Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Alfie - Random Roof

"If you really must know," Alfie said gloomily, avoiding eye contact with the other, "A Heart Stone is much more of a curse than anything else. The whole transformation aspect is merely a fraction of what it really means to have your soul crushed and turned into a gem." The wizard slowly took the gem back out of his vest, allowing Mizuki clear vision of it in the palm of his hand. "This small rock is me. My memories, my emotions, my magical power, all condensed into this. But there's still quite a lot more to it than that," he paused to throw the gem back into his vest.

"Harvest. That is the name of the very curse that turned my soul into a rock. Now when I say curse, I don't mean I was punished. I was tricked. Tricked into making a wish in return for my future. When you're inflicted with Harvest, your main goal becomes to inflict others with the same spell, and why I'm not sure what the purpose of it is, I can tell you that I've had to kill off many more descended than ascended."

Alfie turned around to look over at the crowds of people from above before continuing. "I'm not quite sure what point I'm trying to get across by telling you any of this. But what I'm sure of is that it's my duty to inflict others with Harvest and turn their souls into Heart Stones. And as hard as I've tried to stop myself from doing such a thing," the wizard paused yet again, his right hand morphing into a drill of distorted flesh and bone with his left turning into a clamp of some sort, "I can't ignore it if someone asks me of their own accord. But if you really feel like throwing your life away so soon, at least wish for something sensible."
The whole concept of this Soul Gem was confusing yet made sense at the same time. By sacrificing her soul to spread the "curse" she got one wish of her choice. If it truly could be anything that she could wish for, she already knew what she wanted; for Alicia to live a long and happy life. Yet at the same time if anything happened to the dark Mage it'd make her very upset and ruin the wish. Yet at the same time she could maybe live as long as she did since being alive would keep her happy. However being Mizuki her soul was already pretty black, so it might put her in a bad position. "No, I do not know. I want Alicia to be happy but I don't want to throw away my life. I am what makes her happy." She admitted, stretching her folded arms and sighing. "Though I'll keep it in mind...."
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Grace- Walking Around

After about five more minutes of procrastination and comfortable sleep, Grace finally decided to get out of the infirmary. She still hurt like hell but she knew finding Masaki would make her feel much better. Quickly changing into her new coat and fixing her large amount of hair, the short girl set off into the world, making her way towards the fight arenas. She hoped more than anything that he would win, and was actually quite glad she lost. There was no way a B-Class could begin to go up against S-Class and win, especially if it was Masaki. Fortunately for her finding her boyfriend wasn't very hard seeing as they happened to be heading in the same direction. She had been looking up at the faces of the people, hoping to spot him before he spotted her. A head of red hair caught her eyes, but before she could walk over there her body collided with the real Masaki, causing her sore body to fall back. "Ow, what the hell!?" She snapped, unaware of who she was talking to.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Alley streets near Milkshake Shop
Valken was idly stepping through the back streets on auto-pilot, stepping through the crowds and weaving gracefully. He had his hand still on his chin in thought. The whole situation with the girly Lloyd was still waying heavily in his mind, though it gave him a chance to catch up with Lysander, Sora and Millie once more. He rounded the corner just infront of the shop, lifting his dark gaze just as the windows shattered beside him. He felt a shard or two dig painfully into the arm closest to the shop as he lifted it to shielded himself by reflex, making him whince. He reached up suddenly and grasped one shard, then another, ripping it from his skin and blood starting to drip down his arm from the wound, his palm luckily unaffected as it was still bandaged from Sera's fight. He was about to investigate just who did that damage when his brain suddenly snapped, realising Millie was still in that shop. If a single shard hit her...

In a second he had vaulted into the broken window of the shop, rolling the second his feet hit the floor parcore style, leaping up and over a table and in a dizzling flash he was there beside her booth, shoving Hibiki out of the way almost violently and pressing his body against her, arms around her in strong protective hold. He watched thing's rattle, glass fly everywhere, but he didn't care as long as she was safe! His eyes dark and livid as they peered outside.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Millie - Milkshake Shop

Unfortunately for Millie her conversation with the sweet Hibiki had to come to an abrupt end as the glass around the building suddenly shattered, a rather evil looking woman stumbling into the shop. She couldn't help but let out a surprised squeak and bring up her arms in an attempt to shield herself from the sharp shards of glass that flew around the room. She expected to come out cut up and bleeding from the glass, but it wasn't a big deal. She did have very strong healing magic that could cure nearly anything, so she wasn't very worried. However before the shards could enter her body Millie felt tight arms wrap around her and a warm body press against her back. At first the blonde girl thought that Hibiki had stepped in to shield her, but much to her surprise it was Valken. A wave of relief washed over her and she leaned back into his body. He was taking the glass for her, making her feel guilty. "Valken, thank you." She said, sighing softly.

