Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Drakerus said:

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine nodded again and picked up another ball from the frightened attendant. She reeled back her arm just like before but this time she threw it more gently so it wouldn't be as destructive. The ball soared through the air in a nearly perfect straight line, hitting the stack of bottles directly in the center. They came tumbling down cleanly and Tokine experienced a small bit of pride. She didn't really outwardly express it though. The attendant who had now calmed down a little congratulated her and asked her which prize she wanted. Tokine glanced at the toys lining the shelves thoughtfully before pointing towards a stuffed dragon. After receiving it she turned to Sakura and presented it to her.

"Here." she said simply, waiting for her to take it. She didn't say it out loud but she wanted to thank Sakura for hanging out with her. Besides, she didn't know where she was going to keep the stuffed animal.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura watched as Tokine picked up another ball and once again attempted the game. As expected she got it on the first try AND without shattering the bottles this time. "
Yay! I told you you could do it Tokine!" She cheered for her friend excitedly. She waited for her to select her prize before moving to try it again herself. Though before she did Tokine presented the plushie to her. "Really? Thank you!" She told her before carefully taking the plushie from her hand before outright bearhugging it with a contented smile on her face. After that was accomplished she set to hug Tokine, though more gently than she'd hugged the plushie. "I'm gunna win you something too!" She said before releasing her and setting the plushie on the counter.

After that she picked the ball up and tried again, failing as miserably as last time. Though, she was determined to win Tokine something. After two more tries she finally managed to win, picking out a stuffed T-Rex reminiscent of Steve for Tokine before holding it out to her. "
Here you go! It can be Steve 2! Or you can name it yourself, either one." She told her, ushering it into her hands excitedly. She was glad the first person in the guild she'd talked to longer than a few minutes became her friend in such a small amount of time. Maybe the others were just as nice?
Talon walked through the streets of Magnolia, He watched as pple ran around enjoying them selves. He smiled softly at the children playing tag. His orange-red hair made him stand out like a lighthouse. He bought a treat from a vendor and then continued on his way. He took a seat on a bench and watched the proceedings take place. @any Sabertooth members?¿?¿
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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(What in the hell!?)

Chris was about to say something when Kelica suddenly threw him onto the bed and mounted him. Once she said that this was the last time he ran away from her Chris began to worry as he suddenly said,"Kelica, you know I love you. So whatever your planning on doing, don't!" But after a brief moment, Chris eventually caught on and a smile formed on his face as he once again spoke,"Let's say we go out for a ride...just you, me, and the walls."

@Zuka ((Fade to black time??))
Kelica - FanService Chris's Bedroom

Kelica still had the impish grin on her face, and when he panicked and said I love you she only smiled warmly back. Oh Chris! So angry, so sweet all wrapped up in one gorgeous muscular package. She'd lie if she said she didn't swoon over him, they wouldn't be dating each other if that wasn't the case. Her own smile only widened as she spotted his, heart thundering in her chest to the point she could hear nothing but her own heart pumping. Time seemed to stand still as she peered down to him with emerald eyes that were glistening over. And slowly she bent down closer to him, putting her soft palms either side of his face on his cheeks, hot breath washing over his face. "I love you to...Chris..." She whispered in a low soft tone, tilting her head gently as she opened her mouth and sealed his mouth with her own. One of her hands reaching up to fist into his thick hair, while the other let her fingers intwine with his own, moving his hand to rest on her hip. She pressed her body in close to his, as she lost herself in the feel of his body, letting her instincts take over and allowing him every inch of her if he wanted. Secretly she was worried she was rushing him but he seemed as interested in her body as she was in his. After some time, what felt like hours to her, she collapsed in a sweaty heap on the bed. "My parents are going to kill me..." She whispered with a panting voice, clinging the sheets to her naked body now. Then her eyes widened as her face paled. "Wait...isn't Sabrina out there somewhere?" Turning her head to look to Chris with eyes wide then burying her face into a pillow in embarrassment. "ooohhhmaigewd.." She muffled.

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Sabrina was sitting next to the bedroom door the entire time, fast asleep. She wanted to hear for herself how they were doing after their little fight, but found herself not hearing anything. She fell asleep a little over a minute after the talking stopped, and she had been lying there ever since. She groggily opened her eyes after her short nap. Damn...fell asleep...wonder how they're doing... She got up and yawned, grabbing the door handle to the bedroom and swung open the door. Eyes still mostly closed from her nap, she did see ANYTHING, and walked over to the bed and sat down. "So...how did it go?" she asked, eyes still mostly shut and head spinning a little.

