Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@Metaphysics @Isune @Unknown Falling

Ferra: Forest

Ferra, after visually ascertaining Talon was alright, continued on following Kelica while making sure Talon did. When they reached the cave she stayed outside of it alongside Unknown, glancing ever so often at the scene between two kinda weird people she'd never seen before but mostly focusing on Kelica and Chris. She felt bad for them, really. Especially Chris if what he said was true. She felt even worse for telling Talon to attack him and making something worse, though she didn't exactly know he was going to do it anyway. She didn't really know either of them, but she felt bad they were basically being driven out of town. But they seemed happy together, so she guessed it wouldn't be too terrible for them? Nevertheless she turned to Unknown, "
Soo. What do you think about this?" She asked him, gesturing to the cave. She figured he had somewhat of an opinion and was simply curious to see if it matched her own.

Plus just standing around was boring. So.
Wyatt said:
They made it to the great oak and Liam leaned up against it, taking in a deep breath and enjoying the view. "Yes that is why I love to come here, it is undisturbed by people and has been able to grow naturally. Want to climb it?" He asked looking up the tree.
"I-I don't see why not...." Bizma rolled up her sleeves and began climbing the tree. She had to constantly flatten her skirt, because she was worried about accidentally flashing Liam. Finally, she rested herself on a branch, staring up at the sky. "......I love it...."
Chris Lengheart(Time to cowboy up)

Chris only nodded at Kelica's question, he was sure that they could buy something or put something together for her. As he felt her familiar grasp on his fur, Chris exited the cave. He looked at the group that had gathered around the cave and only began to walk away faster. After what had happened, Chris wasn't exactly the biggest fan of crowds. Once he passed them up though, Chris began to charge through the forest like he had so many times before. The ride was mostly silent until Chris said,"Shouldn't be long now, maybe two hours or so."

@Zuka (@Everyone else who I'm too lazy to tag)
Kelica Zefara

Kelica's eyes scrunched up as the light hit her face, covering her eyes for a moment. The three wolves trudged along behind them before she patted Chris on the shoulder to hold him for a minute. She turned on his back to look to the wolves with a stern look.. "You are dismissed." The Alpha wolf nodded and howled loudly before they all bounded into the woods.

The eagle flew down then to land on Kelica's shoulder to which she whinced as his talons cut into her skin once more. She reached into her bumbag, pulling out a feather quill and a scroll of paper. Here she wrote three quick letters.

One to Ophelia, head of Fairytail Guild to tell her what had happened and that they where laying low for awhile.

Her second for Sabrina to tell her that they where heading to Chris's farm and the address incase she wanted to visit.

And the third to Lloyd. This one she paused for a long while staring at the piece of paper. She started to write, but then gave up and scumpled the note, throwing it to the ground. It had been, what, a month or more since Malina?... he had long since forgotten her. Not even the Magnolia festival drew him. She only hoped his leg and bow where ok.

She tied the now two notes to the eagle's leg, whispered to him their destinations and the eagle squawked and spread his wings wide, leaping off to deliver the messages.

Finally she turned to Talon, Unknown and Ferra, smiling warmly now. "Thank you, for helping me find my Chris." She especially focused on Unknown and reached into her belt bag to pull out his white hankerchief. "You can have this back... though it may need a wash... " Tossing it to him.

Then they where off towards the farm. Kelica peered down to the Draco with a raised eyebrow. "Afew hours? Are you sure you can carry me?! I can walk you know... " worry in her voice.

@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks (All the tags!)
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femjapanriceball said:
"I-I don't see why not...." Bizma rolled up her sleeves and began climbing the tree. She had to constantly flatten her skirt, because she was worried about accidentally flashing Liam. Finally, she rested herself on a branch, staring up at the sky. "......I love it...."
He climbed up behind her, getting a few braches higher than her. "I could build a home here, and I plan to. However, I am going to make it into the tree. I have the deed to this place, I had to work hard to acquire it but it was well worth it. You can come here as often as you like."
When they finally found Chris, Talon watched a bit awkwardly. Ferra asked him what he thought and he merely shrugged. He didnt really know who anyone here was, except Fera of course. When thanked for his help, he gave a thumbs up. "No problemo!¡!¡ Im always ready to help a friend of a friend." He then turned to the Chris guy. "Sorry about attacking you... No hard feelings?¿?¿" @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Neigh!)