Haruhi -Train to Magnolia

Haruhi was a little surprised by her sisters reaction. She seemed surprised that she wanted to learn music again, though Haruhi had been wanting to learn for awhile. She had been so caught up in her magic that she forgot to mention it until now. "Yes, I'd love to learn music. Of course if that isn't too much work on you." She said, sitting up straight in her chair. Honoka was a great teacher in her mind, but it was Haruhi's skill that lacked. But maybe with her help she could be just as good. "If you help me, I'll help you with magic!"

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288
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Kayzo said:
The whole concept of this Soul Gem was confusing yet made sense at the same time. By sacrificing her soul to spread the "curse" she got one wish of her choice. If it truly could be anything that she could wish for, she already knew what she wanted; for Alicia to live a long and happy life. Yet at the same time if anything happened to the dark Mage it'd make her very upset and ruin the wish. Yet at the same time she could maybe live as long as she did since being alive would keep her happy. However being Mizuki her soul was already pretty black, so it might put her in a bad position. "No, I do not know. I want Alicia to be happy but I don't want to throw away my life. I am what makes her happy." She admitted, stretching her folded arms and sighing. "Though I'll keep it in mind...."
Well, all those dramatic pauses and grave tones for absolutely nothing, Alfie thought to himself with a relieved sigh, happy all the drama was a waste. Turning around as his hands went back from fleshy drills and clamps to normal human hands, the ribbon mage walked to get a slight bit closer to Mizuki. "I think you should try your hardest to get this out of your mind. Whatever wish you might come up with in the future probably wouldn't be worth it."

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Well, all those dramatic pauses and grave tones for absolutely nothing, Alfie thought to himself with a relieved sigh, happy all the drama was a waste. Turning around as his hands went back from fleshy drills and clamps to normal human hands, the ribbon mage walked to get a slight bit closer to Mizuki. "I think you should try your hardest to get this out of your mind. Whatever wish you might come up with in the future probably wouldn't be worth it."

Mizuki took his advice seriously, nodding her head slightly and crossing her arms. "I understand. Though the power the crystal grants makes me very curious. Just how powerful would I become?" She asked Alfie, her mind thirsting for information. If it did give her the power of a god she might just change her mind. Though she would choose later down the road. When Alfie took a step closer, Mizuki immediately took notice. It wasn't a threatening Ethan Bradberry walk, but it still made her cautious. "And why do you step closer?"
Kayzo said:
Mizuki took his advice seriously, nodding her head slightly and crossing her arms. "I understand. Though the power the crystal grants makes me very curious. Just how powerful would I become?" She asked Alfie, her mind thirsting for information. If it did give her the power of a god she might just change her mind. Though she would choose later down the road. When Alfie took a step closer, Mizuki immediately took notice. It wasn't a threatening Ethan Bradberry walk, but it still made her cautious. "And why do you step closer?"
Alfie rolled his eyes at Mizuki and motioned at the fact that even if he did step closer, they were still probably more than eight feet apart. "Because we're obviously not close enough to have casual conversation. And for dramatic effects. I like dramatic effects," the ribbon mage stated with a chuckle before returning back to what he was intent on doing. "Whether you become a god or not depends on what you do. I've resorted to collecting the massive amounts of positive energy generated by the festival every year. If you want to do the same, sure, but that means the both of use will get less. Oh, and another fact you should note if you do choose to go through with this: you don't influence your stored energy. Your stored energy influences you. No matter how gloomy you may be, you aren't going to give yourself negative energy. However, collect too much, and... well, you know what happens. I'd avoid Harvest altogether though."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie rolled his eyes at Mizuki and motioned at the fact that even if he did step closer, they were still probably more than eight feet apart. "Because we're obviously not close enough to have casual conversation. And for dramatic effects. I like dramatic effects," the ribbon mage stated with a chuckle before returning back to what he was intent on doing. "Whether you become a god or not depends on what you do. I've resorted to collecting the massive amounts of positive energy generated by the festival every year. If you want to do the same, sure, but that means the both of use will get less. Oh, and another fact you should note if you do choose to go through with this: you don't influence your stored energy. Your stored energy influences you. No matter how gloomy you may be, you aren't going to give yourself negative energy. However, collect too much, and... well, you know what happens. I'd avoid Harvest altogether though."