@Zuka @Isune

Mikael La Viere

Location: Village > Magnolia

Mikael giggled a bit at Lavender's commentary, "May you pardon my behavior milady. I didn't mean to be rude. I was out of place. I apologize." he said with a smile. They walked a few miles and found the carriage still waiting for them. "Hey mister. Thank you for waiting." Mika said as he hopped to the magic cart. "With that tip you gave me kid, I could stay here for days." the man said adjusting his hat. "Back to where I picked you up I presume?" he asked.

"Yes, please." Mika replied.

They reach Magnolia in a couple of hours and walked just in front of the fairy tail guild. Mikael felt that he would not be welcome at the guild anymore after exchanging words with their master and stealing a posted job from their request board. He turned to ladies beside him. "So, are you ladies tired or do you fancy something to eat, or drink perhaps? Can I both treat you to something? I shall be honored to be accompanied by both of you, not in a battle this time." he asked. He's got a lot to ask them about. First, he would like to have some place he could stay but most of all, there's lots of things he would like to ask Sera. And he would like to thank Lavender properly. So he just decided to ask them both out.


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Village > Magnolia

Mikael giggled a bit at Lavender's commentary, "May you pardon my behavior milady. I didn't mean to be rude. I was out of place. I apologize." he said with a smile. They walked a few miles and found the carriage still waiting for them. "Hey mister. Thank you for waiting." Mika said as he hopped to the magic cart. "With that tip you gave me kid, I could stay here for days." the man said adjusting his hat. "Back to where I picked you up I presume?" he asked.

"Yes, please." Mika replied.

They reach Magnolia in a couple of hours and walked just in front of the fairy tail guild. Mikael felt that he would not be welcome at the guild anymore after exchanging words with their master and stealing a posted job from their request board. He turned to ladies beside him. "So, are you ladies tired or do you fancy something to eat, or drink perhaps? Can I both treat you to something? I shall be honored to be accompanied by both of you, not in a battle this time." he asked. He's got a lot to ask them about. First, he would like to have some place he could stay but most of all, there's lots of things he would like to ask Sera. And he would like to thank Lavender properly. So he just decided to ask them both out.

Lavender Gray

Lavender laughed softly as she shook her head and returned to the carriage with both Mikael and Sera. The ride hadnt been filled with as much talk as one would have thought. Peaceful it was, away from the fight they had finished...Or, well, Mikael and Sera had finished. They had both been stronger than Lavender simply because of their vampirism. Though, Lavender didnt feel usesless. She had helped Mikael by giving him her blood and kept him from passing out or dying.

As they arrived, Lavender allowed Mikael first as well as Sera before following after them. Mikael's words made the wizard smile "Well, I'm both tired and hungry. A fight always create's hunger. For me that is." she looked at her hand which was covered in dried blood "I do have to wash up. I dont think walking into the guild hall with blood on my neck and hands would keep other's from staring." she would also have to patch up the wound, clean it out and put a bandage over it. "Please, do excuse me. I shall be back soon."

With that Lavender turned to leave... (if you wanna stop her go ahead, up to you xD )

@rbshinichi @Mitchs98
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As the boy conjured up a barrier to shield himself from her blasts she halted her assault, no sense in wasting magic after all. As the fight progressed she was getting a handle on what the boy was capable of, his weaknesses and strengths began to come into view. After only the briefest of pauses the boy lobbed what appeared to be a small orb of energy. She promptly conjured up a wall of flame to shield herself from the explosion but the vicinity around her was quickly engulfed in smoke from the blast. Based on his attack patterns thus far she had a good idea of what her opponent might try next and she wasn't about to let him have his way. It was clear that he underestimated her, but that was part of the fun.

She closed her eyes and held her arms out, clasping her hands together and interlacing her fingers. Fire engulfed her form and were drawn into her fists, coalescing into a large blue flame. After only a few moments the fire that surrounded her suddenly exploded outward. The blast swept away the smoke around her, clearing her vision. Her eyes darted to and fro, searching for her opponent. Noticing his absence in front of her she spun around and locked her gaze on the boy floating behind her just as he unleashed a large ray of energy at her. A wry smirk crossed her lips as she called out "Incineration!" and a stream of blue flame erupted from her fists. Her attack met her opponent's mid-air, providing enough resistance to set the ray off and causing a large explosion between the two.

