Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart (Damion too)

Chris had completely forgotten about getting Kelica some clothes. He got up off the bed with a huff, obviously feeling lazy as he opened the closet. He yanked out a shirt that looked a bit small on the tower of a man that was Chris. It had a simple pattern of black and grey stripes on an otherwise white shirt. He tossed it over to Kelica followed by a pair of jeans. That would take care of the clothing predicament for tomorrow at least.

Damion nodded as Sabrina said she'd just use the couch. "
The name's Damion. Now can I please go back to bed."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
@muh self @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Colt556
Tournament Catch-Up Post

Soon enough after a decently quick fifteen minute match Masaki was declared the winner and Tanari was carried off to the infirmary to recover. Masaki was given approximately an hour and fifteen minutes to recover his own magic. It was currently about 6:30 PM, not a speck of daylight could be seen anymore. The finishing touches had been put on the arena and the contestants were fetched for what had been declared a Free-For-All after a constant dropped out. The match was set to begin in approximately two minutes.

Alicia: Rented Apartment -> FFA Ring

Alicia smiled as Niur introduced herself and when Mizuki seemed to be getting along with her. When Ophelia told her about her new dare she shrugged, released Mizuki, and ran into the kitchen before summarily punching the refridgerator. Obviously she didn't punch it hard enough to injure herself, but it still hurt. Causing her to hiss in pain before walking back into the room. "
The deed is done." She told them seriously before giggling. When Mizuki said Alfie would be staying she only smiled and nodded. "Sure, I don't mind!" She replied cheerfully.

No sooner than she had was there a knock on the door, which she answered only to be face to face, or rather face to stomach, with a tournament official. She looked up at his as he spoke and nodded, seemed it was finally time for the finals. "
Come on guys! Time for the finals! I'll see you there!" She told them excitedly before following the official quickly out of the room. When they reached the arena she immediately spotted Masaki and Lyra. Well, that should be interesting. She smiled and wave at Masaki nonetheless. "Hii Masaki! Congratulations on winning!" She called out as she waved, each of the contestants being assigned a corner of the large triangular arena. "Don't expect me to go easy on ya because we're in the same guild!" She added jokingly immediately after followed by a childish giggle.
Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, FFA Ring.

During the time he had to recover, Masaki made sure to see Grace before going off to prepare by himself. To sit back and relax before the match begins. Sitting on a bench outside of Kardia Cathedral, reading the book that Zephyr had bought him on Lost Magics, the S-Class mage was completely lost in its contents. A childlike chuckle and a boyish grin consuming his face as he read the book rapidly, taking everything in. It was in that moment, that a tournament official approached him from out of no where and escorted him to the very large triangular arena, no doubt there were going to be three mages fighting in this match. But... No way did Masaki expect to see what he saw."Uhm... Hey Alicia.. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting to see you here...". The red headed mage couldn't help by smile happily at Alicia as he then continued, "I'm very impressed. But if you plan to go all out on me, then it'd be rude for me not to do so with you." . Sending a thumbs up and a smile towards the girl, he couldn't help but smile. What a strange yet funny scenario. Masaki then turned to the other combatant present. Lyra of Fairy Tail, the one that beat Mizuki.

"Well... Let's get this underway then, let's have fun!"

With that, Masaki accumulated multiple crystal orbs to float in the air around him, ready to be fired off at any moment. The boys smile didn't leave his face even as he prepared for the battle ahead.

It was most definitely going to get interesting from here...

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Kimberly lock

Dear Mother on a bike!

Kim stayed stunned at how loud the bubble was. Her ear rang for a few seconds before her could clearly hear the waiter shuffle away from them. The other patrons seemed to not of noticed the loud voice. Good, because they would been throw out of the restaurant in seconds. " How loud can you make those bubbles?" She said under her breath.

Kim looked at her dear friend, they had just met yesterday. But it felt like they knew each other for years. It was time that Kim spoke with Eias about her 'magic' in more detail.
" Eias, dear , I need to tell you something important about myself. And my magic for that matter. I trust in you not to reveal this to anyone else out side of magnolia." Kims words seemed heavy, but she didn't seem to let down her friendly attitude.


