Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Aurelie had no idea what was going on around here, but there seemed to be a lot more people around here than usual. She wandered the streets with ever so curious eyes, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked ever so fluidly through the town's streets. It had taken some getting used to, but she finally managed to get used to these weird raised shoes she received in exchange for her rough twili feet. They weren't very comfortable, but it was better than going with bare human feet. Those things were just far too soft for her to walk around on. The whole clothes thing bothered her as well, but the dress itself was fairly decent. It covered what would be fragile skin with minimal protection on her body. In addition, it held together these unnecessarily clunky breasts so they don't annoy her to high hell. Why were these necessary again? Either way, she wouldn't be able to take off her clothes here. It was some like weird taboo to go with just your skin.

The buildings themselves were becoming familiar, as she hadn't bothered to look for other settlements. This one was large and diverse enough to keep her occupied for quite a while to say the least. In fact, she couldn't remember seeing the same person twice! Though then again, a lot of them looked similar to her. She headed into what seemed like a goods store and opened the door, prompting a little bell to clang upon her entrance. It commanded her attention, but only for a moment as she had gotten somewhat used to the oddities of this realm. The clerk gave her a smile before returning to his work, cleaning some sort of metal. She didn't question why he was doing it because whenever she questioned things, people seemed to get offended. The store itself held no significance to her, mainly due to he nativity of what any of it was used for. She picked up what appeared to be some sort of long stick with something attached to its end. After a few moments of inspecting it, the store clerk sternly told her not to touch unless she planned to buy, another concept new to her. Apparently, you had to trade worthless garbage in exchange of other worthless garbage in this world, which made no sense to her.

Seeing nothing else of particular interest, she bid the clerk farewell with a smile, the clerk reciprocating as she pulled the door open, prompting the bell to clang once more. Back on the street, she took a deep breath of the night air, taking a moment to look both ways and decide where it might be best to head next. Now that twilight was over, she could stay for as long as she needed, though she imagined her sleep cycle would kick in soon. Nevertheless, it was a time to explore some more, and hopefully figure out what was going on around here. Though she picked up on little things here and there, she was still in the dark about the big picture ideas, mainly questioning why people had all these rules in the first place. As she took the road leading in an upward slope, she questioned to herself why people didn't just do whatever and get along. After all, she lived her whole life without rules, and it was great!

Not soon after did she see a large gathering of people, all appearing to gravitate towards the center of a giant bowl of sorts. She assumed there was something interesting going on in there, so she carefully jumped into the crowd, assimilating herself as a random person here to go to... whatever this was. She found quickly that people in a mob tended to lose some of their courtesy and were rather rowdy. She was beginning to regret this decision, but she was being pushed along, so she couldn't stop herself from being swept up in the phenomenon. With wide eyes, she prepared herself to enter the giant bowl, becoming anxious as to what it housed. If these types of people were eager to enter, it couldn't be good, could it?

Before she knew it, they managed to get her inside, allowing her to see just how big the place was. It appeared as though people were supposed to sit on the sides, all facing inward to view the center. Well what happened in the center? She really wanted to find out, but the crowd was pushing her along towards the stands. Even with all the "excuse me"s and "pardon me"s she could muster, she was unable to get close enough to the middle to get to it. Oh well, she assumed she would find out soon enough. Being almost corralled, she was quickly placed into a row with a bunch of rowdy people, who seemed to expect her to sit down with them. However, she wasn't about that life, as she had better things to do than to just sit around while fun things happened. Now in control of her own fate, she squeezed past the few men separating her from the aisle next to her, eliciting grunts and phrases of indignation. But soon she wouldn't have to deal with that, as they were far behind her in her quest to descend the stairs. She went all the way down to the small wall that separated her from the ground below. What was so exciting about that large circle of a weird landscape? Surely there was a reason these people are gathered around it? Was it because of this weird prism thingy in it? Ehat was it's purpose? She was hesitant to try to go in, fearful that it was a ritual or something that required a sacrifice. Would she be giving them just what they needed by entering? She took a few moments to question her next move as she peered down into the strange land below.

