Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Honestly, she had no idea how to respond to this woman anymore. Well, it was sort of whatever. She had done her job, after all, so did she need to stick around? The angry mob was gone, there wasn't anyone else hostile around, and it was at least sort of quiet. Aurelie looked around, trying to gauge where she was. Unfortunately, given her limited experience with the tow, she had never seen this particular square before. Must have just gotten lucky with that portal placement. Speaking of, she looked up into the sky to see it still glowing with dark violet streaks, signifying that it was still open. She wouldn't need to use this for a while, right? And she didn't want anyone else using it, so she might as well just get rid of it. She brought up her flat palm and and fluidly closed it into a fist one finger at a time. When she did, that and the other portal closed so no one else could use it.

With that out of the way, she turned her attention back to the woman that appeared to be talking nonsense. It was just her luck that she would have to deal with this, wasn't it? "Well, uhm, that's... nice?" she replied, unsure if that was an appropriate response to such an awkward situation. She looked to the side, seeing one of the alleyways out of the square. "I, uh, suppose I should just... go now," she said, a little perplexed at the happenings of the light world. They seemed to be extra confusing today. With that, she simply walked away, still unsure if that was the right thing to do in such a situation. Well, no matter. It was her plan, and she really didn't feel like fighting a crazy person, especially when she had a clear advantage. She would probably accidentally maim the girl! That wouldn't be good for her minimal reputation within this town. Moving towns seemed like a hassle to her.

Lysander - Infirmary

Lysander allowed himself to relax as he was pushed gently back by Sora. He now understood that she had healing abilities, and he assumed that she was gauging for herself how he was doing, much like how he was concerned about her own well-being. Though of course he had no medical knowledge so he could only go for the most obvious option; asking rather than inspecting. He was quite relieved on hearing her answer, and it showed as a pleased smile drifted across his face, as he nodded. "I'm glad of that," he said quietly, gazing at her, before quickly looking away as a slight blush appeared on his face. He never could stare at people in the eyes for long periods of time.

He was quite enthusiastic at the notion of spending more time with Sora, especially now that it was nearing the end of the second day of the festival, and soon the festival would end and because they lived in different cities, he wondered if it would be a while before he could see her again. The thought of even separating a week from her, much less a month, saddened him significantly, which made him all the more resolved to spend as much time with her as possible during the next two days. He hoped, of course, that they would continue interacting with each other after their parting. it was just... going to be such a long wait until he could probably see her again, even if they parted for a few days. A sad smile tugged at his lips as he answered, "I would love to look around the city with you. I very rarely visit Magnolia, and it would be wonderful being in your company."

He was also starting to realise now that he was going to have his work cut out for him in order to make sure that she did not overexert herself. He admired how self-sacrificial she was, how willing she was to keep people well despite great personal cost, and it made him feel rather small in comparison, especially since he was of the opinion that one should care for others, but care for themselves as well. And if it meant keeping her away from the tournament, all the better. Especially since he was reluctant to watch the final rounds after his own humiliating exit at the first round.

And there was no way he was going to enter her house unless she invited him, and even then, it did not feel right to just go in, especially since they had just met. Especially since he was extremely fond of her, and he was worried that if he was left alone with her, in her house... he just did not want to hurt her, much less take advantage of her in that way. "Sure," he stuttered. "Shall we meet somewhere then? Or I could wait outside your house for you if you want." At the mention of his poncho he glanced down at his lap, then quickly gathered his poncho in his arms. "I don't mind," he added. He was just starting to feel rather naked without it on his shoulders.

"It was nice meeting you," he added quickly to Clair's retreating back, though by then it was probably too late for her to have heard him.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Talon said:
Evan laughed"Agreed!¡!¡" Their food came a few minutes after they ordered. "mmm good steak!¡!¡" He exclaimed after taking a bite. "Hows yours?¿?¿" He asked Ferra.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Restaurant
Ferra glanced up from their conversation momentarily as some guy burst in, looked at them briefly, and proceeded to order. She shrugged and shifted focus to their food when it arrived. Rather than inhaling it for one she ate like a normal human being, nodding in agreement when Talon said it was good. "
Yea! Definetely the best I've had in a while. Guess the sign didn't lie." She replied. She wondered briefly why that other guy had stared at them, but soon decided to just ignore it. Couldn't of been important, they'd of came over to them after all. "Where do you plan on us going after we eat? The forest again? Or?" She asked.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.221f0518ccb750dbcfa16ef802188114.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.221f0518ccb750dbcfa16ef802188114.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Steak Restaurant