Chris continued to gallop at a steady pace as a small smile formed on his face,"Of course I can carry you, if I couldn't I wouldn't have you riding me now would I?" he said as he continued through the forest. He continued for a while as he once again broke the silence,"I hope you like it at the farm, there's a giant field, a barn full of animals, and a giant meadow where we let the animals run around. It's pretty big, so most of the animals don't really mind the limits. We try to take care of the animals in our farm, they provide us with so much, so we thought that it only made sense that we only treated the animals with the respect they deserve for being our providers."

Chris then continued to gallop and hop over the exposed roots. Chris' endurance in this form was incredible. To Chris, this was basically a simple jog. The beast looked straight forward as he tried to remember the path he took last year...well the path the magic mobile took. Regardless, Chris knew that he couldn't be too far. They'd be far away from the town. In fact, they'd be miles away.

@muh self @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Colt556

Tournament Catch-Up Post

Soon enough after a decently quick fifteen minute match Masaki was declared the winner and Tanari was carried off to the infirmary to recover. Masaki was given approximately an hour and fifteen minutes to recover his own magic. It was currently about 6:30 PM, not a speck of daylight could be seen anymore. The finishing touches had been put on the arena and the contestants were fetched for what had been declared a Free-For-All after a constant dropped out. The match was set to begin in approximately two minutes.

Alicia: Rented Apartment -> FFA Ring

Alicia smiled as Niur introduced herself and when Mizuki seemed to be getting along with her. When Ophelia told her about her new dare she shrugged, released Mizuki, and ran into the kitchen before summarily punching the refridgerator. Obviously she didn't punch it hard enough to injure herself, but it still hurt. Causing her to hiss in pain before walking back into the room. "
The deed is done." She told them seriously before giggling. When Mizuki said Alfie would be staying she only smiled and nodded. "Sure, I don't mind!" She replied cheerfully.

No sooner than she had was there a knock on the door, which she answered only to be face to face, or rather face to stomach, with a tournament official. She looked up at his as he spoke and nodded, seemed it was finally time for the finals. "
Come on guys! Time for the finals! I'll see you there!" She told them excitedly before following the official quickly out of the room. When they reached the arena she immediately spotted Masaki and Lyra. Well, that should be interesting. She smiled and wave at Masaki nonetheless. "Hii Masaki! Congratulations on winning!" She called out as she waved, each of the contestants being assigned a corner of the large triangular arena. "Don't expect me to go easy on ya because we're in the same guild!" She added jokingly immediately after followed by a childish giggle.
Kelica Zefara

Kelica felt him bounding along and a small smile crossed her face. The wind wiped at her hair, blowing it behind her as she gripped the scruff of his neck. She was soooo excited! To meet his family for one, but also to meet farm animals!

She had never experienced domestic animals before, the creatures she knew where mostly solitary to there own kind. But animals and human's working together? Providing for one another? It was... it was fascinating!! She looked happier then she had in a long time!

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Kayzo said:
When asked where her guns were kept, Mizuki pointed down to her hips where the ribbons were wrapped around two oddly shaped things. "I've kept them on my hips. They shall never leave my side, just like you..."
Mizuki quickly caught a glimpse of Alicia running towards her and acted rather quickly. She turned around with Alfie and placed him behind her before turning again and hugging Alicia back. Her hands ran through the little girls silver hair as she held the girl close. "Hello there little one. I've missed your presence." She said, holding her there for a few more moments before letting her go and looking to the other two girls. She hadn't expected so many people to be in their little rented room, but they were Alicia's friends and she would kick them out yet. The one named Niur introduced herself and actually called her pretty, which shocked the dark mage. She's been called plenty of things but pretty wasn't one of them. Perhaps it was the ribbons that encased her body? "Hello Niur... Alicia, Alfie will be staying here with us. I hope you're ok with that."


