Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


As she walked, she lifted her head towards the stadium, watching what appeared to be three people doing... something. Perhaps they were showing of their magic? Or fighting? She didn't really want to pay too much attention, as fighting was also a new concept to her. Then again, when everyone you know shares the same power, it's only natural that duels wouldn't just happen like that. To be honest, Aurelie had absolutely no idea where she was going, only that she wanted to get away from the creepy guy. Where did she come in again? Was it this entrance? She was so baffled by the concept of leaving the stadium that she really just wasn't paying any attention to where she was going.

Another glimmer caught her eye, diverting her attention back to the arena. Whatever they were doing, she hoped it was on good terms. She didn't like the idea of people not liking each other. She thought about intervening, but the shimmering case that surrounded them was enough to stop that idea in its tracks. Maybe she cou- *
THUMP* Before she knew it, she was promptly crashing into some random stranger, causing her to be startled, but nearly unaffected otherwise. "O-oh I'm sorry. I should have payed attention to where I was going," she muttered, hardly hearing herself above the roar of the crowd.

This woman looked like she might be that kind lady that tells stories and makes sure everyone was getting the rest they deserved. A 'mom friend' of sorts. IT made a lot of sense, and she understood her position. Aurelie herself was the mom friend, though she didn't take it too seriously. Just enough to make sure everyone was getting the proper care they needed to be healthy.

Then she looked closer, noticing that she was a little bogged down. Perhaps she herself was tired? "Hey are you okay?" she asked with a tinge of worry edging her voice. It didn't really matter that she didn't know this woman; everyone needed to be healthy! This mindset of hers was most likely better off being distracted from the battle at hand anyway. She wouldn't be able to help those people, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try! "Maybe you should sit down," she said, tilting her head in question. She extended her hand as an offering for the other to take, almost certain she would. Who wouldn't? Wel, she was still naive to how the world worked, so she didn't really consider that some people wouldn't consider help. But that would come to her when the time came.

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Kelica watched Chris wander to his clothes and toss her a shirt and jeans. In an instant and without a sense of modesty, she pulled her dress down her hourglass frame, yanked the shirt up over her head, quickly jiggling her chest to make it fit partially better.

Then she flopped onto her back, and lifted her legs high to tug the jeans on, however even as big as Chris was, Kelica had very feminine hips, so the jeans practically stopped at her thighs. She blinked before glancing up to Chris upside down. "Ahhh...little help? think you could tug these puppies up for me?" Giggling cutely as she watched his face. Wondering if her redressing might cause him to blush or not.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Grace was down at the fight arena cheering on Masaki. She was going all out right now, the short girl wanting to show her support to the best of her ability. On her hands were red pompoms, the color of Masaki's hair. She was pumping her hands up in the air, a firework launching from her hand at each pump. Over the noise of the fireworks she was chanting things like "Go Masaki go! Go Masaki go! Whoop their little asses! Go Masaki go!"

There was a pretty empty space around Grace, most people either annoyed by her constant yelling or scared that she might blow them up. But Grace didn't care what they thought (for once). Besides, she'd never see any of these people again, so she decided to go all out. This was the only time that she'd do something intentionally embarrassing. Fortunately she wouldn't pull a Millie and flash her joggleboggles due to the fact that she's only 17, and that there wasn't much to see anyways. So for now it was just fireworks and cheering.

Kazehana said:

As she walked, she lifted her head towards the stadium, watching what appeared to be three people doing... something. Perhaps they were showing of their magic? Or fighting? She didn't really want to pay too much attention, as fighting was also a new concept to her. Then again, when everyone you know shares the same power, it's only natural that duels wouldn't just happen like that. To be honest, Aurelie had absolutely no idea where she was going, only that she wanted to get away from the creepy guy. Where did she come in again? Was it this entrance? She was so baffled by the concept of leaving the stadium that she really just wasn't paying any attention to where she was going.

Another glimmer caught her eye, diverting her attention back to the arena. Whatever they were doing, she hoped it was on good terms. She didn't like the idea of people not liking each other. She thought about intervening, but the shimmering case that surrounded them was enough to stop that idea in its tracks. Maybe she cou- *
THUMP* Before she knew it, she was promptly crashing into some random stranger, causing her to be startled, but nearly unaffected otherwise. "O-oh I'm sorry. I should have payed attention to where I was going," she muttered, hardly hearing herself above the roar of the crowd.

