Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kayzo said:
Mizuki let out a quiet happy sigh as Alfie said that she could do whatever she wanted with him. Her shadowy arms began to slither around him, constricting his body tightly against hers. The Dark Mage wasn't a very touchy person unless she was with someone like Alicia, and it seemed that her ribbon Mage made that list. "I'm going to be staying here with you. For the night." She said in a cryptic voice, her real hand pulling his head back slightly. She pressed her nose into the back of his head and took a deep sniff, letting out another deep breath through her mouth. "Wonderful... Just wonderful." The Dark Mage slowly began to loosen her grip but kept him close. She knew Alicia was probably looking for her, but she knew that she'd be safe and could wait a little.
Alfie's eyes were wide and a disturbed frown adorned his face as Mizuki did some weird things with him, from pulling his head back to taking a great whiff of his cake scented hair... her voice sent shivers down his spine, and not the good shivers. He could only nod as the mage claimed she'd be staying in his lab, not bothering to protest in regards to Alicia or Ophelia. "I-if that's the case, try not to touch anything, um, especially that enormous machine... unless, of course, you want to disintegrate yourself, but I'd rather not be held responsible... heh..." Well that was an awful attempt to lighten the uneasy atmosphere... uneasy for him, that was.
Metaphysics said:
Ruin - Nope

"Well I'm sorry if you don't like my jokes but to be fair...most of them are from my companion and I think they're horrible too. I just use them to start a conversation, I'll stop using them." She said before she shook her head to what Alicia said. "No, only met him by himself earlier, didn't have anyone with him. I don't exactly know what happened but I think he just talked with someone. But that was a long time ago so I don't know where he is currently.
Ferra: Park > Woods

Ferra nodded, popping up off of the bench and following closely beside him. She was really excited to see his magic, she hadn't gotten to see Sora in action at the dragon fight due to being otherwise occupied so she was even more excited to see a Slayer magic similar to dragon slayer magic. "
Sounds good to me! Lead the way!" She replied excitedly. Things seemed to be going good so far, at-least.
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald jumped back as soon as the wall appeared in front of him. He grunted in annoyance, but it wouldn't be fun if he got a free hit in. This was the point of a sparring match, anyways. If it was easy, he would be thoroughly disappointed.

He jumped back to a safe distance. This was the first time he struggled in a fight for a while. She seemed to have a counter to anything he threw at her. She was nimble and it felt like she could read him like a book. While it was frustrating, he enjoyed it. It was also one of his few times facing off with a female mage, so that just added to the enjoyment.

As the water rose around her, Donald lifted his arms up in a defensive state. As it lashed out at him, he took the full brunt of the attacks, grunting at the stinging pain as he was pelted. As long as the water existed, then she could just make more of that hot plasma, and he would be backed into a corner. And this was only a portion of her magic. He had to think of something...

He channeled more magic to revolve around him. The water evaporated as it struck the lightning. Donald groaned as he rubbed his head. "I'm flattered you think I have skill. I guess all my training has paid off in the end." Donald tapped his toes behind him, kicking up a small amount of dust as a result. "But I don't see how you are as good as me yet. I'm not too impressed to be quite honest." Why did this fight for fun feel so different than his others? He didn't know.

How about we place a bet on the line? Something to make this fight a little more enjoyable? I'm a bit of a gambling fool, as I'm told. If you win, I'll do anything you want me to. You name it, and it's done." He grinned. A bet on the line would maker him work harder, he knew. "If I win, have to spread my name as the most powerful mage you ever met." Donald crouched down, ready to pounce. "Whatcha' say?" He leapt forwards at Honoka, bringing his fist back behind him, and when he was close enough, he dropped down low to the ground, leaning on his hand as he swept his foot towards Honoka's legs, hoping to knock her off balance.

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training ground

A bet? At a time like this, he wanted to place a bet? Well the sound did excit her. The. She came to the realization of what he said after that. He would do anything, anything! Now this was something she would accept. " As long as you keep your world." Externally she looked calm as she played her instrument, but in the inside she was a little kid. Jumping and howling at his words, Anything. She repeated that word over and over in her mind. An underlying blush creeped its way on to her face. Unfortunately in her high she was knocked over by Don, making her fumble to the ground.

