Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Taln had found the Eagle quite fascinating and would have liked to study it more but they had to moveso he stood up. He hadnt even taken a step when Ferra started dragging him along. "Ferra slow down!¡!¡" He exclaimed. He trpped over a root and fell face first. "Ugh this is not my day..." He moaned as he stood up rubbing his face. He got up and leaned against a tree. "please let me walk on my own next time please." He asked Ferra. @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Unknown Falling
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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 2

She took a step back and raised her hands in front of her, regaining her stance as she waited for the fire to dissipate. As the fire cleared she couldn't help but click her tongue as she was met with a crystalline dome surrounding her opponent. However, before she even had a chance to continue her offensive the dome shattered and the various crystal shards came at her like a barrage of bullets. It was all she could do to raise her arms in front of her head and chest to offer some form of protection. Dealing with projectiles had never been her strong suit and this was exemplified here as the crystals impacted all along her body, eliciting cries of pain as they did. As the attack subsided she fell to a knee, gasping for breath as pain continued to cascade through her body.

Not only was this an unfavorable magic match-up, but she was against one of the strongest mages in one of the strongest guilds. That realization was truly setting in for her as she forced herself back to her feet. As she fell back into her usual stance she couldn't help but let her mind race through all the various possibilities. This was a fight she couldn't win using her usual hard work and guts, if she didn't get tricky and fast this would be a very short match. She turned her attention towards her opponent, noting the energy coalescing within his hand as he prepared for his next attack. Try as she might she couldn't think of any clever ways to utilize her magic, everything she had was intended for straight up brawling.

It was at that moment an idea struck her, her face lighting up as she straightened her posture and spread her arms to her side. It was probably a faulty assumption but at the moment it was the only lead she had. A veritable wall of glowing flaming orbs appeared behind her, numbering well over a hundred. The orbs quickly scattered, moving to surround her opponent. As they darted about she brought her arms back in front of her, clasping her hands together as flames licked at her interlaced fists. Within just a few moments she called out "Incineration!" and the fire from her fists shot out towards the boy. She fully expected the boy to defend against her assault as he had initially, but if her hunch was right then her opponent wasn't able to both attack and defend at the same time, so when he retaliated her napalm rounds would be waiting to strike.
Masaki Yamada - Harvest Festival Tournament, Ring 2.

Masaki watched intensely as Tanari began to form quite the number of flaming orbs around her. Obviously, they were going to be sent his way but when couldn't be determined. Taking a step back as he continued to charge his magical energy, the hundreds of flaming orbs began to circle around him in a spherical motion, darting all around him in nearly ever direction. "Interesting". Masaki could tell right off that this was a diversion, at least for the time being. When Tanari sent the two flaming blasts from her fists towards him, Masaki realised what she intended on doing. In fact, he figured it out instantly. "She probably intends on sending all of those flaming orbs my way after I've defended from that attack, very well." He said, a calm look on his face as he called out a spell and a wall of crystal formed in front of him in an instant and blocked the attack. Then, Masaki cast another spell almost instantly, a kind smile everpresent on his face. "Adept Crystal Formation: Crystal Spear Assault!" With that, a large purple glyph appeared at his feet as a large crystalline pillar tore out of the ground and lifted Masaki up. Clasping his hands together, the S-Class Mage then slammed his hands down onto the pillar as it began to multiply into smaller versions, pointed at the tip. About fourty crystal spears had formed and headed towards Tanari rapidly. Upon reaching the ground again, Masaki landed in a completely different direction than before and waited for her next move.
Talon said:
Taln had found the Eagle quite fascinating and would have liked to study it more but they had to moveso he stood up. He hadnt even taken a step when Ferra started dragging him along. "Ferra slow down!¡!¡" He exclaimed. He trpped over a root and fell face first. "Ugh this is not my day..." He moaned as he stood up rubbing his face. He got up and leaned against a tree. "please let me walk on my own next time please." He asked Ferra. @Metaphysics @WrathSama17
Ferra: Forest

