Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia put her hands on her hips and looked around as the other girls sat onto the couch. She had barely known Mizuki and her ways aside from the fact that she was both lovable and scary... did Alfie have a place of his own that the two might have been hanging out at? If that were the case, then that settled it, because she had no idea where that could be. She looked back at Alicia, ignoring Niur's gift juggling. "Maybe she's hanging out at Alfie's. Let's just wait till they decide to come back. I have a feeling we'd get lost to no end if we try to look for that guy's house."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia frowned slightly when neither of them had any ideas, not that she did either...but still. She just hoped Mizuki was okay, she probably was though. She nodded in agreement with Ophelia, that's probably where she was. "
Yeah, you're right. Hopefully they are, I'm glad they're getting along now if that's the case." She replied. Little did she know they were getting along a little too well for Alfie's tastes, oh well. She also didn't really know about searching for Alfie's house herself, with his magic it could be literally anywhere in Fiore or Earthland.

Sighing she leaned into the couch, nothing to do now but wait. "
Sooo. What do you guys wanna do while we wait?" She asked, looking between the to of them. Staring at the wall in silence while they waited would be boring, after all.
Niur - How about a game...

Ruin swapped with Niur. "How about we play a game?" Niur said as she stopped her juggling and dismissed the gifts. "I mean, we have some time and we're bored...might as well you know?" Ruin didn't like where she was going with this but was curious nonetheless. "How about we play some...uhm...Truth or Dare?" She proposed. "I'd like to learn more about you guys...and...I...won't have chances to talk to others when we leave..."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie held up a finger in protest even when Mizuki had loosened her grip on his body. He had things to do and he was physically unable to sleep! Even if he had wanted to, he couldn't! But he wouldn't let the dark mage know that. He had other good excuses. "B-but I still have work to do here! Like, work on the positive-energy-convertermatron! Or, the mega-particle... disease cure! I am a scientist and I have sciency things to work on!" For the first time the whole year, the ribbon mage sounded unintelligent, like he was making things up. Which he was. His work here was basically completely completed, and his quota for the day's energy had been met about an hour earlier. All he had to do when it came to work in total was collect the energy from the festival and wait some more. He'd decide what he'd do with his life afterward. Wait, was he trailing...? Oh, no! His thoughts had unfortunately returned to Mizuki when he realized he had been trailing off. Couldn't he stay in his own world of what he'd done and what he would do a little while longer...?

Mizuki let go of Alfie completely and took a few steps back. She looked a little offended, her face going from her excited look to her resting bitch face. She knew that he was some weird soul sucking gem, and a supplier or wonderful ribbons, but she didn't know that he was a scientist. However he must have some free time for her needs. "Surely you can drop this for me. I'm ordering you to do so." She said, crossing her arms across her stomach. If he continued to resist the dark Mage would just up and leave. Only to return the next day. Maybe she could place a seeing eye spell in his laboratory so that she could watch him from the rented room.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki let go of Alfie completely and took a few steps back. She looked a little offended, her face going from her excited look to her resting bitch face. She knew that he was some weird soul sucking gem, and a supplier or wonderful ribbons, but she didn't know that he was a scientist. However he must have some free time for her needs. "Surely you can drop this for me. I'm ordering you to do so." She said, crossing her arms across her stomach. If he continued to resist the dark Mage would just up and leave. Only to return the next day. Maybe she could place a seeing eye spell in his laboratory so that she could watch him from the rented room.
Alfie's eyes would shift across the room as his face went blank. Well, he was slave to a stalker now, and no matter how hard he tried to protest, he believed Mizuki just wouldn't let up. Even if she did, she might find a way to watch him even when she was gone. Oh well. It wasn't like the pink haired mage could do anything about it. Besides, as uncomfortable as it might sound, hanging out with her might not be as bad as just sitting around and worrying about what you might not be able to do. Sighing, Alfie walked around Mizuki and stretched his hand outward. A small, pink glyph would grow on the white tile before him, and when it was finished, he turned back to face the lady. "This portal will take us back to the forest which I'm sure you somehow followed me to. Ladies first," he said and stepped aside for the shadow mage to walk into the portal.


Mongolia Streets​

Liam was wondering through the streets of Mongolia, it had been a while since he had been a round. He had been busy window shopping in other cities, going through libraries and stores to see what there was to see. He hadn't bought many things, at most he had bought food to get through the days and a jacket to get through the cold nights. He was finally back in town and was wondering through the streets.