Her song ended abruptly, her bow and violin staggered to the ground. Both were envolped in a yellow light, disappearing into her pocket dimension. No weapons to use she quickly got up. This was now about harder to do, the same thought rang though her mind. Her senses rose in sensitivity because of the amounts of hormons that began to swim in her blood.
" Solid script, Smoke."

She vanished in a cloud of smoke, her outline barely visible form the cloud. She seemed to have moved back, allowing her to preform her magic once more . " Solid script, Iron!" Word ar tapered around her not one but three separate iron word art objects drilled them selves into the ground. Another movement from her. " Soild script, bullets." More word art formed. This time it spout out yellow projectiles that attempted to hit Don.


Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald felt success as he landed his first successful hit on Honoka through their entire match. He wasn't sure what had made her hesitate and lose focus, but he had taken the opportunity. When Honoka hit the ground, he smiled in triumph. Now all he needed to do was...

He was surprised as she immediately regained her form, getting to a safer distance. When she became enveloped in smoke, Donald began focusing his senses again, trying to train his eyes on Honoka. He could make out her silhouette, and was about to begin charging up his own lightning attack when he saw flashes of light fly out towards him. He quickly began to dodge the bullets, trying to move his body as fast as he could. Even with his speed, though, the speed and quantity of the bullets made it difficult. A few skimmed over him, the heat making him wince slightly.

He had no clue what had happened, but once again, the fight had done a complete flip back into Honoka's control. She was using more powerful magic, while still keeping herself under control. If Donald tried anything more powerful than what he had already used, he was worried he would damage the Guild Hall next to him.

He soon realized he wouldn't be able to continue dodging the bullets, and he lifted his arms up into a defensive position. Lightning formed into a shield in front of him, tanking the attack for him. Though it only lessened the impact, and still stung as it hit him. He grimaced, waiting for an opening to attack Honoka, and hopefully end the fight before she used anything more powerful. Some lightning arced off of the shield towards the girl, though, a counterattack of sorts.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie's eyes were wide and a disturbed frown adorned his face as Mizuki did some weird things with him, from pulling his head back to taking a great whiff of his cake scented hair... her voice sent shivers down his spine, and not the good shivers. He could only nod as the mage claimed she'd be staying in his lab, not bothering to protest in regards to Alicia or Ophelia. "I-if that's the case, try not to touch anything, um, especially that enormous machine... unless, of course, you want to disintegrate yourself, but I'd rather not be held responsible... heh..." Well that was an awful attempt to lighten the uneasy atmosphere... uneasy for him, that was.

After holding onto Alfie for a few more moments Mizuki's shadowy arms let go of him and disappeared from sight. "Yes, I'll be careful not to touch anything." Said the Dark Mage as she stepped forward and placed her two hands on the top of his head and pulling him back. He was much bigger than Alicia which made it harder to touch him as she pleased. Though it shouldn't take long for her to adapt. "But I am quite curious. What is this large machine? What purpose does it serve us?" She asked, deciding not to refer to Alfie as a you but as an us. That's what they were now, an us. No for you, he or she. Just us. And Alicia.
Kayzo said:
After holding onto Alfie for a few more moments Mizuki's shadowy arms let go of him and disappeared from sight. "Yes, I'll be careful not to touch anything." Said the Dark Mage as she stepped forward and placed her two hands on the top of his head and pulling him back. He was much bigger than Alicia which made it harder to touch him as she pleased. Though it shouldn't take long for her to adapt. "But I am quite curious. What is this large machine? What purpose does it serve us?" She asked, deciding not to refer to Alfie as a you but as an us. That's what they were now, an us. No for you, he or she. Just us. And Alicia.
Uh-oh. Alfie was so caught up in Mizuki's sudden embrace that when he was finally able to look at it, he saw his ribbon wall gone. "It's... nothing more than a machine I tried to build a few years back. It failed at accomplishing its original purpose, which was to... convert pure energy into positive energy, but I keep it around because it looks nice. Wouldn't you agree?" Aside from the few pauses in between his explanation, it was an otherwise convincing statement.
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald felt success as he landed his first successful hit on Honoka through their entire match. He wasn't sure what had made her hesitate and lose focus, but he had taken the opportunity. When Honoka hit the ground, he smiled in triumph. Now all he needed to do was...