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Kazehana said:

Aurelie had no idea what was going on around here, but there seemed to be a lot more people around here than usual. She wandered the streets with ever so curious eyes, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked ever so fluidly through the town's streets. It had taken some getting used to, but she finally managed to get used to these weird raised shoes she received in exchange for her rough twili feet. They weren't very comfortable, but it was better than going with bare human feet. Those things were just far too soft for her to walk around on. The whole clothes thing bothered her as well, but the dress itself was fairly decent. It covered what would be fragile skin with minimal protection on her body. In addition, it held together these unnecessarily clunky breasts so they don't annoy her to high hell. Why were these necessary again? Either way, she wouldn't be able to take off her clothes here. It was some like weird taboo to go with just your skin.

The buildings themselves were becoming familiar, as she hadn't bothered to look for other settlements. This one was large and diverse enough to keep her occupied for quite a while to say the least. In fact, she couldn't remember seeing the same person twice! Though then again, a lot of them looked similar to her. She headed into what seemed like a goods store and opened the door, prompting a little bell to clang upon her entrance. It commanded her attention, but only for a moment as she had gotten somewhat used to the oddities of this realm. The clerk gave her a smile before returning to his work, cleaning some sort of metal. She didn't question why he was doing it because whenever she questioned things, people seemed to get offended. The store itself held no significance to her, mainly due to he nativity of what any of it was used for. She picked up what appeared to be some sort of long stick with something attached to its end. After a few moments of inspecting it, the store clerk sternly told her not to touch unless she planned to buy, another concept new to her. Apparently, you had to trade worthless garbage in exchange of other worthless garbage in this world, which made no sense to her.

Seeing nothing else of particular interest, she bid the clerk farewell with a smile, the clerk reciprocating as she pulled the door open, prompting the bell to clang once more. Back on the street, she took a deep breath of the night air, taking a moment to look both ways and decide where it might be best to head next. Now that twilight was over, she could stay for as long as she needed, though she imagined her sleep cycle would kick in soon. Nevertheless, it was a time to explore some more, and hopefully figure out what was going on around here. Though she picked up on little things here and there, she was still in the dark about the big picture ideas, mainly questioning why people had all these rules in the first place. As she took the road leading in an upward slope, she questioned to herself why people didn't just do whatever and get along. After all, she lived her whole life without rules, and it was great!

Not soon after did she see a large gathering of people, all appearing to gravitate towards the center of a giant bowl of sorts. She assumed there was something interesting going on in there, so she carefully jumped into the crowd, assimilating herself as a random person here to go to... whatever this was. She found quickly that people in a mob tended to lose some of their courtesy and were rather rowdy. She was beginning to regret this decision, but she was being pushed along, so she couldn't stop herself from being swept up in the phenomenon. With wide eyes, she prepared herself to enter the giant bowl, becoming anxious as to what it housed. If these types of people were eager to enter, it couldn't be good, could it?

Before she knew it, they managed to get her inside, allowing her to see just how big the place was. It appeared as though people were supposed to sit on the sides, all facing inward to view the center. Well what happened in the center? She really wanted to find out, but the crowd was pushing her along towards the stands. Even with all the "excuse me"s and "pardon me"s she could muster, she was unable to get close enough to the middle to get to it. Oh well, she assumed she would find out soon enough. Being almost corralled, she was quickly placed into a row with a bunch of rowdy people, who seemed to expect her to sit down with them. However, she wasn't about that life, as she had better things to do than to just sit around while fun things happened. Now in control of her own fate, she squeezed past the few men separating her from the aisle next to her, eliciting grunts and phrases of indignation. But soon she wouldn't have to deal with that, as they were far behind her in her quest to descend the stairs. She went all the way down to the small wall that separated her from the ground below. What was so exciting about that large circle of dirt? surely there was a reason these people are gathered around it? She was hesitant to go in, fearful that it was a ritual or something that required a sacrifice. Would she be giving them just what they needed by entering? She took a few moments to question her next move as she peered down into the dusty dire below.

Raa - The Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Raa eyed the lost, to him, looking girl and sighed. "Well, this might be my luck acting up again..." He said as he stood up and made his way to the girl. He didn't even bother asking nicely, anyone who got in his way was gently nudged aside by solid air. "I hope not, getting into a fight would be bad. Again." He mumbled as he neared the girl. He stopped beside her and thought of a way to start a conversation for a few moments before he finally decided on how to kick things off.

