Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(seeing red)

"Oh I'm sure," Chris said with venom in his tone "If she's not to blame then enlighten me! Who's responsible for this, huh!?" But before either of them could answer Chris suddenly punched through the wall using his bare hand. Obviously, Chris didn't need a takeover to cause damage as he forcefully yanked his hand out of the wall and once again shouted,"I want answers and I want them now! One of you better start talking or I swear!" before pacing around impatiently. How could Kelica do this to him? Why would she do this to him? Was he...was he not good enough for her!?

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kayzo said:
Just like Alfie did, Mizuki didn't really want to leave yet. There was still so much she wished to learn about him, about his soul and his gem. What takes he has to tell and what wish he made. So many questions for him, but it seemed that he was ready to leave. Perhaps she could stalk him through the city? The stalker would be stalked. That thought made her chuckle quietly. "I suppose I am ready to leave this place and return to our normal world. Though I must thank you for helping me with these weapons. No ones ever helped me like that before. Besides Alicia..." She said with a BIT of sincerity in her voice, though she still didn't smile at him.
Although Mizuki's face remained blank throughout her statement, Alfie was able to pick up on the small bits of sincerity in her voice. Returning the smile she probably wouldn't be showing off anytime soon, the ribbon slid out of his sleeve again. "Well, I try to help out wherever I'm able. If there's nothing I can lose from it, then I see no problem in doing it. Now let's return." The ribbon swirled around the two before they entered the tunnel of thousands of giant pink Lacrima, and in a second or two, they were back on the roof of the apartment. The Sun had been setting in the distance, and night was sure to set in soon. Unless, of course, something was wrong with the orbit of Earth, but that was highly unlikely. But if night was to set soon... he only had the parade and the day after that to prepare if things were going to go how he predicted they would... "I think you should go and reunite with Alicia and Ophelia. I, however, have things to do."
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(seeing red)

"Oh I'm sure," Chris said with venom in his tone "If she's not to blame then enlighten me! Who's responsible for this, huh!?" But before either of them could answer Chris suddenly punched through the wall using his bare hand. Obviously, Chris didn't need a takeover to cause damage as he forcefully yanked his hand out of the wall and once again shouted,"I want answers and I want them now! One of you better start talking or I swear!" before pacing around impatiently. How could Kelica do this to him? Why would she do this to him? Was he...was he not good enough for her!?

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Kelica eyes still stung but she tried as hard as she could to peer to him, seeing the dark silhouttee of his pacing. She grasped the edge of the couch to force herself upright, facing him as best as she could. "It was me alright!! Sabrina has never been loved in her entire life, never hugged, never kissed, you saw all those crazy experiments they did to her! I was trying to show her there is more to life then being afraid or being hurt! I tried to give her a moment, just one. I still love you of course I do!" Here Kelica's arms drooped, there was nothing more she could say to convince him, she only hoped he understood why she did what she did.

Aiden and spirits

The spirit looked at the child with stern eyes. " Your doing marvelously, I can tell that using that sword is taxing your body. I suggest you use more back than arm strength when lifting that sword." He seemed to be mellowing out, but no the less he kept his formal appearance.

Aiden had sat down, laying back onto the large tree. Shen layed next to him, his head laid on Aiden's shoulder.
" It iss quite a sight, seeing two more jade keys in your possession. After all those year with just me and Ma and now six of the keys are together." Aiden laughed at his old friend. " It's a marvelous thing isn't it?"

Honoka Redfox

Off that bloody train

The train had come to a stop, Honoka literally jumped out of her seat. She set down the flute next to her sister." I'll see you later Sis, I have to check out the stage in fairytail right now. Come find me if you need me." She grabed her luggage and bag. With each in hand she got off the train and began to make her way to the famous guild. Thoughts ran through her mind, what dog was she gonna preform. Why had she been called upon to be playing at a rivals guild celebration, well as long as she got preform.