He was surprised as she immediately regained her form, getting to a safer distance. When she became enveloped in smoke, Donald began focusing his senses again, trying to train his eyes on Honoka. He could make out her silhouette, and was about to begin charging up his own lightning attack when he saw flashes of light fly out towards him. He quickly began to dodge the bullets, trying to move his body as fast as he could. Even with his speed, though, the speed and quantity of the bullets made it difficult. A few skimmed over him, the heat making him wince slightly.

He had no clue what had happened, but once again, the fight had done a complete flip back into Honoka's control. She was using more powerful magic, while still keeping herself under control. If Donald tried anything more powerful than what he had already used, he was worried he would damage the Guild Hall next to him.

He soon realized he wouldn't be able to continue dodging the bullets, and he lifted his arms up into a defensive position. Lightning formed into a shield in front of him, tanking the attack for him. Though it only lessened the impact, and still stung as it hit him. He grimaced, waiting for an opening to attack Honoka, and hopefully end the fight before she used anything more powerful. Some lightning arced off of the shield towards the girl, though, a counterattack of sorts.

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training grounds

The lighting that he had shot at her , dramatically changed its course. Now instead of hitting her it funneled its way to the iron word art, striking it. It vibrated for a few seconds until the electricity was grounded and speared into the earth. " You can't hit me like that any more." She rose her left hand, making the onslaught of bullets stop.

Honoka let her right hand out, her plam outstretched. She couldn't bring back her violin and bow but she could bring forth something that could help her win the match. What looked like a paper with notes and writing on it appeared in her hand. She drew her hands around the edges of the paper and spoke.
" Lyric script: Song of the gale force wind." The score started to fall apart, disintegrating into small specs of golden light. Soft violin music started to inexplicably play in the back ground.

" Dance of the winds." Her movements changed, instead of holding back like she was at the beginning of their match she went head on. Her hair floated around her, movements seemed to flow like a Ribbon in the air. She brought her left leg in, along her to make a round house kick motion. The simple motion wouldn't have done any damage at the distance she was from Donald. But this was different, that swing created a narrow section of Razor sharp wind. It flew at Don, That would do some serious damage if it landed.


Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald watched as his attack flew away towards the metallic rods in the ground. He swore under his breath, keeping his shield up despite Honoka's attack having stopped. He was wary now. If she stopped such a relentless attack, and his lightning was now useless, then he had to play more cautious than he wanted to. Which he absolutely hated.

Donald watched as the wind picked up around Honoka, Donald increased the intensity of his shield. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, steeling himself for whatever came his way.

When the razor wind flew at him, he tried to hold his defensive stance against it. He gritted his teeth as it impacted, and he felt the force behind it begint o shove him back. His shield wavered for a moment, and he felt his hold on it start to waver.

In his mind, he knew that at that moment, it was over.

His shield popped, and the attack, though lessened in strength from him holding against it for long enough, hit him square on. The wind was knocked out of his chest, and he tumbled back a few feet. He lay motionless, sucking in air. He couldn't
believe he had lost. Not only to a Guild Mage, but this was his first ever lose against a female opponent as well.

His booming laugh filled the air.

Wincing, Donald pushed himself up into a sitting position. He rubbed his chest, knowing that it would bruise at the very least the next day. But he still laughed as the pain spread across his torso. "
Holy shit! I guess I really am way out of my league! You Guild Mages are some tough cookies. We should definitely spar more often." He took a moment to catch his breath, then looked over at Haruhi, almost forgetting that she was there. She had been silent during the entire fight. He grinned at her. "I'm way glad I didn't fight you, though. I wouldn't stand a chance! Unless I devoured all that lightning magic I sense on you."