Noah waited for his food to come and passed the time by eating multiple glass full of ice. This gave off an ice ype of slayer vibe to some who dont know him, but he just likes eating ice. Noah's did finally comes and it's a big steak on a plate, and a nice fancy bottle of wine. He pulls out his steak knife and cuts piece after piece and eats piece after piece. He washes the steak down by drinking the wine from the bottle. Little did Noah know that his past is about to catch up with him. Looking in the restaurant from outside is a Magnolia guard that regonized him from when he was 16. He signals the other guards that were around to call for back up. He looks back at Noah, then walks into the restaurant and marches over towards Noah. He grabs his arm and lefts him up. Noah Cross...you're coming with me. Why exactly would you show your face in this town again after the stunt you pulled eight years ago. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down mate. I have no idea what happened here with me eight years ago. Of course you don't. You were so shit faced that you pissed off the top of the cathedral during a wedding. What?!? Thats it, that.. During the end of a wedding. He faced looked shocked. As things escalated in the restaurant, the streets outside the restaurant were filling up with guards. You pissed on the priest, and everyone else below you Cross. I'm taking you to the dungeon, and this we're prepared for you and your magic. He begins reaching for the handcuffs on his waist. Noah spots this and refuses to go. Before the guard had time to put the shackles on him, he front kicks the guard away from him. He sees guards lining upside and sighs. He he grabs the wine and activates his magic. Djinn Soul: Focalor!! A purple spell circle and a golden light covers the room, once it does down Noah has transformed. He sticks his hand out pointing towards a window and blows a small wind at it shattering it and sending plates and glasses flying through the room. He flies through the window and starts making his escape flying into the air.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Sinbad.full.1368161.jpg.de261713d6c8da753c42746069441ced.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Sinbad.full.1368161.jpg.de261713d6c8da753c42746069441ced.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Oh wel lthe stars are qute beautiful this time of the year so- what the!¡!¡" His eyes went wide as a Mage of some sort transformed and attacked some guards who seemed t be trying to arrest him. "What do we do!?!?" He asked Ferra, his hands already on fire. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

He stood off to the side of the arena's stands, ensuring some level of distance between him and the other spectators as he watched the fights unfold. The entire tournament thus far had proven entertaining enough with more than a few talented individuals taking part. While it came as no surprise to him that Sabertooth would secure a spot in the finals it did seem odd that Alicia had made it that far. He knew the strengths of guild and knew Alicia could not hold her own in such a tournament so it was not difficult to deduce that she was a seed for the finals based on other circumstances. Within the first moments of the final round Alicia was quickly taken out as expected. Their opponent had managed to get the best of Mizuki and that alone would put her far beyond Alicia's capabilities. In many respects it would also put her beyond Masaki as well, however motivation played a key role when it came to magic and knowing that he was the last representative would drive the young man to push himself to do his absolute best.

He folded his arms over his chest as he shifted his stance, his stern gaze locked firmly on the two remaining combatants. Try as he might, he couldn't help the memories slowly trickle to the front of his mind. The setting, the match-up, it was all too similar for his liking. A frown inched it's way across his features before he shook his head slightly and turned to take his leave. He offered Masaki a silent apology for not observing until the end before ultimately exiting the arena and making his way out into the bustling city streets.
Ferra: Restaurant

Ferra sighed heavily as the man from earlier, apparently named Cross, was about to get into a fight with the guards. Almost immediately she grabbed the plates that held their steaks, no way in hell were they going to get damaged or anything. It was a good thing she did as soon after other peoples' plates and such started flying off the table from some vortex of wind caused by the mage. Once it settled she sat the plates back down, though she frowned when Talon asked what to do. As a guild mage she was somewhat obligated to help with things like this, especially considering the guard stood no chance. She did have the materials to fight with, but..yeah.

If anything her motivation for fighting him was the fact he was ruining their date, however, if Talon wantes to just leave that was fine to. Though, she wouldn't hesitate to kick ass if thats what Talon wanted. "Up to you, we can leave or we can kick his ass." She replied.


Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: FFA Ring

Alicia pouted when Masaki attacked Lyra, two on one wasn't fair and she was perfectly capable of handling herself! At-least, she thought so until her beads were sent flying away. Emitting a sound of shock she quickly recalled them to her side and clasped them in her hand, though before she could attack anything she was grabbed by the hair causing her to cry out in shock and try to pry her hand off. Though that to was in vain as the gravity around her quickly increased leaving her defenseless. "Let go of my hair!" She shouted as she halfway attempted to squirm out of her hold. She knew she would lose, but didn't expect it to be this fast. Master Gilad would more than likely be mad at her if she lost so easily...but it wasn't like she could bust out of the hold she was currently in unfortunately.
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

Lyra closed her eyes for a singular moment before a soft 'shh' noise escaped her lips as she made physical contact with Alicia's hair, her sleep spell calmly rolling over the small girl to render her unconscious; she'd wake in an hour. It seemed like a weird act but the demonic looking woman held onto the girl and disappeared, reappearing near a corner of the tournament ring to gently place her on the ground. " Sorry, you were extremely brave though. " Lyra mumbled under her breath as she straightened back up, yellow eyes flashing to glue themselves on the red head as she strolled towards him. She spun her scythe about in a fluid manner, persona screaming that she was ready to toy with him. " Now, shall we dance? " A hand outstretched towards him but nothing was happening yet, it was a simple motion to tie into her question, though she soon came to hover off of the ground with her head tilted curiously. He seemed the type to have a very determined and calculated fighting style, though now that she'd confirmed how his magic worked it would be quite an interesting fight indeed. " Or would you prefer I pull your hair too? " Lyra's smile widened to show a row of canine-like teeth, face contorting itself into a more demented one, tone almost meant to be taunting but the question seemed sincere.

