Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon said:
Talon had no idea what to do. "Uhh im sorry its just you kinda caught me by surprise. I didnt mean to yell..." He noticed a few people staring at them and made a face, causing them to continue on their way. "Umm do you want to do something or... something?¿?¿" He asked trying to lighten the mood. He wiped some of her saliva off of his fingers onto his pants. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra grinned to herself at the people watching the scene. She turned to face Talon again when he apologized. She scooted further on top of him when he asked if she wanted to do something, mostly to hug him as a sign of forgiveness when he apologized. "
It's okay! I overreacted to. I'm sure your fire tastes nice to people who can eat it..maybe." She replied. At this point her vision was slowly returning to normal and she was returning more to normal Ferra, which in all honesty wasn't much different from high Ferra. "Annnd..I dunno. I forgot what I was doing before I tripped into you so..I'm open for anything I guess." She added with a shrug.
@Colt556[/URL] @LeSoraAmari

Some time had passed, roughly an hour and a half, after Tanari and Adrian's match ended. Just enough time to give Tanari time to rest and the officials to set up the final two arenas, one significantly larger than the other to house the final match. After this Semi-Final match between Tanari and Masaki to figure out who moved on to the Finals the finals would immediately commence. Both contestants were tracked down and hailed for, no matter what location they currently held in the city.
Niur and Raa - Partition Permission

"Hmm...I...I'd like to come with you...but I'm going to have to ask for my companion's permission..." She said. "I'll be right back." She said before leaving towards the stands, stopping by a vendor to buy something to eat because she was hungry. "Raa! I'm back!" She called out as she reached Raa. "Hello kiddo, just in time, match is about to start...I think...I dunno..." Raa mumbled on. "Never mind that Raa! I made new friends! Can I hang out with them? Please? I'll be back before moondown." She asked him. Raa looked away in thought before finally relenting. "Alright alright, you can hang out with your friends..." He took out his scythe and gave it to her, morphing it into two mini-scythes for her size. "Here, for protection." He said as he handed her the scythe. "Go have fun alright? I'll be in the inn till late morning." He said.

Niur nodded and put the scythes on her back before returning to Alicia and Ophelia. "I'm back! Sorry it took so long, I got caught up with the scythes."
Talon was a bit embarased when she hugged him. He chuckled. "Do you want to walk around and see the sights or something?¿?¿" He aked hoping she would say yes because his legs were starting to fall asleep. The bench was also startng to get uncomfortable. Also he was starting to get hungry, it looked like it was around 5. Some hot and spicy noodles sounded delicious, with some beef or pork, some onions, and chili flakes... His stomach growled in antcipation. @Mitchs98
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Kelica Zefara

Kelica was taken aback as Sabrina ran screaming and sobbing from the room, her vision cloudly from the juice now. She grunted painfully before half stumbling half falling into the kitchen, making it to the sink to splash some cold water over her face, wiping it clean with a towel. Now she could see and Chris's words srill rung in her head. "YOU fix it..." He'd said. Typical, man comes in swinging and Kelica is the one picking up the pieces. She turned and thought to go find Sabrina to talk but then.

"I'm so sorry... "

It was a faint whisper and she instantly straightened and turned in the kitchen. It was Sabrina's voice but it was echoed. How-?

"I'm so sorry..."

It repeated but the coldness and darkness started to make Kelica tremble. Her necklace was glowing a bright green suddenly, washing over Kelica as it did. And then a flash in her mind. A tiny potted plant on a bench, somewhere, in a room she only half recognised. But more importantly it was what the plant was feeling that was overcoming Kelica. She took a shaky step then fell to her knees, such worthlessness. Such darkness. Then a glint of a blade shining in the light. Kelica's eyes widened, she knew she had to stop her, so she screamed. " SABRINA NO!" She didn't even know if the girl would hear her, but maybe that one plant was connection enough. That maybe she could hear Kelica's screaming plea in her mind. Kelica was in a panic now, her chest rising and falling like she was hyper-ventilating. She wondered if Chris heard her scream but she didn't care. She had made a promise to Sabrina to keep her safe, even if that meant against herself. Even as her powers reached out, her eyes started to cloud over and swirl with an intense Grey, slowly going colourless.

