Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lysander - Infirmary

When Lysander came to, obviously some time had passed. It felt so good being able to nap like that. The day of the tournament, he had not gotten a good's night sleep, probably because he had been worrying about Sora, and it had probably affected his performance at the tournament. He was content to just lie still for the moment, especially since there was a warm body nestled against him. He felt so comfortable at that point in time, just lying there with Sora snuggled against him. It felt like all was right with the world, and even the thoughts of the tournament did not sting as much.

Finally though, he roused himself, slowly opening his eyes to look around, in an effort to gauge how much time had passed. He did not move though, other than to blink his eyes open, because he could still feel Sora snuggled against him and if she was still sleeping, he did not want to disturb her. Very carefully, he turned to guage how Sora was doing. She had collapsed earlier and he was still quite worried about her. But as it turned out, she had awakened first; her eyes were open, and she seemed quite comfortable. He glanced down at her frame, and was quite relieved to see that she had not taken a turn for the worse. In fact, there had even been an improvement on her condition, much to his great relief. Still though, he would much rather her confirm with her own words that she was feeling better before he allowed himself to be reassured.

"Hey," he managed to whisper, gentle so as not to disturb the current peace surrounding them. "Are you feeling better?"

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Kazehana said:

She might have felt unnerved by his gaze had it been a foreign concept, but she simply accepted that it was a thing. It was perhaps easy for her to cope with since twilight monsters generally had different qualities, the most basic of which were the eyes. Her plight that she wasn't a criminal appeared to have not gone over too well, something that disappointed her, but too much. After all, every discovery about how this society functioned was good information.

She reached out for the first card he pulled out until she looked at it, eyes widening. She had no idea what tarot cards were, so she just took it as a vague threat from the man. She had just recently learned what death was, and she wasn't too fond of the idea. The second card was much better, but not in the sense of clarity. Puzzled, she looked up at him with nothing short of confusion and intrigue. "What's this supposed to mean?" she asked in her bewildered state. "Who are you anyway?" she asked, noting that the card gave no name. The card itself was vague in general, which is what prompted all her questions. He had to get that a lot, right?

Raa - Time for a prank.

'Oh my stars this girl is actually clueless!' Raa thought with a hidden grin. 'Maybe...nah...no I will.' He thought even more as pulled the card back. "I am Anonymous. And I know everything, we've been watching you from above child." He said as his voice distorted, making it sound slightly ethereal. "The card means nothing.It's just a way to start a conversation." He added. He paused for a good while before chuckling. "Hahaha that was funny."
Chris Lengheart (enjoying a free massage)

Chris only let out a sigh of relief as Kelica began to massage his arms. It felt good, relaxing even. Chris was about to seal it all with a kiss when a sudden voice came from behind them, "Try not to make out in front of the cattle please. The door's fixed so you two can come on in now." Chris blushed a little as he looked over to Kelica, "Come on, you haven't seen the house yet."

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

AlfieWell, Mizuki had only confirmed his suspicions of the fact that he'd be sleeping in the same bed with her, but he was surprised to learn Alicia wouldn't also be sleeping with them. Glad, but surprised. He would only let out a light chuckle as he began, "I've already guessed that. I think Alicia might like resting on a legitimate bed with Ophelia better than on one on a floor. Speaking of which, will we be going to watch her fight soon?" Alfie hoped the dark mage hadn't already forgotten about the tournament seeing as how he nearly did during the tour of the apartment.


Mizuki nodded as Alfie asked if they were going to go and watch Alicia fight. She hadn't forgotten the tournament as she was giving a tour of the apartment. "Yes... We will be leaving right now. Come..." She instructed, picking up Alfie bridal style and carrying him towards the door. "Ophelia, Niur, we are leaving. If you leave close the door or you'll never be let back in..." She warned before exiting the apartment with Alfie in her arms.

The walk to the tournament was very quiet, Mizuki not really speaking. She didn't have much to say and wanted to save her breath for later in the night. However when she arrived at the arena se finally spoke.
"I'm going to put you down now. Do not run away." She said as she placed the ribbon Mage on his feet, watching his every movement with intense eyes.

Kelica smiled as she massaged into his arms, slipping her fingers upwards to work at his wide shoulders. She watched him lean towards her and she closed her eyes as if ready to receive said incoming kiss, when Damion's voice rang out and she instantly tensed up and blushed a beet red.

"Oh...the house, of course...yes, that would be lovely...I am a bit thirsty..." She said genuinely, looping her arm through his own, head leaning against his shoulder.