She raised an arm to cover her face from the force of the explosion, however she had to act quick to capitalize on the smokescreen the explosion created along with any confusion the boy might be experiencing. Without pause she once again lobbed a few napalm rounds at her opponent. Unlike her previous attempts this would explode if they merely got near the boy.
Adrian heard Tanari call out her Incineration spell, which certainly didn't sound good. His fears were confirmed as the explosion detonated too close to its source, blasting Adrian off of his platform and sending him rolling along the ground. Then the napalm started. Adrian was bombarded with blast after blast of burning heat, searing his flesh and causing him to grit his teeth as he slowly got to his feet, his body awash with pain.

He had a few tricks up his sleeve, though. He had just enough magic power for Hellstorm and Shed the Flesh, but if he was going to use that last one he might as well forfeit right now. So he went for the former.

He began to glow with arcane power, small crackles of purple lightning appearing around him. His body soon lit up with power, becoming a bright white ringed with a purple outline.

Then, everything went white for Tanari as his power surged out in a massive explosion.

If this didn't beat her, he'd have no choice but to forfeit. Or use Shed the Flesh, which also would force him to forfeit in the next round.
Jūn held out his sword, catching her strike in the fuller of the sword. " Don't strike with out the proper form, your legs are buckled. When you swing your sword you have to let your body flow with the movement." jūn lectured her, his voice was as sharp as the edge of the sword.

@Yaoke Saint
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
Sakura watched as Tokine picked up another ball and once again attempted the game. As expected she got it on the first try AND without shattering the bottles this time. "
Yay! I told you you could do it Tokine!" She cheered for her friend excitedly. She waited for her to select her prize before moving to try it again herself. Though before she did Tokine presented the plushie to her. "Really? Thank you!" She told her before carefully taking the plushie from her hand before outright bearhugging it with a contented smile on her face. After that was accomplished she set to hug Tokine, though more gently than she'd hugged the plushie. "I'm gunna win you something too!" She said before releasing her and setting the plushie on the counter.

After that she picked the ball up and tried again, failing as miserably as last time. Though, she was determined to win Tokine something. After two more tries she finally managed to win, picking out a stuffed T-Rex reminiscent of Steve for Tokine before holding it out to her. "
Here you go! It can be Steve 2! Or you can name it yourself, either one." She told her, ushering it into her hands excitedly. She was glad the first person in the guild she'd talked to longer than a few minutes became her friend in such a small amount of time. Maybe the others were just as nice?

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine tensed up slightly when she felt Sakura's arms wrap around her. She'd never had anyone besides her 'parents' hug her before and it was a little weird. At the same time though, it felt nice. Just after Tokine relaxed her muscles, Sakura released her and proceeded to try her hand at winning a prize. Tokine watched calmly, resisting the urge to offer assistance. It was the determined look in the girl's eyes that touched drove Tokine to silently cheer her on as she tried again and again. When she finally managed to win, Tokine gave a nod of approval before being presented with the stuffed T-Rex. It was at this moment that Tokine couldn't help but give a small, but genuine smile. She felt a small tingling warmth in her chest as she gratefully took the plushie from Sakura. She positioned it so that she could gaze intently at it's face. After a moment, she realized that the toy really DID look like Steve. Huh, that was odd, but also very fitting.

"His name will be Stevie." she said, looking back up at Sakura. The small smile was still on her face.
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rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Village > Magnolia

Mikael giggled a bit at Lavender's commentary, "May you pardon my behavior milady. I didn't mean to be rude. I was out of place. I apologize." he said with a smile. They walked a few miles and found the carriage still waiting for them. "Hey mister. Thank you for waiting." Mika said as he hopped to the magic cart. "With that tip you gave me kid, I could stay here for days." the man said adjusting his hat. "Back to where I picked you up I presume?" he asked.

"Yes, please." Mika replied.

They reach Magnolia in a couple of hours and walked just in front of the fairy tail guild. Mikael felt that he would not be welcome at the guild anymore after exchanging words with their master and stealing a posted job from their request board. He turned to ladies beside him. "So, are you ladies tired or do you fancy something to eat, or drink perhaps? Can I both treat you to something? I shall be honored to be accompanied by both of you, not in a battle this time." he asked. He's got a lot to ask them about. First, he would like to have some place he could stay but most of all, there's lots of things he would like to ask Sera. And he would like to thank Lavender properly. So he just decided to ask them both out.