Alfie did have a point. They were pretty far away from each other so it was only natural to step closer. No harm in that. Though she didn't quite understand the dramatic effect part. It had little to no influence on her and frankly looked stupid. Though she wasn't going to call him out on it since she did much edgier things. She was sure that Alfie didn't have 125 hexes placed on a little girl. Hell, probably no one had that many hexes on someone. But the dark Mage was very proud yet ashamed of it. One of these days she'd have to tell Alicia.

Once again Mizuki was amazed by the logic and power behind the Soul Gem. It was so complex yet Alfie made it sound so simple, as if he had it his whole life. However as much as she longed for great power she knew this wasn't the way. More bad would come out of it than good. "I do not believe I will be taking up a gem. Not yet. But I am quite curious to know where you got the ribbons from. They intrigue me."
Kayzo said:
Alfie did have a point. They were pretty far away from each other so it was only natural to step closer. No harm in that. Though she didn't quite understand the dramatic effect part. It had little to no influence on her and frankly looked stupid. Though she wasn't going to call him out on it since she did much edgier things. She was sure that Alfie didn't have 125 hexes placed on a little girl. Hell, probably no one had that many hexes on someone. But the dark Mage was very proud yet ashamed of it. One of these days she'd have to tell Alicia.
Once again Mizuki was amazed by the logic and power behind the Soul Gem. It was so complex yet Alfie made it sound so simple, as if he had it his whole life. However as much as she longed for great power she knew this wasn't the way. More bad would come out of it than good. "I do not believe I will be taking up a gem. Not yet. But I am quite curious to know where you got the ribbons from. They intrigue me."
Alfie nodded his head when Mizuki decided not to make a wish and was surprised to hear that she was curious where his ribbons came from. Pulling the small branch that allowed him to use Sagitta Luminis, the ribbon mage pulled back on the glowy string and shot an arrow into the sky. Trailing behind the arrow was his staple ribbon. "This bow is a magical weapon called Sagitta Luminis. It's meant for shooting arrows more than anything else, but I like to use its ability to solidify light to make ribbons," he stated plainly, holding it out for Mizuki to grab and test.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie nodded his head when Mizuki decided not to make a wish and was surprised to hear that she was curious where his ribbons came from. Pulling the small branch that allowed him to use Sagitta Luminis, the ribbon mage pulled back on the glowy string and shot an arrow into the sky. Trailing behind the arrow was his staple ribbon. "This bow is a magical weapon called Sagitta Luminis. It's meant for shooting arrows more than anything else, but I like to use its ability to solidify light to make ribbons," he stated plainly, holding it out for Mizuki to grab and test.

Mizuki reached out and took the bow in her hands, making sure not to come into contact with Alfie. It felt very strange holding an actual weapon in her hands, but oddly satisfying. She's killed people with magic but never a magic. Pulling the string back she aimed it at Alfie's head for a moment before aiming it to the sky and firing, an arrow flying up into the air. There was no ribbon attached however as she didn't know how to bend light or anything. It was oddly satisfying to watch the arrow zip through the air before vanishing, but one arrow was enough. She carefully held it back to Alfie, an excited hint in her eyes. "That was interesting. I envy you."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki reached out and took the bow in her hands, making sure not to come into contact with Alfie. It felt very strange holding an actual weapon in her hands, but oddly satisfying. She's killed people with magic but never a magic. Pulling the string back she aimed it at Alfie's head for a moment before aiming it to the sky and firing, an arrow flying up into the air. There was no ribbon attached however as she didn't know how to bend light or anything. It was oddly satisfying to watch the arrow zip through the air before vanishing, but one arrow was enough. She carefully held it back to Alfie, an excited hint in her eyes. "That was interesting. I envy you."
Alfie carefully removed it from Mizuki's hands and threw it into a mandala before looking back at the lady. She seemed to

