Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Metaphysics said:
Niur - Short-scythe-ed
"The scythes? Why? They were given to me in case I needed to defend myself..." She looked at the scythes. "They were given to me by my companion in case that I get in trouble." She looked back to Ophelia. "What's wrong with having something to defend myself with? And for that matter, what's wrong with having friends who care for me?" She hugged the scythes tightly. "Him giving these to me means that he trusts me to enough to keep myself safe..." She paused. "And she's right, I just want to be friends..."

She clutched the weapons tightly. "And if you can't accept that...then...then..." She said. "I don't think we can be friends."
Ferra: Ramen Stand > Magnolia Streets

Ferra? Conceed to an eating contest? HAH! "Of course I'm ready!" She told him, eating one of the ramen bowls for emphasis before placing the money down for her ramen and the bowl. "Let's go! It's close by!" She declared as she hopped from her seat and started walking off in the direction of the bun stand. She fully intend to win this eating contest, if she didn't she'd never live it down. Who was she if not someone who could eat the most of everything?
Talon hopped up and fished some cash out of his pocket and smacked it down on the counter. He thanked the stand guy and then followed Ferra. Man this girl could eat!¡!¡ Most people wouldnt hve been even able to eat 56 different kinds of Ramen. He grinned as they approached the bun stand. "Hmm 43 different types of buns, sonds delicious!¡!¡" @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Mizuki seemed upset with him... not surprising, knowing the fact that she was upset with the world, but she was openly showing it now. Was he just that irritating? Were his efforts in making friends all for nothing...? "Believe me, I've hear much dumber than that before," he spoke with a convincing, small laugh. Upon noticing Mizuki didn't know whether she like A or Z better, Alfie mentally slapped himself. Of course, the A had something to do with it, but now that she almost seemed to hate him, the ribbon mage could no longer use himself as evidence. It was just Alicia and Ophelia now. Wait, but Ophelia's name began with an O! That wasn't included in Mizuki's short list of favorite letters! No, she was hiding something, and he would get to the bottom of it if it took him an eternity! ...After he had finished collecting today's quota of positive energy.

"I see," he said in a calm tone, keeping his signature smile on his face. "Thank you. Have a nice day!"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

With a roll of her eyes and a slight sigh, Ophelia pulled the cutlass from the stony road and sheathed it back at her side, gesturing for Niur to come along.
"Fine... but make one wrong move and I'll drown you and then your friend..." Maybe she had been acting a bit of a fool by getting into such a petty argument over who was friends with who. As long as she didn't come anywhere near Niur's partner, things couldn't hurt, could they...?

Mizuki still couldn't quite understand why on earth he was asking what her favorite letter was. Did he plan to use it against her in later down the road? Perhaps he could use it to destroy her relationships with her guild mates. Surely he wouldn't do such a thing to her, but the Dark Mage couldn't let her guard down. In fact she would just have to keep a closer eye on him. It seemed that Alfie was done with her for now, though she wasn't done with him. Nodding her head she began to slowly walk back, her shadowy arms sprouting from her back. "Yes, I shall see you later." She said before dropping off the edge of the roof, her eyes still peering at him like before.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki still couldn't quite understand why on earth he was asking what her favorite letter was. Did he plan to use it against her in later down the road? Perhaps he could use it to destroy her relationships with her guild mates. Surely he wouldn't do such a thing to her, but the Dark Mage couldn't let her guard down. In fact she would just have to keep a closer eye on him. It seemed that Alfie was done with her for now, though she wasn't done with him. Nodding her head she began to slowly walk back, her shadowy arms sprouting from her back. "Yes, I shall see you later." She said before dropping off the edge of the roof, her eyes still peering at him like before.
Alfie gave yet another bow, not stopping to think it was getting a bit excessive. When Mizuki had dropped off of the roof, the ribbon mage took his Heart Stone back out from his vest, only to find that the small white glow it had been emitting was telling him he didn't need any more for today. "I suppose I can rest now," Alfie sighed before jumping off of the roof himself and walking through the streets of Magnolia... and then some.


Despite being more than five miles in distance between his current location and what was considered the end of the town, it only took Alfie a minute or two to travel said distance at what seemed to be a snail's pace... And if Mizuki had somehow managed to keep up with him that whole time, she'd find that he suddenly started dipping into the ground with each step, his body being sucked up by the grass until there was nothing left of him. It seemed impossible, but maybe if she had tried it herself...
PeteTSs said:

Sabrina felt like she was floating in some sort of viscus liquid. Everything was dark. That is, until something glowing bright green sped towards her through the murky atmosphere. As it got closer, Sabrina managed to get a better viewing of the object. I was, to her surprise, a hand. It bolted towards her, speed increasing as it got closer and closer. It whizzed by Sabrina, grabbing her arm and forcibly dragging her up and out of the murky sea, and into the clear, calming star-fill night sky.

