Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

femjapanriceball said:
Bizma smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. It was nice knowing that someone was there for her. She didn't want to let go of him....ever. "....Yeah.....we should definitely stick together...." she said quietly, closing her eyes.


He broke free of her hug and wiped tears from Bizma's face. "You are so beautiful, tears distract from it." He tore of a piece of his "shirt" which were the bandages wrapped around his body and handed it to her to use.
Talon followed in sulky silence. He had been triped by the stupid know it all and then Ferra ad gone and dumped icecream on him, it had burnt up almost instantly but afte that he ad calmed down and followed sulkily. He watched the wolves with interest and brightened up just a bit, so now he wasnt pouting anymore but he was still angry and his face indifferent. @Mitchs98 @Unknown Falling @Zuka
Metaphysics said:
Niue - Something Clever
Niur gave a small wave when she was mentioned. "Hi...I'm Niur. It's so nice to meet you!" She said with a smile. "You must be Mizuki...you're very pretty-la!" She added after a few moments. She gave Alfie a glance and a small wave. "Oh hi again." She said before turning to Ophelia. "Can we keep it as nonviolent as possible? I don't want to see people hurting others because of some game." @Salt Lord
Ophelia gave Mizuki and Alfie a small wave and a smile before turning back to Alicia. With a dissatisfied sigh and a roll of her eyes, she began to think of something to suggest. "Ugh, fine... understandable, I guess. Then... hmm... I dare you to punch a fridge??" she shrugged, unsure of whether it was a good dare yet unable to think of anything better. For a Guild Master, she sure did mess up when it came to things like this. Maybe she should just skip friendship and live her life on the battlefield?


Alfie returned the three girls' greetings with a polite smile and a bow before looking around, examining Mizuki's place. It was a rather basic apartment room, which was surprising to the ribbon mage, as he expected dark ooze to coat the walls or some sort of arrangement of weapons... no, the Mizuki he knew would tear out a man's throat with her bare hands before using a cleaver to slice things off. Speaking of weapons... Alfie turned to the shadow lady, curious as to where she kept the guns he made for her.
"Before we do anything, where would you happen to keep those rifles I gave to you earlier today?"

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald watched the duo go before sighing, scratching his head. "Well...there goes a perfect opponent...: To be fair, Donald had taken the wise route, and he knew that he was bound to run into the other Slayer at some point in the future. When exactly that would be, he didn't know. But he was very excited to spar with him.

Donald brought his attention back to Honoka and Haruhi. "
So, then. What do you two wanna do now?" Donald felt tired now, for some reason, but he ad no idea where to stay right now. And he didn't want to just up and walk away from the twins.

Chris Lengheart(Who are you?)

Chris remained in his little cave for a while, well until a stranger destroyed his door. Chris quickly backed up into the wall as he saw the crystals drop down. He only lowered his head as Chris spoke,"P-please...leave me alone. I'm sorry about what I did to that man, b-but-...just....do with me what you will, all I wanted to do was help, but I can't even do that." he said as he stared down at the stone floor. He only shook his head slightly as he grabbed his knees and brought them up to his face.

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail training grounds

Honks looked down at Donald. " Sorry about that. I kinda drove away the only other phoenix slayer in magnolia." She looks at him half hardly. He mentioned what would they be doing now. It was an interesting question. Maybe they could go for a strol in the park, have some fun till nightfall.

"We could just go for a relaxing walk, you can tell us more about your foster parent. That is if you learned your magic from an actual phoenix. We could share some fun stories about our family." There she was again, the incredibly weird girl she was. She kept moving her feet in a dance like rhythmic pattern. Left two right one, left two right one. Over and over again.


Kameal stared down the man who'd back into the way. He spoke in a low voice, asking Kameal to leave him be. Was the the guy who had used that boulder to cover up this cave? The homunculi did want to dismiss it. He knew looks could be very deceiving. Or could it be that this guy was playing possum? Kameal did sense any ill intent.

After staring him down a moment longer, he held down is blade. Kameal was too tired to fight. With a empty stomach and his body seeming to get heavier, the homunculi knew he was in no condition to fight. Using his sword as cain, Kameal walk over to the with his head to his knees and fell down. He positioned himself with his back against the wall beside the man.

