Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Milkshake Shop

Valken's arm was starting to shake as he held himself up, he took long deep breaths to try and calm himself, a high blood pressure not the best idea when one was bleeding out. He had a suprised look on his face as she thanked him for taking the hits. It never even crossed his mind not to.

"Millie...I will never let anything happen to you. I've already kicked myself that had I been a moment later you would have been cut to ribbons..." Here she offered to heal him and he made a disgruntled noise as if to protest but her soft fingers were already pressed into his hard chest.

"Well if you put it that way..." A cheeky grin flooding his face, she was not dumb and had already figured out exactly how to get him to do what she wanted. Clever girl. His dark eyes slide closed as that bright light engulfed him, his whole body tingling and slightly warm but not uncomfortable in the slightest. His heart stablising as he wasn't as paniced, and his hand with bloody cloth pulling away to reveal super soft skin. She'd even managed to clear some old scars along his back, to which he looked equally surprised.

"Thank you Darlin'..." Reaching forward to run his surprisingly soft fingers through her hair to tuck it behind an ear. Years of wearing gloves making his hands void of calluses or scars. His head snapped around at that man who he had pushed aside was attempting to calm the physco girl. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Satan Soul take-over? Valken remembered that beast man from Fairytail being able to do something similar but he had been in full control. Regardless, it was not safe and he needed to get Millie out now. He nodded to the guy, before eyes scanning the shop. There were no clear exits or windows to which he could lead them without going near the two and his face hardened. His gaze glanced down as a crazy idea came to his mind.

"I wonder..." He mumbled giving Millie a weird look. He had never done something like this before, he didn't even know it was possible, but he didn't have a choice if he wanted to get her out safe.

"Baby...I hope you ain't claustrophobic....close your eyes and hold onto me tight. Remember, I'm right here...And maybe hold your breath..." He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, forcing her legs around his waist and arms around his neck, hands resting comfortably on her buttocks. Like a piggy back ride, but facing his front. Here he stepped out of the booth and wandered to the closest bare wall he could find and pushed her back against it, his body pressed against her and holding her up. For all intents and purposes it looked anything but innocent, his pelvis to hers. The cheeky grin returning.

"Alright, close your eyes and hold your breath...." Here what would have felt like a hard wall suddenly seemed to get an almost liquid texture, letting her back seep into it. They weren't morphing into the wall but rather the shadows covering it, his pressure continually forcing her deeper into the wall. It would have felt cold, and was enveloping her body along with his arms. Her head was the last to go under and the second it was he forced his whole body in along with her. Once they had melted into the darkness, she would have felt cold and an oppressive force all around her, like being underwater. But then there was a rush like they were both hurtling through the black water like a missle and a few seconds later Valken walked them both out of the wall. They were now in the alleyway behind the store, and he looked to her concerned.

"You ok Baby?" He asked watching her face intently, most people would have freaked out with the intense almost drowning sensation in the pure darkness, so he pulled her tight to his frame just incase she panicked.

@Kayzo @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
Millie sighed happily and smiled up at Valken like a puppy as he ran his smooth hands through her soft long hair. She was so happy to have helped him in such a way, and she was so proud of herself. However this wasn't a time to celebrate as the demon lady was still in the room with them. It seemed Hibiki was on top of the situation, and as much as she wanted to help him there was nothing safe she could do. Almost immediately after she began to try to find out a way to get out as did Valken, and he knew exactly what to do. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his body as she was hoisted up into the air, a small blush appearing on her face as he held her butt. Even if he had touched it before it was still embarrassing in public. In fact, the position that the two were in looked very similar to the previous night, just with less clothes and more lewd faces. But that was really the least of her worries. Valken seemed to have something planned and Millie knew it would be scary. As she mentally prepped herself she felt her man move backward, nodding as he told her to hold her breath. Her breathing quickened as if she was trying to get as much breath in her system as she could before a wave of cold blackness washed over her and Valken. Her eyes stayed shut as did her mouth, not daring to let a single sip of air out. She had no idea where they were or where they would go, but she knew Valken was there so it couldn't be too bad.