The bags she carried became tiresome, thankfully she had left the flute with her twin so she had extra room in her pocket dimension. She let go of both, as they fell a yellow light engulfed them. She continued on her way.
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Sabrina froze up. She started shaking all over. OH NO. NOT THIS. PLEASE NOT THIS. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. A single tear dripped down her face. I MADE MY FRIENDS FIGHT. IT'S ALL MY FAULT. THEY WILL HATE ME NOW... And with that, Sabrina quickly got up and ran towards the door. "I-I'm s-s-s-s-sorry!" she cried out, tears flowing down her face like a waterfall.

@Zuka @Isune
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Although Mizuki's face remained blank throughout her statement, Alfie was able to pick up on the small bits of sincerity in her voice. Returning the smile she probably wouldn't be showing off anytime soon, the ribbon slid out of his sleeve again. "Well, I try to help out wherever I'm able. If there's nothing I can lose from it, then I see no problem in doing it. Now let's return." The ribbon swirled around the two before they entered the tunnel of thousands of giant pink Lacrima, and in a second or two, they were back on the roof of the apartment. The Sun had been setting in the distance, and night was sure to set in soon. Unless, of course, something was wrong with the orbit of Earth, but that was highly unlikely. But if night was to set soon... he only had the parade and the day after that to prepare if things were going to go how he predicted they would... "I think you should go and reunite with Alicia and Ophelia. I, however, have things to do."

Mizuki stayed still and calm as the ribbons swirled around her and Alfie. There was something about ribbons that just gave her a calming yet exciting sensation, one of the other reasons she wanted to stay around Alfie. The ribbons that encased her own body were warm and wonderful, but the thing was that over time these ribbons would wear out and eventually tear leaving an exposed and sad Dark Mage. However the longer she followed him, learned who he was friends with, where he lived, and his sleep schedule she could visit him occasionally for an exchange of ribbons. This was her new goal and she must complete it.

When the two found themselves in the normal world Mizuki was quite surprised to see that it was almost night time. She thought that in the other realm an hour would only be a minute in reality, but it seemed that wasn't true. It seemed that Alfie was somewhat eager to get rid of her, yet she wouldn't leave him that early. "Yes, I suppose that is a good idea. Thank you once again. I actually had some fun, hopefully we can do this again." She said, trying to act as if she was ready to leave.
Chris Lengheart(I'm done!)

Chris watched as Sabrina had her moment and only bared his teeth at her like a rabid animal. He then turned to Kelica as he put a finger on her chest and a slightly calmer tone escaped him. "YOU fix this. I'm going to my room and I'm going to sleep. If not, I know a certain Kelica who's gonna be moving out!" he said before doing just that. He went into his room and slammed the door behind him, the sound of the lock could be heard in the slight silence. Chris had locked the door to prevent Kelica, or anyone else for that matter, from getting into his room.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
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Talon shrugged and started playing with a fi beall, throwng it up in the air and catching it. "Oh just watching the fun and talking to you. I was hoping to join the tournament but I got here too late... So ya, what are you doing?¿?¿" He asked the high girl. @Mitchs98
Kayzo said:
Mizuki stayed still and calm as the ribbons swirled around her and Alfie. There was something about ribbons that just gave her a calming yet exciting sensation, one of the other reasons she wanted to stay around Alfie. The ribbons that encased her own body were warm and wonderful, but the thing was that over time these ribbons would wear out and eventually tear leaving an exposed and sad Dark Mage. However the longer she followed him, learned who he was friends with, where he lived, and his sleep schedule she could visit him occasionally for an exchange of ribbons. This was her new goal and she must complete it.
When the two found themselves in the normal world Mizuki was quite surprised to see that it was almost night time. She thought that in the other realm an hour would only be a minute in reality, but it seemed that wasn't true. It seemed that Alfie was somewhat eager to get rid of her, yet she wouldn't leave him that early. "Yes, I suppose that is a good idea. Thank you once again. I actually had some fun, hopefully we can do this again." She said, trying to act as if she was ready to leave.
Alfie smiled yet again at Mizuki's show of kindness. He had no idea she was even capable of such a thing... "I'm sure some sort of opportunity will open up for us to spend time together. Let's meet again tomorrow. Have a nice evening!" With that, the ribbon mage fluttered down to the sidewalks of Magnolia as though he had never jumped from a roof at all. It wasn't too long of a walk to the roof of the Guild Hall, and he didn't exactly feel like teleporting himself there. The sight of tunnels of Lacrima had started to become sickening...