Sabrina slowly opened her eyes. Her head was in a daze. She groaned. Her whole body ached. She turned her head around and noticed Kelica laying next to her "K-Kelica...What are you-" then she remembered. She started hyperventilating, her eyes widening. "W-Why did you do this..." she cried out weakly. "Why...didn't you just let me go...I m-m-messed up you and C-C-Chris' relationship...I don't deserve your friendship..." Tears were streaming down her already wet face once more, as she looked up at the ceiling and wept.


Kelica had drained every last reserve of her magic energy just as Chris had done, her head swirling and her limbs so heavy she couldn't even lift a single finger. Luckily she had landed on her side, facing Sabrina so she could talk, her hair dripping infront of her face like a curtain, though strands were pulled back to expose her soft face. It was soft, and loving, like a mother looking fondly on a child. Kelica almost always had this expression unless Chris was being silly.

"Oh Sabrina..." She said in a soft, comforting tone. "You know so little of relationships...There was confusion and anger, but Chris and I are fine. You think some little squabble will end what we have? We love, we fight, we mend. That's what people in love do. They have good days and bad days...but they stay together through thick and thin. A couple who never squabbles is one living in denial, where all the problems are under the surface. One day they will all come out and the link will be broken. Chris and I have only ever been truthful since we started, if we are happy we are happy...if we are upset, we show it. Show it, acknowledge it, and repair it in the now. Nothing was your fault Sabrina.." Here her eyes started to burn as she held back tears.

"Nothing is ever too far gone it can not be healed, or repaired, or fixed. Please Sabrina you have to believe me on this...There is nothing that makes you useless, or without purpose. We are friends, and frankly I am not planning on giving that up till the end of days. I see you as close a friend as a sister. So...please....don't ever do this again. Talk to us about it...we will always be listening. Just talking about things can surprise you, some things you thought were the end of the world really are not."

Here Kelica took a deep breath and the tears now slid down her cheeks in a happy manner. "Promise me, you'll keep living. There is nothing that can't be healed in time. Don't forget we will always be here for you..."

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Chris Lengheart(Tired...must...nap)

When it was time for Chris to respond, only the sound of snoring could be heard as the werecat laid flat on the ground. A occasional cough would fall out from the beast, but that was only natural as he had ran at least 90 to 100 miles per hour. Poor Chris needed some rest, and trying to wake a werecat isn't exactly the best idea. Chris' ears were flat against his head as his tail remained completely stationary.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Behind Milkshake Shop

Valken grinned into the kiss as she leaned more heavily into her frame. He allowed her the kiss for a good portion of time before he pulled his head back, grin still plastered there. "Alright you Missy, let's go someone abit more, you know, not death inducing." Here he slipped his fingers into her own and had already turned, leading them away in a jungle of back streets twists and turns of alleyways and dumpster pits. Even if the pathways seemed confusing, Valken navigated them as if it was second nature. It didn't take long before he appeared once more in the crowds flooding the streets and here he drew her close in much the same manner as he had with Grace in Crocus. He weaved with ease, side stepping easily judging the flow before his pace slowed down and he finally found the time to let go of her fingers and loop an arm around her shoulders. His thoughts darkened though as something plagued his mind. "Millie...in the milkshake shop...were you alone? Where the hell was Lysander and that blue haired girl? Or Maya? Don't tell me they all left you..." While he didn't much care what Maya or Sora had done, he was getting increasingly irritated at Lysander. He had specifically told him to keep an eye on her. His blood was starting to boil and an angry scowl crossed his face. If Millie confirmed this, he would hunt that man and give him a stern talking over. Maybe even with his fist if he felt so inclined. It also dawned on him that he needed to let Maya know of just how dangerous it was to leave members behind, so when and if he caught up with her he would also let her know. While keeping them in the dark was a good way to stop panic, it also allowed them to grossily underestimate the situation at hand. Valken was only one man trying to keep tabs on the entire of Lamia Scale Guild in Lloyd's absence. At least with Maya's help he didn't have to be everywhere at once.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Millie gently squeezed Valken's hand and nodded as he suggested going somewhere more safe and warm. After the whole shadow traveling thing she was really ready to relax. Plus the sun was setting and the light was fading, and she really wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend due to the little time she got to see Valken today (I don't know, that sentence seemed weird). "Alright Valken, led the way." She said with a smile, swiftly moving to his side. As the two walked through the crowded and tight streets of Magnolia Millie stayed right beside him. She was quite surprised at the amount of people outside despite the hour and wondered where everyone was going? Maybe to the fight tournament or a shop or something. Who knows?