find shooting the arrow even a little fun... maybe getting her a magic weapon of her own wouldn't hurt? After all, using one was much easier than actually training to use magic, and should she ever run out of stamina, she would have a tool to fall back on. "If you envy me, then why not go weapon shopping? I'm sure you'd find something you'd like, and while it may not be Sagitta Luminis, it might be as equally as destructive."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie carefully removed it from Mizuki's hands and threw it into a mandala before looking back at the lady. She seemed today
find shooting the arrow even a little fun... maybe getting her a magic weapon of her own wouldn't hurt? After all, using one was much easier than actually training to use magic, and should she ever run out of stamina, she would have a tool to fall back on. "If you envy me, then why not go weapon shopping? I'm sure you'd find something you'd like, and while it may not be Sagitta Luminis, it might be as equally as destructive."

Mizuki gave Alfie a look that said "are you stupid?" even though no one really would've understood what she was really talking about. The Dark Mage wasn't talking about the weapon at all, and rather what the weapon created. "No, it's not that I want a weapon. It's that I'm jealous of what you can create. I really like your ribbons. A lot." She said, chuckling strangely and rubbing the tight ribbons. "I love how tight they are on my body. How they make me lose feelings in my legs. I wish I could make my own."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki gave Alfie a look that said "are you stupid?" even though no one really would've understood what she was really talking about. The Dark Mage wasn't talking about the weapon at all, and rather what the weapon created. "No, it's not that I want a weapon. It's that I'm jealous of what you can create. I really like your ribbons. A lot." She said, chuckling strangely and rubbing the tight ribbons. "I love how tight they are on my body. How they make me lose feelings in my legs. I wish I could make my own."
Alfie politely smiled as Mizuki explained why she wasn't talking about ribbons, but what he really wanted to do was dive off of the roof and run as far away as possible. Edgy people could be this weird? "You do have shadows at your disposal, right? Why not use those? Think of choking people with shadowy hands but instead you're choking your body with shadowy ribbons. It's really simple." Alfie's hand slightly twitched from shock, still flabbergasted about the whole situation, "But I do still recommend you try using a weapon. They can be quite reliable seeing as how they don't use magic directly from their wielder."
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Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

Tokine gave a small nod of acknowledgement before responding,"Lead the way." she said calmly. As she waited for Sakura to start moving she glanced at the surrounding area. There were a few people who were still staring at the two of them but most of the festival-goers had returned to their usual business. She didn't immediately see anything particularly interesting at the moment. Maybe they would just walk around for a while. There had to be SOMETHING worth looking into.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Awesome! Let's go!" She replied excitedly before grabbing Tokines' hand gently and proceeding to jog or pretty much run down the street with her. She looked excitedly at the various stands of stuff to do, trying to decide just what to do with her. When in doubt, classic carnival games she guessed. Which just so happened to be the classic knocking over bottles thing. "Ooh! Let's do that!" She told her, stopping in front of the stand and pointing frantically to it while waiting on her answer.


Alfie - Random Roof

"If you really must know," Alfie said gloomily, avoiding eye contact with the other, "A Heart Stone is much more of a curse than anything else. The whole transformation aspect is merely a fraction of what it really means to have your soul crushed and turned into a gem." The wizard slowly took the gem back out of his vest, allowing Mizuki clear vision of it in the palm of his hand. "This small rock is me. My memories, my emotions, my magical power, all condensed into this. But there's still quite a lot more to it than that," he paused to throw the gem back into his vest.

"Harvest. That is the name of the very curse that turned my soul into a rock. Now when I say curse, I don't mean I was punished. I was tricked. Tricked into making a wish in return for my future. When you're inflicted with Harvest, your main goal becomes to inflict others with the same spell, and why I'm not sure what the purpose of it is, I can tell you that I've had to kill off many more descended than ascended."