After a while of walking and sifting through stands and people alike, Alfie was standing perfectly on the roof of Fairy Tail's headquarters. Taking out his near-white Heart Stone and lifting it to the sky, the mage closed his eyes as the positive energy started to get sucked into the small gem.
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Talon said:
Talon shrugged and started playing with a fi beall, throwng it up in the air and catching it. "Oh just watching the fun and talking to you. I was hoping to join the tournament but I got here too late... So ya, what are you doing?¿?¿" He asked the high girl. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra watched intently as Talon played with the fireball, entranced by the light from it. It was probably around 5 PM so the sun was actively setting. The next round of the tournament was likely about to begin to soon. Meh...she doubted anyone from Lamia Scale made it through unfortunately. Oh well. She shrugged when he asked what she was doing. What WAS she doing? Ehh....probably wasn't too important. Though she did wonder if Millie and Valken were alright. Maybe they were in some alley getting it on, or murdering something. Either or. "I dunno. Laying here. Watching you. You're a comfy pillow you know." She replied, rolling over and snuggling into his stomach. "You use fire huh? Does it taste good?" She asked.
He glanced at her and chuckled, amazed at how she was actng like this with a total stranger. "Ya its nice and spicy. are you a mage?¿?¿" He asked Ferra curiously. @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia nodded at Niur's explanation before crossing her arms and looking over at the corndog man. "Yeah. We tried the corndogs and they totally made us hallucinate. One of my friends' stomachs even started hurting. Speaking of another friend," she turned to face the outside of tent while still hanging by her cape, "I think the plan's working."
The man slammed his head against the table, seeing as how his hands were full, at the fact that the corndogs he was tasked to sell went so far as to cause people pain and hallucinations. That's it! That was the last time he got a job working at a stand at a festival! Or better yet, the last time he sold pre-made food! But then, how could one make corndogs without the help of a factory...? No, the first option sounded better. Working at places with such long lines wasn't him anyhow. Maybe with his Clover magic, he could get a job as a doctor instead...? "Well, I want you girls to know that whatever happened with the corndogs wasn't my fault. You can blame rich people for that. Go along, and thanks for letting me know there was a problem before it was too late." Gently setting Ophelia and Niur down, Sean began to trample the many, many boxes of corndogs feverishly before smashing the table before him in two.

Niur - Gone to the dogs

Niur looked at the two other girls as she stood and shrugged. "That...went better than expected I guess?" She finally said after a few moments of silence. "So...forgot to introduce myself, my name is Niur. It's nice to meet you all-la!" She said with a smile and a slight bow. "So what'r your names?" Ruin stirred slightly in her psyche, took one look at the situation and returned to her slumber, as long as it didn't involve mass chaos it doesn't interest her.

Metaphysics said:
Niur - Gone to the dogs
Niur looked at the two other girls as she stood and shrugged. "That...went better than expected I guess?" She finally said after a few moments of silence. "So...forgot to introduce myself, my name is Niur. It's nice to meet you all-la!" She said with a smile and a slight bow. "So what'r your names?" Ruin stirred slightly in her psyche, took one look at the situation and returned to her slumber, as long as it didn't involve mass chaos it doesn't interest her.
Ophelia sorted her cape out as she left the tent, the sounds of crashing from the inside not at all bothering her. "That's a really pretty name, Niur! I'm Ophelia, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, and that over there is Alicia, who, unfortunately, is in Sabertooth! Let's go tell her that she doesn't need to act anymore!" With a bit of jogging, the girl was standing over the hurting Alicia, a smile on her face. "Hey, Alicia! Everything got sorted out! Apparently, the owner of the stand didn't actualy poison the corndogs himself! They were like that when he got them! You can get up now!"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie smiled yet again at Mizuki's show of kindness. He had no idea she was even capable of such a thing... "I'm sure some sort of opportunity will open up for us to spend time together. Let's meet again tomorrow. Have a nice evening!" With that, the ribbon mage fluttered down to the sidewalks of Magnolia as though he had never jumped from a roof at all. It wasn't too long of a walk to the roof of the Guild Hall, and he didn't exactly feel like teleporting himself there. The sight of tunnels of Lacrima had started to become sickening...
After a while of walking and sifting through stands and people alike, Alfie was standing perfectly on the roof of Fairy Tail's headquarters. Taking out his near-white Heart Stone and lifting it to the sky, the mage closed his eyes as the positive energy started to get sucked into the small gem.