When Valken's hand broke away from hers Millie frowned for a few moments before his strong arm was wrapped around her shoulders, causing the blonde girl to lean into his side. Her head fell softly against his shoulder as they moved. However she turned it slightly when asked why she was alone. It was a sudden question that Millie didn't know the answer to herself, but she's try her best to explain the situation.
"I don't know. I went to the bathroom and when I returned they were gone. I'm not mad or anything though..."
Kayzo said:
Millie gently squeezed Valken's hand and nodded as he suggested going somewhere more safe and warm. After the whole shadow traveling thing she was really ready to relax. Plus the sun was setting and the light was fading, and she really wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend due to the little time she got to see Valken today (I don't know, that sentence seemed weird). "Alright Valken, led the way." She said with a smile, swiftly moving to his side. As the two walked through the crowded and tight streets of Magnolia Millie stayed right beside him. She was quite surprised at the amount of people outside despite the hour and wondered where everyone was going? Maybe to the fight tournament or a shop or something. Who knows?
When Valken's hand broke away from hers Millie frowned for a few moments before his strong arm was wrapped around her shoulders, causing the blonde girl to lean into his side. Her head fell softly against his shoulder as they moved. However she turned it slightly when asked why she was alone. It was a sudden question that Millie didn't know the answer to herself, but she's try her best to explain the situation.
"I don't know. I went to the bathroom and when I returned they were gone. I'm not mad or anything though..."
Valken Truss - Streets of Magnolia

Valken felt her lean into his side as well as his eyes peering with a side long glance. He thought he would never get sick of that feeling of her warm body so close, so comforting. She really was precious and Valken would see to it that she would never be hurt again. Well not intentionally at least. There was still things he himself was learning about this whole 'dating' thing. He heard her response on how she left for a moment to come back to emptiness and his grip tightened on her shoulder. When he found Lysander....

He let go of the grip before turning his head towards her. "I told Lysander to stay by your side... but..." Here he steeled himself from the rage that was building, trying to convince himself as much as her with his next words. "That was then and this is now...we never got to have that milkshake did we?" Here he put his spare hand on his chin in thought. "I have an idea..." His face lighting up with a cheeky grin. He came before a stall, turning to face her with both hands on her biceps. "Wait just one moment, A'ight?" With that he disappeared into the crowds, he visited at least two stalls and a building in a less then a minute. Exchanging coins, using his powers of master intel and charisma in a slightly different way then he had ever used previously. In a flash he was back, though his arm was pressed behind him as if hiding something from her. "Alright Darlin...close your eyes..."

Once they were shut tight, he brought his arm forward and forced a huge bunch of red roses and baby's breath flowers into her palm, and a oddly warm smile crossing his face when her eyes did open.. "Surprise Babe! And I hope you're hungry...I may have organised something else..." Or 10 he thought silently. He could be over exuberate if he put his mind to it.


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Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Streets of Magnolia
Valken felt her lean into his side as well as his eyes peering with a side long glance. He thought he would never get sick of that feeling of her warm body so close, so comforting. She really was precious and Valken would see to it that she would never be hurt again. Well not intentionally at least. There was still things he himself was learning about this whole 'dating' thing. He heard her response on how she left for a moment to come back to emptiness and his grip tightened on her shoulder. When he found Lysander....

He let go of the grip before turning his head towards her. "I told Lysander to stay by your side... but..." Here he steeled himself from the rage that was building, trying to convince himself as much as her with his next words. "That was then and this is now...we never got to have that milkshake did we?" Here he put his spare hand on his chin in thought. "I have an idea..." His face lighting up with a cheeky grin. He came before a stall, turning to face her with both hands on her biceps. "Wait just one moment, A'ight?" With that he disappeared into the crowds, he visited at least two stalls and a building in a less then a minute. Exchanging coins, using his powers of master intel and charisma in a slightly different way then he had ever used previously. In a flash he was back, though his arm was pressed behind him as if hiding something from her. "Alright Darlin...close your eyes..."

Once they were shut tight, he brought his arm forward and forced a huge bunch of red roses and baby's breath flowers into her palm, and a oddly warm smile crossing his face when her eyes did open.. "Surprise Babe! And I hope you're hungry...I may have organised something else..." Or 10 he thought silently. He could be over exuberate if he put his mind to it.


Millie smiled softly as Valken tightly gripped her shoulder. His firm grip gave her a reassuring feeling and her arms wrapped around his waist. It seemed that he was still angry about Lysander leaving her all alone, even though she forgave him. "Don't worry Valken, he didn't do anything wrong." She said, kissing his cheek and giggling softly. When she was told to close her eyes, Millie did just that and awaited anxiously. She had no idea what he had in store for her, but she knew it was going to be good. She remained still for a few moments until she felt the flowers enter her hand, Valken's deep voice filling her ears. Her eyes shot open and a small gasp escaping her mouth. "Valken, these are my favorite! Thank you." She said, throwing her arms around him and kissing his face multiple times.
Mitchs98 said:
Tournament Semi-Finals

@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari

Some time had passed, roughly an hour and a half, after Tanari and Adrian's match ended. Just enough time to give Tanari time to rest and the officials to set up the final two arenas, one significantly larger than the other to house the final match. After this Semi-Final match between Tanari and Masaki to figure out who moved on to the Finals the finals would immediately commence. Both contestants were tracked down and hailed for, no matter what location they currently held in the city.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 2

Her world came back into focus as she slowly regained consciousness. She brought her arm up to lay over her forehead as she stared up at the roof above her. The last thing she remembered was delivering a blow to her opponent, although she couldn't shake the feeling that she came out the victor in her match. She inhaled deeply and held it for a bit before letting out a long sigh and pushing herself up to a sitting position. All the fighting was catching up with her and she noted with a wince as even the healing magic was starting to lose it's effectiveness.

