Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon laughed when Ferra turned her cone into a sraw of sorts. "Haha very smart... and messy." He added as some icecream landed on her cheek. He turned back in the direction they were headed and saw what looked like a rampaging animal attacking a girl on the ground. He rushed forward, not listening to what Ferra said. His fists flared up and he landed a flaming punch to the beasts head. He stood over the girl, shielding her with his body. "Come at me you rotten pig brain!¡!¡" he yelled at it. @Isune @Mitchs98 @Zuka
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Chris Lengheart(*snarl*)

Chris took the full blunt of the punch. The fur along his face had become slightly seared, but it only seemed to infuriate the wolf even more. It didn't help that this moron decided to call him a pig brain. The wolf sent two sets of claws crashing down onto the fool followed by a strong kick with his hind leg, almost like a buck. Chris looked a lot stronger than it would appear in this form.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon
Talon went flying from the kick, but was quickly up again. "Ha your gonna have to try harder than that ya flea bitten furball!¡!¡" He called to the wolfman (?) before singing his arm in a sweeping motion and making a wave of fire fly at it. this was followed by a few fireballs thrown at its face. @Isune
Lavender Gray

Lavender took in the information and nodded "I see, I will say that we can take care of it. But you, miss, cannot join us just in case things get out of hand. We wouldn't want to lose a lovely girl like yourself." She smiled softly and gently nodded as the girl thanked them. Before she knew it, both her and her comrades were getting into a carriage with Mika's help. His hand was warm and gentle. Though, her thoughts had come flooding into her mind once more, causing the warrior to get frustrated once more. Sitting in the carriage, she spoke after Mika had asked his question. "These wizards steal sugar for a reason, sir Mika. They should not be a problem if they just fight for sugar. I believe maybe it's a small group of people and not a whole army." Probably they were amateurs to being wizards and using their magic!

@Mitchs98 @rbshinichi
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Mizuki would find that she had been transported to the same place in which she had dug to reach Alfie's laboratory, except for the fact that the hole hadn't been there any more.
Alfie, on the other hand, was deciding what he should do. Leave Mizuki to go about her own way and head back to Magnolia alone, or accompany her...? The second option sounded like it might do the ribbon mage good, but he couldn't bear to break the poor lady's heart like that! ...If she had a heart. With a disgruntled sigh, Alfie hopped down into the portal, finding that he was standing beside Mizuki in the soft grass of the forest. He looked up at the other mage before walking again at those incredible speeds despite looking as though he were going as the pace of a snail.

Mizuki was rather disappointed to find herself in the wrong forest. She was expecting to find herself in the tranquil stone forest on a different plane rather than the forest above Alfie's house. The hole was gone as well making her unable to get back in. To make things worse her ribbon mage didn't come out after her. It seemed that her suspicions were somewhat correct. With a deep sigh the dark mages shadowy arms sprung from her back and began to dig her way back into his laboratory. However before she could reach the roof Alfie appeared beside her and began to run back towards the town. "Wait for me Alfie. I need you." She said, running after him with him quickly.
Chris Lengheart(...)

Chris was able to dodge all the fire attacks. There was a pattern behind them, so Chris merely had to hop in between them before he was able to hook his claws into the fool that dared to oppose him. His claws tore right into his opponents arms as he lifted him up like a toy before tossing him back down to the ground, his claws forcing themselves out. Chris, thinking the fight was over, began to walk over to Kelica, leaving his massive back exposed.

@Zuka @Talon @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia hesitated with her answer, noticing fully the tear on Niur's face and her slightly quivering voice... should she try and comfort the girl and interrupt the game completely? No, because almost instantly, she seemed completely fine. Weird. Now, where were they...? She'd already done a dare and had been the only one not to choose truth. Eh, why not! "Truth," the blue haired mage exclaimed, hoping her question wouldn't be stupid, like where she was from or something of the sort...

Niur - I can't think of a pun.

"Okay...let's think of something spicy...hmm..." Niur said as she thought for a question. "Alright! Got it! Have you ever had a crush on anyone?" She said after a few moments of thought. "And I mean real crush, not just general like, you know, a crush crush?" She rambled on to explain as she paused to take a deep breath. "So...yeah...that." She finished lamely.

