Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia put her hands on her hips and nodded as Niur dashed into the small tent to begin her rant. "Looks like she's gonna be in there for a while," she turned to Alicia and pointed to the rest of the line who were already looking irritated at how long things were taking, "So in the meantime, why don't you go have fun? Make it look sincere, okay?"
The tall and looming green-haired man quickly looked down at the little girl who had seemed to be panicking that the corndogs were poisoned... poisoned?! He knew he couldn't trust that old guy! "It's always the old people!" he facepalmed dramatically before bending down and picking the girl up, green runes forming around her. "Tell me how you feel, I think we should be able to sort things out before we irritate the line... wait, no! Take as long as you need! If these corndogs really are poisoned, we can't sell them!"

Alfie - Random Roof

Alfie nodded at Mizuki's request with a small smile and then slightly bowed with his hands folded in front of him. "Good choice. Thank you for coming out here with me today. I appreciate your help." Mizuki venturing with him to pull tombstones out of the ground had really made him feel safer than if he had gone alone. He was only an A-Rank, after all, and even if he was quite a lot more skilled than that, no amount of combat knowledge would ensure full safety by oneself. Not to mention positive energy was to be treated like gold at this time of the decade despite the incredible amounts he's been getting from the festivals these past few years...

Just as Alfie summoned the universal ribbon of the physics breaking stalker, he remembered Mizuki only knew how to shoot with the guns, and there was much more they could do than just that. Should he try and give her proper training, or let her figure things out on her own...? Hesitantly, he pulled the ribbon back into his sleeve before asking.
"A-actually, before we leave, do you want to know how to use your weapons to their full potential? They can do so much more than just shoot."


Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia watched with a grin as Niur ran off inside the stand. She hoped she'd be able to pull it off, a lot of people were depending on it. Especially if the corndogs were potentionally fatal. She doubted they were, but it was no telling with them really. When Ophelia addressed her she nodded before looking at the line. She was a bit nervous she was going to mess it up, to be honest. But she had to at-least try, soo..Yeah. "Okay! I'll do my best!" She replied before running off to stand a bit from the line.

Sighing she calmed herself down before walking over clutching her stomach and groaning dramatically. "
Something was in those corndogs..ughh I feel so sick.." She whined, pretending to dry heave. "Don't eat the corndogs! They're poisoned! Oh god, run away!" She cried, pretending to swat at fake hallucinations for added affect.

Chris Lengheart(Uh...well...you see...)

Chris' eyes widened as Sabrina asked for what they were doing. He bit his tongue slightly as he said,"I don't think we should talk about that...just know that me and Kelica were having some bonding in our relationship." before turning his attention back to his movie. Chris also made sure to keep the remote under his leg to make sure that neither Kelica nor Sabrina would be able to get a hold of it. Chris honestly didn't want Sabrina to push the question since what would most likely end up happening would simply be Chris turning up the volume.

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Adrian watched as Tanari fell over before his eyes, a cocky grin still plastered on her sleeping form. Without a word, he put his hands in his pockets and walked away to get healed. As he reached the edge of the arena, was whisked away by the medical staff and quickly given a dose of Sky Magic to give him a speedy recovery. As he lay there on a bed, the doctor performing anti-burn spell after anti-burn spell, and as his skin became clearer and his magical power slowly recovering, he reflected on his loss. He replayed the match over and over again in his mind, trying to see where he had gone wrong, why she had been able to just shrug off or tank all of his moves. Why even Hellstorm had failed. In the end, he concluded that all the tactics in the world couldn't save you from yourself. They were both ostensibly A-Class, but Adrian's repertoire was split between utility and combat. Every Chaotic Mimicry spell he used drained his magic power significantly, and while he could fight at a variety of ranges, he found himself on the defensive frequently, protecting himself with armor, shield, and barrier, all of which drained magic power to keep active, rather than taking hits head-on. Tanari had no such defensive abilities. Fire users were all offense, relying on their reflexes and sheer willpower to stay in the fight. As a result, they could devote more magic power to making sure their opponent didn't get up again. Adrian's magic was not only difficult to control, but also taxed his magic power far more than a Fire Wizard due to his construct-based spells. And that was the key. He had run out of power because he had used up too much on defensive and utility spells rather than on actually fighting Tanari.

Satisfied at his conclusion, though still somewhat bitter over the loss, he was cleared to leave and so left the arena. He walked back to his apartment and collapsed into bed. He wasn't tired per se--the Sky Magic had completely rejuvenated him--but he was still mentally exhausted from the fierce battle. If he had his way, he would have just plopped onto the couch and watched TV, but he knew he should at least see the festival while it was here. But first he had to make himself presentable. First, he took an hour-long shower to get the burnt smell off. Then, he put what was left of his outfit through the wash for the same reason, before filing it away in a drawer he reserved for clothing that was damaged on missions.

