Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Honoka Redfox

About to fuck up his mind

" Oh calm down I'm not gonna kill you, I'm simply testing you." Her plam glowed a blue color, the same mark she drew on Dons Palm appeared on hers. Binding their sense of magic, intertwining it. People have a misconception when it comes to senses, there is more than five senses. The ability to sense ones own magic is an ability only Mages had.

" You'll start to to feel something different. Something that feels familiar , yet very different. You can start feeling my magic. Can't you? I can feel yours." She paused, she let the hand that restrained his rist soften. His magic felt warm, like a mothers embrace. Yet it felt wild and untamable. " You are indeed a strong slayer. I've never felt magic like yours before."

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Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia

Donald's eyes narrowed. "Testing me, huh...?" He decided he would trust Honoka, even though he had just met her. She seemed like she was trustworthy enough, but the only person he could blame if he made a bad call was himself. He watched her work, the same pattern that was inscribed on his own palm appearing on Honoka's as well.

As soon as the blue not appeared on her, he felt something. He usually was able to feel someone's magic by focusing his sense of touch to the very way the air moved around a person, the aura someone gave off allowing him to gain a basic idea of their magic by comparing it to a magic he felt before. But this was completely clearer. Honoka's magic washed over him, starting from his palm and moving towards his chest. There, it bloomed, like the flowers he used to see at his old home in the mountain. It was cool like the dew that set on grass in the early morning.

He stared confused at the mark on his palm. "I...would ask what the hell you did to me...but since I don't feel myself slowly dying inside or any tendencies to follow any order you give me...I think I'll just roll with it for now. It feels...nice." He rubbed his palm with the thumb of his other hand. "Is this something you always do to strangers to show friendship? Or am I some special case?" He looked at her hand still gently holding his wrist. He laughed, lifting the arm up lightly. "Does this magic also make you linked to my wrist for the rest of eternity?" He looked over this girl, this stranger he had only met probably not even an hour ago, in a sort of new light.

Honoka Redfox

Streets of magnolia

Honks smiled, she could still fell his magic even after she let her hand of his rist. " I used Script link, the ability to link a single sense with two people, it can even link arbitrary senses like emotions or balance. " She let out a small laugh when he made a remark about her hold his wrist. " Of course not silly. Let's get to the guild hall."

She took his hand on hers, pulling him along for the ride. " I want to check out the training grounds, I have a new song that I need to practice before the preformce tomorrow." Her short legs moved at a rather fast pace. Soon they where in front of the large wooden doors of the guild hall. With a push they opened to reveal a near empty hall. "... They must be out for the festival. I hope."

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Talon chuckled and moved onto a pineapple coconut bun. "17 huh?¿?¿ ok cool. im from... well thats kinda hard to explain... well im from a place called pheonix peak, its a thin rock spire that goes up really high. I was raised by a... hermit of sorts named Filascius. And no im not in a guild at the moment." He thought for a moment and then asked her. "What is your magic exactly?¿?¿ You said it involves eating. @Mitchs98
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Magnolia, Ring 2.
After having recuperated for quite a while, Masaki had regained the entirety of his magical energy. The time with Grace had seemed to help with the recovery as well, and now he had to fight for his place in the finals. After quickly making his way from the infirmary and to his designated arena, Masaki was stunned with what he was being pitted up against. "You're that independent mage I met back in Malnia, aren't you?" Raising a brow and smiling, Masaki recognised Tanari almost instantly. Masaki knew that she was a fire mage, and to come this far she must've been pretty skilled. However, from what little information Masaki had gathered on all of the contestants, none of her opponents so far were S-Class mages. That was of course, about to change. "You don't need to be gentle, I can take a hit." Smiling, he held a very kind yet slightly intimidating aura as his magical power slowly began to rise, "My name is Masaki Yamada, S-Class mage of Sabertooth."

