Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lavender didn't dare think of Mika as a inconvenience, and by the looks of it, he declined and also said that he wouldn't want to bother the girls any longer. As the waitress came by, she placed the tea cup down and left without a word. "You could never bother me, sir Mika. The quest we had just returned from was quite fun and nowhere near an inconvenience." She reassured as she lifted her tea cup and took a lady like sip before putting it back down "If you insist on finding a home, I will be willing to help you." She would respect his wishes just how he wanted them, even if it meant he had to decline both girls and not choose. "I shall respect your wishes." ( no colors cause I'm on my phone.) @rbshinichi @Mitchs98
Talon said:
He shrugged. "Im just a fire mage, nothing too special." Should he tell her or no?¿?¿ He wanted too really bad. "Well not a plain old fire mage... im a Pheonix slayer..." He finally said. "Basically a weaker form of a Dragon slayer. Im the weaker counter part of Natsu Dragneel (Did i spell that right?¿?¿). theres other Pheonix slayers too. Ive heard of a thunder bird slayer, also called a lightning pheonix slayer." He explained. @Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (真実はいつも一つ!)

@rbshinichi[/URL] @Mitchs98
Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera frowned slightly when Mika seemed to think it would cause either of them trouble. If it had Sera wouldn't of offered, really. But if he didn't want to she wouldn't force him. And it seemed Lavender had the same idea. "Yeah. Like Lavender said, it wouldn't be a problem at all really. Think of it as repayment for taking me on the quest with you and being there to talk to." She told him. "But I understand if you'd be more comfortable finding your own place. I'd be more than willing to help Lavender find you a place to stay too. Though, you'll probably be out of luck until the festival ends. Most places are booked up." She added. Yet another reason to be thankful the Festival was held, she guessed. She hoped it'd be enough to convince him to stay with her for the time being, but if truely just wanted to find his own place she'd go along with it. Anything to get him to stay in close proximity, after all.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Sweet Corner
Sera arched a brow at him and his 'things happening'. Whatever it was she was sure it wasn't that bad. Probably. Hopefully, anyway. An idea formed in her mind when Mika started speaking about finding a place to stay. Of course, she had a spare bedroom in her house herself. She never used it for anything, it was just kind of there. Though she did furnish it for the sake of symmetry. Of course..Lavender offered the same thing. She guessed it'd be up to Mika to decided what he wanted to do. She nodded in response to her asking if she had a spare room too. "
Yeah, I got a spare room myself too. You're welcome to stay with me if you want as well." She told them. "It's up to you, really." She added with a shrug. She hoped he'd decide to stay with her...but really as long as he stayed nearby she would be happy.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia blinked at Ruin's entrance. Well. That was one way to get down. Though she agreed with Ophelia. She wanted to find Mizuki, her match would more than likely be starting soon and she wanted to talk to her beforehand. Plus she wasn't supposed to of been gone long anyway. She nodded and started following Ophelia down the street. "
Yeah. You can stay if you wanna Niur, we need to find Mizuki. You can still come with us if you want though!" She called out to her as they walked. Then she turned to Ophelia. "You notice something...different..about Niur?" She whispered to her. She seemed completely different, at-least to Alicia. Which was kind of weird to her.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia shook her head at Niur's request. "You can go ahead and stay here if you wanna keep doing that, but Alicia and I actually have somewhere to go. Isn't that right, Alicia?" the girl asked despite already knowing the answer as she walked along and held the other's hand. Some reckless person with a love for the worst puns in existence wasn't about to stop them from finding Mizuki...
Alfie - Underground Laboratory

Alfie would only stare thoughtfully at the giant, floating contraption before hearing something... when he looked up at where it was coming from, he thought he could see a small, black section of what might have been a circle find its way through the ceiling of his lab, letting dirt fall a lengthy distance before hitting what used to be a perfectly white floor... damn freaky worm things! Not again! Running to a corner in the building to fetch a broom and dust pan, Alfie let his inner maid show itself to clean up the dirt that just wouldn't stop falling...

Ruin - A Sinking Feeling

"You know...I can't shake the feeling that you don't like me Ophelia." Ruin said as she placed the scythes on her back once more. "Just a feeling though. It's probably nothing." Ruin gave a nonchalant shrug. "Alright then! I'm gonna come with you! Let's go find your friends!" She called out as she followed them, easily keeping pace as she took to their side. "So your friend...wouldn't happen to be some pink haired dude right?"

