Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lavender Gray

Lavender had taken her hand off the table, leaving the broken teacup handle on the small plate the cup had been resting on. As she listened to what had been going on. Sweet thieves? Well that was very weird to call them but they had been called that anyway. Luckily this subject was keeping her mind off other things. "You have sugar thieves? I do wonder what they plan to use the sugar for. I do not believe that they need it for some sort of spell." She placed her hand on her chin in thought "I accept this request." Lavender said with a short bow of her head "miss Sera? Do you accept this request?" she asked her Fairy Tail parner with a soft smile. It hadnt been forced nor has she changed her opinion about the young vampire. Her feelings would fade over time and she'll be back to normal in no time.

@rbshinichi (You know, now you see Lavender isnt the yandere here... *looks towards Sera*) @Mitchs98 (You got a yandere on your hands~~ xD )
Wyatt said:



He smiled when he learned that he hadn't scared or offended the girl. "Well in that case I won't leave, it has been a while since the last time I was here. What's your name, what do you do?" He figured that it might help her overcome her shyness if they got to know each other. "My name is Liam, I have been traveling a lot lately."
"......I'm Bizma...." Bizma muttered quietly. "I'm an S-Class wizard at Fairy Tail...." she added. "...I don't know how I got there, to be honest.....I just got lucky, I guess..." She chuckled. "But it's really cool that you've been traveling; I don't really get out that much...."
Talon chuckled. "I promise i wont dash ahead this time. pobably." They left fairytail and headed through the streets in the direction of the forest. In a few minutes they passed an icecream stand. "Want some icecream?¿?¿" he asked her. @Mitchs98



"Yeah, I kind of got lucky and was able to get out of town for a while but I am happy to be back, it has been to long." He seemed to gaze off for a moment remembering some distant memory. Then he loom at her again losing the thought. "So what can you do, S is a pretty high class. You must be very talented."

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Wyatt said:



"Yeah, I kind of got lucky and was able to get out of town for a while but I am happy to be back, it has been to long." He seemed to gaze off for a moment remembering some distant memory. Then he loom at her again losing the thought. "So what can you do, S is a pretty high class. You must be very talented."

Bizma reddened. Talented...? "W-well...I can summon creatures and weapons from books...." she said, looking at her own journal. "B-but it's a fairly easy ability to learn anyways..." She added, flailing her arms. "I...I don't know how I made it to S-Class...guess I'm good at it...."
@rbshinichi[/URL] (You know, now you see Lavender isnt the yandere here... *looks towards Sera*) @Mitchs98 (You got a yandere on your hands~~ xD )
Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera listened to the woman intently, sugar thieves? Who would steal sugar..didn't make sense to her. Well, weirder things had happened before she guessed, frankly it seemed quiet normal compared to the day thus far. Though..nothing was ever normal, especially if it involved mages. Sera knew that for certain, she was a living example as was Mika. Of course, she'd mentally elected to help even before Lavender agreed. It was what Fairy Tail did after all, they helped no matter how menial something was. When Lavender asked if she accepted Sera immediately nodded, "
Of course, Mika you'll come along with us right?" She replied while glancing over at Mika. Question asked she then turned to the woman. "We'll need more information, such as where the sugar is being stored and such. Anything useful you can tell us really." She told her.

Talon said:
Talon chuckled. "I promise i wont dash ahead this time. pobably." They left fairytail and headed through the streets in the direction of the forest. In a few minutes they passed an icecream stand. "Want some icecream?¿?¿" he asked her. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

"You better not, or else." She replied jokingly before following him out of the hall and down the streets. Even if it had been a waste of time it was worth it, she'd definetely be sure to accompany him to his fight and watch it. It should be fun, really. She hadn't even noticed the icecream stand or she probably would of gotten some without him asking, currently she had had tunnel vision to get to the forest. Though when he asked she immediately stopped walking. "Sure! Sounds great!" She replied. Always had room for food, after all, especially candy and sweet food.
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Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine gazed around the area thoughtfully as she decided what they should do next. She really didn't know what kinds of things Sakura would like to do but she seemed to like eating the pastry from earlier so maybe...