@PeteTSs @Isune
Metaphysics said:
Niur and Raa - Partition Permission
"Hmm...I...I'd like to come with you...but I'm going to have to ask for my companion's permission..." She said. "I'll be right back." She said before leaving towards the stands, stopping by a vendor to buy something to eat because she was hungry. "Raa! I'm back!" She called out as she reached Raa. "Hello kiddo, just in time, match is about to start...I think...I dunno..." Raa mumbled on. "Never mind that Raa! I made new friends! Can I hang out with them? Please? I'll be back before moondown." She asked him. Raa looked away in thought before finally relenting. "Alright alright, you can hang out with your friends..." He took out his scythe and gave it to her, morphing it into two mini-scythes for her size. "Here, for protection." He said as he handed her the scythe. "Go have fun alright? I'll be in the inn till late morning." He said.

Niur nodded and put the scythes on her back before returning to Alicia and Ophelia. "I'm back! Sorry it took so long, I got caught up with the scythes."
"Well, if that's the case, I'm not sorry I got you sick," Ophelia said with a giggle before looking back at Niur, with another nod. "Alrighty! I hope they say you can come with us!"


The Guild Master waved as Niur returned to them and lowered her hands when the other made a pun about scythes...
Why would she make a pun like that now of all... nope. Nopenopenopenopenope. And here I was thinking I made a new friend... Ophelia had now completely noticed the familiar scythes attached to Niur's back. With rather intimidating handles and even more intimidating blades, the weapons were exact replicas of the single, larger one used by the man she had battled only hours earlier. Was that who her companion was...? A dude who thought he could take on a Guild Master because he had a cool looking cloak and a scary scythe? Ophelia had no interest in being a friend of a friend of a person like that.

But the girl forgot that the only reason she had to engage in combat with the cloaked man was because she didn't remember that he was only trying to protect a poor, innocent man from Mizuki's wrath, so who was really at fault here?
Clearly not me! she replied to her own thoughts as she grabbed Alicia's hand and started on the direction toward the building with the roof, ignoring poor Niur.

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie was clearly stunned that Mizuki had been spying on him this whole time... well, whole time wasn't exactly long in this sense, but still. The stalker was being stalked? She probably would have been able to get away with it too, had it not been for that void her emotions made... "But I thought you were going to check up on Alicia and Ophelia?" The gem was dropped quickly into his pocket before he stood up from the random block of stone he had previously been sitting on. "Is there something you need from me? Did I do something wrong?"