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner of the Little Triangle


Mikael flashed them a brilliant smile for they seem to understand where he was coming from. He listened as Sera explained that it will be hard to find a place for the moment while they are celebrating the festivities. "Oh I see, then I guess I have to take you up on your offer Sera. Just for the time being." Mika looked at Lavender's way and started explaining it's as if he did something wrong. "No, I don't mean... well I mean... " he could not find the words to say anything without blushing. He could not just say,
I'm sorry I could not sleep next to your room because your scent would just keep me restless from the temptation. "I'm just afraid that I could not resist my vampire tendencies when you lie on your bed defenseless." (Yes vampire tendencies.) unaware of what he just said, he just continued sipping on his chocolate.

"Though I hope I could visit you once in a while." he said to Lavender as he was looking outside the clear blue sky.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Mizuki had managed to cut a small hole through the roof of Alfie's lair giving her a clear view of what was below. She couldn't see much, but she couldn't cut anymore until she knew where her ribbon Mage was. Hopefully the dirt that fell from the hole was enough to draw him near. Her dark eyes peered in through the hole and soon enough Alfie stumbled by, just as she predicted. Her real hands began to claw at the hole in an attempt to get closer to him, yet she couldn't. At least by using her hands. Getting a little restless, Mizuki continued to cut into the hole until it was big enough to stick her whole head in. Using her shadowy arms she prevented any dirt from falling through the hole or into her hair, her face replacing the hole in the ceiling. His house was strange, but she couldn't judge. Her own room was filled with the weirdest things around, and smelled strange. This was normal to her. "Yes. Continue to clean..."

Haruhi let out a little squeak as her head was patted, her own hands reaching up and holding the spot he touched. She wasn't used to head pats and definitely wasn't used to getting them from hot guys, but she wasn't complaining for a second. She let out a happy sigh before following the two out to the training grounds. Once outside she stood outside of the small arena like area, watching the two from a few feet away. She never got to see her sister use her magic very often, but it was a wonderful experience every time. However her attention was taken from Honoka as Don suddenly called her name. As she turned her head Haruhi was met with a jacket to the face, causing her to squeak once again and fall down into a sitting position. Fortunately her legs were crossed or he'd have a rather suggestive view. Taking the jacket she held it close to her chest and blushed in embarrassment, not even bothering to acknowledge his promise to fight. "Good luck Honoka..."

@Salt Lord @Refaulted @purplepanda288

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald was watching as Haruhi was hit by his jacket, it striking her in the face and knocking her off balance. He laughed at the sight. "For an S-Class mage, you don't seem to have very good attention to some things! Open your eyes once in a while!" He wasn't sure why, but he was feeling very lax around these two girls. Maybe it was just he hadn't had too much human interaction lately, and he was enjoying it a bit too much.

His laughing ceased when he saw Honoka disappear into a cloud of smoke. He narrowed his eyes, trying to focus in. He could make out a bit of her outline, but that was it. He scowled, holding his arms up in front of him in a crossed pattern, prepared for something to come flying at him. He wasn't going to run in blind if he could help it. He had to get serious.

He could hear music coming from the cloud of smoke, meaning he would have to expect some sort of attack. Which was exactly what he got as a muddy earth began to weave around his body, reaching up from his legs. He tried to move his legs, but to no avail. He would have to break out if he was going to do anything.

Reaching a hand down, he hovered it right over the earth. He lifted his other hand and pointed to fingers at Honoka. Lightning began to appear over his forearms. The lightning moved and condensed on his fingertips that he was pointing at Honoka. The intensity began to grow as power built up. When he felt it was enough, he launched a bolt to her position.

With his other hand, lightning spread across his entire hand, bolts of it striking the earth. As the earth was struck, he could feel it weakening, at least enough to where he could move his legs a small amount. He increased the intensity, the earth cracking as each bolt struck. Soon, it was loose enough for him to break free. He leapt to the side, brushing the dust of his pants. He grinned wickedly. "
My turn, shorty." Holding both his hands up, lightning arced between them. He channeled raw power into the lightning, swinging his arms forward. The bolt flew through the air towards Honoka as a single attack. When it was just a few feet from her, it split into multiple parts, spreading so it would attack her from different angles.

