Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner


Mikael found the cafe together with Sera. They were waited to a table near the window of the shop. There wasn't much people in the shop, just 2 more couples aside from the. When they got to the table he pulled one chair our for Sera and then sat himself afterwards. They were given menus to look at. The waitress was fidgeting beside them, from the looks of it she was new. As Mika was looking over the deliciously drawn confectioneries and other sweets he leaned towards the waitress and asked, "May I have this one please?" he said pointing to the Red strawberry velvet cake. The girl looked over the counter and turned to Mika. "I'm sorry, but we are out of that for now." Darkness fell upon his face and the disappointment was very visible on his features. "Ah, just give me a slice of chocolate cake then."

"I'm sorry but...we're out of that too sir." the waitress apologized with a smile.

"Wha....what? Why? What do you have then?" he can't believe a cafe selling items that are out of stock. In the verge of tears he surrendered his will. "I'm having whatever she's having then." he nodded to Sera.

"What would you like to have miss?" the waitress said.

Mikael looked at Sera with puffed cheeks. Just like a kid that has his candy stolen. With puppy eyes he said. "We can order ahead while waiting for Lavender. She wouldn't be long I presume." he said.


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)


Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald bowed to Honoka. "The name is Donald Houns. You can call me Don if you want to." He could have sworn he had heard Honoka say something under her breath, but he wasn't able to catch it. If she was commenting on his aggressive action just now, then she wouldn't have been the first one. Plenty of people before her have talked behind his back at the places he has visited.

Donald looked over his shoulder, looking over the heads of the crowd for an indication of where the Fairy Tail Guild Hall could be. "Well, let's not waste anymore time, then. Let's start looking." He turned and gestured for her to follow him, pushing through the crowd, paving a path for the two of them. "So, you going to visit this place as well? Or maybe you heard of the mages there and are hoping to join them?"

Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald bowed to Honoka. "The name is Donald Houns. You can call me Don if you want to." He could have sworn he had heard Honoka say something under her breath, but he wasn't able to catch it. If she was commenting on his aggressive action just now, then she wouldn't have been the first one. Plenty of people before her have talked behind his back at the places he has visited.

Donald looked over his shoulder, looking over the heads of the crowd for an indication of where the Fairy Tail Guild Hall could be. "Well, let's not waste anymore time, then. Let's start looking." He turned and gestured for her to follow him, pushing through the crowd, paving a path for the two of them. "So, you going to visit this place as well? Or maybe you heard of the mages there and are hoping to join them?"

Honoka looked at the man, Don. That's easy to remember, she hoped. His question took a second to register, what wa she there for? Wasn't it obvious with her instrument? Oh wait it was in her pocket dimension, Opps. " I'm here to preform during the parade tomorrow, I'm visiting the guild hall to remember the times that grandpa gajeel and great uncle nastu told us stories of metelicana and igneel."

A smile spread across her face, remembering the old times was nice. But that time is gone and now she's a grown woman. She followed close behind Don, her thoughts started to wonder. But it kept laying on how attractive the man was. Great, she's falling for a man she just met.
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Talon looked sideways at her. "Well how about we call it a friend date or something. Cuz, no offense or anything, but id rather start as friends first." He said noticing her blush. He was 18 and she looked about the same age, and they both lovex food so it could work. He would rather be friends first though. @Mitchs98
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rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner


Mikael found the cafe together with Sera. They were waited to a table near the window of the shop. There wasn't much people in the shop, just 2 more couples aside from the. When they got to the table he pulled one chair our for Sera and then sat himself afterwards. They were given menus to look at. The waitress was fidgeting beside them, from the looks of it she was new. As Mika was looking over the deliciously drawn confectioneries and other sweets he leaned towards the waitress and asked, "May I have this one please?" he said pointing to the Red strawberry velvet cake. The girl looked over the counter and turned to Mika. "I'm sorry, but we are out of that for now." Darkness fell upon his face and the disappointment was very visible on his features. "Ah, just give me a slice of chocolate cake then."

"I'm sorry but...we're out of that too sir." the waitress apologized with a smile.

"Wha....what? Why? What do you have then?" he can't believe a cafe selling items that are out of stock. In the verge of tears he surrendered his will. "I'm having whatever she's having then." he nodded to Sera.

"What would you like to have miss?" the waitress said.

Mikael looked at Sera with puffed cheeks. Just like a kid that has his candy stolen. With puppy eyes he said. "We can order ahead while waiting for Lavender. She wouldn't be long I presume." he said.


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)


Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera hadn't been by the place in a while, probably a month, but regardless she still liked it just as much as always. It was never too busy so as to have to much noise, even during the festival it seemed. She honestly expected the place to be packed. After thanking Mika, sitting down, and looking over the menu Sera soon found out why they weren't packed. They didn't even have chocolate cake? It was doubtful they had what she wanted to, if that was the case. If they were out of pretty much everything why were they still open until they could restock? It didn't make sense to her. The decision of what they were getting was soon unceremoniously thrust upon her, illiciting a small sigh from her.