Ferra didn't slow down one bit, he hadn't doneso for her so she wouldn't either. Revenge! Annd then he tripped over a root, since she was currently holding onto his hand when he did she tripped and fell too, face first into the ground. She sighed into the grass before standing up and brushing herself off. "
Sorry..are you okay?" She asked him. "Please don't be mad.." She added.
Three Big Bad Wolves - Chris's Cave

The Alpha was still intent to focus on Chris, leaving the Beta wolf and youngest wolf to bicker. The girl placed the raw sausage on the ground and the youngest wolf was already struggling to stay in place, and was that a whimper that may have escaped? That sausage looked and smelt amazing and the young wolf licked his muzzle once more.

When the girl stepped up again, despite the Alpha's warning moments earlier, both the two other wolves tensed, paws pressing into the ground as if to leap if they needed to. She said words, but they didn't understand. What they did hear was a soft, non-threatening sound, almost a lullaby to there ears. Even the beta who had scolded the youngest wolf narrowed his eyes in a confused fashion.

Her stance was haunched, arms wide and exposed, non-violent. Submissive almost. The two wolves glanced to each other, the beta then turned and pressing his side into the Alpha to gain his attention.

Here the Alpha finally dropped his gaze from Chris to look at what the Beta was showing him. All three wolves stared her down and suddenly the Alpha in the weirdest of gestures, stepped back, head bowed low with his back legs still tall. Almost... bowing? The other two wolves followed suit, bowing down and retreating back a pace so she could approach Chris.

At any moment though if she looked like a threat they would pounce.

@Metaphysics @WrathSama17
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Chris Lengheart(Who-what do you want?)

Chris only watched as the wolves came in. The next thing he knew, the wolves left him with a girl standing in front of him. At first, he thought it might have been Kelica, but there was no way it could of been her. Chris only continued to look down as he finally said,"Obviously you want something, who doesn't? Are you here to try and kill the wild beast that terrorized so many? If that's why you're here, hurry up and give it your best shot." Chris didn't move from his position. If the girl were to try and strike Chris now, it would not end up in her favor.

Zuka said:
Three Big Bad Wolves - Chris's Cave

The Alpha was still intent to focus on Chris, leaving the Beta wolf and youngest wolf to bicker. The girl placed the raw sausage on the ground and the youngest wolf was already struggling to stay in place, and was that a whimper that may have escaped? That sausage looked and smelt amazing and the young wolf licked his muzzle once more.

When the girl stepped up again, despite the Alpha's warning moments earlier, both the two other wolves tensed, paws pressing into the ground as if to leap if they needed to. She said words, but they didn't understand. What they did hear was a soft, non-threatening sound, almost a lullaby to there ears. Even the beta who had scolded the youngest wolf narrowed his eyes in a confused fashion.

Her stance was haunched, arms wide and exposed, non-violent. Submissive almost. The two wolves glanced to each other, the beta then turned and pressing his side into the Alpha to gain his attention.

Here the Alpha finally dropped his gaze from Chris to look at what the Beta was showing him. All three wolves stared her down and suddenly the Alpha in the weirdest of gestures, stepped back, head bowed low with his back legs still tall. Almost... bowing? The other two wolves followed suit, bowing down and retreating back a pace so she could approach Chris.

At any moment though if she looked like a threat they would pounce.

@Metaphysics @Metaphysics
Arial Font

Arial slowly stepped towards the man, careful not to do anything that will anger the wolves. "I'm afraid not if that's what you want." She said as she knelt beside him. "I'm only here to help." She held up a glowing green ball of aura. "I'm going to heal you, do I have your permission to do so?" She asked him as she slowly lowered the ball to him. The ball was absorbed into him, healing him, before she reached into her pack and pulled out another apple. "Here, eat. You need it." She said as she gave him the apple.
Three Wolves, an Eagle and Kelica Zefara

The three wolves grew tiresome from the bow, so the Alpha moved to sit back on it's haunches. He observed the girl giving a weird green glow then offering him food.