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Masaki Yamada - Harvest Festival Tournament: FFA Ring, Magnolia.

The S-Class mage couldn't help but crack a smile and turn to Grace as she cheered him on. Turning to face her, he sent her a huge grin. Masaki then watched as Alicia's beads and his crystals were completed taken off course. Alicia was already out for the count and Lyra had assumed some kind of hideous yet extremely cool form. "Satan Soul. This is most definitely going to be tricky" he thought to himself with a slight scowl on his face. Slowly, Masaki's facial expression changed to that of a serious one as the demon asked him a question in a rather taunting manner. Masaki turned to the audience and nodded at Mizuki and then towards Gilad as he left the arena, a smile present on his face as he then turned back to face Lyra who was now hovering in the air. "Thank you for putting Alicia over there, I'm sure she'll be safe for the entirety of the match now..." Slowly, he began to draw some kind of seals with his hands as a magical aura began to cover his body, and exude from it rather densely. "I can tell right off that you're no joke. And seeing as this is the finals, I'm going to go all out. I hope you do too." A grin formed on the boys face as he then slammed his hands together, The aura getting stronger. "You might think you've figured out the style of my magic, but in truth it's ever changing. And destructive." Although, Masaki knew that Satan Soul was destructive too, perhaps even moreso than his Crystal Formation. That was most definitely the case, he knew that. But destructive power alone wasn't enough to win a match. Masaki then proceeded to point his left palm towards Lyra as he then called out. "Brilliant Crystal Formation: Crystal Tornado!". With that, a strong 'wind' whipped up and seemingly out of nowhere, an incredibly large tornado made entirely out of crystal shards came careening down towards Lyra. However, what was different about this was that as it moved, the crystal tornado spat out crystal shards in every conceivable direction, of which Masaki directed towards Lyra as well. Then, Masaki slammed his hands onto the ground and summoned large crystal spikes that tore out of the ground and rushed towards Lyra. Then, he jumped back. Keeping his eyes fixed on the demon, he knew that he'd have to become fully concentrated if he even stood a chance of even tracking her movements. Thus, Masaki became completely concentrated on the opponent before him.

"This is most definitely going to be interesting..." He muttered quietly to himself.
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki watched as the ribbons that were wrapped around her body disappeared into nothing, leaving her in her usual skin tight see-through clothing. The warmth that the ribbons held quickly left her body, causing the dark Mage to wrap her two normal arms tightly around her stomach in an attempt to keep her warm. She missed the ribbons ready, but she wasn't going to ask for them again. That was a sign of weakness. So instead she did the unthinkable and actually scooted towards Alfie so that their legs touched slightly. Still she never made eye contact with him.
Mizuki watched the fight intensely as Alicia began to attack, using her shotgun like attack on the girl who had beaten her. She wished to see that Lyra person get hurt badly by Alicia, and that Masaki's person too. She wanted Alicia to win it all and make her and Gilad proud. On the outside she was expressionless, but on the inside she was cheering like a soccer mom. However an expression did soon appear on her face, one of anger and worry. Lyra had managed to grab Alicia's hair and had caused her to faint. Recalling what had happened to her, the mind magic had been extremely painful to the dark Mage. However Alicia was just a child, and the pain would be much worse. Her hands tightly grasped her sides and she leaned forward slightly, foot tapping anxiously. "If that girl hurt Alicia as bad as she did me, I'll make sure that she's dead..."
Alfie almost seemed to ignore the small touch between his and Mizuki's legs, eyes stuck firmly onto the battle before him. He didn't care for Masaki or his crystal magic, instead completely focused on Alicia and Lyra. The lady from the same guild as he had put the shadow mage sitting next to him in a heartbeat, which was to be expected with a little girl, but did it need to be so brutally? Pulling the hair of someone so much younger than yourself, even in a tournament, was something worthy of being looked down upon. So much so that it deserved punishment of some sort.

Just not being ripped apart by an angry Sabertooth member with sinister hands of blackness and death. Alfie picked up on the irritation in Mizuki's voice and body movements, resulting in him softly grabbing one of the lady's knees. Once he got her attention, he would shake his head slowly. "It isn't worth it--or safe."

Metaphysics said:
Niur - To the Arena!
"Let's go watch her fight!" Niur said. "Watching her fight should show our support for her!" She said before pausing. "Are you going to try and leave me again?" She asked cautiously. "I'm not going to make a joke I swear!" She added hurriedly as she waited for Ophelia's response.

