Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail guildhall

Honks laughed as her twin got up to ' Get some fresh air', she really was quite the gal. She listened to what don had to say, this man really was addicted to fighting. Its funny how he could remember all the ways he got his scars. " Well if your looking for a fight here then your out of luck. Most of the mages are out in the festival or with their friends or loved ones today. But I could spar with you. how about it?" She poked him in the side with her elbow. " Plus i'm part of Sabertooth." She showed him the back of her left hand.

@Kayzo @Refaulted

Her brow schrunched up at this in confusion. "But, why would you want to be alone? You should join a guild! Then you could have lots of friends, and they would be like a family and you could have lots of fun and go on lots of adventures and stuff!" She beamed at him, then bounced to her feet, placing her hands on her hips. "I know! You could join my guild. It's really great there and everyone is very nice. Well, the guild master looks at me funny, but other than that..." She appears to be a little uncomfortable. "But who is the friend that you are meeting in town?"

Chris Lengheart(Thank you...)

Chris stared at Kelica for what felt like an eternity as he suddenly clung to her. He hugged her, almost forcing her face deep into his chest. He finally calmed down as he let go of Kelica and smiled. He then stood up and looked over to Sabrina, and then back to Kelica, "You think we should wake her up? I mean...it's the right thing to do."

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner


Mikael frowned as a sudden cloud covered his heart, or whatever that thing on his chest is called now. He remembered the things he went through in that cult. He wasn't sure but he's quite convinced that Sera was talking about the same cult that took him in and tried to use him as a sacrifice or something. "I may need to apologize to you for what you went through I guess. I went through the same thing. But I wasn't strong enough to kill them then, I couldn't. Maybe if I just did... Maybe... Just maybe you didn't need to go through that. Maybe you are still living with others of our kind. " he said almost in the verge of tears. It wasn't his fault, but he couldn't take that he did nothing to stop them from doing it again to anybody else.

"I'm sorry."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

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rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner


Mikael frowned as a sudden cloud covered his heart, or whatever that thing on his chest is called now. He remembered the things he went through in that cult. He wasn't sure but he's quite convinced that Sera was talking about the same cult that took him in and tried to use him as a sacrifice or something. "I may need to apologize to you for what you went through I guess. I went through the same thing. But I wasn't strong enough to kill them then, I couldn't. Maybe if I just did... Maybe... Just maybe you didn't need to go through that. Maybe you are still living with others of our kind. " he said almost in the verge of tears. It wasn't his fault, but he couldn't take that he did nothing to stop them from doing it again to anybody else.

"I'm sorry."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
Lavender Gray

It didnt take Lavender long to approach the cafe. "I've made it." the warrior said with a soft smile as she approached the door and pushed open the door, a small bell ringing as she stepped inside. Being greeted, Lavender nodded softly in greeting and looked around the small cafe, finding Sera and Mika by the window. "There they are." with that said, the purple haired woman walked towards the table "I'm so sorry." she said as she stood by the table "Being a woman has it's downsides. Especially when it comes to hygene." Lavender then took her seat next to Sera and looked between the two "What have I missed?" by the look on both their faces, something was bothering both of them in some way, which made her frown "What's wrong?" @Mitchs98 @rbshinichi

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Donald frowned as Honoka said that most of the stronger mages were out celebrating. He understood that a festival was going on, but he was still hopinh one of them would have stayed behind so he could fight them. It had been too long since his last fight with someone, as he had spent so much time in the last year training on his own.

But when Honoka offered to be his partner in a sparring match, he perked up. His mouth spread into a wide grin, and he practically jumped from his chair, slamming his hands down onto the table. "
Really?! I'm not sure how I missed that mark on your hand, but I don't care! Let's throw down!" Small sparks passed over his body as he looked around. "Where's the training grounds? Come on!" He paused, turning back to Honoka and laughing nervously. "Sorry. You'll be the first Mage Guild member I've ever fought. I'm just pretty pumped about it. Though...I hope you don't mind if I don't hold back too much?"

rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner


Mikael frowned as a sudden cloud covered his heart, or whatever that thing on his chest is called now. He remembered the things he went through in that cult. He wasn't sure but he's quite convinced that Sera was talking about the same cult that took him in and tried to use him as a sacrifice or something. "I may need to apologize to you for what you went through I guess. I went through the same thing. But I wasn't strong enough to kill them then, I couldn't. Maybe if I just did... Maybe... Just maybe you didn't need to go through that. Maybe you are still living with others of our kind. " he said almost in the verge of tears. It wasn't his fault, but he couldn't take that he did nothing to stop them from doing it again to anybody else.