(Sloppy post. I'm sorry)
Alfie nodded when he eyed the oddly shaped bulges on Mizuki's curved hips. How hadn't he noticed those before...? Well, he wasn't one to stare people down, so that might have been a reason.

He stood awkwardly as the shadow mage hugged Alicia and let her know he'd be staying the night. As much as he didn't want to, it seemed he didn't have a choice in the matter. Oh well. What did he have to lose anyway? Clearly Mizuki had more than one bed, so he was bound to be able to get to lie down by himself while she slept.

Alfie would politely wave as Alicia left the couch to head to the tournament arena. Even if he wasn't in the same guild as she, it wasn't like he had to wish her bad luck, right? She'd be fighting one of her own, and there was a chance Lyra might not win against her current opponent at all. "Good luck, Alicia! Win for Mizuki!" When she had left completely, he looked over to the sofa to Niur and Ophelia, in which the blue haired girl was snickering... with a shrug, he decided they'd leave on their own and turned back to the dark haired lady. "So will there be some kind of small tour around your apartment?"
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Chris Lengheart(Welcome to our new home!)

After what felt like hours, Chris continued down the forest and suddenly came to a stop. Chris took a deep breath, they had arrived. The farm was beautiful, a small dirt path lead to a nice two story home with a silo and windmill nearby. The sound of neighing, oinks, and moos could be heard all throughout the farm as a man was seemingly adjusting the door knob. Chris approached the man silently and suddenly shouted,"Damion! How are ya?" The man jumped, pointing the screwdriver he held in his hand at Chris' head as he suddenly said,"Chris? My god, is that you?" he said as he began to laugh and pat Chris on the head like a dog "It's great to see ya so soon! Dad ain't here, but I'm sure he'll flip once he sees you!" That's when Damion caught sight of Kelica and simply asked,"Now then, who are you and why are you riding my brother like a horse?"

Kelica Zefara

Kelica made a face of awe as they trudged into the farm, she loved it almost instantly, it was welcoming, the constant noises of the animals was music to her ears. And furthermore, they where happy! They were chattering all to themselves about there friends, when the next feed was, there carer's. The overwhelming sense of family and love almost took her breath away.

As Chris and her approached the man fixing the door, she slid off his back and took a step forward doing a cute cutsy with her dress. "Um hello... Damion is it? My name is Kelica... it's nice to meet you!"

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Metaphysics said:
Arial Font

"Mister, you do." She said as if it were final and nothing would change her mind about it. "Don't make me force you. This is for your own good." She said as she gave him a stubborn smile and tugged gently at his arm. The action was almost playful. "It's not healthy to go from exhausted to travel ready you know." She said.
Kameal glared at her. Did she not believe he would be alright? Why was she intent on helping him? The homunculi didn't respond right away. He continued to glare at her, searching her face for any ill intent. He couldn't find any.

He continued to stare at her. Now looking her in the eyes. He heard the other two talk about a farm or something and felt the presence of others in front of the cave entrance. Finally, with a sigh of defeat, kameal nodded.

"Fine." He said, pulling off the hood of his cloak. He watched the couple leave the cave. So that's how he moved that boulder. He could use some kind of transformation magic. He turned his attention back to Arail. "Lead the way.
Unknown Falling:

Location: Chris's Cave

After being asked his opinion by Ferra he simply shrugged and said "Whatever they do doesn't matter as long as they are happy. Laying low with family in the countryside doesn't sound so bad for them. They will be together and not have to worry about incidents like before so I don't see any flaws in that plan." before Kelica and Chris exited the cave. Taking back his handkerchief he said "You don't need to thank us for helping you find Chris. You did honestly just do everything yourself, if anything we probably just got in your way if anything." he chuckled, as the pair left he shouted "You kids have fun now!" pausing for a moment he spoke again "Well, I got no idea what to do now."