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Lavender Gray

Lavender took in his words and as he turned his attention to her, she couldn't help but let out a soft giggle "defenseless? My dear Mika, when I sleep I'm far more dangerous." Lavender said as she took another sip of her tea with her eyes looking gentle. "I have had friends stay over at my home. Let's just say they learned to never come into my room again." A light laugh came from her lips before the smile on her face had faded as she thought more about what had escaped his lips "please do tell me what you mean by vampire tendencies. My thoughts are getting many different scenarios from your lack of wording." Then she paused and added "I did not mean to be rude!" She truly didn't, though she was secretly trying to convince him. I would love to accept his wishes as they are but something keeps forcing me to keep trying. What is this feeling? Her thoughts were now going out of control, between the curiosity of his words and the questions about her feelings. Carefully, she set the tea cup down (@rbshinichi @Mitchs98 )
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Honoka Redfox

Fairytail Training grounds

As the first bolt attempted to land on her. She turned her heel of her support foot while the her other foot was held close and parallel to the support one. Making the attack fly past her as she turned five times. Her position had changed to about five feet away from the her original position. Allowing the other non-homing attacks to miss her completely.

" Strait shots won't work on me." Her playing position changed. She began to play a new song, Song of the rolling waves. Water began to pool around her feet, soaking the ground with its moisture. As she continued to play the water rose up and began to rapidly shift, making tentacles. They started their assault, each one attacking from a different angle.


Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald watched as Honoka dodged his attacks with ease. This just made his heart beat faster in excitement. This was the kind of sparring match he enjoyed. When it wasn't over in a single attack, and he could tell that his opponent knew what they were doing. It thrilled him. He knew that Honoka would make him have to push himself a bit further.

As the tentacles rose up, Donald got closer to the ground. "
To be honest, I didn't think you would let me get off so easily anyways, shorty."

When they flew at him, lightning enveloped his body. When the first tentacle got to him, time felt like it began to slow around him. He jumped to the side, dodging the tentacle with ease. His eyes scanned the angles of which the rest of the water would hit him at. He sidestepped, immediately falling into a crouch as another soared over him. He sensed an attack coming from behind him, and he swung his arm back. Lightning arced through the air, striking the tentacle at the same time his fist did. The water broke apart around him, soaking him. He then turned his focus onto the other tentacles. He continued to meet the tentacles head on, striking them hard enough for them to break apart.

As he went to attack the second to last one, he felt one tentacle strike him in the back. He howled in surprise, flipping his body and raising his foot in the air. He swung his leg with strong enough force to break the tentacle and smash into the ground, sending dust and pebbles up. He then punched the last tentacle, breaking it.

He paused, rubbing his back. The lightning dispersed from around his body. "
Woo! That was quite a wake-up call, I'll give you that." Flexing his hand, Donald brought his leg up behind him. Lightning arced over his entire leg. Swinging it forwards, he made sure to hit the ground, so a cloud of dust was created as well. The lightning shot in a staggered bolt at Honoka.

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training grounds

Honoka watched as her water was destroyed, it didn't faze her. Not one bit, she in fact had abated him to do so. The water that soaked him now allowed her to restrain him. And she did just that, with a dip of her bow she immobilized him.

( I'm kinda in a rush right now sorry )

Talon glanced around at their suroundings. "I dont think this is a good place to show my powers. They are a bit... destructive. Is there any where we can go, like a training ground or something?¿?¿" He asked as he pulled ot 2 jan buns, 1 raspberry and 1 strawberry. To call his power destructve was kind of an understatement actually. In his younger years he had often dstroyed small towns. @Mitchs98
rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner of the Little Triangle


Mikael flashed them a brilliant smile for they seem to understand where he was coming from. He listened as Sera explained that it will be hard to find a place for the moment while they are celebrating the festivities. "Oh I see, then I guess I have to take you up on your offer Sera. Just for the time being." Mika looked at Lavender's way and started explaining it's as if he did something wrong. "No, I don't mean... well I mean... " he could not find the words to say anything without blushing. He could not just say,
I'm sorry I could not sleep next to your room because your scent would just keep me restless from the temptation. "I'm just afraid that I could not resist my vampire tendencies when you lie on your bed defenseless." (Yes vampire tendencies.) unaware of what he just said, he just continued sipping on his chocolate.

"Though I hope I could visit you once in a while." he said to Lavender as he was looking outside the clear blue sky.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (真実はいつも一つ!)

@rbshinichi[/URL] @Mitchs98 )
Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera smiled to herself, yes! This was great! Though, it was clear he had feelings for Lavender..and that she had feelings for him to. This kind of made her a bit mad, really. The one time she genuinely cared for someone in a way other than friendship or teasing them for fun someone else felt the same way about them. Not only that, she was human. She had plenty of other people that were human she could go with! As far as Sera knew Mika was the only one of her kind in exsistance, or known rather. There were probably more, but still. Mika was the only one that truely understood her, the only one she felt completely comfortable talking to about herself.