Mizuki's lips curled back as she stood quietly for a few moments, her arms once again crossing. She was going to go and check on Alicia and Ophelia, but later on. Right now she had to learn Alfie's life, and not get caught. Which she already failed at. However this little encounter wouldn't stop her from trying. "Yes, I suppose that I was going to check up on them." She explained, rubbing her arms together and casting her gaze to the floor. "And no, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just checking up on you. It's dark and dangerous out..."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's lips curled back as she stood quietly for a few moments, her arms once again crossing. She was going to go and check on Alicia and Ophelia, but later on. Right now she had to learn Alfie's life, and not get caught. Which she already failed at. However this little encounter wouldn't stop her from trying. "Yes, I suppose that I was going to check up on them." She explained, rubbing her arms together and casting her gaze to the floor. "And no, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just checking up on you. It's dark and dangerous out..."
"Oh..." She was concerned about his safety... Well, surprises were certainly everywhere, even for a stalker... But why did Mizuki seem so nervous? Not that he could sense any sort of embarrassment from her, but body language spoke loudly... "Well, thank you for your concern, but I can handle myself perfectly fine. Especially since I'm standing on Fairy Tail's headquarters. No one has ever had half the mind to attack someone associated with this guild... Actually, that's not at all true.. but... uh..." Alfie hadn't been at a loss for words like this in ages. Why was Mizuki acting so strange? She couldn't have been the type to warm up to someone so quickly, and even if that turned out to be a false statement, she surely wasn't one to show concern for the safety of others... Well, except Alicia, of course. And then it struck him. Both Alicia's name and his own started with the letter 'a'... Was Mizuki letter racist??? "Well, before you go, I have to ask you a question... What is your favorite letter?"
Talon said:
Talon was a bit embarased when she hugged him. He chuckled. "Do you want to walk around and see the sights or something?¿?¿" He aked hoping she would say yes because his legs were starting to fall asleep. The bench was also startng to get uncomfortable. Also he was starting to get hungry, it looked like it was around 5. Some hot and spicy noodles sounded delicious, with some beef or pork, some onions, and chili flakes... His stomach growled in antcipation. @Metaphysics
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia didn't really get the joke, but nevertheless she was glad Niur could come with them. She was sure Mizuki would like her and be glad that she met a potential new friend. "Awesome let's g-" She began, quickly being interrupted when Ophelia grabbed her and started leading her to the roof. "Hey wait on Niur! She wanted to come to!" She insisted. She wasn't sure why she'd just up and ignored her at random like that. Didn't she want to be her friend to? She'd just helped them save a lot of people from sickness from the corndogs, after all. What was the matter? Did she not like puns that badly or something? Alicia didn't understand. Regardless, she was insistent on Niur coming along. "Come on Niur! Follow us!" She called back to her, hoping she wasn't offput by Ophelia's rudeness. Of course, she didn't even remember those scythes pertaining to Raa. So she was perfectly fine with Niur tagging along.

Kelica's vision was starting to cloud over and she wanted to hurl. The overwhelming sense of darkness, depression, worthlessness was taking it's toll. Everything Sabrina was feeling, Kelica was feeling to. Only stronger to the point her ears were ringing and the darkness was crushing at her very heart.

"Not...yet..." Kelica whispered, lifting a hand to clasped at her shirt, like that might help the aching in her beating heart. "Not yet Sabrina... I won't let you I won't... " Here Kelica struggled to get to her feet, she took a step before she stumbled and crashed into the cupboard, glasses and plates Smashing to the floor around her. A foot kicked at it to push it out of her path. Fingertips now dragging across the nearest wall to try and keep her upright, the only thing keeping her was getting to Chris. Every step burning from the overwhelming need to simply lie down and die, let the darkness come and swallow her. But she refused. She refused! Kelica finally came before Chris's door, leaning her body weight heavily against it, eyes still clouded over with grey and her pupils none existent.

"Chris... " She whispered at first before her voice got louder, the clear desperation in it telling him she needed him. Now.

"Chris...Sabrina she... she... " Here she couldn't hold herself up against the door and slid down it's surface, tears rolling down her face. "Chris...please...help.. me... we need to get to Sabrina's...house....please... " Placing her forehead on the door, trembling in her fear. So dark... so cold.

@Isune @PeteTSs
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Talon was practically drooling, pork buns, noodles and more... But no pot dogs. He didnt feel like getting high at the moment. "Sur lets go get some noodles and then go for some pork buns and then for desert, Icecream!¡!¡" He absolutely loooooved Icecream. It was a gift from the gods, definitely. "Alright so wheres the noodle place?¿?¿" He asked looking around. @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"Well, if that's the case, I'm not sorry I got you sick," Ophelia said with a giggle before looking back at Niur, with another nod. "Alrighty! I hope they say you can come with us!"


The Guild Master waved as Niur returned to them and lowered her hands when the other made a pun about scythes...
Why would she make a pun like that now of all... nope. Nopenopenopenopenope. And here I was thinking I made a new friend... Ophelia had now completely noticed the familiar scythes attached to Niur's back. With rather intimidating handles and even more intimidating blades, the weapons were exact replicas of the single, larger one used by the man she had battled only hours earlier. Was that who her companion was...? A dude who thought he could take on a Guild Master because he had a cool looking cloak and a scary scythe? Ophelia had no interest in being a friend of a friend of a person like that.