"I'm sorry."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera stared at him in disbelief. So, he had gone through the exact same thing more or less? And he didn't kill them...? A part of her wanted to be mad at him for being a weakling and not killing them at the time, blame him for making her like this. But in the end she couldn't blame him for it. It wasn't his fault she was like this, not at all. It wasn't like he had helped them capture her, helped them torture her. Honestly, she was partly glad she was what she was. The only bad thing about it being out-living her friends, it hadn't happened yet but..she wasn't sure if she could bear that part of this curse. She honestly hoped she died long before such a thing happened.

Before she could reply, however, Lavender made her way inside and sat down beside her causing her to sigh at her words. "You missed a bit..mostly just me and Mika talking about our pasts." She told her. "As you could guess..they weren't to happy." She added before turning back to Mika with a small, genuine smile on her face. "It's alright Mika. I understand, it wasn't your fault at all. Don't blame yourself, alright?" She finally replied. She then turned to Lavender and sighed. "I suppose I don't mind repeating what was said, I said I'd tell you more about myself anyway." She told her. She then proceeded to retell the small story about her past she'd told Mika as well as the questions he'd asked her for more context.

When she was done she grew silent, allowing Lavender to take in what she said and hopefully not react horribly. Cece was the only one she'd told this to aside from Mika, so obviously she was extremely nervous she might be viewed as a monster by her own guild mate.

Mikael La Viere



The bell from the door gentle rung and he haven't had the chance to turn. Lavender sat beside Sera and Mikael slowly looked up from being gloomy. He saw Lavender in dressed in a ball gown. His worries, his guilt and all that flushed away with the sight of her. She wasn't dressed for a cafe, she was dressed like a princess. He smiled softly at her and he spoke softly, "If fits you perfectly." that's all he could say. Seeing the girl transform from a heavy looking armor to a ball gown is magic in itself for him.

Sera told him it was okay, but deep down he still take a part of the blame. If only he had done something to those terrible minded folks, but somehow he was relieved to know that Sera killed every single one of them. At least now he knows that they couldn't try anything anymore.

He turned to the two, "you're from the same guild right? Do you also live together or separately?" he asked. He was thinking of asking them where he could look for some place to stay. He would finally try sticking around for a while.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Honoka Redfox

Fairytail Guildhall to Fariy training grounds.

His reaction made her jump out of her skin. Some of the sparks landed on her making her squirm, he looked cute when he was excited. She rose form the table, she looked at him dead in the eyes. " I won't mind if you don't hold back at all. Like I said,'I can hold my own."

She grabbed him by the hand again, this time determined to get this loaf of meat out to the training grounds. " Haruhi you can come watch if you want." She pulled Don along with her, she turned to the back exit and lunged towards it. Honks pushed the door open to reveal a large open field. Markings covered the ground form other mages using their destructive magic. " Go stand on the other side, I'll get to my post." She let go of his hand, she swiftly walked to her place and waited for him to say the Okay.

@Kayzo @Refaulted
Lavender Gray

Lavender had taken in all the information Sera had told her. All this happened to one girl who had been a vampire as well? That was horrible "I'm very sorry about that, Miss Sera.." she then moved her eyes over towards Mika who complimented on her dress, or so she thought "Oh, my dress? Thank you." she said with a smile, looking back at Sera "Just know I do not think of you as a monster. If you were such a thing, and tried to attack me, then maybe I would think of you as one." Lavender then hugged her softly and then sat properly in her seat. Mika had then asked about the two girls Living together.

"I live on my own, sir Mika. I had never thought of having another live with me since I love my privacy." Lavender felt like she had been talking too much but she was close to Sera and Mika, so talking so much hadnt bothered her "Though we are from the same guild, yes." part of her fairy tail mark had been hidden behind some of the cloth of her dress. "I do hope that our guild master accept's you. You'd make the perfect ally to our small team." @rbshinichi @Mitchs98
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Haruhi's blush gently grew back again as the two called her out for staring at a wall. It was just an excuse she made, and she thought they'd let it slip. However fate wasn't on her side that moment. "It was fresh air for me..." She said, puffing out her cheeks and staring down at her lap. She loved her sister dearly, but sometimes her teasing could be a bit annoying. She continued to listen silently to the two talk about magic and guilds. From the sound of it Don liked to fight strong mages, which meant that he'd like to fight her. In fact they were already going out to fight right now! Haruhi stood up when she was invited and began to follow her sister outside. "I know you want to fight a strong wizard, but I don't understand why you're fighting Honoka. I am the stronger sister, being an S-Class." What Haruhi said wasn't meant to be insulting at all, she was just speaking her mind. "But do whatever you want to do..."