"Exciting isn't it?" He finally said, trying to gain her attention. "Those who are strong have gathered and fought down there." He added. "Don't think about jumping in. You can't. Well you can but you won't get through. And it wouldn't be appreciated and you'd most likely hurt yourself. But hey? What do I know? I'm warning a stranger about the dangers of entering an area of competitive farce combat." He finished. "Would you like to watch? It's very exciting to see what others are capable of...and copy them..." He whispered the last part.

Auerelie was startled to say the least. As soon as she started talking to her, she jumped and nearly fell right over the edge she was so precariously looking over. Catching herself, she awkwardly stood upright as soon as she could, looking at the man with a frazzled expression. She thought she caught most of what he said, but it was a little unclear with the noise of the stadium.

Now, Aurelie also didn't pay attention because she was too busy being occupied with how different he looked. He certainly didn't like like a normal citizen of the light realm, but he was clearly not of the twilight realm either. Was there another realm? Or was he just an anomaly in this one? She shook the thought away, trying to deal with the man at hand. He didn't appear to be threatening, much to her relief. Generally, abnormal people of this world were rather egotistical, whoch borhered her. Why use your abilities to boast when you could help others get better? After all, that's how her kind lived in harmony. This world was a little screwy.

When she realized that he'd finished, she was paralyzed momentarily, completely unsure how to respond. What did he say again? Oh geeze this was awkward for her.

"Why are you wearing a cloak?" she asked bluntly, though with innocence and curiosity. To be honest, she assumed he didn't say anything she needed to respond to, and she was just hoping that this was appropriate. Either way, she might get an answer to her questions for once. But he might get offended that she asked, since a lot of people tend to take some sort of personal blow from a harmless question.

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Kazehana said:

Auerelie was startled to say the least. As soon as she started talking to her, she jumped and nearly fell right over the edge she was so precariously looking over. Catching herself, she awkwardly stood upright as soon as she could, looking at the man with a frazzled expression. She thought she caught most of what he said, but it was a little unclear with the noise of the stadium.

Now, Aurelie also didn't pay attention because she was too busy being occupied with how different he looked. He certainly didn't like like a normal citizen of the light realm, but he was clearly not of the twilight realm either. Was there another realm? Or was he just an anomaly in this one? She shook the thought away, trying to deal with the man at hand. He didn't appear to be threatening, much to her relief. Generally, abnormal people of this world were rather egotistical, whoch borhered her. Why use your abilities to boast when you could help others get better? After all, that's how her kind lived in harmony. This world was a little screwy.

When she realized that he'd finished, she was paralyzed momentarily, completely unsure how to respond. What did he say again? Oh geeze this was awkward for her.

"Why are you wearing a cloak?" she asked bluntly, though with innocence and curiosity. To be honest, she assumed he didn't say anything she needed to respond to, and she was just hoping that this was appropriate. Either way, she might get an answer to her questions for once. But he might get offended that she asked, since a lot of people tend to take some sort of personal blow from a harmless question.

Raa - It's not a bathrobe. It's a bathcloak.

"Let me ask you this to answer you question." He said. He sat on the bench and motioned for her to sit down. "Tell me, what makes a star so beautiful?" He asked her. "I was once asked this when I was young. I answered that they were bright and shiny. I was naive." The cloak ruffled a bit. "Stars, even the dimmest ones, are not beautiful for their radiance. Stars are beautiful because of their contrast against the night sky." He started. "Each and every star lights a portion of the dark void above. The same goes for strength and weakness." He continued, pausing a bit to pop a seed into his unseen mouth.

"The strong live among the weak, they are the stars of this life, be they dim or bright. It is their radiance that brings fascination to the lives of others. These sort of people bring a light like no other to the lives of others. You ask why I wear a cloak? I wear it because I don't want to be a star." He looked at her with a tilted head. "Strange...you are a stranger in more ways than one aren't you?"

She sat down, though with a hint of hesitation as she did so. She was very bad with new people, and she knew this well. Hopefully, though, she wouldn't screw it up like she normally does. That fire was an accident! Anyway, enough about that.