The Alpha turned to the others with a loud rumble of a growl, before finishing with a sharp bark, sounding oddly like an order. The two other wolves instantly tensed up, leapt and were out the cave entrance without a glance back. To return to the Guardian of the Forest, the Alpha remained to make sure this creature was not harmed.

The two wolves dashed fast, leaping over roots and mounds on the forest floor before returning to where they had first found Kelica, however they only got half the way as she was running straight at them. The wolves both glanced up to the eagle, who squarked. Her face seemed intense, if all three hadn't returned then that meant there was a threat the Alpha wolf had sensed....

The blond girl's chest was aching and finally in a dash she dashed through the entrance, the wolves coming in beside there leader. The eagle flew in and landed on the whole on the roof, peering in curiously.

Kelica had tears streaming down her face almost the second she entered, coming to the girl who was crouched against a curled up Chris. She rather plainly ignored her, immediately throwing her arms around Chris's neck in sad little sobs. "Chris...why...why did you run away?!"

@Metaphysics @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Three Wolves, an Eagle and Kelica Zefara

The three wolves grew tiresome from the bow, so the Alpha moved to sit back on it's haunches. He observed the girl giving a weird green glow then offering him food.

The Alpha turned to the others with a loud rumble of a growl, before finishing with a sharp bark, sounding oddly like an order. The two other wolves instantly tensed up, leapt and were out the cave entrance without a glance back. To return to the Guardian of the Forest, the Alpha remained to make sure this creature was not harmed.

The two wolves dashed fast, leaping over roots and mounds on the forest floor before returning to where they had first found Kelica, however they only got half the way as she was running straight at them. The wolves both glanced up to the eagle, who squarked. Her face seemed intense, if all three hadn't returned then that meant there was a threat the Alpha wolf had sensed....

The blond girl's chest was aching and finally in a dash she dashed through the entrance, the wolves coming in beside there leader. The eagle flew in and landed on the whole on the roof, peering in curiously.

Kelica had tears streaming down her face almost the second she entered, coming to the girl who was crouched against a curled up Chris. She rather plainly ignored her, immediately throwing her arms around Chris's neck in sad little sobs. "Chris...why...why did you run away?!"

@Metaphysics @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98
Arial Font

"Alright alright, calm down missy." She said gently tapping her. "I don't know if he's hurt so I think it'd be best for you to let me patch him up a bit." She said. She pulled out a small roll of bandages from her pack. "Now it seems that you care for him so much, so please help me with these and the other dude. They look very heavy to me." She said.
Zuka said:
Three Big Bad Wolves - Chris's Cave

The Alpha was still intent to focus on Chris, leaving the Beta wolf and youngest wolf to bicker. The girl placed the raw sausage on the ground and the youngest wolf was already struggling to stay in place, and was that a whimper that may have escaped? That sausage looked and smelt amazing and the young wolf licked his muzzle once more.

When the girl stepped up again, despite the Alpha's warning moments earlier, both the two other wolves tensed, paws pressing into the ground as if to leap if they needed to. She said words, but they didn't understand. What they did hear was a soft, non-threatening sound, almost a lullaby to there ears. Even the beta who had scolded the youngest wolf narrowed his eyes in a confused fashion.

Her stance was haunched, arms wide and exposed, non-violent. Submissive almost. The two wolves glanced to each other, the beta then turned and pressing his side into the Alpha to gain his attention.

Here the Alpha finally dropped his gaze from Chris to look at what the Beta was showing him. All three wolves stared her down and suddenly the Alpha in the weirdest of gestures, stepped back, head bowed low with his back legs still tall. Almost... bowing? The other two wolves followed suit, bowing down and retreating back a pace so she could approach Chris.

At any moment though if she looked like a threat they would pounce.