@Refaulted @purplepanda288

Mizuki continued her digging, getting work done at a rather fast past. It wasn't exactly hard to do so with four strong arms that never grew tired. And though it was quite boring she needed to get to Alfie, to learn where he lived and how he slept. What he ate and how often he showered. Everything. The digging continued and Mizuki started to doubt that she'd ever reach Aflie. Maybe he really was in another plane and she'd never be able to reach him. Or he was under this roof-like material she came across. She could feel the faint energy of his magic through the layer and she knew that she arrived. Summoning a dark blade the dark Mage began to saw at the roof, hoping to cut a small hole that she could look through and watch him. "I will be seeing you soon my Ribbon Mage...hehehe"

@Salt Lord

rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere



The bell from the door gentle rung and he haven't had the chance to turn. Lavender sat beside Sera and Mikael slowly looked up from being gloomy. He saw Lavender in dressed in a ball gown. His worries, his guilt and all that flushed away with the sight of her. She wasn't dressed for a cafe, she was dressed like a princess. He smiled softly at her and he spoke softly, "If fits you perfectly." that's all he could say. Seeing the girl transform from a heavy looking armor to a ball gown is magic in itself for him.

Sera told him it was okay, but deep down he still take a part of the blame. If only he had done something to those terrible minded folks, but somehow he was relieved to know that Sera killed every single one of them. At least now he knows that they couldn't try anything anymore.

He turned to the two, "you're from the same guild right? Do you also live together or separately?" he asked. He was thinking of asking them where he could look for some place to stay. He would finally try sticking around for a while.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

@rbshinichi[/URL] @Mitchs98
Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera sighed with relief when Lavender displayed sympathy instead of disgust for her. It felt nice to have another person that cared for her even after knowing about her past. When she hugged her Sera had hugged her back, a happy smile on her face. "
Thank you..it means a lot." She told her. Maybe she could come out and tell the rest. If Lavender had reacted this way why wouldn't the rest? They were all her guild members and allies and friends right? When she released her she settled back down in her seat, retaining the smile from before on her face clearly back to the good mood she'd held previously.

When Lavender had answered Mika's question she nodded. "
Yeah. I have my own house near the guild hall too. And like she said we're from the same guild." She replied. "I hope Master Ophelia accepts you to. I'm sure you'd like it in Fairy Tail. Us three could even form a team then!" She added excitedly. If the two of them could convince Ophelia to let him join that would be great. She could talk to him almost every day then! Sure she could talk to Lavender about things more than the rest. But it was different talking to someone that had lived through it, you know?

Donald Houns

Fairy Tail Guild Hall - to the - Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Donald gave Honoka a wicked smile. "Alright, shorty. Don't say I didn't warn you when your little ass is begging me for mercy." His heart was pounding as he thought of the upcoming fight. He tried to control the sparks coming off of him, but he only managed for them to stick around his hair.

He quickly looked to Haruhi, and laughed. "
Of course it was. You just sucked the air out of a microscopic crack that no one but you can see." He reached over and gave Haruhi and pat on the head, laughing again. He then felt himself being tugged along as Honoka grabbed his hand and dragged him along with her. He chuckled as he was dragged along. "Hey, hey! I can't fight if you tear my arm off, shorty!" He waved to Haruhi. "Come on, slowpoke!"

Once they were outside, Donald walked over to where Honoka had told him to stand. Once he was there, he pulled his vest off and looked over to Haruhi. He tossed it through the air towards her. "
Catch, Haruhi!" He laughed loudly, the sound booming. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to save enough energy to fight you right after this." He cracked his knuckles, then his neck. "Of course, know you'll be going into a fight where I have the advantage." He flashed the blue-haired girl a wicked grin before looking back to Honoka. He kept his smile on as he gestured for her to come at him. "Come and get some, Honoka." He took up his own stance, spreading his feet apart and bending his legs so he was a bit closer to the ground. He held his arms out to the side, angled downwards, similar to a bird resting before taking flight.