"Was it you who moved that boulder?" He asked a bit shakenly.
WrathSama17 said:
Kameal stared down the man who'd back into the way. He spoke in a low voice, asking Kameal to leave him be. Was the the guy who had used that boulder to cover up this cave? The homunculi did want to dismiss it. He knew looks could be very deceiving. Or could it be that this guy was playing possum? Kameal did sense any ill intent.

After staring him down a moment longer, he held down is blade. Kameal was too tired to fight. With a empty stomach and his body seeming to get heavier, the homunculi knew he was in no condition to fight. Using his sword as cain, Kameal walk over to the with his head to his knees and fell down. He positioned himself with his back against the wall beside the man.

"Was it you who moved that boulder?" He asked a bit shakenly.
Arial Font

Arial got curious a bit earlier and decided to follow this man. While normally she wouldn't she felt that there was something interesting going on with the situation. When she saw the man fall down she crept a bit closer, hiding in the shadows for a bit. "Hello?" She called out gently, not wanting to spook those in the cave. She used a bit off her yellow aura on herself to illuminate the gave, making herself a source of gentle yellow light.
Metaphysics said:
Arial Font

Arial got curious a bit earlier and decided to follow this man. While normally she wouldn't she felt that there was something interesting going on with the situation. When she saw the man fall down she crept a bit closer, hiding in the shadows for a bit. "Hello?" She called out gently, not wanting to spook those in the cave. She used a bit off her yellow aura on herself to illuminate the gave, making herself a source of gentle yellow light.
Before the man could speak, Kameal a woman stepped out from the shadows. Kameal couldn't believe she'd gotten so close without him noticing. He guessed it was from him dying of hunger that made his senses dull. If he were to get into a fight now, he'd surely die. Maybe then he'd get to see this heaven that his creator and mentor always talked about.

The girl glowed, lighting up the cave.

Kameal noticed her colorful hair. She spook softly. He figured it was as not to spook them. The homunculi was to worn out to be spooked. He tried to speak but no words left his mouth. He just glared at the girl instead. Wondering her and the man next to him knew each other somehow.
WrathSama17 said:
Before the man could speak, Kameal a woman stepped out from the shadows. Kameal couldn't believe she'd gotten so close without him noticing. He guessed it was from him dying of hunger that made his senses dull. If he were to get into a fight now, he'd surely die. Maybe then he'd get to see this heaven that his creator and mentor always talked about.
The girl glowed, lighting up the cave.

Kameal noticed her colorful hair. She spook softly. He figured it was as not to spook them. The homunculi was to worn out to be spooked. He tried to speak but no words left his mouth. He just glared at the girl instead. Wondering her and the man next to him knew each other somehow.
Arial Font - Clever Name

Arial slowly approached the glaring man. She gave him a observing glance and saw that he looked very weak. She reached into her pack and pulled out a small pouch of nuts and berries before putting some on her hand and bringing it closer to him. "Here, you look starved." She said as she picked up some of them and brought it closer to the man's mouth. "Eat, it should make you feel better." She added as her hand moved.
Three Big Bad Wolves - Magnolia Forest into Chris Cave

The three grey wolves bounded through the forest on light but strong paws, one leading with two flanking his sides. Like a well trained military operation, one wolf would turn its muzzle and sniff and the whole pack would adjust there course.

As they approached the cave entrance, all three dropped down on there front paws, listening out for noises inside, assessing the situation, the dangers. The strange scent was strongest in here, along with two other different smells. Two other predators the wolves thought. Three versus Three.

The Alpha started to crawl forward, low to the ground, tail swaying low behind it. The two others pressed right in his sides and slightly behind.

Their eyes sparkled in the dim light and as they entered the cave,

a very low and deep rumble started in all three's throats.

A warning to be still. To intimidate them, but not to challenge, lips upturned in an aggressive snarl. But tails still low. They would only fight if provoked.

The Alpha wolf pushed forward to approach Chris his muzzle coming before him, yellow eyes bearing down. And in contradiction to his aggressive snarl and growl, he suddenly let his tongue drag up the side of his face, in a similar way to a puppy might. His coat of grey fur soaked with the scent of Kelica who had brushed her fingers through his head.

@Metaphysics @WrathSama17 @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Three Big Bad Wolves - Magnolia Forest into Chris Cave

The three grey wolves bounded through the forest on light but strong paws, one leading with two flanking his sides. Like a well trained military operation, one wolf would turn its muzzle and sniff and the whole pack would adjust there course.