She wasn't sure what a star was until he mentioned the night sky, prompting her to look up. Were they those things that made tiny dots of light way up there? She didn't have those in the twilight, but she always wondered ehat they were. His philosophical discussion about the analogy between stars and people confused her, but she thought she got the gist of it. Though this had not been the explanation she was expecting.

When he was finished, she looked back at him, blinking a few times in surprise. How was she supposed to answer that? The people of this world made it clear that she was not one of them, that she only pretended to hide within her ranks. She couldn't tell him who she really was, lest he become angry like the rest of them. Why was she so curious that she remained in this world? She often justified her investigations through how much it would benefit those she left behind. Though she would go back soon, she swore it.

"Yeah, everyone is strange in their own way," she answered softly, much to the contrast of the rowdy stadium. She felt like she should say something more, but she simply wasn't one for talking. Well, she did talk a lot, just not to strangers. Any words she may have had to add to her comment halted before they reached her mouth, clogging her throat with the apprenension of the atmosphere in general.

Kazehana said:

She sat down, though with a hint of hesitation as she did so. She was very bad with new people, and she knew this well. Hopefully, though, she wouldn't screw it up like she normally does. That fire was an accident! Anyway, enough about that.

She wasn't sure what a star was until he mentioned the night sky, prompting her to look up. Were they those things that made tiny dots of light way up there? She didn't have those in the twilight, but she always wondered ehat they were. His philosophical discussion about the analogy between stars and people confused her, but she thought she got the gist of it. Though this had not been the explanation she was expecting.

When he was finished, she looked back at him, blinking a few times in surprise. How was she supposed to answer that? The people of this world made it clear that she was not one of them, that she only pretended to hide within her ranks. She couldn't tell him who she really was, lest he become angry like the rest of them. Why was she so curious that she remained in this world? She often justified her investigations through how much it would benefit those she left behind. Though she would go back soon, she swore it.

"Yeah, everyone is strange in their own way," she answered softly, much to the contrast of the rowdy stadium. She felt like she should say something more, but she simply wasn't one for talking. Well, she did talk a lot, just not to strangers. Any words she may have had to add to her comment halted before they reached her mouth, clogging her throat with the apprenension of the atmosphere in general.

Raa - Hn.

"That's not what I meant and you know it..." He started once more, popping a seed into his unseen mouth once more. "But yeah. Everyone is unique like that, even you. ." He leaned back, yanking a drink from a stranger's hand without being noticed. "You'll find I am the least judgemental person you will ever meet. So who are you and what's your story? It's only fair to answer a question after asking one." He finished, taking a sip while his eyes glowed orange from the blinding darkness of his hood.

This man was a little strange, that was for sure. Plus she thought that stealing was frowned upon within this world. Well, it was in her world as well, but they didn't have a big concept of possession. Twilight creatures tended to get along well, but she wasn't sure how they would deal with the humans of this realm. Probably not well; she knew she wasn't doing so hot.

"Well that is a bit of a loaded question for someone you've only just met," she said calmly. As it turns out, she was very good at hiding her emotions. Now that wasn't any indication of her actual personality, as on the inside, several bombs were going off. This man expected her to tell him
everything, and she wasn't about that. Besides, that didn't seem wise to do, especially when the person at hand was a total stranger. Now she assumed that there were two outcomes: either he disappeared from her life and none of this mattered, or she would get reported for existing outside of her realm's bounds. Though since her people didn't know of the light dwellers, did that mean the light dwellers knew nothing of the twili? She shifted uncomfortably as she thought about it, trying to get rid of her anxiety.

"I'm no criminal, if that's where your interests pique," she added, making sure he knew she was no threat. Well, she could just be lying, but she never saw the value of that. Then again, she always lived in a world where lying was pointless. Perhaps here, things were different. Should she lie? The thought unsettled her, but it might be her only option.

~ Lion ~

Crazy hobos....Lion thought to himself as he walked through the streets of Magnolia. Who the heck would charge that much for a good sword? He sighed, covering his face with his cloak even further. Oh, well.....I've still got my wand.... His fingers clenched around his bubble wand; he adjusted his pink jacket again. Honestly. What a bunch of hobos.

He was about to continue his rant when he felt the edge of a blade touch his neck. "Don't move, girlie," a gruff voice said. Lion raised his eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" he muttered, lifting his bubble wand.