Mizuki rubbed her arms gently and nodded to Alfie as he said that they should meet up the next day. Of course she planned on meeting him the next day, though little did he know that they would be meeting up much sooner than that. "Yes... I look forward to meeting you. I will see you later." She said, waving slowly as the ribbon Mage began to walk away. Her dark eyes remained fixed on Alfie as he floated to the sidewalk and continued on his merry way. However Mizuki wasn't finished with him quite yet. Four shadowy arms sprung out from her back and she crawled down the side of the building like a large spider. They continued to carry her down the road as she followed Alfie all the way to the Fairy Tale guild hall. Yes, she followed him to the roof, but no she didn't make herself known. Instead she held herself up from the opposite side, only half of her head poking up. She watched silently as he continued to absorb the positive energy.
Talon said:
He glanced at her and chuckled, amazed at how she was actng like this with a total stranger. "Ya its nice and spicy. are you a mage?¿?¿" He asked Ferra curiously. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra frowned slightly to herself. Now she wanted to taste the fire. Of course, eating anything but solid magic types did nothing but have a taste and injure her..but that didn't stop her from tasting them. She stared intently at the ball of fire in his hand, almost as if daring it to move. She'd heard his question, but nice spicy fire was in front of her. Without any words she shot forward and engulfed the fire and several of Talons fingers. The fireball dissipated in a bit of smoke which she coughed up as she unlatched herself from Talons hand. "
You lied. That fire tasted like burn, wasn't spicy at all." She told him, an annoyed pout on her face. "And yesh, I'm a mage! The best mage ever! I eat things and turn them into other things!" She added excitedly and randomly, her pout replaced by an excited smile.

But..I don't got nothin' to eat. So. Meh." She told him with a defeated shrug.

Metaphysics said:
Niur - Gone to the dogs
Niur looked at the two other girls as she stood and shrugged. "That...went better than expected I guess?" She finally said after a few moments of silence. "So...forgot to introduce myself, my name is Niur. It's nice to meet you all-la!" She said with a smile and a slight bow. "So what'r your names?" Ruin stirred slightly in her psyche, took one look at the situation and returned to her slumber, as long as it didn't involve mass chaos it doesn't interest her.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia sorted her cape out as she left the tent, the sounds of crashing from the inside not at all bothering her. "That's a really pretty name, Niur! I'm Ophelia, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, and that over there is Alicia, who, unfortunately, is in Sabertooth! Let's go tell her that she doesn't need to act anymore!" With a bit of jogging, the girl was standing over the hurting Alicia, a smile on her face. "Hey, Alicia! Everything got sorted out! Apparently, the owner of the stand didn't actualy poison the corndogs himself! They were like that when he got them! You can get up now!"

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia laid on the ground in pain the entire time Ophelia and Niur were trying to convince the stand owner. Several people had tried to check on her, but none of them knew magic so they were useless. Nonetheless she fulfilled her role as distraction in full. She would comment on how she was referred to as a 'that' but eh...pain. She was bordering unconciousness when Ophelia came over saying everything worked out. A small pained smile stretched across her face at that. She was glad, no one else would be poisoned now. Even if those corndogs were possibly the best thing she tasted in ever.

That's great...I'm glad we could get that sorted out." She replied, immediately followed by a low pained whine. "Could you help me up?...Please?" She asked. "I don't think we should of eaten those last few corndogs.." She added.
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Sabrina sprinted back to her home, tears flying out everywhere. She ran into her apartment, slamming close the door. She dropped down to her knees and started thumping her fists on the ground. "I-It's...sob...all my...sob...fault..." she whispered. "W...Why...Every s-s-single...sob...time...I'm sick of all this...I'm-sob-sick...of...life..." Sabrina slowly crawled over to her kitchen and opened a drawer, revealing an entire set of razors and knifes. She slowly picked a razor up, hands shaking slightly. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered, before moving the razor to her wrist. And all goes dark.

