Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Number one Boyfriend God

Valken watched Millie face with a sudden crazy intensity. Would the flowers work? Is that what boyfriend's did? He should have been following around and gathering Intel on this dating thing long before now but the moment was since past. The lady at the store assured her Millie would like these ones.... he took a huge breath out having just realised he was holding it, and grinned harder as she threw her arms around his neck, kissing his face like a puppy. Here he chuckled.

"Of course it's your favourite! That's exactly why I picked them." He lied, but dripping his voice with all the charisma he had at his disposal. Smooth. He looped his arm within her own then and started leading her to the orginal building he had set eyes on.

"That's not all Babe..." As he approached the entrance to a rather expensice and swanky restraunt his dark eyes fell on the serving man waiting at the door. Valken didn't say a word only lifting a hand to click a finger. The short man straightened.

"M..mmmr Truss? Your reservation? Right this way!" The man was already off in a fluster. Valken looked to Millie on his hip with a grin as he opened an arm wide and allowed her to follow first behind the short man. Here the attendant scuttled to a set of stairs bared by a red rope, to which he hastly unhooked and lead them up a curling staircase.

Once at the top, there was a open veranda with a single dining table and two chairs, the whole level empty save for the three who just arrived. The man rushed over to light some candles, took a hurried bow and disappeared down the stairs. Here Valken led her to the table sliding a chair out for her to sit down if she wished. The view from the table was breathtaking, looking down to the crowds below, you could see each stadium dotted through-out town and The Fairytail Guild Hall far away.

After she was seated he sat across from her and even now the small man was hurrying back with entree's for them both. It really begged the question just how much it had cost Valken to rent the entire upper level of the restraunt, and it looked like he had pre-ordered all the meals and drinks as well. It was mind boggling what he was capable of in a short amount of time.

Here Valken smiled, not his normal cheeky grin, but a heart-felt smile like a happy little boy once more. Because that's what she made him feel. He didn't have to put on an intimidating or goofy facade.

"Do you like it?" He said in a soft but deep voice, watching all the emotions run over her face.
Millie finished off her bombardment of face kisses with a small peck on Valken's lips, a warm smile and look of pure joy of her face. She didn't know where the sudden kindness came from, but she really didn't mind it. In fact, she loved it just as much as she loved him. Her happiness was only fueled as her man said that he knew that the flowers were her favorite. "Oh Valken baby, you're so sweet. Though I'm surprised you knew that those were my favorite. Then again, you do know everything." She said softly, giggling softly. However when Valken said that he had more surprises she became even more excited.

Millie followed hand in hand with Valken as the dark haired boy led her away. Where they were going she didn't know, though she hoped that it was back to their room. Or shopping. Either one of those sounded wonderful right now. Though she was quite surprised when she found out where they ended up, a fancy restaurant. The seat Valken got was amazing, the sight beautiful and out of this world. Her blue eyes lit up happily as she stared it at the scene.
"Wow Valken... This is amazing!"
Talon came to a screeching stop in front of Fairytails guild hall, earning some annoyed looks from some pople walking by. "So wheres the training grounds?¿?¿" He asked excitedly. He was quite excited because he was pretty sure he had seen that kind of lightning before, but he wasnt 100% sure. If he was right then that would be amazing. If not that was fine too, but he would rather be right. @Mitchs98
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie's frown grew a little frownier as Mizuki began to grip his shoulders and sniff his temple, yet he didn't have the heart to pull away and tell her off. No, as odd and sudden as it was, the normally antisocial shadow mage had a surprisingly strong touch, and had his vessel had the ability to get cramps, he was sure they'd be gone in no time. He was especially relieved when he learned that all she seemingly wanted was to be wrapped in ribbons... some people just can't wait for things, can they? With a nod, Alfie made a finger gun and shot at the ground, and endless swirl of shining pink arrows circling Mizuki's body before finally turning into a constricting, deep purple, satin-y suit of ribbons. "Uh..."