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

@rbshinichi[/URL] @Mitchs98
Sera: Village > Magnolia

Sera was glad she was able to help save a entire village, both for herself and for the fact of Fairy Tail. It'd only help their reputation more when it was found out two Fairy Tail mages were involved in the job. Not only that, she felt they did good in taking down the beast. Admittedly though she was a bit jealous of Mikael, he was so much stronger than her. His magic was actually viable compared to hers. Well at-least she'd served as a good distraction and kept them safe, she guessed. The job of an S-Class wasn't just to be the hero and slay the monster after all as Valken had told her, it was to keep the rest of the guild safe.

Soon they made their way back to the vehicle and subsequently made their way back to Magnolia. Once they arrived and Mikael offered to take them out Sera of course immediately nodded her head in agreement after Lavender had finished speaking. She had so much to talk about to Mikael after all, and she'd definetely try convincing him to join Fairy Tail. Or at-least one of the guilds so she could keep track of him, there was no way she was letting the only other of her kind get lost to her. She wasn't sure if he felt the same way but it was safe to guess he did.

Of course I'll come! I was actually going to as the same thing, really, but it seems you beat me to it." She told him. "Plus I wanted to talk to you more, now that we actually have the chance. We should wait on Lavender to clean up first though." She added. As much as she wanted to ditch Lavender and talk to Mikael alone, she'd expressed interest in coming and it would be rude to up and abandon her guild mate like that.

Drakerus said:

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine tensed up slightly when she felt Sakura's arms wrap around her. She'd never had anyone besides her 'parents' hug her before and it was a little weird. At the same time though, it felt nice. Just after Tokine relaxed her muscles, Sakura released her and proceeded to try her hand at winning a prize. Tokine watched calmly, resisting the urge to offer assistance. It was the determined look in the girl's eyes that touched drove Tokine to silently cheer her on as she tried again and again. When she finally managed to win, Tokine gave a nod of approval before being presented with the stuffed T-Rex. It was at this moment that Tokine couldn't help but give a small, but genuine smile. She felt a small tingling warmth in her chest as she gratefully took the plushie from Sakura. She positioned it so that she could gaze intently at it's face. After a moment, she realized that the toy really DID look like Steve. Huh, that was odd, but also very fitting.

"His name will be Stevie." she said, looking back up at Sakura. The small smile was still on her face.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura couldn't help but retain her smile as it seemed Tokine liked her gift. She'd won her a prize so it felt only fitting that she win her one, and she was glad she liked it. It also occured to her that Tokine was actually smiling too, which meant she must of really liked it! "Awesome! I'm gunna name mine...Toki! Toki the Dragon!" She told her as she snatched up the dragon plushie she'd sat down and snuggled it. She'd named it after Tokine, obviously. She felt it was fitting. Dragons were strong, and Tokine was definetely very strong. Maybe she was part dragon? MAYBE SHE WAS A DRAGON IN HUMAN FORM? Nahh..that'd be a bit too out there. Part dragon was neat enough.

Plushie cradled in front of her chest she turned to Tokine. "
Watcha' wanna do now? Wanna try more games? Hungry? I picked this, sooo, you pick the next thing okay?" She asked her excitedly, her eyes taking on a classic excited anime shine to them. If she had've known her members were this nice to begin with she would've talked to them ages ago! This was pretty much the most fun she'd had in a while.
Genon said:
Adrian heard Tanari call out her Incineration spell, which certainly didn't sound good. His fears were confirmed as the explosion detonated too close to its source, blasting Adrian off of his platform and sending him rolling along the ground. Then the napalm started. Adrian was bombarded with blast after blast of burning heat, searing his flesh and causing him to grit his teeth as he slowly got to his feet, his body awash with pain.
He had a few tricks up his sleeve, though. He had just enough magic power for Hellstorm and Shed the Flesh, but if he was going to use that last one he might as well forfeit right now. So he went for the former.

He began to glow with arcane power, small crackles of purple lightning appearing around him. His body soon lit up with power, becoming a bright white ringed with a purple outline.

Then, everything went white for Tanari as his power surged out in a massive explosion.