Looking between both the waitress that'd asked what she wanted and Mika who was pretty much begging her to order she blinked, looking over the menu. Pretty much anything chocolate was off the menu, she assumed. Maybe they still had cheesecake? "Uhh. I'll have this." She told her, showing her and Mika both the item in question; strawberry cheesecake with whipped cream. "Orr this if you're out of that." She added, pointing to the vanilla cheesecake. Might as well present two options at once, even if both were shot down. Worst comes to worst she'll just get coffee.

Talon said:
Talon looked sideways at her. "Well how about we call it a friend date or something. Cuz, no offense or anything, but id rather start as friends first." He said noticing her blush. He was 18 and she looked about the same age, and they both lovex food so it could work. He would rather be friends first though. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Park

Well, it wasn't outright rejection at-least. Plus she guessed it did seem weird to just outright start dating someone she met maybe at once an hour ago. He could really be some kind of complete jerk that cared for no one but himself, or got mad at random things, or liked hitting people at random..or any number of things. Though, none of what she thought was probably true, it was amusing nonetheless. Plus she guessed it would be best to be better friends with him first, especially if he asked how old she was and he didn't like the age difference or something. No point in letting age ruin things, unless he was like fourty. That was a bit to much. Not that he looked fourty, but it was a valid example.

After a minute of silence she nodded, a smile on her face. "
Okay! Sounds good to me!" She replied no longer nervous. The only reason she was nervous was in fear of him making fun of her or rejecting her, but that didn't happen so she didn't have any need to worry at all. Finding a bench she sat down, placing the bun box on her lap. "Come on lets eat before they get cold!" She told him, motioning him over.
Talon grinned and plopped down across from her. He pulled out a cream bun and took a bite. "mmm creamy!¡!¡" So... I guess we should start getting to know eachother. Im 18 and im obviosly not from here... you?¿?¿" He looked around at all the other people playing and having fun, then back at her. He was a pretty open guy and didnt mind talking about himself. @Mitchs98

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald raised and eyebrow and looked back at Honoka. "A performer, huh? That's cool! I stuck with a group of musicians a while back, traveled around with them for a bit before going on my own again. They allowed me a bit better travel for a while. I remember one time, when we got to the border of Pergrande and one of the guys, he-"

He stopped mid-sentence, pausing for a moment in the middle of the street. "
Grandpa Gajeel? Great uncle Natsu?" He began walking again, but now he was looking more intently at Honoka. "You know, the name Redfox...that sounded familiar to me. You are related to the Iron Dragon Slayer? And knew the Salamander?" He turned and began walking backwards, taking cautious steps. "Huh. What a coincidence. I never thought I would meet a relative of one of the Four Dragon Slayers of Fairy Tail." He grinned. "That must mean you're pretty strong, huh? I'm assuming you can use magic, I mean."

In Donald's head, he remembered his times with Liasail. Phoenix and Dragon Slayers were both raised by their respective mystical being, so they were similar in a way. He wondered if he would ever tell stories of his times with his adoptive mother to his kids, assuming he ever had any or lived long enough without getting himself killed first.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Random Roof
Alicia was glad Niur seemed to cheer up and that she still wanted to stay, though she was still nervous of what Ophelia said. She hadn't expected her to be cruel enough to drown someone roughly her age just if she made her mad. Maybe she misunderstood but that's what it sounded like she meant to her, hopefully she just misunderstood. I mean, Mizuki was pretty intense herself when it came to things..but even she wouldn't do something like that at all. She hoped she was just reading to much into things and it wasn't her newfound sense of paranoia sense Alfie's threat. Even if he had apologized for it and said he didn't mean it up until that point she thought what had happend to Cece was a one in a million thing since she was a Guild Master, that people wouldn't willingly kill children or the like.

Though since then it made her start to wonder if it was true. Nonetheless by the time she brought hersef out of her thoughts before she made herself freak out it seemed they'd reached the roof, no Alfie or Mizuki in sight. Where were they? Did Mizuki come looking for them instead? Did she go off on her own to do something? She usually never left Alicia alone. Either something was wrong or she trusted Ophelia to keep her safe. She was probably fine, they'd just have to try looking for her more. "
Well..maybe she's back at the place she rented for us?" She suggested with a shrug. Then Ophelia started an ominous sentence before trailing off. Curious as to what she meant, she decided to question it. "Huh? What do you mean?" She asked her.

Maybe she meant they were on a date? Alicia felt Mizuki did actually like Alfie, but she didn't expect that. Then again they'd been off alone for a while, maybe things escalated quickly? It was possible. The only other thing she could think of was them being dead. But that would be impossible with how strong the both of them were.