Mizuki took notice of the finger gun and knew what was coming. A new suit of ribbons would soon encase her body and make the Dark Mage the closest she could be to happiness. Just as she predicted their pink ribbons spung from the ground, her previous suit seemingly disappearing before being replaced by a shiny new set. Her arms shifted around again, one sliding under his arm and made its way across his chest, tightly pulling back. The other was holding onto Alfie's chin and tilting his head back so that he could partially she her excited look. "Yes yes yes... You're doing so well..." She said, a hint of actual emotion in her voice, which was quite surprising seeing as she always spoke in a monotone like voice. The things Alfie was doing for her only made her want to keep him around longer and longer. Perhaps she could fit him in the bed with Alicia. Mizuki could sleep in the middle with the other two on each side. Though the chances of that we're very slim...
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki took notice of the finger gun and knew what was coming. A new suit of ribbons would soon encase her body and make the Dark Mage the closest she could be to happiness. Just as she predicted their pink ribbons spung from the ground, her previous suit seemingly disappearing before being replaced by a shiny new set. Her arms shifted around again, one sliding under his arm and made its way across his chest, tightly pulling back. The other was holding onto Alfie's chin and tilting his head back so that he could partially she her excited look. "Yes yes yes... You're doing so well..." She said, a hint of actual emotion in her voice, which was quite surprising seeing as she always spoke in a monotone like voice. The things Alfie was doing for her only made her want to keep him around longer and longer. Perhaps she could fit him in the bed with Alicia. Mizuki could sleep in the middle with the other two on each side. Though the chances of that we're very slim...
Alfie's eyes shifted around the room every now and then as he'd let Mizuki continue doing whatever she wanted, not having any sort of intention to anger her, or worse, hurt her feelings. She was almost like a cat of sorts, if cats were more affectionate and had the ability to summon shadowy arms from their backs. Oh, and they could talk. But the cat currently breathing down his next had an almost excited look on her face and spoke very little. Doing so well...? With what? Staying silent and giving into a stalker worse than he was while keeping ribbons wrapped around every part of her body? Not like he had any problems with that, because if he had truly wanted, he could send nerves through the ribbons an connect them to his Heart Stone for revenge. Though revenge might not be needed in this case if Mizuki at least stayed soft with how she was putting her hands on him... "Um... thank you...? I, uhh... I don't necessarily have any mattresses for you to sleep on, seeing as how I had never thought this would happen... Uh... I might be able to craft one with the tools lying around my labr--house?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie's eyes shifted around the room every now and then as he'd let Mizuki continue doing whatever she wanted, not having any sort of intention to anger her, or worse, hurt her feelings. She was almost like a cat of sorts, if cats were more affectionate and had the ability to summon shadowy arms from their backs. Oh, and they could talk. But the cat currently breathing down his next had an almost excited look on her face and spoke very little. Doing so well...? With what? Staying silent and giving into a stalker worse than he was while keeping ribbons wrapped around every part of her body? Not like he had any problems with that, because if he had truly wanted, he could send nerves through the ribbons an connect them to his Heart Stone for revenge. Though revenge might not be needed in this case if Mizuki at least stayed soft with how she was putting her hands on him... "Um... thank you...? I, uhh... I don't necessarily have any mattresses for you to sleep on, seeing as how I had never thought this would happen... Uh... I might be able to craft one with the tools lying around my labr--house?"

Mizuki once again loosened her grip on Alfie's body, though she still didn't let go of him. She was afraid that the moment she did her ribbon Mage would run away. She couldn't have any of that tonight. When Alfie explained that she didn't have enough mattresses Mizuki changed her mind on staying at his place. Alicia had crossed her mind moments before and she realized that she couldn't leave the girl alone in the room. However she also couldn't leave Alfie by himself either. "Do not worry about that, I shall stay at my own place for the night. However I want you to come with me. I have an extra mattress that you could take. I suggest we start to leave though." The truth was Mizuki didn't have an extra mattress, and only had one that she shared with Alicia. It'd be crowded but it also meant instant ribbons and it made watching him sleep easier.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki once again loosened her grip on Alfie's body, though she still didn't let go of him. She was afraid that the moment she did her ribbon Mage would run away. She couldn't have any of that tonight. When Alfie explained that she didn't have enough mattresses Mizuki changed her mind on staying at his place. Alicia had crossed her mind moments before and she realized that she couldn't leave the girl alone in the room. However she also couldn't leave Alfie by himself either. "Do not worry about that, I shall stay at my own place for the night. However I want you to come with me. I have an extra mattress that you could take. I suggest we start to leave though." The truth was Mizuki didn't have an extra mattress, and only had one that she shared with Alicia. It'd be crowded but it also meant instant ribbons and it made watching him sleep easier.
Alfie held up a finger in protest even when Mizuki had loosened her grip on his body. He had things to do and he was physically unable to sleep! Even if he had wanted to, he couldn't! But he wouldn't let the dark mage know that. He had other good excuses. "B-but I still have work to do here! Like, work on the positive-energy-convertermatron! Or, the mega-particle... disease cure! I am a scientist and I have sciency things to work on!" For the first time the whole year, the ribbon mage sounded unintelligent, like he was making things up. Which he was. His work here was basically completely completed, and his quota for the day's energy had been met about an hour earlier. All he had to do when it came to work in total was collect the energy from the festival and wait some more. He'd decide what he'd do with his life afterward. Wait, was he trailing...? Oh, no! His thoughts had unfortunately returned to Mizuki when he realized he had been trailing off. Couldn't he stay in his own world of what he'd done and what he would do a little while longer...?
(I'll post for everyone else in my next post~)

Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 2

As her opponent she couldn't help but cock a brow and lean forward slightly, peering rather intently at the young man. She tilted her head slightly as she continued to stare at him for several lingering moments. Finally she stood back straight and offered the boy a shrug shaking her head from side to side as she spoke. "Nope, don't remember ya. Must not have done much to leave an impression." She was going to continue, to retort to the boy's remark on her offer to be gentle. However the magic that seeped from him gave her pause, that pause only being further amplified as he introduced himself as an S-rank mage of Sabertooth. She didn't know a lot of things, but she certainly did know that many guilds used ranking systems and that S was generally at the top, and she also knew Sabertooth was one of the strongest guilds in Fiore.

Nevertheless she was quick to remove the grim expression that had fallen over her features, dropping down into her usual combat ready stance as she flashed her opponent a cocky grin. "I don't know what it is with boys your age but you should know that a girl likes it when her man takes the initiative." Flames erupted all across her body, her crimson hair whipped into a frenzy as she unleashed her magic power to counter the boy's display. "Fortunately for you I'm the sorta gal that likes taking charge." And with that she suddenly exploded forward towards her opponent. As she neared the boy she slid to a halt, positioning her body to throw a punch directly at his gut. However, no matter how you looked at it she was too far away to connect with any punch. Instead her punch erupted into a massive explosion, a cone of flame racing towards the boy and consuming all in it's path.
Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring Two.

Masaki stood there quietly as the girl spoke. Watching as flames consumed her body and her magical power began to exude from her. The S-Class mage stood there as his eyes were fixed completely onto Tanari, not admiringly, but he was looking at her to see what her opening move would be and so when she began her assault, she did so in the form of a blast of flame she sent punching his way. Without speaking, Masaki spoke to the fire mage, a look of calmness on his face. "Ah, I can see that." It was then that he slammed his hands together and the crystal orbs around him shattered and formed a large crystal dome that span around him violently. The dome was formed in what seemed to be an instant as is span violently and blocked her attack. Then, with a wave of his right hand the dome shattered into a flurry of crystals that Masaki sent flying towards the crimson haired girl at alien speeds. Then, Masaki jumped back and began charging magical power in his hands, getting ready for the next attack.
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LeSoraAmari said:
(I'll post for everyone else in my next post~)
Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring Three.

Masaki stood there quietly as the girl spoke. Watching as flames consumed her body and her magical power began to exude from her. The S-Class mage stood there as his eyes were fixed completely onto Tanari, not admiringly, but he was looking at her to see what her opening move would be and so when she began her assault, she did so in the form of a blast of flame she sent punching his way. Without speaking, Masaki spoke to the fire mage, a look of calmness on his face. "Ah, I can see that." It was then that he slammed his hands together and the crystal orbs around him shattered and formed a large crystal dome that span around him violently. The dome was formed in what seemed to be an instant as is span violently and blocked her attack. Then, with a wave of his right hand the dome shattered into a flurry of crystals that Masaki sent flying towards the crimson haired girl at alien speeds. Then, Masaki jumped back and began charging magical power in his hands, getting ready for the next attack.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 2

She took a step back and raised her hands in front of her, regaining her stance as she waited for the fire to dissipate. As the fire cleared she couldn't help but click her tongue as she was met with a crystalline dome surrounding her opponent. However, before she even had a chance to continue her offensive the dome shattered and the various crystal shards came at her like a barrage of bullets. It was all she could do to raise her arms in front of her head and chest to offer some form of protection. Dealing with projectiles had never been her strong suit and this was exemplified here as the crystals impacted all along her body, eliciting cries of pain as they did. As the attack subsided she fell to a knee, gasping for breath as pain continued to cascade through her body.

Not only was this an unfavorable magic match-up, but she was against one of the strongest mages in one of the strongest guilds. That realization was truly setting in for her as she forced herself back to her feet. As she fell back into her usual stance she couldn't help but let her mind race through all the various possibilities. This was a fight she couldn't win using her usual hard work and guts, if she didn't get tricky and fast this would be a very short match. She turned her attention towards her opponent, noting the energy coalescing within his hand as he prepared for his next attack. Try as she might she couldn't think of any clever ways to utilize her magic, everything she had was intended for straight up brawling.