Her feeling from before was proven right as officials came in to fetch her for her next match. She stared at them blankly for a brief moment, taking the time to stretch her tired muscles before hopping out of the bed she was sitting on. "Two more wins, that's all I need." She began to psych herself up for the upcoming match. Given how tough the last two had been she fully expected her opponent to be strong, if he wasn't he wouldn't have gotten this far. As tired as she was the prospect of fighting yet another tough opponent brought a grin to her face as she took her first steps into the arena.

Upon entering she gave her opponent a lingering once-over as he entered. Her grin fell as she looked back at the officials that led her to the fight. While she had fully intended it was nothing more than a taunt she really was beginning to suspect some conspiracy at work. Well no matter, it wasn't as if she objected to rough housing with a never-ending parade of cute boys anyways. That grin quickly found it's way back to her lips as she rested a hand on her hips, turning her full attention to her opponent. "And another cute boy takes the stage. You look even younger and cuter than my last two opponents. Don't worry though, I'll be gentle."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia frowned sadly at what Niur said. All she really wanted to do was be friends and Ophelia was being mean to her for some reason. She didn't really understand it, and hoped she could convince Ophelia to let her come with her. She was genuinely shocked when Ophelia threatened to drown Niur. Would she really do that...? It kind of made her worry for her own safety, really. She'd be sure to be extremely careful and not make Ophelia mad, she hadn't pictured her as that kind of person but she guessed she wasn't a good judge of character. "
Y..yeah. Come on guys, lets go find Mizuki." She told her, pulling Niur along gently.

Ferra: Ramen Stand > Magnolia Streets

Ferra? Conceed to an eating contest? HAH! "Of course I'm ready!" She told him, eating one of the ramen bowls for emphasis before placing the money down for her ramen and the bowl. "Let's go! It's close by!" She declared as she hopped from her seat and started walking off in the direction of the bun stand. She fully intend to win this eating contest, if she didn't she'd never live it down. Who was she if not someone who could eat the most of everything?
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Mizuki seemed upset with him... not surprising, knowing the fact that she was upset with the world, but she was openly showing it now. Was he just that irritating? Were his efforts in making friends all for nothing...? "Believe me, I've hear much dumber than that before," he spoke with a convincing, small laugh. Upon noticing Mizuki didn't know whether she like A or Z better, Alfie mentally slapped himself. Of course, the A had something to do with it, but now that she almost seemed to hate him, the ribbon mage could no longer use himself as evidence. It was just Alicia and Ophelia now. Wait, but Ophelia's name began with an O! That wasn't included in Mizuki's short list of favorite letters! No, she was hiding something, and he would get to the bottom of it if it took him an eternity! ...After he had finished collecting today's quota of positive energy.

"I see," he said in a calm tone, keeping his signature smile on his face. "Thank you. Have a nice day!"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

With a roll of her eyes and a slight sigh, Ophelia pulled the cutlass from the stony road and sheathed it back at her side, gesturing for Niur to come along.
"Fine... but make one wrong move and I'll drown you and then your friend..." Maybe she had been acting a bit of a fool by getting into such a petty argument over who was friends with who. As long as she didn't come anywhere near Niur's partner, things couldn't hurt, could they...?

Niur - Oh thank God. Raa - Eating unpopped popcorn

Niur sighed in relief before putting the scythes on her back. "Oh thank goodness..." She finally cheered up enough to be able to smile slightly. "And don't worry, chances are we're more scared of you than you think. Onwards to meeting new friends!" She called out as she let Alicia pull her along. Ruin settled down in her psyche but was juggling a few Reverse Gifts. The mad bomber wasn't needed just yet.

Mean while Raa was still eating unpopped popcorn from his seat in the stands. One of the many reasons that he watched tournaments was to be inspired...imitate...rip off the moves and weapons of others and add it to his maneuvers.
Kayzo said:
Millie smiled softly as Valken tightly gripped her shoulder. His firm grip gave her a reassuring feeling and her arms wrapped around his waist. It seemed that he was still angry about Lysander leaving her all alone, even though she forgave him. "Don't worry Valken, he didn't do anything wrong." She said, kissing his cheek and giggling softly. When she was told to close her eyes, Millie did just that and awaited anxiously. She had no idea what he had in store for her, but she knew it was going to be good. She remained still for a few moments until she felt the flowers enter her hand, Valken's deep voice filling her ears. Her eyes shot open and a small gasp escaping her mouth. "Valken, these are my favorite! Thank you." She said, throwing her arms around him and kissing his face multiple times.
Valken Truss - Number one Boyfriend God

Valken watched Millie face with a sudden crazy intensity. Would the flowers work? Is that what boyfriend's did? He should have been following around and gathering Intel on this dating thing long before now but the moment was since past. The lady at the store assured her Millie would like these ones.... he took a huge breath out having just realised he was holding it, and grinned harder as she threw her arms around his neck, kissing his face like a puppy. Here he chuckled.