Ferra: Bun Stand > Park

Ferra nodded. "
Park it is then! Lets goo!" She told him excitedly, walking in the direction of the park. Luckily the park was close. Plus it'd be a nice place for them to eat uninterrupted and without a creeped out stand owner staring at them like they belonged to some kind of circus. Sure other people would stare, but from afar rather than a few feet from them. She blinked when Talon said pretty much what she was thinking. So, he had thought of it too. It was funny. She'd met him while she was high off of magic corndogs and now it seemed they both considered this a date of sorts. If she thought about it, this'd technically be the first date she'd been on she considered to be a date. The only question was if he was serious or not.

He was nice enough, so, why not ask him? If he was really a jerk she could incite the wrath of Millie, Maya, and Valken on him. They'd obliterate him, really. After a few moments of silence she figured she should speak up, she didn't want him to think he'd just completely freaked her out or anything. "
Well..uhh..it can be if you want it to?" She asked him sheepishly. "I mean..I kind of thought the same thing too. It wasn't really a serious thought at first but..I guess it kind of is?" She added with a small shrug, looking at the ground as they walked the rest of the way to the park, blushing slightly from what she'd said.
Niur - The IDL

Niur hummed as she looked around the place as she listened to the two. "What do you mean-la?" She asked curiously. "I hope you friends are alright...maybe they're off somewhere enjoying themselves?" She guessed as she continued to look around. "Soo..." She said after a few moments. "What do we do now?" She asked, toying with a gift in her hand and playing with it like ball. "Do we wait for your friends or do we do something?"
Talon said:
Talon grinned and plopped down across from her. He pulled out a cream bun and took a bite. "mmm creamy!¡!¡" So... I guess we should start getting to know eachother. Im 18 and im obviosly not from here... you?¿?¿" He looked around at all the other people playing and having fun, then back at her. He was a pretty open guy and didnt mind talking about himself. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Park

Ferra did the same, figuring they should eat the same kind of bun each. Uneven amounts of food irked her, so it was mostly personal preference really. Taking a bite of it it was as good as it was when she ate it earier. When he mentioned his age and getting to know each other she nodded. Four years, not that big of a difference. She expected it to be more than that, really. Of course, she didn't intend on telling him that. Not yet, anyway. She was going to be fifteen next month anyway! So that meant it was really only three. He didn't need to know, not yet. Luckily Ferra could lie her way out of anything. She'd gotten Millie and Valken together on a lie, after all. And did lots of other things before then by lying.

Really she was a devious little trickster. "I'm 17 and I'm from Magaret Town! I'm also a member of Lamia Scale." She replied. "What about you? Where are you from? In a guild?" She asked him. She'd pretty much painted a map on how to stalk her, but she figured he wasn't like that. Besides if they were going to be friends and potentionally a couple he'd need to know where to find her after all.
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald raised and eyebrow and looked back at Honoka. "A performer, huh? That's cool! I stuck with a group of musicians a while back, traveled around with them for a bit before going on my own again. They allowed me a bit better travel for a while. I remember one time, when we got to the border of Pergrande and one of the guys, he-"

He stopped mid-sentence, pausing for a moment in the middle of the street. "
Grandpa Gajeel? Great uncle Natsu?" He began walking again, but now he was looking more intently at Honoka. "You know, the name Redfox...that sounded familiar to me. You are related to the Iron Dragon Slayer? And knew the Salamander?" He turned and began walking backwards, taking cautious steps. "Huh. What a coincidence. I never thought I would meet a relative of one of the Four Dragon Slayers of Fairy Tail." He grinned. "That must mean you're pretty strong, huh? I'm assuming you can use magic, I mean."

In Donald's head, he remembered his times with Liasail. Phoenix and Dragon Slayers were both raised by their respective mystical being, so they were similar in a way. He wondered if he would ever tell stories of his times with his adoptive mother to his kids, assuming he ever had any or lived long enough without getting himself killed first.

Honoka Redfox

had to open my mouth

Honoka wondered what it would be like if she traveled with musicians. They probably would hate her because she could play every instrument she touches. She let out a small giggle, she had in fact made people made because of her uncanny ability.

Don had started to stare at her making her blush, he mentioned her grand father and their hereditary.
" I'm his granddaughter, And yes I knew the 'Salamander'." She added air quotes to Natsu's nickname, he was a dragon slayer not a lizard slayer. " Can't you tell by my teeth and slit eyes. Every one in my family has them." She opened her mouth and showed off her sharp canines.

Some thing occurred to her. Why would he ask about her relationships with the dragon slayers. As well as her magic usage.
" I use lyric script magic Anton with music magic, in essence yes I am pretty strong."


Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald leaned in towards Honoka, looking at her sharp teeth. "Hmmm...I guess so. I don't know what either of them looked like, so my bad I didn't make the connection so quickly." Liasail had mentioned that Dragon Slayers typically had that trait of sharper canines than other humans, and it sometimes passed on to the next generation or two. "Guess I'm just not a fan of gazing at people's teeth that much."