But the girl forgot that the only reason she had to engage in combat with the cloaked man was because she didn't remember that he was only trying to protect a poor, innocent man from Mizuki's wrath, so who was really at fault here?
Clearly not me! she replied to her own thoughts as she grabbed Alicia's hand and started on the direction toward the building with the roof, ignoring poor Niur.


Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia didn't really get the joke, but nevertheless she was glad Niur could come with them. She was sure Mizuki would like her and be glad that she met a potential new friend. "Awesome let's g-" She began, quickly being interrupted when Ophelia grabbed her and started leading her to the roof. "Hey wait on Niur! She wanted to come to!" She insisted. She wasn't sure why she'd just up and ignored her at random like that. Didn't she want to be her friend to? She'd just helped them save a lot of people from sickness from the corndogs, after all. What was the matter? Did she not like puns that badly or something? Alicia didn't understand. Regardless, she was insistent on Niur coming along. "Come on Niur! Follow us!" She called back to her, hoping she wasn't offput by Ophelia's rudeness. Of course, she didn't even remember those scythes pertaining to Raa. So she was perfectly fine with Niur tagging along.

Niur -That sickles.

"Hey wait for me-la!" Niur yelled as she made chase. It took a while but she managed to keep in pace moments later. "So, what's the what? Why'd you run off like that?" She asked the two of them. She was curious and worried that they didn't like her and left her to wallow in feelings. "Was...was it something I said? Was my joke uncalled for and hurt your feelings?" She gave a small sniffle. "Was it that horrible?" She asked seconds later.
Talon said:
Talon was practically drooling, pork buns, noodles and more... But no pot dogs. He didnt feel like getting high at the moment. "Sur lets go get some noodles and then go for some pork buns and then for desert, Icecream!¡!¡" He absolutely loooooved Icecream. It was a gift from the gods, definitely. "Alright so wheres the noodle place?¿?¿" He asked looking around. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets > Ramen Vendor

Ferra nodded eagerly in agreement, she hadn't expected him to be in the mood for all three. Usually she was the only one that ate that much, well at-least he wouldn't be weirded out by her eating so much! Not that she would of cared, but hey. "Sounds like a plan to me! Lets gooo!" She replied, grabbing his hand and rushing off valiantly for the ramen stand. For a girl of her stature Talon would find she was able to pull him along with ease. Which was true when you typically carried around a bag of food that weighed an indeterminable amount of weight. The ramen stand was actually close by, so they didn't run far for food.

I'll take one of everything!" She declared as she sat down, immediately gaining an odd look from the vendor. She'd have to be sure to not eat the dishes this time, she really didn't want to break the bank and she'd already spent a decent amount of money on souveniers and such. "And whatever my buddy here wants...Ohhh! I never told you my name! I'm Ferra! Nice to meet ya!" She told both the vendor and Talon.
Metaphysics said:
Niur -That sickles.
"Hey wait for me-la!" Niur yelled as she made chase. It took a while but she managed to keep in pace moments later. "So, what's the what? Why'd you run off like that?" She asked the two of them. She was curious and worried that they didn't like her and left her to wallow in feelings. "Was...was it something I said? Was my joke uncalled for and hurt your feelings?" She gave a small sniffle. "Was it that horrible?" She asked seconds later.
Ophelia stopped and turned around harshly, ignoring Alicia's protests and Niur's sniveling. Maybe the Guild Master was just overreacting, and maybe there was more than one type of those scythes, just being a commonly used weapon on land. After all, Ophelia had only been on land for a year, the sea and her crewmates being all she knew for most of her life. But weapons that intimidating were much less than needed for a walk across Magnolia. Of course, a bit hypocritical seeing as how the girl herself had been armed with two giant cutlasses her whole time here, but that didn't change the fact that that cloak dude was an annoyance and Ophelia was still a little girl.