Chuckling, he turned back to Honoka. He brought his knees up a bit, balancing his feet on their heels. He leaned back on his hands, smiling. "
Alright, alright. I'm a man of honor, if anything. You won the bet. I have to whatever you say." He waved his hand in the air dismissively. "Lay it on me, shorty. Tell me what you want me to do."

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training grounds

She let out a yelp of surprise when the attacked knocked him down. She sincerely hoped that it didn't cut him across the chest. She practically floated towards him, she kneeled down. Only to be met with him saying that they were out of his league.

" Stay still for a moment." She traced her finger Ina circle motion around his chest. Small glowing notes appeared as she moved her finger, she soon completed the circle. " Activate, pain dilation and passive healing." The note turned a green color before disappearing completely.

" That should help with the pain and bruises. Your an excellent fighter, you just need to work on finding your opponents weak spot. yours is conductivity, I was only able to escape your magic because of the nature of lighting and metal."
She set her hands in her lap for a moment.

" As for the bet, I want you to take me out on a date tomorrow, until the time I have to preform." Her voice was incredibly shaky, as well as quite. She had hoped that she win so she could asking him for a date, but she felt nervous all of sudden. F-ING MEN!

@Kayzo @Refaulted
Talon laughed and started running in the direction of the forest just outside of town. he saw lightning shoot up into the sky a few blocks away and skidded to a stop. "What was that?¿?¿" He asked Ferra curiously. Lightning didnt shoot into the sky from the ground unless it was someone doing it. It made him curious. @Mitchs98 @Refaulted (mentioned)
Mizuki's real hands firmly gripped Alfie's shoulders, her head placed right beside his. She believed his story about the machine one hundred percent, but she really didn't care about it right now. The only thing on her mind right now being Alfie and his ribbons, his sweet right ribbons. Something she was craving right now. "Yes, it does look quite nice. But not as nice as your wonderful ribbons. In fact, I believe I need a refresh. Please, wrap me up with our ribbons." She ordered, pressing her face to his temple and taking a big whiff. "Oh Yes..."

Haruhi was silent the entire time Don and Honoka fought. It was definetly an exciting fight, a very close match that ended up with her sister winning. However the blue haired girl knew that if she was in the ring the fight would be over much quicker. And Don acknowledged that. "Maybe later we can fight. Whenever you feel like it." She said with a warm smile, standing up and holding the jacket out to Don. While she was doing this she picked up on what her sister said, the blush coming back on her face. Haruhi didn't expect her sister to ask something like that! "H-Honoka! You can't just ask someone to do that..."

@Refaulted @Salt Lord @purplepanda288
Talon said:
Talon laughed and started running in the direction of the forest just outside of town. he saw lightning shoot up into the sky a few blocks away and skidded to a stop. "What was that?¿?¿" He asked Ferra curiously. Lightning didnt shoot into the sky from the ground unless it was someone doing it. It made him curious. @Mitchs98 @Refaulted (mentioned)
Ferra: Magnolia Streets > Woods

Ferra easily matched his pace and ran alongside him, at this rate they'd reach the forest quickly. She'd seen the lightning to, but right now she had tunnel vision; she really wanted to see Talon's magic. Thus when Talon had stopped she ran a bit ahead of him before even realizing it, the only thing stopping her being his question. She shrugged in response, "My guess is someones magic. Probably just Fairy Tail fighting each other or something." She replied. "Wanna..check it out or..?" She asked. She hoped he said no, BUT if it was a fight he could potentionally join in and therefore she could see him use his magic in a fight, which would be even cooler than a simple demonstration. So she didn't really mind what he decided.

Mikael La Viere



"Well then I shall be on your care for a while Sera." He said smiling. He turned to Lavender and tried to make an excuse, "You see, I'm a vampire, i have needs. We don't want you to wake up full of bite marks eh? Or feeling drained due to blood loss. Yes, yes. That's it."he said thinking that what he just said would convince Lavender it was just the only reason.