As that was said, he quickly formed four crystal orbs that floated around him rapidly. Looking at the female mage, Masaki began to speak yet again. "It's only natural that I let you have the first move." Smiling, he continued, "Let's try and have as much fun as we can, eh?" With that, Masaki stood there quietly and waited for either a response, or for her first move.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 2

As her opponent she couldn't help but cock a brow and lean forward slightly, peering rather intently at the young man. She tilted her head slightly as she continued to stare at him for several lingering moments. Finally she stood back straight and offered the boy a shrug shaking her head from side to side as she spoke. "Nope, don't remember ya. Must not have done much to leave an impression." She was going to continue, to retort to the boy's remark on her offer to be gentle. However the magic that seeped from him gave her pause, that pause only being further amplified as he introduced himself as an S-rank mage of Sabertooth. She didn't know a lot of things, but she certainly did know that many guilds used ranking systems and that S was generally at the top, and she also knew Sabertooth was one of the strongest guilds in Fiore.

Nevertheless she was quick to remove the grim expression that had fallen over her features, dropping down into her usual combat ready stance as she flashed her opponent a cocky grin. "I don't know what it is with boys your age but you should know that a girl likes it when her man takes the initiative." Flames erupted all across her body, her crimson hair whipped into a frenzy as she unleashed her magic power to counter the boy's display. "Fortunately for you I'm the sorta gal that likes taking charge." And with that she suddenly exploded forward towards her opponent. As she neared the boy she slid to a halt, positioning her body to throw a punch directly at his gut. However, no matter how you looked at it she was too far away to connect with any punch. Instead her punch erupted into a massive explosion, a cone of flame racing towards the boy and consuming all in it's path.

Donald Houns

Streets of Magnolia - to the - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Donald looked down at the note again, still amazed by the magic. He still felt the coolness around the mark on his hand, and flexed his hand after she let go of his wrist. "Script Link...so you used it to link our sense of magic?" He clenched his hand into a fist, nodding his head. "Cool..." He could see the uses of such a magic, but he wasn't too convinced that it was very powerful. He would have to watch her in a fight to judge her completely.

When she grabbed his hand and began pulling him along, Donald allowed her. He didn't need to even jog, he was able to keep up with her with long strides. At the mention of training grounds, he began to get excited again. There was the chance that there, he would run into some mages that were practicing. It would allow him to spar with one maybe. He had some new techniques he wanted to try out, and this could be the chance he wanted. Knock two birds out with one stone.

As they arrived at the Guild Hall, Donald walked inside at the open room that met him. He had never been inside a Guild Hall, as he never had the interest to join a Guild, only to fight them ages that were involved with them. And he was confident enough in his ability to do so now. He looked about in wonder and excitement. Small bolts of electricity bounced around his hair for a moment before calming down. He looked back to Honoka, grinning. "
Sorry if I zap you on accident. This is my first time being in a Guild Hall, and it's so cool! Powerful mages gather here..." He began bouncing on his heels, acting like a little kid.

Talon said:
Talon chuckled and moved onto a pineapple coconut bun. "17 huh?¿?¿ ok cool. im from... well thats kinda hard to explain... well im from a place called pheonix peak, its a thin rock spire that goes up really high. I was raised by a... hermit of sorts named Filascius. And no im not in a guild at the moment." He thought for a moment and then asked her. "What is your magic exactly?¿?¿ You said it involves eating. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Park

He believed her. Yesss.
Going good so far! She thought to herself with a grin while grabbing the copy of the bun he got from the box. Phoenix Peak huh? Neat. She'd never heard of the place, but it seemed pretty badass. Being raised by a hermit seemed interesting to. She guessed he was one of the nice hermits and not the super crazed batshit hermits, either that or it didn't rub off on Talon. The fact he wasn't in a guild was a problem..she'd have no real way of tracking him if that was the case. Oh well, maybe she could convince him to join one. Maybe even Lamia Scale. When the inevitable question of her magic occured she practically beamed with excitement, she loved showing off her magic after all.