As they approached the cave entrance, all three dropped down on there front paws, listening out for noises inside, assessing the situation, the dangers. The strange scent was strongest in here, along with two other different smells. Two other predators the wolves thought. Three versus Three.

The Alpha started to crawl forward, low to the ground, tail swaying low behind it. The two others pressed right in his sides and slightly behind.

Their eyes sparkled in the dim light and as they entered the cave,

a very low and deep rumble started in all three's throats.

A warning to be still. To intimidate them, but not to challenge, lips upturned in an aggressive snarl. But tails still low. They would only fight if provoked.

The Alpha wolf pushed forward to approach Chris his muzzle coming before him, yellow eyes bearing down. And in contradiction to his aggressive snarl and growl, he suddenly let his tongue drag up the side of his face, in a similar way to a puppy might. His coat of grey fur soaked with the scent of Kelica who had brushed her fingers through his head.

@Metaphysics @WrathSama17 @Unknown Falling @Talon @Mitchs98
Arial Font - Canine Unit?

Arial shivered as the wolves made a rumbling noise but focused on the man instead. "Okay, I have to go check on the other guy. I'll be back to give you some more food, hang on." She said as she pulled out bread from her pack and gave it to the man. She gave the wolves a look before pulling reaching into her pack and pulling out a raw sausage. She gently stretched out her hand to offer the meat to the wolves in hopes that she can approach the other man and check his status.

Big Bad Wolves - Chris's Cave

The Alpha wolf kept his body and face before the curled up man called Chris, with the funny mixed smell, almost towering over him as he had made himself so small. Most unlike normal Chris. The other two wolves were faced out from the Alpha, one faced to the girl and boy respectively. Just keeping them away while there Alpha inspected whatever the Guardian of the Forest had an interest in.

One wolf, the youngest one, smelt the aromas of food, mostly nuts and berriies that he turned his nose up. When the girl approached Chris, the Alpha snapped his jaws at her, growling menacingly, telling her to back away from him. To the wolves, these strangers were a threat to the Queen's interest and they would protect him as such.

Of course despite the bread incident, she pulled out a raw sausage to which the youngest wolf's tail started to swish in an almost excited manner. Eyes fixated on the meat. While he was swayed, the beta wolf suddenly charged into his shoulder to knock him over, snapping him out of his daze with a loud bark. The youngest wolf (who was still full grown mind you), dropped down on all fours, head held low and refused to look at her. Even his ears were turned down. Ashamed if that was a thing for wild animals.

@Metaphysics @WrathSama17 @Isune
Zuka said:
Big Bad Wolves - Chris's Cave

The Alpha wolf kept his body and face before the curled up man called Chris, with the funny mixed smell, almost towering over him as he had made himself so small. Most unlike normal Chris. The other two wolves were faced out from the Alpha, one faced to the girl and boy respectively. Just keeping them away while there Alpha inspected whatever the Guardian of the Forest had an interest in.

One wolf, the youngest one, smelt the aromas of food, mostly nuts and berriies that he turned his nose up. When the girl approached Chris, the Alpha snapped his jaws at her, growling menacingly, telling her to back away from him. To the wolves, these strangers were a threat to the Queen's interest and they would protect him as such.

Of course despite the bread incident, she pulled out a raw sausage to which the youngest wolf's tail started to swish in an almost excited manner. Eyes fixated on the meat. While he was swayed, the beta wolf suddenly charged into his shoulder to knock him over, snapping him out of his daze with a loud bark. The youngest wolf (who was still full grown mind you), dropped down on all fours, head held low and refused to look at her. Even his ears were turned down. Ashamed if that was a thing for wild animals.

@Metaphysics @WrathSama17 @Isune
Arial Font - Calm Down

Arial nearly flinched when one of the wolves barked at her. She really didn't want to do anything drastic when things could be done peacefully. She lowered the sausage and set it on the floor. There was something. There had to be something she could do to help him. She stood still in desperate thought, looking at the wolves and the man. Then she thought of something that might work.

She didn't want to hurt them and she was afraid of getting hurt herself but she took one brave step forward. "Let me help him." She said. "I know that they probably won't understand me and attack me. I don't care." She conveyed as much emotion as she can with her words but was ready in case that things needed to get a bit messy.