He then got dressed again, this time in a different outfit. He was wearing a gray T-shirt, blue jeans, and a black hoodie. It wasn't his favorite outfit, but it was a good casual. Finally, he walked back to the guild hall, sitting at a random table in the eating area, alone. Where was everyone? He couldn't make out any familiar faces in the crowd.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Random Roof

Alfie nodded at Mizuki's request with a small smile and then slightly bowed with his hands folded in front of him. "Good choice. Thank you for coming out here with me today. I appreciate your help." Mizuki venturing with him to pull tombstones out of the ground had really made him feel safer than if he had gone alone. He was only an A-Rank, after all, and even if he was quite a lot more skilled than that, no amount of combat knowledge would ensure full safety by oneself. Not to mention positive energy was to be treated like gold at this time of the decade despite the incredible amounts he's been getting from the festivals these past few years...

Just as Alfie summoned the universal ribbon of the physics breaking stalker, he remembered Mizuki only knew how to shoot with the guns, and there was much more they could do than just that. Should he try and give her proper training, or let her figure things out on her own...? Hesitantly, he pulled the ribbon back into his sleeve before asking.
"A-actually, before we leave, do you want to know how to use your weapons to their full potential? They can do so much more than just shoot."

Mizuki gave Alfie a nod of thanks in response to his bow. Although she was the type of person who normally traveled alone, in this situation she quite enjoyed having someone along. Alfie proved himself to be smart, strong, and even earned her trust back. Surely no one who wanted to kill her would go through all that trouble. Besides, he could've just left her in the Hall of Misfortune with the evil entity. Yet he didn't. It was rather comforting in an Alicia sense, which was quite strange for her.

The Dark Mage watched as Alfie's ribbons began to make a portal back to where she assumed was the real world. She was quite eager to get back and find Alicia again yet at the same time was still curious about her weapons. Surethey could fire, but besides that she was in the dark about them. She was about to ask Alfie until he asked first, as if he had read her mind. Nodding slightly she held the guns and looked down at them. "Yes, I do wish to learn more about the weapons. I do not know how to unlock the power they possess."
Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica was blushing like a mad woman. She curled up as close as she was able to against his side. She held the cold glass of orange juice in between her fingers as she gazed at the liquid. Truth be told, she had known about the birds and bees (literally) since she was very young, every Spring the animals would create offspring, the plants would pollunate. And if that wasn't knowledge enough when she turned into a woman at 16 she started getting...feelings. Not only where they the normal desires hormonal teenagers felt, but it was here when she could start to 'sense' the emotions in the air. Obviously during Spring the whole forest seemed to be in it to procreate, along with wondering what her own body was doing, she had this constant feeling of heart racing, weak knees, and a panting breath pretty much throughout the season. Like her desires multiplied by a hundred from simply being there at that time. She drew her legs up to her chest and curled her arms around them, allowing Sabrina to sit down on the couch beside them if she wished. "Well you see..." glancing side long at Chris to further explain. "When um..when a man and a woman...or a female and male....or ahhh...hmm...when two people like each other very much, they hmm...they give each other a true love's first kiss. And then....err...then they hug, and get as close to one another as possible... and um... then sometimes they make a baby together." Kelica was woefully horrible at telling her this, and could just imagine her mother's explaination. Luckily Kelica figured it out without her mother's influence. She could imagine the grin on her face. "Sometimes when you hang around a special someone your heart is pounding and your cheeks are red, so you lean in nice and close and..." Here Kelica haulted her own internal thoughts and squeeked, hiding her face into Chris's shoulder.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(W-what!?)

Chris remained silent as Kelica tried to explain everything to Sabrina. His cheeks went red as Chris closed his eyes and tried to drown out the talking with his movie. But then he suddenly felt Kelica put her face up against Chris' shoulder. Chris suddenly got up from his seat and changed to his draco form (most likely to hide his blush) before saying,"Y-ya know what I just realized? We need some more uh-orange juice! Y-yeah, t-thats right...orange juice. I'll be back you two, go ahead and finish your little chat!" and before the girls could interject, Chris was already galloping out of the door and had already disappeared among the crowd.

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Sabrina looked at the two, one after the other with a small, clueless smile and a blank stare. She blinked a couple of times. "Uh...what?" She sat down next to Kelica and placed her hands on her laps. "So, a male of the species and a female of the species come together and create a baby...?" she asked Kelica as Chris got up and went to get the orange juice. "But what does that have to do with y-y-you two being n-n-n-naked together i-i-inside the same r-r-room?"

@Zuka @Isune
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia watched with a grin as Niur ran off inside the stand. She hoped she'd be able to pull it off, a lot of people were depending on it. Especially if the corndogs were potentionally fatal. She doubted they were, but it was no telling with them really. When Ophelia addressed her she nodded before looking at the line. She was a bit nervous she was going to mess it up, to be honest. But she had to at-least try, soo..Yeah. "Okay! I'll do my best!" She replied before running off to stand a bit from the line.