@Metaphysics @Metaphysics
Zuka said:
Three Wolves, an Eagle and Kelica Zefara

The three wolves grew tiresome from the bow, so the Alpha moved to sit back on it's haunches. He observed the girl giving a weird green glow then offering him food.

The Alpha turned to the others with a loud rumble of a growl, before finishing with a sharp bark, sounding oddly like an order. The two other wolves instantly tensed up, leapt and were out the cave entrance without a glance back. To return to the Guardian of the Forest, the Alpha remained to make sure this creature was not harmed.

The two wolves dashed fast, leaping over roots and mounds on the forest floor before returning to where they had first found Kelica, however they only got half the way as she was running straight at them. The wolves both glanced up to the eagle, who squarked. Her face seemed intense, if all three hadn't returned then that meant there was a threat the Alpha wolf had sensed....

The blond girl's chest was aching and finally in a dash she dashed through the entrance, the wolves coming in beside there leader. The eagle flew in and landed on the whole on the roof, peering in curiously.

Kelica had tears streaming down her face almost the second she entered, coming to the girl who was crouched against a curled up Chris. She rather plainly ignored her, immediately throwing her arms around Chris's neck in sad little sobs. "Chris...why...why did you run away?!"

@Metaphysics @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98
Kameal watches as the wolves bowed and made way for the girl. They seemed to be giving her the benefit of the doubt for the moment but Kameal could tell by the way they held their posture that they were ready to pounce on a moments notice. The man observed and watched the wolves while Arail spoke with the man who seemed to want to die. Kameal felt a bit of sympathy for the human. He wondered what had happened for him to want his life to be over. What had caused him to give up?

Kameal pushed that subject away from his mind. It wasn't his business. Its not like he actually cared anyway. He was just curious. One of the wolves, the Alpha of the pack, barked a sharp order at the other two and they bounded out of the cave. Kameal watched them before they disappeared out of sight. Not long after, another girl appeared. Tears running down cheeks. She embraced the man in a hug, asking a question Kameal didn't care to know the answer to. The two wolves from earlier coming to a stop by their leader.

With his strength coming back and his head getting clearer by the second, the homunculi got to his feet. He held a tight grip on his sheathe and sword. Seeing the way this giro who'd just arrived hugged the man reminded him of the way his teacher had embraced him when they first met. Even though Kameal had tried to kill her, she'd still shown him kindness. He gritted his teeth. To hell with humans and their damned emotions. Without a word, he pulled the hoos of his black cloak over his head once more and exited the cave. He didn't know where he was going but there was no point in staying any longer.
WrathSama17 said:
Kameal watches as the wolves bowed and made way for the girl. They seemed to be giving her the benefit of the doubt for the moment but Kameal could tell by the way they held their posture that they were ready to pounce on a moments notice. The man observed and watched the wolves while Arail spoke with the man who seemed to want to die. Kameal felt a bit of sympathy for the human. He wondered what had happened for him to want his life to be over. What had caused him to give up?
Kameal pushed that subject away from his mind. It wasn't his business. Its not like he actually cared anyway. He was just curious. One of the wolves, the Alpha of the pack, barked a sharp order at the other two and they bounded out of the cave. Kameal watched them before they disappeared out of sight. Not long after, another girl appeared. Tears running down cheeks. She embraced the man in a hug, asking a question Kameal didn't care to know the answer to. The two wolves from earlier coming to a stop by their leader.

With his strength coming back and his head getting clearer by the second, the homunculi got to his feet. He held a tight grip on his sheathe and sword. Seeing the way this giro who'd just arrived hugged the man reminded him of the way his teacher had embraced him when they first met. Even though Kameal had tried to kill her, she'd still shown him kindness. He gritted his teeth. To hell with humans and their damned emotions. Without a word, he pulled the hoos of his black cloak over his head once more and exited the cave. He didn't know where he was going but there was no point in staying any longer.
Arial Font - Oh No You Don't

Arial swiftly whirled around when she heard footsteps. "Oh. No. You. Don't." She said as she thrust her hand towards him. He started to give off a green aura, immobilizing him where he stood. "You're not leaving until we have you checked in a hospital mister." She said as she approached him. "Now you either help me help you or I drag you there."
Kelica Zefara

Kelica kept Chris cradled within her arms, rocking him side to side, soothingly, brushing her fingers in his hair.. When the girl beside her tapped her shoulder, she whirled on her with a fierce emerald gaze.