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Aurelie had no concept of what a deity was, so she spent the majority of that time trying to figure out how he could have been watching her. As far as she knew, nothing could see in or out of the boundary between light and twilight, meaning that he would have have to been inside the twilight himself. This got her thinking quite a bit. Now, that would mean he had to have been a creature of twilight like her, right? So she would already know who this was, ohh stupid light form changing everything.

As she thought about this, she wondered if her voice sounded as different as his apparently did. She never really thought about it, but she probably wouldn't realize any of her comrades unless they explicitly told her. "Stephan?" she asked, very much unsure of herself. Not many of the twili were able to fly, but Stephan was the one that would make such a dumb joke. And it was a dumb joke. She rested her head on her hand, still trying to comprehend what he was talking about. "How did you get out? And why didn't you tell me?" she asked, perplexed as to what was happening at the moment.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki nodded as Alfie asked if they were going to go and watch Alicia fight. She hadn't forgotten the tournament as she was giving a tour of the apartment. "Yes... We will be leaving right now. Come..." She instructed, picking up Alfie bridal style and carrying him towards the door. "Ophelia, Niur, we are leaving. If you leave close the door or you'll never be let back in..." She warned before exiting the apartment with Alfie in her arms.
The walk to the tournament was very quiet, Mizuki not really speaking. She didn't have much to say and wanted to save her breath for later in the night. However when she arrived at the arena she finally spoke.
"I'm going to put you down now. Do not run away." She said as she placed the ribbon Mage on his feet, watching his every movement with intense eyes.
(bbcodes are just no)

Alfie chuckled at how scared Mizuki seemed of his running away. Of course, with how she was acting throughout the day, any normal person would sprint in the opposite direction the first chance they got, but was he a normal person? The ribbon mage sat on the bleachers in a ladylike manner, patting the metal beside him and smiling warmly up at his new friend. "What makes you think I would have any need to run away?" he asked, and while he already knew the answer, Mizuki herself might have a hard time explaining, which would be an opening for Alfie to help her to boost her self esteem, and if he could do that, there'd be a new source of positive energy even if it wasn't much.


Ophelia stared at the closed door blankly, taking into consideration Mizuki's threat before looking back at Niur. It seemed like her own theory of the two having some sort of relationship had been confirmed, so what now? The girl didn't exactly feel like getting up to do anything, but she also felt obliged to at least appear at the tournament for Alicia. Niur might know what to do though, right? "So, we leavin' to see Alicia fight? Or are we staying here, where we don't have to get up? For an apartment, this couch sure is comfy compared to bleachers..."

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord](bbcodes are just no)
Alfie chuckled at how scared Mizuki seemed of his running away. Of course, with how she was acting throughout the day, any normal person would sprint in the opposite direction the first chance they got, but was he a normal person? The ribbon mage sat on the bleachers in a ladylike manner, patting the metal beside him and smiling warmly up at his new friend. "What makes you think I would have any need to run away?" he asked, and while he already knew the answer, Mizuki herself might have a hard time explaining, which would be an opening for Alfie to help her to boost her self esteem, and if he could do that, there'd be a new source of positive energy even if it wasn't much.


Ophelia stared at the closed door blankly, taking into consideration Mizuki's threat before looking back at Niur. It seemed like her own theory of the two having some sort of relationship had been confirmed, so what now? The girl didn't exactly feel like getting up to do anything, but she also felt obliged to at least appear at the tournament for Alicia. Niur might know what to do though, right? "So, we leavin' to see Alicia fight? Or are we staying here, where we don't have to get up? For an apartment, this couch sure is comfy compared to bleachers..."


Mizuki stared down at the metal bench that Alfie was patting, beckoning for her to sit down beside him. The dark Mage wasn't exactly a sit down kind of person, she believed that it made her seem weak and would render her useless if a situation arises. However she decided that today she could make an exception. She took a seat beside the ribbon Mage, her shadowy arms wrapping around her body. Alfie's words about why she thought he'd run away made her think for a few moments. "Because I'm a scary person, and most people think that. I'm afraid that you'll just run away like most others." She explained, staring down at the arena. She wasn't trying to avoid eye contact or anything, but was rather anxious for Alicia to appear.
Talon turned to Ferra. "What now?¿?¿" He asked her. Everyone was dispersing and all this excitement had made him hungry for a snack... or a meal. "You hungry, cuz I am." He said, rubbing his stomach. @Mitchs98
Valentina Gloria

Bread 'n' Butter

Valentina lifted the dark blue apron off of her shoulders, and hung it on the walled hook. A white powder coated the apron's surface. She glaced through the push-door's window; the bakery was completely empty, pale moonlight filled the room and danced over the recently cleaned tables.