Coldly, she unsheathed a blade and stabbed it into the ground, an irritated look on her face. "Drop the scythes and I'll let you come along. But as long as I can see that you're even related to him," she spoke as though 'him' was the most putrid thing on the planet, "I don't wanna be near you. Because if really are his friend, and you know what happened, those scythes make you a threat, considering you probably even got training from him."
Metaphysics said:
Niur -That sickles.
"Hey wait for me-la!" Niur yelled as she made chase. It took a while but she managed to keep in pace moments later. "So, what's the what? Why'd you run off like that?" She asked the two of them. She was curious and worried that they didn't like her and left her to wallow in feelings. "Was...was it something I said? Was my joke uncalled for and hurt your feelings?" She gave a small sniffle. "Was it that horrible?" She asked seconds later.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia stopped and turned around harshly, ignoring Alicia's protests and Niur's sniveling. Maybe the Guild Master was just overreacting, and maybe there was more than one type of those scythes, just being a commonly used weapon on land. After all, Ophelia had only been on land for a year, the sea and her crewmates being all she knew for most of her life. But weapons that intimidating were much less than needed for a walk across Magnolia. Of course, a bit hypocritical seeing as how the girl herself had been armed with two giant cutlasses her whole time here, but that didn't change the fact that that cloak dude was an annoyance and Ophelia was still a little girl.
Coldly, she unsheathed a blade and stabbed it into the ground, an irritated look on her face. "Drop the scythes and I'll let you come along. But as long as I can see that you're even related to him," she spoke as though 'him' was the most putrid thing on the planet, "I don't wanna be near you. Because if really are his friend, and you know what happened, those scythes make you a threat, considering you probably even got training from him."

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia smiled when Niur had managed to catch up with them. She still wasn't sure why Ophelia had up and ran off like that, it wasn't like her to be so rude. Well, as far as Alicia knew. She'd only known her for a few hours, after all. Annd then Niur started blaming herself. When they halted movement she was about to try to comfort her when Ophelia started acting hostile, it kind of scared her really. "
Ophelia! Don't be so mean, I'm sure Niur doesn't want to hurt us. If she did she would of already tried by now." She told her, moving to stand behind Niur and ready to put a barrier up if a fight broke out. "She just wants to be our friend, no need to be mean to her. I don't know who you're referring to or why you ran off from her all of a sudden but it's mean." She added before turning to Niur.

I'm not sure what's wrong. I didn't get your joke, but it was't that bad. You did nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned." She told her.
Talon laughed. "Ill take one of eveything too!¡!¡" He said to the vendor. The vendor looked at them both skeptically as if to say. "As long as you got the money you crazy kids..." Talon turned to Ferra. "Im talon but i think i already said that... Nice ta meetcha though!¡!¡" He exclaimed with a grin. He liked Ferra already, She could eat almost as much as him. @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia stopped and turned around harshly, ignoring Alicia's protests and Niur's sniveling. Maybe the Guild Master was just overreacting, and maybe there was more than one type of those scythes, just being a commonly used weapon on land. After all, Ophelia had only been on land for a year, the sea and her crewmates being all she knew for most of her life. But weapons that intimidating were much less than needed for a walk across Magnolia. Of course, a bit hypocritical seeing as how the girl herself had been armed with two giant cutlasses her whole time here, but that didn't change the fact that that cloak dude was an annoyance and Ophelia was still a little girl.
Coldly, she unsheathed a blade and stabbed it into the ground, an irritated look on her face. "Drop the scythes and I'll let you come along. But as long as I can see that you're even related to him," she spoke as though 'him' was the most putrid thing on the planet, "I don't wanna be near you. Because if really are his friend, and you know what happened, those scythes make you a threat, considering you probably even got training from him."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia smiled when Niur had managed to catch up with them. She still wasn't sure why Ophelia had up and ran off like that, it wasn't like her to be so rude. Well, as far as Alicia knew. She'd only known her for a few hours, after all. Annd then Niur started blaming herself. When they halted movement she was about to try to comfort her when Ophelia started acting hostile, it kind of scared her really. "
Ophelia! Don't be so mean, I'm sure Niur doesn't want to hurt us. If she did she would of already tried by now." She told her, moving to stand behind Niur and ready to put a barrier up if a fight broke out. "She just wants to be our friend, no need to be mean to her. I don't know who you're referring to or why you ran off from her all of a sudden but it's mean." She added before turning to Niur.