Unknown Falling:

Location: Magnolia Street Stalls

After they caught up with Kelica, Unknown watched her as she communicated to the wolves and watch them head out before speaking. "Healing abilities and the ability to communicate with animals. Interesting. But I want to ask one thing, why aren't we going with the wolves? Wouldn't it be faster to have them take us to him instead of them just finding him and coming back to us? If you want to find him so badly I thought you would want to find him as fast as possible then? Like when you bring dogs with you to help you hunt." he shrugged. "Then again I don't talk to animals so I wouldn't know what the best course of action is. I just thought I would state my opinion on the matter." proceeding to lean with his back on one of the many trees.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @Zuka
@Zuka @Metaphysics @Mitchs98 @Isune

Kameal devoured the nuts. He ate hungrily, spilling some here and there. So good. So very good. Normally Kameal would rather not take a hand out from a human. Or he'd examine the food carefully, checking for poison and such but at this moment, when he was on the verge of dying, he didn't care. Besides, if he didn't eat he'd die anyway.

He noticed as the wolves creep into the cave. Kameal paid them no mind. He only cared about his stomach. He finished the nuts and watched the girl pull out some bread and over it to the man. The wolves must have belong to him. They seem to want to protect him with their lives. The homunculi merely watched as one of the wolves almost attacked the girl but got taken down by one if its own. He wondered if wolves scolded each other.

He then looked at the food the girl with colorful hair was holding. He was still very hungry. He decided he'd take it for himself. No use letting food go to waste. Kameal tried to stand but fell right back down. He tried again, this time using his sword as support.

"More." He groaned, as he wobbled over to the colorful haired girl. Looking his jade eyes on her.
WrathSama17 said:
@Zuka @Metaphysics @Mitchs98 @Isune
Kameal devoured the nuts. He ate hungrily, spilling some here and there. So good. So very good. Normally Kameal would rather not take a hand out from a human. Or he'd examine the food carefully, checking for poison and such but at this moment, when he was on the verge of dying, he didn't care. Besides, if he didn't eat he'd die anyway.

He noticed as the wolves creep into the cave. Kameal paid them no mind. He only cared about his stomach. He finished the nuts and watched the girl pull out some bread and over it to the man. The wolves must have belong to him. They seem to want to protect him with their lives. The homunculi merely watched as one of the wolves almost attacked the girl but got taken down by one if its own. He wondered if wolves scolded each other.

He then looked at the food the girl with colorful hair was holding. He was still very hungry. He decided he'd take it for himself. No use letting food go to waste. Kameal tried to stand but fell right back down. He tried again, this time using his sword as support.

"More." He groaned, as he wobbled over to the colorful haired girl. Looking his jade eyes on her.
Arial Font - Going Nuts

"Alright calm down mister, you need rest." She said as she supported him and led him back to the wall. "Now relax and rest okay?" She said as she opened up her pack and looked for something to give him. "I hope these would be enough to tide you over for now." She said as she handed him three apples." All the while she kept glancing at the wolves. "Are you hurt somewhere?" She asked as she kept searching her pack.
Metaphysics said:
Arial Font - Going Nuts

"Alright calm down mister, you need rest." She said as she supported him and led him back to the wall. "Now relax and rest okay?" She said as she opened up her pack and looked for something to give him. "I hope these would be enough to tide you over for now." She said as she handed him three apples." All the while she kept glancing at the wolves. "Are you hurt somewhere?" She asked as she kept searching her pack.
The homunculi let the girl guide him back to the wall. He growled low in his throat. He didn't need a babysitter. He needed food. As that thought finished, the girl pulled out three apples and handed it to him. He tore through the apple. Eating the seeds and all. He ignored her question and kept eating, all the while staring at her. He finished the apples and felt a bit of his strength return. Kameal leaned his head back agaist the wall and closed his eyes.
Wyatt said:

He broke free of her hug and wiped tears from Bizma's face. "You are so beautiful, tears distract from it." He tore of a piece of his "shirt" which were the bandages wrapped around his body and handed it to her to use.
Bizma's face flushed; she took the bandage and wiped her eyes with it. ".....You.....you really think so....?" She whispered, her face burning. She realized her face was red and bashfully used her sunhat to try and cover the blush.
WrathSama17 said:
The homunculi let the girl guide him back to the wall. He growled low in his throat. He didn't need a babysitter. He needed food. As that thought finished, the girl pulled out three apples and handed it to him. He tore through the apple. Eating the seeds and all. He ignored her question and kept eating, all the while staring at her. He finished the apples and felt a bit of his strength return. Kameal leaned his head back agaist the wall and closed his eyes.