Kelica felt the warm if not death crushing hug from Chris, whimpering as she did. She was an innocent, weak little blonde girl and frankly it hurt! She figured Sabrina would have better luck not being squeezed to death, being experimental half dragon...thing. Kelica weakly pulled herself from Chris's grasp and threaded her fingers into Sabrina's hand, before leading her out the door, hoping Chris would follow suit. "A'ight!! I think I need a shopping spree....This doom and gloom is depressing and I'm sure some money spending will cheer us all up! A girl can never have enough shoes right?" Glancing to Chris over her shoulder with an explorative look, fishing for a bait it seemed. Poor guy. Shoe shopping...

@PeteTSs @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Oh no...)

Chris followed closely behind Kelica before she suddenly glanced over at Chris. Oh no, that look in her eyes...Chris had to say something or else he'd end up with no jewels left over. "Maybe one or two are enough for today. I'm not rich you know." he eventually said, a blank look on his face. As Chris began to walk around he saw all the different shops and merchants around to sell their wares. Chris only hoped that Kelica didn't find the two most expensive shoes on the planet.

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Kelica hadn't been shopping like this in a very long time, she flittered like a kid in a candy store quickly ditching Sabrina's hand in a flurry to look over everything from jewellery to dresses to underwear, giving a cheeky grin to Chris as she held up a rather revealing thing made of nothing of strings and looking like it covered nothing at all. After, hopefully, embarassing Chris to no end, she came over a stall selling all things horse related. To this she actually got an innocent but great idea, grasping a saddle and offering it up in her fingers.

"You know handsome, I'm pretty good at holding on when you transform, but a saddle might not be a bad idea especially if you go 100miles per hour or leap from roof top to roof top?"

@Isune @PeteTSs

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Chris Lengheart(Kelica!)

Chris could only look away as Kelica showed him...who knew what since it was basically string. His face was a bright red as Kelica continued on her little shopping spree. Once they made it to a small stall meant for selling saddles and other things for horses Chris only watched as Kelica grabbed a saddle and asked if he'd like it. She couldn't be serious, right? Chris only shot her a glare as he put the saddle back. There was no way he'd wear something like that.

Wyatt said:


Mongolia Streets​

Liam was wondering through the streets of Mongolia, it had been a while since he had been a round. He had been busy window shopping in other cities, going through libraries and stores to see what there was to see. He hadn't bought many things, at most he had bought food to get through the days and a jacket to get through the cold nights. He was finally back in town and was wondering through the streets.
- Bizma -

Bizma had still been avoiding the public all day long; she sighed, clutching herself. She hadn't gotten the nerve to return to Fairy Tail and report that her previous mission had been a success; she was just too shy. She sat down at a bench, opening a book and looking thoughtfully at it. "....No good, no good at all....will I ever get the knack of it...." She noticed Liam walking down the same street she was on and nervously raised the book even higher to her face. What are you doing?! You are an S-Class wizard and you can't even socialize?! She scolded herself. You should at least say hello... She peeked up from her book. Here goes.....




"Hello Madame... Um... How are you?" He managed to say not excepting someone to greet him like she had. He didn't really know what to say to her, he had forgotten what people where like in this city. He the sat down on the bench next to her so that he could have a more in depth conversation if it came to that. He thought that it might be nice to make a new friend or discuss something like politics.
Wyatt said:



"Hello Madame... Um... How are you?" He managed to say not excepting someone to greet him like she had. He didn't really know what to say to her, he had forgotten what people where like in this city. He the sat down on the bench next to her so that he could have a more in depth conversation if it came to that. He thought that it might be nice to make a new friend or discuss something like politics.
- Bizma -

Bizma blinked when the man she had spoken to sat next to her. She stared at the ground, always the shy one, then looked up at him. She'd never been the type to socialize, and this was new to her. No good, no good at all. No backing out now, though.




"Really you seem rather nervous, I haven't done anything wrong have I? If I have I am awfully sorry." She seemed rather afraid of him and he didn't want to give her the wrong impression. "If I need to leave I will, I would rather not bother you.
Wyatt said:



"Really you seem rather nervous, I haven't done anything wrong have I? If I have I am awfully sorry." She seemed rather afraid of him and he didn't want to give her the wrong impression. "If I need to leave I will, I would rather not bother you.
"N-no, please don't go...!" Bizma said hastily, holding onto the man's sleeve. Realizing what she was doing, she awkwardly let go. Now her shyness had made her come off as rude....she reddened. "I.....I just.....I'm not used to socializing and....well...it's kind of embarrassing, actually....I'm trying to overcome it....." She trailed off.