He then turned to Sera with a begging look. He knew she would know that he was just making things up. With his puppy eyes and silent words he begged.

"Ahm...excuse me madams and sir." The manager walked up to them and politely asked. "You are wizards from fairy tail right? There's something I would like to ask of you." She said with a polite and serious tone.

Mikael would like to leap and just hug the manager for breaking up the tension he was feeling from their table. Nice timing.


Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Alicia glanced back to Niur when she started speaking, glancing to Ophelia when she responded. Ohh, it made sense now. She just didn't like her jokes. Well, it kind of made sense. She guessed..a little. Not really. But it was better than not liking Niur herself for not not doing anything wrong. Then Niur mentioned Alfie. She'd seen Alfie? Maybe she'd saw Mizuki with him! She giggled at Ophelia's description of Mizuki, though she disagreed with her on her seeming scary. Well...partially anyway. "Yeah. You might of seen her with the guy though, that's whk we saw her with last." She told her. Maybe if they could find Alfie if Mizuki wasn't at the house Alfie could tell her where Mizuki went?

She hoped so, anyway. "
Why? Did you see him recently?" She asked, looking over to her. Glancing around at the buildings she turned down the next street they came across, the house was close, she recognized the area.

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)


Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Dusty ran a hand over his chest, the pain already beginning to ebb away. The attack had stung quite a bit, sp the ease that came with Honoka's magic was well welcomed by him. He patted his chest and laughed at himself. He had been knocked down by a simple gust of wind, and he was sure that wasn't even Honoka's strongest magical attack. "I'll make sure to keep that advice in mind, shorty."

He listened to her request, and his eyebrow lifted as she spoke. He had been asked out on 'dates' by a few girls and women before, but from what was explained to him, it seemed like something that was very difficult. He had always declined, afraid he would embarrass himself in front of partners. He was good at fighting, and a date seemed...like the opposite of such. But, Honoka was strong, and if that meant he could get closer to her, then he was fine with it. He was beginning to see her in a new light of sorts.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Donald reached up and took his vest back from Haruhi, nodding a thanks to her. "
Yeah, sure. A date. Sounds like a good idea. We could go sometime tomorrow morning, or something. Or whenever you want to." He tried desperately to think of something that they could do on a date, but his mind was coming up blank. He would have to wing it as it went. His mouth felt dry, for some reason.

Lavender Gray

The worst excuse he has ever made. Lavender already knew he had been trying to hide behind his words. Just by adding 'Yes, yes. That's it' to the end. This made Lavender sigh and shake her head as the manager of the cafe had came up to the table. Moving her gaze over to the female, she spoke "We are indeed part of Fairy Tail. How may we assist you?" Of course, her mind still hung on the thought of Mika trying to hide behind his words. What didnt make sense was why he was making excuses. If he is saying he dont want to bite her while she's sleeping, what has been stopping him from biting her since they've met? -Aside from the fight they had- Something wasnt right, and it bothered the warrior greatly. My eyes thave decieved me. The thought of him not being a lair -aside from his vampire secret- was just false. Everyone always hide behind their words. Afraid to tell the truth. Her fingers were gently running along the handle of the teacup as it rested on the table. But she had gripped it so hard that she actually snapped the handle off which caused her to widen her eyes "Oh my, I'm so sorry." she looked at the Manager with a apologetic look on her face. On the inside, she was fustrated.
He chuckled and his face had a confident grin on it. "Oh so thats Fairytail huh?¿?¿ Sounds fun, lets go!¡!¡" He dahed away without bothering to wait for ferra. That was some strong lightning magic and he want to fight whoever it was. He was in the zone and didnt realize his hands and feet had caught on fire. @Mitchs98 @Refaulted im coming for you ( xD )
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's real hands firmly gripped Alfie's shoulders, her head placed right beside his. She believed his story about the machine one hundred percent, but she really didn't care about it right now. The only thing on her mind right now being Alfie and his ribbons, his sweet right ribbons. Something she was craving right now. "Yes, it does look quite nice. But not as nice as your wonderful ribbons. In fact, I believe I need a refresh. Please, wrap me up with our ribbons." She ordered, pressing her face to his temple and taking a big whiff. "Oh Yes..."
Haruhi was silent the entire time Don and Honoka fought. It was definetly an exciting fight, a very close match that ended up with her sister winning. However the blue haired girl knew that if she was in the ring the fight would be over much quicker. And Don acknowledged that. "Maybe later we can fight. Whenever you feel like it." She said with a warm smile, standing up and holding the jacket out to Don. While she was doing this she picked up on what her sister said, the blush coming back on her face. Haruhi didn't expect her sister to ask something like that! "H-Honoka! You can't just ask someone to do that..."