"I said don't move!"

"Did you....call me a girl?!" He lifted the bubble wand even higher.

"Are you listening?" The man's knife got even deeper in. "Put down the weapon, girl! NOW!"

"I fear I'm going to have to correct you there." WHACK. "I'm a boy," Lion said cheerfully. WHACK. WHACK. WHACK. His assaulter fell over, unconscious. "Stupid hobo." He kicked the man once before walking away. "Bye~! Next time get it right, okay?"

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Alfie RoderickAlfie hadn't even shuddered when he felt the dark arms wrap around his body, the Heart Stone being quite used to Mizuki's antics by now. The apartment was rather small and even sort of messy, but it was actually sort of cozy despite the lady's hatred and passion that almost seemed to radiate from the walls. It was a nice change from his cold, tiled lab constantly plagued with the sounds of giant machinery and that evil contraption of gears.

What caught his attention the most, however, was when he noticed that there was only one moderately sized mattress lying in the corner of the bland room. That was quite the surprise... he didn't even bother asking whether he should sleep on the floor or not, because he knew the shadow mage wouldn't allow it. But then what was to become of Alicia? He turned to Mizuki with a warm smile. "It's very nice. But, I must ask, where will Alicia be sleeping?"

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Alice Liddell

Such ignorance from these fools

Alice walked through the crowded woods, boots snapping stray branches on the ground. Her Raven black hair flowed behind her, emerald green eyes set on the canopy above. " This is rather peaceful, a lovely stroll. Maybe I'll make

it to the bloody town before night fully ensues."
Her steps came to a halt after she spotted a man in a branch. " And , you fellow, who may you be?"

" Well little missy, to you we are a couple of men geting though the world." The man gave her a crooked smile, something that would of given a sane person chills. But not Alice, no she stayed completely calm as he spoke. " We? I don't see any more of you. Or am I mistaken?" The man once again looked down at her, the smile wavering for a split second. Why was this girl so calm he asked, was she completely out of her mind. He raised his hand, with a quick snap a group of ten men came out of the brush.

Each carried a weapon, but most where sometype of sword.
" Hand over all your possessions and come quietly with us. Or we will take you by force." Alice simply stared at them, her gaze didn't waver. Her display angered the group. With a command all ten of the men attacked Alice. One reached her first, swinging their broad sword across aiming for her neck. Alice ducked below the swing. Her hand found the wrist of her attacker and immobilized his entire arm.

( Enter the fabulous assistant @Jacob Berry )


Livian Azul

Livian was walking through a forest he typically traveled through, he was in his normal outfit, that most would assume you were sweating buckets, but Livian wasn't. Perhaps it was to how much he wore it, even in the worst of conditions. He was on his way back from a quest that he had decided to take up, it was a simple one, one he decided to do on a whim because he felt like helping the people that needed help. Walking through the dense forest, staying away from the roads as they were prone to be good areas for ambushes from filthy bandits.

Livian continued to walk through the forest, leaves and branches were crackling under his boots, he wasn't paying too much attention at this moment as he was too busy reading a book. Now, this may sound like a bad idea, albeit being one, but Livian had done this plenty a time, causing him to have much confidence in not walking into a lair of bandits or monsters or whatever else could swallow him up or rob him clean.

Finally that good ole habbit of his, walking and reading bit him in the butt as he bumped into a rather large man, he was bald and had this smile about him that would make most children seek their mother. Looking up slightly at the man, who was looking down at him, eyebrow raised, "Oh. Apologies kind sir..." Livian stopped midway through his sentence as he saw the large group of men and the woman who they appeared to be mugging. Letting out a heavy sigh he put away his book in the small bag he carried with him, "Didn't your mother ever teach you it wasn't kind to hurt people?" Livian had a fierce look, one you didn't normally see on a face such as his.

"Who does this pretty boy 'hink he is? Around 'ere yer kind get 'obbed by us." The bald man replied with a smirk, the others who chuckling, minus the guy in immense pain due to his arm being immobilized. The bald man took the blue rose that was pinned onto Livian's coat, causing Livian to snap, punching the man square in the jaw. Livian wasn't one for hand-to-hand combat, but the creep crossed the line there.