@Zuka @Isune
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magnolia Streets
Ferra frowned slightly to herself. Now she wanted to taste the fire. Of course, eating anything but solid magic types did nothing but have a taste and injure her..but that didn't stop her from tasting them. She stared intently at the ball of fire in his hand, almost as if daring it to move. She'd heard his question, but nice spicy fire was in front of her. Without any words she shot forward and engulfed the fire and several of Talons fingers. The fireball dissipated in a bit of smoke which she coughed up as she unlatched herself from Talons hand. "
You lied. That fire tasted like burn, wasn't spicy at all." She told him, an annoyed pout on her face. "And yesh, I'm a mage! The best mage ever! I eat things and turn them into other things!" She added excitedly and randomly, her pout replaced by an excited smile.

But..I don't got nothin' to eat. So. Meh." She told him with a defeated shrug.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia laid on the ground in pain the entire time Ophelia and Niur were trying to convince the stand owner. Several people had tried to check on her, but none of them knew magic so they were useless. Nonetheless she fulfilled her role as distraction in full. She would comment on how she was referred to as a 'that' but eh...pain. She was bordering unconciousness when Ophelia came over saying everything worked out. A small pained smile stretched across her face at that. She was glad, no one else would be poisoned now. Even if those corndogs were possibly the best thing she tasted in ever.

That's great...I'm glad we could get that sorted out." She replied, immediately followed by a low pained whine. "Could you help me up?...Please?" She asked. "I don't think we should of eaten those last few corndogs.." She added.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia sorted her cape out as she left the tent, the sounds of crashing from the inside not at all bothering her. "That's a really pretty name, Niur! I'm Ophelia, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, and that over there is Alicia, who, unfortunately, is in Sabertooth! Let's go tell her that she doesn't need to act anymore!" With a bit of jogging, the girl was standing over the hurting Alicia, a smile on her face. "Hey, Alicia! Everything got sorted out! Apparently, the owner of the stand didn't actualy poison the corndogs himself! They were like that when he got them! You can get up now!"

Niur - Here's a gift

"Oh...it's nice to meet you." She said as Ruin suddenly stirred. Fairy Tail? The guild that attacked Raa? Ruin woke up fully to watch the scene and became ready to pop out in case she needed to. They reached the other girl and she hummed for a bit. "I got this-la!" She said as she made a Gift of Life in her hand and smashed it on the ground. With a colorful flash of light and loud bell chime anyone in the area was healed by her.
Talon tried to stop he but she had already eaten the fire ball along with his fingers. "What the, what are you doing!¡!¡" When she complained about the fire not tasting spicy his head almost exploded. "Of couse it didnt taste spicy!¡!¡ Your not a fire mage, and even if you were your stomach probably couldnt even take it. The only people I know of that can eat fire, are me and The great dragon slayer Natsu. Ive never met anyone else who could eat fire." He was completely bewildered. Who in their right mnd would be able to eat fire?¿?¿ "Crazy high girl..." He thought to himself. @Mitchs98
Kayzo said:
Mizuki rubbed her arms gently and nodded to Alfie as he said that they should meet up the next day. Of course she planned on meeting him the next day, though little did he know that they would be meeting up much sooner than that. "Yes... I look forward to meeting you. I will see you later." She said, waving slowly as the ribbon Mage began to walk away. Her dark eyes remained fixed on Alfie as he floated to the sidewalk and continued on his merry way. However Mizuki wasn't finished with him quite yet. Four shadowy arms sprung out from her back and she crawled down the side of the building like a large spider. They continued to carry her down the road as she followed Alfie all the way to the Fairy Tale guild hall. Yes, she followed him to the roof, but no she didn't make herself known. Instead she held herself up from the opposite side, only half of her head poking up. She watched silently as he continued to absorb the positive energy.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magnolia Streets
Ferra frowned slightly to herself. Now she wanted to taste the fire. Of course, eating anything but solid magic types did nothing but have a taste and injure her..but that didn't stop her from tasting them. She stared intently at the ball of fire in his hand, almost as if daring it to move. She'd heard his question, but nice spicy fire was in front of her. Without any words she shot forward and engulfed the fire and several of Talons fingers. The fireball dissipated in a bit of smoke which she coughed up as she unlatched herself from Talons hand. "
You lied. That fire tasted like burn, wasn't spicy at all." She told him, an annoyed pout on her face. "And yesh, I'm a mage! The best mage ever! I eat things and turn them into other things!" She added excitedly and randomly, her pout replaced by an excited smile.