Eias Baole - bout to get some dark secrets

she looked up at Kim as she asked about her magic. She only had to use her full force once when some bandits were trying to steal from her. Needless to say, they weren't expecting to go deaf. A-about 160 decibels I think. It's pretty loud. I don't like using it like that much. It takes a lot of effort. More so than my other things that's for sure. talking like this is pretty easy though. It's like I just have to say the words rather than scream. She said through her bubble. It was surprising that someone actually wanted to hear about her powers. Normally people just think bubbles are rather bad in combat but Eias was sure if she could keep practicing more, she could come up with some pretty neat abilities!

She stopped at looked at Kim. She must really need to get something off of her chest.
Cross my heart and smash my flute. I wont tell anyone. What ever Eias did, it seemed like Kim liked her enough to get close in such a short time. Eias was rather happy to have connected with someone so fast.

Alice Liddell

To the town full of mages we go!

Alice stared at Livian for a good two seconds, green eyes boring into his. " I wouldn't of been able to take on them all. Much less with out the use of my magic." She looked down at the midnight blue flower he had pinned. Was this the source of his magic? Probably not, it was more likely a catalyst for it. It seemed important nonetheless.

" What an appropriate name for your magic, couldn't of named it better my self. They remind me of shrinking violets, such pretty flowers. I have to repay you for your help, would you like to join me for dinner?"

@Jacob Berry
[h] Kimberly Lock [/h]

Exposion up in this s***

Kim breathed in for a few seconds, then exhaled out. " I am not the only one of my kind. There are four more that have similar abilities as I. When we were born we were looked after our families, like any other child. We were different though, we seemed to have been watched over by a God of sorts." Kim stopped to take in a breath, she only once had told anyone this information to someone. Eias is just the second.

" Five in total, Kiko, Amy, Me, sage, and Ashley, were chosen by mother. Each of us where given this gift by her, we are able to control the left over of magic. With out our existence the world would quickly spiral out of control. People that used magic would die within days of contracting flux sicknes. The world would be covered in flux." She stopped as their drinks arived at their table, her lemonade placed inform of her. The water that Eias order was also placed in front of her. Kim waited till the waiter walked away before continuing.

" See taint and raw magic are on an every tilting scale." Kim raised both her hands, both at level with each other. " As I've said before, taint or flux , are the left over of magic. For every 100% of magic used there is about 10% of flux created. so let's say a Mage uses a basic fire attack, 10% of that turns into taint. But at the rate that magic was growing that 10% accumulated causing taint sickness." Her left hand rose about two inches. Showing how the balance changed as magic was used. " Now let say that me and my taint siblings absorbed 75% of the taint in the world. Magic would start to cause aliments and random burst of magic would cause the normal population to die." Kim lowered her left hand and rose her right, showing how the balance changed.

Eias Baole - Getting schooled in the flux

As Kim took a moment to collect her thoughts, it told Eias that this was some sensitive issue. She knew flux was pretty powerful from the fact that her bubbles were all but sucked into nothingness by her. Her magic was practically useless if she were hit by any flux. As Kim talked about it, it seemed very hard on her. The weight of responsibility was something Eias never knew but understood the reasoning behind. To hear there were others peaked her interest more. Was it good she had others to help or was it worse off for them? The scale analogy made a little sense. She imagined that if the flux was left unchecked, magic would keep getting used. From her experience with Kim, it seemed it ate up magic and in turn, the life force of most people. She took the drink in her hands and drank through the straw.

If there are others, shouldn't this not be a problem? For that matter, what about Mother? I saw her with you at the stands but shouldn't she have some mighty powers to keep this in line? It only seems natural that the one who bestowed power upon you would be able to take care of it them self. She said, blowing bubbles in her water. It made of more bubbly sounding words since there were many popping at once rather than just one. Thank you though for taking on this responsibility. Is there any way I can help?


Livian Azul

"Ah, don't say such things. You could've most definitely taken them all on, with some cool fighting moves." Livian said softly, it was his normal voice, always soft and quiet. Perking up an eyebrow slightly at Alice, "You're a mage too? Interesting..." He rubbed his chin a bit, looking down at his blue boots.

"Why thank you. I found that is was a fitting name, my friend suggested Rainbow Attack once, I swear..." He began to quietly ramble to himself before shaking his head and offering a bright smile, "Violets are a bit more... potent when I use them... Oh I shouldn't be giving out top secret information." Offering a bow once more, "I would be delighted to get some dinner with you, Miss Alice. Thank you for offering, but you don't need too, I don't mind helping you for nothing in return."