It's hard to explain. It'd be easier if I showed ya." She told him, placing the bun box in the space between them before standing up. Looking around she walked around, gathering a few sticks before walking back over. "So, basically I eat stuff and turn it into stuff or incorporate it into my body. Watch." She explained before eating the small pile of sticks, making a face from the taste of them. Old and rotted wood did not taste good at all. Shaking her head she focused, her left arm slowly turning into a wooden toy sword. "Pretty cool, right? I can do it with pretty much any material too. It's kinda like requip magic, in a way. It's extremely complicated to explain, really." She told him with a shrug.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia shrugged at both of the girl's questions casually, hoping that would keep them off of the subject of what she would have spoke of had she been around an older group. "I dunno. I guess we do what Alicia suggested and head back to... wait, Mizuki rented us a place? I'm sorry, but my memory is really bad. So if she did get us a place, I dunno where it is. Lead the way, please? Oh, wait," she stopped, remembering that Alicia was afraid of heights, and therefore, the Guild Master crafted an especially fancy spiral staircase leading directly down so as to not disrupt traffic of tourists all too much. But even with the railing, would the younger girl want to see how high she was despite being safe...?

Niur - I don't trust stairs. Ruin- Hehe

Meanwhile, Ruin suddenly grinned at the appearance of the stairs. "Do it!" She chanted from inside Niur. Niur was confused by what she meant and let out a low hum of confusion. "The one joke that Raa did." Ruin clarified for her. Niur groaned inwardly. That joke was so bad that it wasn't even funny, but she might as well appease Ruin before she decided to make some trouble. "Umm...Sorry but I...don't trust stairs all that much..." She paused for a bit. "They're always up to something."
Chris Lengheart(Neigh)

Chris only shook his head as Kelica did her "impression". "Be lucky I let you ride me at all! The most I got in riding experience was a horse...and maybe a minotaur but that was only for a few seconds while I may or may not have been pounding his head in with a rock." he said with a surprisingly stern tone.He then looked at Kelica, a odd look on his face, as h once again spoke,"If I didn't have my takeover magic I doubt I'd have you...I doubt I would have hurt as many people as I did...I know you notice it too, I use my takeovers like a crutch. It's not that I'm not able to take care of myself, but there's something about being something or someone entirely new that you have to keep doing it. This form, it kinda feels boring. There's nothing special about this form...nothing special about me, I'm just your 'run of the mills' guy."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Random RoofAlicia shrugged. Niur was more than likely right, they were probably just off somewhere together. Still, would of been nice if she had've came and told her..oh well. She wasn't worried about them, not really. When Niur asked what to do she shrugged again, she'd already given her input, and thus turned to Ophelia. She giggled at Ophelia's words, shaking her head and grinning. "No silly, I meant she rented it for me and her. Not either of you guys. But yeah, we should check there. She's probably there, either that or off with Alfie somewhere." She replied. She was then trying to mentally prepare herself for the trip back down, remembering they were currently on board the roof of a decently high up building.

Then she noticed the staircase Ophelia made. Well..it wouldn't be so bad. It'd be better than the feeling of falling when she jumped off with her. "
Thanks Ophelia." She told her, walking over to the staircase and starting to descend it after taking a deep breath and assuring herself everything would be fine. After a really, really long walk down she sighed with relief as her shoes touched the cobblestone below. After she looked around, trying to spot any kind of landmark to head back to their place.


Sera: Sweet Corner

Thankfully it seemed what she'd ordered they had, and they even brought them hot cocoa, which was nice. "
Thanks." She told the waitress as she walked off. Taking a sip of her cocoa brought a smile to her face, it tasted great and was definetely worth the wait even if the cheesecake didn't taste good. When Mika barraged her with questions she blinked while processing it all, after a few seconds she chuckled in response. "Calm down, calm down. There's plenty of time for us to talk." She told him before sighing. "Let's see..where to start. Well. I don't really remember where I'm from, I mean...it wasn't really important so I kind of forgot you know?" She explained.