No way in hell was she letting Lavender take him from her. Though, she also didn't want to upset Mika and make him leave altogether. This would be complicated...mostly due to the fact she also didn't want to directly upset Lavender. She sighed internally, way more complicated than originally planned. Nevertheless, she decided to ignore Lavenders questioning in turn for responding to Mika. "
Great! I'll take you by my place later. It's pretty close to the guild hall so it's easy to get to." She told him. "Enough about that though, do you guys plan on going to the parade tommorrow night?" She asked them. Originally she intended on only asking Mika..but she wasn't quite ready to leave Lavender out altogether just yet.

Talon said:
Talon glanced around at their suroundings. "I dont think this is a good place to show my powers. They are a bit... destructive. Is there any where we can go, like a training ground or something?¿?¿" He asked as he pulled ot 2 jan buns, 1 raspberry and 1 strawberry. To call his power destructve was kind of an understatement actually. In his younger years he had often dstroyed small towns. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Park

Ferra shrugged, mouth full of roughly tree buns and cheeks bulged out due to it. She hadn't really been to Magnolia before now. Sure she passed through it by train on missions, but as far as actually going to it and walking around she'd never done so. "Dunno. We could look around. I've never been here before this festival." She told him once she'd cleared her mouth of food. Though she liked the sound of 'destructive'. Anything destructive was usually interesting to watch, as proved by the fights. "If we can't find anywhere we could always go into the woods and you could show me there. Nothing but trees and junk there." She added.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu watched the Lacrima's as the lone semifinal match began. It had been over an hour since the previous round of fights had ended, and he'd been getting a bit bored. He'd stayed in his spot at the stands the whole time, simply just watching the other spectators. That had kept his attention for a while, but it had gotten old. He smiled and leaned back in his seat. "Ah, it looks like the tournament has started up again," He was actually fairly interested in the outcome of the fight, as one of the participants was a fellow fire mage.

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow @Bolts

Eias looked up to where Ryu was. That was a little unexpected but a show is a show. I wonder how this will go. She stated without thinking. It was nice sharing this experience with Kim and Ryu. She still hadn't introduced herself to the other. With a bit of nervousness she blew a little sound bubble. H-hello. I'm Eias. It's nice to meet you. So, how do you know Kim and Ryu? Guild buddies I presume?

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald was about to follow up his previous attack, but he felt his body stop dead in it's tracks. Almost like he was covered in clay. He tried to move his hands, but they wouldn't budge. He could still move his neck and head, thankfully. But he was stuck at the moment.

Donald laughed. "
Man, this is fun! You're a good partner, Honoka!" Donald began tensing his body up. "I'll turn myself up a notch for you." Lightning began dancing along Donald's body, and the air around him began to heat up. The lightning spun around him in a sphere, and the water began to evaporate, steam pouring off his body.

He stood up straight and stretched his arm out. He grinned. "You really are one tough cookie. But I have a lot of experience." The lightning around him suddenly disappeared, and the air became calm. Stretching his back, Donald took a deep breath. "Still, it's tough to get back into a fight that's requiring me to move so much. You really have me on the ropes. Doesn't mean I'm gonna give up anytime soon." Donald held up his hands, and lightning enveloped them. He held his fists out in front of him. "Which may end up unfortunate for you."

Getting close to the ground, Donald pushed forward with all the strength in his legs. He flew across the space towards Honoka, until he was right up in her face, close enough to almost touch her nose with his. He smiled, bringing his fist back and down, then swinging it forwards into an uppercut.

(Don't worry about rushing yourself. I'm pretty patient. If you need time to respond, take it.)

Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Sweet Corner
Sera arched a brow at him and his 'things happening'. Whatever it was she was sure it wasn't that bad. Probably. Hopefully, anyway. An idea formed in her mind when Mika started speaking about finding a place to stay. Of course, she had a spare bedroom in her house herself. She never used it for anything, it was just kind of there. Though she did furnish it for the sake of symmetry. Of course..Lavender offered the same thing. She guessed it'd be up to Mika to decided what he wanted to do. She nodded in response to her asking if she had a spare room too. "
Yeah, I got a spare room myself too. You're welcome to stay with me if you want as well." She told them. "It's up to you, really." She added with a shrug. She hoped he'd decide to stay with her...but really as long as he stayed nearby she would be happy.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia blinked at Ruin's entrance. Well. That was one way to get down. Though she agreed with Ophelia. She wanted to find Mizuki, her match would more than likely be starting soon and she wanted to talk to her beforehand. Plus she wasn't supposed to of been gone long anyway. She nodded and started following Ophelia down the street. "
Yeah. You can stay if you wanna Niur, we need to find Mizuki. You can still come with us if you want though!" She called out to her as they walked. Then she turned to Ophelia. "You notice something...different..about Niur?" She whispered to her. She seemed completely different, at-least to Alicia. Which was kind of weird to her.
Metaphysics said:
Ruin - A Sinking Feeling