"Of course it's your favourite! That's exactly why I picked them." He lied, but dripping his voice with all the charisma he had at his disposal. Smooth. He looped his arm within her own then and started leading her to the orginal building he had set eyes on.

"That's not all Babe..." As he approached the entrance to a rather expensice and swanky restraunt his dark eyes fell on the serving man waiting at the door. Valken didn't say a word only lifting a hand to click a finger. The short man straightened.

"M..mmmr Truss? Your reservation? Right this way!" The man was already off in a fluster. Valken looked to Millie on his hip with a grin as he opened an arm wide and allowed her to follow first behind the short man. Here the attendant scuttled to a set of stairs bared by a red rope, to which he hastly unhooked and lead them up a curling staircase.

Once at the top, there was a open veranda with a single dining table and two chairs, the whole level empty save for the three who just arrived. The man rushed over to light some candles, took a hurried bow and disappeared down the stairs. Here Valken led her to the table sliding a chair out for her to sit down if she wished. The view from the table was breathtaking, looking down to the crowds below, you could see each stadium dotted through-out town and The Fairytail Guild Hall far away.

After she was seated he sat across from her and even now the small man was hurrying back with entree's for them both. It really begged the question just how much it had cost Valken to rent the entire upper level of the restraunt, and it looked like he had pre-ordered all the meals and drinks as well. It was mind boggling what he was capable of in a short amount of time.

Here Valken smiled, not his normal cheeky grin, but a heart-felt smile like a happy little boy once more. Because that's what she made him feel. He didn't have to put on an intimidating or goofy facade.

"Do you like it?" He said in a soft but deep voice, watching all the emotions run over her face.
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Mikael La Viere

Location: Magnolia Streets > Cafe


"Okay, let's just do this. On my way to the arena yesterday, I came across this cafe that serves cake and other pastries. It's just near there. If I am not mistaken the cafe was cold the Sweet Corner. Sera and I will just go there ahead of you and you can just follow us after you changed into something neat." Mika said to Lavender. "Oh, and don't worry about the bite, it won't leave a mark. A vampires saliva is good enough to regenerate a wound that small. " he said smiling.

Mika then turned to Sera with excitement on his eyes. "Will that be okay for you Sera? If it is, we shall keep going cause there's tons of things you are going to tell me." he said with his smile full of enthusiasm and anticipation.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

(Sorry for the suuuuuper late reply, I haven't received even a single notif -_- )

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Magnolia Streets > Cafe


"Okay, let's just do this. On my way to the arena yesterday, I came across this cafe that serves cake and other pastries. It's just near there. If I am not mistaken the cafe was cold the Sweet Corner. Sera and I will just go there ahead of you and you can just follow us after you changed into something neat." Mika said to Lavender. "Oh, and don't worry about the bite, it won't leave a mark. A vampires saliva is good enough to regenerate a wound that small. " he said smiling.

Mika then turned to Sera with excitement on his eyes. "Will that be okay for you Sera? If it is, we shall keep going cause there's tons of things you are going to tell me." he said with his smile full of enthusiasm and anticipation.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

(Sorry for the suuuuuper late reply, I haven't received even a single notif -_- )

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)


Sera: Magnolia Streets > Cafe

Sera listened to Mika's plan on how to do everything. It seemed fair, plus she knew where the Cafe was and it wasn't too far from here from her own personal experience. Infact she'd been to the Cafe itself more than once, honestly she liked the place he'd decided on going to. Even before he'd turned to ask her she'd already agreed to the plan to herself. So she of course instantly nodded, "Sounds good to me! You got a lot to tell me too." She replied. She felt like they might of been a bit rude not waiting on Lavender, she knew it was a bit selfish..but Lavender has always been there. Finding Mika was a one in a million chance, she wasn't about to let the chance to talk to him pass by.

Maybe if she was lucky she could convince him to stay in Magnolia for a while. Her house had a spare bedroom after all, if he needed somewhere to stay. Even better he might be able to convince Ophelia to let him join Fairy Tail. She was genuinely excited at that idea..although she didn't want to force him. Sighing inwardly she supposed she'd just have to see if he wanted to, she wouldn't force him to stay no matter how much she wanted to. "
Try not to take to long, okay Lavender? I don't know about Mika but I'd like if you were there for part of our conversation to. I owe it to everyone to tell them part of my past...I decided that recently. I'd like to start with you, I feel I can trust you well enough." She told her.