If this didn't beat her, he'd have no choice but to forfeit. Or use Shed the Flesh, which also would force him to forfeit in the next round.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

With her opponent writhing on the ground she let up her attack and let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She let her arms fall to her side, resting one on her hip as she looked down at the boy before her. "So, ya give up yet?" Her answer came soon enough as the boy struggled to his feet, apparently unwilling to submit just yet. "Guess not..." She raised her arms and fell back into her usual stance. If she could get in there and land a few solid hits she could settle this without relying on magic. However, her plan was put on pause as the boy began to glow. Lightning arced across his body and even she could feel the intensity of the magic pouring from him. "Well that doesn't look good..."

She could tell some big attack was coming but she had long since exhausted her ability to defend against such spells. Her gaze quickly fell on her sword lying on the ground nearby and she sprinted for it. She dove to the ground, somersaulting past her sword and sliding to her feet, raising the blade before her just as the boy unleashed his attack. The blade glowed crimson and flames erupted along it, creating a sort of shield to protect her from the blast. She grit her teeth as she held the flaming sword before her, desperately trying to hold back the blast. The glow of the blade slowly withered away and the flames along with it and after only a few moments of struggle her defenses failed and she was thrown across the arena. The force of the blow slammed her into the arena walls, pinning her there until the explosion subsided and allowed her to fall to the ground.

As she fell to the ground she stared at her opponent across the arena, the only though going through her mind being she spent far too much time slamming into the arena's barriers. With a small puff of dirt she limply fell to the ground. She lay there for a few moments before dragging her arm beneath her, pushing herself up slowly. She brought her sword before her, stabbing it into the ground and using it to support herself as she pulled herself to her feet. Her magic was almost completely exhausted, her body was bruised, battered and bleeding, try as she might she couldn't really think of any solid ways of bringing an end to this match. As she stood there she contemplated forfeiting, however just like her last match her pride quickly forced that idea from her mind. Surrender wasn't exactly something she was willing to do and the fact that she was still conscious meant she could still fight.

She grit her teeth as she forced herself off her sword, standing under her own power before flashing her opponent a pained grin. "You're pretty strong y'know that? You might've won had you not been fighting someone as stubborn as me." She forced a laugh past her lips which was quickly stifled by a small cry of pain as she held her side. She brought her hand from her side, looking down at the dirt-covered palm before balling it up into a fist. If she wanted to win this fight she'd have to move quickly while her body was still listening to her. A weak flame spread from her clenched palm and engulfed her fist as she turned her attention back to her opponent. Similar flames encased her boots as she leaned forward, ready to put an end to this fight one way or the other. With one last burst of energy she again used her signature jets of flame to rocket her towards her opponent, aiming her fist squarely at his gut.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

With her opponent writhing on the ground she let up her attack and let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She let her arms fall to her side, resting one on her hip as she looked down at the boy before her. "So, ya give up yet?" Her answer came soon enough as the boy struggled to his feet, apparently unwilling to submit just yet. "Guess not..." She raised her arms and fell back into her usual stance. If she could get in there and land a few solid hits she could settle this without relying on magic. However, her plan was put on pause as the boy began to glow. Lightning arced across his body and even she could feel the intensity of the magic pouring from him. "Well that doesn't look good..."

She could tell some big attack was coming but she had long since exhausted her ability to defend against such spells. Her gaze quickly fell on her sword lying on the ground nearby and she sprinted for it. She dove to the ground, somersaulting past her sword and sliding to her feet, raising the blade before her just as the boy unleashed his attack. The blade glowed crimson and flames erupted along it, creating a sort of shield to protect her from the blast. She grit her teeth as she held the flaming sword before her, desperately trying to hold back the blast. The glow of the blade slowly withered away and the flames along with it and after only a few moments of struggle her defenses failed and she was thrown across the arena. The force of the blow slammed her into the arena walls, pinning her there until the explosion subsided and allowed her to fall to the ground.

As she fell to the ground she stared at her opponent across the arena, the only though going through her mind being she spent far too much time slamming into the arena's barriers. With a small puff of dirt she limply fell to the ground. She lay there for a few moments before dragging her arm beneath her, pushing herself up slowly. She brought her sword before her, stabbing it into the ground and using it to support herself as she pulled herself to her feet. Her magic was almost completely exhausted, her body was bruised, battered and bleeding, try as she might she couldn't really think of any solid ways of bringing an end to this match. As she stood there she contemplated forfeiting, however just like her last match her pride quickly forced that idea from her mind. Surrender wasn't exactly something she was willing to do and the fact that she was still conscious meant she could still fight.