@Refaulted @Salt Lord @purplepanda288
Alfie's frown grew a little frownier as Mizuki began to grip his shoulders and sniff his temple, yet he didn't have the heart to pull away and tell her off. No, as odd and sudden as it was, the normally antisocial shadow mage had a surprisingly strong touch, and had his vessel had the ability to get cramps, he was sure they'd be gone in no time. He was especially relieved when he learned that all she seemingly wanted was to be wrapped in ribbons... some people just can't wait for things, can they? With a nod, Alfie made a finger gun and shot at the ground, and endless swirl of shining pink arrows circling Mizuki's body before finally turning into a constricting, deep purple, satin-y suit of ribbons. "Uh..."
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Talon said:
He chuckled and his face had a confident grin on it. "Oh so thats Fairytail huh?¿?¿ Sounds fun, lets go!¡!¡" He dahed away without bothering to wait for ferra. That was some strong lightning magic and he want to fight whoever it was. He was in the zone and didnt realize his hands and feet had caught on fire. @Britt\-21

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (真実はいつも一つ!)


Lavender Gray

The worst excuse he has ever made. Lavender already knew he had been trying to hide behind his words. Just by adding 'Yes, yes. That's it' to the end. This made Lavender sigh and shake her head as the manager of the cafe had came up to the table. Moving her gaze over to the female, she spoke "We are indeed part of Fairy Tail. How may we assist you?" Of course, her mind still hung on the thought of Mika trying to hide behind his words. What didnt make sense was why he was making excuses. If he is saying he dont want to bite her while she's sleeping, what has been stopping him from biting her since they've met? -Aside from the fight they had- Something wasnt right, and it bothered the warrior greatly. My eyes thave decieved me. The thought of him not being a lair -aside from his vampire secret- was just false. Everyone always hide behind their words. Afraid to tell the truth. Her fingers were gently running along the handle of the teacup as it rested on the table. But she had gripped it so hard that she actually snapped the handle off which caused her to widen her eyes "Oh my, I'm so sorry." she looked at the Manager with a apologetic look on her face. On the inside, she was fustrated.

Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera nodded, smiling back at Mika. Yes! She cheered silently to herself. Internally she was celebrating, the only portrayal of it outside would be her smile. While he stayed at her place for a while she'd slowly make him fall in love with her..hopefully. She'd at-least try her damndest to make sure he didn't do so with Lavender. She had nothing personal against Lavender, she cared about her really she was a great friend...but she wasn't about to let one of her only sure shots at love in over a hundred years slip away. Real love, anyway. She only sent Mika a subtle gesture of understanding when he looked at her. She had no intentions of arguing against his case, even if it was an obvious lie. No, that would be counter-productive. Soon enough the manager came over and asked if they were from Fairy Tail. Well, that was odd. Lavender was the first to answer, and also the first to break the handle off of their glass. Sera only arched a brow and sipped from her cocoa at that before turning to the manager. "Yeah, We're from Fairy Tail like she said. Well, me and Lavender are. Mika here hopefully will be soon..but like she said, watcha' need?" She replied.
PeteTSs said:

Sabrina nodded. "O-Okay..." She closed her eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Sabrina felt someone shaking her shoulder and calling her name. She instinctively tried to bat the annoyance away with her hand. But instead of it being her human hand, it was a dragon's claw, scales covering everything all the way up to her elbow. Her face was semi-covered in scales, and her horns were . She groaned. "5 more min-" was all she managed to mumble when a thin streak of fire shot out of her mouth. She bolted upright, quickly covering her mouth and sprinted all the way to her lab, grabbing a small vial containing a bright orange substance and dumping the substance into her mouth. She sighed. "Ahh.....that's better..."