I'm not sure what's wrong. I didn't get your joke, but it was't that bad. You did nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned." She told her.
Niur - Short-scythe-ed

"The scythes? Why? They were given to me in case I needed to defend myself..." She looked at the scythes. "They were given to me by my companion in case that I get in trouble." She looked back to Ophelia. "What's wrong with having something to defend myself with? And for that matter, what's wrong with having friends who care for me?" She hugged the scythes tightly. "Him giving these to me means that he trusts me to enough to keep myself safe..." She paused. "And she's right, I just want to be friends..."

She clutched the weapons tightly. "And if you can't accept that...then...then..." She said. "I don't think we can be friends."
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Talon said:
Talon laughed. "Ill take one of eveything too!¡!¡" He said to the vendor. The vendor looked at them both skeptically as if to say. "As long as you got the money you crazy kids..." Talon turned to Ferra. "Im talon but i think i already said that... Nice ta meetcha though!¡!¡" He exclaimed with a grin. He liked Ferra already, She could eat almost as much as him. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Ramen Vendor

Even if she didn't know his name, Ferra was sure she could get along juuust fine with someone that ate as much as her. Even better he was perfectly comfortable with the idea. Sure Ferra had some weird methods of picking friends, but still. She didn't ONLY judge them on how much they ate after all. They had to be nice and not mean to her or others too, after all. She shrugged when he introduced himself. She didn't remember him saying that. "
Oh. Well. Now you said it for sure!" She told her. Soon after the vendor brought the first bowl of noodles out, pork with tofu and veggies. Ferra pretty much inhaled it in three bites, once again it was some of the best ramen she'd ever tasted. "This is still the best stuff ever!" She cheered as she sat the bowl down.
Chris Lengheart(Sabrina? Kelica what are you-)

Chris was trying to sleep when he heard the sound of smashing china. Chris, at first, thought that Kelica was having another one of her emotional moments. That was, until Chris heard the sound of her body slumping up against the door and hearing Kelica talk about Sabrina. Chris got up out of bed and opened the door, he was without a shirt and was only wearing a pair of boxers. He suddenly changed to his werecat form as he placed Kelica gently on his back and got down to all fours. And then they were off. Chris was going at least 80 miles per hour as he zipped through the crowd. Surprisingly, not a single hair was caught in the crowd. Chris ran through the entire crowd as if it were nothing, the scent of blood in his nostrils as he tried to find the source, assuming it was Sabrina. Although, heavy breathing could be heard among the wind as it was obvious that Chris was pushing his limit far too much. He kept running at his top speed, surpassing it even as his breathing began more rapid and became much heavier.

After what only seemed to be seconds, Chris was at Sabrina's apartment. The massive cat used all his gained speed to suddenly charge the door. It flung open with a massive bang as Chris slid to a sudden halt, his claws hooking into the carpet and leaving a small trail of where Chris had slid in from. And there she was, Sabrina...in a pool of her own blood with blades at her side. Chris however, collapsed onto the ground. His chest began to quickly rise and fall as Chris began to cough and wheeze. It was obvious that Chris wasn't supposed to go at his top speed for long. Although, Chris was able to choke out a few words before going back to trying to breathe,"
Don't *cough* w-worry about m-*hack*me, go check on *horrid cough* Sabrina."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Talon chuckled at her and then sallowed his bowl whole. "Ha beat dat!¡!¡" He challenged. He had barely had time to taste it, but what he did taste tasted pretty good. He took his next bowl and slowly chugged it so he could taste it better as he swallowed it whole. He burped and moved onto his next bowl. This one was a Sweet and sour pork one and he took his time with that one, savouring it. "Damn this is some good shit!¡!¡" He exclaimed as he moved onto a fish one. @Mitchs98
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Talon said:
Talon chuckled at her and then sallowed his bowl whole. "Ha beat dat!¡!¡" He challenged. He had barely had time to taste it, but what he did taste tasted pretty good. He took his next bowl and slowly chugged it so he could taste it better as he swallowed it whole. He burped and moved onto his next bowl. This one was a Sweet and sour pork one and he took his time with that one, savouring it. "Damn this is some good shit!¡!¡" He exclaimed as he moved onto a fish one. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Ramen Vendor