"You know...I can't shake the feeling that you don't like me Ophelia." Ruin said as she placed the scythes on her back once more. "Just a feeling though. It's probably nothing." Ruin gave a nonchalant shrug. "Alright then! I'm gonna come with you! Let's go find your friends!" She called out as she followed them, easily keeping pace as she took to their side. "So your friend...wouldn't happen to be some pink haired dude right?"
Ophelia nodded at Alicia's whisper. Something really was different about Niur. She seemed almost devilish now that she thought about it... "I mean, I like you, but those puns are just awful. They break my heart every time I hear one," the girl stated with her head turned to Niur, but then she looked at the ground when she mentioned a pink haired dude. Yeah, Alfie was there too, but that wasn't who they were looking for. "Well, he's kind of a friend, but he's not exactly the one we're looking for. Our friend is a tall, kinda scary lady with black hair. I mean, she's nice, but she can be scary."

Kayzo said:
Mizuki had managed to cut a small hole through the roof of Alfie's lair giving her a clear view of what was below. She couldn't see much, but she couldn't cut anymore until she knew where her ribbon Mage was. Hopefully the dirt that fell from the hole was enough to draw him near. Her dark eyes peered in through the hole and soon enough Alfie stumbled by, just as she predicted. Her real hands began to claw at the hole in an attempt to get closer to him, yet she couldn't. At least by using her hands. Getting a little restless, Mizuki continued to cut into the hole until it was big enough to stick her whole head in. Using her shadowy arms she prevented any dirt from falling through the hole or into her hair, her face replacing the hole in the ceiling. His house was strange, but she couldn't judge. Her own room was filled with the weirdest things around, and smelled strange. This was normal to her. "Yes. Continue to clean..."

Haruhi let out a little squeak as her head was patted, her own hands reaching up and holding the spot he touched. She wasn't used to head pats and definitely wasn't used to getting them from hot guys, but she wasn't complaining for a second. She let out a happy sigh before following the two out to the training grounds. Once outside she stood outside of the small arena like area, watching the two from a few feet away. She never got to see her sister use her magic very often, but it was a wonderful experience every time. However her attention was taken from Honoka as Don suddenly called her name. As she turned her head Haruhi was met with a jacket to the face, causing her to squeak once again and fall down into a sitting position. Fortunately her legs were crossed or he'd have a rather suggestive view. Taking the jacket she held it close to her chest and blushed in embarrassment, not even bothering to acknowledge his promise to fight. "Good luck Honoka..."

@Salt Lord @Refaulted @purplepanda288
Just when Alfie was about to freak out because of all the dirt that was just falling through his ceiling, he looked down to see that there was no more being added onto the pile that was already there. With a relieved sigh, he would slingshot all of that dirt from the dust pan and into the giant, golden, floating contraption, resulting in the disintegration of the small flecks of soil. Well, that was rather... odd. "I really am going to need to do something about those worms," he said in an annoyed tone, looking back up and expecting to see the circular, black worm again... well, it wasn't a worm, circular, or black... "M-Mizuki! How did you get here?!" he broke out suddenly and frantically, covering the ominous contraption with a wall of ribbons. Which he probably didn't need to do, seeing as how the other mage might not even know what the half of the things in his lab were.
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald was about to follow up his previous attack, but he felt his body stop dead in it's tracks. Almost like he was covered in clay. He tried to move his hands, but they wouldn't budge. He could still move his neck and head, thankfully. But he was stuck at the moment.

Donald laughed. "
Man, this is fun! You're a good partner, Honoka!" Donald began tensing his body up. "I'll turn myself up a notch for you." Lightning began dancing along Donald's body, and the air around him began to heat up. The lightning spun around him in a sphere, and the water began to evaporate, steam pouring off his body.

He stood up straight and stretched his arm out. He grinned. "You really are one tough cookie. But I have a lot of experience." The lightning around him suddenly disappeared, and the air became calm. Stretching his back, Donald took a deep breath. "Still, it's tough to get back into a fight that's requiring me to move so much. You really have me on the ropes. Doesn't mean I'm gonna give up anytime soon." Donald held up his hands, and lightning enveloped them. He held his fists out in front of him. "Which may end up unfortunate for you."