"If Chris needs healing I'll do it myself...go deal with whoever that other guy is...but don't you dare get between me and my Chris! I refuse to go back to that town, with the filthy low life's that threw things at Chris and beat me up! Treated him like a beast!"

Her aggressive words already had the wolves stir and growl menacingly as they pawed closer. But Kelica whirled on them next. "Stand down you mutts!" The Alpha in particular made a snort of distain but all three sat back on their haunches.

@Metaphysics @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98 @WrathSama17 @Isune
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LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada - Harvest Festival Tournament, Ring 2.
Masaki watched intensely as Tanari began to form quite the number of flaming orbs around her. Obviously, they were going to be sent his way but when couldn't be determined. Taking a step back as he continued to charge his magical energy, the hundreds of flaming orbs began to circle around him in a spherical motion, darting all around him in nearly ever direction. "Interesting". Masaki could tell right off that this was a diversion, at least for the time being. When Tanari sent the two flaming blasts from her fists towards him, Masaki realised what she intended on doing. In fact, he figured it out instantly. "She probably intends on sending all of those flaming orbs my way after I've defended from that attack, very well." He said, a calm look on his face as he called out a spell and a wall of crystal formed in front of him in an instant and blocked the attack. Then, Masaki cast another spell almost instantly, a kind smile everpresent on his face. "Adept Crystal Formation: Crystal Spear Assault!" With that, a large purple glyph appeared at his feet as a large crystalline pillar tore out of the ground and lifted Masaki up. Clasping his hands together, the S-Class Mage then slammed his hands down onto the pillar as it began to multiply into smaller versions, pointed at the tip. About fourty crystal spears had formed and headed towards Tanari rapidly. Upon reaching the ground again, Masaki landed in a completely different direction than before and waited for her next move.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 2

As the pillar rose into the sky the numerous orbs of fire shot out at blistering speeds, impacting along the crystalline spire and racing towards the boy that stood atop it, chasing him all the way to his final destination with the surviving orbs slamming down at the boy. The orb's movements were relatively sloppy as she had to focus on some kind of defense. As the crystal shards shot out towards her sure quickly conjured up a whirlwind of flame in a vain attempt at impeding the incoming attack. Much to her chagrin, the shards effortlessly slipped through her fire and ripped into her, shattering on impact and eliciting cries of pain from her. She was thrown to the ground, already battered by the previous attack. With gritted teeth she struggled to get back to her feet, however her body would not hold out and before even making it to her knees she found herself losing what little strength she had. As she fell back towards the ground her vision clouded up and she slowly drifted into unconsciousness.
femjapanriceball said:
Bizma looked back into Liam's eyes and nodded, smiling. "S-sure....I'd be happy to," she said quietly, brushing her hair out of her face. Why is my heart beating so fast? I....I wish I knew.....but I don't think that matters now....She took Liam's hand, a smile visible on her face.
He began to rush off with her being dragged behind him, he was taking her out of the city to the woods. He had a spot in the woods next to a giant oak that he enjoyed. "Don't fear, I am taking you to my favorite place in the world. It is a little out of town."
Chris Lengheart(Kelica...)

As Kelica went on a rant about how the townspeople were "lowlifes" Chris only shook his head. He then suddenly snapped,"If anyone's a lowlife, it's me! I hurt so many people...ruined so many homes! The people, they have every right to see me as an uncontrollable beast! You even saw it first hand, I set buildings on fire, I almost tore that guy's arm off! Tell me one good thing I've done for this town, in my beast forms. Go on, try your hardest!" Chris only stared at the ground after that. He then said one last thing in a quieter tone,"I-I don't want you to suffer for what I've done. You should go back to town...I doubt they'll even be mad at you. I can always go back to the old farm and start again...don't worry about me."