@Salt Lord
Ophelia would roll her eyes with a smile and hop up from the couch, happily marching over to the door before looking back at Niur. "Oh, c'mon! Do you really think I'd have offered to leave the apartment if I was still angry at you? I'm sure there's still a lot more going on at the tournament anyway, so there's no room in my heart for hating bad puns! ...Unless they're about boats. I used to live on a boat and then it kinda sank with, like, a third of my friends on board, so I'm likely to snap and destroy a city if you mention my dark past disrespectfully. But it's all sunshine and rainbows, am I right? Well, let's go!" she exclaimed cheerfully, opening the door and allowing her friend first entry.
Kayzo said:
Millie continued to sit happily and stare out at darkening Magnolia, her overjoyed smile plastered onto her sweet face. Valken was being such a splendid boyfriend today, and the girl felt somewhat guilty about it. All of these things that he was doing for her and she gave nothing in return. After dinner she decided that she'd do something for him, but didn't know what yet. Her head turned away from the beautiful scenery before her as the butler began pouring wine into her glass. She saw him as a simple butler, and not mysterious in any way like Valken did. But she wasn't a spy or anything like him. "Thank you." She said to the man, smiling slightly before taking a sip.
Valken's sudden hostility towards the butler made Millie frown slightly. He hadn't been doing anything wrong, and was actually doing a splendid job serving them! Was there something that she didn't know? Putting the wine glass down she placed her hands in her lap and spoke.
"Don't be so mean baby, he's not bothering me." She scolded, sighing softly in frustration as he was ready to up and leave over a simple butler. It was ridiculous, but she didn't know the danger she was in until it was too late. Before she knew it Millie was standing, a knife to her throat and her head roughly being pulled back. The blade began cutting into her throat, and though it wasn't deep it still stung. "Do what he says Valken! He'll kill me!" She wailed and began crying a river.
Valken Truss

Valken Truss was livid and although his muscles were tensed, his face didn't show it. In fact, if anything, his gaze seemed to get calmer and colder, while his posture straightened up. His hand now dropped from the dagger on his hip, as if complying to this man's demands. As Millie started crying hysterically, the shorter man holding her hostage yanked her hair even harder, moving the dagger away from her neck to rest the tip less then an inch from her widened eye.

"You make one more sound, you wench, and I'll cut your eyeball right out! That'll give you something to cry about..."

The darkness that was seeping out from Valken's feet was drifting now, covering the floor. Obviously this spy wasn't fully aware of Valken's abilities, or at the very least wasn't aware to what extent he had them. Valken's eyes didn't move but he was drinking in the entire situation almost in slow motion, watching the short man's posture, his hold on Millie, even the way she was angled. Thinking of the plan that would get Millie out alive....and that man, well...slightly less so....

"You never answered my question..." He said slowly, deliberately, his tone deep and dark. "What do you want?"

The short man chuckled before holding pulling the dagger away from her eye and waving it around in a theatrical manner.

"So my boss comes to me, he says, this guy Valken is a real slippery bastard, he says, I need you to follow him around, see what he is up to. Then he says, you'll never catch him though.....what a right old fool that man is! I guess no one knew you had a little sweetheart to threaten and make you drop to your knees..."

Valken's eyes narrowed only a fraction. Barely even that. The second that dagger was pointed away from Millie his foot snapped out to hook at the chair behind him and slide it around his front, before kicking it up it the air before him. It spun slightly with the strength and momentum in it before Valken grasped the armrest and suddenly hurled it at the two. The little man only had enough time to blink before Valken had vaulted the table and grasped Millie by arm, dragging her down with him and out of harm's way of the flying chair. His movements having to be rough to get her out of there in time, but he did circle his arms around her frame as the two crash landed on there sides, keeping her warm and safe.

The short man wasn't sure what happened, he was talking then there was a chair and Millie was gone, so it landed square in his chest sending him flying back with a crash.

Valken wasn't planning on the attack actually hurting him, just withdrawing Millie from the situation. He glanced down to her with a quick grin, before he was already up on his feet once more and his second dagger loosened.

The short man grunted and sat up, holding his head, still looking dazed. He was fast! The short man could barely keep up with him before Valken threw a hand out and fisted his shirt, dragging the man off his feet with his own dagger now pressed right in against his chest, where his heart was.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't cut open your heart right now..." The blade tip pressing in for emphasis. The short man blinked then started laughing, hysterically, almost mad.

"Ooohhh hohohoho! The rumors are true! You really are good!..."

Valken shook him now, his voice raising. "TELL ME WHO YOUR BOSS IS!!" His spare hand grasping at the hilt of his first dagger, lodged in the man's shoulder and reefing it out, the sicken sound of it tearing muscle and tendons alike, blood now pouring down his arm from the wound. But the short man paid it no heed.

The short man continued laughing before he reached into his vest and threw a vile down to the ground. This made Valken flinch and pull back suddenly, as the vile exploded it was clear by the strong odor it was poisonous. Valken lifted his gloved arm to cover his mouth and nose, while the short man only laughed, hoped on the balcony and jumped off and away. Valken wanted to chase after him, kill him, tear him to shreds but....but he couldn't...He took a step back now and ran to Millie as the gas spread, hoisting her up and onto his shoulder now. Without a word he to vaulted the balcony railing on the opposite side of the veranda and slid down the overhanging pipe line, landing with a thud on the ground in the alleyway beside the place.