Donald turned back around and slowed his step so he was in line with her. "
Lyric Script, huh? I know about Script magic, so I will assume that Lyric Script is writing notes and making spells that way. Interesting..." Donald looked back to Honoka, then raised his hand and placed it against her forehead. "You blush a lot. You got a fever or something?" He kept his hand there for a moment, then pulled it away. "Hmmm. Guess not?"

Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald leaned in towards Honoka, looking at her sharp teeth. "Hmmm...I guess so. I don't know what either of them looked like, so my bad I didn't make the connection so quickly." Liasail had mentioned that Dragon Slayers typically had that trait of sharper canines than other humans, and it sometimes passed on to the next generation or two. "Guess I'm just not a fan of gazing at people's teeth that much."

Donald turned back around and slowed his step so he was in line with her. "
Lyric Script, huh? I know about Script magic, so I will assume that Lyric Script is writing notes and making spells that way. Interesting..." Donald looked back to Honoka, then raised his hand and placed it against her forehead. "You blush a lot. You got a fever or something?" He kept his hand there for a moment, then pulled it away. "Hmmm. Guess not?"

" Guys make me flustered." Honoka said sharply. She spoke the truth, even after years of preforming to hundreds of people. Guys made her nervous and flustered. " Especially guys that are unbelievably attractive." She said that comment quietly, just incase her herd she moved on. " Your actually right about my magic, I developed it when I was a child." She ran her left hand though her black hair, she was happy with the cut she had gotten the day before she came to magnolia.

" What magic, is any, so you use?" To be completely honest, she was drawn to him. He had an aura of mystery that just captivated her. After a few minor am walking she saw something over the croud. A giant guild mark on a castle like building. " Oh look the guild hall!"
Mitchs98 said:

Tournament Semi-Finalsl

@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari

Some time had passed, roughly an hour and a half, after Tanari and Adrian's match ended. Just enough time to give Tanari time to rest and the officials to set up the final two arenas, one significantly larger than the other to house the final match. After this Semi-Final match between Tanari and Masaki to figure out who moved on to the Finals the finals would immediately commence. Both contestants were tracked down and hailed for, no matter what location they currently held in the city.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 2

Her world came back into focus as she slowly regained consciousness. She brought her arm up to lay over her forehead as she stared up at the roof above her. The last thing she remembered was delivering a blow to her opponent, although she couldn't shake the feeling that she came out the victor in her match. She inhaled deeply and held it for a bit before letting out a long sigh and pushing herself up to a sitting position. All the fighting was catching up with her and she noted with a wince as even the healing magic was starting to lose it's effectiveness.

Her feeling from before was proven right as officials came in to fetch her for her next match. She stared at them blankly for a brief moment, taking the time to stretch her tired muscles before hopping out of the bed she was sitting on. "Two more wins, that's all I need." She began to psych herself up for the upcoming match. Given how tough the last two had been she fully expected her opponent to be strong, if he wasn't he wouldn't have gotten this far. As tired as she was the prospect of fighting yet another tough opponent brought a grin to her face as she took her first steps into the arena.

Upon entering she gave her opponent a lingering once-over as he entered. Her grin fell as she looked back at the officials that led her to the fight. While she had fully intended it was nothing more than a taunt she really was beginning to suspect some conspiracy at work. Well no matter, it wasn't as if she objected to rough housing with a never-ending parade of cute boys anyways. That grin quickly found it's way back to her lips as she rested a hand on her hips, turning her full attention to her opponent. "And another cute boy takes the stage. You look even younger and cuter than my last two opponents. Don't worry though, I'll be gentle."

Masaki Yamada: Magnolia, Ring 2.

After having recuperated for quite a while, Masaki had regained the entirety of his magical energy. The time with Grace had seemed to help with the recovery as well, and now he had to fight for his place in the finals. After quickly making his way from the infirmary and to his designated arena, Masaki was stunned with what he was being pitted up against. "You're that independent mage I met back in Malnia, aren't you?" Raising a brow and smiling, Masaki recognised Tanari almost instantly. Masaki knew that she was a fire mage, and to come this far she must've been pretty skilled. However, from what little information Masaki had gathered on all of the contestants, none of her opponents so far were S-Class mages. That was of course, about to change. "You don't need to be gentle, I can take a hit." Smiling, he held a very kind yet slightly intimidating aura as his magical power slowly began to rise, "My name is Masaki Yamada, S-Class mage of Sabertooth."

As that was said, he quickly formed four crystal orbs that floated around him rapidly. Looking at the female mage, Masaki began to speak yet again. "It's only natural that I let you have the first move." Smiling, he continued, "Let's try and have as much fun as we can, eh?" With that, Masaki stood there quietly and waited for either a response, or for her first move.

