Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

femjapanriceball said:
"I-I was actually born on the countryside," Bizma said quietly. "I moved here when I turned fifteen....and I've lived here ever since." She smiled. "My dad was a B-Class Mage for Fairy Tail; I've been waiting for him to get back from a mission for three years now. He..." Her smile faded. "He's not coming back. But that only means I should try my best to be like him."
"That is a shame... I never knew my family, but I am sure you will honor his memory well. I just know you will go far, you may not think so but I have complete faith in your talents." He fondled the necklace he wore around his neck the only clue to his family that he had ever had about his family. An angel holding a heart, but no one knew what it meant. All it did was provide more confusion to a confused mind.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie's eyes widened when he heard Mizuki's request, but despite how much he had wanted to speed himself up, he slowed down slightly. When the two had finally reached the edge of Magnolia, the ribbon mage stopped completely and waited for his acquaintance to catch up before speaking, not having a clue as to where he was going. "I trust you wouldn't mind leading the way?" he asked in his polite, warm voice even when the lady had sounded monotone and unsatisfied nearly the whole way through. He hoped there would be a lot of walking involved, because that would mean he could talk less...
Ophelia seemed almost disgusted at the question, but she found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't lie about her answer even when she had been closed off from the world on sea for the first thirteen years of her life. She recalled the times when the Hamlet was still afloat, remembering the constant smell of ocean water and the pleasant rocking of the oversized ship... wait, things like that weren't what she was supposed to be thinking of! The girl put a finger on her chin and looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm... well, there was this one time when I fell in love with a crew mate... Okay, so I fell off the edge of the ship, right? I mean, I knew how to swim, but there was no way I'd catch up with how fast this thing was. Then this big, muscly guy jumps in and lifts me up before shooting us back up with a block of ice. I kept on trying to ask him out and I even spanked him a few times... he was like, 27 though, so I had no chance with him. Besides, he drowned last year when the ship sunk, so even if I could catch up to his age, I couldn't ask him out again." Not having a single clue that her friends wouldn't have a single clue about what she was talking about, Ophelia pointed to Alicia with a grin. "Mmkay, Alicia! Truth or Dare?"

Mizuki quickly caught up with Alfie, appreciative that he had taken her orders and slowed down for the girl. Slowing down her own speed the dark mage walked beside her ribbon mage. She remained quiet for a few moments and never once took her soft but intense eyes off of him. "Yes, I suppose I will take the lead. But follow closely, I don't want you running away from me again." She instructed, taking a few steps in front of him. Mizuki began to lead Alfie through the empty night time streets. It seemed that most people were off in their own homes, out drinking, or heading towards the fight arena. This was evident since the dark Mage could hear commotion a few blocks away. However instead of going towards the noise she began to lead him away through the dark alleys. "I assume that you will be staying with me tonight. I need you to stay by me."
Mitchs98 said:
@Metaphysics [/color][/color]
Alicia: Rented Apartment[/color]

Alicia listened to both Niur and Ophelias answers intently. Both were...equally as depressing. Though, Ophelia's was more weird than depressing, really. Though she didn't...really understand how spanking him was a good thing to do if she wanted him to like her, but, you know. When she turned to her and asked her truth or dare she stared blankly for a few minutes in thought. She'd chose Truth last time..so it made sense to choose dare now. There was the chance Ophelia could ask her to do something weird, but also the chance it was fun. Plus she kind of wanted to see what she would tell her to do. "Ummm..Dare!" She replied.
A malevolent grin crept its way across Ophelia's face as she rubbed her hands together with a giggle. She'd have fun with this one... "I dare you, tooooo... challenge Master Gilad to a fight when you get the chance! ...Actually, that's going a bit far. Maybe you can challenge Mizuki when she gets here!" the girl suggested, wondering whether Alicia would actually take up the dare. It was pretty unlikely, so Ophelia's have to come up with something else. But any dare was a dare, and dares were fun!