"Would you like to get some ice cream with me? There's a vendor just over there." she asked, pointing towards a stand not too far in the distance. Everyone likes ice cream...right? Tokine would often sit on the edge of the canal and watch the boats pass by while eating ice cream. It was quite relaxing so maybe Sakura would think so to?

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia blinked. She couldn't remember if she told Mizuki or not..she didn't think she did. But..she wasn't sure. As far as she remembered she didn't go into specifics. So, of course, she decided to go with what she believed. "Nope! Never told her. I don't think she would like it very much if I did..soo..yeah." She replied with a shrug. Then she turned to Niur with a wide grin on her face, "Truth or Dare?" She asked her excitedly. When Niur answered with truth Alicia thought hard about the question she would ask. So many things to ask..so little time. Meh. "Where are you from?" She asked. That counted, right?
Niur - Village people

"I'm from a small village called Kul Elna. It was a nice place, pretty quiet and peaceful. We had these beautiful gardens full of trees with fruits and flowers, A nearby lake and a...a..." Niur stopped to wipe away a tear that was rolling down her cheek. "A-anyway, it was a cool place to be in. Ophelia! Truth or Dare?" She finished, hoping that they didn't focus on her little episode. It happened from time to time whenever she remembers her parents. @Salt Lord
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Village people
"I'm from a small village called Kul Elna. It was a nice place, pretty quiet and peaceful. We had these beautiful gardens full of trees with fruits and flowers, A nearby lake and a...a..." Niur stopped to wipe away a tear that was rolling down her cheek. "A-anyway, it was a cool place to be in. Ophelia! Truth or Dare?" She finished, hoping that they didn't focus on her little episode. It happened from time to time whenever she remembers her parents. @Salt Lord
Ophelia hesitated with her answer, noticing fully the tear on Niur's face and her slightly quivering voice... should she try and comfort the girl and interrupt the game completely? No, because almost instantly, she seemed completely fine. Weird. Now, where were they...? She'd already done a dare and had been the only one not to choose truth. Eh, why not! "Truth," the blue haired mage exclaimed, hoping her question wouldn't be stupid, like where she was from or something of the sort...
Chris Lengheart(You have to be kidding me)

Chris let out a frustrated sigh as Kelica took out a bit with reins on it. Chris then suddenly took over his draco form as a sudden huff of smoke shot out of his nostrils. Chris then finally said,"May as well get both, just find one that'll fit all my forms and be quick about it!" before opening up his massive jaw, once again revealing the massive set of razor sharp teeth that looked like they could actually tear up the bit as if it were nothing more than a mere chew-toy.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(You have to be kidding me)

Chris let out a frustrated sigh as Kelica took out a bit with reins on it. Chris then suddenly took over his draco form as a sudden huff of smoke shot out of his nostrils. Chris then finally said,"May as well get both, just find one that'll fit all my forms and be quick about it!" before opening up his massive jaw, once again revealing the massive set of razor sharp teeth that looked like they could actually tear up the bit as if it were nothing more than a mere chew-toy.

@Zuka @PeteTSs

She blinked as he suddenly turned into his draco, getting overly excitable. It was rather hilarious to watch because most people in close proxiamity suddenly screamed, throwing their wears in a panic and running around with loud shouts, hand flailing. Even the stall owner put his hands up in a surrender ducking behind the tabletop, trembling like the draco might eat him.

And yet Kelica still kept her adorable, loving smile not in the least bit terrified. She really was one of a kind. She finally picked a saddle and reins with golden buckles, and hoisted the saddle over his back, hooking it around his middle and pulling it tight. Feeling to him like a tight belt on a pair of pants.

The reins were next, she hoisted it up over his ears, before placing a finger rather cutely on his lower lip, pulling his mouth open and shoving the bit in behind his teeth, in the bare grove at the back of his mouth. Then she put a finger under his chin to close his mouth.

She paced around him, hand on chin, inspecting him. "Perfect fit! We'll take it!" Here Kelica went to open her coin purse but the stall owner popped his head up and yelled in a trembling voice.