Kelica Zefara

Kelica squeeled and her eyes almost bulged as Chris pulled her into one of his death hugs, she could feel her bones almost shatter and the wind escape her lungs fully. Take-Over or not he was still as strong as an oxe. "N...no pr..problem love..." He didn't need to say thanks, the death love hug was word enough. As he slowly let her go, she coughed a few time to reenergize her lungs again, before taking a big sigh outwards, eyes drifting to the side to Sabrina. "I suppose so...." Kelica patted Chris gently on the chest in a comforting manner before returning to kneel by Sabrina's side. "Hey girl..." Shaking her shoulder gently. "Sabrina sweety, you ok?" Her injuries all healed now, it was just a case of emotional trauma if she was still exhausted.

@PeteTSs @Isune

Mikael La Viere



Mika whistled and looked around trying to not talk about joining the guild. He knows it would be hard now that he pissed their master. "Oh, it's not that I don't want to, I mean I would love to but I don't think it would be that easy. You know. Things happened." Aside from stealing a job from their posts he went right out and protested in a not so good a way. Forming a team with them seemed like to be a great idea for Mikael. Finally, he thought, finally he could try to leave living alone alone.

"I do not know about joining the guild, but I am sure I'll be seeing you around here. I am looking to stay here. You wouldn't know any place that could let me rent a room or a house, would you?" he asked.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Honoka Redfox

Don't mess with a Redfox

Honoka held out her left hand, she drew it to the side. " Solid script, Smoke!" She Made a fast swinging motion. Infront of her large puffy letters spelling out smoke appeared. They expanded until they completely envolped her. In the vail of smoke that conceal her she drew back both her hands. Softly she whispered. " Violin and bow." Both items from her pocket dimension appeared in her hands, she quickly put them into position as she began to play her song.

Honoka's hands began to move, her violin began to come to life. Music erupted from her, Song of the moving earth. The ground around Don would start to melt, moving around him like a snake. It began to encase him in a wall of liquid stone. The smoke around her would disappear, revealing the black haired musician.


Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia StreetsIn the short span of time it took for Niur to ruin whatever tolerance Ophelia had for her and for Ophelia to land beside her Alicia had managed to recognize a few buildings and thus a route to where her and Mizuki were staying. When Ophelia said to go Alicia nodded. "Alright! I think it's this way, or it should be." She told her and set off walking down the street to the afforementioned place. Though she only made it a few steps when she realized Niur wasn't down yet. Did Ophelia abandon her again for some reason? Or was she doing her own thing to get down? Alicia hoped it was the latter, really. Regardless she turned to see Niur still on the roof. "Hey Niur! Come on! It's not far from here!" She called up to her.
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Stairious Business Ruin - Stepping Up
"Yeah I'll be right down!" She called down as she gave Ophelia a questioning look. She took out the scythes and gave them a small look. "Now...how do I get down using these. Suddenly her head drooped down and her eyes closed. "Oh this is going to be very. Very fun." Ruin said as she opened her eyes. Gone was the innocent Niur, this was now Ruin, trigger happy to the max. "Oh relax Niur, I'm not gonna hurt anyone. Just going to have a bit of fun." She said to herself. "Trust me, I've done this countless times." And with those words Ruin leaped out the window and flipped in the air before using the scythes to slide safely down the building. "WHOOO! What a rush! Let's do that again!" She cheered as she landed.
Kayzo said:
Haruhi's blush gently grew back again as the two called her out for staring at a wall. It was just an excuse she made, and she thought they'd let it slip. However fate wasn't on her side that moment. "It was fresh air for me..." She said, puffing out her cheeks and staring down at her lap. She loved her sister dearly, but sometimes her teasing could be a bit annoying. She continued to listen silently to the two talk about magic and guilds. From the sound of it Don liked to fight strong mages, which meant that he'd like to fight her. In fact they were already going out to fight right now! Haruhi stood up when she was invited and began to follow her sister outside. "I know you want to fight a strong wizard, but I don't understand why you're fighting Honoka. I am the stronger sister, being an S-Class." What Haruhi said wasn't meant to be insulting at all, she was just speaking her mind. "But do whatever you want to do..."
@Refaulted @purplepanda288