Kayzo said:
Mizuki quickly caught up with Alfie, appreciative that he had taken her orders and slowed down for the girl. Slowing down her own speed the dark mage walked beside her ribbon mage. She remained quiet for a few moments and never once took her soft but intense eyes off of him. "Yes, I suppose I will take the lead. But follow closely, I don't want you running away from me again." She instructed, taking a few steps in front of him. Mizuki began to lead Alfie through the empty night time streets. It seemed that most people were off in their own homes, out drinking, or heading towards the fight arena. This was evident since the dark Mage could hear commotion a few blocks away. However instead of going towards the noise she began to lead him away through the dark alleys. "I assume that you will be staying with me tonight. I need you to stay by me."
Alfie's eyes shifted again, the ribbon mage still being a bit uncomfortable about all this. The fact that they had traveled through dark alleys in the middle of the night didn't worry him all too much compared to places such as the Hall of Misfortune, but the fact that he was there with Mizuki sort of put him off. Who knew the lady could be so demanding? He only nodded, following the shadow mage through the dark town nervously.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]A malevolent grin crept its way across Ophelia's face as she rubbed her hands together with a giggle. She'd have fun with this one... "I dare you, tooooo... challenge Master Gilad to a fight when you get the chance! ...Actually, that's going a bit far. Maybe you can challenge Mizuki when she gets here!" the girl suggested, wondering whether Alicia would actually take up the dare. It was pretty unlikely, so Ophelia's have to come up with something else. But any dare was a dare, and dares were fun!
Alfie's eyes shifted again, the ribbon mage still being a bit uncomfortable about all this. The fact that they had traveled through dark alleys in the middle of the night didn't worry him all too much compared to places such as the Hall of Misfortune, but the fact that he was there with Mizuki sort of put him off. Who knew the lady could be so demanding? He only nodded, following the shadow mage through the dark town nervously.

Mizuki saw Alfie nod out of the corner of her eye and rubbed her hands together excitedly. She was quite pleased to find out that he basically agreed to spending the night, though she was quite surprised about how submissive he was being. Earlier in the day he seemed to be a strong, nice, independent man, but now he seems like a strong, nice, slave of a man. Not that that was bad or anything. "Wonderful. I look forward to arriving at the room." She said as they walked, looking back at him with an excited look. The Dark Mage continued to walk through the streets for a few more minutes until they made it back onto the main roads and eventually back to her and Alicia's room. Her shadowy arms tightly grabbed Alfie and placed him in front of her. She wasn't going to allow him to run away. Using another arm to open the door she walked into his back and pushed him inside. From the bedroom she could hear younger voices, three to be precise. Two were Alicia and Ophelia, but the third was a complete stranger. "I am back Little One. I hope I didn't worry you..."

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]A malevolent grin crept its way across Ophelia's face as she rubbed her hands together with a giggle. She'd have fun with this one... "I dare you, tooooo... challenge Master Gilad to a fight when you get the chance! ...Actually, that's going a bit far. Maybe you can challenge Mizuki when she gets here!" the girl suggested, wondering whether Alicia would actually take up the dare. It was pretty unlikely, so Ophelia's have to come up with something else. But any dare was a dare, and dares were fun!
Alfie's eyes shifted again, the ribbon mage still being a bit uncomfortable about all this. The fact that they had traveled through dark alleys in the middle of the night didn't worry him all too much compared to places such as the Hall of Misfortune, but the fact that he was there with Mizuki sort of put him off. Who knew the lady could be so demanding? He only nodded, following the shadow mage through the dark town nervously.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki saw Alfie nod out of the corner of her eye and rubbed her hands together excitedly. She was quite pleased to find out that he basically agreed to spending the night, though she was quite surprised about how submissive he was being. Earlier in the day he seemed to be a strong, nice, independent man, but now he seems like a strong, nice, slave of a man. Not that that was bad or anything. "Wonderful. I look forward to arriving at the room." She said as they walked, looking back at him with an excited look. The Dark Mage continued to walk through the streets for a few more minutes until they made it back onto the main roads and eventually back to her and Alicia's room. Her shadowy arms tightly grabbed Alfie and placed him in front of her. She wasn't going to allow him to run away. Using another arm to open the door she walked into his back and pushed him inside. From the bedroom she could hear younger voices, three to be precise. Two were Alicia and Ophelia, but the third was a complete stranger. "I am back Little One. I hope I didn't worry you..."