@Zuka @Isune @Talon @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart (Well... You see... Uh...)

Damion smiled as Kelica introduced herself and joked, "Don't tell me, she's our long lost sister!" Chris only chuckled and said, "I wish, Kelica here is my companion, my-" "So she's my sister-in-law?" Damion interrupted with a cheeky grin on his face. "She's my girlfriend." Chris finished, before Damion made another wild assumption. Damion then looked a Kelica, a small hint mischief in hid tone as he said, "So miss Kelica, I see that your 'stallion' here is of a high bloodline. But there is one thing that bothers me, it doesn't appear that he's trained too well. I can always train him for you. That is of course, if you want me to." Chris only looked at Kelica with the slightly intimidating red eyes, hopefully she'd say no.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss

Valken continued that weird, boyish smile as he gazed to her. Really the way her whole face seemed to light up sent a happy little shiver down his spine. If this is what boyfriend's and girlfriend's did, he could very much get used to it. The strange serving man appeared once more with a cold bottle of wine in his hand, white cloth over his arm. He approached Valken's side and wordlessly filled a glass. Then he moved to stand by Millie.

It was only then Valken noticed for all the man's shuffling tendacies and nervousness, his feet made not a single sound against the floor boards. Not even a creak. And even if his arms shook, his wrist and fingers were steady like steel as he poured Millie's glass of wine. Face lowered nervously but eyes not shaking a millimetre.

Valken had been so focused on Millie his senses completely void of what was happening around him. Once Millie's glass was full, Valken's eyes narrowed down dangerously as he stared the short man down.

"That is all I require of you now, you may leave."

The short man lifted his gaze with the picture perfect gaze of innocence, stammering "B...but...your mains?..." Valken was the master of the sly, he could read every little twitch from this guy. He was good....very good. Maybe even on par with Valken's abilities. He may have gotten away with it too if Valken had focused in on Millie as solidly as he had been. The question was...what did he want?

Valken shook a head and stood up suddenly, that gaze still dark. "Forget it, we have plans and it's time to go."

The short man held Valken's gaze, un-afraid, and finally now he knew he was exposed, his tone dropped a pitch or two. "But the fun is just beginning..."

Millie would have had no time to react, even if she gasped, the short man's eyes had narrowed and he ripped the white cloth away from his arm, exposing a dagger that looked oddly similar to Valken's. At the same instant, Valken had drawn a hand to his hip, flicked and spun a dagger out before hurling it straight for the man's shoulder.

It connected to which the shorter man screamed in pain, and then a moment later the butler had hooked an arm around Millie, curved blade nestled against her exposed neck, even fisting her hair to draw it back further. Valken's breath hitched and a hand fisted right by his second dagger, the short man now chuckling evilly.

"Uh Uh...! Don't want to hurt this pretty little thing Hey? I'd keep your hand away from your dagger..."

Valken was livid, his muscles tensed in his rage but did lower his hand. He should have seen this, noticed this man, but he had let his guard down for one moment! Valken hissed.

"The hell do you want..."

The short man's grin widened manically as he pressed the blade harder into Millie's neck, cutting the flesh only just. "What kind of spy uses their real name when getting a reservation..." Spitting to the side to show his distaste. Valken only got angrier when he realised he was right. A dark aura starting to wash from his feet and the candles blew out, covering the balcony in shadows.

Millie continued to sit happily and stare out at darkening Magnolia, her overjoyed smile plastered onto her sweet face. Valken was being such a splendid boyfriend today, and the girl felt somewhat guilty about it. All of these things that he was doing for her and she gave nothing in return. After dinner she decided that she'd do something for him, but didn't know what yet. Her head turned away from the beautiful scenery before her as the butler began pouring wine into her glass. She saw him as a simple butler, and not mysterious in any way like Valken did. But she wasn't a spy or anything like him. "Thank you." She said to the man, smiling slightly before taking a sip.