Kimberly Lock

Schooling in the flux

Kim let Eias ask her questions, it was expected for her to be a bit doubtful. " The others are in different parts of the world, far apart from each other. Flux lingers in one continent forever, It doesn't move unless you forceful move it." Her friend mentioned mother, Kim wondered how would she react to her telling Eias about this. Nows not the time , She had questions to answer.

" Yes it's true that mother gave us our gift, but the body she used to travel to this realm can't control taint here. So she gave us the ability to do so, we act as a balancer. Absorbing all the taint in the area. If we are incapable of taking in flux the area would slowly taint unless."
Kim took another breath in. " You've done so much already, you can't help with the taint. I'm so happy that you listened to me ramble on about this entire thing."

Talon walked in and a waiter led them to a table."I guessing you're gonna want steak?¿?¿" He asked er after the waiter left them. He was definitely hungry and the smell of the food around them didnt help one bit. @Mitchs98

Eias Baole - dat flux doe

She was both saddened and amazed by the thought of there being a flux user on every continent. To think they would have limited interaction with each other must be hard on all of them. Maybe they didn't know each other at all. Either way, at least the flux balancing was spread out between them. No no. I wanted to know more. It is such an interesting topic that I imagine most don't know about. For someone as weak as me to learn about it might actually help me learn more! Feel free to deny me the knowledge, how does Mother decide her kin? It seems rather important and she wouldn't want someone to get corrupted or something. She thought for a moment. Flux did sound very scary to have to control. Maybe directing it for a good cause helps? Is this responsibility why you joined a guild? Sounds useful to have some strong members help you out where they can. I know I could use some.

[h] Alice Liddell [/h]


Alice gave Livain a smile. " I do t like using my magic on non mages, but I do use it when faced with another Mage. As for my magic it's a form of requip called Insanity Requip." The sheer mention of the name caused some birds to caw and fly away, for what ever reason. " It seems that we both have been brought up in manner intensive house holds. But nether the less, I would be honored to dine with you Livian."

@Jacob Berry

Lyra Maelstre

Lyra had remained in the infirmary, healing up and interrogating the man before her until a couple of tournament officials had made their way in. It was pretty clear what they wanted and before they had a chance to speak up, Lyra was already slipping out of the bed and following behind them quite closely. A tip of her magic hat was given as she left the room in Hibiki's direction, her own sly smile curving at her lips as he disappeared out of sight and her focus became targeted on the arena she was now entering. Using her own magic once again like this would probably have an even worse negative repercussion but at this point the woman felt like she'd already lost everything. What else could she possibly give up since a majority of her cherished memories had been eaten away? Her thoughts seemed to be elsewhere as Masaki and Alicia spoke to one another, her own weightless frame coming to a sitting position upon the ground in a careless manner. The fun comment made her look up though, pastel purple hues fixating on the red head for a few moments before she smiled rather innocently. " Indeed. " She muttered in a tone that was almost inaudible, eyes curiously flickering from one floating orb to the other. A brow slowly found its way curved in a questionable manner but a mischievous glaze flashed over her eyes. It would seem she wasn't going to be the first one to move or even lift a finger, her lazy posture making that quite adamant. Lyra tilted her head then, hair shifting to wrap about her features as the strands dragged themselves through the dirt with the slight movement, before she spoke once more though it was more so directed at nobody in particular. " The show should be starting any minute now... "

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari

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Livian Azul

"I see, I see. I only use my magic when I am in danger and it is called for. Not much of a fighter when it comes to fists and I can't use a sword all that well..." Livian replied, not ashamed in the slightest though, he perked up at the name of Alice's requip, "Just by that name it sounds very dangerous. Make sure I don't make you mad. Heh." Livian chuckled awkwardly for a moment, watching the birds before smiling and putting his hands behind his back, "I would be be honored to with you as well, Miss Alice. Any place in particular you wish to dine at?"

@purplepanda288 (I am such a pleb to FairyTail ;- ;)
Talon said:
Talon walked in and a waiter led them to a table."I guessing you're gonna want steak?¿?¿" He asked er after the waiter left them. He was definitely hungry and the smell of the food around them didnt help one bit. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Restaurant