But..I don't got nothin' to eat. So. Meh." She told him with a defeated shrug.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia laid on the ground in pain the entire time Ophelia and Niur were trying to convince the stand owner. Several people had tried to check on her, but none of them knew magic so they were useless. Nonetheless she fulfilled her role as distraction in full. She would comment on how she was referred to as a 'that' but eh...pain. She was bordering unconciousness when Ophelia came over saying everything worked out. A small pained smile stretched across her face at that. She was glad, no one else would be poisoned now. Even if those corndogs were possibly the best thing she tasted in ever.

That's great...I'm glad we could get that sorted out." She replied, immediately followed by a low pained whine. "Could you help me up?...Please?" She asked. "I don't think we should of eaten those last few corndogs.." She added.
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Here's a gift
"Oh...it's nice to meet you." She said as Ruin suddenly stirred. Fairy Tail? The guild that attacked Raa? Ruin woke up fully to watch the scene and became ready to pop out in case she needed to. They reached the other girl and she hummed for a bit. "I got this-la!" She said as she made a Gift of Life in her hand and smashed it on the ground. With a colorful flash of light and loud bell chime anyone in the area was healed by her.
Alfie's gem bathed in the positive energy that hung in the air. Every last bit of it was enjoyable, even through the small specks of disappointment from those who decided not to partake in the fun. Everything was normal, just as he thought it would be. Until, of course, there was a large gap blocking the positive energy in the part of the city behind him, its shadow completely rendering whatever joy there was in that spot useless. Obsession? Passion? What was it, and why was it there...? The ritual stopped, and as soon as Alfie turned his head back, the Heart Stone was aimed in that direction, shining with a normal, pink light. "Who's there? Show yourself or I'll rip you apart where you stand!"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

With a nervous chuckle, Ophelia bent over to pick Alicia up from the stony sand-colored road, but not before waiting for the light of Niur's gift to die down.
"Yeah, I'm real sorry for having you do that. I guess some people are just less resistant to magical food poisoning than others... So where do we go to have fun next? Mizuki's probably up on the roof of that apartment, waiting for us. I don't think we should make her angry..."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie's gem bathed in the positive energy that hung in the air. Every last bit of it was enjoyable, even through the small specks of disappointment from those who decided not to partake in the fun. Everything was normal, just as he thought it would be. Until, of course, there was a large gap blocking the positive energy in the part of the city behind him, its shadow completely rendering whatever joy there was in that spot useless. Obsession? Passion? What was it, and why was it there...? The ritual stopped, and as soon as Alfie turned his head back, the Heart Stone was aimed in that direction, shining with a normal, pink light. "Who's there? Show yourself or I'll rip you apart where you stand!"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

With a nervous chuckle, Ophelia bent over to pick Alicia up from the stony sand-colored road, but not before waiting for the light of Niur's gift to die down. "Yeah, I'm real sorry for having you do that. I guess some people are just less resistant to magical food poisoning than others... So where do we go to have fun next? Mizuki's probably up on the roof of that apartment, waiting for us. I don't think we should make her angry..."