It was at that moment an idea struck her, her face lighting up as she straightened her posture and spread her arms to her side. It was probably a faulty assumption but at the moment it was the only lead she had. A veritable wall of glowing flaming orbs appeared behind her, numbering well over a hundred. The orbs quickly scattered, moving to surround her opponent. As they darted about she brought her arms back in front of her, clasping her hands together as flames licked at her interlaced fists. Within just a few moments she called out "Incineration!" and the fire from her fists shot out towards the boy. She fully expected the boy to defend against her assault as he had initially, but if her hunch was right then her opponent wasn't able to both attack and defend at the same time, so when he retaliated her napalm rounds would be waiting to strike.
Arial Font

Arial took a deep breath to calm herself as she stepped out of the train. Finally, she had reached Magnolia before the festivities ended. "Alright, Magnolia, home to Fairy Tail, gotta see what those people are like. I hear they're pretty wild." The Aura mage said as she trudged along, toting an orange backpack along for the ride. ""Who knows, I might even join the guild...ehh, too soon to think about that. For now I should get to the Good Door Inn."
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora dreamed of vast skies, a canvas of blue splattered with red blotches that resembled clouds. Her whole frame twitched in its deep slumber, shaking almost, as a breeze that chilled directly to the bone crept along her skin in the form of ghastly fingertips. Every strand of hair cascaded wildly about her as she watched a younger version of herself fall from the sky, hands extending in a futile attempt to reach for the little girl and pull her to safety. Instead she was frozen, helpless, and no sound escaped her trembling lips. A small exceed that resembled Nami except for the distinct difference in color came shooting through the sky, flying towards the ground and making it at the last second to cushion Sora's fall, to save her. The clouds began to gather even more so, lightning cracking throughout the sky as she watched the child finally awaken, uninjured, only to roll over and find the exceed beneath her no longer breathing; lifeless. It all faded out from there, the world melting away around her. A whimper escaped into reality, arms tightening around Lysander and clutching him to her tightly, heart pounding. Her knuckles went white from the grasp upon him, breathing in a panicked manner before she found the courage to open her eyes, thankful to be torn from the images that had flooded her once peaceful sleep.

It was the immediate gaze upon Lysander's sleeping face that caused her heartbeat to ebb slowly and the fear dissolved itself a few quiet moments later. The death grip of a hold became more loose as she lifted her head to lean in and rest a damp cheek against Lysander's forehead. A few hours had passed or so that's what it felt like, her magic and physical condition being much better than it previously had been and it most likely wouldn't be long before he might awaken. Sora made sure to be delicate with her next movements, slowly entangling herself from beside him and propping the pillow up in a manner that would continue to cushion his head without fail. Hopefully he wouldn't notice the transition but that was a pretty high hope as he seemed to be the more observant type and picked up on things quite effortlessly. She scrambled to her feet as quietly as she could, afraid to wake him but already longing for the warmth and comfort he offered that she immediately came to miss upon being apart from it. Her small petite frame came to kneel before him, hands resting upon her knees to steady herself whilst she leaned forward and placed a small yet subtle kiss upon his soft cheek. An honest smile spread across her face then as she came to a stand, not the usual childish one, but an endearing one that shone with the promise of never straying from one so precious; from Lysander.

It took a moment to gather the rest of her surroundings, eyes flickering from Maya's face to Clair's and back again. That genuine smile quickly turned rather sheepish, cheeks sharing the same bashful appearance as she lifted a hand to
stifle a spontaneous yet rogue yawn. " It was just a nightmare if you're about to ask.. " It was whispered with a hinting notion of not wanting it to be inquired about further. Her ability to quickly dismiss negative emotions was something that the optimistic girl excelled at after all and that'd only work if people didn't ask questions or pry. Sora flashed them both a thumbs up along with a reassuring smile before she shuffled off towards the bedside table and plucked up the glass of water. A few tentative sips were taken as she peered at them from behind the glass, not minding that the liquid blurred her vision to a point of complete obscurity. " Say, Auntie... " Sora trailed off for a moment as she lowered the glass back onto the table carefully, eyes following it before they rose to stare at Maya. " Can Lysander and I go watch the rest of the fights when he wakes up? I'm sure there's only a few left and I'd rather him get to experience everything the festival has to offer. And don't worry, I'm no longer doing medic duties for the rest of the tournament. " She scrunched her lips to the side at the last part, only adding it in to ensure that Maya wouldn't have a complete reason to decline her request. Idle fingers trailed along the folded poncho next to the water before her fingers clutched the material and she brought it over to Lysander to span it out and use it as a small makeshift blanket, covering a bit of him with a satisfied smile. Her own skin still felt chilled from the eerie feeling that had encased her previously, leaving small traces of goosebumps along it. Although Lysander always seemed warm she didn't know if perhaps he may be cold as well and she surely wasn't willing to take that risk.