Getting close to the ground, Donald pushed forward with all the strength in his legs. He flew across the space towards Honoka, until he was right up in her face, close enough to almost touch her nose with his. He smiled, bringing his fist back and down, then swinging it forwards into an uppercut.

(Don't worry about rushing yourself. I'm pretty patient. If you need time to respond, take it.)

@Kayzo @Refaulted
Metaphysics said:
Ruin - A Sinking Feeling

"You know...I can't shake the feeling that you don't like me Ophelia." Ruin said as she placed the scythes on her back once more. "Just a feeling though. It's probably nothing." Ruin gave a nonchalant shrug. "Alright then! I'm gonna come with you! Let's go find your friends!" She called out as she followed them, easily keeping pace as she took to their side. "So your friend...wouldn't happen to be some pink haired dude right?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia nodded at Alicia's whisper. Something really was different about Niur. She seemed almost devilish now that she thought about it... "I mean, I like you, but those puns are just awful. They break my heart every time I hear one," the girl stated with her head turned to Niur, but then she looked at the ground when she mentioned a pink haired dude. Yeah, Alfie was there too, but that wasn't who they were looking for. "Well, he's kind of a friend, but he's not exactly the one we're looking for. Our friend is a tall, kinda scary lady with black hair. I mean, she's nice, but she can be scary."

Just when Alfie was about to freak out because of all the dirt that was just falling through his ceiling, he looked down to see that there was no more being added onto the pile that was already there. With a relieved sigh, he would slingshot all of that dirt from the dust pan and into the giant, golden, floating contraption, resulting in the disintegration of the small flecks of soil. Well, that was rather... odd. "I really am going to need to do something about those worms," he said in an annoyed tone, looking back up and expecting to see the circular, black worm again... well, it wasn't a worm, circular, or black... "M-Mizuki! How did you get here?!" he broke out suddenly and frantically, covering the ominous contraption with a wall of ribbons. Which he probably didn't need to do, seeing as how the other mage might not even know what the half of the things in his lab were.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia glanced back to Niur when she started speaking, glancing to Ophelia when she responded. Ohh, it made sense now. She just didn't like her jokes. Well, it kind of made sense. She guessed..a little. Not really. But it was better than not liking Niur herself for not not doing anything wrong. Then Niur mentioned Alfie. She'd seen Alfie? Maybe she'd saw Mizuki with him! She giggled at Ophelia's description of Mizuki, though she disagreed with her on her seeming scary. Well...partially anyway. "Yeah. You might of seen her with the guy though, that's whk we saw her with last." She told her. Maybe if they could find Alfie if Mizuki wasn't at the house Alfie could tell her where Mizuki went?

She hoped so, anyway. "
Why? Did you see him recently?" She asked, looking over to her. Glancing around at the buildings she turned down the next street they came across, the house was close, she recognized the area.
Talon nodded and thought for a moment. "Ok, the forest sounds good... But first, theres still more buns!¡!¡" He exclaimed a he popped 4 of the said buns into his mouth 1 after the other. "mmm Delicious!¡!¡" @Mitchs98 (If some S-class guys get deleted in the next arc could Talon become an S-class eventually?¿?¿)
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia nodded at Alicia's whisper. Something really was different about Niur. She seemed almost devilish now that she thought about it... "I mean, I like you, but those puns are just awful. They break my heart every time I hear one," the girl stated with her head turned to Niur, but then she looked at the ground when she mentioned a pink haired dude. Yeah, Alfie was there too, but that wasn't who they were looking for. "Well, he's kind of a friend, but he's not exactly the one we're looking for. Our friend is a tall, kinda scary lady with black hair. I mean, she's nice, but she can be scary."

Just when Alfie was about to freak out because of all the dirt that was just falling through his ceiling, he looked down to see that there was no more being added onto the pile that was already there. With a relieved sigh, he would slingshot all of that dirt from the dust pan and into the giant, golden, floating contraption, resulting in the disintegration of the small flecks of soil. Well, that was rather... odd. "I really am going to need to do something about those worms," he said in an annoyed tone, looking back up and expecting to see the circular, black worm again... well, it wasn't a worm, circular, or black... "M-Mizuki! How did you get here?!" he broke out suddenly and frantically, covering the ominous contraption with a wall of ribbons. Which he probably didn't need to do, seeing as how the other mage might not even know what the half of the things in his lab were.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia glanced back to Niur when she started speaking, glancing to Ophelia when she responded. Ohh, it made sense now. She just didn't like her jokes. Well, it kind of made sense. She guessed..a little. Not really. But it was better than not liking Niur herself for not not doing anything wrong. Then Niur mentioned Alfie. She'd seen Alfie? Maybe she'd saw Mizuki with him! She giggled at Ophelia's description of Mizuki, though she disagreed with her on her seeming scary. Well...partially anyway. "Yeah. You might of seen her with the guy though, that's whk we saw her with last." She told her. Maybe if they could find Alfie if Mizuki wasn't at the house Alfie could tell her where Mizuki went?