@Isune @Zuka

Kelica blinked as Sabrina started to rouse from her slumber, watching her fidget and then knock her arm away, but she gasped as she realised it was clawed and scaled. She peered down to Sabrina before she knocked her aside to dash into her room, the blond girl leaping up and following suit with a concerned gaze. "Are..you ok sweety?" She said with a raised eyebrow, watching her down the liquid in a hurry. Then she broke the awkward silence with a bad joke...

"That's some bad reflux you have there!" A smiling crossing her lips.

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Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Dusty ran a hand over his chest, the pain already beginning to ebb away. The attack had stung quite a bit, sp the ease that came with Honoka's magic was well welcomed by him. He patted his chest and laughed at himself. He had been knocked down by a simple gust of wind, and he was sure that wasn't even Honoka's strongest magical attack. "I'll make sure to keep that advice in mind, shorty."

He listened to her request, and his eyebrow lifted as she spoke. He had been asked out on 'dates' by a few girls and women before, but from what was explained to him, it seemed like something that was very difficult. He had always declined, afraid he would embarrass himself in front of partners. He was good at fighting, and a date seemed...like the opposite of such. But, Honoka was strong, and if that meant he could get closer to her, then he was fine with it. He was beginning to see her in a new light of sorts.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Donald reached up and took his vest back from Haruhi, nodding a thanks to her. "
Yeah, sure. A date. Sounds like a good idea. We could go sometime tomorrow morning, or something. Or whenever you want to." He tried desperately to think of something that they could do on a date, but his mind was coming up blank. He would have to wing it as it went. His mouth felt dry, for some reason.

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training grounds

Was this wrong? Getting a guy to go out with you after you won a bet? Of course it is, he put him self up. Honoka could of asked for weirder stuff, kinky stuff. But other than that she asked him for a date. Nothing more, it seemed like a reasonable request.

He had given her his answer, A yes. She practically jumped on him. As she did she rapped her arms around him. He would himself suffocating in her chest
" He said I could ask for anything, and this is anything." She gave her twin the, please dont mess this up for me cuz I want to actually find someone that I love bad w at to spend me entire life with Look. She Turned her attention back to the person she smothered with her chest.

Honoka quickly scrambled off him, she let a huff. How embarrassing is it when you accidentally almost suffocate your love interest. " S-Sorry Don!"

@Kayzo @Refaulted

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia sighed, where there went a potential lead. Oh well. If Mizuki wasn't at the apartment she hoped wherever she was she was having fun instead of in trouble, though on the latter chance she was in trouble she'd keep looking. Even if Mizuki was powerful she wasn't invincible, although low there was a possibility she was in trouble. Little did she know, however, she actually wasn't and was instead safe feeling up Alfie and being a creepy ass stalker. Completely focused on finding the building she said nothing until Ophelia asked if they were almost there, literally as soon as they reached the building. "
Yup! We're here!" She replied happily before opening the door. Their room in particular was on the second floor, thus after smiling and waving at the owner she led Niur and Ophelia upstairs to said room.

Mizuki! Are you in here? It's us!" She called out as she opened the door. Breaking free from Ophelia's grasp she looked around the place, checking every single room and sadly coming up empty. Sighing she sat down on the couch defeated. "Well..she isn't here. You guys have any ideas where to look?" She asked them, a small frown on her face as she was clearly unhappy that Mizuki was no where to be seen. Sure she knew she needed to do her own thing, but she wished she had've told her before running off.