Soon she found herself sitting next to him once again, unsure of where to put her hands so she opted to resting them in her own lap, head coming to a comfortable rest against his shoulder. It was oddly pleasant to her that they almost seemed magnetized to one another and fit perfectly, mentally and physically. And if there was anyone that she was willing to explore the depths of new emotions or boundaries with, well, she was thankful it was him. Lysander to her was a miracle that had been etched into her curious world, throwing everything into a flurry of nonsensical beauty that only left her staring in awe.
Maybe Maya or Clair, or anyone else for that matter, might not understand but in all honesty, I don't need them to. I will always fight to be by his side and protect him with my last breath, if only to see him smile another day.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandez : FairyTail / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia infirmary

Clair still didn't know how to feel about this new discovery however if he was able to keep Sora happy then he was good enough for Clair , besides it wasn't like there was some sort of massive age gap the two of them were still in there teens right ? Clair's train of thought was broken when she seen Sora stir to a wake and in fact she rather quickly answered Clair's question. The girl often shrugged of feelings of malice and dispair , Clair didn't know if it was impressive or irresponsible. Maybe Clair didn't know quite a lot about her best friend after all , pushing that thought aside to the best of her ability , she answered Sora's question forgetting it was asked to Maya "I have no problem with you enjoying the festivity's but i don't think it's a good idea for you to watch the fight's , you can't help but help the wounded even when your ill yourself"

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Talon said:
Talon came to a screeching stop in front of Fairytails guild hall, earning some annoyed looks from some pople walking by. "So wheres the training grounds?¿?¿" He asked excitedly. He was quite excited because he was pretty sure he had seen that kind of lightning before, but he wasnt 100% sure. If he was right then that would be amazing. If not that was fine too, but he would rather be right. @Kayzo @purplepanda288
Ferra: FT Guild Hall > FT Training Grounds

Whereas Talon had ran comfortably and came to a easy stop in front of the hall Ferra was barely jogging at this point, coming up beside him a few moments later wheezing and gasping for breath hunched over with her hands on her knees. Never again was she running so fast after eating enough food for a small colony. Never again. She held one finger up as a pause while she caught her breath. After a few minutes she composed herself and stood upright. "
Two things. One...please never run that fast after eating again. Or rather force me to. Two..Dunno. Probably in the back away from the street?" She replied with a shrug, stepping towards the entrance and motioning him over. "C'mon lets check." She told him before walking in.
Chris Lengheart(Never do that again)

As Sabrina hugged both Kelica and Chris, Chris returned the favor by hugging the two as well. Another one of Chris' forbidden hugs. As he hugged, he could of sworn he heard something along the lines of a few bones cracking, oh well. Chris looked Sabrina straight in the eyes and said,"NEVER say that we don't care about you, you hear me!? I ran through that crowd at 100 miles per hour! I never want to do that again, and I never want you to hurt yourself again."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia sighed, where there went a potential lead. Oh well. If Mizuki wasn't at the apartment she hoped wherever she was she was having fun instead of in trouble, though on the latter chance she was in trouble she'd keep looking. Even if Mizuki was powerful she wasn't invincible, although low there was a possibility she was in trouble. Little did she know, however, she actually wasn't and was instead safe feeling up Alfie and being a creepy ass stalker. Completely focused on finding the building she said nothing until Ophelia asked if they were almost there, literally as soon as they reached the building. "
Yup! We're here!" She replied happily before opening the door. Their room in particular was on the second floor, thus after smiling and waving at the owner she led Niur and Ophelia upstairs to said room.

Mizuki! Are you in here? It's us!" She called out as she opened the door. Breaking free from Ophelia's grasp she looked around the place, checking every single room and sadly coming up empty. Sighing she sat down on the couch defeated. "Well..she isn't here. You guys have any ideas where to look?" She asked them, a small frown on her face as she was clearly unhappy that Mizuki was no where to be seen. Sure she knew she needed to do her own thing, but she wished she had've told her before running off.
Metaphysics said:
Ruin - Bored

"Hm...nice place you got here." She commented as she stepped into the room. "Yeah, it's bad but he's my friend, if I asked him to stop he wouldn't be himself anymore...you know I never even seen his face before?" She sai before sitting next to Alicia on the couch. "I have...no idea where to begin...I work supports and *cough*demolition not tracking." She made and juggled a few normal Gifts, keeping several of them in the air.
Ophelia put her hands on her hips and looked around as the other girls sat onto the couch. She had barely known Mizuki and her ways aside from the fact that she was both lovable and scary... did Alfie have a place of his own that the two might have been hanging out at? If that were the case, then that settled it, because she had no idea where that could be. She looked back at Alicia, ignoring Niur's gift juggling. "Maybe she's hanging out at Alfie's. Let's just wait till they decide to come back. I have a feeling we'd get lost to no end if we try to look for that guy's house."
Metaphysics said:
Ruin - Bored

"Hm...nice place you got here." She commented as she stepped into the room. "Yeah, it's bad but he's my friend, if I asked him to stop he wouldn't be himself anymore...you know I never even seen his face before?" She sai before sitting next to Alicia on the couch. "I have...no idea where to begin...I work supports and *cough*demolition not tracking." She made and juggled a few normal Gifts, keeping several of them in the air.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia put her hands on her hips and looked around as the other girls sat onto the couch. She had barely known Mizuki and her ways aside from the fact that she was both lovable and scary... did Alfie have a place of his own that the two might have been hanging out at? If that were the case, then that settled it, because she had no idea where that could be. She looked back at Alicia, ignoring Niur's gift juggling. "Maybe she's hanging out at Alfie's. Let's just wait till they decide to come back. I have a feeling we'd get lost to no end if we try to look for that guy's house."