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia wasn't sure if she should be creeped out by Ophelia or laugh at her expression. Going by said expression and her rubbing her hands together it would be something bad. Annnd..then she dared her to challenge Gilad. Alicia's eyes widened in a mix of shock and fear. Challenge Gilad? He'd crush her it he ever agreed to it, literally. Luckily she rescinded said dare, causing Alicia to relax once more. Good to know Ophelia wasn't insane...then she told her to fight Mizuki? What? Why..? There was no way she was doing that, even if it was a dare. She'd never hurt Mizuki willingly. Thus she shook her head, "
Nuh-uh. I'm not gunna hurt Mizuki, think of something else." She told her simply.

A small wait after she said that Mizuki came in with Alfie in tow. She instantly looked to the door when she opened it, pure happiness replacing whatever expression she'd held previous. Of course Mizuki was okay, and she'd been right about her spending time with Alfie. "
Mizuki!" She shouted before she popped up off the couch, ran over, and practically dove into her hugging her. "I might of worried a little...but don't worry I knew you'd be alright." She told her immediately followed by asking "Did you have fun with Alfie?" Subsequently followed by "That's Niur! She wanted to meet you!"

Unknown Falling:

Location: Magnolia Street Stalls

Unknown simply pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh in response to Talon, "We got a real gentleman on our hands over here don't we?" speaking sarcastically. He then placed his hand on Kelica's shoulder, in a attempt to both comfort and to use his magic to see what the damage was. It was clear she was not going anywhere soon, "Look, your in no condition to go searching for him whether you want too or not. You won't have to worry about him lashing out, I will be able to handle it. I can take you somewhere to recover and head out and look for your friend."

He then stood up pointing towards the heavens in a dramatic fashion and said "Through my amazing ability referred to as common sense! I Unknown Falling know that to begin my search for the man named Chris, all I have to do is head in the direction he went and head out of town." quickly moving his hand down to point in the direction Chris had gone "Seeing it was a crowd that started this logically he wouldn't want to stick around in town and cause another scene. Most likely he would go to the forest to hide with the trees as cover and live off the land."

@Isune @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon
Kelica Zefara

Kelica whined as she looked to the man crouched beside her. Handle him? Whoever this new guy was obviously had no idea who Chris was, or what he was capable of, despite having viewed his abilities first hand. Unknown was his name? Fitting...he was unknown of the dangers despite his good intentions lead him to. Along with that fire mage and the weird girl with all the ice cream! None of them understood.

Her eyes flashed almost dangerously. They all underestimated Chris's abilities. "Oh, so what, your magical ability of common sense will lead us through an enthusiasic walk into the woods? How do you all plan on calming Chris once you find him?"

She looked down to the ground with a soft outward sigh. There was no way around it...in a weird gesture, the girl suddenly thrust her hand up under her shirt, resting splayed fingers against the rib cage under her left breast, flooding her palm with that green glow. As she did this, her spare hand suddenly reached out to grasp at Unknown's spare hand, threading her fingers in his, for comfort.

As the glow permiated through her top, her fingers curled into his and she screamed as her magic flooded her chest, bones cracking and realigning, tendons rethreading, blood vessels bulging. The pain so excruciating her voice went such a high octave it almost broke the sound barrier. As was that a dog that howled in the distance? A minute passed, and she almost hurled from the agony, vision blurred. Then it was all healed.

She weakly let go of her his fingers, not explaining why she gripped his hand so, only to try lessen the pain what she could. Here she took a deep breath inwards, before slowly coming up to a stand, still sweating with adrendaline.