When Valken appeared in the alleyway Millie was tightly clutching onto him. Her hands firmly grasped his shoulders and her thighs squeezing against him with body-crushing strength. It'd be a miracle if nothing was broken. However she knew they were safe when the warm sun beat down upon her body, signaling they were back in the real world. Millie slowly let go of him and stood up straight, opening her eyes to Valken. "W-Where were we? What was that!?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Mizuki seemed to have fun during the battle with the conglomerate. Her breathing was just a tiny bit heavier than normal, and she even had a spell ready in case it wanted to pop out of the hole. Which it had no chance of doing, unless Alfie were to continue the work of... The ribbon mage nodded in relief as the other said all she needed was something to boost her magical prowess. Then a gun would be perfect for Mizuki, wouldn't it? Or maybe two? If he made it so that kick wasn't a factor to worry about, she could wield one in each hand. That paired with her shadow magic, there was no telling how much she could utterly obliterate. Maybe in another seven years, when the conglomerate weakens over time, they could go back and actually kill it. "I'll make sure they do just that. Of course, I'll need some time to make them... I'll get back to you later today. As of now, we should leave the forest. Well, only if you'd like to. We're in no danger of staying as long as we don't enter the Hall again."

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia nodded at Alicia's suggestion before quickly shaking her head. "People are gonna think we're crazy! You know how non-magical people are! As long as they're happy, they don't care about anything! And when they find out that the corndogs really are drugged, they'll think the space stuff is supposed to happen! They'll think it's "cool"! The girl looked down at the blades in her sheaths and then back at the corndog stand. "I just remembered that I have a purification spell... Maybe we could sneak behind the counter and I could use it on all of the corndogs they have stored?"

Metaphysics said:
Niur - Definitely not high.
Niur payed for the corndog and was about to bite into it when she overheard two girls talking about how drugged the corndogs were. She cautiously sniffed it before taking a small nibble. She immediately spat it out upon tasting something weird about it. Could it actually be that these corndogs were indeed drugged? "Excuse me-la...I can't help but overhear that these corndogs are indeed drugged-la..." She said as she approached the girls. "I almost ate one but I tasted something weird about it...is there anything I can do to help you-la?" She asked, not wanting other people to get drugged or almost drugged.
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia nodded and sighed. Ophelia had a point, non magical people could be weirder than magical people. Weird, and kind of dumb. They had to think of something though, they couldn't just continue letting them serve drugged food..even it did taste amazing. Luckily Ophelia presented a better idea than hers, and soon after they even got a third person to help in their endeavours. "Of course you can help! And that's a much better idea than mine." She told them "Question is how are we gunna sneak around?" She asked. "I doubt they'd just let us do it..we're gunna need some kinda distraction or something." She added.

Alicia wasn't exactly a tactician, she generally went with the first thing in her mind that didn't sound horrible. Luckily Ophelia seemed to be more tactical than she, or this'd be hard.

Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine nodded and turned to face the bottles. She pulled her arm back slowly before swinging it foward with great force, sending the ball flying at high speed. The ball was moving with such force that the unlucky bottle it made contact with shattered. The ball then ricocheted off the back wall of the stand and came flying back in her direction. Before it could hit her in the face, she calmly sidestepped and it continued on its path until it hit a random man directly behind them, knocking him over. Tokine nodded to herself in approval. To her, it was a bit too easy but she did feel a slight sense of accomplishment. She then turned back to Sakura.

"Like that?" she asked innocently.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura watched as Tokine got ready to throw the ball, with her strength she'd be able to knock them over for sure if she hit them. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately? She did a little too well, shattering the topmost bottle of the stack and nearly knocking herself out with it. Sakura looked from the shattered glass, the unconcious guy, and then to Tokine in disbelief, her face blank and expressionless. Quickly it brightened up to a excited smile, "That was awesome! Do it again!" She cheered excitedly in reply. "I've never seen anyone break one of the bottles before! That was cool! Though uh..you're supposed to knock the entire stack over. But that doesn't matter, that was good for your first try for sure!" She told her. "Try again! But uh, not as much force maybe?" She added.

Sabrina sighed. Damn...Plan A failed...Welp, time for plan B, heheheh...Sabrina thought. "I'll take a ride on you and come with you two...lovebirds...and hang around for a while..." Sabrina took a few steps forward and launched herself up and landing lightly on Chris' back, and sat behind Kelica.