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia frowned slightly when neither of them had any ideas, not that she did either...but still. She just hoped Mizuki was okay, she probably was though. She nodded in agreement with Ophelia, that's probably where she was. "
Yeah, you're right. Hopefully they are, I'm glad they're getting along now if that's the case." She replied. Little did she know they were getting along a little too well for Alfie's tastes, oh well. She also didn't really know about searching for Alfie's house herself, with his magic it could be literally anywhere in Fiore or Earthland.

Sighing she leaned into the couch, nothing to do now but wait. "
Sooo. What do you guys wanna do while we wait?" She asked, looking between the to of them. Staring at the wall in silence while they waited would be boring, after all.
William FireStarter- In Route to Magnolia

William grabbed a small number of supplies to sell in town, some berries that he had saved for a small store. Their costumers loved berries so he made sure to keep some around to sell to the store. He also had a small basket of fish, several stores around town bought his fish. Lastly he had some stones and miscellaneous things that he would either give away or sell. With the money he got he would buy a blanket and save the rest like he had done the other times he came in. He began his long journey to town with every secure on his person.
"Oh woops sorry." Talon apologized to Ferra as she stumbled up to him. He followed after her, his eyes flying around everywhere. He had never been in a guildhall and it was quite incredible. They entered the training grounds and saw 2 people at one end. @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288 @Refaulted
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Talon said:
"Oh woops sorry." Talon apologized to Ferra as she stumbled up to him. He followed after her, his eyes flying around everywhere. He had never been in a guildhall and it was quite incredible. They entered the training grounds and saw 2 people at one end. @Kayzo @purplepanda288 @Refaulted
Ferra: FT Training grounds.

Ferra, once Talon had followed her in, slowly walked through the hall to the training grounds out back. Their guild hall once again made Lamia Scales look pathetic in terms of size. Though, she was happy with Lamia Scales and honestly would never complain. It didn't take them long to reach the back, a small group of people being there. Talon seemed to be observing them. Ferra on the other hand decided to get things going, "Hey. Which one of you used the lightning magic?" She asked, looking between them. Might as well be direct, right?
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald watched as Honoka seemed to skyrocket into happiness. Was she really that happy about her winning and bringing him out on a date? He was honestly very confused at the whole situation that was going down.

He didn't have much time to wrap his head around the issue again before he was grabbed and all he saw was cloth right in front of his eyes. He could barely breathe as Honoka held him tight against her chest. He groaned around the embrace, but he didn't dare move. For now, he had to do whatever Honoka told him to do until he completed his repercussions from the bet. And if that was to look over the lumps of flesh in front of him up at his date, then so be it.

When she let go of him, he took a deep breathe to make up for what he had lacked for a few seconds there. "No need to apologize, shorty. It's all good. I've gone without breathing for longer times than that." He held up his thumb in reassurance, grinning. "You can do that any time, and I'll be just fine." To others, that may sound rather suggestive. But Donald only really meant that he could hold his breath for a long period of time.

@Kayzo @Refaulted @Mitchs98 @Talon

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald looked at Honoka as she began shaking, and he gave her a confused look. She seemed upset about something, most likely something he had just said. He held his hands up, trying to think of what he had done. "I-I'm sorry? Did I do something wrong?"

He was surprised when she attacked the people that showed up. Quickly, Donald pointed his finger in front of the duo. A screen of lightning appeared, the wind blowing around it, stopping it from hitting the newcomers.

He sighed, patting Honoka on the head. "
You seem a little jumpy. Calm down a moment. If they were here to attack us, they would have done it quieter than that." He kept his hand on Honoka's head, rubbing it in circles slowly as he turned to the little girl and redhead. He held his hand up to grab their attention. "I'm guessing you can already guess, but anything that involved lightning was probably me. I'm a Lightning Phoenix Slayer, so it's only natural." He lazily looked between the new arrivals. "What's it to you two?" Sparks jumped around his free hand, ready if they attacked him.