Unknown Falling:

Location: Magnolia Street Stalls

Unknown had been wandering around Magnolia after the group of three had vanished, right after insulting him no less. Recovering a good amount of magical energy he ended up at the Stalls for the festival. He noticed there was a lot of screaming and panic at the stalls so he naturally began to casually walk towards it. Soon after a crowd of people began to run past him, a man grabbed him and shouted "What are you doing, there's a monster!? We have to get out of here!", Unknown just shoved the man off of him and continued on "How about you just worry about yourself."

It wasn't long before the crowd was gone and he approached a scene of a man, a woman and a beast. He walked towards them and waved "Hi everybody!" with a big grin on his face.

The blond girl was wheezing on the ground from the two guys who had kicked her around, whincing and coughing painfully. Was that a broken rib? Felt like it. Regardless she struggled to her knees, hearing an almighty howl her eyes widened frightfully as she turned.

She wasn't sure what happened, the aggressive guys were there, then they were gone, and that giant wolf had torn them to shreds. She looked into it's yellow eyes, her voice barely a whisper as she connected the dots.

"C...Chris?" She whispered. It may have teeth bared, but she knew he would never hurt her. He was trying to protect her despite what it looked like from the outside. Then all of a sudden some guy had appeared to shield her, lifting an arm to try and push him away.

"No...Please don't!" But Chris had already set his eyes on him. A fight insued but Kelica injuries meant it took her a long time to get to her feet, breathing heavily, hand on her chest protectively.

"No...Stop..." She whimpered, Chris wasn't evil! But if this boy kept pushing him... Eventually she dashed ahead and wedged herself up against Chris's side, half sheilding his exposed back. She expected if he had no control he might attack her but just maybe....her necklace glowing green.

"PLEASE STOP!! CHRIS PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!" Screaming so that the other fire user might hear her, holding him close with tears in her eyes. She didn't want that fire mage to keep hurting him.

@Isune @Mitchs98 @Talon

@Unknown Falling
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Chris Lengheart (...Kelica?)

Chris was out for blood right now, the moment he saw someone run up to him, he held his claws ready to slice open her throat. Chris was about the strike her down right where she stood, but then she started to call his name, and the green light...it was almost warming him. Chris had finally calmed down as he spoke, "Kel...ica I-i'm so s-sorry. I thought I had c-crontrol-" his voice hoarse and sounding more like a growl. Then Chris started running away from the crowd, he eventually made it to the forest and created a small fire using his Draco form before laying down in his regular form, hands cupping his face. Why did Chris let things get so out of hand?

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon

Unknown Falling:

Location: Magnolia Street Stalls

Seeing the beast referred to as Chris by the woman run off, he quickly went up to said woman whom the beast referred to as Kelica. "Are you ok? It looks like you took a nasty hit by someone or thing. You can use me for support if you wish. I assume you wish to chase after your friend but you aren't in the state to do so for the time being." He then looked over to Talon, "Also, what the hell is wrong with you? I didn't see everything that transpired but I saw enough. "Chris?"" he looked back at Kelica, "I think you said that was his name," then back to Talon "Was clearly in distress."

"Anyone with any form of experience with animals understands that if your corner an animal it with will lash out and attack. I am pretty sure a panicking crowd and to be attacked by someone would make anything panic and lash out in defense. You just made whatever the situation was worse in doing so."
Unknown then started tapping his head "Think before you act, violence isn't always the answer."