@Zuka @Isune
Kelica Zefara - Ramen Shop

Kelica squeeled as she was thrown onto Chris's back, clinging desperately to the back of his head. "One day I swear to all that is holy..." Her grip tightening threateningly on his neck before looking over at Sabrina as she hoisted herself on his back. Grasping Sabrina's arm and looping it around her own middle, before kicking her heels into Chris's sides. "Giddy'up steed!"

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(Choo-choo)

As Sabrina climbed onto his back, and Kelica dug her heels into his sides, Chris looked as if he was about to collapse due to weight. He took a few random steps as he looked at the two,"Eh, I don't feel like it. I don't respond well to threats and side kicking you know?" And with that, the beast dropped the the ground, claws out. The beast then started to heave heavily as it reared up and suddenly ran up the wall using its claws like hooks. Once he was up on the roof, the beast backed up and suddenly leaped from one roof to another, showing that Kelica and Sabrina had no control over him. This is what happened when you kicked a Draco on the sides and told him to giddyup.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Valken Truss - Alleyway behind Milkshake Shop

Valken felt the tight hold Millie had around him, especially those lovely long thighs of hers around his middle. It certaintly wasn't the first time she had clung so desperately and would no doubt not be the last. In a way, he wanted to keep her there, pressed against his front, but now was surely not the time...right? They had things to do...important things. Things that needed doing in a timely manner. As she let go of his hold and took back her own weight Valken put a hand on his chin trying to think of the best way to describe it. "Well, my Magic allows me to melt into the shadows. Once I've melted into them, I can race almost as fast as the speed of light, so I dragged both of us along the wall, through a crack in a windowsil and reformed us out into the alleyway behind the shop. To be honest I wasn't sure if I could push you into the shadow along with myself...That's why I had to hold you so close...so you didn't get trapped in the shadows. But it worked! I know the darkness seems cold and oppressing but I would never have let it hurt you." Grasping her chin and tilting her face up to his own, sealing her mouth with kiss.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Choo-choo)

As Sabrina climbed onto his back, and Kelica dug her heels into his sides, Chris looked as if he was about to collapse due to weight. He took a few random steps as he looked at the two,"Eh, I don't feel like it. I don't respond well to threats and side kicking you know?" And with that, the beast dropped the the ground, claws out. The beast then started to heave heavily as it reared up and suddenly ran up the wall using its claws like hooks. Once he was up on the roof, the beast backed up and suddenly leaped from one roof to another, showing that Kelica and Sabrina had no control over him. This is what happened when you kicked a Draco on the sides and told him to giddyup.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Ramen Store

Kelica blinked as Chris seemed to be struggling with the weight of both girls which surprised her, so when he dropped down to the ground she made a quick gasp, eyes wide. "Are...are you ok Chris?" Though that worry didn't last long as all of a sudden they were travelling vertically along the wall and she screamed, clinging desperately. "Stop the rollercoaster!!" Clenching her eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around his neck desperately. She felt the force of his jumps and the wind rushing past her face, but kept her eyes shut, terrified.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sabrina cried out when Chris suddenly bolted off the ground and started to pretty much fly across the roofs. She hugged Kelica tightly and glued herself to Chris' and Kelica's back. Almost out of natural instinct, her wings morphed out on their own and quickly started flapping, almost as is if they were trying to lift her body off of the ground and into the air. "Chriiiiiiissss!" she shouted.

@Zuka @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Yeehaw!)

Chris continued to hop from rooftop to rooftop until he heard the two girls scream. Chris managed to clear one more roof before suddenly calming down and stopping on his current rooftop. He raised his head up, his horns almost smashing into Kelica. He turned his head around with a look of confusion on his face. "Why are you two screaming and yelling? Kelica's the one who told me to 'giddyup' and decided to kick my sides. When you do that you're telling me to go fast. Normally, I'd run through the main streets but since the festival is going on, I decided to take the high road. What were you expecting to happen when you did that?" he asked as he seemed to be much calmer. But before either of the two could answer, Chris made a short hop off the building. He fell for a short while before landing on a small booth and immediately launching himself off of that and back onto solid ground. The massive creature then proceeded to walk down the crowded street normally as if nothing had happened.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia StreetsAlicia nodded and sighed. Ophelia had a point, non magical people could be weirder than magical people. Weird, and kind of dumb. They had to think of something though, they couldn't just continue letting them serve drugged food..even it did taste amazing. Luckily Ophelia presented a better idea than hers, and soon after they even got a third person to help in their endeavours. "Of course you can help! And that's a much better idea than mine." She told them "Question is how are we gunna sneak around?" She asked. "I doubt they'd just let us do it..we're gunna need some kinda distraction or something." She added.