@purplepanda288 @Mitchs98 @Talon
Talon ignored the wind and grinned when the lightning wall was thrown up. His grin grew. "Lightning Pheonix slayer huh?¿?¿" His hands set on fire and he punched them together. "Well im a Flame Pheonix slayer, you up for a fight sparky!¡!¡ I wanna try you out!¡!¡" He challenged the other slayer. @Refaulted
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Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training grounds

Honks purred as her petted her for the second time. She, for what ever reason, had started to rub her head on his bicep. She also let out a small 'meow' to top it all off. She was blissfully ignorant of the two who had intruded in their talk/embarrassing situation.

She was taken out her trance once they spoke of fighting. She had seased her cat like behavior, she started to rise from her seated position.
" I'm sorry but he's in no condition to fight right now. We just spared a few minutes ago. If you want a fight I would happily take you on in place of Donald." She glared at them. Her lyric script magic still had a few minutes of song left. Writing another one would take some time, but she would manage for a few hours. Of course she still had her two other scores to use incase of an emergency.

@Kayzo @Talon @Mitchs98[/sh]
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Haruhi was quite surprised to find out that Don agreed to Honoka's request. A date so soon seemed like a bad idea, but he was a man of his word and that was good. It was also good to note that her sister did in fact have a crush on him, giving her the incentive to not try anything with Don. If she hurt her relationship with her sister she'd be ruined. Haruhi stayed quiet as the two spoke, awkwardly watching as she didn't want to interrupt the two love birds.

When the two other strangers arrived, Honoka surprised her sister even more as she attacked them. This was extremely out of nature hmfor her, and upset her quite a bit. "Honoka! There's no need to attack them!" She said with a frown. Fortunately though Don shielded the two. The younger looking girl and her friend seemed to be looking for a friendly fight with an electric Mage. Though she did dwell in the electric magic she assumed that they were talking about the hunk of man beside her. Luckily Honoka stopped him from fighting due to his condition, and offered to fight in his place. "Surely if be a better candidate to fight. I do use lightning magic as well. Plus it's let you and Don be alone..."

@purplepanda288 @Refaulted @Talon

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald was confused one why Honoka had started purring, put he didn't get her to stop. She seemed happy, so he thought it would be better to leave her be. Though, the cat sound was a little odd, but cute nonetheless.

As the redhead challenged, Donald froze and looked at him. He felt the excitement start in his heart. Another Phoenix Slayer? That would make for an interesting fight. Liasail had told him about the possibilities of there being other Phoenix Slayers like him, but he hadn't expected to run into one here.

Donald was about to jump up and accept the challenge when Honoka instead offered to take his place. Donald stuck his lip out in a pout. "I'm not that weak..." He rubbed his eyes, yawning quickly before facing his challenger. "Listen, buddy. This girl just whooped my ass, so I'm really not up to a fight at the moment. Maybe tomor-" Donald stopped mid-sentence, remembering that he was busy tomorrow. He sighed. "The day after tomorrow, or something." He had a feeling that he would be forced to go all out against this guy if he fought him, and Honoka would probably get mad if he fell asleep tomorrow while out with her. God, he wished he had won the bet.

As Haruhi stood up, Donald rolled his eyes. "
God, I feel like some little kid who has to ask his big siblings to help him out." He stopped. "Wait, I'm the older one here...that makes it even worse!"

purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox
Stay away from the goods B***

Honks stared deeply at Don. What has he just said. I mean, Of course the guy hasn't had much social interaction but really. Think before you speak man! She has a very dirty mind, mind in the gutter as they say. " W-wha?!" She started to shake, such fowardness.

Then out of the corner of Honoka's eye she caught two figures. She would have just let them be had not she felt another presence of slayer magic. Her first instinct was to swipe her hand at them, a gust of sharp wind followed suit towards the slayer that she felt threatened them.

@Kayzo @Refaulted @Mitchs98 @Talon
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald looked at Honoka as she began shaking, and he gave her a confused look. She seemed upset about something, most likely something he had just said. He held his hands up, trying to think of what he had done. "I-I'm sorry? Did I do something wrong?"

He was surprised when she attacked the people that showed up. Quickly, Donald pointed his finger in front of the duo. A screen of lightning appeared, the wind blowing around it, stopping it from hitting the newcomers.

He sighed, patting Honoka on the head. "
You seem a little jumpy. Calm down a moment. If they were here to attack us, they would have done it quieter than that." He kept his hand on Honoka's head, rubbing it in circles slowly as he turned to the little girl and redhead. He held his hand up to grab their attention. "I'm guessing you can already guess, but anything that involved lightning was probably me. I'm a Lightning Phoenix Slayer, so it's only natural." He lazily looked between the new arrivals. "What's it to you two?" Sparks jumped around his free hand, ready if they attacked him.