Metaphysics said:
Arial Font - Oh No You Don't

Arial swiftly whirled around when she heard footsteps. "Oh. No. You. Don't." She said as she thrust her hand towards him. He started to give off a green aura, immobilizing him where he stood. "You're not leaving until we have you checked in a hospital mister." She said as she approached him. "Now you either help me help you or I drag you there."
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Kelica kept Chris cradled within her arms, rocking him side to side, soothingly, brushing her fingers in his hair.. When the girl beside her tapped her shoulder, she whirled on her with a fierce emerald gaze.

"If Chris needs healing I'll do it myself...go deal with whoever that other guy is...but don't you dare get between me and my Chris! I refuse to go back to that town, with the filthy low life's that threw things at Chris and beat me up! Treated him like a beast!"

Her aggressive words already had the wolves stir to and growl menacingly as they pawed closer. But Kelica whirled on them next. "Stand down you mutts!" The Alpha in particular made a snort of distain but all three sat back on their haunches.

@Metaphysics @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98 @WrathSama17 @Isune
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica...)

As Kelica went on a rant about how the townspeople were "lowlifes" Chris only shook his head. He then suddenly snapped,"If anyone's a lowlife, it's me! I hurt so many people...ruined so many homes! The people, they have every right to see me as an uncontrollable beast! You even saw it first hand, I set buildings on fire, I almost tore that guy's arm off! Tell me one good thing I've done for this town, in my beast forms. Go on, try your hardest!" Chris only stared at the ground after that. He then said one last thing in a quieter tone,"I-I don't want you to suffer for what I've done. You should go back to town...I doubt they'll even be mad at you. I can always go back to the old farm and start again...don't worry about me."

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon @Metaphysics @WrathSama17
Kameal was suddenly pearlized. His body started to give of a green light. He knew that this was the colorful haired girl's doing. He snarled. The homunculi became defensive. He felt threatened. If he'd been at full strength he probably could've broken her spell but not all his stenght had returned yet.

He calmed down a bit once he realized she only wanted to help. Kameal didn't need to go to a hospital. He'd be fine now that he'd gotten something in his stomach. Besides, he didn't want to take anymore help from a human. Now that he thought about it, he was indebted to her. She had saved his live.

Just as he was about to comment on that, the blonde haired girl who'd joined them moments earlier had risen her voice. Kameal listened as she spoke and felt her pain. Hers and the man she seemed to have a deep bond with. The homunculi knew all to well what it felt like to be a monster. He knew that pain of not having anywhere to belong.

He ripped his attention away from the too and spoke to Arail. "Undo your spell." He said calmly.
WrathSama17 said:
Kameal was suddenly pearlized. His body started to give of a green light. He knew that this was the colorful haired girl's doing. He snarled. The homunculi became defensive. He felt threatened. If he'd been at full strength he probably could've broken her spell but not all his stenght had returned yet.
He calmed down a bit once he realized she only wanted to help. Kameal didn't need to go to a hospital. He'd be fine now that he'd gotten something in his stomach. Besides, he didn't want to take anymore help from a human. Now that he thought about it, he was indebted to her. She had saved his live.

Just as he was about to comment on that, the blonde haired girl who'd joined them moments earlier had risen her voice. Kameal listened as she spoke and felt her pain. Hers and the man she seemed to have a deep bond with. The homunculi knew all to well what it felt like to be a monster. He knew that pain of not having anywhere to belong.

He ripped his attention away from the too and spoke to Arail. "Undo your spell." He said calmly.
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Kelica kept Chris cradled within her arms, rocking him side to side, soothingly, brushing her fingers in his hair.. When the girl beside her tapped her shoulder, she whirled on her with a fierce emerald gaze.