(If ya want I can add more... Just wasn't sure how much you wanted. @purplepanda288)
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie RoderickAlfie hadn't even shuddered when he felt the dark arms wrap around his body, the Heart Stone being quite used to Mizuki's antics by now. The apartment was rather small and even sort of messy, but it was actually sort of cozy despite the lady's hatred and passion that almost seemed to radiate from the walls. It was a nice change from his cold, tiled lab constantly plagued with the sounds of giant machinery and that evil contraption of gears.

What caught his attention the most, however, was when he noticed that there was only one moderately sized mattress lying in the corner of the bland room. That was quite the surprise... he didn't even bother asking whether he should sleep on the floor or not, because he knew the shadow mage wouldn't allow it. But then what was to become of Alicia? He turned to Mizuki with a warm smile. "It's very nice. But, I must ask, where will Alicia be sleeping?"

If Alfie was able to sense the feelings around him, he would be met with a surprising amount of happiness radiating from Mizuki. For some strange reason Alfie's presence happened to put the dark Mage in a pleasant mood, more so than Alicia it seemed. However her face remained rather neutral, not a trace of happiness on her face. However her voice seemed to be a little higher than normal, or rather more energetic. Mizuki herself couldn't exactly explain it, but she knew that she didn't want him to leave her side. Alfie's question about Alicia was answered almost immediately, Mizuki already having planned this out. "I will make Alicia a little bed. Or I can send her off with Ophelia for the night. Whatever she wishes for..." She explained, her shadowy arms shifting around as he moved. "You will be sleeping in the bed. With me."
Chris Lengheart(Told ya so)

Chris only smiled as Kelica seemed to be enjoying herself. "Don't tell me you've never heard of a farm before." he said as he finally let go of Kelica. Chris then proceeded to walk a he looked at all the different animals. The only ones that were allowed to wander around the actual farm were the chickens and the occasional duck (Which of course didn't belong to the farm). A large mother hen walked past Chris and Kelica, not paying them any mind as she escorted her young ones back to the coop.

Alice Liddell

Who is this new comer?

Alice kept her hand wrapped around the mans wrist. His face contorted into a indescribable way, showing just how her grasp pained him. She hated using her magic against non mages. Taking her boot she kicked and dig it into the mans nether regions. Causing him to go scream out in agonizing pain, Alice let go of the bandit letting him drop to the floor. Letting him turn into a pile of moaning flesh.

Her gaze fell onto the new comer, she recoiled as he punched the man in the jaw. Seemed she had an alley, which is good due to her morals. Though the lense that is her insanity she saw an unrivaled beast attacking all that tried to defy it. In reality it was a man that got angry over a blue flower. But none the less she snapped out of her insanity fueled hallucination and began to walk towards the man that just punch the bald one.
" And you may be?" She asked in her monotone voice, yet somehow she made it seem like it had emotions hidden behind the cold words.

Her attention turned back to the bandits, eight of them were free to attack them. Not one moved after the initial punch the new man threw.
" Bandits, if you don't wish to die at my hands you should leave. I'm not one to play games." Her entire aura gave off a morbid and eire tone. She hadn't been playing around after she killed her tormenter, now she wasn't playing around with a group of untrained people.

@Jacob Berry

( nah mate, it's good at the length you made it.)


Livian Azul.

Livian watched as the bald bandit fell to the ground before looking at the female, who had released the other bandit from her grip. He watched as the bandit moaned and went into the fetus position, it was a bit sad to be honest. Picking up the flowed from the man who had took hit, snatching it out of his hand and clipping it back onto his coat. The flower was something rather special to him, a reason he did not wish to explain.

Livian dusted off his coat and shook his right hand, "Ow Ow Ow. That hurt." Is what he said quietly to himself. He looked up as he was spoken to by the female who wasn't really in distress, "And you may be?" is what she said. Clearing his throat he bowed, not too low though, he knew not to bow too low around dangerous types, "Livian Azul, Mage and Gardener at your service." He tilted her head slightly at her, she had a weird voice, he couldn't quiet place his finger on it though.

Livian looked at the other eight men as they surrounded him and the woman. He watched as she told the bandits to leave now if they wished to live and whatnot, the usual bravado that you say in these situations. Still, he had a feeling that she wasn't the one to joke about these types of things, raising his hands into a fighting stance, "So, Miss, what do you propose we do? I don't think they'll be backing off now..."

