She told her before paying for a few tries for the both of them. Grabbing up the ball she held it out to her, "You take this and throw it at those bottles to try and knock them over. If you do you get a prize!" She explained excitedly before placing the ball in her hand and getting one of her own. "It's easy enough if you can throw accurately." She added while picking up a ball of her own. Throwing it she completely missed all together, she'd have better luck hitting them and not trying really. "Now you try!" She told her, her face a picture of excitement despite missing entirely.
Niur - Definitely not high.

Niur payed for the corndog and was about to bite into it when she overheard two girls talking about how drugged the corndogs were. She cautiously sniffed it before taking a small nibble. She immediately spat it out upon tasting something weird about it. Could it actually be that these corndogs were indeed drugged? "Excuse me-la...I can't help but overhear that these corndogs are indeed drugged-la..." She said as she approached the girls. "I almost ate one but I tasted something weird about it...is there anything I can do to help you-la?" She asked, not wanting other people to get drugged or almost drugged.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Mizuki seemed to have fun during the battle with the conglomerate. Her breathing was just a tiny bit heavier than normal, and she even had a spell ready in case it wanted to pop out of the hole. Which it had no chance of doing, unless Alfie were to continue the work of... The ribbon mage nodded in relief as the other said all she needed was something to boost her magical prowess. Then a gun would be perfect for Mizuki, wouldn't it? Or maybe two? If he made it so that kick wasn't a factor to worry about, she could wield one in each hand. That paired with her shadow magic, there was no telling how much she could utterly obliterate. Maybe in another seven years, when the conglomerate weakens over time, they could go back and actually kill it. "I'll make sure they do just that. Of course, I'll need some time to make them... I'll get back to you later today. As of now, we should leave the forest. Well, only if you'd like to. We're in no danger of staying as long as we don't enter the Hall again."

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia nodded at Alicia's suggestion before quickly shaking her head. "People are gonna think we're crazy! You know how non-magical people are! As long as they're happy, they don't care about anything! And when they find out that the corndogs really are drugged, they'll think the space stuff is supposed to happen! They'll think it's "cool"! The girl looked down at the blades in her sheaths and then back at the corndog stand. "I just remembered that I have a purification spell... Maybe we could sneak behind the counter and I could use it on all of the corndogs they have stored?"

When Mizuki knew that the conglomerate was no longer a danger to the group and that the were finally safe she canceled whatever spell she had brewing, her arms returning to her stomach where she crossed them. That was a very fun experience yet a shame they didn't get to kill the beast. But no matter, as there will always be something else to fight. When asked if she wanted to leave the forest yet the dark Mage had to think. Yes she wanted to stay here for a long time, longer than most would expect, but Alfie was here and he would surely get tired of staying here. Plus the longer they stayed here the longer it would take to get the weapon. "Is there anything to even do here? And are there any more steps you need my help with?" She asked, her eyes drifting to the tombstone Alfie held.
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Festival Games

Sakura arched a brow. She'd never played this game before? That completely shocked her, really. How could she of not at-least SEEN it before! Well, she guessed it was up to her to educate her. "
I'll show you! Just watch!" She told her before paying for a few tries for the both of them. Grabbing up the ball she held it out to her, "You take this and throw it at those bottles to try and knock them over. If you do you get a prize!" She explained excitedly before placing the ball in her hand and getting one of her own. "It's easy enough if you can throw accurately." She added while picking up a ball of her own. Throwing it she completely missed all together, she'd have better luck hitting them and not trying really. "Now you try!" She told her, her face a picture of excitement despite missing entirely.

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine nodded and turned to face the bottles. She pulled her arm back slowly before swinging it foward with great force, sending the ball flying at high speed. The ball was moving with such force that the unlucky bottle it made contact with shattered. The ball then ricocheted off the back wall of the stand and came flying back in her direction. Before it could hit her in the face, she calmly sidestepped and it continued on its path until it hit a random man directly behind them, knocking him over. Tokine nodded to herself in approval. To her, it was a bit too easy but she did feel a slight sense of accomplishment. She then turned back to Sakura.

"Like that?" she asked innocently.

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