Alfie turned around to look over at the crowds of people from above before continuing. "I'm not quite sure what point I'm trying to get across by telling you any of this. But what I'm sure of is that it's my duty to inflict others with Harvest and turn their souls into Heart Stones. And as hard as I've tried to stop myself from doing such a thing," the wizard paused yet again, his right hand morphing into a drill of distorted flesh and bone with his left turning into a clamp of some sort, "I can't ignore it if someone asks me of their own accord. But if you really feel like throwing your life away so soon, at least wish for something sensible."
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia looked to Mizuki with a look that could only say 'Please' when Ophelia asked to take her to do something more fun. She'd already heard part of what Alfie was from him, so she didn't really need to hear it again. Plus it would probably do good for him and Mizuki to talk alone for a while. She let out and excited "
Yes!" when Mizuki said they could go. She was just about to ask how to get down when Ophelia suddenly grabbed her up and jumped off of the roof. She let out a surprised scream and clung to her as the plunged to the cobblestone below. She didn't answer her as she was too scared they were plummeting to certain doom currently.
Kelica - Sabrina's apartment

Kelica was stunned, did Sabrina say that it was her Father that had loved her and she hated her mother? So all those horrible experiments were to keep her alive and her mother was the one she was upset at. Kelica walked slowly over to her, green eyes hazy and distant. She instinctively wrapped an arm around the girls shoulder (she says girl, even though Sabrina was taller and stronger and it was only the age that made her smaller) and drew her into her side. The girl was messed up...but who could blame her? Kelica couldn't even fathom a family structure like that, yeah her own mother was angry and her father was strict, but overall it had been loving and caring. She sighed. "You don't have to tell us anymore...all you need to know is that we are here for you always. That's what friends do! We stick together!" Smiling at that. "Hey, look, why don't we all get something to eat...the dark room can wait and some yummy food will do us all good." Smiling warmly both Chris and Sabrina, trying to lighten the mood.

@Isune @PeteTSs
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie politely smiled as Mizuki explained why she wasn't talking about ribbons, but what he really wanted to do was dive off of the roof and run as far away as possible. Edgy people could be this weird? "You do have shadows at your disposal, right? Why not use those? Think of choking people with shadowy hands but instead you're choking your body with shadowy ribbons. It's really simple." Alfie's hand slightly twitched from shock, still flabbergasted about the whole situation, "But I do still recommend you try using a weapon. They can be quite reliable seeing as how they don't use magic directly from their wielder."

Mizuki shook her head at Alfie's suggestion of choking herself with her shadows. While that was a possible solution it wouldn't be the same. Being choked by yourself isn't as calming. An uneasy feeling radiated off of Alfie and the dark haired woman quickly picked up on it. Perhaps he didn't find joy in being encased in a tight hug of ribbons, which was strange. However he quickly changed the subject back to weapons as he suggested she buy her own magical weapon. It would be quite interesting to have a weapon in her arsenal as well as an extra power, so she wasn't against the idea at all. "Yes, I suppose a weapon would make me stronger. Where would I buy such an item?" She asked Alfie, closing her eyes as she waited for a reply.
Valken - Milkshake Shop

Valken was glaring daggers at that silly girl and her destructive powers, truth be told he couldn't really care less if innocents were hurt but his Millie was in this shop... He instantly regretted leaving her for a moment, even moreso when it was a fruitless endenevour to find Lloyd. His eyes searching for the shop for signs of Lysander and that blue haired girl. He wondered quickly if they had left Millie even though he SPECIFICALLY told Lysander to keep an eye on her....When he found that boy....

His thoughts were ripped back as Millie spoke, glancing down to her as she was curled up under his strong body. But for all the rage, his face was completely soft and flooded with concern, making him look like a young boy again. Even his voice was soft. "Are you alright-?" He said in a sincere tone, all manner of joking or smartass comments void. He almost looked scared that something had happened to her.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks (Lysander gunna get his butt whipped)
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Mitchs98 said:
Sakura: Magnolia Streets
Awesome! Let's go!" She replied excitedly before grabbing Tokines' hand gently and proceeding to jog or pretty much run down the street with her. She looked excitedly at the various stands of stuff to do, trying to decide just what to do with her. When in doubt, classic carnival games she guessed. Which just so happened to be the classic knocking over bottles thing. "Ooh! Let's do that!" She told her, stopping in front of the stand and pointing frantically to it while waiting on her answer.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia looked to Mizuki with a look that could only say 'Please' when Ophelia asked to take her to do something more fun. She'd already heard part of what Alfie was from him, so she didn't really need to hear it again. Plus it would probably do good for him and Mizuki to talk alone for a while. She let out and excited "
Yes!" when Mizuki said they could go. She was just about to ask how to get down when Ophelia suddenly grabbed her up and jumped off of the roof. She let out a surprised scream and clung to her as the plunged to the cobblestone below. She didn't answer her as she was too scared they were plummeting to certain doom currently.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki shook her head at Alfie's suggestion of choking herself with her shadows. While that was a possible solution it wouldn't be the same. Being choked by yourself isn't as calming. An uneasy feeling radiated off of Alfie and the dark haired woman quickly picked up on it. Perhaps he didn't find joy in being encased in a tight hug of ribbons, which was strange. However he quickly changed the subject back to weapons as he suggested she buy her own magical weapon. It would be quite interesting to have a weapon in her arsenal as well as an extra power, so she wasn't against the idea at all. "Yes, I suppose a weapon would make me stronger. Where would I buy such an item?" She asked Alfie, closing her eyes as she waited for a reply.
Alfie cupped a hand around his chin as he thought about where she could buy a decent weapon. "If I'm correct, there should be a few magic shops dotting Magnolia, a few of them probably selling weapons. But I doubt any of them sell anything strong enough to blow things up, let alone kill." In Magnolia, shops open to the public were restricted from putting dangerous weapons on sale, and dangerous was what a wizard needed to complete most kinds of quests. But then he remembered that he had built Sagitta Luminis on his own, and despite looking like a branch, it was anything but.