This woman looked like she might be that kind lady that tells stories and makes sure everyone was getting the rest they deserved. A 'mom friend' of sorts. IT made a lot of sense, and she understood her position. Aurelie herself was the mom friend, though she didn't take it too seriously. Just enough to make sure everyone was getting the proper care they needed to be healthy.

Then she looked closer, noticing that she was a little bogged down. Perhaps she herself was tired? "Hey are you okay?" she asked with a tinge of worry edging her voice. It didn't really matter that she didn't know this woman; everyone needed to be healthy! This mindset of hers was most likely better off being distracted from the battle at hand anyway. She wouldn't be able to help those people, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try! "Maybe you should sit down," she said, tilting her head in question. She extended her hand as an offering for the other to take, almost certain she would. Who wouldn't? Wel, she was still naive to how the world worked, so she didn't really consider that some people wouldn't consider help. But that would come to her when the time came.

Ms. Gloria blinked blankly, she managed to catch most of the the first sentence- But it didn't make any sense. "Hay our zoo okay?" What on Earthland was that supposed to mean? This patched woman was most definitely out of breath, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to respond to this weirdo with the hay and the zoo. "Baby poo should shutdown?"

The moon was lazily drifting across the sky, and the light just made this strange woman unusual. Or perhaps it was herself that was unusual? Maybe both. The woman at first sounded a bit concerned, but the next words that came out were in a tone of question. But it's hard to supply an answer when you don't know the question. To the mentally-unstable woman wish it was like a school's multiple choice test; just circle whatever and let fate tale its course. But no, she had to figure out how to respond to these strange requests. "Great..."

Before Valentina could inquire the strange woman in front of her, she could hear the mob nearby. They hadn't been able to find her as of yet, but that still didn't mean she had much time. The lady in question had extended her hand outwards, but now that left Valentina with a choice. Angry mob, or zoos and baby poos. That second one sounded kinda funny, so she quickly took the lady's hand. She was unsure of what was happening, "So are we going to your zoo, or to shutdown baby poo?" The words almost sounded clear in her own ears, that that must've been a good sign.

If she wasn't confused before, she certainly was at that moment. Her stiffly outstretched hand wilted a bit, along with her expression. She couldn't help but feel like this lady might just be crazy. It sure would explain a lot. She looked up at the mob, but mainly attributed their rowdiness to the shenanigans going on around here. While she wanted to know what was going on, she really didn't want to take the time to inquire about the events of this evening. To be fair, she just assumed this was normal since everything she'd seen of light dwellers thus far was not exactly normal. Her normal really had no ground, however, since the entire situation was almost too ludicrous. Nonetheless, here she was.

"I just... What?" she started with an incredulous expression. It was clear that she no longer had a concept of what was happening, and she didn't even pretend to know the ways of this world. Heck, everybody she'd met thus far was crazy! She shook her head. Now was not the time for that. The mob was getting immanent, and it appeared as though they were angry. But why? Everyone else seemed happy and cheerful to be here. This could only bring bad things, and she figured she should get out of there. But what of the crazy lady? Could she handle herself out here in the midst of this crowd? Surely she wasn't supposed to be here, as it was more likely that she was suffering a head injury than anything else.

"Well come on, you obviously shouldn't be here," she said gently, putting her hand back out for the girl to take. She looked back, seeing the mob getting frighteningly close. She knew she would be fine herself, but this woman? She could get trampled flat! With wide eyes, she didn't have time to wait for an answer. If the woman didn't see this danger, Aurelie was going to have to do something herself. She simply took the woman's arm in her grip and started walking as fast as she could, as she was unable to run in the thickness of it all. Up ahead, she started creating an escape portal high into the air so that none of these people would be able to reach it. If they did, who knew what would happen? When they had a sudden opening, she didn't stop to think about its existence and started running, hoping to reach the portal upon its completion.

She looked up, drowning out the happenings of the arena to focus on what was important. Most of the noise was just background fuzz to her now. With that being said, she didn't notice at all where she was going, simply assuming she was safe to go. Therefore, she obviously ran into the culprit of the vacant area, crashing into her and falling over. Without delay, she got up as fast as she could, dusted off the girl's shoulders, and said, "I'm real sorry, but I can't really talk right now." With that, she grabbed Gloria once more and dashed a meter or two, directly under the portal.