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon @Isune
Wyatt said:



"That's amazing and never let anyone tell you other wise. What you can do is a gift, a talent not many others have and that makes you unique whether you think so out not." He felt like giving the girl a hug but he didn't want to push it. She was so unsure of her self that it hurt and he could bare to see her or anyone be afraid to believe in their selves. "I am only an A rank mage, most of what I can do is destructive."
Bizma smiled, looking down at her journal. "....Y-yeah....you're right...I mean, summoning things from books....I think it's really, really cool...." She opened her journal, looking through several sketches and notes. She had crossed out a few things, constantly editing them. "Still, A Rank is also very good as well." One of the letters, "Mirror of Truth", lit up and a mirror appeared in Bizma's hands. She looked in the mirror silently. It was the same as every time she had looked into it; a man looking very similar to her smiling at her. The image flickered and died after a minute. ".....Hmm...."
Talon stood up, his arms rippd up by its claws. That thing had dodged all of his attacks... but how could an animal figure out that simple pattern?¿?¿ He shrugged and headed towards the girl. maybe that wasnt an animal, maybe it was a... He shook his head and stopped in front of the girl and a new guy that had walked up. The new guy imediately stared giving him a lecture on thinkng before acting. Talons fists flared up and his eyes narrowed. "Aw shat up!¡!¡ I was trying to protect her from that thing!¡!¡" He said angrily. @Isune @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Unknown Falling
femjapanriceball said:
Bizma smiled, looking down at her journal. "....Y-yeah....you're right...I mean, summoning things from books....I think it's really, really cool...." She opened her journal, looking through several sketches and notes. She had crossed out a few things, constantly editing them. "Still, A Rank is also very good as well." One of the letters, "Mirror of Truth", lit up and a mirror appeared in Bizma's hands. She looked in the mirror silently. It was the same as every time she had looked into it; a man looking very similar to her smiling at her. The image flickered and died after a minute. ".....Hmm...."



"Well that is interesting, now I will show what I can do." The bench they were on was made out of metal which would work to his advantage. He began to manipulate the magnetic currents around the bench and it began to float above the ground and Liam hovered over it, still in his sitting position. "What other things can you make with your powers?"
Wyatt said:



"Well that is interesting, now I will show what I can do." The bench they were on was made out of metal which would work to his advantage. He began to manipulate the magnetic currents around the bench and it began to float above the ground and Liam hovered over it, still in his sitting position. "What other things can you make with your powers?"
Bizma's eyes widened; she was impressed. "....W-well...." She flipped through her book and summoned up a cherry blossom flower. She looked at it thoughtfully for a while. "I....I prefer summoning smaller objects; they're easier..." She sent the flower back and this time summoned an entire cherry blossom tree. The wind blew; the petals of the flowers in the tree scattered, some landing in her brown hair. Bizma smiled calmly, taking off her straw hat and holding it in her hands. "....But the large objects are more fascinating...."
femjapanriceball said:
Bizma's eyes widened; she was impressed. "....W-well...." She flipped through her book and summoned up a cherry blossom flower. She looked at it thoughtfully for a while. "I....I prefer summoning smaller objects; they're easier..." She sent the flower back and this time summoned an entire cherry blossom tree. The wind blew; the petals of the flowers in the tree scattered, some landing in her brown hair. Bizma smiled calmly, taking off her straw hat and holding it in her hands. "....But the large objects are more fascinating...."



"That is very impressive, like I said most of my powers are destructive. They seem to only be useful for self defense." The bench slowly fell to the ground and Liam stopped hovering. "So where are you from or have you always lived in this city?" Liam was sort of from this city but that was only because it was the first place he remembered being in.
rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere



The lady's face lit up with delight as she heard the words of acceptance and agreement from the two lady mages. She then looked at Mika for the final approval.

"Well, they're the official guild members so if it's okay with them, I have no other reason to decline. And I would be happy to tag along with you girls if you permit me."

"I am not quite sure about al the details but for the sugar, the supplier just deliver it to us. And I'm certain there is this train station where they drop them off before they place the sacks in a warehouse downtown. Our service porter will be happy to take you there."

There's a carriage waiting outside and Mika helped the ladies to alight the carriage.

"Thanks for letting me come with you Sera and Lavender." Mika expressed his gratitude. He's thinking that this is his turn to return the favor.

"So do you have any idea or some plan to deal with this?"he asked them.