Valken's sudden hostility towards the butler made Millie frown slightly. He hadn't been doing anything wrong, and was actually doing a splendid job serving them! Was there something that she didn't know? Putting the wine glass down she placed her hands in her lap and spoke.
"Don't be so mean baby, he's not bothering me." She scolded, sighing softly in frustration as he was ready to up and leave over a simple butler. It was ridiculous, but she didn't know the danger she was in until it was too late. Before she knew it Millie was standing, a knife to her throat and her head roughly being pulled back. The blade began cutting into her throat, and though it wasn't deep it still stung. "Do what he says Valken! He'll kill me!" She wailed and began crying a river.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie nodded when he eyed the oddly shaped bulges on Mizuki's curved hips. How hadn't he noticed those before...? Well, he wasn't one to stare people down, so that might have been a reason.
He stood awkwardly as the shadow mage hugged Alicia and let her know he'd be staying the night. As much as he didn't want to, it seemed he didn't have a choice in the matter. Oh well. What did he have to lose anyway? Clearly Mizuki had more than one bed, so he was bound to be able to get to lie down by himself while she slept.

Alfie would politely wave as Alicia left the couch to head to the tournament arena. Even if he wasn't in the same guild as she, it wasn't like he had to wish her bad luck, right? She'd be fighting one of her own, and there was a chance Lyra might not win against her current opponent at all. "Good luck, Alicia! Win for Mizuki!" When she had left completely, he looked over to the sofa to Niur and Ophelia, in which the blue haired girl was snickering... with a shrug, he decided they'd leave on their own and turned back to the dark haired lady. "So will there be some kind of small tour around your apartment?"

Mizuki gave Alicia a quick pat on the head as she left for the fight tournament. The Dark Mage was extremely surprised to find out that she managed to make it all the way to the finals seeing that she was a mere B Class wizard, and that the others must've been S Ranks. She probably cuted her way into the finals, or had Gilad fight in her place. However that didn't matter right now. "Good luck Alicia. I will be there to watch you win..." She said, shutting the door as she left. Mizuki didn't exactly want her leaving with two random grown men, but it was too late now. Besides, they probably wouldn't do anything to her, or they'd have to deal with the wrath of Mizuki. Perhaps she can finally test her new guns on a real target.

When Alfie asked for a tour of the apartment, Miuki only nodded and slipped behind him, wrapped her six arms around him, pulled him tightly against her, and began to carry him around. The apartment wasn't very big, only having 4 rooms; the single bed bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, and a small living room where the girls were previously playing. The first place that she showed Alfie was the bedroom, the dark Mage shutting the door behind her.
"This is where you will be sleeping tonight..."
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Well... You see... Uh...)

Damion smiled as Kelica introduced herself and joked, "Don't tell me, she's our long lost sister!" Chris only chuckled and said, "I wish, Kelica here is my companion, my-" "So she's my sister-in-law?" Damion interrupted with a cheeky grin on his face. "She's my girlfriend." Chris finished, before Damion made another wild assumption. Damion then looked a Kelica, a small hint mischief in hid tone as he said, "So miss Kelica, I see that your 'stallion' here is of a high bloodline. But there is one thing that bothers me, it doesn't appear that he's trained too well. I can always train him for you. That is of course, if you want me to." Chris only looked at Kelica with the slightly intimidating red eyes, hopefully she'd say no.


Kelica went to say something before Damion mentioned her being his sister in law. This made her blush a deep crimson red, glancing down and away. She nodded shyly when Chris said girlfriend, to confirm it to his brother. And then he offered to train Chris! She held her hands up in a peaceful manner still blushing beet red. "N.. no that's quite fine! Chris is more then capable of handling me... thank you... heh.."