She hoped so, anyway. "
Why? Did you see him recently?" She asked, looking over to her. Glancing around at the buildings she turned down the next street they came across, the house was close, she recognized the area.
Ruin - Nope

"Well I'm sorry if you don't like my jokes but to be fair...most of them are from my companion and I think they're horrible too. I just use them to start a conversation, I'll stop using them." She said before she shook her head to what Alicia said. "No, only met him by himself earlier, didn't have anyone with him. I don't exactly know what happened but I think he just talked with someone. But that was a long time ago so I don't know where he is currently.
Talon said:
Talon nodded and thought for a moment. "Ok, the forest sounds good... But first, theres still more buns!¡!¡" He exclaimed a he popped 4 of the said buns into his mouth 1 after the other. "mmm Delicious!¡!¡" @Mitchs98 (If some S-class guys get deleted in the next arc could Talon become an S-class eventually?¿?¿)
Ferra: Park

Ferra nodded eagerly, pretty much setting to work consuming her half of the buns ASAP. She also nodded when he said they were good, she would respond verbally..but no one wants chewed up buns of various kinds on their face. After pretty much inhaling afforementioned buns she let out a contented sigh, for the time being she was actually full. It'd probably only last an hour or two, but still. "
That was goood." She told him while rubbing her stomach. "I think it's fair to call this a tie, don't you?" She asked him with a grin.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia nodded at Alicia's whisper. Something really was different about Niur. She seemed almost devilish now that she thought about it... "I mean, I like you, but those puns are just awful. They break my heart every time I hear one," the girl stated with her head turned to Niur, but then she looked at the ground when she mentioned a pink haired dude. Yeah, Alfie was there too, but that wasn't who they were looking for. "Well, he's kind of a friend, but he's not exactly the one we're looking for. Our friend is a tall, kinda scary lady with black hair. I mean, she's nice, but she can be scary."

Just when Alfie was about to freak out because of all the dirt that was just falling through his ceiling, he looked down to see that there was no more being added onto the pile that was already there. With a relieved sigh, he would slingshot all of that dirt from the dust pan and into the giant, golden, floating contraption, resulting in the disintegration of the small flecks of soil. Well, that was rather... odd. "I really am going to need to do something about those worms," he said in an annoyed tone, looking back up and expecting to see the circular, black worm again... well, it wasn't a worm, circular, or black... "M-Mizuki! How did you get here?!" he broke out suddenly and frantically, covering the ominous contraption with a wall of ribbons. Which he probably didn't need to do, seeing as how the other mage might not even know what the half of the things in his lab were.

Mizuki frowned slightly as she was caught once again. She should've known that sticking her entire face into the hole was a bad idea. However there was no escaping Alfie now. Or rather Alfie couldn't escape from her. Clawing a slightly bigger hole Mizuki slipped her hole body inside and landed on the ground a few inches away from Alfie. "Hehehe. I just happened to stumble upon you my ribbon Mage." She said, her shadowy arms slowly wrapping around his bodies and pulling him close. "Please relax. I'll let you go very soon..."

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald jumped back as soon as the wall appeared in front of him. He grunted in annoyance, but it wouldn't be fun if he got a free hit in. This was the point of a sparring match, anyways. If it was easy, he would be thoroughly disappointed.

He jumped back to a safe distance. This was the first time he struggled in a fight for a while. She seemed to have a counter to anything he threw at her. She was nimble and it felt like she could read him like a book. While it was frustrating, he enjoyed it. It was also one of his few times facing off with a female mage, so that just added to the enjoyment.

As the water rose around her, Donald lifted his arms up in a defensive state. As it lashed out at him, he took the full brunt of the attacks, grunting at the stinging pain as he was pelted. As long as the water existed, then she could just make more of that hot plasma, and he would be backed into a corner. And this was only a portion of her magic. He had to think of something...

He channeled more magic to revolve around him. The water evaporated as it struck the lightning. Donald groaned as he rubbed his head. "I'm flattered you think I have skill. I guess all my training has paid off in the end." Donald tapped his toes behind him, kicking up a small amount of dust as a result. "But I don't see how you are as good as me yet. I'm not too impressed to be quite honest." Why did this fight for fun feel so different than his others? He didn't know.