"Now it's time to find Chris..." And she started to walk down the main road without a backwards glance to the others. Come hell or high water, she would find him.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @Isune @Unknown Falling
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Wyatt said:
"That is a shame... I never knew my family, but I am sure you will honor his memory well. I just know you will go far, you may not think so but I have complete faith in your talents." He fondled the necklace he wore around his neck the only clue to his family that he had ever had about his family. An angel holding a heart, but no one knew what it meant. All it did was provide more confusion to a confused mind.
Bizma looked at the necklace, curious. "That's a pretty necklace," she said, pointing at it. And it was, to her. ".......does....does it have anything to do with your family?" She asked curiously, toying with her hair.
femjapanriceball said:
Bizma looked at the necklace, curious. "That's a pretty necklace," she said, pointing at it. And it was, to her. ".......does....does it have anything to do with your family?" She asked curiously, toying with her hair.
"This necklace was the only item I was found with, I was found a little over a year ago and I only remember the past year. I don't know what it is from." He put the necklace back around his neck, and let it go. "How about you, have any family heirlooms?"
Wyatt said:
"This necklace was the only item I was found with, I was found a little over a year ago and I only remember the past year. I don't know what it is from." He put the necklace back around his neck, and let it go. "How about you, have any family heirlooms?"
"....Me? Well...." Bizma looked down at her journal. "This journal was my father's before he left. He wanted me to write in it, so I've been doing so every day. It feels good, writing." She smiled at it, opening it up to an essay she had written a few days before (see my post in the lore tab to see the essay written).
femjapanriceball said:
"....Me? Well...." Bizma looked down at her journal. "This journal was my father's before he left. He wanted me to write in it, so I've been doing so every day. It feels good, writing." She smiled at it, opening it up to an essay she had written a few days before (see my post in the lore tab to see the essay written).



He looked at the journal not wanting to pry but she seemed even more and confused. "Are you okay, it seems as though things aren't always what they seem. Both of us are lost, maybe we should stick together so that we can find our way. To wrongs to make a right?"
Wyatt said:



He looked at the journal not wanting to pry but she seemed even more and confused. "Are you okay, it seems as though things aren't always what they seem. Both of us are lost, maybe we should stick together so that we can find our way. To wrongs to make a right?"
Bizma looked up; he had read it. How she wasn't sure if the mirror had been lying. How she had seen a male. She looked into his eyes. ....Both of us are lost....guess it's true. Tears stung her eyes; she felt herself blushing. She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. "....Y-yeah....thank you, Liam....thank you...!" And she hugged him, smiling.
Talon scowled at the unknown guy but remained silent. He then tried to convine the girl to stay again and said he would use his so called common sense and logic to find the Chris dude. Talon snorted and rolled his eyes at Ferra. Talons eyes went wide with alarm when the girl started healing herself and screamed fom the pain. When she was done he spoke up. "Well... im guessing we're ready?¿?¿" @Mitchs98 @Unknown Falling @Zuka
Kameal wondered the dense forest at night. The hood of his short black cloak covering most of his face. His jade eyes, glowing in the darkness. He walked in no clear direction. He had no destination. He just wandered aimlessly. Kameal leaned against a tree, clutching his stomach. He hadn't eaten in days and was not only fighting hunger but fatigue too. He fought off dizziness and continued his journey. Hoping to find food and a place to rest.
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Mikael La Viere



Mikael together with Sera and Lavender found their way at the station where the report of the stolen sugar has been made. They were tireless and patient in making inquiries. Their efforts led them to an abandoned warehouse.

The sun's sleepy and about to go down. The wind is sweet, literally sweet. It smelt like burnt sugar. "I guess we finally found them." Mika said. Bagooooom! And a large explosion went up inside the warehouse.

"Let's make haste lady." Mika ran towards the burning facility.

As the smoke clears it was visible, clear as day. A giant. A pudding. A giant moving pudding.

"What the hell on sweet earth is that?" Mika exclaimed.

The giant moved and in the act of stomping them.

Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Carriage
Sera smiled at the girl as she explained everything, seemed simple enough. She had several theories as to why the sugar was being stolen, but most of them were stupid and didn't make sense. "
Don't mention it, as Lavender said we'll get this sorted out for you quickly." She told her. With that she followed Mika and Lavender into the carriage, thanking him as he helped them in. She nodded at Lavenders answer. "Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing. Might even just be a few kids with magic thinking its cool to steal things for whatever reason." She told them. "And you're welcome, we're glad to have you along." She added.