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald looked around the streets of Magnolia, maneuvering around people who were walking in the opposite direction. This was his first time visiting the city that was host to the infamous Fairy Tail Guild, and he seemed to have stumbled into the middle of a festival of sorts. Not that he was upset by the celebration, of course. He was glad to have arrived when there was so much activity, as he hated it when things were quiet and dull. His heart was racing from excitement, after having spent the last few weeks in his own isolation to focus on his training. Maybe he would be able to find a good fight while he was in the area.

To be honest, he was mainly here to find a mage of Fairy Tail to fight. He knew they had exceptional fighters, and they would be a good way for him to practice and learn. He knew of the stories of the Salamander, Natsu Dragneel, so he had high hopes for whoever he ran into. If any mage were half as good as the previous Dragon Slayer, and Donald found them and could spar with them, he would be happy if he won or lost. Even though he disliked Dragon Slayers, he knew it was wrong to deny someone was strong.

He flexed his hand under the dusty cloak he wore on his shoulders, sparks dancing from the ends of his fingertips. A few sparks danced in his hair as well, jumping off and giving some people slight jolts, and they turned to the strange tall man, giving him a strange look. Realizing what he was doing, he stopped the channeling of his magic. He laughed nervously. "
Sorry 'bout that, folks! I get a little caught up in my thoughts sometimes. My bad!" He continued down the street a little faster than before, keeping his eyes peeled for a Guild Mark of any variety.

Lavender Gray

She had turned back towards Mika and Sera, smiling at Mika's words about her would "Thankfully it will not leave a scar. I have a big dislike to scars. Thank you for informing me with this knowledge." then her eyes moved towards Sera "I shall not be too long. Do not worry." with a gentle smile, she turned her back to Mika and Sera as she now walked off to her home. The walk hadnt been long so she was able to walk into her house, take off her armor, take a shower and clean up the wound with ease. Thankfully this didnt take too long though, washing a bit of her armor had took some time. Luckily, she only did the smaller pieces. The larger pieces would have to wait.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/dresses.png.184ab26c64a5d4cf11a8af9db8806110.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/dresses.png.184ab26c64a5d4cf11a8af9db8806110.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(She's wearing the first dress with the beads)

Lavender had changed into a purple and blue dress. It was more mideval-like in the way it had been styled. Luckily, the corset was just for show and didnt even come close to squeezing her torso to become smaller. It was just...there to make the dress look nice! Looking in the mirror, Lavender had looked far more better than she had before. The bite from Mika had been covered by her hair so there was no worries there. Her hair looked less messy and more presentable even though it had been down and not up. "That, is more presentable." Lavender said as she looked at her dress in the mirror as well as her hair before getting her flat shoes and slipping them on.

The warrior wizard then stepped out of her house, locked the door and headed to the cafe where Mika had said he found it. Near the Arena? Lavender had known exacly where it had been. A good amount of time had passed since she had returned home. about maybe 30-35 minutes had gone by and by the time she would get there, possibly 40 minutes would have passed. Almost an hour!

@rbshinichi @Mitchs98 i'll be on the sidelines a little bit so sera and mika can talk a bit :)



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Talon said:
Talon hopped up and fished some cash out of his pocket and smacked it down on the counter. He thanked the stand guy and then followed Ferra. Man this girl could eat!¡!¡ Most people wouldnt hve been even able to eat 56 different kinds of Ramen. He grinned as they approached the bun stand. "Hmm 43 different types of buns, sonds delicious!¡!¡" @Mitchs98
Ferra: Bun Stand

When Talon followed she picked up the pace, wanting to get to the bun stand as soon as possible. Which was really quick, seeing as it was only about a block away. Fourty three types of buns..yesssss. "
I know, right? Let's go! Faster we get there faster we eat!" She told him excitedly. Picking up the pace even more she quickly reached the bun stand. "We'll have one of everything!" She declared with just as much enthusiasm as she did at the ramen stand.
Talon followed and skidded to a stop in front of the stand. "Make that 2 of everything!¡!¡" He exclaimed. "Wow sounds like a big party." The stand owner said as he started putting all 86 buns into a big box. "No just us 2." Talon replied with a grin, this made the stand owner almost drop the box in surprise.
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Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald looked around the streets of Magnolia, maneuvering around people who were walking in the opposite direction. This was his first time visiting the city that was host to the infamous Fairy Tail Guild, and he seemed to have stumbled into the middle of a festival of sorts. Not that he was upset by the celebration, of course. He was glad to have arrived when there was so much activity, as he hated it when things were quiet and dull. His heart was racing from excitement, after having spent the last few weeks in his own isolation to focus on his training. Maybe he would be able to find a good fight while he was in the area.

To be honest, he was mainly here to find a mage of Fairy Tail to fight. He knew they had exceptional fighters, and they would be a good way for him to practice and learn. He knew of the stories of the Salamander, Natsu Dragneel, so he had high hopes for whoever he ran into. If any mage were half as good as the previous Dragon Slayer, and Donald found them and could spar with them, he would be happy if he won or lost. Even though he disliked Dragon Slayers, he knew it was wrong to deny someone was strong.