I'm not sure how it was for you, but I was pretty much tortured for eight years. Apparently I was meant to be used as a vessel for some dark god or another. Shit backfired, I killed them all and escaped...and..let's just say I wasn't always able to control myself." She continued. "Wandered around for a while, observed the whole 'magic war' thing, eventually got myself under control. Joined Fairy Tail about seven months back..couldn't stand being alone anymore. That's basically it." She added with a sigh. Sure..her life story wasn't that interesting given how long she'd lived, but she mostly lived a life of seclusion so there wasn't much to tell other than 'Yeah I was a murderous monster, typical.'. "What about you? How'd it happen with you and stuff?" She asked, a small smile on her face while trying to repress memories she'd really rather not remember.
Metaphysics said:
Niur - I don't trust stairs. Ruin- Hehe
Meanwhile, Ruin suddenly grinned at the appearance of the stairs. "Do it!" She chanted from inside Niur. Niur was confused by what she meant and let out a low hum of confusion. "The one joke that Raa did." Ruin clarified for her. Niur groaned inwardly. That joke was so bad that it wasn't even funny, but she might as well appease Ruin before she decided to make some trouble. "Umm...Sorry but I...don't trust stairs all that much..." She paused for a bit. "They're always up to something."
Ophelia smiled at Alicia before getting ready to walk down the staircase herself... that was, until Niur made that awful, awful pun. Awful, awful awful... these words repeated themselves in the girl's mind, her face shading over as her head slowly turned to Niur with a stoic face. Checking quickly to see that Alicia was safely down the stairs, Ophelia turned back to the girl responsible for the pun. "Unforgivable." The staircase would suddenly evaporate, leaving the Guild Master to fall a story or two before safely floating down beside Alicia. "Let's go."

Kelica blinked as he talked to her in a stern voice and when he started telling her about his take-overs, she could kind of relate. But her face fell when he mentioned having nothing special about his normal form. Kelicas green eyes had focused on his face, her hands finding his face to force him to look at her soft face to. "Don't say that! I love this form as much as all your others. Of course you are special! You are my sweet, adorable, cowboy Chris and even if you never transformed again I'd still love you..." She ended with a whisper and a small smile.

Metaphysics said:
Niur - I don't trust stairs. Ruin- Hehe
Meanwhile, Ruin suddenly grinned at the appearance of the stairs. "Do it!" She chanted from inside Niur. Niur was confused by what she meant and let out a low hum of confusion. "The one joke that Raa did." Ruin clarified for her. Niur groaned inwardly. That joke was so bad that it wasn't even funny, but she might as well appease Ruin before she decided to make some trouble. "Umm...Sorry but I...don't trust stairs all that much..." She paused for a bit. "They're always up to something."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia smiled at Alicia before getting ready to walk down the staircase herself... that was, until Niur made that awful, awful pun. Awful, awful awful... these words repeated themselves in the girl's mind, her face shading over as her head slowly turned to Niur with a stoic face. Checking quickly to see that Alicia was safely down the stairs, Ophelia turned back to the girl responsible for the pun. "Unforgivable." The staircase would suddenly evaporate, leaving the Guild Master to fall a story or two before safely floating down beside Alicia. "Let's go."

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

In the short span of time it took for Niur to ruin whatever tolerance Ophelia had for her and for Ophelia to land beside her Alicia had managed to recognize a few buildings and thus a route to where her and Mizuki were staying. When Ophelia said to go Alicia nodded. "Alright! I think it's this way, or it should be." She told her and set off walking down the street to the afforementioned place. Though she only made it a few steps when she realized Niur wasn't down yet. Did Ophelia abandon her again for some reason? Or was she doing her own thing to get down? Alicia hoped it was the latter, really. Regardless she turned to see Niur still on the roof. "Hey Niur! Come on! It's not far from here!" She called up to her.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia smiled at Alicia before getting ready to walk down the staircase herself... that was, until Niur made that awful, awful pun. Awful, awful awful... these words repeated themselves in the girl's mind, her face shading over as her head slowly turned to Niur with a stoic face. Checking quickly to see that Alicia was safely down the stairs, Ophelia turned back to the girl responsible for the pun. "Unforgivable." The staircase would suddenly evaporate, leaving the Guild Master to fall a story or two before safely floating down beside Alicia. "Let's go."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
In the short span of time it took for Niur to ruin whatever tolerance Ophelia had for her and for Ophelia to land beside her Alicia had managed to recognize a few buildings and thus a route to where her and Mizuki were staying. When Ophelia said to go Alicia nodded. "Alright! I think it's this way, or it should be." She told her and set off walking down the street to the afforementioned place. Though she only made it a few steps when she realized Niur wasn't down yet. Did Ophelia abandon her again for some reason? Or was she doing her own thing to get down? Alicia hoped it was the latter, really. Regardless she turned to see Niur still on the roof. "Hey Niur! Come on! It's not far from here!" She called up to her.
Niur - Stairious Business Ruin - Stepping Up