"Free! All free! Just take your wares please! Don't eat us!" Kelica raised an eyebrow utterly confused over their fear. "Uhh...ok..."

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Talon laughed and ordered a scoop of each flavour. the Icecream mans brain almost eploded as he tried to put 50 scoops of icecream on a single cone. He finally just put 25 scoops on 2 different cones and then did the same for Fera. After paying they walked away leaving the icecream man scratching his head wonderingly. "Mmmm delicious!¡!¡" Talon exclaimed after taking a bite of banana chocolate caramel fudge. @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart(Why did I agree to this?)

Chris only lowered his head as the people began to scream and run away. Honestly, that was the response most people had. Chris only snorted with a small bit of smoke leaving his nostrils once again as the shopkeeper treated Chris like he was a wild animal. The draco turned to face Kelica, unable to say anything due to the bar in his mouth. He only lowered himself slightly as he waited for Kelica to hop on.


Kelica just couldn't seem to understand what all the fuss was about. Yeah, once upon a time when he couldn't control it, they should be afraid but this was her warm, caring Chris! Kelica had never been afraid of animals, no matter how big they were, wolves, bears, lions. Mind you, she knew she could subdue them, always had been. No matter how aggressive they had been, a wave of a hand, a brush over their head, a soothing words or a lullaby and they'd turn into kitty.

Beauty and the beast. Except Chris was the smart one and Kelica was the air head.

The more she viewed the screaming people and Chris's lowered head, the more she got angry and defensive. How dare these people pick on someone just because of how they look! She wrapped her arms around Chris's head, drawing him close to her chest, holding him safe even if he was in no physical danger.

"You all sicken me!! Chris has not done a single thing to any of you, and furthermore he is part of Fairytail!! The same Guild that does nothing but help you all when you ask them to!"

She was so angry at the crowds she suddenly tore at Chris's saddle and reefed it off, the reins along next, throwing it to the ground in a fit. "No! Chris is not some damn beast, and I refuse to treat him like such! He is not some animal to tame!"

Here she kept his muzzle and head buried into her chest, started walking away holding him close as she did. Ferals! Bullies the lot! Steadily aiming to head towards the Guild Hall for people who actually respected them.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(I'm...sorry...)

Chris heard all the little whispers and shouts from the crowd that was staring at Chris. He heard things like "He burned my house!" or "He almost killed my family!". As Kelica tried to comfort him and pull him away Chris only remained still. All four of his legs began to tremble as he looked through the entire crowd. He looked through the entire crowd as he lowered his head once again as the massive beast finally spoke,"I-I'm sorry...P-please forgive me..." But that didn't seem enough for the blood-thirsty crowd as they began to say "We demand retribution for those of whom you've hurt!" Chris only remained with his head lowered, not even daring to look at Kelica.

femjapanriceball said:
Bizma reddened. Talented...? "W-well...I can summon creatures and weapons from books...." she said, looking at her own journal. "B-but it's a fairly easy ability to learn anyways..." She added, flailing her arms. "I...I don't know how I made it to S-Class...guess I'm good at it...."



"That's amazing and never let anyone tell you other wise. What you can do is a gift, a talent not many others have and that makes you unique whether you think so out not." He felt like giving the girl a hug but he didn't want to push it. She was so unsure of her self that it hurt and he could bare to see her or anyone be afraid to believe in their selves. "I am only an A rank mage, most of what I can do is destructive."
Valken Truss

Valken continued that weird, boyish smile as he gazed to her. Really the way her whole face seemed to light up sent a happy little shiver down his spine. If this is what boyfriend's and girlfriend's did, he could very much get used to it. The strange serving man appeared once more with a cold bottle of wine in his hand, white cloth over his arm. He approached Valken's side and wordlessly filled a glass. Then he moved to stand by Millie.

It was only then Valken noticed for all the man's shuffling tendacies and nervousness, his feet made not a single sound against the floor boards. Not even a creak. And even if his arms shook, his wrist and fingers were steady like steel as he poured Millie's glass of wine. Face lowered nervously but eyes not shaking a millimetre.