The dark toned woman took a step back, and eyed the apron. She shifted her feet so that they were side-by-side, and raised her right arm; her palm was held out so that it faced the grey ceiling. With a wild look in her eyes, she quickly shot her arm up and down. The apron shot off of its hook and hit the ceiling with a 'whip' sound, before quickly swooping into the black-and-white patterned floor.

The strange, white substance puffed into the air. Valentina giggled at the sight, but the sound of amusement quickly turned into one of filled lungs. She coughed harshly as she inhaled the flour that had been forced into the air.

'Look what you've done, you've made a mess!' A voice echoed in her mind.

Valentina was at the point of wheezing, for several reasons. "Snoooow...!" She managed to whisper hoarsely. The oddly patched female had joyful (or insane) tears at the corners of her eyes. The young woman shook her head in disbelief. Disbelief of what? The mess, or herself?

The delusional female shuffled her way to the counter before hopping over it, she stuffed her left hand into her back pocket, while she headed towards the glass door at the front of the bakery. Her footsteps seemed to reverberate off of the picture-coated walls; the walls had only the best of the best photographs on them.

From the back pocket of her jeans, came a small, iron key which a small symbol was embellished on- A simple loaf of bread, with, you've guessed it, butter on top. Valentina moved to the double-door and pushing it open, she turned the sign that hung that to 'Closed~'. Goosebumps rose on her unevenly colored skin as the cool, night air blew gently over her form. She stepped outside and locked the doors to the bakery. She tilted her head upwards to the sign on the front of the building, 'Bread 'n' Butter'.

The lady of insanity herself set out into town, a topic of conversation spoken by the few customers she had, popped into her unstable mind. There was supposed to be this grand tournament of sorts, as in; people would get the sh!t beaten out themselves, and the winner would continue till they loose their sh!t, or eventually win. Now this sounded like a great way to spend the oncoming night.

@Metaphysics @Kazehana

Is it alright if I interact with your characters?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.3516521344c0acf68bff8743aea4c217.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.3516521344c0acf68bff8743aea4c217.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[h] Alice Liddell [/h]

What manners!

Alice watched as the man, who's name was Livian, bowed down. The man had manners, she'll give that. " Charmed." She said under her breath, her gaze followed suit with head. Livan questioned what they would do now, maybe today was the day she would use her magic. Not likely, hand to hand combat was a forte for her. " You take four, I'll take the rest."

She shifted her weight, leting her body move quickly forwards. Her first instinct was to pick up the fallen sword from the forest ground. She swong it up, striking an on coming bandit. The two swords closed against each other, Alice kicked at the mans nether regions again. She wasn't one to not use any tactics no matter how dirty they were. The man fell to the ground, another one bit the dust. She drew the sword back, the blade met another sword. She parryed the attack back at them.

@Jacob Berry

Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared down at the metal bench that Alfie was patting, beckoning for her to sit down beside him. The dark Mage wasn't exactly a sit down kind of person, she believed that it made her seem weak and would render her useless if a situation arises. However she decided that today she could make an exception. She took a seat beside the ribbon Mage, her shadowy arms wrapping around her body. Alfie's words about why she thought he'd run away made her think for a few moments. "Because I'm a scary person, and most people think that. I'm afraid that you'll just run away like most others." She explained, staring down at the arena. She wasn't trying to avoid eye contact or anything, but was rather anxious for Alicia to appear.
Alfie brought his hand up to his chin to make it look like he was thinking. Anything to convince Mizuki he hadn't already known these sorts of things, right? He spotted Alicia out of the corner of his eye but didn't say anything, instead focused on speaking to the lady next to him. "Have you ever thought about why you're scary?" That might not have been a very good question, seeing as how she probably acted the way she did to protect her original friend, but he really couldn't think of anything else to say. He'd certainly been acting up around Mizuki lately... but it was better than not having anyone to act up in front of at all.
Talon said:
Talon turned to Ferra. "What now?¿?¿" He asked her. Everyone was dispersing and all this excitement had made him hungry for a snack... or a meal. "You hungry, cuz I am." He said, rubbing his stomach. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Forest

Ferra shrugged. "
Dunno." She replied. She had several ideas, all of which were completely random. One or two of them slightly stupid. When he asked if she was hungry she shrugged again, "I can eat. If that's what you wanna do." She told him. "Or we could go for a nice walk here in the forest. Or something." She added quickly after. Between everything they'd barely technically had anytime alone, so, she was kind of hoping they could. Then again, they could also go out. That worked too.
Kimberly lock