Alicia wasn't exactly a tactician, she generally went with the first thing in her mind that didn't sound horrible. Luckily Ophelia seemed to be more tactical than she, or this'd be hard.

Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura watched as Tokine got ready to throw the ball, with her strength she'd be able to knock them over for sure if she hit them. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately? She did a little too well, shattering the topmost bottle of the stack and nearly knocking herself out with it. Sakura looked from the shattered glass, the unconcious guy, and then to Tokine in disbelief, her face blank and expressionless. Quickly it brightened up to a excited smile, "That was awesome! Do it again!" She cheered excitedly in reply. "I've never seen anyone break one of the bottles before! That was cool! Though uh..you're supposed to knock the entire stack over. But that doesn't matter, that was good for your first try for sure!" She told her. "Try again! But uh, not as much force maybe?" She added.
Niur - Shining Lights

"I'll handle the distraction-la!" She said as she made a small Gift in her hand. "When these things break they let out some lights and sounds, figure that it's going to be enough-la?" She asked as she held up the Gift for the two of them to see. The one she was holding was a Gift of Speed and the moment it broke they'd be able to move fast enough to cleanse the corndogs. "So how about it? You in-la?"
Kelica - Magnolia Rooftops and Chris Choo Choo Train

Kelica finally felt him slow down, opening her eyes slowly then yanking her body backwards sharply so that his horns wouldn't knock both her and Sabrina off. "Yeah! A bit of warning would have been nice!?" She couldn't stay mad long before he was falling, had landed on a roof then back onto solid ground and acted as if nothing happened. Kelica's eyes were spinning and she fell back against Sabrina's chest in a daze. "We...are...alive..." Head lolling over her shoulder as her head spun.

@PeteTSs @Isune

Sabrina hung on to Chris as they fell from the roofs. "Argh!" she cried out. Once they were safely back on solid ground, she finally let out a long sigh, before realizing that Kelica was leaning on her chest heavily. "Urgh...we are alive, that's for sure..." she said, shaking her head. "Well, it's always good to occasionally get a nice wake-up call like this...hey, you okay, Kelica?"

@Zuka @Isune
Chris Lengheart(Home sweet home)

Chris walked with the crowd for a short while until he finally made it to his home. The fact that Kelica was having a breakdown on his back didn't seem to bother him that much. After all, it was Kelica who gave the command by spurring him. Hadn't she ever rode a horse before? Chris expected her to have, especially being the outdoorsy, animal person that she was. Regardless, Chris stopped as they arrived at home. Chris stared at the two girls on his back and said,"Alright, last stop, everyone off. Before we go in, you'll have to excuse Kelica's mess."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Chris Choo Train

Kelica whimpered as Sabrina asked if she was ok, she didn't much mind leaning on Sabrina's jinglebells, they certaintly were pretty comfortable. Wait, what did she just think?! She yanked herself quickly off Sabrina with a blush. "Yeah yeah I'm fine." The accusation towards the mess making her eyes drawn down dangerously as she slid from his back she grasped at his ear and yanked him into his house right behind her. "I should point out Chris caught the expensive vase with such care and devotion, far more then I ever get from him...I don't get cradled with loving arms just tossed willy nilly around like a rag doll." Letting go of his ear she strode further into the house, arms folded, head held high, then walked into the bedroom and slammed the door behind her like a hormonal teenage girl. Completely ignoring her said mess.

@PeteTSs @Isune

Sabrina jumped off of Chris after a blushing Kelica. Why's she blushing? she thought. She then watched as Kelica grabbed Chris' ear, act like a rebellious teenager and storm off into the bedroom. "Wow..." she whistled in amazement. She walked over to Chris and nudged him with her elbow. "Nice thing you have going on with her, ay?" she glanced over at him with a slight grin. "Why don't you go over and spend a little time with her...?"