He flexed his hand under the dusty cloak he wore on his shoulders, sparks dancing from the ends of his fingertips. A few sparks danced in his hair as well, jumping off and giving some people slight jolts, and they turned to the strange tall man, giving him a strange look. Realizing what he was doing, he stopped the channeling of his magic. He laughed nervously. "
Sorry 'bout that, folks! I get a little caught up in my thoughts sometimes. My bad!" He continued down the street a little faster than before, keeping his eyes peeled for a Guild Mark of any variety.

Honoka Redfox

being clumsy

Honoka was walking around aimlessly, she had visited the fairytail guild hall so many times that it should of been second nature. Her eyes darted around trying to look for some indication that she was going the correct way. Unfortunately for her the city had changed in the past few year so finding the guild would be a great challenge for her. She passed a hooded man, though she didn't pay to much to him. Though he looked like her was looking for something. " Excuse me sir, by any chance do you know where the guild hall is? They seemed to have moved it again. " Her voice was slightly meekly, due to the fact that she was speaking to a hooded man.
Talon said:
Talon followed and skidded to a stop in front of the stand. "Make that 2 of everything!¡!¡" He exclaimed. "Wow sounds like a big party." The stand owner said as he started putting all 86 buns into a big box. "No just us 2." Talon replied with a grin, this made the stand owner almost drop the box in surprise.
Ferra: Bun Stand

Ferra arched a brow at Talon. Two of everything? She'd meant one of everything for the both of them, so she guessed that worked out? Eh. Whatever. Math and logic wasn't the girls strong suit anyhow. She giggled at the stand owners reaction before paying for her half of the buns. "
You should of seen us at the ramen stand." She told him half-jokingly as she took the box from him. "Wanna..goto the park or eat here?" She asked Talon, waiting for him to pay for his half. In a way, this was sort of like a date. At-least in her own warped logic. The very thought made her giggle, though she didn't seriously think it she did suppose Talon was nice and all. Though he DID look quite a bit older than her. Oh well.
Talon laughed and nodded. "Ya we ate alot of noodles!¡!¡" The bun guy was now completely confused. Taln payed and followed Ferra. "The park sounds good, I was actually thinkng of that haha!¡!¡" They walked in silence for a moment and then Talon said. "Ya know, this is kinda funny... its amost like, uhh... a date or something..." He shrugged. "I dunno." @Mitchs98
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Oh thank God. Raa - Eating unpopped popcorn
Niur sighed in relief before putting the scythes on her back. "Oh thank goodness..." She finally cheered up enough to be able to smile slightly. "And don't worry, chances are we're more scared of you than you think. Onwards to meeting new friends!" She called out as she let Alicia pull her along. Ruin settled down in her psyche but was juggling a few Reverse Gifts. The mad bomber wasn't needed just yet.

Mean while Raa was still eating unpopped popcorn from his seat in the stands. One of the many reasons that he watched tournaments was to be inspired...imitate...rip off the moves and weapons of others and add it to his maneuvers.

Shortly after springing the two other girls onto the roof of the apartment building Alfie had taken them to only hours earlier, Ophelia herself jumped up before finding that neither of the people were there. Alfie was always somewhere off doing his own thing, but Mizuki was never more than a foot away from Alicia... until now, that is. Confused, the blue haired mage scratched her head with the dulled edge of her sword. "Hey, where's Mizuki...? Do you think that..." Deciding she wanted to spare Niur and Alicia's innocence from what she thought the two older mages were doing, Ophelia trailed off.


Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald scratched his chin, rubbing his hand over the little scars that were dotted along his jawline. His eyes scanned the crowd, looking at all exposed skin for any sort of Guild mark. But most people were just normal citizens enjoying the festivities. He was growing more and more impatient. How long would it take for a mage of Fairy Tail to show themselves?

His thoughts were interrupted by a female voice, and he turned to the source. There stood a girl with black hair. She was a bit shorter than he was, and was slim as far as he could tell. He frowned. "'Sir'? Really? Do I seriously look that old?!" He gripped the hood covering his head and flipped it back, exposing his entire head. His spiky brown hair stuck out in random directions, looking rather wild. He pointed to his face, brown eyes narrowed, and leaned in close to the girl's face. "Do I look old to you? I'm positive I'm in my prime, and only a year or two older than you!" He exhaled sharply, crossing his arms over his chest. "To answer your question, no, I don't know where the Guild is. And since I'm assuming you are looking for Fairy Tail, then you're out of look, gal. This is my first time to this town. But..." Donald smiled. "I'm looking for some Fairy Tail mages anyways. We can look for the Guild Hall together. Whaddya' say?"

Metaphysics said:
Niur - Oh thank God. Raa - Eating unpopped popcorn
Niur sighed in relief before putting the scythes on her back. "Oh thank goodness..." She finally cheered up enough to be able to smile slightly. "And don't worry, chances are we're more scared of you than you think. Onwards to meeting new friends!" She called out as she let Alicia pull her along. Ruin settled down in her psyche but was juggling a few Reverse Gifts. The mad bomber wasn't needed just yet.