Ferra: Park > Woods

Ferra nodded, popping up off of the bench and following closely beside him. She was really excited to see his magic, she hadn't gotten to see Sora in action at the dragon fight due to being otherwise occupied so she was even more excited to see a Slayer magic similar to dragon slayer magic. "
Sounds good to me! Lead the way!" She replied excitedly. Things seemed to be going good so far, at-least.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"Your companion has a horrible taste in puns, and I'm glad you hate them too," Ophelia said to Niur, ignoring all the talk about Alfie. She just cared about Mizuki right now, and the girl wondered how much longer they had to walk before she killed someone. Not Niur or Alicia, but someone. "Hey, Alicia, are we almost there...?"

Alfie weakly and subtly struggled in the mage's unsettlingly shadowy arms, rather uncomfortable with how close he was to Mizuki. The wall of ribbons would slowly begin to wilt away and fall down as the pink clad man lost his focus on the machine completely. "U-um... as you wish...?" Now this was a situation Alfie had never found himself in, and between stealing tombstones from giant underground graveyards to glaring at giant ghostlike gears, being in Mizuki's uncomfortable embrace was certainly the weirdest.

Ruin - Bored

"Hm...nice place you got here." She commented as she stepped into the room. "Yeah, it's bad but he's my friend, if I asked him to stop he wouldn't be himself anymore...you know I never even seen his face before?" She sai before sitting next to Alicia on the couch. "I have...no idea where to begin...I work supports and *cough*demolition not tracking." She made and juggled a few normal Gifts, keeping several of them in the air.
William FireStarter- Woods

William was somewhere deep in the woods, it had been some time since the death of his family and he had built himself some sort of home among the trees. It was a some cottage and he was able to do some fishing off of the river that ran on the back of his house. He could cast his pole of his back porch and be able to pull something up, whether it was trash or not was up to fate. Most nights he was cold due to the fact that he avoided making fires and he didn't have any blankets to sleep under, to make up for that he would layer his clothes. He always wore his clean ones and every other Monday he did his laundry in the river. He had several berry plants next to his house as well as a small farm. He sometimes went into town and trade his supplies for what he needed but he lived a humble life now that his parents and family were long gone. He rarely got visitors and never expected anyone to come around.

Sabrina looked at Kelica, mouth slightly agape at the bad joke. "Kelica..." she said, face-palming. "...I'm okay...just...how should I put this...'dragon puberty'..." she trailed off with a 'you know...' face. "She placed her hands down onto the table, slowly morphing back to normal. "This happens around once every other week...my entire body starts shifting uncontrollably in the morning...so, yeah...Also, that was a very, VERY bad joke..." Sabrina said with a stern face. She then walked over to Kelica and Chris and hugged both of them. "Thank you for stopping me...I really don't know WHAT I was thinking..." she said, looking down at the floor.

@Zuka @Isune

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald watched as Honoka seemed to skyrocket into happiness. Was she really that happy about her winning and bringing him out on a date? He was honestly very confused at the whole situation that was going down.

He didn't have much time to wrap his head around the issue again before he was grabbed and all he saw was cloth right in front of his eyes. He could barely breathe as Honoka held him tight against her chest. He groaned around the embrace, but he didn't dare move. For now, he had to do whatever Honoka told him to do until he completed his repercussions from the bet. And if that was to look over the lumps of flesh in front of him up at his date, then so be it.

When she let go of him, he took a deep breathe to make up for what he had lacked for a few seconds there. "No need to apologize, shorty. It's all good. I've gone without breathing for longer times than that." He held up his thumb in reassurance, grinning. "You can do that any time, and I'll be just fine." To others, that may sound rather suggestive. But Donald only really meant that he could hold his breath for a long period of time.


Kelica watched Sabrina with an eyebrow raised, she couldn't imagine just not being able to control her body like that, it must have been terrifying! Then the girl came up and gave her a great big hug, to which Kelica gave the girl a friendly kiss on her forehead, again in much the same way a mother might. "It's ok sweety... emotions run high, but just remember we aren't going anyway.... "

@Isune @PeteTSs

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