@Zuka @Isune
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia StreetsAlicia nodded and sighed. Ophelia had a point, non magical people could be weirder than magical people. Weird, and kind of dumb. They had to think of something though, they couldn't just continue letting them serve drugged food..even it did taste amazing. Luckily Ophelia presented a better idea than hers, and soon after they even got a third person to help in their endeavours. "Of course you can help! And that's a much better idea than mine." She told them "Question is how are we gunna sneak around?" She asked. "I doubt they'd just let us do it..we're gunna need some kinda distraction or something." She added.

Alicia wasn't exactly a tactician, she generally went with the first thing in her mind that didn't sound horrible. Luckily Ophelia seemed to be more tactical than she, or this'd be hard.

Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura watched as Tokine got ready to throw the ball, with her strength she'd be able to knock them over for sure if she hit them. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately? She did a little too well, shattering the topmost bottle of the stack and nearly knocking herself out with it. Sakura looked from the shattered glass, the unconcious guy, and then to Tokine in disbelief, her face blank and expressionless. Quickly it brightened up to a excited smile, "That was awesome! Do it again!" She cheered excitedly in reply. "I've never seen anyone break one of the bottles before! That was cool! Though uh..you're supposed to knock the entire stack over. But that doesn't matter, that was good for your first try for sure!" She told her. "Try again! But uh, not as much force maybe?" She added.
Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia shook her head at Niur's suggestion. It sounded like it could work, but that would attract a bit too much attention. They'd be questioned for causing too big a distraction, and that wouldn't turn out well for anyone. "No. That's too much of a distraction. It wouldn't make sense. Maybe... Maybe you," she spoke to Niur, "Can just walk up to the dude selling the corndogs and begin shouting at him that everything's poisoned. And you," she turned to Alicia, "Will keep the rest of the line busy by running like a headless chicken out here and scream the same thing as her. Then I can sneak in and purify the corndogs! Sound like a plan?"

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Chris Lengheart(Ow,ow,EAR!!)

Chris actually whimpered as his ear was yanked. Much like his Taurus form, they were surprisingly sensitive. Once Kelica let go and slammed the door, Chris heeded Sabrina's words and released his takeover before he went inside with Kelica. But instead of saying anything, he removed his tanktop and embraced Kelica in a warm hug, his warmth encasing Kelica. He gave her a loving kiss and finally let go of Kelica as he said, "There, now do you love me again?" Although, if one were to look at Chris' ear, it would be a bright red obviously from being yanked on too hard.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
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Kayzo said:
When Mizuki knew that the conglomerate was no longer a danger to the group and that the were finally safe she canceled whatever spell she had brewing, her arms returning to her stomach where she crossed them. That was a very fun experience yet a shame they didn't get to kill the beast. But no matter, as there will always be something else to fight. When asked if she wanted to leave the forest yet the dark Mage had to think. Yes she wanted to stay here for a long time, longer than most would expect, but Alfie was here and he would surely get tired of staying here. Plus the longer they stayed here the longer it would take to get the weapon. "Is there anything to even do here? And are there any more steps you need my help with?" She asked, her eyes drifting to the tombstone Alfie held.
Alfie shook his head at both of Mizuki's questions. "Nothing left for us here and the tombstone was all I needed. Also, I feel it's necessary that I answer your question from before, about where you can find this forest on a map." The tombstone floated up from his arms as the grooves began to glow a deep violet. "The only way to access this place is to have a Heart Stone, and you know what you'd need to do for that to happen. The Hall of Misfortune and this forest alike sort of exist on different planes of reality. A lot of science and the breaking of physics is included, all of which I'm not willing to explain right now..." The floating tombstone emitted steam as two long rectangles were carved out before the rectangles themselves were carved into fancy muskets, each a shiny obsidian black. "But it's all very frightening. Not a frightening-is-my-middle-name frightening, but a if-I'm-not-careful, my-soul-will-explode-into-a-god-of-regret-and-despair frightening. Also, here are your weapons." The magical muskets floated down before Mizuki, waiting to be grabbed from the air.
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Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

Alex hummed in response to the male as the fight indeed seemed to be coming to an end, judging on the cheering of the crowd. As the other agreed with going in the direction where she had just pointed at, she could not help but to smile in return. Those seats seemed to be the best when speaking of sight so it should not hurt to go there. Following behind the others and once in a while sneaking a peak to the arena which looked like fun now that she had seen it better. Maybe she should join one as well but that was impossible at the moment since she did not join a guild yet. Maybe she should check out some of them and there could be a chance of her joining them as well. Who knew. The thought of it made her smile as it meant that she would be having some kind of family again who would accept her for a change.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Ow,ow,EAR!!)