First, she sent up Gloria, essentially converting her into several packets of black mass into the portal. Immediately after, she followed in the same fashion, almost breathing a sigh of relief as she did. The last thing she saw before leaving was the approaching mob, having almost caught up to them.

She gracefully landed in a vacant square in the town, essentially in the reverse process of entering the portal. Gloria was already there, which relieved her. Sometimes she messed up and accidentally sent things to the wrong places. Looking around, she saw how deserted this area was, a relief compared to the rowdiness of the arena. "Hey, are you okay? Why were those people so angry?" she asked, still breathing a bit on the heavy side from the earlier exercise.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@BadPuns[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Kayzo[/FONT] (because reasons that's why)
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[h] Alice Liddell [/h]

I just want to eat

Alice tapped her chin for a moment, it's had henna hot minute since she had gone to magnolia for a trip. There was a sushi restaurant that she enjoyed, but that seemed a bit out of place for their tastes today. How about that French restaurant, the list would be full. Despite this they would open a spot for her, begin born from a noble family helped.

" There is a lovely French restaurant that would be quite suited for us. I know the way from here. Follow me." With that Alice turned and began to walk out of the thick canopy.

@Jacob Berry
Livian Azul

Livian looked at Alice as she thought of a restaurant, tilting his head at her as she continued to do so. Quietly humming to himself he perked up an eyebrow as she finally had an answer, "French? I am fine with that. Sounds delicious to be honest. Then again, I've been living off of jerky and other travel like foods for the past month." Livian offered a chuckle and then a nod as he followed Alice away from the scene, the bandits rolling around in pain.

"So, Miss Alice, have you been to this restaurant? If So what do you recommend I should get?" Livian asked politely as the two continued to walk.

Clair watched on and listened to the two go on and quickly made the assumption that Sora wouldn't want her accompanying her throughout the town with this boy , although it killed her to do so she spoke up "Sora I'm going to have to head on home , I need to sharpen my swords , polish my armour and do the ironing. If i don't make a start today I'll be at it all day tomorrow and the day after that". With that Clair made her way to the door and gave a brief wave to the two lovebirds. "I'll call over sometime tomorrow , we can talk then yeh".

Without giving the girl time to reject , Clair vanished down the long hallway. @Kyuubey @Anyone in the room
Kimberly Lock

questions questions where can they be?

Kim smiled, more questions. A wave of relief passed over her person, tank mother on a boat that it wasn't just that. " Well, when we were born we where chosen by mother. Each of us had a linkage to flux by some means. I had my father who worked in the discovery of taint. Our abilities differ, I can use the abilities that mother can use. Allowing me to be able to use my taint more creatively. Kiko and Ashely have a flux fire type abilities, of course the signature purple. Sage can use liquid taint, purple aswell. Amy uses flux for rituals, like that fellow name Ren. Sage uses taint to make Weapons." Kim elaborated more than what was asked if her.

" As far as corruption, mother removes the abilities from them once they act with evil intentions. I join fairy tail, for as you know, they use an incredible amount of magic every day. So I decided to join them." Kim let out a giggle, fairy tail was something else. They were her family, she would die protecting them if it came to it. " I do truly love the guild I am in. With all the craziness it's hard not to love them."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.f7bb588b8ef2c6d5d695062af0ea477d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.f7bb588b8ef2c6d5d695062af0ea477d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Steak Restaurant

Returning from his travels Noah felt hungry. The last thing he ate was some wild berries he found back in the forest. He has been away from Magnolia for a long time, but he hasn't forgotten about his favorite place to dine in at. He started jogging towards that specific place, and luckily he wasn't to far away from it. Once he made it to the restaurant, he stood there at the front of the building standing proudly looking up at the sign. He inhaled deeply through his nose, inhaling the scent of steak. He exhaled feeling pleased and walked in. A waitress came towards him, he smiled and followed her to his table. Thank you beautiful. He said with a smile. He sits down and Talon and Ferra catches his eye. He nods towards them with a friendly soft smile. They're cute. He thought to himself. He looked at his menu and pushed it to the side. Give me your best steak and wine!! He yelled proudly, standing up and pointing towards his waitress. She giggles and nods towards him. He sits down and waits for his food. @Mitchs98 @Talon



  • young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg
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Alice Liddell

Boy you need
REAL food

Alice continue walk at a fairly quick pace, leaves crunching under her weight. She turned her head to look at Livian. " So your a traveler, how fun. So am I.Only I have a mansion in the outer part of magnolia." She continued till she reached the end of the forest.