Mizuki continued her digging, getting work done at a rather fast past. It wasn't exactly hard to do so with four strong arms that never grew tired. And though it was quite boring she needed to get to Alfie, to learn where he lived and how he slept. What he ate and how often he showered. Everything. The digging continued and Mizuki started to doubt that she'd ever reach Aflie. Maybe he really was in another plane and she'd never be able to reach him. Or he was under this roof-like material she came across. She could feel the faint energy of his magic through the layer and she knew that she arrived. Summoning a dark blade the dark Mage began to saw at the roof, hoping to cut a small hole that she could look through and watch him. "I will be seeing you soon my Ribbon Mage...hehehe"

@Salt Lord

Ophelia shook her head at Niur's request. "You can go ahead and stay here if you wanna keep doing that, but Alicia and I actually have somewhere to go. Isn't that right, Alicia?" the girl asked despite already knowing the answer as she walked along and held the other's hand. Some reckless person with a love for the worst puns in existence wasn't about to stop them from finding Mizuki...

Alfie - Underground Laboratory

Alfie would only stare thoughtfully at the giant, floating contraption before hearing something... when he looked up at where it was coming from, he thought he could see a small, black section of what might have been a circle find its way through the ceiling of his lab, letting dirt fall a lengthy distance before hitting what used to be a perfectly white floor... damn freaky worm things! Not again! Running to a corner in the building to fetch a broom and dust pan, Alfie let his inner maid show itself to clean up the dirt that just wouldn't stop falling...
Lavender Gray

Lavender didnt like his words at first before they then went from the Guild hall to finding a home. Her lips turned into a smile "A home you ask? Well, I'm sure there are many places to rent out. Though, the prices vary on the area." as the waitress came over and asked if Lavender would like anything "Tea please, thank you." the waitress nodded and walked off before she returned her golden eyes to Mika "I do have a spare room that you may use. Though, I will admit, it's quite messy due to me using it for storage. There is a bed." then she looked at Sera "Unless you have a spare room yourself? If sir Mika were to stay with one of us, I wouldnt mind who'd it be with." though, deep deep down she was wishing that Mika would choose to stay with the fancy-like wizard because she had grown a big liking to him and wanted to know more about him. @rbshinichi @Mitchs98
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Sabrina nodded. "O-Okay..." She closed her eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Sabrina felt someone shaking her shoulder and calling her name. She instinctively tried to bat the annoyance away with her hand. But instead of it being her human hand, it was a dragon's claw, scales covering everything all the way up to her elbow. Her face was semi-covered in scales, and her horns were . She groaned. "5 more min-" was all she managed to mumble when a thin streak of fire shot out of her mouth. She bolted upright, quickly covering her mouth and sprinted all the way to her lab, grabbing a small vial containing a bright orange substance and dumping the substance into her mouth. She sighed. "Ahh.....that's better..."

@Isune @Zuka
rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere



Mika whistled and looked around trying to not talk about joining the guild. He knows it would be hard now that he pissed their master. "Oh, it's not that I don't want to, I mean I would love to but I don't think it would be that easy. You know. Things happened." Aside from stealing a job from their posts he went right out and protested in a not so good a way. Forming a team with them seemed like to be a great idea for Mikael. Finally, he thought, finally he could try to leave living alone alone.

"I do not know about joining the guild, but I am sure I'll be seeing you around here. I am looking to stay here. You wouldn't know any place that could let me rent a room or a house, would you?" he asked.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

@rbshinichi[/URL] @Mitchs98
Sera: Sweet Corner

Sera arched a brow at him and his 'things happening'. Whatever it was she was sure it wasn't that bad. Probably. Hopefully, anyway. An idea formed in her mind when Mika started speaking about finding a place to stay. Of course, she had a spare bedroom in her house herself. She never used it for anything, it was just kind of there. Though she did furnish it for the sake of symmetry. Of course..Lavender offered the same thing. She guessed it'd be up to Mika to decided what he wanted to do. She nodded in response to her asking if she had a spare room too. "
Yeah, I got a spare room myself too. You're welcome to stay with me if you want as well." She told them. "It's up to you, really." She added with a shrug. She hoped he'd decide to stay with her...but really as long as he stayed nearby she would be happy.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia shook her head at Niur's request. "You can go ahead and stay here if you wanna keep doing that, but Alicia and I actually have somewhere to go. Isn't that right, Alicia?" the girl asked despite already knowing the answer as she walked along and held the other's hand. Some reckless person with a love for the worst puns in existence wasn't about to stop them from finding Mizuki...
Alfie - Underground Laboratory

Alfie would only stare thoughtfully at the giant, floating contraption before hearing something... when he looked up at where it was coming from, he thought he could see a small, black section of what might have been a circle find its way through the ceiling of his lab, letting dirt fall a lengthy distance before hitting what used to be a perfectly white floor... damn freaky worm things! Not again! Running to a corner in the building to fetch a broom and dust pan, Alfie let his inner maid show itself to clean up the dirt that just wouldn't stop falling...