Food B***

Kim noticed her friend touch her stomach, a sigh that she was hungry to some. but not Kim, she knew that this was because of the flux spear she used during their fight. Food sounded nice right now, they could sit down and talk all they wanted. " Scrap that lets go eat first. There's this quant sushi place on the corner. Let's eat there." With out word Kim increased her speed, dragging poor Eias with her. She rounded a corner and stopped at a small shop that had silk curtains over the open entrance. She pulled Eias once again, she took her into restaurant. " Table for two please." She called out to the waiter.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie brought his hand up to his chin to make it look like he was thinking. Anything to convince Mizuki he hadn't already known these sorts of things, right? He spotted Alicia out of the corner of his eye but didn't say anything, instead focused on speaking to the lady next to him. "Have you ever thought about why you're scary?" That might not have been a very good question, seeing as how she probably acted the way she did to protect her original friend, but he really couldn't think of anything else to say. He'd certainly been acting up around Mizuki lately... but it was better than not having anyone to act up in front of at all.

Mizuki pretty much knew why people thought that she was scary, or at least she had a few ideas. Some people knew of her past in a dark guild and didn't trust her at all, afraid that she might kill them in their sleeps. She also believed people were afraid of the way that she lashed out. Alfie saw this first hand when she attacked him for attempting to hurt Alicia, something that was unforgivable in her mind. Yet somehow she forgave him. "People think I'm scary for numerous reasons. I used to be in a dark guild, and because of that I'm not a very friendly person. But it's not my fault that I'm scary. It's all that I've learned. Plus I'd rather not change my ways, it will make me seem weak." She explained, glancing at Alfie from the corner of her eye. The Dark Mage was actually glad that he hasn't ran away, and she was slowly starting to believe that he wouldn't. If he kept being a good boy then her arms would go away.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki pretty much knew why people thought that she was scary, or at least she had a few ideas. Some people knew of her past in a dark guild and didn't trust her at all, afraid that she might kill them in their sleeps. She also believed people were afraid of the way that she lashed out. Alfie saw this first hand when she attacked him for attempting to hurt Alicia, something that was unforgivable in her mind. Yet somehow she forgave him. "People think I'm scary for numerous reasons. I used to be in a dark guild, and because of that I'm not a very friendly person. But it's not my fault that I'm scary. It's all that I've learned. Plus I'd rather not change my ways, it will make me seem weak." She explained, glancing at Alfie from the corner of her eye. The Dark Mage was actually glad that he hasn't ran away, and she was slowly starting to believe that he wouldn't. If he kept being a good boy then her arms would go away.
Alfie nodded at her response, understanding that she understood what made her scary. Her being in a dark guild at one point in her life made quite a lot of sense when it came to explaining why she was so harsh, and he could relate to that last sentence about changing ways. He at one point in his life thought like that, but that whole period was what brought him as close to descent that first time. The ribbon mage wasn't going to try to raise Mizuki's self esteem since the whole topic didn't seem to effect her, but he'd certainly appreciate it if she could take her shadowy hands off from around his body. "I see. So then you're fine with being scary... I understand. If you want my honest opinion, that's the best way to go about it if you don't want to appear weak. Speaking of which... we're both certain I won't try to run away, so would it be too much to ask to retract these arms or however your magic works?"

Livian Azul

Livian looked at Alice as she told him to take four, causing him to make a weird face of shock and confusion, "Eh...? EH? EHHH?" Is all he said before a few of the men can charging at him. They had swords and daggers, he had nothing but his fists, a book and some flowers. He wasn't a fan of using his magic, usually due to it being so destructive, I mean, flowers suiting lasers at your enemy sounds pretty destructive.

Livian dodged the first man's slash at him, barely getting inches away from the tip of the rather dull sword. Letting out a heavy sigh, "Gosh Darn it you fiends. You shouldn't rob random people, never know what they can be like." He stomped a foot down, tossing the blue flower that was pinned to his coat onto the ground, "Morning Glory." He pointed at the Bandit with a swift and solid motion. The bandit laughed for a few seconds as nothing happened, soon enough he was pissing his pants as the flower grew larger and larger, engulfing the man in its shadow.

Livian watched as the flower shot magical beams of energy at the three that had charged them, all of them flying into the air as they got blown up by the beam of energy. There was only one bandit left on his side of the eight, a scrawny man, almost like a twig, he was also bald, most of them were which was interesting. The man charged Livian, sword held high above his head. Livian just sighed and punched the man square in the gut and then an elbow to the top of his head, "I swear, you people need to learn your lesson. All clear of here!" He shouted towards Alice before shaking his hand, "Ow Ow Ow..."