" The Duck à L’orange is very good, one of my favorites." She stopped for a second to regain her thoughts. " This way." Alice started again, steping onto the stone road. She began to walk down the crowded streets. She paused for a second, they might get separated. Alice back tracked and stood next to Livain. Her hand intertwined with his, then she began to walk once again.

@Jacob Berry
Livian Azul

Livian managed to keep up with Alice's pace, walking next to her as they walk. He was one of those people that walked very fast no matter what, unless his nose was in a book. Livian offered Alice a smile as she spoke to him, "Well, my job does call for quite a bit of travelling, and I mean a great deal of it." He raised an eyebrow at her for a brief moment, "A mansion? Interesting." Most would think Livian came from a rich and noble family due to his manners and attire, but it was the complete opposite.

"Sounds very fancy." Livian replied, offering a chuckle, "I'll have to try it if it is one of your favorites, Miss Alice." Livian continued to follow her, studying her as they went along on their adventure, she was an interesting one. Never once did he get separated from her, that was something he was good at, weaving through crowds. Livian didn't reject Alice as she held his hand, understanding why she did it, and so he continued to follow her.

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Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

Lyra looked towards Hibiki and tipped her hat at him, heeding his warning but knowing all too well she'd refer to any magic at her disposal if it truly came down to it, wise or not. The match was happening rather quickly, going from friendly banter between the other two mages to a sudden two versus one? Lyra scoffed and stood, eyes narrowing as a wave of energy emitted from her entire form, the sheer power of it causing the beads to be sent flying along with the crystals that attempted to reach her. They scattered carelessly about the arena in any direction but hers, hues now fluctuating to a yellow color. The dark waves continued to pulse out as the woman standing before them converted to resembling a demon, wings calmly spanning out as a nonchalant smirk tugged at her lips, the fingers of her free hand grasping a rather large scythe that almost looked soaked in blood. " I'm not fond of being ganged up on. " The tone of her voice tilted into an eerie one as she gazed at them both. Black tipped strands of white hair cascaded about and that was the only movement that would be seen before she disappeared and reappeared directly behind Alicia, a hand flashing out to attempt to grab a fistful of the smaller girls hair. The entire notion was so fast that it would be almost impossible to have reacted in time to stop it, Lyra's ability to move unseen about a battlefield in this form was extremely mastered and hard to perceive. " Thanks for taking your hair down, dear, it makes it easier to get a hold of. " The woman leaned in extremely close as she manipulated the gravity around Alicia to immobilize her and keep her from escaping the hand reaching into her lovely long locks.

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

Lyra looked towards Hibiki and tipped her hat at him, heeding his warning but knowing all too well she'd refer to any magic at her disposal if it truly came down to it, wise or not. The match was happening rather quickly, going from friendly banter between the other two mages to a sudden two versus one? Lyra scoffed and stood, eyes narrowing as a wave of energy emitted from her entire form, the sheer power of it causing the beads to be sent flying along with the crystals that attempted to reach her. They scattered carelessly about the arena in any direction but hers, hues now fluctuating to a yellow color. The dark waves continued to pulse out as the woman standing before them converted to resembling a demon, wings calmly spanning out as a nonchalant smirk tugged at her lips, the fingers of her free hand grasping a rather large scythe that almost looked soaked in blood. " I'm not fond of being ganged up on. " The tone of her voice tilted into an eerie one as she gazed at them both. Black tipped strands of white hair cascaded about and that was the only movement that would be seen before she disappeared and reappeared directly behind Alicia, a hand flashing out to attempt to grab a fistful of the smaller girls hair. The entire notion was so fast that it would be almost impossible to have reacted in time to stop it, Lyra's ability to move unseen about a battlefield in this form was extremely mastered and hard to perceive. " Thanks for taking your hair down, dear, it makes it easier to get a hold of. " The woman leaned in extremely close as she manipulated the gravity around Alicia to immobilize her and keep her from escaping the hand reaching into her lovely long locks.