She grit her teeth as she forced herself off her sword, standing under her own power before flashing her opponent a pained grin. "You're pretty strong y'know that? You might've won had you not been fighting someone as stubborn as me." She forced a laugh past her lips which was quickly stifled by a small cry of pain as she held her side. She brought her hand from her side, looking down at the dirt-covered palm before balling it up into a fist. If she wanted to win this fight she'd have to move quickly while her body was still listening to her. A weak flame spread from her clenched palm and engulfed her fist as she turned her attention back to her opponent. Similar flames encased her boots as she leaned forward, ready to put an end to this fight one way or the other. With one last burst of energy she again used her signature jets of flame to rocket her towards her opponent, aiming her fist squarely at his gut.
Adrian huffed and puffed after the attack was complete, falling to one knee in exhaustion. "Tanari...calling yourself stubborn is the understatement of the year. In any case, I've--OOF!" Adrian was cut off as Tanari's fist ran into his stomach, and he fell to the ground, winded and clutching his chest. He wheezed for a second, and then exploded, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" he yelled, "I WAS SAYING I RAN OUT OF MAGIC POWER! I FUCKING FORFEIT AND YOU PUNCHED ME BEFORE I COULD SAY IT!"

He then sighed and got to his feet, holding out a hand to Tanari. "With that aside, Good fight."
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Genon said:
Adrian huffed and puffed after the attack was complete, falling to one knee in exhaustion. "Tanari...calling yourself stubborn is the understatement of the year. In any case, I've--OOF!" Adrian was cut off as Tanari's fist ran into his stomach, and he fell to the ground, winded and clutching his chest. He wheezed for a second, and then exploded, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" he yelled, "I WAS SAYING I RAN OUT OF MAGIC POWER! I FUCKING FORFEIT AND YOU PUNCHED ME BEFORE I COULD SAY IT!"
He then sighed and got to his feet, holding out a hand to Tanari. "With that aside, Good fight."
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

With the boy explaining his loss she donned that same wry smirk as she let her arm fall limply to her side. However she made no move to congratulate him in return or even take his offered hand. She simply stood there for a few seconds until she heard the confirmation that she had won. Immediately upon hearing of her victory her eyes fell shut as her consciousness drifted away. Her body fell limp, collapsing to the ground next to her opponent. Even after hitting the ground that same stupid grin was plastered firmly on her face.
The girl pouted, the edges of her mouth drooping to the sides. Her forehead scrunched in, creating small wrinkles. She sighed, slumping her shoulders forward and letting her sword drag on the ground. "I don't get this at all. Maybe I should just give up." The snake around her shoulders hissed angrily. "Why did we let this pathetic girl make a contract with us?" "Don't be so rude, she just doesn't have a lot of confidence. Now listen here Thalia, just do what the monkey-man says and try again." The girl grinned, her mood now completely changed, and did what the monley-man said, loosening her knees, but not in the most professional way, but it worked. She got back into her stance, and lifted the sword up, straining to get the heavy thing off the ground.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Niur seemed to be the first one to provide a plan, a plan she quite liked actually. It seemed like it might work, a small flash of light would work nice as a distraction. She was just about to agree to it being the best plan ever when Ophelia shot it down, and for good reason really. Ophelia's plan sounded better, and more fun. Lots more fun. "Yeah! Let's do that! That sounds more fun too." She replied. Though, she was curious about Niur's gift thingies too. "Annd then when we're done you can show us what those do?" She asked Niur.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki wasn't very happy to find out that this forest was only open to people who owned Heart Gems. As much as she wanted to live on this plain she wasn't ready to give up her soul. At least not yet. Besides dealing with other plains wasn't something that she liked to dabble with due to previous experiences. Back in the days of Grimore Heart the Dark Mage used to tap into other, more sinister planes using dark magic and summoning circles to call forth beasts to ravage towns. She stopped when the summoning failed and the beasts turned on her, nearly killing the young girl. As beautiful as the place was she was now ready to leave.
Her dark eyes watched the tombstone as it began to flow with a violet light until they formed into some sort of gun. Guns weren't as scary as she hoped for, but surely they would do. Taking them she ran her exposed fingers up and down the barrel before aiming it up into the air and firing it, surprised at the little kick it had. Surely something like this would prove very useful. "Thank you Alfie, But it is time to leave this plane. I wish to return to our world."
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Lights, Camera, Action!
"Okay-la!"She said before taking out a small herb and chewing on it. She walked up to the counter as her skin took on a sickly complexion and started to act. "You..*cough wheeze* Everything here...IS POISONED!" She shouted as she held herself up with the counter. "POISONED I TELL YOU!" She repeated as she released the counter. "Poiiiisooooneeeed..." She drawled out as she fell and tried to remain as still and lifeless as possible. To add to dramatic she managed to grab on to a corndog with a bite and made it roll out of her hand when she hit the ground.
Ophelia put her hands on her hips and nodded as Niur dashed into the small tent to begin her rant. "Looks like she's gonna be in there for a while," she turned to Alicia and pointed to the rest of the line who were already looking irritated at how long things were taking, "So in the meantime, why don't you go have fun? Make it look sincere, okay?"