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra listened to his words, more or so honed in on the emotion behind them, grasping onto that. It was sincere and gentle. There wasn't any feeling of him being a threat even if she still was confused over whom the man before her was. He was so like Hibiki that it almost frightened her in a way, the uncertainty, the spiraling thoughts, it all clashed into something so utterly overwhelming. Yet here this boy was, holding onto her, trying to remain grounded and be a pillar for her. His kindness touched her then, pierced through the darkness that had clouded her better judgement, the evil intent that had tainted her pastel colored eyes and made them so fierce coming to an end. The wings soon disappeared with a few flutters, a soft breeze hitting her cheeks from the gust they left behind as they dispersed. Everything felt normal again, her hands, her eyes, even her hair had returned to being completely white, but ... the memories were still amiss. No matter how hard she tried it felt like something was ripped from her, stolen, and that something would never be returned. " I've forgotten so much about him. " Her tongue felt like lead, like the words didn't belong and speaking them was causing her immeasurable visual pain in itself.

The weight of this loss was heavy and it almost gave her a sense of feeling anchored down despite her frame being equivalent in density to that of a feather. Both arms soon brought themselves around the one before her, tears still streaming from her eyes before she leaned in to press her lips to his forehead. It only lasted a moment though before she whispered an almost
inaudible " Thank you for giving me strength.. ", and she fell unconscious, arms loosely remaining around his form. Maybe it was the lingering familiarity or the act of someone caring enough to calm her that had won, whether it be for her or the others around her whom she may have injured. The small amount of destruction she'd caused hadn't even been noticed and the young woman would most likely feel completely terrible when she woke to see it. Though the looks of horror or disgust that surrounded her previously wasn't something she was foreign to, knowing them too well. It may be upsetting but only a few people understood or didn't show any signs of fear when before her in one of her satan soul forms. Hibiki had been one of those people; and now, now this person had been too. Unbeknownst to her, it was Hibiki and it'd probably take a while to convince her that was the truth.

Hibiki Dreyar: Outside Milkshake Shop - Magnolia.

When Lyra's magical power began to decrease, and the satan soul being release, Hibiki held onto the unconscious Lyra tightly as he fell back onto the ground with relief. Holding the woman in his arms as he gently stroked her hair, in an attempt to comfort her even though she was most likely unaware that such a thing was happening. Pressing his head up against hers, Hibiki shed quite a few tears. He could feel the weird looks people were giving him for being around such a 'monster', for comforting her, and for just being there. The hairs on the back of his neck were pointed up as he felt the piercing eyes of civilians fixed onto the two Fairy Tail mages. In anger, Hibiki raised his head as he turned and looked at every single person surrounding them. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" He screamed, a slight blast of electricity escaping his body as he did so. Hibiki was furious with the idea that they were judging her just for who she is. "...She had control for so long... What's happened...". Hibiki said the last part softly to himself as he slowly stood up and made his way over to the infirmary, carrying Lyra in his arms as tears of confusion, upset, and even anger stained his face.

The walk to the infirmary was a time of reflection. Hibiki was never one to get angry, and that outburst was most definitely a first. However, he was just confused. And as soon as Lyra woke up, he'd need to find out just what the hell happened.

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald's eyebrows lifted slightly at Honoka's sharp reply. "Woah there, tiger. No need to bare your fangs at me." He chuckled, nudging the girl's arm with his elbow. "If guy's make you nervous, then I'm surprised you approached me, someone who must have seen oh so intimidating, all covered up like he was hiding himself." He touched the clip that went over his chest that held his cloak over himself. "So would it just be better if I kept this thing on until we parted ways?"

He was about to answer her question about his magic when she pointed out the Fairy Tail Guild Hall in the distance. The large insignia on it made it clearly visible to the surrounding people. He was surprised he hadn't seen it sooner. He groaned at his own stupidity.

Well, so it is. Can't believe I missed something so...big." His heart began pumping a little bit faster. He had high hopes that a big fight would be waiting for him there, where actual Guild mages were staying. He patted Honoka on the head quickly. "Thanks for giving me a hand in looking for it, shorty." He started heading towards the hall, making sure Honoka was still in his peripheral vision.

"My magic? Well..." Donald pushed aside the cloak, extending his arm out. Similar to his face, scars went in diagonal patterns along the length of his arm, seemingly up to his shoulders, tough muscles also dotted with thin lines. The pale stood out against his tan skin. He focused his magic, and blue sparks began to dance from his fingertips down to his forearm. "I'm a Phoenix Slayer. A Lightning Phoenix Slayer, to be exact." He grinned, stopping the flow of magic and letting his arm fall back under his gray cloak.

Honoka Redfox

your shiting me?!

Honoka froze for a moment, of Course it was weird for her to ask a hooded man for help looking for the guild hall. She mentally slapped her self three times, and another for good measure. " I can hold my own you big jerk." As Don petted her she let out a purr. Yes ,you read that right a purr.

She had started to move a bit quicker to keep up with him. Jesus can your tits boy, it's just a guild hall! He had answered her question about his magic. Though she wasn't expecting him to answer with A
Freaking Phoenix slayer! His display of magic complete astounded her, all she knew about Phoenixes was the time that one nearly destroyed half of earth land. There was more than one out there. She had to know more.