Sighing she calmed herself down before walking over clutching her stomach and groaning dramatically. "
Something was in those corndogs..ughh I feel so sick.." She whined, pretending to dry heave. "Don't eat the corndogs! They're poisoned! Oh god, run away!" She cried, pretending to swat at fake hallucinations for added affect.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki gave Alfie a nod of thanks in response to his bow. Although she was the type of person who normally traveled alone, in this situation she quite enjoyed having someone along. Alfie proved himself to be smart, strong, and even earned her trust back. Surely no one who wanted to kill her would go through all that trouble. Besides, he could've just left her in the Hall of Misfortune with the evil entity. Yet he didn't. It was rather comforting in an Alicia sense, which was quite strange for her.
The Dark Mage watched as Alfie's ribbons began to make a portal back to where she assumed was the real world. She was quite eager to get back and find Alicia again yet at the same time was still curious about her weapons. Surethey could fire, but besides that she was in the dark about them. She was about to ask Alfie until he asked first, as if he had read her mind. Nodding slightly she held the guns and looked down at them. "Yes, I do wish to learn more about the weapons. I do not know how to unlock the power they possess."
Ophelia shook her head with a chuckle as Alicia ran off to distract the line, and to her ultimate unsurprise, it was working. People's eyes were focused almost completely on the girl. Smiling, she dashed into the tent before crouching down. The stand owner was busy preforming spells on the other girl who had offered to help the two... preforming spells?! That wasn't in the plan! But by the look of the man's soft features and the pastel green sparkle of the runes he was summoning, it seemed like his intent was not to harm her. Sighing quietly, Ophelia snuck past the table only to stand back up, and as she clasped her hands and summoned a glyph the same yellow shade as gold, she instantly found herself lifted up into the air by her cape, a stern voice scolding her actions.

The infected girl still in his hands, Sean grunted unhappily as she only continued her coughing. "Clover Magic: Mint Mis-- what're you doing back there?!" The golden light from behind him caught his eye before the healing spell could be cast, both of his hands occupied with suspicious little girls. Such a holdup was probably for the better, seeing as how the corndogs were poisoned, but no one was to make a fool out of him! "The both of you have explaining to do!"


Alfie - Across Space and Time in a Freaky Forest

Alfie gave yet another contented nod as Mizuki decided she wanted to learn how to make full use of her muskets. It shouldn't take too long, should it? After all, there really wasn't much to the weapons, and the variety of what you could do depended on the creativity of the user.
"It's fairly simple," the mage said as he gently took a gun from Mizuki's hand an pointed it at a tree... But wait. If it was fairly simple, then she could figure things out on her own, right? If he knew that all along, then why would he waste time in such an awful place when there really was no need for it...? Well, it didn't matter. He had made his decision, and turning back would only displease Mizuki... Displease Mizuki? He had already rebuilt relations with her, hadn't he? What was the point in wasting any more time on something he didn't have to?

Visibly hesitant, Alfie's hands shook slightly as his grip on the musket strengthened... all these needless thoughts were confusing, yet as needless as they were, he found happiness in thinking about such problems... well, the answer to the problems. Shaking his head, he aimed up at a tree.
"Adding effects to your shots is as simple as using your own magic at the same time. Take this, for example..." the mage pulled the trigger, and what was supposed to be a bullet had been replaced with an enormous pink gear, which spun and tore through a whole line of the looming redwoods with ease. "Think of what you want the bullet to do, and make it happen as though you were using your own magic. Try it."

Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Alleyway behind Milkshake Shop

Valken felt the tight hold Millie had around him, especially those lovely long thighs of hers around his middle. It certaintly wasn't the first time she had clung so desperately and would no doubt not be the last. In a way, he wanted to keep her there, pressed against his front, but now was surely not the time...right? They had things to do...important things. Things that needed doing in a timely manner. As she let go of his hold and took back her own weight Valken put a hand on his chin trying to think of the best way to describe it. "Well, my Magic allows me to melt into the shadows. Once I've melted into them, I can race almost as fast as the speed of light, so I dragged both of us along the wall, through a crack in a windowsil and reformed us out into the alleyway behind the shop. To be honest I wasn't sure if I could push you into the shadow along with myself...That's why I had to hold you so close...so you didn't get trapped in the shadows. But it worked! I know the darkness seems cold and oppressing but I would never have let it hurt you." Grasping her chin and tilting her face up to his own, sealing her mouth with kiss.