The inside of the restaurant was just as good as the outside and decently quiet, definetely not fast food or some random place. It was nice, she was glad they were able to find it. A perfect place to eat before they relaxed and looked up at the stars. She grinned and nodded when he asked if she was getting steak. "
Yep! You bet I am. I'm curious to see if their steak is as good as they claim it is." She replied. "What about you, steak too?" She asked him. At this point she didn't really even need the menu. Steak, fries, and a soft drink would be her order. Plain and simple. Steak restaurant should have good steak, right? Right.
Talon nodded. "Yup. Ill do steak, mash potatoes and either rootbeer, creamsoda, or mountain dew." The waiter walked up and took ther orders. Talon decided on creamsoda. "Did you enter the tournament?¿?¿" He asked as they waited for their food. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Talon nodded. "Yup. Ill do steak, mash potatoes and either rootbeer, creamsoda, or mountain dew." The waiter walked up and took ther orders. Talon decided on creamsoda. "Did you enter the tournament?¿?¿" He asked as they waited for their food. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Restaurant

Ferra frowned slightly and shook her head when he mentioned the tournament. "
Nah. I didn't bother. I can't do any magic without any materials to eat, and it'd cost too much to buy them to enter." She replied before shrugging. "Not that I mind, I woulda never won anyway. My magic isn't exactly strong enough to go up against most of what was competing anyways." She told him. "Plus I wouldn't of met you if I did, sooo, even better than I didn't." She added before smiling warmly and softly giggling. "Too bad you didn't make it sooner, you could of entered. I bet you'd of stood a good chance at winning. Your magic is awesome." She told him.
"Oh ya... unless you had a diamond lying around." He replied and grinned at her next comment. "Ya I probably could of had a pretty good chance." When she said that at least they met he laughed. "Good point my dear girl!¡!¡" He said in a fake (britsh) accent. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
"Oh ya... unless you had a diamond lying around." He replied and grinned at her next comment. "Ya I probably could of had a pretty good chance." When she said that at least they met he laughed. "Good point my dear girl!¡!¡" He said in a fake (britsh) accent. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Restaurant

The thing with actually having a diamond would be the diamond wouldn't be lying around, she would of probably ate it to see what diamond tasted like. But..that was just a random thought, not the topic at hand. Focus Ferra! She nodded when he agreed, "
Of course you would! You could've tottally beat that Chris guy up if you wanted too to. It was a good thing you didn't though." She told him. She smiled and laughed briefly at his horribly obviously fake accent. "Right? Though, the real hero of today would definetely be the owner of the corndog stand. Woulda never gotten the drugged food and met you without him." She added jokingly.

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

Sora stifled a gentle yawn that dared to push past her lips, eyes drawing to a momentary close from the added effort it took. As Clair spoke up to give her own opinion however, Sora's cheeks came to a stubborn puff outwards, lips scrunching to the side in their usual rebellious manner. However much Sora hated it though, Clair was completely right. It would go against everything in her nature not to try to help someone if they needed it so it was probably best to avoid the fights even if she'd resigned from medic duty for the rest of the day. " You're right, Clair... perhaps I'll just stroll around the vendors with Lysander instead when he feels up to it. " She mumbled in a defeated tone, though she made sure to keep her voice rather quiet as to not wake the sleeping man beside her. It wasn't long before he stirred which immediately caught her attention, eyes quickly darting to meet his own opening ones as a cheerful smile spread across her face in unison. For some reason every time she gazed upon his face it was like a completely new level of happiness rose within her. It was almost like a new breath of fresh crisp air that made it hard to breathe, as if diving into ice cold water and breaking through to the surface.

Both hands left their resting place upon her lap to grasp his shoulders lightly, using the soft pressure to push him slightly back so she could judge for herself whether he had gotten enough rest. Those wide curious eyes kept flickering about until a satisfied noise was given, hands retreating back to her lap with a hint of hesitance. His concern seemed to catch her off guard, head tilting to the side as she braced her hands on the ground beside her, blinking quite suddenly. " I feel like I could conquer the world. " As long as you're by my side.. The last part remained a thought, Sora finding it quite hard to muster up the courage to make it audible. Her legs kicked out for a short stretch and she soon stood, leaning over a bit with a hand outstretched. " It's gotten dark while we were sleeping it'd seem. Would you like to accompany me around the city for a while and look at stuff? The lights are always pretty. Plus, I shouldn't go by the tournament or I might feel too inclined to help. As long as you're feeling up to it of course, you can continue to rest if you need it. " Her free hand pushed a few splayed strands of hair that were obscuring her vision to the side, fingers idling for a few moments as she realized how much time they truly had left in the festival. It only caused a bit of disheartening feelings to rise as she quickly shoved those pessimistic thoughts back and once again chose to focus on the time they did have with one another. Hopefully he'd take her hand, it felt all too comforting and warm, it was truly always a missed occurrence.