" Give me your arm."
With out waiting for a response of concent she grabed him by his wrist. Her finger traced a circle and a note on the plan of his hand. " Do you accept the terms and conditions?"

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Random Roof
Alicia was glad Niur seemed to cheer up and that she still wanted to stay, though she was still nervous of what Ophelia said. She hadn't expected her to be cruel enough to drown someone roughly her age just if she made her mad. Maybe she misunderstood but that's what it sounded like she meant to her, hopefully she just misunderstood. I mean, Mizuki was pretty intense herself when it came to things..but even she wouldn't do something like that at all. She hoped she was just reading to much into things and it wasn't her newfound sense of paranoia sense Alfie's threat. Even if he had apologized for it and said he didn't mean it up until that point she thought what had happend to Cece was a one in a million thing since she was a Guild Master, that people wouldn't willingly kill children or the like.

Though since then it made her start to wonder if it was true. Nonetheless by the time she brought hersef out of her thoughts before she made herself freak out it seemed they'd reached the roof, no Alfie or Mizuki in sight. Where were they? Did Mizuki come looking for them instead? Did she go off on her own to do something? She usually never left Alicia alone. Either something was wrong or she trusted Ophelia to keep her safe. She was probably fine, they'd just have to try looking for her more. "
Well..maybe she's back at the place she rented for us?" She suggested with a shrug. Then Ophelia started an ominous sentence before trailing off. Curious as to what she meant, she decided to question it. "Huh? What do you mean?" She asked her.

Maybe she meant they were on a date? Alicia felt Mizuki did actually like Alfie, but she didn't expect that. Then again they'd been off alone for a while, maybe things escalated quickly? It was possible. The only other thing she could think of was them being dead. But that would be impossible with how strong the both of them were.

Ferra: Bun Stand > Park

Ferra nodded. "
Park it is then! Lets goo!" She told him excitedly, walking in the direction of the park. Luckily the park was close. Plus it'd be a nice place for them to eat uninterrupted and without a creeped out stand owner staring at them like they belonged to some kind of circus. Sure other people would stare, but from afar rather than a few feet from them. She blinked when Talon said pretty much what she was thinking. So, he had thought of it too. It was funny. She'd met him while she was high off of magic corndogs and now it seemed they both considered this a date of sorts. If she thought about it, this'd technically be the first date she'd been on she considered to be a date. The only question was if he was serious or not.

He was nice enough, so, why not ask him? If he was really a jerk she could incite the wrath of Millie, Maya, and Valken on him. They'd obliterate him, really. After a few moments of silence she figured she should speak up, she didn't want him to think he'd just completely freaked her out or anything. "
Well..uhh..it can be if you want it to?" She asked him sheepishly. "I mean..I kind of thought the same thing too. It wasn't really a serious thought at first but..I guess it kind of is?" She added with a small shrug, looking at the ground as they walked the rest of the way to the park, blushing slightly from what she'd said.
Metaphysics said:
Niur - The IDL
Niur hummed as she looked around the place as she listened to the two. "What do you mean-la?" She asked curiously. "I hope you friends are alright...maybe they're off somewhere enjoying themselves?" She guessed as she continued to look around. "Soo..." She said after a few moments. "What do we do now?" She asked, toying with a gift in her hand and playing with it like ball. "Do we wait for your friends or do we do something?"
Ophelia shrugged at both of the girl's questions casually, hoping that would keep them off of the subject of what she would have spoke of had she been around an older group. "I dunno. I guess we do what Alicia suggested and head back to... wait, Mizuki rented us a place? I'm sorry, but my memory is really bad. So if she did get us a place, I dunno where it is. Lead the way, please? Oh, wait," she stopped, remembering that Alicia was afraid of heights, and therefore, the Guild Master crafted an especially fancy spiral staircase leading directly down so as to not disrupt traffic of tourists all too much. But even with the railing, would the younger girl want to see how high she was despite being safe...?
I'm Mizuki was very relieved to know that Alfie hadn't caught her this time around. Her dark eyes continued to watch her ribbon Mage until he seemed to be finished with his ritual and suddenly began to run away. The speed he was moving at was surprisingly fast and Mizuki thought that he may have noticed her. But then again, if he did surely he would've called her out on it. "Come back to me Alfie. I'm not done with you yet!" She said to herself, her shadowy arms sprouting from her back and silently carried her in Alfie's direction. He seemed to be heading away from everything and towards the end of town. What could he possibly have that's so far out here? Fortunately her question would answered as she arrived at his location just in time to see him sink into the ground. It was just like before when they went to the hall of misfortune, except with no portal. When Alfie had disappeared Mizuki snuck over the the spot he had been standing and began clawing at the ground with her shadowy hands, attempting to dig to him.