Though Millie wasn't hugging Valken anymore she refused to stop the contact between them. Her soft hands rested on his defined shoulders, her eyes looking up into his with an innocent look. She continued to look into his beautifully dark eyes as he explained what he was able to do with his shadowy magic type. It was terrifying yet interesting at the same time. To think she was moving at such an insanely fast speed boggled her mind, as did the fact that they melted into shadows. Shadows seemed to just be there, nothing really to them, but Valken proved her wrong. Her heart warmed up when he promised that he wouldn't allow the shadows to hurt her. She knew that the shadows wouldn't come out of the ground and attack her, but it was still very reassuring. "I know you wouldn't let them hurt me! Thank you Valken Baby." She said, closing her eyes and leaning forward as if she foresaw the kiss coming. When their lips touched she sighed happily and slipped her arms around her neck, holding it for a few seconds.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Ophelia shook her head with a chuckle as Alicia ran off to distract the line, and to her ultimate unsurprise, it was working. People's eyes were focused almost completely on the girl. Smiling, she dashed into the tent before crouching down. The stand owner was busy preforming spells on the other girl who had offered to help the two... preforming spells?! That wasn't in the plan! But by the look of the man's soft features and the pastel green sparkle of the runes he was summoning, it seemed like his intent was not to harm her. Sighing quietly, Ophelia snuck past the table only to stand back up, and as she clasped her hands and summoned a glyph the same yellow shade as gold, she instantly found herself lifted up into the air by her cape, a stern voice scolding her actions.

The infected girl still in his hands, Sean grunted unhappily as she only continued her coughing. "Clover Magic: Mint Mis-- what're you doing back there?!" The golden light from behind him caught his eye before the healing spell could be cast, both of his hands occupied with suspicious little girls. Such a holdup was probably for the better, seeing as how the corndogs were poisoned, but no one was to make a fool out of him! "The both of you have explaining to do!"

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]


Alfie - Across Space and Time in a Freaky Forest

Alfie gave yet another contented nod as Mizuki decided she wanted to learn how to make full use of her muskets. It shouldn't take too long, should it? After all, there really wasn't much to the weapons, and the variety of what you could do depended on the creativity of the user. "It's fairly simple," the mage said as he gently took a gun from Mizuki's hand an pointed it at a tree... But wait. If it was fairly simple, then she could figure things out on her own, right? If he knew that all along, then why would he waste time in such an awful place when there really was no need for it...? Well, it didn't matter. He had made his decision, and turning back would only displease Mizuki... Displease Mizuki? He had already rebuilt relations with her, hadn't he? What was the point in wasting any more time on something he didn't have to?

Visibly hesitant, Alfie's hands shook slightly as his grip on the musket strengthened... all these needless thoughts were confusing, yet as needless as they were, he found happiness in thinking about such problems... well, the answer to the problems. Shaking his head, he aimed up at a tree. "Adding effects to your shots is as simple as using your own magic at the same time. Take this, for example..." the mage pulled the trigger, and what was supposed to be a bullet had been replaced with an enormous pink gear, which spun and tore through a whole line of the looming redwoods with ease. "Think of what you want the bullet to do, and make it happen as though you were using your own magic. Try it."


When Alfie came over to take the muskets from her, Mizuki did everything in her power to make sure that their hands didn't touch. Though she may have warmed up a little bit that wouldn't excuse him from touching her. Still only Alicia and Ophelia could do that, and them alone. Most people thought she must've been a major germaphobe but in reality most touches she's received in her life weren't good ones but rather abusive ones. It left a mark on her and sometimes she's afraid that someone will lash out at her. Sure she likes pain, but only in a fight, not when someone close begins to hurt her for an evil intent. When the muskets were gone she crossed arms across her stomach and watched as Alfie explained how the weapon worked. It seemed fairly simple for someone like the Dark Mage who was quite proficient with magic, but it would definitely take time to get used to. However what really caught her eye was the ribbon mage's uneasiness while holding the gun. Surely he wasn't afraid of something like that, especially when he made it himself. Perhaps he didn't want to mess up? She didn't have time to question as the muskets were handed back to her, the girl taking them and aiming them at a set of trees. Mizuki took a deep breath, concentrated, and took a shot. Just as Alfie predicted a bullet didn't come from the barrel of the gun, but rather a large dark blast similar to her spell. The blast ripped through some trees and toppled them over with a satisfying snap, which the dark Mage responded with a strange chuckle. "Exciting... Thank you Alfie..."
Kelica - Well this is Awkward

Kelica felt Sabrina sit by her for a moment, listening to what she was saying, and when she asked that question, Chris had literally lept up from the seat in a fluster, transformed and was out the door. Kelica squeeled as she fell down onto nothingness, before she flexed and sat back up again, facing Sabrina now. Oh right...the naked thing...how to explain that...Kelica scratched the side of her head. Chria had left, so maybe she could explain it further? Had Sabrina never felt weird urges like that before? I guess if she had never been kissed...