Valken had been so focused on Millie his senses completely void of what was happening around him. Once Millie's glass was full, Valken's eyes narrowed down dangerously as he stared the short man down.

"That is all I require of you now, you may leave."

The short man lifted his gaze with the picture perfect gaze of innocence, stammering "B...but...your mains?..." Valken was the master of the sly, he could read every little twitch from this guy. He was good....very good. Maybe even on par with Valken's abilities. He may have gotten away with it too if Valken had focused in on Millie as solidly as he had been. The question was...what did he want?

Valken shook a head and stood up suddenly, that gaze still dark. "Forget it, we have plans and it's time to go."

The short man held Valken's gaze, un-afraid, and finally now he knew he was exposed, his tone dropped a pitch or two. "But the fun is just beginning..."

Millie would have had no time to react, even if she gasped, the short man's eyes had narrowed and he ripped the white cloth away from his arm, exposing a dagger that looked oddly similar to Valken's. At the same instant, Valken had drawn a hand to his hip, flicked and spun a dagger out before hurling it straight for the man's shoulder.

It connected to which the shorter man screamed in pain, and then a moment later the butler had hooked an arm around Millie, curved blade nestled against her exposed neck, even fisting her hair to draw it back further. Valken's breath hitched and a hand fisted right by his second dagger, the short man now chuckling evilly.

"Uh Uh...! Don't want to hurt this pretty little thing Hey? I'd keep your hand away from your dagger..."

Valken was livid, his muscles tensed in his rage but did lower his hand. He should have seen this, noticed this man, but he had let his guard down for one moment! Valken hissed.

"The hell do you want..."

The short man's grin widened manically as he pressed the blade harder into Millie's neck, cutting the flesh only just. "What kind of spy uses their real name when getting a reservation..." Spitting to the side to show his distaste. Valken only got angrier when he realised he was right. A dark aura starting to wash from his feet and the candles blew out, covering the balcony in shadows.


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Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training grounds

Honks looked back at Donald." Your not weak, your right." She turned back to the other phoenix slayer and the small munchkin. Maybe this slayer was a bit hot head, like most fire mages. " well, you can leave, I guess you don't think you can fight us. Maybe your just scared." She gave them a dismissive wave, if they wanted to leave. Then they could leave of their own accord.


Kelica heard the increased shouting of the towns people, her green eyes widening suddenly as she peered back to Chris. He hadn't moved an inch and he was trembling. It occured to the girl this may be the reason Chris was always terrified of crowds, always in a hurry to get home, away from town. And what they were shouting... Kelica grasped both his cheeks to drag his muzzle to her face, ignoring the folk, pulling his gaze to her, blocking them all out.

"Is this true Chris? Did you do all those things to those people?" She whispered gently. Not judging, not angry or sad, just needing to know the truth.

Chris Lengheart(...)

Chris remained with his head hanging low as Kelica suddenly brought Chris close to her. That's when Chris suddenly reverted to normal as he looked directly at Kelica, only nodding in silence. He then lowered his head once again, but that's when it all happened: first one rock to the head, then another, then who knows what else as it was tossed directly at Chris. Chris only covered his head in shame as he began to speak,"Stop! Leave me alone!" but then two muscular looking men (not as large as Chris of course) started stepping towards Chris, the look on their face obviously showed that they weren't going to help the poor man.

Kelica Zefara

Kelica looked saddened, not because of the destruction Chris was capable of, that she knew, but his shame and guilt was tearing at her heart. When he tried to pull his head away she only held on more firmly. "Chris that wasn't your fault!! That wasn't you, that was your beast forms remember? You couldn't control it!"

Kelica spun as things were thrown straight at him, swinging an arm out she stood between him and the two towering men with an angry glare. "Leave him alone! He's not doing anything right now, and we were just leaving anyway!" Of course Kelica was not big, or strong, or magically gifted at least not in an offensive sense. So when one guy neared they grasped at her arm roughly, suddenly throwing her to the ground with a loud thud.