He smiled when he learned that he hadn't scared or offended the girl. "Well in that case I won't leave, it has been a while since the last time I was here. What's your name, what do you do?" He figured that it might help her overcome her shyness if they got to know each other. "My name is Liam, I have been traveling a lot lately."
Talon said:
Talons forehead creased in thought. "Meh ill fight you some other time then sparky," He told the other slayer. "If I beat you then ill fight your girlfriend, how about that?¿?¿" He asked and then turned to leave. "cmon Ferra, ill show you my amazingness in the forest after all!¡!¡" He said with a slight chuckle. @Kayzo

Ferra: FT Training Grounds

Ferra looked between everyone and shrugged when Talon spoke. She wished she could say that was how Talon generally acted, but he was continuing to surprise her constantly the short time she'd known him. When he turned to leave she nodded, "
Okay, ready when you are. Lead the way cause you know the quickest way to the woods and stuff." She replied. 'Course. Quickest quickest way would be eating holes through buildings and making her own shortcuts, but that was illegal, so ya kno'.
Metaphysics said:
Niur - How about a game...
Ruin swapped with Niur. "How about we play a game?" Niur said as she stopped her juggling and dismissed the gifts. "I mean, we have some time and we're bored...might as well you know?" Ruin didn't like where she was going with this but was curious nonetheless. "How about we play some...uhm...Truth or Dare?" She proposed. "I'd like to learn more about you guys...and...I...won't have chances to talk to others when we leave..."
Ophelia sat beside Alicia on the couch, resting her legs on a nearby coffee table as she let her arms spread on the top of the sofa. Truth or Dare, huh...? If it was as simple as it sounded... "Dare!" the Guild Master cried out happily, hoping she got something fun to do. Maybe Niur would dare her to smash a table, or run a train over Magnolia City? As long as it included using some sort of physical or magical force, Ophelia was more than up for it!
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie's eyes would shift across the room as his face went blank. Well, he was slave to a stalker now, and no matter how hard he tried to protest, he believed Mizuki just wouldn't let up. Even if she did, she might find a way to watch him even when she was gone. Oh well. It wasn't like the pink haired mage could do anything about it. Besides, as uncomfortable as it might sound, hanging out with her might not be as bad as just sitting around and worrying about what you might not be able to do. Sighing, Alfie walked around Mizuki and stretched his hand outward. A small, pink glyph would grow on the white tile before him, and when it was finished, he turned back to face the lady. "This portal will take us back to the forest which I'm sure you somehow followed me to. Ladies first," he said and stepped aside for the shadow mage to walk into the portal.

Mizuki watched as Alfie's hand extended, the glyph growing brightly on the floor and opening up a portal. She was quite surprised to find out that he was trying to bring her back to the forest. However the face that he wanted her to enter first only raised suspicions. What if Alfie let her go in first and then quickly shut the portal on her? She'd be locked in another plane and Alicia would be all alone. Then again, the Ribbon Mage has been quite nice to her so far, so she doh Ted he'd pull something like that. "No one has ever referred to me as lady before. I don't know if I like it..." She said before stepping into the portal.
Metaphysics said:
Niur - How about a game...
Ruin swapped with Niur. "How about we play a game?" Niur said as she stopped her juggling and dismissed the gifts. "I mean, we have some time and we're bored...might as well you know?" Ruin didn't like where she was going with this but was curious nonetheless. "How about we play some...uhm...Truth or Dare?" She proposed. "I'd like to learn more about you guys...and...I...won't have chances to talk to others when we leave..."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia sat beside Alicia on the couch, resting her legs on a nearby coffee table as she let her arms spread on the top of the sofa. Truth or Dare, huh...? If it was as simple as it sounded... "Dare!" the Guild Master cried out happily, hoping she got something fun to do. Maybe Niur would dare her to smash a table, or run a train over Magnolia City? As long as it included using some sort of physical or magical force, Ophelia was more than up for it!

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia immediately looked to Niur when she suggested playing a game. She wasn't sure what kind of game it was, but simply a game, and games were generally fun so you know. Plusss if she didn't like the sound of it she could always ditch, or say no. She nodded in agreement, nothing else to do but wait so might as well. Truth or Dare? Sounded fun to her. Though, she felt bad about what she said last. No chance to talk to people? That was horrible. Maybe she could convince them to join Sabertooth?...No. Mizuki would kill Raa, probably. Maybe not. She felt bad for Niur though, maybe if she told her about it Mizuki would tolerate Raa? It was possible.