Kelica blushed. "Not...always a male and female...sometimes two males or two females can spend some time together...they make each other feel really good...Um...you see there are certain spots on our bodies that....feel good when they are touched a certain way...Most...of these spots you need to be naked for..." Glancing away now.

Kelica brought her eyes back to Sabrina with a thoughtful look. "Did...you want to kiss me to see what I'm talking about?" It was a pretty forward request as Kelica couldn't think of any other way to describe it other then simply feeling it. It was only a kiss, right? Chris wouldn't mind would he?

@Isune @PeteTSs
Kayzo said:
Though Millie wasn't hugging Valken anymore she refused to stop the contact between them. Her soft hands rested on his defined shoulders, her eyes looking up into his with an innocent look. She continued to look into his beautifully dark eyes as he explained what he was able to do with his shadowy magic type. It was terrifying yet interesting at the same time. To think she was moving at such an insanely fast speed boggled her mind, as did the fact that they melted into shadows. Shadows seemed to just be there, nothing really to them, but Valken proved her wrong. Her heart warmed up when he promised that he wouldn't allow the shadows to hurt her. She knew that the shadows wouldn't come out of the ground and attack her, but it was still very reassuring. "I know you wouldn't let them hurt me! Thank you Valken Baby." She said, closing her eyes and leaning forward as if she foresaw the kiss coming. When their lips touched she sighed happily and slipped her arms around her neck, holding it for a few seconds.

When Alfie came over to take the muskets from her, Mizuki did everything in her power to make sure that their hands didn't touch. Though she may have warmed up a little bit that wouldn't excuse him from touching her. Still only Alicia and Ophelia could do that, and them alone. Most people thought she must've been a major germaphobe but in reality most touches she's received in her life weren't good ones but rather abusive ones. It left a mark on her and sometimes she's afraid that someone will lash out at her. Sure she likes pain, but only in a fight, not when someone close begins to hurt her for an evil intent. When the muskets were gone she crossed arms across her stomach and watched as Alfie explained how the weapon worked. It seemed fairly simple for someone like the Dark Mage who was quite proficient with magic, but it would definitely take time to get used to. However what really caught her eye was the ribbon mage's uneasiness while holding the gun. Surely he wasn't afraid of something like that, especially when he made it himself. Perhaps he didn't want to mess up? She didn't have time to question as the muskets were handed back to her, the girl taking them and aiming them at a set of trees. Mizuki took a deep breath, concentrated, and took a shot. Just as Alfie predicted a bullet didn't come from the barrel of the gun, but rather a large dark blast similar to her spell. The blast ripped through some trees and toppled them over with a satisfying snap, which the dark Mage responded with a strange chuckle. "Exciting... Thank you Alfie..."
Satisfied at how powerful Mizuki's blast was, Alfie turned around and gave her another small bow. Maybe they were getting a bit excessive...? No, not in her presence. "I'm not surprised you were able to pull such a shot off so skillfully, and I'm sure you'll go on to find that there are even more ways to manipulate shots. It depends on the user's creativity, so weapons like this can be used for nearly everything. Are we ready to go now?" In truth, Alfie had wanted to spend a lot more time in the forest tutoring Mizuki, but they had to leave sooner or later. Not many were concerned about him, and he didn't have much to do at the moment, but someone was surely missing the other mage, and even if that weren't the case, she seemed like a very busy lady...

Sabrina nodded in realization. "Ohhh...so what you two were doing...enjoying yourselves!" Sabrina said with an innocent smile, thinking it was just a pass-time people who really really like each other do. Sabrina was taken aback when Kelica offered to kiss her to give her a sample. "Uh...Kelica? I don't think it's such a good idea..." she said, trailing off in a submissive sort of way.

@Zuka @Isune
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia shook her head with a chuckle as Alicia ran off to distract the line, and to her ultimate unsurprise, it was working. People's eyes were focused almost completely on the girl. Smiling, she dashed into the tent before crouching down. The stand owner was busy preforming spells on the other girl who had offered to help the two... preforming spells?! That wasn't in the plan! But by the look of the man's soft features and the pastel green sparkle of the runes he was summoning, it seemed like his intent was not to harm her. Sighing quietly, Ophelia snuck past the table only to stand back up, and as she clasped her hands and summoned a glyph the same yellow shade as gold, she instantly found herself lifted up into the air by her cape, a stern voice scolding her actions.
The infected girl still in his hands, Sean grunted unhappily as she only continued her coughing. "Clover Magic: Mint Mis-- what're you doing back there?!" The golden light from behind him caught his eye before the healing spell could be cast, both of his hands occupied with suspicious little girls. Such a holdup was probably for the better, seeing as how the corndogs were poisoned, but no one was to make a fool out of him! "The both of you have explaining to do!"