"Yeah I'll be right down!" She called down as she gave Ophelia a questioning look. She took out the scythes and gave them a small look. "Now...how do I get down using these. Suddenly her head drooped down and her eyes closed. "Oh this is going to be very. Very fun." Ruin said as she opened her eyes. Gone was the innocent Niur, this was now Ruin, trigger happy to the max. "Oh relax Niur, I'm not gonna hurt anyone. Just going to have a bit of fun." She said to herself. "Trust me, I've done this countless times." And with those words Ruin leaped out the window and flipped in the air before using the scythes to slide safely down the building. "WHOOO! What a rush! Let's do that again!" She cheered as she landed.

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail Guild Hall

Honoka smiled at Don, she let his hand go and began to twirl her finger through her hair. " Not a problem, I'm used to magic like yours. That is growing up with my sister and her Dragon sla-." she was cut short by what sounded like a choking animal. What was making that god awful was beyond her, until she got the same vibe of magic she felt since she was in the womb. Haruhi! " Oh, lord my sister is trying to play the flute. Umm.. Shit, there she is!" Honks hurried towards the table where her sister sat. She wouldn't expect Don to come with her but you never know. " Haruhi! " She tried to get her sisters attention, But mostly just for her to stop playing. She sat next to her blue haired twin. " Sorry i left you on the train all alone.

Haruhi was really struggling with the flute. In her mind she was doing pretty well for a first timer, though in reality she sounded like the noise a cat makes before it hits the ground from falling off a tall building. Not pleasant in the slightest. And it was evident seeing as there was a good 20 foot empty space around her as people attempted to get away from the terrible noise. However the blue haired girl happily continued her playing until Honoka spoke to her. Almost immediately she placed the flute gently on her lap and smiled at her twin. "Hello there Honoka! There's no need to feel sorry, we both made it here perfectly fine." She said, placing her hands in her lap and sighing happily. Haruhi hadn't even noticed the other boy who had arrived with her sister. "Did you hear me playing? Was I sounding ok?"

@Refaulted @purplepanda288

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Donald was confused at what Honoka was about to say about her sister, but he was met with an ear-shattering sound. At leas tot his ears. He squeaked and his hands shot up to his ears. He grimaced, his face contorting into annoyance. "Who the hell is slaughtering an animal in here?!" He watched Honoka walk off to a girl with blue hair that was sitting by herself. She was playing a flute. Or, to be more exact, forcing it to make a sound.

When he saw her take the flute away from her lips, he deemed it safe enough to put his hands back down. He looked around at the relieved faces of some of the people who were in the Guild Hall. He felt like he could agree with them. He sauntered over to Honoka and her sister, sizing up everyone in the Hall. He didn't think wandering around on his own would be a good idea for now, so sticking with Honoka was his safest bet at the moment. When he was close enough, he could see some of the similarities between the two girls. What made it the easiest to tell them apart were their hair color.

He stood above the two of them, not sure if it was polite to take a seat. During his travels, he had found that he should only sit down in a seat if he was offered one on the first visit. So for now, he decided to stand. He looked over to the bar, and he could feel his mouth begin to water a small amount. He looked away and back to the two girls. He focused onto Harahi, as Honoka had called her, checking her magical aura. He could faintly detect metal and lightning magic.

He rubbed his ear with his hand. "In my opinion, it was definitely something." He glanced sideways at his hand, making sure it wasn't bleeding.

" Well, you're making some noise. Which is good at this stage." Honks looked over her shoulder, she saw Don

practically Drooling at the bar.
" You ok back there? How about you sit down." She patted the seat next to her, she turned to Haruhi. " Don meet my twin Haruhi, Haruhi meet Don." She kept running her fingers through her hair, maybe she would slip away to the Training grounds to practice her magic. She leaned close to her twin. " He's hot isn't he?" she whispered into the ear of her sister.