Eias Baole- getting the munchies

Without a word, she was brisked off by Kim. She hadn't even gotten a peep out before being dragged the said sushi restaurant. Flung around corners, she and Kim finally halted in front of the door. They walked in and Kim took the initiative to asking for seating. Of course, this way please! The waitress gleefully said while marking off on a sheet and then taking them to a window seating that overlooked the waters that ran though Magnolia. Eias took her seat across from Kim and both were given menus. There was candle light seeping out of the lanterns that illuminated the tables. In the dancing light, Kim's face played with the fire and Eias sunk into her menu as to avert her gaze. U-unagi sounds good.

Chris Lengheart (Home sweet home)

Chris nodded at Kelica ad he walked over to the wooden home. He opened the door and stepped inside. It was nice and cozy while also being surprisingly big. Chris took Kelica's hand and began to lead her up the wooden stairs that creaked and moaned as they made it to the second floor. Chris pointed to the door on the left and said,"This, is where you and I will be staying." before opening up the old looking door. The room was of a slightly larger size, but honestly it was still a nice room. There was a large painting of a barn with two horses grazing right behind the bed with a small lamp on a nightstand nearby the closet. Chris hopped up onto the bed as he reached over and grabbed what looked like a cowboy hat. He slid his fingers across the brim and brought it over his eyes as a small grin formed on him. "Ah, it feels good to be home." he said aloud as he put his arms behind his head and leaded back on his pillow.


The blonde girl's eyes wandered over the house with that same, excited, deliriously happy smile, sighing like she never wanted it to end.To be honest the inside of the house reminded her slightly of her own home, only her home had literally been shaped and grown around a giant oak tree called "The Mother Tree" in the centre of the forest. It's base was literally the centre of the building with the rooms sprouting around it in a circular shape.

It even contained a large fireplace away from the main trunk, where her mother could always always be seen though she knew little how to cook. Being a fire mage she was forever near the flames, tending to them.

Her mind drifted back to the here and now. She idly watched Chris put a cowboy hat on and giggled, following suit to flop onto the bed beside him, on her tummy, her legs kicking back and forth as she rested her chin on the back of her hand. Emerald eyes peering to him.

"The hat suits you..." She said softly with a michevious grin.

Chris Lengheart (Bed, sweet bed)

Chris only tipped his cap as Kelica told him it was suiting for him to wear something like that. Chris then surprising rolled over and looked like he was going to take a nap. He closed his eyes and said, "Fighting red really tires me out. Wake me up if you need me or if dad comes home." And just like that, the cowboy was asleep.


Kelica blinked heavily as she watched Chris roll over to face her, asked to wake him up eventually and like that she noticed the slow and steady rise and fall of his chest indicating he was fast asleep. She made a half pout, men really, totally oblivious. But she couldn't blame him he did go toe to toe with a giant bull...

She smiled then and reached a hand out, letting her fingers grasp his hat and snake it off his head to rest at his chest, before threading her own fingers through his hair, brushing the strands from his forehead all the way to the back of his neck. Soothingly. Peering to his baby face as he slept. She even kissed his cheek gently.

"I love you Chris..." She whispered softly.

Chris Lengheart(Night, night)

Chris was technically awake when Kelica began to run her fingers through his hair. Although, he kept his eyes closed. Once Kelica said she loved him, Chris suddenly wrapped his massive arms around her and pulled her in close. "Love ya too Kelica." he said as he finally opened his eyes. Chris then finally planted a wonderful kiss onto Kelica's lips, this time uninterrupted by Damion. This was the life.

@Zuka @PeteTSs ((If you want to drop Sabrina in now))
Kimberly Lock

* drooling *

Kim looked over the menu, a small voice was heard . This would of been in heard, but Kim had grown used to how quiet her voice was. " Fresh water eel? Sounds yummy. I'll get some Date Maki." She put her hand up in the air, signaling for the waiter to arrive. Their waiter arrived with a pen and paper ready for their orders. " What would you like to drink? And if your ready tell me your order." Kim smiled at their waiter. " I'll take Date maki, and I'll also have a lemonade." The waiter wrote every thing she has said down, they awaited what Eias would ask for.


"Miss! We've arrived!" Sabrina opened on eye and let out a low moan as the taxi driver nudged her awake. It was already dark out, but she was restless. After paying the driver, she gazed at the farm in awe, eyes sparkling in excitement as she walked up to the front door. She knocked the door three times and waited, a small smile on her face and eyes still glittering as she played around with her bag and tapped her feet around nervously.

@Zuka @Isune

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