Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kazehana said:

Aurelie had no concept of what a deity was, so she spent the majority of that time trying to figure out how he could have been watching her. As far as she knew, nothing could see in or out of the boundary between light and twilight, meaning that he would have have to been inside the twilight himself. This got her thinking quite a bit. Now, that would mean he had to have been a creature of twilight like her, right? So she would already know who this was, ohh stupid light form changing everything.

As she thought about this, she wondered if her voice sounded as different as his apparently did. She never really thought about it, but she probably wouldn't realize any of her comrades unless they explicitly told her. "Stephan?" she asked, very much unsure of herself. Not many of the twili were able to fly, but Stephan was the one that would make such a dumb joke. And it was a dumb joke. She rested her head on her hand, still trying to comprehend what he was talking about. "How did you get out? And why didn't you tell me?" she asked, perplexed as to what was happening at the moment.


"I'm sorry but I think my joke has gone too far." Raa said, leaning back on his seat. "I'm not your friend Stephan although I'm sure that he's worried about you and misses you dearly." He added. He pulled out a small metal bar and reshaped it. "I'm called The Reshaper. Welcome to the land of mortals." Now maybe he could make her believe he was a god? That would be very fun for him.

She watched him reshape the rod with wonder and mystique, having no clue how he did that. Now, she understood how magic worked, and how many had different powers of their own, but this one was new, and it had nothing to do with an element of some sort. "Well if you're not Stephan, and we don't share the same power, how could you know anything about me?" she asked, basically challenging his claims right then and there. She was no gullible fool, and she wouldn't take this sort of thing lightly. Though the idea of someone else knowing her story while still being empathetic was appealing. Was she pathetic for not being able to stand on her own in this world? Well at least the people of this world are nice when she looks like them. She didn't want to ruin this new friendship that she happened into, so she didn't want to question him too much. But just enough to validate his claim, then she would be done.

Chris Lengheart(Well...actually Damion Lengheart)

Damion was in the living room when he heard the sound of knocking on the door. Who could it possibly be? The neighbors hardly visited since they lived miles away, so if it wasn't them then who was it? Damion's arm suddenly began that of a giant bears as he opened the door only a crack, this way if there was a threat he could handle it...or get Chris to do it. Damion looked at the girl for a moment and said,"Yes? Is there something I can do for you? Are you lost?"


Sabrina looked at the man standing behind the door through the crack. He looked a lot like Chris, and had bear arms, but it didn't really surprise her that much. They must be a family of take-overers... she thought. "H-Hi, my name's Sabrina. I'm a friend of Chris and Kelica. I got a letter from Kelica saying that that they were coming over here, so I thought why not come here also the visit!" Sabrina said with a small but bright smile.

Alice Liddell

Do you believe in magic?!

Alice kept parrying strikes from the bandits. One step to the right, she evaded a deadly strike. Her foot found another mans jewels sending him down. These guys need to wear protection, well atleast form her. Two down two to go, she song her sword in time to meet another blade, they kept at the attack for a few seconds be for Alice hit them with the fuller of the sword. They went down as it impacted with their head.

Alice saw the giant flower bloom before Livian. A deadly flower that was colored of midnight blue, taking down three of the bandits. What amazing magic he had, she would have to get to know this person better. Back to the fight at hand , she mentally told her self. The sword she held was taken aback by the last bandit. She strained to keep them from cutting her into small chunks. She regained the advantage, her lady hand was bought out and pinched the final man in the side. Sending him to the ground. She impailed the sword in to the ground.
" Thank you for your help."

She turned towards Livain, her Raven hair falling on to her back. " I am Alice Liddell, Charmed to meet your acquaintance." She bowed down politely, just as she was taught when she was a child. " Your magic is truly amazing, what is the name of it?"

@Jacob Berry
Eias Baole- blowing ears off

It dawned on her that the waiter was ready for her order. I- um- I Gotta speak up hun. Can't hear you from behind the menu. They said nicely. I'll have the Unagi please. One more time please. Their ear pointing in her direction to get a better read on what she was saying. Eias took her flute from her person and placed it to her lips. A bubble flew up. I'LL HAVE THE UNAGI PLEASE. The shear shock of it being so loud was embarrassing and the waiter had to clear his ear for a moment. a-and a water please.. sounded as one last bubble popped. Alright loves, I'll get that in right away. They took the menus from them leaving Eias without a defense.

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Talon nodded thoughtfuly. "Well we could walk back to the city and grab something to eat and then..." He shrugged. "I dunno, what time do you need to be home?¿?¿" He asked thoughtfuly. They could head back, pick up some food, and then count the stars from the top of Fairytail. He was a bit of a romantic but he felt kinda bad since she was so young, he coulnt really explain exactly why though. @Mitchs98
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She meeped in surprise when suddenly she found Chris's arms wrapped snuggly about her frame, blushing an even more intense shade of red. She of course wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her whole front against his, when swinging a leg up and over his hip as she did.