Haruhi got the hint that she wasn't sounding too great, but she wasn't mad or sad about it. She didn't expect to become a flute master within 10 minutes and expected criticism to come from everyone. But like Honoka said, she was asking sound and that was good. "Thank you Honks!" She said softly, smiling at her once again. However someone else's voice caught her attention as well. It was a man this time who seemed to be acquainted with her sister. Though the thing that surprised Haruhi is that she had never seen him before. Does this mean they just met? Some of her questions were soon answered as Honoka introduced her to the man named Don. Her soft hand reached out to shake his, her smile turning from her sister to the man before her. "Nice to meet you Don." She said in a quiet and calm voice. However this demeanor would soon change with what her sister asked. Almost immediately her face turned bright red, throwing off the blue and white colors she wore. Why would her sister ask something like that!? Yes, he was attractive, no doubt about that, but did she have to put it that way? "H-Honoka! What kind of a question is that!?" She said in a flustered voice, shutting her eyes tightly and shaking her head.

@Refaulted @purplepanda288

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Donald looked down at the seat and took one across from the two sisters. He nodded in greeting to Haruhi, extending his hand and giving her a firm handshake. "Nice to meet ya', Haruhi." He gave her a wide smile before looking around the Guild Hall. The place was definitely grand in size, but it had a homey feeling to it. Almost like an old tavern that you would get a drink at and share stories to with strangers. He guessed that was the appeal to many of it's members.

His eyes slid over to the two sisters. Honoka was whispering into Harahi's ear, and he watched as the blue-haired girl's face deepened. She became twitchy and shut her eyes at him. He looked between the two. "Huh. Guess you two really are sisters. Though..." He pointed to Haruhi. "You seem a bit more...red, I guess."

Donald stopped, remembering he was still wearing his cloak. He looked at a few people giving him strange glances. He could guess they weren't too happy with a stranger wrapped up like he was sitting in their Guild Hall. He must seem suspicious to them.

He grabbed the clip that was holding his cloak over himself, and undid it. Pulling the garb off of him, he placed it on the seat next to him. Now everyone could see that he was barely wearing a shirt, instead just an open-vest shirt so people could see his torso. He wore cloth pants as well, that were cut off right past the knees and held with strips of cloth so they wouldn't flail around. His arms up to his shoulders were covered in tiny scars, and two large scars were placed on his chest, pushed out from his toned body. His physical strength was something he was definitely proud off, so he always made sure to keep his body in top shape as best he could, despite his previous injuries.

Sorry, I didn't dress to impress today. I was getting strange looks. I don't want to seem like some sort of freaky criminal or something with that thing on." He laughed. "So, you two one of those 'inseparable sisters' pairs?"

She strenuously pulled the sword closer to her, the strain evident on her face. However, she was too far unbalanced and toppled backwards, landing lightly in the dirt. A small could of dust rose around her, and settled on her face and body. Thalia groaned. "This is haaaaarrrrddd." She rolls over towards Aiden, almost already forgetting about the sword. "What's so special about the jade keys? And what are all the ones you have? And what guild are you in, if you are such an amazing wizard?" She spoke quite fast, and waited eagerly for answers.


Kayzo said:
Haruhi got the hint that she wasn't sounding too great, but she wasn't mad or sad about it. She didn't expect to become a flute master within 10 minutes and expected criticism to come from everyone. But like Honoka said, she was asking sound and that was good. "Thank you Honks!" She said softly, smiling at her once again. However someone else's voice caught her attention as well. It was a man this time who seemed to be acquainted with her sister. Though the thing that surprised Haruhi is that she had never seen him before. Does this mean they just met? Some of her questions were soon answered as Honoka introduced her to the man named Don. Her soft hand reached out to shake his, her smile turning from her sister to the man before her. "Nice to meet you Don." She said in a quiet and calm voice. However this demeanor would soon change with what her sister asked. Almost immediately her face turned bright red, throwing off the blue and white colors she wore. Why would her sister ask something like that!? Yes, he was attractive, no doubt about that, but did she have to put it that way? "H-Honoka! What kind of a question is that!?" She said in a flustered voice, shutting her eyes tightly and shaking her head.