Here he slowly placed Millie on her feet. "Are...you OK?" He asked genuinely though his dark purple eyes look vague.
Alice Liddell

I'm Insane, I don't do lines

Alice looked back at Livain, then at the line they just passed. Yes it was true that it seemed unfair, but the restaurant has tables set aside for their prized customers. Which in fact Alice was one, for how long she had eaten there. " Some tables are set aside for the common folks, and some for frequent customers like me. So don't worry, the lines moving pretty fast now."

Out of the corner of Alice's eye she saw what looked like Bumby. A sadistic grin plastered all over his face, he started towards the two. Rage and fear rose in Alice's pained heart, what was that man doing here? " Oh Alice, you should of just let me cure you. Your never going to be sane with out help." Alice began to grow frustrated, she had killed this man years ago. Her insanity had simmered down over the years after, only small illusions stayed. " Go away you vile creature." She told her self, her nails digging into her palms.

@Jacob Berry
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Chris Lengheart (revving up old slappy)

Chris' blush only grew deeper until he suddenly delivered a powerful slap to the back of Kelica's head. It was clear Chris tried to hold back, and that it was meant as a flirty hit but it honestly looked like he tried to knock Kelica out. Chris quickly puts his arms on Kelica and began with the apologies,"Oh Kelica, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you so hard! Are you okay? Do you want an ice pack?"

Kazehana said:

Honestly, she had no idea how to respond to this woman anymore. Well, it was sort of whatever. She had done her job, after all, so did she need to stick around? The angry mob was gone, there wasn't anyone else hostile around, and it was at least sort of quiet. Aurelie looked around, trying to gauge where she was. Unfortunately, given her limited experience with the tow, she had never seen this particular square before. Must have just gotten lucky with that portal placement. Speaking of, she looked up into the sky to see it still glowing with dark violet streaks, signifying that it was still open. She wouldn't need to use this for a while, right? And she didn't want anyone else using it, so she might as well just get rid of it. She brought up her flat palm and and fluidly closed it into a fist one finger at a time. When she did, that and the other portal closed so no one else could use it.

With that out of the way, she turned her attention back to the woman that appeared to be talking nonsense. It was just her luck that she would have to deal with this, wasn't it? "Well, uhm, that's... nice?" she replied, unsure if that was an appropriate response to such an awkward situation. She looked to the side, seeing one of the alleyways out of the square. "I, uh, suppose I should just... go now," she said, a little perplexed at the happenings of the light world. They seemed to be extra confusing today. With that, she simply walked away, still unsure if that was the right thing to do in such a situation. Well, no matter. It was her plan, and she really didn't feel like fighting a crazy person, especially when she had a clear advantage. She would probably accidentally maim the girl! That wouldn't be good for her minimal reputation within this town. Moving towns seemed like a hassle to her.

The mysterious woman had closed the portal that they had both 'rode' in on, and stated that she was going to leave. Just like that. 'I knew the accent would scare her off...'

'Should I let her go?'

'What if she's going to go kidnap a child because I was too tough for her?!'

She internally screamed.

Valentina watched the strange woman's figure head towards an alleyway, the woman was so intimidated she was confused, and reckoned that an alleyway would cover her kidnapping traps! Well, if this patched woman knew anything, it was that you must always hide your evidence, victims, and witnesses! Amateur!

The ebony woman started following this mystery of a lady, "Who are you? And where are you going? Off to kidnap someone else?" Both of their footsteps could be hear resonating around the square. It was actually kind of surprising that almost everyone was at the tournament or whatever, a flutter of disappointment grew in Ms. Gloria's chest. She wasn't going to let this kidnapper off the hook so easily, she'd was going to collect information and give it to the authorities, or maybe someone else. So this meant she wasn't going to be able to watch the fights, unless this woman was going to head there...
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie almost seemed to ignore the small touch between his and Mizuki's legs, eyes stuck firmly onto the battle before him. He didn't care for Masaki or his crystal magic, instead completely focused on Alicia and Lyra. The lady from the same guild as he had put the shadow mage sitting next to him in a heartbeat, which was to be expected with a little girl, but did it need to be so brutally? Pulling the hair of someone so much younger than yourself, even in a tournament, was something worthy of being looked down upon. So much so that it deserved punishment of some sort.
Just not being ripped apart by an angry Sabertooth member with sinister hands of blackness and death. Alfie picked up on the irritation in Mizuki's voice and body movements, resulting in him softly grabbing one of the lady's knees. Once he got her attention, he would shake his head slowly. "It isn't worth it--or safe."

Ophelia would roll her eyes with a smile and hop up from the couch, happily marching over to the door before looking back at Niur. "Oh, c'mon! Do you really think I'd have offered to leave the apartment if I was still angry at you? I'm sure there's still a lot more going on at the tournament anyway, so there's no room in my heart for hating bad puns! ...Unless they're about boats. I used to live on a boat and then it kinda sank with, like, a third of my friends on board, so I'm likely to snap and destroy a city if you mention my dark past disrespectfully. But it's all sunshine and rainbows, am I right? Well, let's go!" she exclaimed cheerfully, opening the door and allowing her friend first entry.

Niur - Okay?...