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari

Alicia: FFA Ring

Alicia pouted when Masaki attacked Lyra, two on one wasn't fair and she was perfectly capable of handling herself! At-least, she thought so until her beads were sent flying away. Emitting a sound of shock she quickly recalled them to her side and clasped them in her hand, though before she could attack anything she was grabbed by the hair causing her to cry out in shock and try to pry her hand off. Though that to was in vain as the gravity around her quickly increased leaving her defenseless. "Let go of my hair!" She shouted as she halfway attempted to squirm out of her hold. She knew she would lose, but didn't expect it to be this fast. Master Gilad would more than likely be mad at her if she lost so easily...but it wasn't like she could bust out of the hold she was currently in unfortunately.
Alice Liddell

Yes I'm rich

Alice let out a small laugh, Yes she inherited a large sum of money after the fire that took her family's life. " Yes a mansion, I inherited a Rather large amount of money after a fire took my family's life. The mansion is used as an orphanage, a small hospital , a school for the orphans, and a home for myself."

Alice turned a corner, knowing this town like the back of her knife. Le petit mansion came into view, a long line followed suit in front of the entrance. Alice gave no regard from the people who had waited in line for such long time. She opened the door and walked right to the hostist. " Table for two please." The hostist looked up from the book that they read. Immediately they recognize their most valued customer. " Right this way Ms.Liddell." They leaded them to a table that over looked the street and passing river.

@Jacob Berry

Eias baole - family...

Each one of the taint users sound so interesting. How would those methods work? To think taint was just as diverse as regular magic shouldn't be that much of a surprise but yet it was. It was nice to know that no harm could ever be done by someone getting corrupted. The last thing people needed was a taint storm on their hands.

When it got to the guild, Eias felt home sick. Her surrogate family was somewhere out there traveling. They were her family, not the parents that left her out in the middle of nowhere. Yeah.. I understand that feeling. If they are as goofy as my family is then it would make sense why you would see them as such. The bubbles started to lax as Eias started to get bumbed out by the thought of not seeing them for so long. soon, the food came out infront of them.


Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

Lyra closed her eyes for a singular moment before a soft 'shh' noise escaped her lips as she made physical contact with Alicia's hair, her sleep spell calmly rolling over the small girl to render her unconscious; she'd wake in an hour. It seemed like a weird act but the demonic looking woman held onto the girl and disappeared, reappearing near a corner of the tournament ring to gently place her on the ground. " Sorry, you were extremely brave though. " Lyra mumbled under her breath as she straightened back up, yellow eyes flashing to glue themselves on the red head as she strolled towards him. She spun her scythe about in a fluid manner, persona screaming that she was ready to toy with him. " Now, shall we dance? " A hand outstretched towards him but nothing was happening yet, it was a simple motion to tie into her question, though she soon came to hover off of the ground with her head tilted curiously. He seemed the type to have a very determined and calculated fighting style, though now that she'd confirmed how his magic worked it would be quite an interesting fight indeed. " Or would you prefer I pull your hair too? " Lyra's smile widened to show a row of canine-like teeth, face contorting itself into a more demented one, tone almost meant to be taunting but the question seemed sincere.

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Livian Azul

"Oh... I see... I am sorry for your loss. AT least you decided to put the house and money to a good effort."
Livian replied with a sincere smile. He hardly knew Alice but he liked her honesty and her good-ways, "Always good to make sure kids grow up to have a wonderful life."

Livian continued to follow Alice, she obviously knew where she was going. He barely knew much of the town due to him always being away, and when he was around her was tending to his garden, reading or trying to get rid of a pest. Livian watched as they went past the line, "Hey, Miss Alice, wouldn't it be best if we let those that waited go before us..." Livian wasn't a fan of cutting or anything of the sort, those people had waited in line to get a table.

Chris Lengheart (you have got to be kidding me)

Chris watched Kelica change at first, but instantly went into a deep red blush and looked away. When Kelica asked for his help, Chris looked over and saw her legs dangling in the air as the blush once again returned. Chris managed to force the pants on before quickly turning away. Trying to take his mind off of Kelica in the buff, Chris said, "I think we should try and do a job tomorrow. Maybe you could get a bird or something to fly into the guildhall and grab one. Hopefully, we get lucky and get one away from the city."