Alfie - Across Space and Time in a Freaky Forest

Alfie gave yet another contented nod as Mizuki decided she wanted to learn how to make full use of her muskets. It shouldn't take too long, should it? After all, there really wasn't much to the weapons, and the variety of what you could do depended on the creativity of the user.
"It's fairly simple," the mage said as he gently took a gun from Mizuki's hand an pointed it at a tree... But wait. If it was fairly simple, then she could figure things out on her own, right? If he knew that all along, then why would he waste time in such an awful place when there really was no need for it...? Well, it didn't matter. He had made his decision, and turning back would only displease Mizuki... Displease Mizuki? He had already rebuilt relations with her, hadn't he? What was the point in wasting any more time on something he didn't have to?

Visibly hesitant, Alfie's hands shook slightly as his grip on the musket strengthened... all these needless thoughts were confusing, yet as needless as they were, he found happiness in thinking about such problems... well, the answer to the problems. Shaking his head, he aimed up at a tree.
"Adding effects to your shots is as simple as using your own magic at the same time. Take this, for example..." the mage pulled the trigger, and what was supposed to be a bullet had been replaced with an enormous pink gear, which spun and tore through a whole line of the looming redwoods with ease. "Think of what you want the bullet to do, and make it happen as though you were using your own magic. Try it."

Niur - Doggone it.

"Uhmm..." She drawled out, trying to find the best way to put things. "The corndogs are very very drugged?" She finally said. "And I mean very...like...imagine if someone found some herb in a forest one time and thought to smoke it, turns out that smoking it makes things very weird, then imagine if the smoker spends his days staying still on the floor gazing at the ceiling irregardless of being drugged or not. It's that drugged. Yep, nailed it." She mumbled.

PeteTSs said:

Sabrina nodded in realization. "Ohhh...so what you two were doing...enjoying yourselves!" Sabrina said with an innocent smile, thinking it was just a pass-time people who really really like each other do. Sabrina was taken aback when Kelica offered to kiss her to give her a sample. "Uh...Kelica? I don't think it's such a good idea..." she said, trailing off in a submissive sort of way.

@Zuka @Isune
Kelica has an idea

Kelica watched the realisation over Sabrina's face and a warm smile crossed her own. She might not understand the intricates but she vaguely understood where she was coming from. At this, Kelica moved so she was crawling towards her, before getting up into her personal space letting her breath wash over her face as she leaned over her body gently. "You've never been kissed? Just let me show you one...Just one. Then you'll understand what I mean..." Here the girl very gently grasping Sabrina's chin and would lean in slowly, closing her green eyes as she did and putting her lips to Sabrina's. She held there, just letting her lips caress the other, not pushing, not forcing, just letting her feel what it was liked to be loved for a moment..Kelica even lifted a hand to run through the girls hair gently, fingers softly brushing over her scalp.


Oddly enough the corndogs didn't seem to be having any adverse effects on her, other than seeing more space than she saw anything else due to eating such a massive quantity of corndogs. She wasn't sure how much money she'd spent on food over the course of two days at the festival, but it was probably a lot. And well worth it too, festival food tasted really nice..like...really nice. Of course, seeing as more than half her vision was clouded with space from eating the corndogs she couldn't see where she was going. And she was STILL eating the last few.

After walking a bit and downing the last five corndogs more or less whole she decided to make an effort to find the rest of her guild. Unfortunately at this point only about a fourth of her vision was applicable, which wasn't really viable at all. Walking a bit more she eventually bumped into Talon, or rather tripped over the bench and landed in Talons lap. "
Hi person." She told him simply before shrugging.

Sabrina---Being kissed <3

Sabrina's eyes widened when Kelica's lips lightly contacted her own lips. Kelica's lips were smooth, and her fingers ran comfortably across Sabrina's hair. She closed her own eyes, surprised at how...marvelous this felt. She suddenly leaned forward, grabbing Kelica's face with both hands and started to kiss her back furiously, falling on top on her. This felt like ecstasy to her. This made her feel so good inside, let her forget about her past...

@Isune it's you Q to let Chris come back in @Zuka
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Kelica - Best or Worst Idea?

Kelica felt the girl before her relax as she kissed her and a small smile worked onto the corners of her mouth. What she wasn't expecting was Sabrina to loose herself as she did. Kelica's eyes grew wide as she fell back, Sabrina's palms holding her face steady as her body pressed in against the girl. Kelica would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it, the girl's frantic behaviour making Kelica blush intensely. Before she knew it, Kelica's arms had wrapped around her neck to draw her in close, chest pressed into hers, as her kiss deepened and breathing became erratic. The fever need of Sabrina was something that Kelica felt with her powers, and only amplified whatever was going on right now. Kelica's hands digging into the back of Sabrina's hair, holding her face as close as she was with her.