It seemed that Mizuki was unable to hide from Alfie for long as he suddenly broke away from whatever he was doing and was threatening her again. She didn't move a muscle and continued to stare directly at him. She didn't really care if she was caught, but the dark Mage would rather go undetected. Suddenly the pink glow from his crystal shined on her general direction and outlined her dark figure, lighting up her pale skin. Sighing softly her arms slowly lowered slightly until her head disappeared.
Kayzo said:
It seemed that Mizuki was unable to hide from Alfie for long as he suddenly broke away from whatever he was doing and was threatening her again. She didn't move a muscle and continued to stare directly at him. She didn't really care if she was caught, but the dark Mage would rather go undetected. Suddenly the pink glow from his crystal shined on her general direction and outlined her dark figure, lighting up her pale skin. Sighing softly her arms slowly lowered slightly until her head disappeared.
Alfie tilted his head at what he saw... It couldn't be Mizuki, could it? No, of course not. Mizuki wasn't capable of putting out such powerful waves of obsession or anything relating to it... Well, maybe for Alicia, who she thought rather highly of, but not for him. "Could you please come out...? If I get confirmation as to what you are, I won't have to crush both you and your soul with a giant gear. If you want my honest opinion, it's not a very honorable way to die..."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie tilted his head at what he saw... It couldn't be Mizuki, could it? No, of course not. Mizuki wasn't capable of putting out such powerful waves of obsession or anything relating to it... Well, maybe for Alicia, who she thought rather highly of, but not for him. "Could you please come out...? If I get confirmation as to what you are, I won't have to crush both you and your soul with a giant gear. If you want my honest opinion, it's not a very honorable way to die..."


Mizuki had been found out and there was nothing she could do about it except face the consequences. Yes she could've continued to hide away, but having her body and soul crushed would prevent her from getting ribbons, and would make Alicia quite upset. Neither of those would good in the slightest. Taking in a deep breath Mizuki slowly raised her full body up, her feet finally touching the ground. Her usual hardened expression was a bit softened, but still cautious and threatening. "It was only me. No need to crush my soul into dust..."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki had been found out and there was nothing she could do about it except face the consequences. Yes she could've continued to hide away, but having her body and soul crushed would prevent her from getting ribbons, and would make Alicia quite upset. Neither of those would good in the slightest. Taking in a deep breath Mizuki slowly raised her full body up, her feet finally touching the ground. Her usual hardened expression was a bit softened, but still cautious and threatening. "It was only me. No need to crush my soul into dust..."
Alfie was clearly stunned that Mizuki had been spying on him this whole time... well, whole time wasn't exactly long in this sense, but still. The stalker was being stalked? She probably would have been able to get away with it too, had it not been for that void her emotions made... "But I thought you were going to check up on Alicia and Ophelia?" The gem was dropped quickly into his pocket before he stood up from the random block of stone he had previously been sitting on. "Is there something you need from me? Did I do something wrong?"
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Here's a gift
"Oh...it's nice to meet you." She said as Ruin suddenly stirred. Fairy Tail? The guild that attacked Raa? Ruin woke up fully to watch the scene and became ready to pop out in case she needed to. They reached the other girl and she hummed for a bit. "I got this-la!" She said as she made a Gift of Life in her hand and smashed it on the ground. With a colorful flash of light and loud bell chime anyone in the area was healed by her.
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra frowned sadly when he started shouting at her and treating her like she was dumb. Okay..maybe she was a little dumb. But still, she didn't need or want him to say it. "
I've eaten lots of things! Maybe not fire..or other elements. But lots of things! Like metal, wood, steel, glass...lots of things!" She told him. "It just kinda hurt..but it still didn't taste spicy so there! Your fire tastes bad!" She added rolling to face away from him while crossing her arms. She was still using him as a pillow, however. Mostly because she didn't trust herself to not faceplant into the cobblestone below them.

Tournament Semi-Finals

@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari

Some time had passed, roughly an hour and a half, after Tanari and Adrian's match ended. Just enough time to give Tanari time to rest and the officials to set up the final two arenas, one significantly larger than the other to house the final match. After this Semi-Final match between Tanari and Masaki to figure out who moved on to the Finals the finals would immediately commence. Both contestants were tracked down and hailed for, no matter what location they currently held in the city.
Talon had no idea what to do. "Uhh im sorry its just you kinda caught me by surprise. I didnt mean to yell..." He noticed a few people staring at them and made a face, causing them to continue on their way. "Umm do you want to do something or... something?¿?¿" He asked trying to lighten the mood. He wiped some of her saliva off of his fingers onto his pants. @Mitchs98

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