His brother was so much different to her family she felt oddly overwhelmed.
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Wyatt said:
He climbed up behind her, getting a few braches higher than her. "I could build a home here, and I plan to. However, I am going to make it into the tree. I have the deed to this place, I had to work hard to acquire it but it was well worth it. You can come here as often as you like."
Bizma looked up at Liam, smiling. "........Y-yeah....I'd like that," she said, brushing dust off her skirt. "......It's really impressive that you have the deed to this place.....I'd like to come here any time..."
Chris Lengheart(Rootin' Tootin' cowboy)

Chris let out a sigh of relief as Kelica declined Damion's offer. Damion only chuckled as he said,"Alright, you two have fun. If you got any questions feel free to ask me or your boyfriend over there. I'd let you guys come in, but I need to fix this doorknob...it's been loose for a few days now. Dad shouldn't be home for a while, he took the magic mobile out to go get some stuff." Chris was finally able to release his takeover as it was obvious he was the older brother. He took Kelica by the hand and began to lead her throughout the farm. All of the animals were minding their own business, mingling with all the others. Chris smiled as he finally asked,"So, what do you think? You like it here?"

Kimberly Lock

Let's go shopping!

The fight had ended, the entire time Kim was on the edge of her seat. She had subconsciously braided her hair into elaborate braids. A good hour had passed, and she was pooped. Honestly she wanted to go back into the venders and just goof off for the rest of the day. She leaned over to Eias. " Eias ,dear, do you want to go to the vendors with me? We should leave these to to talk. " she slightly shook Eias's shoulder with her hand.


Eias watched patiently as the fight ended. No one really talked much since they were all wrapped up in the event. Eias had to admit, it was rather intertaining. She was a little sad she had missed the first part of the festival because of her travels. Kim shook her should asking to go shopping and making some off comment about the other two. She nodded with a small smile. She hadn't looked at the vendors much since being here. Being willingly draged around did that. Now was the time to be dragged to the vendors as well. She got up and dusted her bottom off before heading out with Kim. She waved good bye to the others.

Kimberly lock


Kim waved bye to the two ' Love Birds '. She let out a small giggle before she trailed towards the venders. Her pale yellow dress flowed behind her as she moved. " I saw this boutique a few blocks over here, we should stop by and then get something to eat. Sounds like a plan dear?" Kim held Eias's hand loosely, frim enough that it would not break if they ran in to some traffic.

Eias Baole- Getting them clothes and grub yo

As they headed out of the arena seating area, Kim was instantly on top of making the plans. It was nice not having to worry about what direction Eias had to go. Traveling gets stressful after a while when there is a fork in the road. One could lead to a city while the other could lead you right to a wyvern. That does sound like a nice plan to- Her face went slightly red as Kim grabbed her hand. me. She held on to Kim's hand with the same force. The crowd was flowing out of the stands and caused for them to hold on a little tighter for a while. Finally after a minute of pushing and shoving, they finally got to some open areas. Walking down next to the river area, it was as if those battles were just a dream. Eias reached for her stomach, remembering the coldness that was Kim's flux spear. The motion could have easily been mistaken for needing food. Within the distance, the vendors and shops could be sighted.

Kelica Zefara

Kelica smiled as Damion dropped the subject, blinking and blindly following along beside Chris with her fingers entwined with his own. She was so very happy and it showed.

"It....it's... amazing here Chris! You... have no idea, the animals, they are so happy! They do nothing but sing or laugh or chatter... and they sing praise about there carers! You, Damion and your Dad! They don't want to be anywhere else in the world.
.. "

Her heart soared as her smile widened. "I...never knew something like this existed! That people and animals could provide for one another....Oh Chris!! I love it here!...I... I never want to leave! Here or you!" Turning to step before him now, clasping both her hands in his. Peering up to his face. To see how genuine her feelings were. She could happily forget all about Magnolia, Fairytail, the guilds, dragons, tournaments and everything in between..


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