A blush quickly rose to stain her pale cheeks as she peered down and realized she was still adorning pajamas. " A-And if we could stop by my house if you do want to walk around, I could really use a change of clothes. " She stammered slightly, shuffling uncomfortably about with her hand still hovering before him. Clair had been so nice to bring her pajamas and she felt slightly guilty that now she wanted to change out of them but remaining idle in the infirmary while time was of the essence didn't sit well with her. Plus, they all didn't deserve to be cooped up in the smelly hospital room whilst there were festivities going on about all over Magnolia! " I hope you don't mind that I used your poncho as a blanket for you. " Sora chimmed in whilst she fidgeted a bit and pointed at the poncho that had slipped down onto his lap. @HuorSpinks

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Valentina strolled down the street, her eyes were lost in the endless, diamond-filled sky up above. The night was beautiful, everything was so peaceful, it felt like heaven. And heaven was Ms. Gloria's style.

The ebony woman was disturbed by the lack of noise in the streets, "Hello darkness my old friend..." The words echoed through the empty place, before bouncing back to her; and yet each repeated word seemed to fall upon deaf ears. Her mind had already fixated on the voices that whispered to her, and was not alert enough to be mesmerized by the surrounding world.

'How are you today?' Inquired, the patched woman.

'How is your friend?' Her mind replied simply.

'Friend? ...How are you, friend?'

'Where are you going?'

'To some magical showdown, and the hoe-frowns... Or was it hodown?'


'Nice chat.'


Her chats had never made much sense, but at least the surrounding silence hadn't quieted her spirit.

Footsteps fell quickly onto stone-paved streets, each footfall making a sound that died away behind her body in motion. Her breaths came out in short puffs, she didn't have the best endurance; being a baker wasn't much of a traveling job- unless there were deliveries. But she has no one to run her shop while she's away, so there wasn't any travel at all. Sweat trickled down the left side of her face, and her chest burned from her attempt of making it to her desired destination. At least her attempt was successful.

"Cool beans." Valentina walked up to the crowded mass at the entrance. She could feel the heat radiating off of all the bodies, it didn't do much to ease her external heat. All those people had annoyed expression etched into their faces, but the source of their foul moods wasn't clear. The dark woman waltzed over and tried to put her elbow on the person closest to her, but the other was taller than her, so it looked quite odd. The person scoffed and looked offended that she had touched them, they shouldn't be offended by that. They should be offended Valentina couldn't assign them to gender.

"Hello, shortstack. Tell me what's up, over there." Valentina nodded her head at the large group of people at the entrance; now that she was a bit closer she could hear arguing, but still unsure of exactly what was the matter.

The person rolled their eyes, and shoved themselves off of the odd woman. They pushed their way into the mass of people. The mentally-unstable being, known as Valentina, suddenly had an idea that would surely help her see the problem, or at least get around it, she didn't need some stupidly tall stranger for some answers- Or maybe she did, but for a different reason. The woman was still worn out from the travel from her bakery to here, but she figured it'd be worth it. She put her hand on the closest person's shoulder, it was a woman who looked quite startled from the sudden contact. "Chill, brotato, I'm just gonna-" Valentina cut herself off, and quickly used the woman's shoulder as a ledge to pull herself on top of the crowd. The woman yelped, and fell under the insane lady's weight.

Valentina quickly tried to find balance, but the two men's shoulders she was standing on, we're moving- And aggressively at that. It seemed these people didn't like being stepped on. Huh. Before the men had time to move, she tried jumping off their shoulders. She landed on some innocent bystander in the middle, who went down with a scream, and flailing limbs. The brown-haired woman, made a 'meep-meep' sound as the bystander hit the paved ground, flat on their stomach. She hastily made an effort to stand up (on top of the groaning bystander), and repeat the process till she made it in front of the crowd, or soon-to-be mob.

With narrowed brown eyes, Valentine wobbled jumped down from shoulders, and a couple heads. She was wheezing- With laughter, and breathlessness. The sounds everyone made as she either gave them a concussion, or made them wet themselves, were hilarious. She took a few steps forwards. 'I don't think I can move my legs ever again...' The wheezing woman looked over her shoulder. Whatever anger-filled argument that had previously taken place, was now directed at her. Out of the endless, diamond-filled sky, came some inspiration to run. And run very, very fast.