@Britt-21 @mitch

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Sera: Carriage

Sera smiled at the girl as she explained everything, seemed simple enough. She had several theories as to why the sugar was being stolen, but most of them were stupid and didn't make sense. "
Don't mention it, as Lavender said we'll get this sorted out for you quickly." She told her. With that she followed Mika and Lavender into the carriage, thanking him as he helped them in. She nodded at Lavenders answer. "Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing. Might even just be a few kids with magic thinking its cool to steal things for whatever reason." She told them. "And you're welcome, we're glad to have you along." She added.
Kelica Zefara

Kelica watched Chris lift up a clawed hand as if to strike her but she held herself there. He just had to recognise her...."Chris please wait-!" But before she knew it he was gone. She knew he would head to the forest, that's where she would have headed towards....

She didn't care about her chest, she started to run after him, only getting a pace or two before her legs buckled from the pain, wheezing harder. That's when a man came up to her to offer some support. The fire mage returned, more arguing...more angry words... she had tears in her eyes. "Please stop arguing....I know it looked like Chris attacked me, but it was the crowd....they started hurling things at Chris...then these two guys came up and hit me...he was just trying to protect...he is a Beast Soul User...I've never seen that form before, so he didn't have control like the others..." Turning her eyes to look at the fire mage in particular.."I appreciate you trying to shield me but..." Her eyes lowered as tears dripped down her cheeks. "Please help me find my Chris...."

@Isune @Mitchs98 @Talon @Unknown Falling
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Wyatt said:



"That is very impressive, like I said most of my powers are destructive. They seem to only be useful for self defense." The bench slowly fell to the ground and Liam stopped hovering. "So where are you from or have you always lived in this city?" Liam was sort of from this city but that was only because it was the first place he remembered being in.
"I-I was actually born on the countryside," Bizma said quietly. "I moved here when I turned fifteen....and I've lived here ever since." She smiled. "My dad was a B-Class Mage for Fairy Tail; I've been waiting for him to get back from a mission for three years now. He..." Her smile faded. "He's not coming back. But that only means I should try my best to be like him."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was rather disappointed to find herself in the wrong forest. She was expecting to find herself in the tranquil stone forest on a different plane rather than the forest above Alfie's house. The hole was gone as well making her unable to get back in. To make things worse her ribbon mage didn't come out after her. It seemed that her suspicions were somewhat correct. With a deep sigh the dark mages shadowy arms sprung from her back and began to dig her way back into his laboratory. However before she could reach the roof Alfie appeared beside her and began to run back towards the town. "Wait for me Alfie. I need you." She said, running after him with him quickly.
Alfie's eyes widened when he heard Mizuki's request, but despite how much he had wanted to speed himself up, he slowed down slightly. When the two had finally reached the edge of Magnolia, the ribbon mage stopped completely and waited for his acquaintance to catch up before speaking, not having a clue as to where he was going. "I trust you wouldn't mind leading the way?" he asked in his polite, warm voice even when the lady had sounded monotone and unsatisfied nearly the whole way through. He hoped there would be a lot of walking involved, because that would mean he could talk less...

Metaphysics said:
Niur - I can't think of a pun.
"Okay...let's think of something spicy...hmm..." Niur said as she thought for a question. "Alright! Got it! Have you ever had a crush on anyone?" She said after a few moments of thought. "And I mean real crush, not just general like, you know, a crush crush?" She rambled on to explain as she paused to take a deep breath. "So...yeah...that." She finished lamely.
Ophelia seemed almost disgusted at the question, but she found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't lie about her answer even when she had been closed off from the world on sea for the first thirteen years of her life. She recalled the times when the Hamlet was still afloat, remembering the constant smell of ocean water and the pleasant rocking of the oversized ship... wait, things like that weren't what she was supposed to be thinking of! The girl put a finger on her chin and looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm... well, there was this one time when I fell in love with a crew mate... Okay, so I fell off the edge of the ship, right? I mean, I knew how to swim, but there was no way I'd catch up with how fast this thing was. Then this big, muscly guy jumps in and lifts me up before shooting us back up with a block of ice. I kept on trying to ask him out and I even spanked him a few times... he was like, 27 though, so I had no chance with him. Besides, he drowned last year when the ship sunk, so even if I could catch up to his age, I couldn't ask him out again." Not having a single clue that her friends wouldn't have a single clue about what she was talking about, Ophelia pointed to Alicia with a grin. "Mmkay, Alicia! Truth or Dare?"
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Unknown Falling:

Location: Magnolia Street Stalls

After Kelica explained the situation he turned to Talon, "See, I told you so." before slapping his hands together "Well, I got nothing else to do so I'm fine with helping. The only thing is I am worried about is your injures, you could only run a few feet before collapsing from pain. I feel it would be best for you to get them looked at and recover before looking for your friend. I don't think he would like to know you collapsed in the middle of the street trying to chase after him." he pulls out a handkerchief and kneels down beside Kelica and hands it too her to wipe away her tears "But you don't have to worry, I can begin searching while your recovering and if I find him I can bring him straight to you."

@Isune @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon

Kelica Zefara

The girl struggled to wipe the tears that were cascading down her cheeks with shaking fingers, she was worried intensely about Chris, what was he doing? Was he in pain? Was he upset? Did he hurt himself? She shook with her concerns, and as usual her magic could do nothing. Useless as always! What was the point in her magic anyway?!

Her fists clenching up and she smashed the ground angrily, feeling her knuckles hurt and bruise, still sniffling and sobbing. Something white appeared in the corner of her eyes. She lifted her sad face to see a handkerchief there and weakly grabs at, burying her face in it as she haunched over, shoulders sagged.

She could heal herself but frankly, she didn't want to. It would hurt...her healing magic unlike most only accelerated the cell regeneration, making months of healing in a few minutes but it also amplified the pain...and frankly she didn't much like the idea of agony...but Chris needed her.

Finally her sad eyes lifted from the cloth to the crouched man beside her. "No...I need to find Chris..I don't want him to lash out at anyone else...He'll listen to me..." I hope she thought.

@Isune @Talon @Unknown Falling
Chris Lengheart(Wildman in the wilderness)

Chris remained in the forest for a while, touching a small bump that formed on his head from the rocks. But that wasn't Chris' real problem, right now he just wanted some time to himself. If he was going to do that, he may as well take care of a shelter in the mean time. That was when Chris put out his fire and went on in search of a new home.

Eventually, Chris was able to find what appeared to be a nice little cave that was surprisingly large. That's when Chris suddenly took over his Taurus form and sent a fist crashing through the roof. A small portion of the rock came crashing down, revealing a small hole in which the sunlight crept in through. Chris was able to control himself then as he made a much smaller fire under the hole so that way the smoke had a way to escape.

After a few minutes of examining his home, Chris took over his Taurus form once again and walked around for a while. Eventually, Chris was able to find a massive boulder that he picked up and carried with him all the way back "home" as he climbed back into his little cave, using the boulder as a door and closing it shut behind him. The boulder was a bit large for the cave, but luckily only someone with incredible strength like Taurus Chris would be able to lift or break such a thing. Chris then released the takeover as he sat on the ground, hugging his knees as he let out a sigh.

If there was one thing Chris knew, it was that others would come looking for him. But the real question was, would Chris lose control? Better yet, would Chris even want to come back?

@Zuka @PeteTSs @Mitchs98 @Talon @Unknown Falling
Talon had watched the 2 talking and then spoke up. "If she wants to come then thats her own problem. lets go..." He exclaimed, still a bit angry. He turned to Ferra who was over at the side. "want to come Ferra?¿?¿" He asked her. @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Unknown Falling

Alicia: Rented Apartment[/color][/color][/color]

Alicia listened to both Niur and Ophelias answers intently. Both were...equally as depressing. Though, Ophelia's was more weird than depressing, really. Though she didn't...really understand how spanking him was a good thing to do if she wanted him to like her, but, you know. When she turned to her and asked her truth or dare she stared blankly for a few minutes in thought. She'd chose Truth last time..so it made sense to choose dare now. There was the chance Ophelia could ask her to do something weird, but also the chance it was fun. Plus she kind of wanted to see what she would tell her to do. "Ummm..Dare!" She replied.

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