Chris actually whimpered as his ear was yanked. Much like his Taurus form, they were surprisingly sensitive. Once Kelica let go and slammed the door, Chris heeded Sabrina's words and released his takeover before he went inside with Kelica. But instead of saying anything, he removed his tanktop and embraced Kelica in a warm hug, his warmth encasing Kelica. He gave her a loving kiss and finally let go of Kelica as he said, "There, now do you love me again?" Although, if one were to look at Chris' ear, it would be a bright red obviously from being yanked on too hard.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica was fuming and she wasn't even really sure why. Maybe her mother was surfacing more and more as time went by giving her the random mood swings. Regardless the more she thought about it, the more she realised she had over reacted, I mean did she really just slam the door? Wow...

Wordlessly Chris had entered to which she spun to face him with a irritated look on her features but then the man stripped...the irritation instantly ceasing as she lifted an eyebrow. "Wait now hold on Chris, I'm still angry with yo-" Ignoring her, he engulfed her in his strong arms her eyes going wide followed in suit by that kiss. Blasted knees turning to jelly again as her fingers ran up his chest to rest against his shoulders. Once he pulled away, an impish grin worked it's way onto her face and with a surprising amount of strength (or maybe just using the element of surprise), she shoved his shoulders roughly and forced his back onto the bed. Before he had a chance to respond she had already crawled onto him straddling his waist to avoid him moving away. "This is the last time you run away from me..." She said in a somewhat threatening tone, her green eyes intense.

Chris Lengheart(What in the hell!?)

Chris was about to say something when Kelica suddenly threw him onto the bed and mounted him. Once she said that this was the last time he ran away from her Chris began to worry as he suddenly said,"Kelica, you know I love you. So whatever your planning on doing, don't!" But after a brief moment, Chris eventually caught on and a smile formed on his face as he once again spoke,"Let's say we go out for a ride...just you, me, and the walls."

@Zuka ((Fade to black time??))
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Metaphysics said:
Niur - Shining Lights
"I'll handle the distraction-la!" She said as she made a small Gift in her hand. "When these things break they let out some lights and sounds, figure that it's going to be enough-la?" She asked as she held up the Gift for the two of them to see. The one she was holding was a Gift of Speed and the moment it broke they'd be able to move fast enough to cleanse the corndogs. "So how about it? You in-la?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia - Magnolia StreetsOphelia shook her head at Niur's suggestion. It sounded like it could work, but that would attract a bit too much attention. They'd be questioned for causing too big a distraction, and that wouldn't turn out well for anyone. "No. That's too much of a distraction. It wouldn't make sense. Maybe... Maybe you," she spoke to Niur, "Can just walk up to the dude selling the corndogs and begin shouting at him that everything's poisoned. And you," she turned to Alicia, "Will keep the rest of the line busy by running like a headless chicken out here and scream the same thing as her. Then I can sneak in and purify the corndogs! Sound like a plan?"


Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Niur seemed to be the first one to provide a plan, a plan she quite liked actually. It seemed like it might work, a small flash of light would work nice as a distraction. She was just about to agree to it being the best plan ever when Ophelia shot it down, and for good reason really. Ophelia's plan sounded better, and more fun. Lots more fun. "Yeah! Let's do that! That sounds more fun too." She replied. Though, she was curious about Niur's gift thingies too. "Annd then when we're done you can show us what those do?" She asked Niur.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie shook his head at both of Mizuki's questions. "Nothing left for us here and the tombstone was all I needed. Also, I feel it's necessary that I answer your question from before, about where you can find this forest on a map." The tombstone floated up from his arms as the grooves began to glow a deep violet. "The only way to access this place is to have a Heart Stone, and you know what you'd need to do for that to happen. The Hall of Misfortune and this forest alike sort of exist on different planes of reality. A lot of science and the breaking of physics is included, all of which I'm not willing to explain right now..." The floating tombstone emitted steam as two long rectangles were carved out before the rectangles themselves were carved into fancy muskets, each a shiny obsidian black. "But it's all very frightening. Not a frightening-is-my-middle-name frightening, but a if-I'm-not-careful, my-soul-will-explode-into-a-god-of-regret-and-despair frightening. Also, here are your weapons." The magical muskets floated down before Mizuki, waiting to be grabbed from the air.