Since Ophelia had went with dare, Alicia decided to go with; "
Truth!" What could go wrong?
Kayzo said:
Mizuki watched as Alfie's hand extended, the glyph growing brightly on the floor and opening up a portal. She was quite surprised to find out that he was trying to bring her back to the forest. However the face that he wanted her to enter first only raised suspicions. What if Alfie let her go in first and then quickly shut the portal on her? She'd be locked in another plane and Alicia would be all alone. Then again, the Ribbon Mage has been quite nice to her so far, so she doh Ted he'd pull something like that. "No one has ever referred to me as lady before. I don't know if I like it..." She said before stepping into the portal.
Mizuki would find that she had been transported to the same place in which she had dug to reach Alfie's laboratory, except for the fact that the hole hadn't been there any more.

Alfie, on the other hand, was deciding what he should do. Leave Mizuki to go about her own way and head back to Magnolia alone, or accompany her...? The second option sounded like it might do the ribbon mage good, but he couldn't bear to break the poor lady's heart like that! ...If she had a heart. With a disgruntled sigh, Alfie hopped down into the portal, finding that he was standing beside Mizuki in the soft grass of the forest. He looked up at the other mage before walking again at those incredible speeds despite looking as though he were going as the pace of a snail.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia sat beside Alicia on the couch, resting her legs on a nearby coffee table as she let her arms spread on the top of the sofa. Truth or Dare, huh...? If it was as simple as it sounded... "Dare!" the Guild Master cried out happily, hoping she got something fun to do. Maybe Niur would dare her to smash a table, or run a train over Magnolia City? As long as it included using some sort of physical or magical force, Ophelia was more than up for it!

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia immediately looked to Niur when she suggested playing a game. She wasn't sure what kind of game it was, but simply a game, and games were generally fun so you know. Plusss if she didn't like the sound of it she could always ditch, or say no. She nodded in agreement, nothing else to do but wait so might as well. Truth or Dare? Sounded fun to her. Though, she felt bad about what she said last. No chance to talk to people? That was horrible. Maybe she could convince them to join Sabertooth?...No. Mizuki would kill Raa, probably. Maybe not. She felt bad for Niur though, maybe if she told her about it Mizuki would tolerate Raa? It was possible.

Since Ophelia had went with dare, Alicia decided to go with; "
Truth!" What could go wrong?
Niur - Wut.

Niur alternated looking between Alicia and Ophelia. "...Umm...let's go one at a time. Let's start with...Ophelia since she picked dare." She thought for a while. "Umm...I dare you to...hang on to the ceiling for five minutes!" She said. "After this it's her turn to ask Truth or Dare to anyone then whoever she asks gets a turn." She explained. "You can't go back and forth between two people, other people have to be included as well."
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Metaphysics said:
Niur - Wut.
Niur alternated looking between Alicia and Ophelia. "...Umm...let's go one at a time. Let's start with...Ophelia since she picked dare." She thought for a while. "Umm...I dare you to...hang on to the ceiling for five minutes!" She said. "After this it's her turn to ask Truth or Dare to anyone then whoever she asks gets a turn." She explained. "You can't go back and forth between two people, other people have to be included as well."
Ophelia nodded and hopped up forcefully enough to stay on the ceiling for just enough time to freeze her arms and legs up. She gave Niur a challenging smile, the ice hardly bothering her.

(Timeskip because one is necessary)

The frozen water surrounding the girl's limbs would suddenly turn into steam, leaving Ophelia to fall and plop safely down at the couch. When she sat up, she looked at Alicia with a grin before asking, "Truth or dare?"
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Wut.
Niur alternated looking between Alicia and Ophelia. "...Umm...let's go one at a time. Let's start with...Ophelia since she picked dare." She thought for a while. "Umm...I dare you to...hang on to the ceiling for five minutes!" She said. "After this it's her turn to ask Truth or Dare to anyone then whoever she asks gets a turn." She explained. "You can't go back and forth between two people, other people have to be included as well."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia nodded and hopped up forcefully enough to stay on the ceiling for just enough time to freeze her arms and legs up. She gave Niur a challenging smile, the ice hardly bothering her.
(Timeskip because one is necessary)

The frozen water surrounding the girl's limbs would suddenly turn into steam, leaving Ophelia to fall and plop safely down at the couch. When she sat up, she looked at Alicia with a grin before asking, "Truth or dare?"