Valken Truss - Behind Milkshake Shop

Valken grinned into the kiss as she leaned more heavily into her frame. He allowed her the kiss for a good portion of time before he pulled his head back, grin still plastered there. "Alright you Missy, let's go someone abit more, you know, not death inducing." Here he slipped his fingers into her own and had already turned, leading them away in a jungle of back streets twists and turns of alleyways and dumpster pits. Even if the pathways seemed confusing, Valken navigated them as if it was second nature. It didn't take long before he appeared once more in the crowds flooding the streets and here he drew her close in much the same manner as he had with Grace in Crocus. He weaved with ease, side stepping easily judging the flow before his pace slowed down and he finally found the time to let go of her fingers and loop an arm around her shoulders. His thoughts darkened though as something plagued his mind. "Millie...in the milkshake shop...were you alone? Where the hell was Lysander and that blue haired girl? Or Maya? Don't tell me they all left you..." While he didn't much care what Maya or Sora had done, he was getting increasingly irritated at Lysander. He had specifically told him to keep an eye on her. His blood was starting to boil and an angry scowl crossed his face. If Millie confirmed this, he would hunt that man and give him a stern talking over. Maybe even with his fist if he felt so inclined. It also dawned on him that he needed to let Maya know of just how dangerous it was to leave members behind, so when and if he caught up with her he would also let her know. While keeping them in the dark was a good way to stop panic, it also allowed them to grossily underestimate the situation at hand. Valken was only one man trying to keep tabs on the entire of Lamia Scale Guild in Lloyd's absence. At least with Maya's help he didn't have to be everywhere at once.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra listened to his words, more or so honed in on the emotion behind them, grasping onto that. It was sincere and gentle. There wasn't any feeling of him being a threat even if she still was confused over whom the man before her was. He was so like Hibiki that it almost frightened her in a way, the uncertainty, the spiraling thoughts, it all clashed into something so utterly overwhelming. Yet here this boy was, holding onto her, trying to remain grounded and be a pillar for her. His kindness touched her then, pierced through the darkness that had clouded her better judgement, the evil intent that had tainted her pastel colored eyes and made them so fierce coming to an end. The wings soon disappeared with a few flutters, a soft breeze hitting her cheeks from the gust they left behind as they dispersed. Everything felt normal again, her hands, her eyes, even her hair had returned to being completely white, but ... the memories were still amiss. No matter how hard she tried it felt like something was ripped from her, stolen, and that something would never be returned. " I've forgotten so much about him. " Her tongue felt like lead, like the words didn't belong and speaking them was causing her immeasurable visual pain in itself.

The weight of this loss was heavy and it almost gave her a sense of feeling anchored down despite her frame being equivalent in density to that of a feather. Both arms soon brought themselves around the one before her, tears still streaming from her eyes before she leaned in to press her lips to his forehead. It only lasted a moment though before she whispered an almost
inaudible " Thank you for giving me strength.. ", and she fell unconscious, arms loosely remaining around his form. Maybe it was the lingering familiarity or the act of someone caring enough to calm her that had won, whether it be for her or the others around her whom she may have injured. The small amount of destruction she'd caused hadn't even been noticed and the young woman would most likely feel completely terrible when she woke to see it. Though the looks of horror or disgust that surrounded her previously wasn't something she was foreign to, knowing them too well. It may be upsetting but only a few people understood or didn't show any signs of fear when before her in one of her satan soul forms. Hibiki had been one of those people; and now, now this person had been too. Unbeknownst to her, it was Hibiki and it'd probably take a while to convince her that was the truth.

A girl tripped and landed on his lap, catching him by surprise. He helped her up, "Oh umm hi are you alright?¿?¿" He asked. She didnt seem ok, she semed a bit high. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
A girl tripped and landed on his lap, catching him by surprise. He helped her up, "Oh umm hi are you alright?¿?¿" He asked. She didnt seem ok, she semed a bit high. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra giggled and sat on the bench, ultimately laying down on it and laying her head on his lap. It was quite clear for all intents the corndogs had made her high as hell, it was also clear she was enjoying it every last bit. "
Mayyyybe. Yep. Tottaly fine." She replied, poking herself in the cheek as a test. Even herself wasn't sure how that'd determine she was alright. But, you know. Her pupils were probably as big as her eyeballs nearabout from the magic drug stuff in the corndogs, only further portraying her current state. "Soooo. Watcha' doing?" She asked, staring up at where she figured his face would be.
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Doggone it.
"Uhmm..." She drawled out, trying to find the best way to put things. "The corndogs are very very drugged?" She finally said. "And I mean very...like...imagine if someone found some herb in a forest one time and thought to smoke it, turns out that smoking it makes things very weird, then imagine if the smoker spends his days staying still on the floor gazing at the ceiling irregardless of being drugged or not. It's that drugged. Yep, nailed it." She mumbled.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Luckily it seemed cute little girl + semi-belivable pain act = believable. Now it was all up to her to continue the act and for Ophelia to cure the corndogs. After a few more minutes of the act the unexpected happened, they actually DID make her sick again like when her and Ophelia were training. She staggered a bit before falling over clutching her stomach in real pain, whining and groaning from said pain. Damn corndogs. Why did they have to taste so good yet cause so much pain?