"Outta the way girly!" To add insult to injury, the second guy kicked Kelica hard in the ribs while she was down, making her gasp out painfully to clutch at her chest, coughing up blood.

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Mikael La Viere



The lady's face lit up with delight as she heard the words of acceptance and agreement from the two lady mages. She then looked at Mika for the final approval.

"Well, they're the official guild members so if it's okay with them, I have no other reason to decline. And I would be happy to tag along with you girls if you permit me."

"I am not quite sure about al the details but for the sugar, the supplier just deliver it to us. And I'm certain there is this train station where they drop them off before they place the sacks in a warehouse downtown. Our service porter will be happy to take you there."

There's a carriage waiting outside and Mika helped the ladies to alight the carriage.

"Thanks for letting me come with you Sera and Lavender." Mika expressed his gratitude. He's thinking that this is his turn to return the favor.

"So do you have any idea or some plan to deal with this?"he asked them.

@Britt-21 @mitch

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Chris Lengheart(You'll pay)

Chris only watched as Kelica was tossed and kicked. As the two men advanced towards Chris, Chris was the first one to attack. He stood up as two furry arms grabbed both men by the throat. They were thrown much like Kelica as a low growl could be heard throughout the small crowd. Chris finally used a takeover, but this one Kelica had yet to see. Chris was massive, only wearing a pair of pants that were torn up along the knees. His fur was a thick brown as as it covered his entire body. Chris' eyes were a deep yellow, almost piercing the person they looked at. Chris, was a force to be reckoned with now. He swung a massive arm and slashed the two man with his massive claws before letting out a howl of fury. He then suddenly pounced on one of the men and began to rip and tear at him, only tearing off a good chunk from his arm before he turned his attention back to the crowd as he suddenly began to run towards them.

Once the entire group had dispersed, only Chris and Kelica remained, Chris with blood on his claws and mouth. But then, Chris started to act strange. He began to slowly advance on Kelica, his horrid teeth bared as he looked only moments away from crashing down on top of her. A growl began to emerge from him as the hairs on his back began to stand up, making him appear much more intimidating.

Drakerus said:

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine gazed around the area thoughtfully as she decided what they should do next. She really didn't know what kinds of things Sakura would like to do but she seemed to like eating the pastry from earlier so maybe...

"Would you like to get some ice cream with me? There's a vendor just over there." she asked, pointing towards a stand not too far in the distance. Everyone likes ice cream...right? Tokine would often sit on the edge of the canal and watch the boats pass by while eating ice cream. It was quite relaxing so maybe Sakura would think so to?

Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura looked off in the direction she pointed before looking back over at Tokine, smiling she nodded. "
Ooh! Ice cream! Yea lets go!" She replied excitedly. With that she grabbed Tokines' hand and gently led her to the icecream stand. Thus she looked at the menu deciding what to get, they had so much to choose from so she wasn't sure what to get. And she only had so many hands too. Oddly enough she could just draw some ice cream...but eh. Whatever. In the end, she decided to just go with vanilla. "Uhhh. Vanilla please! And whatever Tokine wants." She told the owner.

Talon said:
Talon laughed and ordered a scoop of each flavour. the Icecream mans brain almost eploded as he tried to put 50 scoops of icecream on a single cone. He finally just put 25 scoops on 2 different cones and then did the same for Fera. After paying they walked away leaving the icecream man scratching his head wonderingly. "Mmmm delicious!¡!¡" Talon exclaimed after taking a bite of banana chocolate caramel fudge. @Mitchs98
@Zuka @Isune

Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra didn't even question the breaking of physics that happened with the icecream, she broke physics everytime she used her magic after all. Though, she had a great idea. Rather than try eating it she bit the bottom of the cone out and sucked it out like a straw. "This is great! Thanks for spotting the stand." She told him. After a bit of walking she eventually noticed a...rampaging beast in the middle of the streets? What. She didn't really have any materials to work with..or rather very minimal, so.."Talon! You gotta do something! I would, but..I couldn't really do much." She urged Talon frantically, eyes widening as the beast approached some wounded girl on the ground.

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