His brother wasn't there right? And his dad wouldn't be home for hours! She didn't realise Sabrina was downstairs...

She closed her eyes and tilted her head to kiss him deeper, not realising the door was open and just about anyone could walk past.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Damion Lengheart(...I don't know)

Damion glared at the girl for a moment, there was something off about her...but he couldn't put his paw on it. He finally opened the door all the way as he said,"Alright, but I got my eye on you. Sabrina was it? Look, there's only three rooms: that means that there's only enough room for me, Chris, and dad. So, if you can find your own place to sleep good for you, I'm going back upstairs...it's late damn it." And with that, Damion's arm reverted to normal as he began to walk up the stairs. Now that he thought about it, Chris did come early for his visit. Damion walked into the room where he saw Chris practically crushing Kelica to death as he said,"Hey Chris, can I talk to you for a sec?"

Chris let go of Kelica as he nodded,"
Sure, what'd you need to talk about?"

Oh, nothing important. But if it's all the same with you, would you mind if Kelica stayed here?" Damion replied as he pointed to his room for Chris to follow.

Chris followed behind his brother as he stepped into his room. Damion closed the door behind him as he finally spoke his mind. "
So...why'd you come here so early? Normally you don't drop by until winter, did something happen? If something did happen, you know me and dad won't care. But I need to know. Remember, you and Kelica...and even that Sabrina girl are always welcome to stay. Hell, we wouldn't care if you and Kelica moved in."

Chris only looked down for a second and tell Damion the entire story. He couldn't stand to look at his brother as he told the tale, it was honestly embarrassing to talk about reverting to his old ways. But surprisingly, Damion was completely understanding. He comforted his brother by rubbing his shoulder and saying,"Hey, to be honest I would have probably killed them. That's why I use animal takeovers, but you Chris, you go above and beyond. There's no reason why you should be upset. You did what you had to, it was self defense. I'm sure everything will cool down...with time of course."

The two brothers hugged it out for a short time before they both went their separate ways. Chris, went back to Kelica with a smile on his face while Damion went back down stairs to see if the new girl had found anywhere to sleep.

Chris smiled at Kelica as he ran a finger through her hair for a moment,"
Damion knows why we're here now, but it's totally fine. Besides, my dad and Damion think so alike it's hard to tell 'em apart sometimes. They both like the same things, so if Damion's okay with it dad will too." Chris then nuzzled up against Kelica as he continued to stroke her hair slightly.

Damion looked over to Sabrina as he asked,"
So, any luck yet? Maybe you can try the sofa? I know damn well you ain't sleepin' with me or my dad. Chis and Kelica took up all space that bed has so there's no way you're sleeping with them, and I'm not letting you sleep with the animals for hygiene and safety reasons."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Talon said:
Talon nodded thoughtfuly. "Well we could walk back to the city and grab something to eat and then..." He shrugged. "I dunno, what time do you need to be home?¿?¿" He asked thoughtfuly. They could head back, pick up some food, and then count the stars from the top of Fairytail. He was a bit of a romantic but he felt kinda bad since she was so young, he coulnt really explain exactly why though. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Forest

Ferra smiled and giggled at him when he asked what time she had to be home. "I'm seventeen and in a guild silly, I don't gotta be home anytime soon. Besides it's like..seven. That's wayy too early. I can go back whenever I wanna though." She replied. "And food sounds great, whatever you wanna do I'm fine with." She added. She wondered what he meant by 'and then' and why he asked what time she had to be home. He probably just hadn't thought of something to do and needed time to do so. Which was fine with her, the more time he took the more time they got to be together. "Soooo, watcha' wanna get to eat? More stand food or an actual restaurant?" She asked him. "I'm fine with either..that stand food was awesome." She added with a shrug.
Evan chuckled. "It was pretty good, but stand food tend to be, except for those weed dogs you ate." He replied as they walked through the trees. "I was thinking a restaurant this time and its a good thing you dont have a bedtime cuz I was thinking we could maybe go star gazing after." He explained wth a slight blush on his face because of how cheesy his plan sounded outloud. It was dark so he was sure she wouldnt be able to tell. @Mitchs98
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Sabrina nodded and stepped inside, bowing slightly at Damian. "Thank you for having me," she said and walked around the room a bit. "Yeah, the sofa's fine. I've been sleeping on my own sofa a lot recently, so I'm quite used to it hehehe..." Sabrina replied when Damian asked her. She sat down lightly on the sofa, and placed her bag on the ground. "Oh, I haven't asked you yet! What's your name?"