"I think I can actually make you your own weapon. We'd need some materials that can't exactly be found in a city, but the product will be much greater than anything you can buy here. You wouldn't mind traversing the forests a few miles south of Magnolia, would you?"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia floated down safely to her feet with Alicia still in her arms, confused as to why she wouldn't answer. "Hey, Alicia, did you hear me? Are we testing to see what's up with those corndogs? Also, should I put you down now?"
Sabrina---Her apartment

Sabrina looked at Kelica's stunned face, understanding that she was very confused at how her private life worked. Father does unspeakable things to her, yet she loves him for it, although it did give her serious tomophobia. Mother kills father for the inexcusable things, yet Sabrina hates her and never wants to see her again. She smiled when Kelica placed her arm around her shoulder, thanking her in her inwardly when she stopped pressing further, well at least for now. She hugged Kelica happily when she proposed to go eat and have some fun after this grim episode. "Thank you Kelica! Let's stop talking about all this weird stuff and go have some fun!" she said cheerfully. Then, she suddenly took a darker tone. "My death drove my father insane, you see. I really don't blame him..." She trailed off.

@Zuka @Isune
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie cupped a hand around his chin as he thought about where she could buy a decent weapon. "If I'm correct, there should be a few magic shops dotting Magnolia, a few of them probably selling weapons. But I doubt any of them sell anything strong enough to blow things up, let alone kill." In Magnolia, shops open to the public were restricted from putting dangerous weapons on sale, and dangerous was what a wizard needed to complete most kinds of quests. But then he remembered that he had built Sagitta Luminis on his own, and despite looking like a branch, it was anything but.

"I think I can actually make you your own weapon. We'd need some materials that can't exactly be found in a city, but the product will be much greater than anything you can buy here. You wouldn't mind traversing the forests a few miles south of Magnolia, would you?"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia floated down safely to her feet with Alicia still in her arms, confused as to why she wouldn't answer. "Hey, Alicia, did you hear me? Are we testing to see what's up with those corndogs? Also, should I put you down now?"

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

A little known fact about Alicia, she was kind of afraid of heights..which had been one of the main reasons she wanted to leave the roof. That was also the reason she currently clung to Ophelia as if life depended on it, because to her it did. She hadn't noticed Ophelia somehow float down safely, at all. She fully expected to splat against the ground at any moment, her eyes wrenched shut and face buried in Ophelia's shoulder. She should probably trust her, but fear overruled logic currently. When Ophelia spoke to her again she slowly move her head from her shoulder and looked around slowly, blinking once in disbelief. She slowly relaxed the deathgrip she had on her as the realization she wouldn't be splatting like a watermelon on the ground anytime soon.

A few minutes later she decided to address her question. "
Ye..Yeah. Of course. I'm curious to know what's up with them. And yeah..you can put me down now." She replied. In her feat she'd forgotten what they planned on doing until Ophelia brought it up, in all honesty.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
A little known fact about Alicia, she was kind of afraid of heights..which had been one of the main reasons she wanted to leave the roof. That was also the reason she currently clung to Ophelia as if life depended on it, because to her it did. She hadn't noticed Ophelia somehow float down safely, at all. She fully expected to splat against the ground at any moment, her eyes wrenched shut and face buried in Ophelia's shoulder. She should probably trust her, but fear overruled logic currently. When Ophelia spoke to her again she slowly move her head from her shoulder and looked around slowly, blinking once in disbelief. She slowly relaxed the deathgrip she had on her as the realization she wouldn't be splatting like a watermelon on the ground anytime soon.