Metaphysics said:
Niur - Stairious Business Ruin - Stepping Up
"Yeah I'll be right down!" She called down as she gave Ophelia a questioning look. She took out the scythes and gave them a small look. "Now...how do I get down using these. Suddenly her head drooped down and her eyes closed. "Oh this is going to be very. Very fun." Ruin said as she opened her eyes. Gone was the innocent Niur, this was now Ruin, trigger happy to the max. "Oh relax Niur, I'm not gonna hurt anyone. Just going to have a bit of fun." She said to herself. "Trust me, I've done this countless times." And with those words Ruin leaped out the window and flipped in the air before using the scythes to slide safely down the building. "WHOOO! What a rush! Let's do that again!" She cheered as she landed.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia blinked at Ruin's entrance. Well. That was one way to get down. Though she agreed with Ophelia. She wanted to find Mizuki, her match would more than likely be starting soon and she wanted to talk to her beforehand. Plus she wasn't supposed to of been gone long anyway. She nodded and started following Ophelia down the street. "
Yeah. You can stay if you wanna Niur, we need to find Mizuki. You can still come with us if you want though!" She called out to her as they walked. Then she turned to Ophelia. "You notice something...different..about Niur?" She whispered to her. She seemed completely different, at-least to Alicia. Which was kind of weird to her.
Talons eyes almost popped out of his head in surprise. "That is one of the coolest things i have ever seen!¡!¡ I just use fire magic... pretty lame compared to that." he coldnt tell her he was a pheonix slayer, at least not yet. the pheonix slayets are high up the A-class ladder and are almost S-class but not quite. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Talons eyes almost popped out of his head in surprise. "That is one of the coolest things i have ever seen!¡!¡ I just use fire magic... pretty lame compared to that." he coldnt tell her he was a pheonix slayer, at least not yet. the pheonix slayets are high up the A-class ladder and are almost S-class but not quite. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Park

Ferra giggled and grinned, "Thanks!" She replied before quickly adding "It's really useless if I don't have anything to eat though. Don't really have any other magic." With that she dissipated her wooden sword arm, her arm quickly turning back into flesh, before moving to sit back down on the bench and grab a bun with powdered sugar on top. "I showed you my magic, soooo. Show me yours?" She asked him curiously. She knew it involved fire, but that was about it.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu watched the Lacrima's as the lone semifinal match began. It had been over an hour since the previous round of fights had ended, and he'd been getting a bit bored. He'd stayed in his spot at the stands the whole time, simply just watching the other spectators. That had kept his attention for a while, but it had gotten old. He smiled and leaned back in his seat. "Ah, it looks like the tournament has started up again," He was actually fairly interested in the outcome of the fight, as one of the participants was a fellow fire mage.

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow @Bolts


Mikael La Viere

Location: Sweet Corner


Mika was surprised that the two ladies in front of him both offered their spare bed room, which he would gladly accept right away, only if it wasn't that complicated. He was now facing the best dilemma a man could ever face. It's as if one girl offering a guy to live with her under the same roof is not dreamy enough, he is now offered twice as much.

By instinct and by logic, it was obvious that Sera's offer was the right one. She's one of his kind so it's just like living with family. But he couldn't just turn down Lavender's graciousness that easy. Mikael stood and bowed in front of them. "Thank you both so much." he kept his head down and continued. "I really appreciate both of your offers, matter of fact, I am truly glad and honored. But I'm afraid I must regretfully decline. I do not want to cost you ladies any more trouble. " he said as he heard something inside him slowly breaking. His dreams.

He decided to just ask them for help to find a place of his own. Maybe he can take Sera up for her offer just for a couple of days until he find his own dwelling.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

He shrugged. "Im just a fire mage, nothing too special." Should he tell her or no?¿?¿ He wanted too really bad. "Well not a plain old fire mage... im a Pheonix slayer..." He finally said. "Basically a weaker form of a Dragon slayer. Im the weaker counter part of Natsu Dragneel (Did i spell that right?¿?¿). theres other Pheonix slayers too. Ive heard of a thunder bird slayer, also called a lightning pheonix slayer." He explained. @Mitchs98

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