@purplepanda288 @Mitchs98 @Talon
Talon said:
Talon ignored the wind and grinned when the lightning wall was thrown up. His grin grew. "Lightning Pheonix slayer huh?¿?¿" His hands set on fire and he punched them together. "Well im a Flame Pheonix slayer, you up for a fight sparky!¡!¡ I wanna try you out!¡!¡" He challenged the other slayer. @Refaulted
purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox
Fairytail training grounds

Honks purred as her petted her for the second time. She, for what ever reason, had started to rub her head on his bicep. She also let out a small 'meow' to top it all off. She was blissfully ignorant of the two who had intruded in their talk/embarrassing situation.

She was taken out her trance once they spoke of fighting. She had seased her cat like behavior, she started to rise from her seated position.
" I'm sorry but he's in no condition to fight right now. We just spared a few minutes ago. If you want a fight I would happily take you on in place of Donald." She glared at them. Her lyric script magic still had a few minutes of song left. Writing another one would take some time, but she would manage for a few hours. Of course she still had her two other scores to use incase of an emergency.

@Refaulted @Kayzo @Talon @Mitchs98[/sh]
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald was confused one why Honoka had started purring, put he didn't get her to stop. She seemed happy, so he thought it would be better to leave her be. Though, the cat sound was a little odd, but cute nonetheless.

As the redhead challenged, Donald froze and looked at him. He felt the excitement start in his heart. Another Phoenix Slayer? That would make for an interesting fight. Liasail had told him about the possibilities of there being other Phoenix Slayers like him, but he hadn't expected to run into one here.

Donald was about to jump up and accept the challenge when Honoka instead offered to take his place. Donald stuck his lip out in a pout. "I'm not that weak..." He rubbed his eyes, yawning quickly before facing his challenger. "Listen, buddy. This girl just whooped my ass, so I'm really not up to a fight at the moment. Maybe tomor-" Donald stopped mid-sentence, remembering that he was busy tomorrow. He sighed. "The day after tomorrow, or something." He had a feeling that he would be forced to go all out against this guy if he fought him, and Honoka would probably get mad if he fell asleep tomorrow while out with her. God, he wished he had won the bet.

As Haruhi stood up, Donald rolled his eyes. "
God, I feel like some little kid who has to ask his big siblings to help him out." He stopped. "Wait, I'm the older one here...that makes it even worse!"

@Talon @purplepanda288 @Kayzo
Kayzo said:
Haruhi was quite surprised to find out that Don agreed to Honoka's request. A date so soon seemed like a bad idea, but he was a man of his word and that was good. It was also good to note that her sister did in fact have a crush on him, giving her the incentive to not try anything with Don. If she hurt her relationship with her sister she'd be ruined. Haruhi stayed quiet as the two spoke, awkwardly watching as she didn't want to interrupt the two love birds.
When the two other strangers arrived, Honoka surprised her sister even more as she attacked them. This was extremely out of nature hmfor her, and upset her quite a bit. "Honoka! There's no need to attack them!" She said with a frown. Fortunately though Don shielded the two. The younger looking girl and her friend seemed to be looking for a friendly fight with an electric Mage. Though she did dwell in the electric magic she assumed that they were talking about the hunk of man beside her. Luckily Honoka stopped him from fighting due to his condition, and offered to fight in his place. "Surely if be a better candidate to fight. I do use lightning magic as well. Plus it's let you and Don be alone..."

@purplepanda288 @Refaulted @Talon
Ferra: FT Training Grounds

Ferra jumped when an attack was sent there way, ready to tackle Talon out of the way of it. Luckily it was stopped by Don's shield thingy. She nodded in agreement with his words, "Yea! We were just curious was all. No need to be so rude." She told Honoka. She then turned to Don, fully focused on what he said since he was clearly the one using lightning magic. So, he was a Phoenix Slayer to? Even better! She just had to watch the two of them fight at one point! It'd be so cool! She grinned excitedly at Talon's response, "Well, maybe I lied a little." She told them with a shrug.

She frowned when Honoka said he was in no shape to fight. Oh well..she didn't care who he fought as long as she got to see Talons' magic. She wasn't sure where the hostility was coming from though, or maybe she was. From the looks of things they'd interrupted an intimate moment between Honoka and Don. She knew she'd be mad if the same thing happened to her really. She then turned to Haruhi who offered to fight him, and she used lightning magic too. So many people offering to fight..or wanting to, or otherwise being challenged. "
Yeah Talon, just fight her. Let those guys do stuff. It'll be more fun to fight him when he's at full strength, right? Plus she said she used lightning magic, so, kinda the same thing." She told Talon before shrugging.
Talons forehead creased in thought. "Meh ill fight you some other time then sparky," He told the other slayer. "If I beat you then ill fight your girlfriend, how about that?¿?¿" He asked and then turned to leave. "cmon Ferra, ill show you my amazingness in the forest after all!¡!¡" He said with a slight chuckle. @Kayzo

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