A few minutes later she decided to address her question. "
Ye..Yeah. Of course. I'm curious to know what's up with them. And yeah..you can put me down now." She replied. In her feat she'd forgotten what they planned on doing until Ophelia brought it up, in all honesty.
With a smile and a nod, Ophelia gently set Alicia onto the ground before running off in the direction of the corndog stands, holding the other's hand along the way.


"Alrighty! Who's going first and how many are each of us eating?" Ophelia asked Alicia quickly, trying not to hold up the giant line behind them.
purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox

begin stupid

Honoka's pale skin began to switch color from its normal near white, to a red rose color. " Oh you know me, I forgot things easily when we come back from stuff." She waved her hand infront of her, trying to dismiss her embarrassment. Unfortunately it didn't work. The train had a little bump making Her jump.

Honoka gently placed the vilon on to her shoulder and paving her chin on the chin rest. She out stretched a hand, a small runic circle appear around her hand making a bow appear. She held the bow up to the strings and began to play a small tune, just something to get rid of her embarrassment.

Kim lock

calming the F down

Kim looked at Ryu, when he chastised her. She gave Alex another glance, this time with out looking like she was gonna murder her.
" It's a pleasure to meat you , Alex dear." Kim have her a goofy smile, why did she act like a bitch before Ryu had spoken up. She had no idea, but at lest Alex seemed nice enough to not kill any one. When Ryu mentioned something abut seats she unconsciously looked down at the arenas. Half the fight s had been over leaving two matches yet to end. " Sure I'm down with that."

Marshmallow said:
Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

Alex snorted as the others were behaving like that now, it almost seemed like they were siblings or lovers in distress. She flipped her hair as she then glanced towards the stage of the tournament where the action was going on. Still, because of her height, she could not see much which was a bit annoying to be honest.
”That’s fine~” She responded and waved her hand as to indicate that she did not mind at all. Also, she guessed that being more open would be much better than being awkward around them which was kind of suffocating to her. ”Let’s go~ I saw some spots over there.” She said and pointed to the direction on her right where stands were less crowded.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


Ryu's smile returned as the two started to get along better. "Yes, I think it would be best if we were to head to the seating area. It seems like the second round of fights is almost finished, that it does," He remarked, struggling to peer over the crowd to see the viewing lacrimas. It was times like these that made him wonder if it really was the Kasai Uzuken-ryu that had halted his growth. Perhaps he'd never know, he supposed. He smiled and started walking in the direction Alex had indicated. "Let us be off then!"

@purplepanda288 @Marshmallow
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]With a smile and a nod, Ophelia gently set Alicia onto the ground before running off in the direction of the corndog stands, holding the other's hand along the way.

"Alrighty! Who's going first and how many are each of us eating?" Ophelia asked Alicia quickly, trying not to hold up the giant line behind them.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

No sooner than she was put down did they run off to the stands. Not that she minded, she just wanted a bit of rest from what she had assumed to be a near death situation. Nevertheless they soon arrived and quickly advanced to the front of the line. She shrugged at Ophelia's question though, which was a good question. How many was safe to eat? What if something was really wrong with them and they ate too many? "Uhhhh..I don't know? A few..five maybe? Or three?" She replied questioningly. "I'm not sure how many are safe..to be honest.." She whispered to her, hopefully low enough the stand owner didn't hear.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets
No sooner than she was put down did they run off to the stands. Not that she minded, she just wanted a bit of rest from what she had assumed to be a near death situation. Nevertheless they soon arrived and quickly advanced to the front of the line. She shrugged at Ophelia's question though, which was a good question. How many was safe to eat? What if something was really wrong with them and they ate too many? "Uhhhh..I don't know? A few..five maybe? Or three?" She replied questioningly. "I'm not sure how many are safe..to be honest.." She whispered to her, hopefully low enough the stand owner didn't hear.
"That's exactly what we're testing!" Ophelia whispered back almost inaudible before looking back up at the owner of the stand. "We'd like three per person, please!" the girl told him happily before taking the corndogs in both of her hands, leaving the small tent as soon as possible. Giving Alicia's three corndogs to the little girl, the Guild Master devoured her own, and sure enough, small specks of light began to dot her vision. "Well, they do the space stuff for me... what about you?"