(I'm off to bed @purplepanda288 Sorry)
femjapanriceball said:
Bizma looked up at Liam, smiling. "........Y-yeah....I'd like that," she said, brushing dust off her skirt. "......It's really impressive that you have the deed to this place.....I'd like to come here any time..."
" Yeah I am amazed was able to acquire it. Like I said you can come any time you like " he layed back on the back looking through the spaces in the leafs.
Kazehana said:

This man was a little strange, that was for sure. Plus she thought that stealing was frowned upon within this world. Well, it was in her world as well, but they didn't have a big concept of possession. Twilight creatures tended to get along well, but she wasn't sure how they would deal with the humans of this realm. Probably not well; she knew she wasn't doing so hot.

"Well that is a bit of a loaded question for someone you've only just met," she said calmly. As it turns out, she was very good at hiding her emotions. Now that wasn't any indication of her actual personality, as on the inside, several bombs were going off. This man expected her to tell him
everything, and she wasn't about that. Besides, that didn't seem wise to do, especially when the person at hand was a total stranger. Now she assumed that there were two outcomes: either he disappeared from her life and none of this mattered, or she would get reported for existing outside of her realm's bounds. Though since her people didn't know of the light dwellers, did that mean the light dwellers knew nothing of the twili? She shifted uncomfortably as she thought about it, trying to get rid of her anxiety.

"I'm no criminal, if that's where your interests pique," she added, making sure he knew she was no threat. Well, she could just be lying, but she never saw the value of that. Then again, she always lived in a world where lying was pointless. Perhaps here, things were different. Should she lie? The thought unsettled her, but it might be her only option.

Raa - Welp, Okay?

"Alright then, just making conversation. Like how you immediately went for saying that you're not a criminal." He said as he bore into her with piercing glowing blue eyes. "You don't have to tell me." He added the bag of seeds was now empty so he crumpled it up and put it aside. "Anyways, here. In case you need anything." He said as he pulled out a card and gave it to her. It was a tarot card of Death. "Oh I'm sorry, wrong card." He said as he pulled out another card.

That Guy

Does Repairs And Construction


Kelica shook her head as in no. "I mean... I've heard rumours but never visited a farm...I've only ever been in my parents forest then Fairytail..." She idly watched the mother hen with her chicks, make an aaaawwwww sound.

Then she glanced over till she saw a pasture that seemed slightly secluded from the others. There was a giant gate with a big old warning sign on it, but Kelica was oblivious. She ran up to the tall fence and poked her head in to see, and right in the middle, was the biggest, meanest, angriest bull she had ever seen.

He probably had a name along with reputation, but Kelica had never been afraid of animals, so with a happy smile she ducked between two fence palings and stepped inside the pasture even before Chris had time to react or stop her.

Kelica walked steadily forward with that friendly smile she always wore, giving the bull a half wave.

Here the bull lifted his head from the ground, his beady black eyes focusing in on her walking towards him. His back leg did a loud warning thud against the ground, tail swishing behind him. Even his front half seemed to crouched down ever so slightly as he tensed.

"What's your name then big fella?" Kelica oddly oblivious to how tense he was despite being atuned to animals. Maybe because she assumed all farm animals were friendly and didn't read the signs as a threat.


She might have felt unnerved by his gaze had it been a foreign concept, but she simply accepted that it was a thing. It was perhaps easy for her to cope with since twilight monsters generally had different qualities, the most basic of which were the eyes. Her plight that she wasn't a criminal appeared to have not gone over too well, something that disappointed her, but too much. After all, every discovery about how this society functioned was good information.

She reached out for the first card he pulled out until she looked at it, eyes widening. She had no idea what tarot cards were, so she just took it as a vague threat from the man. She had just recently learned what death was, and she wasn't too fond of the idea. The second card was much better, but not in the sense of clarity. Puzzled, she looked up at him with nothing short of confusion and intrigue. "What's this supposed to mean?" she asked in her bewildered state. "Who are you anyway?" she asked, noting that the card gave no name. The card itself was vague in general, which is what prompted all her questions. He had to get that a lot, right?

Chris Lengheart(Kelica!)