Ferra: Magnolia Streets


Oddly enough the corndogs didn't seem to be having any adverse effects on her, other than seeing more space than she saw anything else due to eating such a massive quantity of corndogs. She wasn't sure how much money she'd spent on food over the course of two days at the festival, but it was probably a lot. And well worth it too, festival food tasted really nice..like...really nice. Of course, seeing as more than half her vision was clouded with space from eating the corndogs she couldn't see where she was going. And she was STILL eating the last few.

After walking a bit and downing the last five corndogs more or less whole she decided to make an effort to find the rest of her guild. Unfortunately at this point only about a fourth of her vision was applicable, which wasn't really viable at all. Walking a bit more she eventually bumped into Talon, or rather tripped over the bench and landed in Talons lap. "
Hi person." She told him simply before shrugging.
Ophelia nodded at Niur's explanation before crossing her arms and looking over at the corndog man. "Yeah. We tried the corndogs and they totally made us hallucinate. One of my friends' stomachs even started hurting. Speaking of another friend," she turned to face the outside of tent while still hanging by her cape, "I think the plan's working."

The man slammed his head against the table, seeing as how his hands were full, at the fact that the corndogs he was tasked to sell went so far as to cause people pain and hallucinations. That's it! That was the last time he got a job working at a stand at a festival! Or better yet, the last time he sold pre-made food! But then, how could one make corndogs without the help of a factory...? No, the first option sounded better. Working at places with such long lines wasn't him anyhow. Maybe with his Clover magic, he could get a job as a doctor instead...? "Well, I want you girls to know that whatever happened with the corndogs wasn't my fault. You can blame rich people for that. Go along, and thanks for letting me know there was a problem before it was too late." Gently setting Ophelia and Niur down, Sean began to trample the many, many boxes of corndogs feverishly before smashing the table before him in two.
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Chris Lengheart(Honey I'm-)

After what seemed like a few minutes at best the sound of a turning doorknob could be heard. There was a small click before the door opened, revealing a standard Chris. He had a simple carton of orange juice, but that wasn't the point. Chris saw both Kelica and Sabrina having a makeout session. The look of pure fury was on his face as he stepped over to the two and suddenly smashed the carton down onto both of them. The raging Chris suddenly spoke as he boomed,"What the hell is going on here!? Kelica, I thought that you 'needed me'!?" before he suddenly turned to face Sabrina as he gave her a scolding as well,"And you, get the hell off my girlfriend before I choke you out here and now."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Satisfied at how powerful Mizuki's blast was, Alfie turned around and gave her another small bow. Maybe they were getting a bit excessive...? No, not in her presence. "I'm not surprised you were able to pull such a shot off so skillfully, and I'm sure you'll go on to find that there are even more ways to manipulate shots. It depends on the user's creativity, so weapons like this can be used for nearly everything. Are we ready to go now?" In truth, Alfie had wanted to spend a lot more time in the forest tutoring Mizuki, but they had to leave sooner or later. Not many were concerned about him, and he didn't have much to do at the moment, but someone was surely missing the other mage, and even if that weren't the case, she seemed like a very busy lady...

Just like Alfie did, Mizuki didn't really want to leave yet. There was still so much she wished to learn about him, about his soul and his gem. What takes he has to tell and what wish he made. So many questions for him, but it seemed that he was ready to leave. Perhaps she could stalk him through the city? The stalker would be stalked. That thought made her chuckle quietly. "I suppose I am ready to leave this place and return to our normal world. Though I must thank you for helping me with these weapons. No ones ever helped me like that before. Besides Alicia..." She said with a BIT of sincerity in her voice, though she still didn't smile at him.
Kelica - Confirmed Bad Idea

Kelica only just barely heard the doorknob turn, so her head naturally swivelled in that direction breaking the contact of Sabrina's mouth as she did. The pure rage eminating from Chris frankly frightened her, so when he swung the carton down she twisted and threw Sabrina off the couch and took the full force of the bottle to her shoulder. The blond girl whined as the thing exploded right in her face, coating it in orange juice that stung her eyes. She could fell a bruise already starting to form on her right arm. Being not only hurt, but unable to see, she simply lifted an arm weakly towards him, in a please stop sort of motion. "Pl..please Chris it's not what it looks like...Sabrina didn't want to...I just...didn't know how else to tell her how good a kiss felt." Her hand now lifting to hold onto her throbbing arm, cradling it almost. "Please, it's not her fault!" Tears in her eyes now.

@Isune @PeteTSs

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