"Okay!" She said. 'It's a good thing we don't know any boat jokes right Ruin?' She thought only to get a snore in reply. 'Huh, she must've fallen asleep.' She thought as as she stepped through the doorway and waited for her new friend to follow. "Do you think she'll win Ophelia?" She asked her, making conversation. "I don't know what she does or what her magic is..." She added, silently lamenting the fact that she had to leave soon. But maybe...she can convince Raa to stay?

In response, she gave a wave of her hand, though didn't stop to turn around or even talk to her for long. In her eyes, it wasn't exactly necessary. Why should she have to confront someone like this? She knew the girl was crazy, but she was also kind of mean. No wonder those people were after her. "I am not kidnapping people. I simply removed you from a situation where several people were about to flat out beat you down for something rude you no doubt did. You should probably get yourself checked out since you're clearly unstable. Maybe just go for a nice long walk in a forest or something, I don't know. Just don't get belligerent with everyone you meet, 'k?" she said, all the while preparing another portal. She was 100% not about this life, and she wasn't going to stick around for this lady to insult her more. When it was complete above the alley, she whipped around and gave the lady a smile. "Oh, and my name is Aurelie. Nice to meet you," she said, almost immediately preceding her escape in demon fart. Immediately after she entered the portal, it vanished, swallowing her up whole.


Someways across town, she landed with a relieved sigh. That was a hassle she never wanted to participate in again! Perhaps she would simply never see the girl again, as she never seemed to see the same person twice. If she did, she really hoped she would be a tad less crazy. She shook her head, looking up and closing the portal she came from with a flick of her wrist. With all that out of the way, she was finally able to move on with her life. Roaming the streets, she resumed her tour of the city, much like before all the craziness happened.

The streets were extra busy tonight, probably on account of that arena thingy from earlier. There were so many people, and the mob mentality seemed to give them a lost sense of decency. Everyone was pushing or shoving, yelling or laughing, you name it. She didn't really mind the occasional light push, mainly since she was trying not to be involved, but she did mind the large shoves. Each time, she would excuse herself to the person she was shoved into, but they usually didn't seem to mind. How odd. However, this did have one side effect, as it caused her skin to give a response to the havoc that ensued. Assuming it was intentional violence, it started to harden in response, causing her hands, forearms, lower leg, knees, torso, and neck to become covered in blackened skin, much like leather. She really didn't notice due to all of the commotion, so she didn't make an effort to get rid of them.

However, one of the street dwellers pushed her extra hard into a really big man, causing Aurelie to be quite flustered. "Oh, I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I... Please don't be mad," she said nervously. This guy looked like he meant business, and she didn't want to anger such a man. Before she could say anything more or even thing about being on her way, she was shoved quite violently again, this time having nothing to fall back on. So she clumsily fell to the ground, though she wasn't at all hurt despite landing on stone. Hurray for supernatural skin! She breathed deeply as she stood on all fours, her mind reeling from the situation. Perhaps this wasn't the best thing to be doing. But she didn't want to create another portal in the midst of this chaos lest someone see it. The stadium was bad enough, but the streets? Far too many people, and she didn't want to be reported for having such magic. But what was she to do? She pushed herself up and tried to gain her balance on her heels, which were clearly not helping in this situation.

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Livian Azul

Livian offered a small, unsure nod to Alice as she told him that it was alright. He still didn't like the fact that they were cutting, but it would be best not to argue with someone like Alice. Taking his seat he cleared his throat and put a napkin over his lap, "Alright... I'll listen to you, Miss Alice."

Livian just stared at Alice as she began to dig her nails into her palms. Some of the other patrons around them looked at Alice with dumbfounded expressions, even one couple walking away from their table. Even Livian was a bit dumbfounded as Alice remained quiet for an extended amount of time, like she was in the midst of heavy thought, "Miss Alice? Miss Alice, are you okay?" Livian asked, waving his right hand in front of her face to try to get her attention.

One of the waiters came up to their table and asked if they were ready, "One moment, sir. We are still trying to decide." Livian replied to the waiter with a smile before trying to get Alice's attention.


Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

Lyra was beginning to open her mouth to usher a quick 'you're welcome' before he begun to attack, which only caused her words to fall short of being actually spoken. A clawed hand hovered in the air, a single finger motioning towards the tornado he'd whipped up, falling to a quick still as she controlled the shards within it and halted their movements. The shards that had already been sent flying from it were met with the constant twirl of her scythe, being ricocheted off and avoiding hitting her delicate skin. A singular crystal seemed to have caressed her cheek, causing a trail of blood to flow from the wound and down her pale complexion to meet her lips. Her mouth parted then, tongue flicking out to meet the blood that stained them with an eager look rising, eyes widening in unison as the thrill of the battle began to hit her. A crystal spike soon followed to embed itself into her right arm to which Lyra was almost unaware of due to the inability to feel in that limb. It wasn't until she tried to lift her scythe from its now resting position that she realized something was inhibiting her movements, eyes flickering down to peer at the crystal spike. " Oh. " The word was followed by the woman tugging her arm off the spike, no wincing or change of facial expression being offered as blood splattered to mix into the dirt below from how deep the tear was. Her hair had slightly began to shine, her chameleon ability breaking through to become active, the white turning a silver of sorts though the black tips remained as they were.