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia nodded, "
Okay." She replied. Thus she waited to see what Niur wanted Ophelia to do. Once she had she also listened to Niur's explanation. Well of course she knew that, she just figured Niur wanted to tell them both something to do. Make it easier and stuff. Oh well. "Oh, okay! Sounds good to me." She replied. She watched as Ophelia latched onto the ceiling, staring up at her and silently cheering her on the entire five minutes. Save for looking down ever so often so as to not hurt her neck. Of course, when Ophelia asked her truth or dare, she immediately went with her immediate answer; "Truth!" She told her excitedly.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia nodded, "
Okay." She replied. Thus she waited to see what Niur wanted Ophelia to do. Once she had she also listened to Niur's explanation. Well of course she knew that, she just figured Niur wanted to tell them both something to do. Make it easier and stuff. Oh well. "Oh, okay! Sounds good to me." She replied. She watched as Ophelia latched onto the ceiling, staring up at her and silently cheering her on the entire five minutes. Save for looking down ever so often so as to not hurt her neck. Of course, when Ophelia asked her truth or dare, she immediately went with her immediate answer; "Truth!" She told her excitedly.
Ophelia didn't look surprised in the slightest when Alicia went with truth, but she was sort of hoping the girl would take a chance and ask for a dare. The blue haired mage leaned back on the sofa before thinking of something to say. "Hmm... is it true, that..." Unable to think of something good to ask, she had to resort to a question she wished she wouldn't have to with a giggle. "Is it true that even Mizuki knows I trained you how to use a sword... kind of?"

Mikael La Viere



"Come have a seat." Mikael offered the trouble lady the open seat beside him. He caught a wind of disappointment from Lavender, he'd have to make it up to her later, but for now this lady seemed a little bit worried and he would like to at least listen to her.

"Actually I have been meaning to post a request to your guild but with the festivities and such, I didn't wanna hinder your fun guys, it's just onve a year and you keep us all safe and protected all the time. So I would understand if you rather turn down my request. As you see we are having trouble acquiring our sugar supplies. The thing is, our suppliers which supplies sugar to most of the establishments in fiore are being sabotaged. There have been reports that the containers transporting the sugar have been hijacked several times now. Of course they reported it to the council since the supposed thieves were mages but they were just buried in paperworks. The council deemed the incidents to be trivial and not that threatening. But in our case, this will be the entire world. Imagine that cake your eating tasting bland. Imagine the world without sugar .... I can't even...." the lady burst into tears and started sobbing. Talk about exaggeration.

"Can you please help us? At least catch those sweet burglars.?" She begged.

Mika pushed his drink towards the lady who seemed to be in dire need of sugar herself. "Please, have this and calm down. Well, they're the mages of fairy tail, they're the ones you should asking help for."

The lady then bowed her head towards Sera and Lavender. "I beg of you mages. Can you please help us somehow?"


Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia sighed, where there went a potential lead. Oh well. If Mizuki wasn't at the apartment she hoped wherever she was she was having fun instead of in trouble, though on the latter chance she was in trouble she'd keep looking. Even if Mizuki was powerful she wasn't invincible, although low there was a possibility she was in trouble. Little did she know, however, she actually wasn't and was instead safe feeling up Alfie and being a creepy ass stalker. Completely focused on finding the building she said nothing until Ophelia asked if they were almost there, literally as soon as they reached the building. "
Yup! We're here!" She replied happily before opening the door. Their room in particular was on the second floor, thus after smiling and waving at the owner she led Niur and Ophelia upstairs to said room.

Mizuki! Are you in here? It's us!" She called out as she opened the door. Breaking free from Ophelia's grasp she looked around the place, checking every single room and sadly coming up empty. Sighing she sat down on the couch defeated. "Well..she isn't here. You guys have any ideas where to look?" She asked them, a small frown on her face as she was clearly unhappy that Mizuki was no where to be seen. Sure she knew she needed to do her own thing, but she wished she had've told her before running off.

Ferra: Park > Woods

Ferra nodded, popping up off of the bench and following closely beside him. She was really excited to see his magic, she hadn't gotten to see Sora in action at the dragon fight due to being otherwise occupied so she was even more excited to see a Slayer magic similar to dragon slayer magic. "
Sounds good to me! Lead the way!" She replied excitedly. Things seemed to be going good so far, at-least.

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica!)

Chris could only look away as Kelica showed him...who knew what since it was basically string. His face was a bright red as Kelica continued on her little shopping spree. Once they made it to a small stall meant for selling saddles and other things for horses Chris only watched as Kelica grabbed a saddle and asked if he'd like it. She couldn't be serious, right? Chris only shot her a glare as he put the saddle back. There was no way he'd wear something like that.


Kelica made a face as he pushed the saddle back down and glared at her.

"B...but I think it's a great idea! Maybe you right...I mean a saddle is hard to put on in an emergency....what about reins and a bit?" Picking one up to show him again.

The funniest thing was she literally thought this was a great idea and it showed on her face. She actually had no malicious intents at all. Emerald eyes sparkling happily.


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