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)


Unknown Falling:

Location: Magnolia Street Stalls

Unknown paused for a moment as Kelica said "your magical ability of common sense", then spoke, "Uh, common sense isn't magic you know." he shrugged and said "Simple, I will attempt to calmly talk him down and if that doesn't work I'll just have to sedate him." although he would probably become horribly maimed in the process, but that was just the usual for Unknown. Kelica then began to heal herself, as she screamed he just stared, slightly intrigued. It reminded him of his own magic, but it wasn't the same. It was indeed close but more limited and she wouldn't be raising dead spirits any time soon. After she finished and her and Talon spoke he began to follow her, "I will say you are quite dedicated." he looked to the girl with the ice-cream, "Don't forget to bring that ice-cream, you can throw it on your friend human torch over there if he becomes a liability." he chuckled.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Isune
Kayzo said:
Mizuki saw Alfie nod out of the corner of her eye and rubbed her hands together excitedly. She was quite pleased to find out that he basically agreed to spending the night, though she was quite surprised about how submissive he was being. Earlier in the day he seemed to be a strong, nice, independent man, but now he seems like a strong, nice, slave of a man. Not that that was bad or anything. "Wonderful. I look forward to arriving at the room." She said as they walked, looking back at him with an excited look. The Dark Mage continued to walk through the streets for a few more minutes until they made it back onto the main roads and eventually back to her and Alicia's room. Her shadowy arms tightly grabbed Alfie and placed him in front of her. She wasn't going to allow him to run away. Using another arm to open the door she walked into his back and pushed him inside. From the bedroom she could hear younger voices, three to be precise. Two were Alicia and Ophelia, but the third was a complete stranger. "I am back Little One. I hope I didn't worry you..."
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia wasn't sure if she should be creeped out by Ophelia or laugh at her expression. Going by said expression and her rubbing her hands together it would be something bad. Annnd..then she dared her to challenge Gilad. Alicia's eyes widened in a mix of shock and fear. Challenge Gilad? He'd crush her it he ever agreed to it, literally. Luckily she rescinded said dare, causing Alicia to relax once more. Good to know Ophelia wasn't insane...then she told her to fight Mizuki? What? Why..? There was no way she was doing that, even if it was a dare. She'd never hurt Mizuki willingly. Thus she shook her head, "
Nuh-uh. I'm not gunna hurt Mizuki, think of something else." She told her simply.

A small wait after she said that Mizuki came in with Alfie in tow. She instantly looked to the door when she opened it, pure happiness replacing whatever expression she'd held previous. Of course Mizuki was okay, and she'd been right about her spending time with Alfie. "
Mizuki!" She shouted before she popped up off the couch, ran over, and practically dove into her hugging her. "I might of worried a little...but don't worry I knew you'd be alright." She told her immediately followed by asking "Did you have fun with Alfie?" Subsequently followed by "That's Niur! She wanted to meet you!"
Niue - Something Clever

Niur gave a small wave when she was mentioned. "Hi...I'm Niur. It's so nice to meet you!" She said with a smile. "You must be Mizuki...you're very pretty-la!" She added after a few moments. She gave Alfie a glance and a small wave. "Oh hi again." She said before turning to Ophelia. "Can we keep it as nonviolent as possible? I don't want to see people hurting others because of some game." @Salt Lord
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femjapanriceball said:
Bizma looked up; he had read it. How she wasn't sure if the mirror had been lying. How she had seen a male. She looked into his eyes. ....Both of us are lost....guess it's true. Tears stung her eyes; she felt herself blushing. She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. "....Y-yeah....thank you, Liam....thank you...!" And she hugged him, smiling.


"It's the least can do since you opened up to me so much." He hugged her tightly in his arms not daring to let, getting lost in her embrace. "Things may seem difficult now but with both of us together they can only get easier."
After a bit more walking in the forest and keeping himself from passing out, Kameal smelt smoke. A fire was near by. Where there was fire, there was people and where there people, there was most likely food. At least Kameal hoped their was. Clutching his empty stomach, the wizard followed his nose and headed towards the source of the smoke.

Finally the homunculus tracked the source of the smoke to well hidden cave. He saw a faint pillar of smoke rising from the top of the cave. Someone obviously didn't want to be bothered as they'd placed a huge boulder at the entrance. Kameal wondered who or what would be strong enough to move a boulder that size.

Hearing his stomack growl for what must have been the hundredth time, Kameal decided that it didn't matter who or what moved the boulder. All that mattered was if there was food inside that cave. He didn't care if someone or something lived there. He'd kill them if need be. All he cared about was food. The homunculus formed a thick layer of his black crystal around his arm, from his elbow and extending a few inches past his fingernails, turning his arm into a deadly crystal blade. He trusted his arm-blade into to boulder and watched as it shattered.