How about we place a bet on the line? Something to make this fight a little more enjoyable? I'm a bit of a gambling fool, as I'm told. If you win, I'll do anything you want me to. You name it, and it's done." He grinned. A bet on the line would maker him work harder, he knew. "If I win, have to spread my name as the most powerful mage you ever met." Donald crouched down, ready to pounce. "Whatcha' say?" He leapt forwards at Honoka, bringing his fist back behind him, and when he was close enough, he dropped down low to the ground, leaning on his hand as he swept his foot towards Honoka's legs, hoping to knock her off balance.


Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia StreetsAlicia glanced back to Niur when she started speaking, glancing to Ophelia when she responded. Ohh, it made sense now. She just didn't like her jokes. Well, it kind of made sense. She guessed..a little. Not really. But it was better than not liking Niur herself for not not doing anything wrong. Then Niur mentioned Alfie. She'd seen Alfie? Maybe she'd saw Mizuki with him! She giggled at Ophelia's description of Mizuki, though she disagreed with her on her seeming scary. Well...partially anyway. "Yeah. You might of seen her with the guy though, that's whk we saw her with last." She told her. Maybe if they could find Alfie if Mizuki wasn't at the house Alfie could tell her where Mizuki went?

She hoped so, anyway. "
Why? Did you see him recently?" She asked, looking over to her. Glancing around at the buildings she turned down the next street they came across, the house was close, she recognized the area.
Metaphysics said:
Ruin - Nope

"Well I'm sorry if you don't like my jokes but to be fair...most of them are from my companion and I think they're horrible too. I just use them to start a conversation, I'll stop using them." She said before she shook her head to what Alicia said. "No, only met him by himself earlier, didn't have anyone with him. I don't exactly know what happened but I think he just talked with someone. But that was a long time ago so I don't know where he is currently.
"Your companion has a horrible taste in puns, and I'm glad you hate them too," Ophelia said to Niur, ignoring all the talk about Alfie. She just cared about Mizuki right now, and the girl wondered how much longer they had to walk before she killed someone. Not Niur or Alicia, but someone. "Hey, Alicia, are we almost there...?"

Kayzo said:
"Hehehe. I just happened to stumble upon you my ribbon Mage." She said, her shadowy arms slowly wrapping around his bodies and pulling him close. "Please relax. I'll let you go very soon..."

Alfie weakly and subtly struggled in the mage's unsettlingly shadowy arms, rather uncomfortable with how close he was to Mizuki. The wall of ribbons would slowly begin to wilt away and fall down as the pink clad man lost his focus on the machine completely. "U-um... as you wish...?" Now this was a situation Alfie had never found himself in, and between stealing tombstones from giant underground graveyards to glaring at giant ghostlike gears, being in Mizuki's uncomfortable embrace was certainly the weirdest.
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"Your companion has a horrible taste in puns, and I'm glad you hate them too," Ophelia said to Niur, ignoring all the talk about Alfie. She just cared about Mizuki right now, and the girl wondered how much longer they had to walk before she killed someone. Not Niur or Alicia, but someone. "Hey, Alicia, are we almost there...?"

Alfie weakly and subtly struggled in the mage's unsettlingly shadowy arms, rather uncomfortable with how close he was to Mizuki. The wall of ribbons would slowly begin to wilt away and fall down as the pink clad man lost his focus on the machine completely. "U-um... as you wish...?" Now this was a situation Alfie had never found himself in, and between stealing tombstones from giant underground graveyards to glaring at giant ghostlike gears, being in Mizuki's uncomfortable embrace was certainly the weirdest.

Mizuki let out a quiet happy sigh as Alfie said that she could do whatever she wanted with him. Her shadowy arms began to slither around him, constricting his body tightly against hers. The Dark Mage wasn't a very touchy person unless she was with someone like Alicia, and it seemed that her ribbon Mage made that list. "I'm going to be staying here with you. For the night." She said in a cryptic voice, her real hand pulling his head back slightly. She pressed her nose into the back of his head and took a deep sniff, letting out another deep breath through her mouth. "Wonderful... Just wonderful." The Dark Mage slowly began to loosen her grip but kept him close. She knew Alicia was probably looking for her, but she knew that she'd be safe and could wait a little.
Talon also gobbled down his half of the buns and finished literally 2.65108764444490976381 seconds after her. He is a very good counter... He stood up and stretched. "Alright lets go!¡!¡" He exclimed and started walking away after he incinerated the box and blew the ashes away. "Okey dokey, i know where the forest is, I passed through it on my way here. Shall we?¿?¿" @Mitchs98

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