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

In any other circumstance, Hibiki would've been fully capable of calming her down quite easily, but now all she remembered of him was a much younger version than the boy approaching her who was clearly older. She watched him lifelessly behind the now demonic eyes, unable to recognize him which only enraged her more. The tone he used, his endearing embrace that brought her down, it all ticked her off. Who was he to touch or speak to her in such a way? The emotions inside her spiraled into a rather bottomless pit of darkness, the soft presence of her conscious being drowned out by the scream she involuntarily let out. Her teeth became sharper, canine even, as her chest rose and fell rapidly. But his voice... something in her snapped to focus in on it, eyes quickly lowering to look at the boy knelt down before her. " Who are you? " She managed to speak before she was forced to grit her teeth to suppress another scream, hands beginning to morph as her fingers extended into long slender claws.

Usually the transition was much easier but for some reason she was holding onto Hibiki's words like a lifeline and fighting the change which only made it that much more prolonged and painful. The pulses of sheer energy emitting from her weightless form was enough to push anyone away and act as a barrier and she found it strange that he was able to keep himself grounded and holding onto her through it all. The ground began to crack beneath them, sending fractures into the ground that spanned out in a spiderweb like pattern. Two sets of rather beautiful sharp wings appeared,
protruding snugly from her back and extending out to come together in a way that resembled a butterfly. " I don't think I can stop it... " Pessimism leaked into her mind and voice, fingers sliding back into her hair as she closed her eyes, head shaking back and forth. " I can't.. I can't.. I can't.. " She repeated to herself in a struggling chanted voice as the aura around her darkened and wrapped around her.

Lyra hoped that nobody would try to portray themselves as a threat to her because that would definitely throw her over the edge and the take over would complete itself. As long as the scythe didn't phase itself into reality, there was still a chance to cancel the takeover completely, she just needed to be stronger than it. I don't want to hurt this boy... He reminds me of little Hibiki... The thought brought her to her knees, coming face to face with him as she opened her eyes slowly to stare into his. She searched them rapidly, yellow hues flickering about as if trying to grasp something that was out of reach, trying to make sense of why they looked just like Hibiki's when that couldn't be. " Why do you have his gentle eyes? " Her voice faltered but it was softer now, a minimal amount of control being latched onto. A clawed hand raised itself to press against his chest, directly over his heart, head tilting as she sensed something impossible. " And his heart... I-I know that heart.. " It probably looked weird to see her cry in this state but the tears began to fall of their own accord. Her eyes cycled through their normal pastel purple and back to yellow quite quickly, lips trembling as they did.

@Kayzo @Zuka
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie cupped a hand around his chin as he thought about where she could buy a decent weapon. "If I'm correct, there should be a few magic shops dotting Magnolia, a few of them probably selling weapons. But I doubt any of them sell anything strong enough to blow things up, let alone kill." In Magnolia, shops open to the public were restricted from putting dangerous weapons on sale, and dangerous was what a wizard needed to complete most kinds of quests. But then he remembered that he had built Sagitta Luminis on his own, and despite looking like a branch, it was anything but.

"I think I can actually make you your own weapon. We'd need some materials that can't exactly be found in a city, but the product will be much greater than anything you can buy here. You wouldn't mind traversing the forests a few miles south of Magnolia, would you?"

Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia floated down safely to her feet with Alicia still in her arms, confused as to why she wouldn't answer. "Hey, Alicia, did you hear me? Are we testing to see what's up with those corndogs? Also, should I put you down now?"

Mizuki wasn't against leaving the city to hunt for supplies. The festival had grown quite boring for someone like her, and with the fail in the fight arena she was dying to disappear for a little. Yet the only thing hdinh her back was Alicia. She didn't want to leave the girl alone in such a big city all by herself. Though the dark Mage recalled when Sasuke and Alicia went far away and came back safely. Surely the city was more safe than wherever they went. Thus her mind was set and she was ready to go. "Yes. I suppose we can stray from the city for awhile. I hope you know your way around however."

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