He saw the source of the smoke. A fire that Kameal could tell wasn't natural. It was made by magic. Next to it, was w man. The wizard could tell on sight that this man was a wizard as well. He could also since that the man had a dilemma. Being a homunculi, Kameal was sensitive to emotions. An annoying ability. He let the crystal on his arm shatter and fall to the ground before grabbing his sword in it's sheathe from his side. He approached the man, his face still hidden in the darkness from the hood of his black cloak. His jade eyes glowing in the dark, showing desperation and murderous intent. ready to hack him to pieces if need be .

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Wyatt said:

"It's the least can do since you opened up to me so much." He hugged her tightly in his arms not daring to let, getting lost in her embrace. "Things may seem difficult now but with both of us together they can only get easier."
Bizma smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. It was nice knowing that someone was there for her. She didn't want to let go of him....ever. "....Yeah.....we should definitely stick together...." she said quietly, closing her eyes.
Taln almost exploded "Human torch!¡!¡" His fists flared up and his eyes had a dangeous spark in them. "Ill show you, you stuck up, know it all, retarded pig!¡!¡" With that screamed, he charged at unkown with fire erupting from his body. @Unknown Falling @Zuka @Mitchs98
Unknown Falling:

Location: Magnolia Street Stalls

Unknown let out another chuckle as Talon screamed at him furiously like a child, it wouldn't be hard to a take advantage of his rage. He merely summoned a spear at his feet sideways and Talon would trip himself up on the pole. "It would seem "hothead" is a more fitting name for you. Or you know, you could have simply gave us your name so I wouldn't have to come up with a dumb nickname." he looked at Ferra as he pointed at Talon, "You can throw the ice-cream on him now."

@Talon @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Isune
@Talon @Unknown Falling @Zuka @Isune

Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra watched everything go down just passively sitting there eating her ice cream and taking it all in. It seemed Kelica had some kind of healing magic, or something. She didn't know, that bit was confusing. Soon enough though Unknown suggested tossing her ice-cream on Talon, causing her eyes to widen. Throw away and ruin food? What kind of monster was he. But..sadly soon enough it did seem something was needed to calm Talon down. Luckily she had two ice cream cones. Regrettably she unceremoniously flung the second one she hadn't started eating yet onto the enraged Talon, shedding a single tear for the fallen icecream. "
Calm down Talon, c'mon. He wasn't trying to be mean..I don't think." She told him before shrugging.
Kelica Zefara

Kelica was frowning as she continued to walk down the streets. She asked for there help but now was regretting it...maybe she could ditch them if she hurried into the forest North of town...she wanted to, but she still wasn't sure she could control Chris, especially with that new form.

Her steps lead her into the outskirts of town and the second she wandered into the forest her whole body seemed to change. Her back straightened but her shoulders relaxed, her chin held high and there was something oddly beautiful about the girl as she walked further into the trees. She stopped then, taking a deep breath and spreading her arms wide, eyes sliding closed.

The forest seemed to come alive then as a green glow softly encase her. The trees groaned, branches dipped to brush there petals against the ground. Squirrels ran along the ground before stopping at the base of trees, staring at her. Birds fluttering their wings before resuming their songs. Well songs to the others perhaps, Kelica heard what they were actually singing and it was more of a bad case of karaoke to the girls ears. But what she needed was creature's that could track.

She made a soft whistle sound and suddenly three huge wolves bounded from the tree lines, backs haunched and snarls wide. They approached aggressively to her, now within a pace, but Kelica only smiled in a friendly manner.

"Now now, you can go back to your hunt soon, but I require your assistance..." The wolves glanced at her before coming before her feet, nuzzling into her legs, like a puppy might. She let her fingers run through the fur on the top of one wolf, the Alpha of this pack.

"Now listen carefully...I need you to track a smell, it will be different; it will smell like one of your kind, but also human, dragon, feline and minotaur...I need you to find this creature then come back to me..." The wolves gave one last nudge against her legs, snorted, then howled and bounded off to find Chris.


@Unknown Falling



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