The tall and looming green-haired man quickly looked down at the little girl who had seemed to be panicking that the corndogs were poisoned... poisoned?! He knew he couldn't trust that old guy! "It's always the old people!" he facepalmed dramatically before bending down and picking the girl up, green runes forming around her. "Tell me how you feel, I think we should be able to sort things out before we irritate the line... wait, no! Take as long as you need! If these corndogs really are poisoned, we can't sell them!"

Alfie - Random Roof

Alfie nodded at Mizuki's request with a small smile and then slightly bowed with his hands folded in front of him.
"Good choice. Thank you for coming out here with me today. I appreciate your help." Mizuki venturing with him to pull tombstones out of the ground had really made him feel safer than if he had gone alone. He was only an A-Rank, after all, and even if he was quite a lot more skilled than that, no amount of combat knowledge would ensure full safety by oneself. Not to mention positive energy was to be treated like gold at this time of the decade despite the incredible amounts he's been getting from the festivals these past few years...

Just as Alfie summoned the universal ribbon of the physics breaking stalker, he remembered Mizuki only knew how to shoot with the guns, and there was much more they could do than just that. Should he try and give her proper training, or let her figure things out on her own...? Hesitantly, he pulled the ribbon back into his sleeve before asking.
"A-actually, before we leave, do you want to know how to use your weapons to their full potential? They can do so much more than just shoot."
Chris Lengheart(Sabrina!?)

Chris was relaxing after basically going feral. He silently apologized for going buck wild to Kelica. He was about to get up to change into some pants when Sabrina suddenly came into the room. Thinking quickly, Chris changed to his draco form and began to growl,"Out, out, out! There's a thing called knocking!" before suddenly pushing Sabrina out of the room using his horns. He released the takeover as he put on a pair of shorts and a new white tanktop. He then turned to Kelica as he finally spoke to her,"Are you planning on changing anytime soon? That is, if you can still walk?"

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Sabrina!?)

Chris was relaxing after basically going feral. He silently apologized for going buck wild to Kelica. He was about to get up to change into some pants when Sabrina suddenly came into the room. Thinking quickly, Chris changed to his draco form and began to growl,"Out, out, out! There's a thing called knocking!" before suddenly pushing Sabrina out of the room using his horns. He released the takeover as he put on a pair of shorts and a new white tanktop. He then turned to Kelica as he finally spoke to her,"Are you planning on changing anytime soon? That is, if you can still walk?"

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - FanService Chris's Bedroom

Kelica rolled over to Chris and put a loving hand onto his chest, making a cute little face as she did. If he had gone feral she didn't seem to mind, the only visible reminisce of their endeavours being her hair seemed slightly more crazy then normal. And then the unthinkable happened.... Sabrina watlzed in and seated herself beside Kelica with glazed eyes to which Kelica obviously squeeled and drew the blankets even more protectively around her naked frame. How much had she heard?? I mean she hadn't been exactly quiet and she distinctly remembered a moment or two against the wall closest to the door... She didn't get a chance to ask however because Chris had transformed and punted the girl out of the room. Kelica still clung to the blankets her face a beat red. And then when Chris turned to face her she buried her face further into the pillow with a muffle. "Mmmrrff my legs are currently jelly yes...thank you...for that chris...mmrdrr"


Sabrina 'looked' around in confusion. "Wh-What's happening? I can't see anything at the moment, probably because I just had a short nap-WHOA!" she cried out as Chris headbutted her outside. "Wait, what's happening? I wasn't intruding on something, right? I mean, I didn't hear anything coming from inside so I kinda fell asleep..." Sabrina rubbed her eyes once more, finally clearing out all the gunk that somehow got itself stuck in there. "Ahhh...I can see clearly now..."