Of course, the bull didn't like the fact that someone had not only intruded on his personal space but tried to talk him down like a calf. He snorted, scraping a paw on the ground as he looked ready to charge Kelica. Chris quickly hopped over the fence and ran as fast as he could over to the scene. Sure enough, the bull charged. Luckily, Chris ran in between the two and took the bull by the horns...literally. Chris was pushed back quite a bit, almost knocking Kelica over, but somehow managed to hold his ground. The pushing stopped as Chris let out a small huff and suddenly hooked one of his arms around the massive beast and managed to toss him to the side. Obviously, Chris had wrestled with this bull before. The two locked horns once again as Chris tossed him down again, and again.

As Chris and the bull ran out of breath, it was the bull who walked over to Chris and tossed him onto his back. Chris only chuckled as he patted the bull on the head and said,"
This here is red the magnificent. I took care of him when he was a calf, he was small and born earlier. Honestly, I wasn't expecting him to make it, but look at him now! He's one of, if not the biggest bull we got. The reason why we have that sign up is because of how hostile he can be towards visitors. He just needs some time to get used to you. If a sign says warning, don't jump in there unless I'm with you." Chris then slid off Red's back as the bull went off with the rest of the cattle. Kelica was gonna get hurt one of these days.


Kelica blinked as she watched him scrap a foot against the ground, if that had been a wild animal he looked almost like he was going to charge-?

Of course by the time she thought it he was already racing towards her and she froze like a deer in headlights, throwing her hands up and clenching her eyes closed. She heard a massive thud and scrap, but felt nothing, so she lowered her hands and shakingly peered out. There was Chris's back, heaving, and as Kelica's eyes widened she realised he was going toe to toe with that bull! She knew he was strong but...

Again and again and again they crashed and tackled till evertually Chris chuckled and patted him down.

Kelica thought she had a handle on animals but Chris far outshone her! She smiled and nodded. "O...of course! I will Chris, I'm sorry!" Her eyes sparkled and she stared to him with stars in her eyes. Could Chris have fan girls?! Kelica was turning into a love sick puppy at this rate. "Can...I get you something? A drink? Some food?!"

Chris Lengheart (Loving the attention)

Chris only shook his head as Kelica asked if he needed water or anything, "Nah, if anything I just need a breather. Wrestling a giant bull can be a bit tiring, ya know?" Chris took a few sharp breaths and leaned up against the gate. He couldn't help but smile at Kelica as he said,"Besides, I thought that you'd still want to explore the farm for a bit." At this point, Chris was covered in sweat, but didn't seem to mind.


Kelica had her hands clasped under her chin, almost shaking on the spot as she stared up to him. Eyes freakishly large. Glistening like they were made of water. She nodded fevourishly and waved an arm around. "Oh nonno no you must rest up!...Here massage?"

She was already there shoved against his side, rubbing, caressing, kneading the muscles in his arms. Feeling the sweat herself, shuddering happily.

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Sabrina bid the two farewell with a smile and proceeded to grab a book from her bookshelf and jump on her couch, enveloping herself in the world of the book, even though it was a psychology textbook.

* * *

Sabrina looked at the letter with a slight grin on her face. "Nice date you've got there, Kelica...I'M COMIN' OVER!" she shouted, grabbing her bag and rushing outside, but not without checking that every burner was off and that she had locked the windows and door. She ran outside and quickly hailing a taxi. She gave the address and sat comfortably in the back seat, watching as the city flew by, giving way to wilderness. She closed her eyes. She had never really been near animals in her whole life. Well, never been close to animals that weren't either dead, food or test subjects. She had to kill multiple small animals in her early days of science for some data, but nowadays, she had all that info stored up in her brain. (She will arrive a bit later on)

AlfieWell, Mizuki had only confirmed his suspicions of the fact that he'd be sleeping in the same bed with her, but he was surprised to learn Alicia wouldn't also be sleeping with them. Glad, but surprised. He would only let out a light chuckle as he began, "I've already guessed that. I think Alicia might like resting on a legitimate bed with Ophelia better than on one on a floor. Speaking of which, will we be going to watch her fight soon?" Alfie hoped the dark mage hadn't already forgotten about the tournament seeing as how he nearly did during the tour of the apartment.


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