Evan laughed"Agreed!¡!¡" Their food came a few minutes after they ordered. "mmm good steak!¡!¡" He exclaimed after taking a bite. "Hows yours?¿?¿" He asked Ferra.

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon
Talon said:
Evan laughed"Agreed!¡!¡" Their food came a few minutes after they ordered. "mmm good steak!¡!¡" He exclaimed after taking a bite. "Hows yours?¿?¿" He asked Ferra.
Ferra: Restaurant

Ferra glanced up from their conversation momentarily as some guy burst in, looked at them briefly, and proceeded to order. She shrugged and shifted focus to their food when it arrived. Rather than inhaling it for one she ate like a normal human being, nodding in agreement when Talon said it was good. "
Yea! Definetely the best I've had in a while. Guess the sign didn't lie." She replied. She wondered briefly why that other guy had stared at them, but soon decided to just ignore it. Couldn't of been important, they'd of came over to them after all. "Where do you plan on us going after we eat? The forest again? Or?" She asked.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie sighed and rolled his eyes before blinking a sparkle at the violet ribbons wrapping around Mizuki's body, resulting in the suit wilting and floating upward into nothing. He didn't mind not giving her a new set, obviously, but he had to admit that delicately pulling every photon into a complicated string and binding that string into an even more complicated ribbon was fun, especially when he had to do it by the billions. But now he saw a familiar blast of fire out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to see what it was--and grinned to see Alicia cast the same spell Alife amplified to defeat himself with. She'd have had absolutely no trouble dominating the arena if she still carried that burden of negative energy with her, but where would the fun be in that? "Mizuki, look. Alicia took the first attack! Not very smart, in my opinion, but there wouldn't be a fight otherwise. Wouldn't you agree?"

Mizuki watched as the ribbons that were wrapped around her body disappeared into nothing, leaving her in her usual skin tight see-through clothing. The warmth that the ribbons held quickly left her body, causing the dark Mage to wrap her two normal arms tightly around her stomach in an attempt to keep her warm. She missed the ribbons ready, but she wasn't going to ask for them again. That was a sign of weakness. So instead she did the unthinkable and actually scooted towards Alfie so that their legs touched slightly. Still she never made eye contact with him.

Mizuki watched the fight intensely as Alicia began to attack, using her shotgun like attack on the girl who had beaten her. She wished to see that Lyra person get hurt badly by Alicia, and that Masaki's person too. She wanted Alicia to win it all and make her and Gilad proud. On the outside she was expressionless, but on the inside she was cheering like a soccer mom. However an expression did soon appear on her face, one of anger and worry. Lyra had managed to grab Alicia's hair and had caused her to faint. Recalling what had happened to her, the mind magic had been extremely painful to the dark Mage. However Alicia was just a child, and the pain would be much worse. Her hands tightly grasped her sides and she leaned forward slightly, foot tapping anxiously. "If that girl hurt Alicia as bad as she did me, I'll make sure that she's dead..."
Niur - To the Arena!

"Let's go watch her fight!" Niur said. "Watching her fight should show our support for her!" She said before pausing. "Are you going to try and leave me again?" She asked cautiously. "I'm not going to make a joke I swear!" She added hurriedly as she waited for Ophelia's response.

@Salt Lord
Kazehana said:

If she wasn't confused before, she certainly was at that moment. Her stiffly outstretched hand wilted a bit, along with her expression. She couldn't help but feel like this lady might just be crazy. It sure would explain a lot. She looked up at the mob, but mainly attributed their rowdiness to the shenanigans going on around here. While she wanted to know what was going on, she really didn't want to take the time to inquire about the events of this evening. To be fair, she just assumed this was normal since everything she'd seen of light dwellers thus far was not exactly normal. Her normal really had no ground, however, since the entire situation was almost too ludicrous. Nonetheless, here she was.

"I just... What?" she started with an incredulous expression. It was clear that she no longer had a concept of what was happening, and she didn't even pretend to know the ways of this world. Heck, everybody she'd met thus far was crazy! She shook her head. Now was not the time for that. The mob was getting immanent, and it appeared as though they were angry. But why? Everyone else seemed happy and cheerful to be here. This could only bring bad things, and she figured she should get out of there. But what of the crazy lady? Could she handle herself out here in the midst of this crowd? Surely she wasn't supposed to be here, as it was more likely that she was suffering a head injury than anything else.