A good handful of the crowd, chased after her as she tried to escape the scene. The small mob roared with anger, and Valentina didn't have any breath to fuel her lungs. One thing led to another, and she had just crashed into a woman who didn't look like she was in the happiest of moods. She was almost eye-to-eye with this woman, she would've done something- anything, to this woman; to shove her out of the way, to tell her to "Move it, or lose it", but the curly-haired woman had no energy left in her body and all her surroundings seem drowned out by a buzzing noise.


I apologize for any errors.
@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari

Alicia: FFA Arena

Alicia smiled and giggled at Masaki, "
You can bet I won't be, you better mean it!" She replied as she undid her fire beads from her hair. She watched as Masaki formed his signature crystal balls in slight awe, if she was jealous of anyones' magic it was definetely his. Mizukis' was awesome, Ophelias' was cool, but Masakis' was just beautiful. It seemed that neither Lyra nor Masaki was making the first move, which meant it was up to her. She had absolutely no chance at all at winning this, but at-least she could have fun while she did. Of course she could give up, but Gilad would probably kick her out. She really didn't want Mizuki and Gilad to fight when that happened. She knew all hell would break loose if she ever did get kicked out of Sabertooth. "Good luck!" She shouted as she tossed her beads into the air and thrust her hand forwards towards Lyra, "Fire Shotgun!" She shouted as she did so, the beads speeding up immensely and catching on fire whilst whizzing towards Lyra.

One would assume she would attack Masaki first, but she didn't. She was curious to see Lyras' magic as she hadn't stayed to watch her fight Mizuki fully. Little did she know it was probably a bad idea to of did what she did.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about Alfie's request. Sure, he didn't seem like he was ready to run away immediately, but she still had her suspicions. However in the end se decided to let him go, on one condition. "Yes Alfie, I will remove my arms only if you remove these ribbons." She requested, turning her head to look at him. The Dark Mage still liked the ribbons, but she was afraid that he'd use them to prevent her from catching him. "And please, do not give me a new set yet. I am getting rather hot..."
(I'm sorry for the shorter post. I'm exhausted.)
Alfie sighed and rolled his eyes before blinking a sparkle at the violet ribbons wrapping around Mizuki's body, resulting in the suit wilting and floating upward into nothing. He didn't mind not giving her a new set, obviously, but he had to admit that delicately pulling every photon into a complicated string and binding that string into an even more complicated ribbon was fun, especially when he had to do it by the billions. But now he saw a familiar blast of fire out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to see what it was--and grinned to see Alicia cast the same spell Alife amplified to defeat himself with. She'd have had absolutely no trouble dominating the arena if she still carried that burden of negative energy with her, but where would the fun be in that? "Mizuki, look. Alicia took the first attack! Not very smart, in my opinion, but there wouldn't be a fight otherwise. Wouldn't you agree?"
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Unknown Falling:

Location: FFA Arena Stands

Unknown was left standing alone at the cave entrance as Ferra and Talon seemingly forgot about him and went off with food in mind. First they don't introduce themselves and now they can't at least say goodbye he thought to himself. This is the second time he's been ditched since he got here. Letting out a sigh he walked off on his own. He decided to check out the tournament, it must be nearing its conclusion by now. As he arrived at the stands he found it to be the case, a free for all no less to decide the victor. Taking a look at the competitors remaining he recognized two of them.

Lyra the girl who couldn't hold her drink very well and was hanging off of him at some point to prove something he wouldn't be able to tell. He didn't know much of her abilities other then that virus thing and ability to put others too sleep. Then there was Alicia who was one of the girls that were with that woman that seemed to like being around kids a little too much for his liking. He was hoping she would lose after the whole ditching him along with her attempt at, he assumed either drugging or poisoning him failed. He then took a look at Masaki, he didn't see this guy before so he didn't know what to expect. But things seemed to be heating up, quite literally.

Hibiki Dreyar: FFA Ring Onlooker


Hibiki was sat in the stands as he watched the combatants enter the arena. Having gotten quite annoyed at the tournament officials for letting Lyra still participate after the scene at the milkshake shop. All he wanted was for her to rest and recuperate... Properly, and under his care. The tournament officials had even refused to let him fight in her place. Of course, Hibiki didn't tell Lyra that he had even requested such a thing as she would've most likely got annoyed with it all. Sighing, the Dreyar looked over to Lyra and smiled at her. After sending her a signal that only the two of them knew of. It was a signal that told her not to use her Virus Curse. The risks of her doing so would be too great, and she was already starting to get affected by it. Her memory was... waning. And that upset the male more than anything. Hibiki didn't want Lyra to forget him more than she already has. However, if she did use it, he wouldn't hesitate to enter the ring and take her away from the match himself in order for him to calm her and stop the outbreak that would follow. Even if that would cause a scene with the tournament officials.