Honoka Redfox

Fairy Tail guild hall

Honoka smiled as the two shaked hands. Maybe he could be their friend? nah, she isn't very interesting so to her it was unlikely. She poked her sister in the side. " Its a good question. So, you agree he is?" She teased. her attention was brought to Don, who was wearing some revealing clothes. For some reason that reminded her of great aunt lucy. Even when she was old she wore revealing clothes. " It's fine, most of the time we have guys that wear even less in this guild. If you don't mind me asking why do you have so many scars?"
Haruhi shook her head again as her sister asked if she agreed. No doubt she did, but it wasn't something she wanted to admit right away. To make matters worse Don stripped himself of his cloak and revealed his rather revealing clothes. Normally the blue haired girl could take things like this without getting so flustered, but with what her sister put in her mind she couldn't. "E-Excuse me! I need a second to myself!" She blurted out, standing up and walking to the nearest wall where she stared at it for a few minutes. Haruhi was trying her best to calm herself down and make the blush disappear. It took a lot of work and determination, but she did it. Returning to the table she took her spot and placed the flute back into her lap. Her face was rid of any signs of embarrassment and she seemed to be calm. "Forgive me, I just needed some fresh air..."

@Refaulted @purplepanda288

" You may leave Ju." The monkey nodded, as he did he disappeared in a cloud of green light. " I am the only known user of these keys, the jade keys are on the same level of the normal golden keys. My keys are part of the Chinese zodiac, there are 12 keys and I own 6. I have the snake." He patted Shen on the head. " The horse, pig, dragon, monkey, and the rat. Each one has their own magic. I'm not in any guild

because I move from place to place, im staying in this city to meet a friend tomorrow."

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Donald watched as Haruhi stood up quickly and walked off. Watching as she stared at the wall, he glanced over to Honoka. "Is this usual for her to do this?" He scratched his chin, wondering what was up with Haruhi. Had he said something she didn't like? He wasn't sure, but his worries were put aside when she came back over to the table. "I didn't realize fresh air came from solid walls." He chuckled.

He then turned back to Honoka. "
My scars? Well, it's tough to narrow down how I got all of them, but why I have them? Well...I go around and fight powerful mages. I challenge people who brag about their power, or if I can feel a powerful aura coming off of them. That's how I received a lot of my smaller scars." He held his arm out, pointing at a cluster of scars that were beginning to fade away. "These I got from a Chain Magic user. He whipped my arm hard enough that it cut deep, making it impossible to use the arm without it hurting like crazy. Then there is this one..." He pointed to a long scar that ran vertically up his forearm. "Some guy who called his magic Wind Weapon Magic cut me up with some sword made of wind. That guy was a tough one to fight." He pulled his vest to the side, showing his two large scars that ran across his entire chest. "These two I think I'm most proud of. My toughest fights. The one up top I got from fighting a pack of wyverns. Tough guys. I was just beginning my training. I took out a majority of them before one got up and sliced my chest open. I couldn't finish them off due to I was on the brink of death. Luckily, a group of mages found me and brought me to the nearest doctor. They were sent to take care of the wyverns, but I had already done it. They treated me well enough until they went back to wherever they were from."

He pointed to the bottom scar. "
This one I got in a fight with a mage. This guy was no walk in the park. He had to have been my toughest fight in my entire life. Apparently, he was a mage from an Assassin Guild in Minstrel. Used a combination of Mist Magic and Metal Manipulation Magic. He beat me easily, and left me to bleed out. Unfortunately for him, I'm a bit too stubborn to die so easily. I hid out for a few weeks in the forest he ambushed me at, healing up. I met him again about a two years ago. He had only attacked me for a job, and he had no reason to finish me off. We're on better terms now, but apparently I'm in eternal debt since he didn't actually kill me."

He dropped his vest back down over his chest. "
I'm still looking for powerful mages to fight and train myself against. That's mainly why I'm here today. I know Fairy Tail has some impressive mages in their midst, so I wanted to test my luck here. Here, and then go fight the mages of Sabertooth." He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. "I won't deny I'm a fight addict."


Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora dreamed of vast skies, a canvas of blue splattered with red blotches that resembled clouds. Her whole frame twitched in its deep slumber, shaking almost, as a breeze that chilled directly to the bone crept along her skin in the form of ghastly fingertips. Every strand of hair cascaded wildly about her as she watched a younger version of herself fall from the sky, hands extending in a futile attempt to reach for the little girl and pull her to safety. Instead she was frozen, helpless, and no sound escaped her trembling lips. A small exceed that resembled Nami except for the distinct difference in color came shooting through the sky, flying towards the ground and making it at the last second to cushion Sora's fall, to save her. The clouds began to gather even more so, lightning cracking throughout the sky as she watched the child finally awaken, uninjured, only to roll over and find the exceed beneath her no longer breathing; lifeless. It all faded out from there, the world melting away around her. A whimper escaped into reality, arms tightening around Lysander and clutching him to her tightly, heart pounding. Her knuckles went white from the grasp upon him, breathing in a panicked manner before she found the courage to open her eyes, thankful to be torn from the images that had flooded her once peaceful sleep.

It was the immediate gaze upon Lysander's sleeping face that caused her heartbeat to ebb slowly and the fear dissolved itself a few quiet moments later. The death grip of a hold became more loose as she lifted her head to lean in and rest a damp cheek against Lysander's forehead. A few hours had passed or so that's what it felt like, her magic and physical condition being much better than it previously had been and it most likely wouldn't be long before he might awaken. Sora made sure to be delicate with her next movements, slowly entangling herself from beside him and propping the pillow up in a manner that would continue to cushion his head without fail. Hopefully he wouldn't notice the transition but that was a pretty high hope as he seemed to be the more observant type and picked up on things quite effortlessly. She scrambled to her feet as quietly as she could, afraid to wake him but already longing for the warmth and comfort he offered that she immediately came to miss upon being apart from it. Her small petite frame came to kneel before him, hands resting upon her knees to steady herself whilst she leaned forward and placed a small yet subtle kiss upon his soft cheek. An honest smile spread across her face then as she came to a stand, not the usual childish one, but an endearing one that shone with the promise of never straying from one so precious; from Lysander.

It took a moment to gather the rest of her surroundings, eyes flickering from Maya's face to Clair's and back again. That genuine smile quickly turned rather sheepish, cheeks sharing the same bashful appearance as she lifted a hand to
stifle a spontaneous yet rogue yawn. " It was just a nightmare if you're about to ask.. " It was whispered with a hinting notion of not wanting it to be inquired about further. Her ability to quickly dismiss negative emotions was something that the optimistic girl excelled at after all and that'd only work if people didn't ask questions or pry. Sora flashed them both a thumbs up along with a reassuring smile before she shuffled off towards the bedside table and plucked up the glass of water. A few tentative sips were taken as she peered at them from behind the glass, not minding that the liquid blurred her vision to a point of complete obscurity. " Say, Auntie... " Sora trailed off for a moment as she lowered the glass back onto the table carefully, eyes following it before they rose to stare at Maya. " Can Lysander and I go watch the rest of the fights when he wakes up? I'm sure there's only a few left and I'd rather him get to experience everything the festival has to offer. And don't worry, I'm no longer doing medic duties for the rest of the tournament. " She scrunched her lips to the side at the last part, only adding it in to ensure that Maya wouldn't have a complete reason to decline her request. Idle fingers trailed along the folded poncho next to the water before her fingers clutched the material and she brought it over to Lysander to span it out and use it as a small makeshift blanket, covering a bit of him with a satisfied smile. Her own skin still felt chilled from the eerie feeling that had encased her previously, leaving small traces of goosebumps along it. Although Lysander always seemed warm she didn't know if perhaps he may be cold as well and she surely wasn't willing to take that risk.

Soon she found herself sitting next to him once again, unsure of where to put her hands so she opted to resting them in her own lap, head coming to a comfortable rest against his shoulder. It was oddly pleasant to her that they almost seemed magnetized to one another and fit perfectly, mentally and physically. And if there was anyone that she was willing to explore the depths of new emotions or boundaries with, well, she was thankful it was him. Lysander to her was a miracle that had been etched into her curious world, throwing everything into a flurry of nonsensical beauty that only left her staring in awe.
Maybe Maya or Clair, or anyone else for that matter, might not understand but in all honesty, I don't need them to. I will always fight to be by his side and protect him with my last breath, if only to see him smile another day.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots

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