"If Chris needs healing I'll do it myself...go deal with whoever that other guy is...but don't you dare get between me and my Chris! I refuse to go back to that town, with the filthy low life's that threw things at Chris and beat me up! Treated him like a beast!"

Her aggressive words already had the wolves stir and growl menacingly as they pawed closer. But Kelica whirled on them next. "Stand down you mutts!" The Alpha in particular made a snort of distain but all three sat back on their haunches.

@Metaphysics @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98 @WrathSama17 @Isune
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica...)

As Kelica went on a rant about how the townspeople were "lowlifes" Chris only shook his head. He then suddenly snapped,"If anyone's a lowlife, it's me! I hurt so many people...ruined so many homes! The people, they have every right to see me as an uncontrollable beast! You even saw it first hand, I set buildings on fire, I almost tore that guy's arm off! Tell me one good thing I've done for this town, in my beast forms. Go on, try your hardest!" Chris only stared at the ground after that. He then said one last thing in a quieter tone,"I-I don't want you to suffer for what I've done. You should go back to town...I doubt they'll even be mad at you. I can always go back to the old farm and start again...don't worry about me."

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon @Metaphysics @WrathSama17
Arial Font - Come on

Arial was torn but left the girl and her issues. "Alrighty then, Up to you. I'll be right here in case you need anything." She said before approaching the wolves, placing sausages near them and heading for the man, only slightly pausing to comment on the other man's rant. "You know it can't be that bad." Arial looked at the man and huffed. "Your name would be a good start." She commented before dispelling the green aura and instead putting his arm across his shoulder with a smile. "Come on, let's get you all patched up, then I'll leave you alone."
Metaphysics said:
Arial Font - Come on

Arial was torn but left the girl and her issues. "Alrighty then, Up to you. I'll be right here in case you need anything." She said before approaching the wolves, placing sausages near them and heading for the man, only slightly pausing to comment on the other man's rant. "You know it can't be that bad." Arial looked at the man and huffed. "Your name would be a good start." She commented before dispelling the green aura and instead putting his arm across his shoulder with a smile. "Come on, let's get you all patched up, then I'll leave you alone."
Kameal relaxed a bit more when he could move his body again. He flexed his fingers and gripped his sword slightly. Then Arail did something that the homunculi hated. She touched him. Not just touched but moved his arm to rest over her shoulder. He hates being touched but humans. He started to snatch his arm away but her smile reminded him of Zelinna. He breathed deeply and pulled away gently.

"I don't need a hospital." He said, trying to convince her. "I'll be fine." He flexed for added effect.
WrathSama17 said:
Kameal relaxed a bit more when he could move his body again. He flexed his fingers and gripped his sword slightly. Then Arail did something that the homunculi hated. She touched him. Not just touched but moved his arm to rest over her shoulder. He hates being touched but humans. He started to snatch his arm away but her smile reminded him of Zelinna. He breathed deeply and pulled away gently.
"I don't need a hospital." He said, trying to convince her. "I'll be fine." He flexed for added effect.
Arial Font

"Mister, you do." She said as if it were final and nothing would change her mind about it. "Don't make me force you. This is for your own good." She said as she gave him a stubborn smile and tugged gently at his arm. The action was almost playful. "It's not healthy to go from exhausted to travel ready you know." She said.
Wyatt said:
He began to rush off with her being dragged behind him, he was taking her out of the city to the woods. He had a spot in the woods next to a giant oak that he enjoyed. "Don't fear, I am taking you to my favorite place in the world. It is a little out of town."
Bizma's mouth was agape as they ran into the forest. It had always amazed her, every single time. "I....sure...." She whispered, closing her eyes and smelling the air. "Wow....it's so pretty here....."
Kelica Zefara

Kelica almost completely ignored the other two in the room, her attention 100% focused in on Chris, she even slid her hands up to clasp his cheeks and jaws, forcing him to peer deeply into her own soft but stern emerald gaze. She peered at him for a long time, pressing her forehead against his own so he could look to her and her alone.