Mizuki wasn't very happy to find out that this forest was only open to people who owned Heart Gems. As much as she wanted to live on this plain she wasn't ready to give up her soul. At least not yet. Besides dealing with other plains wasn't something that she liked to dabble with due to previous experiences. Back in the days of Grimore Heart the Dark Mage used to tap into other, more sinister planes using dark magic and summoning circles to call forth beasts to ravage towns. She stopped when the summoning failed and the beasts turned on her, nearly killing the young girl. As beautiful as the place was she was now ready to leave.

Her dark eyes watched the tombstone as it began to flow with a violet light until they formed into some sort of gun. Guns weren't as scary as she hoped for, but surely they would do. Taking them she ran her exposed fingers up and down the barrel before aiming it up into the air and firing it, surprised at the little kick it had. Surely something like this would prove very useful. "Thank you Alfie, But it is time to leave this plane. I wish to return to our world."
Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
Sakura watched as Tokine got ready to throw the ball, with her strength she'd be able to knock them over for sure if she hit them. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately? She did a little too well, shattering the topmost bottle of the stack and nearly knocking herself out with it. Sakura looked from the shattered glass, the unconcious guy, and then to Tokine in disbelief, her face blank and expressionless. Quickly it brightened up to a excited smile, "That was awesome! Do it again!" She cheered excitedly in reply. "I've never seen anyone break one of the bottles before! That was cool! Though uh..you're supposed to knock the entire stack over. But that doesn't matter, that was good for your first try for sure!" She told her. "Try again! But uh, not as much force maybe?" She added.

Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine nodded again and picked up another ball from the frightened attendant. She reeled back her arm just like before but this time she threw it more gently so it wouldn't be as destructive. The ball soared through the air in a nearly perfect straight line, hitting the stack of bottles directly in the center. They came tumbling down cleanly and Tokine experienced a small bit of pride. She didn't really outwardly express it though. The attendant who had now calmed down a little congratulated her and asked her which prize she wanted. Tokine glanced at the toys lining the shelves thoughtfully before pointing towards a stuffed dragon. After receiving it she turned to Sakura and presented it to her.

"Here." she said simply, waiting for her to take it. She didn't say it out loud but she wanted to thank Sakura for hanging out with her. Besides, she didn't know where she was going to keep the stuffed animal.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
Niur seemed to be the first one to provide a plan, a plan she quite liked actually. It seemed like it might work, a small flash of light would work nice as a distraction. She was just about to agree to it being the best plan ever when Ophelia shot it down, and for good reason really. Ophelia's plan sounded better, and more fun. Lots more fun. "Yeah! Let's do that! That sounds more fun too." She replied. Though, she was curious about Niur's gift thingies too. "Annd then when we're done you can show us what those do?" She asked Niur.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia - Magnolia StreetsOphelia shook her head at Niur's suggestion. It sounded like it could work, but that would attract a bit too much attention. They'd be questioned for causing too big a distraction, and that wouldn't turn out well for anyone. "No. That's too much of a distraction. It wouldn't make sense. Maybe... Maybe you," she spoke to Niur, "Can just walk up to the dude selling the corndogs and begin shouting at him that everything's poisoned. And you," she turned to Alicia, "Will keep the rest of the line busy by running like a headless chicken out here and scream the same thing as her. Then I can sneak in and purify the corndogs! Sound like a plan?"


Niur - Lights, Camera, Action!

"Okay-la!"She said before taking out a small herb and chewing on it. She walked up to the counter as her skin took on a sickly complexion and started to act. "You..*cough wheeze* Everything here...IS POISONED!" She shouted as she held herself up with the counter. "POISONED I TELL YOU!" She repeated as she released the counter. "Poiiiisooooneeeed..." She drawled out as she fell and tried to remain as still and lifeless as possible. To add to dramatic she managed to grab on to a corndog with a bite and made it roll out of her hand when she hit the ground.

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