Talon said:
Evan chuckled. "It was pretty good, but stand food tend to be, except for those weed dogs you ate." He replied as they walked through the trees. "I was thinking a restaurant this time and its a good thing you dont have a bedtime cuz I was thinking we could maybe go star gazing after." He explained wth a slight blush on his face because of how cheesy his plan sounded outloud. It was dark so he was sure she wouldnt be able to tell. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Forest > Magnolia Streets

Ferra laughed softly to herself about the weed corndogs. To her, those were the best thing about the stands. She never woulda met Talon otherwise, and that was reason enough to get horribly drugged for a bit. Then he mentioned taking her to a restaurant AND stagazing afterwards. Did this meant what she thought it did? It sounded to her like he was asking her out on a legitimate date..which..of course she was happy about if she was right. Regardless if he wasn't necessarily, it could very well turn out that way. "That sounds good to me. It's a nice night out tonight, perfect for that actually." She replied. "What kinda food are you thinking?" She asked.
Talon shrugged as they entered the city streets. "I dont care, a long as its food." He replied. "Meat preferably, and not raw. " He teased. "Though, I could cook if necessary." He added as an afterthought. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Talon shrugged as they entered the city streets. "I dont care, a long as its food." He replied. "Meat preferably, and not raw. " He teased. "Though, I could cook if necessary." He added as an afterthought. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra chuckled at his joke. Though now she was posed with a possibly romantic dinner at a restaurant or a possibly romantic dinner cooked by Talon. Could he even cook, was the question. He said he could, but lots of people lie. She was curious to see if he could, but for now she guessed she preferred an actual restaurant. He really reminded her a lot of herself in attitude when it came to food though. "Well. I think for now I'd prefer going to a restaurant." She replied. "Unless of course you wanna show off your cooking skills since you showed off your fighting skills too?" She asked him jokingly, a amused grin on her face. "I'm fine with either...though...I think a restaurant might be quicker if you're really hungry. Other than that I'm in no rush." She told him before shrugging.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie nodded at her response, understanding that she understood what made her scary. Her being in a dark guild at one point in her life made quite a lot of sense when it came to explaining why she was so harsh, and he could relate to that last sentence about changing ways. He at one point in his life thought like that, but that whole period was what brought him as close to descent that first time. The ribbon mage wasn't going to try to raise Mizuki's self esteem since the whole topic didn't seem to effect her, but he'd certainly appreciate it if she could take her shadowy hands off from around his body. "I see. So then you're fine with being scary... I understand. If you want my honest opinion, that's the best way to go about it if you don't want to appear weak. Speaking of which... we're both certain I won't try to run away, so would it be too much to ask to retract these arms or however your magic works?"

Mizuki sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about Alfie's request. Sure, he didn't seem like he was ready to run away immediately, but she still had her suspicions. However in the end se decided to let him go, on one condition. "Yes Alfie, I will remove my arms only if you remove these ribbons." She requested, turning her head to look at him. The Dark Mage still liked the ribbons, but she was afraid that he'd use them to prevent her from catching him. "And please, do not give me a new set yet. I am getting rather hot..."

(I'm sorry for the shorter post. I'm exhausted.)
Kazehana said:

She watched him reshape the rod with wonder and mystique, having no clue how he did that. Now, she understood how magic worked, and how many had different powers of their own, but this one was new, and it had nothing to do with an element of some sort. "Well if you're not Stephan, and we don't share the same power, how could you know anything about me?" she asked, basically challenging his claims right then and there. She was no gullible fool, and she wouldn't take this sort of thing lightly. Though the idea of someone else knowing her story while still being empathetic was appealing. Was she pathetic for not being able to stand on her own in this world? Well at least the people of this world are nice when she looks like them. She didn't want to ruin this new friendship that she happened into, so she didn't want to question him too much. But just enough to validate his claim, then she would be done.


"Because stars..." He said trying to be very very cryptic. "Are agents of light in a dark dark world." He added with a mystifying arm movement. "They tell me things in the midst of twilight." He himself was captivated by his fake god persona. He had no idea what he was saying but it was fun playing with someone gullible. Of course he meant twilight in the day of time sense.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.f4f21208c86342180b6326100baeda6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.f4f21208c86342180b6326100baeda6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Streets

Stepping foot back into Magnolia witnessing the beautiful Fairy Tail Fantasia Festival once again brought nostalgia into Noah. He breathes in through his nose smelling the different auromas of food in the air, then exhales having a smile grow upon his face. He remembered that last time he came here.

Flash back

He was 16, and he was in Magnolia in search of a Djinn. Surprisingly when he was there, the Fairy Tail Fantasia Festival was going on as well. Noah walked into a bar, planning to question people about Djinns sitings, but it actually result in him having a beer fight with a giant macho dude and girls cheering for him.
Whooooooo, let's go Noah!! He looked towards the girls and clicked his tongue towards them while winking at them causing them all to faint. He chuckled then looked towards his opponent, getting punched by the macho man, and being knocked out.