@Salt Lord

Haruhi had been all by herself since she left the train, her sisters flute being the only thing keeping her company. She wasn't mad or sad about this, but rather excited. After a bit of walking the blue haired girl finally arrived at her favorite place in Fiore, the Fairy Tale Guildhall! She wished more than anything to be apart of the Fairy Tale Family, but due to the fact that her parents were Sabertooth babies. However this wouldn't stop her from visiting as often as she could. With a warm smile on her face Haruhi entered the Guildhall and quickly found herself a table and sat down, attempting to play around with the flute. The instrument didn't sound too good, but she didn't know the notes or posture yet. Hopefully Honks could help her.
Kelica - Sabrina's Apartment

Kelica said her piece to the girl, but didn't have enough strength to see if her words fell on deaf ears or if Sabrina would listen closely to what she had said. Kelica's eyes slipped closed as darkness embraced her warmly, lulling her into a peaceful sleep of exhaustion. Even as she seemingly floated in mid air in a lucid dream, that strange green glow still covered her body, protecting her, feeding it's life force. Keeping her light. Like a mother brushing their child's hair softly. She wasn't sure how long she laid there against the cold ground, sleeping, recoping, but after some time her eyes fluttered open gently.

She pushed herself weakly to a kneeling position, rubbing her eyes as she peered around. Her gaze first landed on Chris, still sprawled against the ground, so she crawled over to him and put her head onto his chest, listening intently. Heart beat? Check. Breathing? Check. Here she lifted her ear from his chest and smiled as she let her fingers run softly through his hair, from his forehead all the way to the back of his head in one smooth motion, humming gently and soothingly. Making him as peaceful as she could while he slept. It didn't occur to her to check on Sabrina's state.

@PeteTSs @Isune


Lyra Maelstre - Infirmary

Small noises broke through into her subconscious but it wasn't enough to startle her to a wake. The change between Hibiki's arms that carried her in exchange for the frigid hospital bed seemed to be the thing that did it though, figure fidgeting slightly upon being laid upon it. Inwardly, Hibiki was probably grateful that she didn't weigh a single pound, otherwise he might have been forced to break a sweat even though his determination wasn't something to scoff at. He was indeed not one to let something so easily falter his thoughts and that was a quality to be admired. The transition from unconscious to awake happened rather quickly, vision instantly adjusting to her surroundings and falling upon Hibiki to try to read his expression. Was he upset? Worried? A few moments of silence led her to sum it up to confusion. " You didn't have to stay with me. " Her tone remained steady and refused to give anything away, though the words she spoke weren't exactly true. Deep down she was grateful that she'd awoken to see the mysterious boy whom had shown no fear in her destructive performance and remained by her side.

" Why did you help me? " She sat up suddenly, fingers curling instinctively into the sheet covering her to pull it closer for a mediocre sense of comfort. It was better than nothing. The question remained in the air as she studied him, leaning forward a bit to do so, eyes flashing with
curiosity. It'd seem he'd been crying but she had no intention of inquiring about it as that was something that could've been precious to him and not something he wanted to talk about. It was odd though, the natural connection that lingered between them. Perhaps it was the origin of their magic that she felt to be completely similar or maybe it was something more. He's just like me. For once... Lyra truly couldn't put a finger on this one and that startled her. Her head tilted as her thoughts raced, hues still glued to him without a sign of going astray anytime soon. " Are you related to Hibiki by any chance? " Lyra scooted closed now, almost to the point of falling off the bed just to get a better look, eyes squinting for emphasis.

Chris Lengheart(Nap time!)

Chris purred slightly as he felt the warm and loving sensation going from his forehead down to the back of his furry little head. He let out a strong yawn that was more along the lines of a roar if anything. The giant cat returned back to good ol' Chris as he got up on all fours before adjusting himself so he was on his knees. He looked over at Sabrina in fear that they may have been too late, but when he saw her chest rising and falling he let out a sigh of relief as he kissed Kelica and held her in a deep hug. "Never make me do that again, horsey was too tired to move. At this point, you may as well stick a saddle on me and put a bit in my mouth, obviously you enjoy it more than I do." Chris said with a short smile before letting go of Kelica. Hopefully, Sabrina wouldn't freak out like that ever again.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kayzo said:
I'm Mizuki was very relieved to know that Alfie hadn't caught her this time around. Her dark eyes continued to watch her ribbon Mage until he seemed to be finished with his ritual and suddenly began to run away. The speed he was moving at was surprisingly fast and Mizuki thought that he may have noticed her. But then again, if he did surely he would've called her out on it. "Come back to me Alfie. I'm not done with you yet!" She said to herself, her shadowy arms sprouting from her back and silently carried her in Alfie's direction. He seemed to be heading away from everything and towards the end of town. What could he possibly have that's so far out here? Fortunately her question would answered as she arrived at his location just in time to see him sink into the ground. It was just like before when they went to the hall of misfortune, except with no portal. When Alfie had disappeared Mizuki snuck over the the spot he had been standing and began clawing at the ground with her shadowy hands, attempting to dig to him.
@Salt Lord