Arial Font - So...

Arial sighed as she made a green ball of aura in her hands. "Might as well..." She said as she placed the green orb on the man. "Here...this should fix you up in a jiffy..." She said. The orb disappeared into the man and started to heal him. "It's what I can do so far...I hope you don't mind." She added. "My name is Arial by the way, Arial Font." She stood before trying to approach the other one again. @Zuka
femjapanriceball said:
Bizma's face flushed; she took the bandage and wiped her eyes with it. ".....You.....you really think so....?" She whispered, her face burning. She realized her face was red and bashfully used her sunhat to try and cover the blush.
He smiled at her, she was blushing more than he had ever seen a person blush before, but it only made more human. It only made her more of something to believe in. "I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true." He was staring into her eyes, then held out his hand. "Do you want to go somewhere?"
Wyatt said:
He smiled at her, she was blushing more than he had ever seen a person blush before, but it only made more human. It only made her more of something to believe in. "I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true." He was staring into her eyes, then held out his hand. "Do you want to go somewhere?"
Bizma looked back into Liam's eyes and nodded, smiling. "S-sure....I'd be happy to," she said quietly, brushing her hair out of her face. Why is my heart beating so fast? I....I wish I knew.....but I don't think that matters now....She took Liam's hand, a smile visible on her face.
Kelica Zefara

Kelica turned once the wolves had bounded off, emerald eyes falling on Unknown as he casually leaned against the tree, the same soft smile she had when she entered the forest.

"Ahh, perseptive. Yes, you are correct but there are a few reasons as to why I didn't...Those wolves are wild not house dogs. I can't mind control them, they are still capable of there own thoughts. I just...ask them really nicely to do something. Wolves are pack animals but only to it's own a kind, they would never allow us to interfere in their hunt. Secondly, who says we aren't going to do that very thing and follow them?"

Here she grinned and made another high pitched whistle, this time an eagle swooped down and landed heavily onto her shoulder, it's talons tearing into her flesh slightly and Kelica whinced. She looked to it dark eyes as it swivelled it's head.

"Did you find where the wolves tracked down Chris?" The bird squarked loudly, wings already spread wide as if to leap off and fly again.

"Good, show the way!" The bird leapt off her shoulder before flying high into the canopy, but still in eyesight. Kelica started to follow the eagles guided flight.

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Metaphysics said:

Arial Font - So...

Arial sighed as she made a green ball of aura in her hands. "Might as well..." She said as she placed the green orb on the man. "Here...this should fix you up in a jiffy..." She said. The orb disappeared into the man and started to heal him. "It's what I can do so far...I hope you don't mind." She added. "My name is Arial by the way, Arial Font." She stood before trying to approach the other one again. @Zuka
Kameal watched the girl as she spoke. Searching her face to see if there was any sign that she ment any harm. He could only see good intentions in her eyes. He watched curiously as she created a green light. When she let the light disapear I side him, Kameal instantly tightened his grip on his sheathe. Then he felt warmth and his strength returning. She'd healed him. He tilted his head slightly as he studied her. He hasn't seen a human who was this kind in a long time. Kameal watched her as she went to attempted to get close to the other man who was being guarded by the wolf pack.
@Metaphysics @WrathSama17

Ferra: Forest

Ferra sighed and followed after everyone, noticing Talon's anger almost immediately. She hoped he wasn't mad at her..especially after things were going so well. That would be bad. Nevertheless she followed in silence, eventually once it became annoying to hold she quickly ate the entire icecream cone leaving her hands free just incase. She watched intently as Kelica talked to wolves and they listened. That was pretty neat..once again someone else had cooler and more useful magic than her though. She sat on the ground and waited for the wolves to do their thing, everyone else was standing around talking so she might as well. After a few minutes of waiting she flopped onto her back, "
This is boorrriing. What's taking them so loong?" She whined while fidgeting in the grass.

Literally only another few minutes after she said that a eagle flew down after Kelica did some freaky whistle thing and apparently they'd spotted Chris. Ferra leaned her head up and listened as the bird and Kelica spoke, though she only got up when Kelica began running after it. When she had she immediately popped up, grabbed Talons' hand, and started running after them. Call it revenge for making her run earlier. "C'mon! Let's go guys!" She shouted, though she was pulling Talon along anyway, which would probably make her strength surprising given her small stature.

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