The scythe she held was switched off to her other hand, her right now seeming to be incapable of wielding it due to the injury she just sustained but luckily the woman wasn't hindered by having a more dominant hand. "
Destructive you say? It looks like shimmering confetti. I like confetti. " It almost seemed like she was speaking to herself with her eyes glued to the ground and her head lowered, though the words were spoken loudly enough to be heard by him, albeit perhaps in a ghastly tone. She then caused the tornado she'd taken control of to disperse within the air as she soon took flight and hovered above him. A feral banshee-like scream was released into the air, the noise deafening as sonic waves began to cascade down upon him, large enough to cover quite a mass amount of the arena itself. The power in itself from them would feel like one was being slammed by an unstoppable force destructive enough to cripple and break bones, or in this case, shatter crystal and continue to pulse downwards upon an opponent relentlessly. Lyra knew he'd most likely have some smart way to handle this attack and part of her was simply enjoying toying with him, fascinated with the adrenaline of fighting someone intelligent and she couldn't wait to see what trick he'd have up his sleeve next.

Kelica Zefara

Kelica smiled, or rather grinned, as the brutish man stepped closer to her, mind already wandering to things of a much more devious nature, the problem was his playful tap on her head pretty much knocked the poor blond girl dizzy. Her eyes seemed to roll around and she could feel the rising egg on her head now escaping her hair. She lifted up her hands almost protectively and said afew choice profanities once her dizziness cleared...

"The HELL Chris!!" She had tears in the corners of her eyes and even a trembling lower lip. "Oooowowowowwo that hurt...You're lucky I don't have take over's Mister otherwise you've got another thing coming!!!"

Of course what the girl failed to realise was that her voice had risen so that Damion and Sabrina would no doubt hear her rant, and might just think something completely different.....

"Why are you so rough with your hands!! That really hurt...next time take things more gently....I am fragile you know..."

@Isune @PeteTSs @Mitchs98 (for the lols)
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Chris Lengheart(I'm sorry!)

Chris tried to shush Kelica during her huff, but she kept going. The moment Chris saw Kelica tear up, he hugged her close and began to pat her on the back. "Oh Kelica, I am so sorry. Please forgive me, to make it up to you I'll do whatever you want! Name it!" he said in a almost pleading tone. He continued to run his hand across her back and kept her in a close hug, not looking like he wanted to let go.


Kelica was still death glaring the muscle man, but that glare soon turned into an angry pout, then into a normal pout then she let out a soft sigh.

"You forget just how strong you are sometimes..."

Here her voice lowered, it wasn't his fault really. Though she shot him one more glare for full measure.

"I'm not a bull you need to wrestle into submission just..try...taking things more gently..."

As he hugged her close, snuggly warm against his chest, she smiled back. The rubs to her back were a nice touch.

"That's better...just ease into it..see I know you can be gentle..."

Her voice maybe lower now, but the bedroom door was still wide open and there voices still travelled down the stairs. Oh the wandering minds.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Kazehana said:

In response, she gave a wave of her hand, though didn't stop to turn around or even talk to her for long. In her eyes, it wasn't exactly necessary. Why should she have to confront someone like this? She knew the girl was crazy, but she was also kind of mean. No wonder those people were after her. "I am not kidnapping people. I simply removed you from a situation where several people were about to flat out beat you down for something rude you no doubt did. You should probably get yourself checked out since you're clearly unstable. Maybe just go for a nice long walk in a forest or something, I don't know. Just don't get belligerent with everyone you meet, 'k?" she said, all the while preparing another portal. She was 100% not about this life, and she wasn't going to stick around for this lady to insult her more. When it was complete above the alley, she whipped around and gave the lady a smile. "Oh, and my name is Aurelie. Nice to meet you," she said, almost immediately preceding her escape in demon fart. Immediately after she entered the portal, it vanished, swallowing her up whole.


Someways across town, she landed with a relieved sigh. That was a hassle she never wanted to participate in again! Perhaps she would simply never see the girl again, as she never seemed to see the same person twice. If she did, she really hoped she would be a tad less crazy. She shook her head, looking up and closing the portal she came from with a flick of her wrist. With all that out of the way, she was finally able to move on with her life. Roaming the streets, she resumed her tour of the city, much like before all the craziness happened.

The streets were extra busy tonight, probably on account of that arena thingy from earlier. There were so many people, and the mob mentality seemed to give them a lost sense of decency. Everyone was pushing or shoving, yelling or laughing, you name it. She didn't really mind the occasional light push, mainly since she was trying not to be involved, but she did mind the large shoves. Each time, she would excuse herself to the person she was shoved into, but they usually didn't seem to mind. How odd. However, this did have one side effect, as it caused her skin to give a response to the havoc that ensued. Assuming it was intentional violence, it started to harden in response, causing her hands, forearms, lower leg, knees, torso, and neck to become covered in blackened skin, much like leather. She really didn't notice due to all of the commotion, so she didn't make an effort to get rid of them.