Haruhi had been all by herself since she left the train, her sisters flute being the only thing keeping her company. She wasn't mad or sad about this, but rather excited. After a bit of walking the blue haired girl finally arrived at her favorite place in Fiore, the Fairy Tale Guildhall! She wished more than anything to be apart of the Fairy Tale Family, but due to the fact that her parents were Sabertooth babies. However this wouldn't stop her from visiting as often as she could. With a warm smile on her face Haruhi entered the Guildhall and quickly found herself a table and sat down, attempting to play around with the flute. The instrument didn't sound too good, but she didn't know the notes or posture yet. Hopefully Honks could help her.
Alfie glared coldly at the great, golden contraption of ominous yet brilliant gears, one that was much like his own pink one. Except the one he was staring at was so much bigger, and it was what took up most of his Hall of Misfortune -sized laboratory. Not to mention it had a completely different function than his own special ability to change fate. "I've already figured you out," he spoke monotonously to the large, floating machine. "All I need to do is break you free from her influence and your power will be my own. You've been so misused for so long..." He didn't even notice the digging coming from above the white, tiled roof of the giant room. How would he have when he was focused on a giant thing of gears?

She smiled as Chris slowly awoke from his slumber, her hand pulling back from the brushes through his hair as he yawned and watching him come up to all fours.The arms wrapped tightly around her had her smile fondly up to him, hands automatically looping about his neck. And a kiss to the seal the deal! When he pulled away to speak, Kelica got a michevious look on her face, as she reached up to pinch his cheek, like one might to a cute baby. "For someone who apparently 'detests' the idea of a saddle, you seem to be the one constantly bringing it up..." Here her hand lowered before she snickered before adapting a horrible impersonation of his voice. "Oh no Kelica, please, don't put a saddle on me! I'd hate that sooooo much..." Grinning more to him as she rolled her eyes.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner


A few more minutes and a different server came to them with 2 slices of cheesecake and two cups of hot chocolate. "I'm sorry about all these, we really are having trouble with our sugar supply. Please bear with us." Mikael then dismissed her with a small smile. The aroma from the hot drink calmed him and made up for the earlier confusion.

He took a sip from the smoking cup and was glad that it was worth the wait. It was smooth, deep taste and real chocolatey. He then turned to Sera putting down his cup. "Lavender sure is taking her time. Anyway Sera, why don't we start. Where are you from? What's your story? How'd you end up in fairy tail?" he asked eagerly.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Last edited by a moderator:

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald laughed. "Oh, I'm sure you can. You'll sing for them and they will become so astounded by your skills with an instrument. Then they will become your greatest fan. And then they'll just drop dead at your very word!" He laughed again. "Sorry, shorty. I can be a real ass sometimes." After having patted her head, she had let out a purr, which set the Phoenix Slayer off a bit. He hadn't expected that sort of reaction. Retaliation, yes. Not...affection? He wasn't sure. 'Maybe she really is a tiger...'

When Honoka had grabbed his wrist, his first reaction was to pull it away. But as she drew a music note on his palm, he shivered at how it tickled his skin a little bit. "
Accept terms and...condition? I, uh...I guess? As long as this isn't something that will end up killing me in the end or will bind me to you as some sort of freaky slave or whatever. Sure, go ahead." He tensed his body, prepared for whatever the girl did next.

Metaphysics said:
Niur - The IDL
Niur hummed as she looked around the place as she listened to the two. "What do you mean-la?" She asked curiously. "I hope you friends are alright...maybe they're off somewhere enjoying themselves?" She guessed as she continued to look around. "Soo..." She said after a few moments. "What do we do now?" She asked, toying with a gift in her hand and playing with it like ball. "Do we wait for your friends or do we do something?"

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)


Sera: Sweet Corner

Thankfully it seemed what she'd ordered they had, and they even brought them hot cocoa, which was nice. "
Thanks." She told the waitress as she walked off. Taking a sip of her cocoa brought a smile to her face, it tasted great and was definetely worth the wait even if the cheesecake didn't taste good. When Mika barraged her with questions she blinked while processing it all, after a few seconds she chuckled in response. "Calm down, calm down. There's plenty of time for us to talk." She told him before sighing. "Let's see..where to start. Well. I don't really remember where I'm from, I mean...it wasn't really important so I kind of forgot you know?" She explained.

I'm not sure how it was for you, but I was pretty much tortured for eight years. Apparently I was meant to be used as a vessel for some dark god or another. Shit backfired, I killed them all and escaped...and..let's just say I wasn't always able to control myself." She continued. "Wandered around for a while, observed the whole 'magic war' thing, eventually got myself under control. Joined Fairy Tail about seven months back..couldn't stand being alone anymore. That's basically it." She added with a sigh. Sure..her life story wasn't that interesting given how long she'd lived, but she mostly lived a life of seclusion so there wasn't much to tell other than 'Yeah I was a murderous monster, typical.'. "What about you? How'd it happen with you and stuff?" She asked, a small smile on her face while trying to repress memories she'd really rather not remember.

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