Mean while Raa was still eating unpopped popcorn from his seat in the stands. One of the many reasons that he watched tournaments was to be inspired...imitate...rip off the moves and weapons of others and add it to his maneuvers.
Alicia: Random Roof

Alicia was glad Niur seemed to cheer up and that she still wanted to stay, though she was still nervous of what Ophelia said. She hadn't expected her to be cruel enough to drown someone roughly her age just if she made her mad. Maybe she misunderstood but that's what it sounded like she meant to her, hopefully she just misunderstood. I mean, Mizuki was pretty intense herself when it came to things..but even she wouldn't do something like that at all. She hoped she was just reading to much into things and it wasn't her newfound sense of paranoia sense Alfie's threat. Even if he had apologized for it and said he didn't mean it up until that point she thought what had happend to Cece was a one in a million thing since she was a Guild Master, that people wouldn't willingly kill children or the like.

Though since then it made her start to wonder if it was true. Nonetheless by the time she brought hersef out of her thoughts before she made herself freak out it seemed they'd reached the roof, no Alfie or Mizuki in sight. Where were they? Did Mizuki come looking for them instead? Did she go off on her own to do something? She usually never left Alicia alone. Either something was wrong or she trusted Ophelia to keep her safe. She was probably fine, they'd just have to try looking for her more. "
Well..maybe she's back at the place she rented for us?" She suggested with a shrug. Then Ophelia started an ominous sentence before trailing off. Curious as to what she meant, she decided to question it. "Huh? What do you mean?" She asked her.

Maybe she meant they were on a date? Alicia felt Mizuki did actually like Alfie, but she didn't expect that. Then again they'd been off alone for a while, maybe things escalated quickly? It was possible. The only other thing she could think of was them being dead. But that would be impossible with how strong the both of them were.

Talon said:
Talon laughed and nodded. "Ya we ate alot of noodles!¡!¡" The bun guy was now completely confused. Taln payed and followed Ferra. "The park sounds good, I was actually thinkng of that haha!¡!¡" They walked in silence for a moment and then Talon said. "Ya know, this is kinda funny... its amost like, uhh... a date or something..." He shrugged. "I dunno." @Mitchs98
Ferra: Bun Stand > Park

Ferra nodded. "
Park it is then! Lets goo!" She told him excitedly, walking in the direction of the park. Luckily the park was close. Plus it'd be a nice place for them to eat uninterrupted and without a creeped out stand owner staring at them like they belonged to some kind of circus. Sure other people would stare, but from afar rather than a few feet from them. She blinked when Talon said pretty much what she was thinking. So, he had thought of it too. It was funny. She'd met him while she was high off of magic corndogs and now it seemed they both considered this a date of sorts. If she thought about it, this'd technically be the first date she'd been on she considered to be a date. The only question was if he was serious or not.

He was nice enough, so, why not ask him? If he was really a jerk she could incite the wrath of Millie, Maya, and Valken on him. They'd obliterate him, really. After a few moments of silence she figured she should speak up, she didn't want him to think he'd just completely freaked her out or anything. "
Well..uhh..it can be if you want it to?" She asked him sheepishly. "I mean..I kind of thought the same thing too. It wasn't really a serious thought at first but..I guess it kind of is?" She added with a small shrug, looking at the ground as they walked the rest of the way to the park, blushing slightly from what she'd said.
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald scratched his chin, rubbing his hand over the little scars that were dotted along his jawline. His eyes scanned the crowd, looking at all exposed skin for any sort of Guild mark. But most people were just normal citizens enjoying the festivities. He was growing more and more impatient. How long would it take for a mage of Fairy Tail to show themselves?

His thoughts were interrupted by a female voice, and he turned to the source. There stood a girl with black hair. She was a bit shorter than he was, and was slim as far as he could tell. He frowned. "'Sir'? Really? Do I seriously look that old?!" He gripped the hood covering his head and flipped it back, exposing his entire head. His spiky brown hair stuck out in random directions, looking rather wild. He pointed to his face, brown eyes narrowed, and leaned in close to the girl's face. "Do I look old to you? I'm positive I'm in my prime, and only a year or two older than you!" He exhaled sharply, crossing his arms over his chest. "To answer your question, no, I don't know where the Guild is. And since I'm assuming you are looking for Fairy Tail, then you're out of look, gal. This is my first time to this town. But..." Donald smiled. "I'm looking for some Fairy Tail mages anyways. We can look for the Guild Hall together. Whaddya' say?"



You little shit!

Honoka's face grew a deep red, why was it very time she offended someone even before they properly introduced them selves. Her hazel eyes staring into his, dam this guy was hot. ' No honks, you have a guild to get to.' She recoiled back, still flushed she mumbled. " Hot guy..." Honoka shock her head, leaving her hair a mess. " Um sure, I guess. I'm Honoka Redfox, and you would be?"


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