Did he just..challenge Ferra of all people to an eating contest? If he had of known her she would of deemed him crazy. Her magic itself revolved around eating, anyone would be hardpressed to out eat her. Anyone that could immediately gained her respect due to it being a feat in and of itself. "Challenge accepted!" She declared, grabbing and downing bowls as soon as they hit the space in front of her. It took her all she could do to not eat the dish itself. She could definetely eat faster if she did, but she refrained from doing so. After downing the final bow of ramen she looked over to Talon with a confident grin on her face to see how well he'd fared.

Kelica heard the door finally open as she was hunched over on the ground, she felt Chris lift her up onto his back as they raced through the streets at incredible speed. She gripped as tight as she would allow. She lifted an arm to protect herself as he smashed through the door, whining as some wood chips dug into her forearm. But that was the least of her problems. She slid from Chris's back as she look a worrying glance at him, but returned her attention on Sabrina's lifeless form. She struggled for the longest time, taking a shaky step or two before collapsing at her side, knees now covered in the girl's blood.

"Why Sabrina...why would you do this...." She whispered in a agonising tone, tears starting to flow down her cheeks once more. So much blood.... to much. Kelica didn't even know if she could heal the girl, she had lost so much blood... but she had to try. Even if it killed her she would not allow Sabrina to leave this realm just yet. Here she wrapped her fingers tightly around her wrists, feeling the warmth of her blood flow over them, one palm to each wrist respectively. Her necklace glowed a bright green to point it shrouded the two in the light, a green circle forming underneath them both.

"Guardian Magic! Cell Regeneration!" Here the cut of her skin was the easiest to heal, the newly energised cells threading and weaving, clotting to close down the wound. That was the easy part, replacing the lost blood... Kelica's eyebrows furrowed in as she concerntrated and she started to sweat from the effort.

"Not today Sabrina I won't let you!!" Sabrina's heart started to thunder to the point it was dangerously fast, but it needed to be to force her body to create as much blood as she was able in a short time. Every vein, every artery throbbed and bulged with new blood cells. Here Sabrina would awake if she was able to her body feeling like it was on fire. Kelica poured as much energy as she had left to spare before shaking and falling weakly to her side.

"Please Sabrina... don't leave yet... please... " She whispered as her eyes closed down, weary.

@Isune @PeteTSs
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"Oh..." She was concerned about his safety... Well, surprises were certainly everywhere, even for a stalker... But why did Mizuki seem so nervous? Not that he could sense any sort of embarrassment from her, but body language spoke loudly... "Well, thank you for your concern, but I can handle myself perfectly fine. Especially since I'm standing on Fairy Tail's headquarters. No one has ever had half the mind to attack someone associated with this guild... Actually, that's not at all true.. but... uh..." Alfie hadn't been at a loss for words like this in ages. Why was Mizuki acting so strange? She couldn't have been the type to warm up to someone so quickly, and even if that turned out to be a false statement, she surely wasn't one to show concern for the safety of others... Well, except Alicia, of course. And then it struck him. Both Alicia's name and his own started with the letter 'a'... Was Mizuki letter racist??? "Well, before you go, I have to ask you a question... What is your favorite letter?"