However, one of the street dwellers pushed her extra hard into a really big man, causing Aurelie to be quite flustered. "Oh, I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I... Please don't be mad," she said nervously. This guy looked like he meant business, and she didn't want to anger such a man. Before she could say anything more or even thing about being on her way, she was shoved quite violently again, this time having nothing to fall back on. So she clumsily fell to the ground, though she wasn't at all hurt despite landing on stone. Hurray for supernatural skin! She breathed deeply as she stood on all fours, her mind reeling from the situation. Perhaps this wasn't the best thing to be doing. But she didn't want to create another portal in the midst of this chaos lest someone see it. The stadium was bad enough, but the streets? Far too many people, and she didn't want to be reported for having such magic. But what was she to do? She pushed herself up and tried to gain her balance on her heels, which were clearly not helping in this situation.

The curly-haired woman huffed, as she walked down the, now close to empty, street. She had become uninterested in going to the tournament- But was very interested in the demon fart woman, who could just portal it up all over the place. The stranger had called herself Aurelie, and she didn't seem to be a local. But then again, you never know.

"Get my self checked out? What does she think goes on in here?" Valentina tapped the side of her head. "I am totally stable... ... ...I don't need to get myself checked out though. But what I can check out, is that woman. Surely someone in this place knows something, right?" A dog barked in the distance, and Ms. Gloria took that as an 'A-OK' to get a scoop on this stranger.

She worked at a bakery, surely someone would buy some bread and go 'Oh yeah, remember that scary, demon-fart lady at the tournament? Haha, yeah.' That was possible...?

The moon had risen higher, and higher into the sky; but it was going to start slipping down. And Valentina should've been asleep at this moment; specifically so she could wake up early and bake some fresh bread. But it looks like she isn't going to get a full-rest tonight, she's just going to have to go hardcore and make it to tomorrow night.

If she waited till then, she wouldn't be able to find anything, unless information came to her. So now she has to figure out her game plan. Go home, nap. Or quickly look around, get back to the tournament to find witnesses, or Aurelie herself.

Aurelie is an asshole. She's going home to take a nap.
Alice Liddell

Not now, I'm trying to eat

Alice regained her grasp of reality, she stopped pressing her nails into her skin. A few marks were left in the wake of the nails. The hallucination left, but not before he had spoken. " Poor Alice, thinking that she can escape is. No. The ruin will for ever be part of you."

Alice drew a breath, what a horrid experience. Her mouth tasted of vile, something she hasn't tasted since her days in the asylum. Her hand found a napkin, she gently put in on her apron like a dignified lady. " I'm terribly sorry Livian. I'll tell you what had happened after." She tilted her head at the waiter, trying to say " When he leaves the table." She tuned to face the waiter " I would like the Soupe à l'oignon, and a cherry wine." Alice gave Livain a smile

@Jacob Berry
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.592f4c97bb78ad68076b067323266380.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.592f4c97bb78ad68076b067323266380.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Above Magnolia

Noah floated above the streets of Magnolia, regretting his past decisions. He can't get exiled from another country. Not again. He also wasn't going to go to jail, for shit faced peeing on a priest. He turned his head to the back of Magnolia seeing the famous Fairy Tail Guild. Seeing the guild got him thinking about joining one, of course one that isn't in Magnolia. Luckily there more then just this one guild. If he joins anyone of the other guilds then he'll be able to do a quest and payoff his fine with the reward money. He nodded his head agreeing with his own thoughts, with a smile on his face. The only problem was he didn't know which one to join. But that's a problem for another day. A problem to deal with now is to avoid the mage that's yelling towards him. He looked down seeing the same time mage from the steak restaurant aiming at him with fiery fist. Noah is fund of turning down, but he wasn't going to fight another magic in a town full of people where there will be some casualties. He points towards the entrance to magnolia and flies towards it.

As he flew he was already thinking of a way to counter the mage's magic. He only knew that he did some type of fire magic. So he decided to switch his take overs. He lands standing at the entrance of magnolia and exits his take over, he waits for the mage to show up.

@Mitchs98 @Talon



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Livian Azul

Livian offered a small nod at Alice as she apologized, "No need to apologize, Miss Alice. You did nothing wrong to me." He offered a smile before nodding slowly as she told him that she'd explain, "If you wish to do so, Miss. You don't have to though." He offered another small smile before looking over at the waiter and back at Alice, seeing that she didn't want others to hear what she had to say.

After Alice had ordered what she wanted he did the same, "I will have the Duck à L’orange, please." Livian offered a smile to the waiter before adding, "And some tea as well. Doesn't matter what flavor." He watched as the waiter walked away and he looked back at Alice, "A lovely day, no? Perfect for flowers."

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"Pleasure to meet you!" Sabrina replied. "And thank you for having me over!" Sabrina stretched out her arms and legs. After a long, okay maybe not that long, cab ride, Sabrina's whole body was sore. She had only ever been on a ride as long as the one she took to come here once in her life, and that was the train-ride she took to get to Magnolia.

Sabrina was calmly minding her own business, walking around and stretching, when she heard Kelica cry out. Sabrina hurried over to their room and poked her head in. "Everything alright here?"

@Zuka @Isune

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