@Zuka @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Done dressing)

Chris straightened himself up a bit before grabbing Kelica's clothing and tossing them to her. He gave her one more small kiss on the forehead as he said,"Take your time, alright?" before heading out the door into the living room. Chris looked at Sabrina as she asked if she was intruding on anything "Yeah," Chris said with a neutral look on his face "You came in at the wrong time, me and Kelica were still getting dressed." He then sat down on the sofa and began to sort through all his movies, thinking about playing one on his lacrima.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica blinked and lowered the pillow as he tossed her clothes onto the bed. Her eyes drawing downwards and going cross eyed as he kissed her forehead and she made a happy squeel her legs kicking around. Once he left the room she fell back against the bedsheets and took a moment to simply take in exactly what had happened. Her green eyes looking to the ceiling with a bemused look on her face. She suddenly wasn't that scared about Spring, it seemed Chris was more then capable of supplying. After another soft sigh she rolled out of bed and slowly put on one of his baggy shirts, and black tights, brushing her hair hastily and throwing it back up in a loose ponytail before sheeply escaping the bedroom and giving Sabrina a half wave before disappearing into the kitchen to make a drink. All teenager anger issues now replaced with this shy, sheepish, blushing girl. Looks like someone put her in her place. Literally.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sabrina blushed. "Oh, sorry for intruding on you guys while dress-WAIT. WHAT." She stood there, shocked, stunned, mouth wide open and just staring intensely at the bedroom door. "Wh-Wh-Whhaaaattt the h-h-h-heck w-w-w-were you two d-d-doing without y-y-y-your cloths on a-a-a-anyw-w-w-way...?" she stuttered, still shocked at the fact that Kelica and Chris were in a room together naked. She continued to stare intensely at the door, even after Kelica walked past her.

@Zuka @Isune

She barely knows anything about the birds and the bees, so yeah. She was a really sheltered child
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Magnolia somewhere idk
After walking for a few minutes, weakly nonetheless, he bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sor-" looking downwards, he realised that he had coincidentally bumped into Grace. The sight before him caused him to grin rather sheepishly as he was quick to grab her and hold her with the little strength he had remaining at this point. Masaki was completely worn out after having used one of his ace techniques, but... He was glad to finally see Grace. To see her, her petite frame up against his own. It was soothing, and comforting. In fact, it was almost bliss. Breaking free from the hug, he looked down towards Grace. "I fought. And I won. I couldn't lose knowing that you lost to the same opponent and so I had to win." It was then that Masaki's vision began to cloud over, but he stood up and carried on. Masaki knew that he probably had to go and recuperate before he ended up passing out. But, that could wait until later.

Before Grace knew it she was in the warm embrace of a tall handsome man who she knew to be Masaki. Her anger quickly subsided and her small arms wrapped around his back as she returned the hug. The aches in her body subsided as a warm and happy feeling rushed her body. She felt so great around Masaki. Unfortunately the hug was broken but she wouldn't allow their touch to break. The short girl took his hands with her own and grinned up at him. It seemed that he had won his fight against Momoki and it only filled her with a happier feeling. She was so glad to get rid of that girl. "Yes! I'll never let her live it down. Thank you Masaki!" She said, head butting his chest gently. Her sore legs began to ache again and she wanted to be carried, though she knew that he wouldn't be in the best of moods if she asked. "Do you need medical attention or anything? Or did you whoop Momoki's ass so hard that you didn't get hurt?"
Chris Lengheart(Why did I say that?)

Chris sighed as Sabrina tried to figure out what happened. Chris only smiled as he said, "It's not hard to put two and two together Sabrina." before finally selecting a movie and inserting it into the lacrima. He then gripped the remote in his hand as he began to watch the action film. Chris was so calm and nonchalant right now. It was...odd.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica Zefara

Kelica wandered around the kitchen as she reached up on her tip toes to grasp a few glasses up high, blowing the dust that had collected inside it then opening up the fridge and filling a huge pitcher full of orange juice before wandering back into the lounge room and put the pitcher of the juice and placing it on the glass counter table. She offered a glass cup to Sabrina with a small smile, not explaining but taking a seat beside Chris and curling up to his side, tucking her legs under her on the couch.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sabrina, snapping out of her daze, turned around and looked at Chris with a confused expression. "Wh-What do you mean? What two together? How does b-b-being n-n-naked and being in the s-s-same room add up together?" Sabrina took the cup of orange juice and thanked Kelica. "So, what did you two do in there?" she asked with innocent curiosity.

@Zuka @Isune

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