Present Time

Noah chuckles at this memory, shaking his head and walks through the streets of Magnolia. He places his hands behind his head as he walks down the central path whistling.



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Livian Azul

Livian just watched as Alice dealt with her bandits, she made quick work of them and was extremely gifted. He knew that he wouldn't ever want to face her, and he didn't even know if she could use magic. Just the thought of her having dangerous magic made Livian's stomach churn, still he remained pleasurable, "You are welcome, it is really nothing though. I am sure you could've beat those guys up even without me."

Livian watched as she bowed down in greeting and out of courtesy, smiling in return, "A pleasure to meet you, Alice Liddell." He watched her in curiosity as she asked him what his magic was, by this time the flower he had placed on the ground returned back to its normal size. Turning around, his back towards her he grabbed it and pinned it back to his coat before returning to face Alice, "It's called Morning Glory."


Well that was vague. How could he use something that didn't exist in her realm to spy on her kind? Answer: he probably couldn't. Was he another one of those annoying people that just wanted to brag about how 'cool' or 'powerful' they are? Those were becoming common in her investigations, and it was starting to get a little annoying. "That's very bold to say considering you know nothing of the realm. You would know that there are, in fact, no stars there, so your claim must be false," she said with a slight frown. She stood up and stretched, grabbing her arm as she raised it high and inhaled deeply. Touching the light skin was still a little weird, as it was too soft for her tastes. But now was not the time to think about how weird this world was. This man was obviously trying to exploit her for information, or quite possibly something else she was unsure of. "Anyways, I should... get going. It was... nice to meet you," she said, trying to think of the correct words to place in this situation. She didn't want to be rude, but she wasn't going to just sit here and take this from him. She awkwardly looked around, then back to him. "Uh, yeah," she said, turning around and beginning to walk. She had no idea where she was headed towards, but she knew she couldn't really stay here lest he kept pushing her.

(Stopping her actions there in case you wanted to interject. If not I'll keep going.)


The blond girl may have looked like she was being crushed but she was quite happily snuggling into the tower of a man she had come to love. His whole body seemed to send ripples of happiness through her.

That was until she heard his brother at the doorway and almost kicked and flipped Chris completely off her, her embarrassment so strong you never know what adrenaline was capable of. Like that Chris left to talk to Damion...

Kelica laid there, back to the sheets, tapping her feet on the bed while her head fell off the edge, long hair dangling to pool at the floorboards. Peering upside down at the closed doorway across the hall. After some time, hours it felt to her, the door opened and Chris stepped out.

The fingers through her hair made a happy little whine escape her lips. And he told her it was fine for them to stay as long as needed. Here she kicked her legs in excitement. "Oh wow! That would be great...which reminds me, do you have those spare clothes I could borrow? It's been a long day in this old dress...."

@Isune @PeteTSs
Talon grinned. "I can cook... nothing fancy, but I can cook." He had had to cook for himself back when he lived with the pheonix that raised him. So he was capable but you couldnt expect him to cook a 6 course meal or anything. "Restaurant it is then, you know any good ones around here?¿?¿" He asked. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Talon grinned. "I can cook... nothing fancy, but I can cook." He had had to cook for himself back when he lived with the pheonix that raised him. So he was capable but you couldnt expect him to cook a 6 course meal or anything. "Restaurant it is then, you know any good ones around here?¿?¿" He asked. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra nodded, "
Oh? Well, guess you'll just have to show me sometime later then. I'm curious to see now." She replied. She shrugged when he asked about the restaurant. She'd been in Magnolia all of one day. She was too focused on stand food to check out any of the restaurants, so for once she felt completely useless on the topic of food, which for someone that ate so much was kind of embarrassing. "Umm...no. I have no clue about any of them, to be honest." She told him. "Guess we just gotta look around a bit and see if we see any that sound good?" She asked him. As good a plan as any, she guessed. Plus she'd know for the next time she was in Magnolia too, which was also a plus. Maybe by the time the festival was over she could convince Talon to join Lamia Scale...that'd be good too.
Talon agreed with her and they wandered the streets till they found a nicer restaurant. "How about here?¿?¿ It looks as good as any." It was a medium sized restaurant that claimed to serve the best steak in Magnolia. Talon would be the judge of that. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Talon agreed with her and they wandered the streets till they found a nicer restaurant. "How about here?¿?¿ It looks as good as any." It was a medium sized restaurant that claimed to serve the best steak in Magnolia. Talon would be the judge of that. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets > Restaurant

After walking around a bit they found themselves a restaurant to eat at. It looked nice from the outside, plus it served steak. Steak was good. Almost immediately she nodded in agreement, "Sounds good to me! Let's go in." She replied excitedly. With that she walked up to the restaurant and held the door open for him, ushering him inside.

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