Mizuki shrugged as Alfie pointed out the fact that no one would be stupid enough to attack him on the Fairy Tale Guildhall, but she also couldn't come out and straight up admit she was stalking him. "Yes, I suppose you're right. It truly would be an idiotic move to attack someone like you on the Guildhall. Forgive my stupid comment." She said in a bit of an annoyed tone, her arm rubbing stopping with a tight squeeze. She wasn't annoyed with Alfie in the slightest, but rather herself for being such imbecile. Surely she could've made up another, better excuse for why she was there, but unfortunately nothing came to mind. The Dark Mage stood in silence for a few short and awkward moments until Alfie spoke up again, asking her what her favorite letter was. In all of her life with all of the messed up and idiotic questions she has been asked, surely this one was the strangest. In fact it was something she didn't think about very often. However she couldn't take time to think about it as she would be holding up the ribbon Mage. "That is a strange request, but if you must know it is a tie between A and Z... I don't know how this information will be beneficial."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki shrugged as Alfie pointed out the fact that no one would be stupid enough to attack him on the Fairy Tale Guildhall, but she also couldn't come out and straight up admit she was stalking him. "Yes, I suppose you're right. It truly would be an idiotic move to attack someone like you on the Guildhall. Forgive my stupid comment." She said in a bit of an annoyed tone, her arm rubbing stopping with a tight squeeze. She wasn't annoyed with Alfie in the slightest, but rather herself for being such imbecile. Surely she could've made up another, better excuse for why she was there, but unfortunately nothing came to mind. The Dark Mage stood in silence for a few short and awkward moments until Alfie spoke up again, asking her what her favorite letter was. In all of her life with all of the messed up and idiotic questions she has been asked, surely this one was the strangest. In fact it was something she didn't think about very often. However she couldn't take time to think about it as she would be holding up the ribbon Mage. "That is a strange request, but if you must know it is a tie between A and Z... I don't know how this information will be beneficial."
Mizuki seemed upset with him... not surprising, knowing the fact that she was upset with the world, but she was openly showing it now. Was he just that irritating? Were his efforts in making friends all for nothing...? "Believe me, I've hear much dumber than that before," he spoke with a convincing, small laugh. Upon noticing Mizuki didn't know whether she like A or Z better, Alfie mentally slapped himself. Of course, the A had something to do with it, but now that she almost seemed to hate him, the ribbon mage could no longer use himself as evidence. It was just Alicia and Ophelia now. Wait, but Ophelia's name began with an O! That wasn't included in Mizuki's short list of favorite letters! No, she was hiding something, and he would get to the bottom of it if it took him an eternity! ...After he had finished collecting today's quota of positive energy.

"I see," he said in a calm tone, keeping his signature smile on his face. "Thank you. Have a nice day!"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

With a roll of her eyes and a slight sigh, Ophelia pulled the cutlass from the stony road and sheathed it back at her side, gesturing for Niur to come along.
"Fine... but make one wrong move and I'll drown you and then your friend..." Maybe she had been acting a bit of a fool by getting into such a petty argument over who was friends with who. As long as she didn't come anywhere near Niur's partner, things couldn't hurt, could they...?
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Talon lauged and started downing noodles as they came. His advantage was that he had a really high metabolism. Food was like the coals for his fire, eating gave him a higher magic energy regen. He finnished just after her and grinned. "Ready for those buns, or would you rather concede?¿?¿" He teased. @Mitchs98

Sabrina felt like she was floating in some sort of viscus liquid. Everything was dark. That is, until something glowing bright green sped towards her through the murky atmosphere. As it got closer, Sabrina managed to get a better viewing of the object. I was, to her surprise, a hand. It bolted towards her, speed increasing as it got closer and closer. It whizzed by Sabrina, grabbing her arm and forcibly dragging her up and out of the murky sea, and into the clear, calming star-fill night sky.

Sabrina slowly opened her eyes. Her head was in a daze. She groaned. Her whole body ached. She turned her head around and noticed Kelica laying next to her "K-Kelica...What are you-" then she remembered. She started hyperventilating, her eyes widening. "W-Why did you do this..." she cried out weakly. "Why...didn't you just let me go...I m-m-messed up you and C-C-Chris' relationship...I don't deserve your friendship..." Tears were streaming down her already wet face once more, as she looked up at the ceiling and wept.


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