"Chris..." She started then stopped and took a deep breath.

"I know animals more then anyone. They are uncontrollable, they are defensive. If they perceive anything as a threat, they will attack. Fight or flight. If someone merely threw a single rock at you, or raised a pitchfork, your instincts would have protected you in self defense....The town doesn't understand wild animals...they may never understand.."

Here she paused and drew her lips to his to kiss him deeply, to show just how much she loved him. After a minute she drew away, happy tears in the corner of her eyes with a soft smile.

"If you want to move back to your farm, then I'll happily follow...I'll always follow you..always...so please...stop running away from me..." Here her head dipped solemnly.

@Metaphysics @Unknown Falling @Mitchs98 @Talon
femjapanriceball said:
Bizma's mouth was agape as they ran into the forest. It had always amazed her, every single time. "I....sure...." She whispered, closing her eyes and smelling the air. "Wow....it's so pretty here....."
They made it to the great oak and Liam leaned up against it, taking in a deep breath and enjoying the view. "Yes that is why I love to come here, it is undisturbed by people and has been able to grow naturally. Want to climb it?" He asked looking up the tree.
Chris Lengheart(Thank you)

Chris froze up for a moment as Kelica locked him up in a kiss, the spark in his eye reigniting as she finished talking. Chris only ran his fingers through Kelica's hair for a moment as he eventually spoke,"I want to go, at least until things cool down. At least you get to meet my family early, right? But, should we get our stuff? I'm not sure if I'm comfortable risking it. And now, some of those people know you now...so maybe it's not the best thing." Regardless of her decision, Chris would follow. Before Kelica could answer Chris had already taken over his draco form, waiting for Kelica to make a decision and get on.

@Unknown Falling @Mitchs98 @Talon


Unknown Falling:

Location: Chris's Cave

When he arrived at the cave he didn't know what to think, surprisingly another group were with Chris with there own problems. He thought it would be best to just wait outside the cave entrance and leave them to there own devices unless he needed too. There never seems to be a dull moment around here. All there talk about acceptance and being treated badly reminded him of past experiences. But his never really bothered him, you get burned at the stake enough you end up not caring as you strut out from the ashes as nothing more then a skeleton laughing as they all start to panic. Or alternately he learned he could just not tell people he is really a necromancer.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Thank you)

Chris froze up for a moment as Kelica locked him up in a kiss, the spark in his eye reigniting as she finished talking. Chris only ran his fingers through Kelica's hair for a moment as he eventually spoke,"I want to go, at least until things cool down. At least you get to meet my family early, right? But, should we get our stuff? I'm not sure if I'm comfortable risking it. And now, some of those people know you now...so maybe it's not the best thing." Regardless of her decision, Chris would follow. Before Kelica could answer Chris had already taken over his draco form, waiting for Kelica to make a decision and get on.

@Metaphysics @Metaphysics

When asked where her guns were kept, Mizuki pointed down to her hips where the ribbons were wrapped around two oddly shaped things. "I've kept them on my hips. They shall never leave my side, just like you..."

Mizuki quickly caught a glimpse of Alicia running towards her and acted rather quickly. She turned around with Alfie and placed him behind her before turning again and hugging Alicia back. Her hands ran through the little girls silver hair as she held the girl close. "Hello there little one. I've missed your presence." She said, holding her there for a few more moments before letting her go and looking to the other two girls. She hadn't expected so many people to be in their little rented room, but they were Alicia's friends and she would kick them out yet. The one named Niur introduced herself and actually called her pretty, which shocked the dark mage. She's been called plenty of things but pretty wasn't one of them. Perhaps it was the ribbons that encased her body? "Hello Niur... Alicia, Alfie will be staying here with us. I hope you're ok with that."


(Sloppy post. I'm sorry)
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