Hibiki would break the rules and even put down those officials if they got in his way and tried stopping him from tending to Lyra.

They just didn't understand.

No one did.

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre

Lyra had remained in the infirmary, healing up and interrogating the man before her until a couple of tournament officials had made their way in. It was pretty clear what they wanted and before they had a chance to speak up, Lyra was already slipping out of the bed and following behind them quite closely. A tip of her magic hat was given as she left the room in Hibiki's direction, her own sly smile curving at her lips as he disappeared out of sight and her focus became targeted on the arena she was now entering. Using her own magic once again like this would probably have an even worse negative repercussion but at this point the woman felt like she'd already lost everything. What else could she possibly give up since a majority of her cherished memories had been eaten away? Her thoughts seemed to be elsewhere as Masaki and Alicia spoke to one another, her own weightless frame coming to a sitting position upon the ground in a careless manner. The fun comment made her look up though, pastel purple hues fixating on the red head for a few moments before she smiled rather innocently. " Indeed. " She muttered in a tone that was almost inaudible, eyes curiously flickering from one floating orb to the other. A brow slowly found its way curved in a questionable manner but a mischievous glaze flashed over her eyes. It would seem she wasn't going to be the first one to move or even lift a finger, her lazy posture making that quite adamant. Lyra tilted her head then, hair shifting to wrap about her features as the strands dragged themselves through the dirt with the slight movement, before she spoke once more though it was more so directed at nobody in particular. " The show should be starting any minute now... "

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari

Mitchs98 said:
@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
Alicia: FFA Arena

Alicia smiled and giggled at Masaki, "
You can bet I won't be, you better mean it!" She replied as she undid her fire beads from her hair. She watched as Masaki formed his signature crystal balls in slight awe, if she was jealous of anyones' magic it was definetely his. Mizukis' was awesome, Ophelias' was cool, but Masakis' was just beautiful. It seemed that neither Lyra nor Masaki was making the first move, which meant it was up to her. She had absolutely no chance at all at winning this, but at-least she could have fun while she did. Of course she could give up, but Gilad would probably kick her out. She really didn't want Mizuki and Gilad to fight when that happened. She knew all hell would break loose if she ever did get kicked out of Sabertooth. "Good luck!" She shouted as she tossed her beads into the air and thrust her hand forwards towards Lyra, "Fire Shotgun!" She shouted as she did so, the beads speeding up immensely and catching on fire whilst whizzing towards Lyra.

One would assume she would attack Masaki first, but she didn't. She was curious to see Lyras' magic as she hadn't stayed to watch her fight Mizuki fully. Little did she know it was probably a bad idea to of did what she did.
Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, FFA Ring.

Masaki kept the orbs spinning above him in a large circular like motion as they got into position. The beautiful amethyst crystal orbs shone brightly as they exuded a magical energy. Masaki watched as Alicia made the first move and he couldn't help but crack a smile as she did so, the girls bead magic igniting the match to its starting point. The male stood there in his designated corner as he watched the flaming beads hone in towards Lyra. The S-Class mage wouldn't lay a hand on Alicia, she knew that, and anyone else who knew Masaki knew that. However, Lyra wasn't from Sabertooth. What intrigued Masaki about Lyra was the fact that she managed to defeat Mizuki in mere seconds by unleashing some kind of curse, what was even more interesting was the fact that human mages can't use curse magic, so, that meant that she wasn't entirely human. Masaki couldn't help but grin slightly, he had heard of this Lyra girl. She was apart of Fairy Tails, "Demon Duo." A pair of Satan Soul users. Well... At least this meant that she was no fuck about.

The orbs above Masaki's head glowed brighter as the circle widened, and a large magical glyph formed from within it as Masaki called out, "Crystal Formation: Endless Stream!" And with that an incredibly large stream of crystal shards seemingly erupted from out of it and came crashing down towards Lyra. After that was done, Masaki slammed his hands together as he then sent the crystal orbs to travel overhead and then slam down towards the woman. A combo attack, if you will. This match was definitely going to be the most interesting one yet.

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