"Well come on, you obviously shouldn't be here," she said gently, putting her hand back out for the girl to take. She looked back, seeing the mob getting frighteningly close. She knew she would be fine herself, but this woman? She could get trampled flat! With wide eyes, she didn't have time to wait for an answer. If the woman didn't see this danger, Aurelie was going to have to do something herself. She simply took the woman's arm in her grip and started walking as fast as she could, as she was unable to run in the thickness of it all. Up ahead, she started creating an escape portal high into the air so that none of these people would be able to reach it. If they did, who knew what would happen? When they had a sudden opening, she didn't stop to think about its existence and started running, hoping to reach the portal upon its completion.

She looked up, drowning out the happenings of the arena to focus on what was important. Most of the noise was just background fuzz to her now. With that being said, she didn't notice at all where she was going, simply assuming she was safe to go. Therefore, she obviously ran into the culprit of the vacant area, crashing into her and falling over. Without delay, she got up as fast as she could, dusted off the girl's shoulders, and said, "I'm real sorry, but I can't really talk right now." With that, she grabbed Gloria once more and dashed a meter or two, directly under the portal.

First, she sent up Gloria, essentially converting her into several packets of black mass into the portal. Immediately after, she followed in the same fashion, almost breathing a sigh of relief as she did. The last thing she saw before leaving was the approaching mob, having almost caught up to them.

She gracefully landed in a vacant square in the town, essentially in the reverse process of entering the portal. Gloria was already there, which relieved her. Sometimes she messed up and accidentally sent things to the wrong places. Looking around, she saw how deserted this area was, a relief compared to the rowdiness of the arena. "Hey, are you okay? Why were those people so angry?" she asked, still breathing a bit on the heavy side from the earlier exercise.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@BadPuns[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Kayzo[/FONT] (because reasons that's why)
Valentina was absolutely confused about what had just happened. Just like every other day. But what really shocked her was a portal- A portal of scariness. And for a moment, she could've sworn she wasn't a person... She was more like a demon fart?

But the main point is- How much magic does one contain, to preform such actions? Maybe she had bumped into someone who was going to fight in the tournament, she assumed that would've made this mysterious Mage upset, or angry. But no, this woman saved her- Or has she been taken to a remote place to be shanked... No witnesses were around to watch...

The patched woman looked at her kidnapper; the woman wore black (I'm assuming from the CS???), and was certainly radiating power. Especially now that she thought about it.

'This is it. I'm going to be shanked by a goth.'

'But you're not ready to be shanked.'
A voice replied.

'Okay then. That settles that, huh?'

She was shaken up from this traumatic experience, but she posed herself into a fighting position, her fists held in front of her chest- Ready to block, or hit. Her heart was thudding wildly in her chest, "I'm going to be alright!" She unnecessaryly said. "HOO-WAHWAHWAH! I know..."


"About what?" She replied out loud, mystified of what she was supposed to say.

'Say something!!!'

"Oi' mate, I'm gon' beat ya' like a 'roo... Mate." Was excellently said in a fake accent- Though it was unclear where the accent originated from, it must've sounded intimidating...?

(Sorry for shorter post, I'm tired. 0-0)
Kelica Zefara

Kelica couldn't help but laugh solidly as Chris continued to blush a beetroot red. This man, in all his muscular glory, practically dizzy from the sight of some long, shapely legs? It really was adorable. Once they fit, she rolled onto her side, head in her hand and elbow in the sheets, peering to him with michevious little emerald eyes. Her other hand's index finger slowly doing circles on the bed. Eyelids half lowered almost seductively. She was half regretting putting those jeans on now..

"I'll give you a job tomorrow..." She almost purred. Then her voice changed back to normal though she still held the seductive pose.

"I doubt the Guild Hall is accepting job placements during the Magnolia Festival...but if that is what you wish..." Here her voice lowered again and she even bit her lower lip to see if he would react. Something about his nervousness was making her want to push him, see how far she could make him blush.

"....then again...wouldn't you like me to ride you? You seem to be fond of that..." Grinning now. Leaving it open for his mind to wander.


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