Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica - Sabrina's Horror House

It didn't take Kelica long to empty her stomach, afterall there wasn't much in there to begin with. She did notice the warm hand rubbing her back and hair out of her face, she was thankful for that. She turned the tap and ran some water through her mouth to clear it before spitting it in the sink. She even splashed some water on her face to clear her mind. At this point Chris dragged her into a hug, so she buried her face into his chest.The kiss comment made her blush, it was a cute gesture. But regardless she couldn't help returning her gaze back to Sabrina. How could someone be so cruel? Well she was determined whoever it was would never lay another hand on the girl, Kelica would crush them the moment they tried.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(Browsing through private information)

Chris sighed as Kelica finished throwing up. He pulled away from her and switched his eyes out again before heading back into the dark room. So many files, all from the same person. He continued digging through them all with extreme delicacy. Some of these files looked as if they'd fall apart if he touched them wrong, a sign of their age. This is why Sabrina was able to become that dragon hybrid during their fight, because of these experiments. He only shook his head as he saw some of the horrendous pictures. He only closed the files as stepped out, his eyes reverting to their original state, before covering his hand with his mouth. The things those files contained, they were...unholy...no, what was in those files were their friend.

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Sora Marvell - Infirmary

A bright smile remained at Maya's words, feeling extremely happy that the woman always had her on her mind in some way, regardless of being so busy a majority of the time. At least she was a lingering thought and she found comfort knowing she'd never be forgotten. Sora honestly loved Maya to an unwavering point, they were family after all and she'd been like a parent of sorts even though nobody could replace her mother and father; Maya definitely came close to being a parental figure. Her eyes went wide then at the mention of the cake, body bouncing a bit upon the bed at the anticipation to see it the next day. And Maya had made it herself? It was going to be wonderful! A majority of Sora's baking skills was actually handed down and taught by Maya herself, the two always having fun cooking cute and yummy things for one another. Of course there were enchantments on the cake though, that was something to be expected in response to her childhood days of getting into a lot of things before she was supposed to. Dessert came before dinner, or at least, that was what she believed.

Sora back peddled a little bit as Maya explained she'd be becoming a woman on her birthday. Her cheeks began to glow but it wasn't out of embarrassment this go around, it was pride and acceptance. Maya was actually referring to her as no longer a little girl, but a woman. She personally hadn't expected her to say such a thing and an overwhelming feeling curtained over her. It wouldn't seem like much and physically Sora was still far from looking or filling out to be more womanly like, but she'd definitely grown mentally to deserve to be treated as more than a little kid. " T-Thank you Auntie. " Her words came out a small stutter from the surprise that still lingered, eyes down casting themselves from the sheer weight of the realization she was coming to terms with.
Sora couldn't imagine Maya hurting her own guild member even if Lysander somehow, miraculously, happened to hurt her but Maya did have an unrivaled and terrifying temper. It was quite odd that even if Lysander managed to crush her in the future that she'd still protect him with her last breath. It was a vow she made to herself, and no circumstance would change that. That was only conflicting because the same guard-like nature extended to Maya, Clair, and Nami; she would die to keep them safe.

Clair's reaction quickly caught her attention though and she had half the mind to jump out of the bed and run to her aid but the red head soon stirred awake and sat up. A sigh of relief escaped her, eyes curious. Was it that much of a big deal? Surely asking Lysander to take a nap in a comfortable place wasn't such a huge issue, or perhaps she wasn't seeing the underlying issue that Clair had honed in on.
We're fully clothed... She thought to herself, brows furrowing together in confusion. Her head shook quickly then, not wanting to dwell too much on the technicalities. Lysander's own reaction was taken in as well and he seemed to be battling with his own thoughts on her offer. Maybe it didn't seem innocent in his eyes? She'd laid by him before when he was in the infirmary but he had disappeared so perhaps he wasn't comfortable with that level of physical comfort yet. At least for now, she wouldn't inquire further and just respect his decision, seeing as he hadn't made one it probably pointed to him stalling. " I'm glad you'll be there Clair! It wouldn't be a party without you. " Sora exclaimed in a cheeky manner, a smile worthy of that emotion following quick suit. But with her words flowing, she also took the time to take action, hurriedly grabbing the pillow and sliding out of bed to settle herself on the floor next to Lysander.

Looks like everyone was ending up on the floor of the infirmary! If he didn't feel like being next to her on the bed, then she'd compromise and bring herself to be beside him. She took the time to fluff the pillow and hold it out to him. " Here then! " She insisted with a daring look in her eyes, seeing if he wanted to challenge her stubborn nature.
It might have seemed too pushy but she was extremely worried about his lack of sleep and all the things he'd been through the day himself. No sleep, the tournament, getting injured, running off, carrying her to the infirmary, and now he deserved a nap at least of some sort. If Lyra was here she would've probably conned the woman into putting Lysander to sleep just so he wouldn't have a choice. As hasty as her actions were, she felt it in his best interest and his health was extremely important. But still her expression remained gentle and quite adorable, head tilted with the pillow held before her. Maybe she should recruit Maya into helping her convince Lysander to get some sleep? Her gaze slipped to fall on the older woman's face then, mind feuding with if she should ask her or not. Surely I have a strong enough influence on my own... Sora remained confident and optimistic and decided to give it her best attempt.

Sora reached a hand over to rest it over Lysander's eyes, shutting his vision off from the world. The gentle pressure coupled with the warmth and emotion behind it should've been comforting enough not to panic him. " Please get some rest? I'll be here beside you the whole time. " Sora's tone was lulling, the whispered nature of it meant to soothe him. If he didn't share her level of stubbornness, hopefully he'd just her accept words without any retaliation. He'd been there by her side while she slept and now she wanted to do the same so they'd both be feeling in a much better state; physically and mentally. As if to further emphasis this, she shifted to rest the pillow against her side and brought her free hand to the back of his head to draw him in against her shoulder, expecting resistance but hoping she wouldn't be met with it. Her fingers calmly brushed through his hair, absentmindedly smiling as her fingers slipped into the softness of each wavy lock they came into contact with, a barely audible hum of a song that used to send her into a tranquil sleep when she was a child being sung. At this rate she was falling dangerously close to falling asleep before he might, but at least she had the bed to lean back against and Lysander whom she was dearly holding onto for support as well.

Sora realized she'd never shared that lullaby with anyone as it was extremely special to her though even with this realization, she continued, blissful that she'd found someone to share it with.

@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots
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purplepanda288 said:
Ryu's back was pretty warm, it was conforting for some odd reason. "Sorry Ryu dear." When Ryu mentioned if she was running from something she let out a small giggle"Oh I'm not fleeing just begin silly, I can get of if you want." She noticed another women infront of them, she look a bit of the awkward side of things. Kim narrowed her eyes at her. " And you may be?" Her voice was more on the accusatory side.


Marshmallow said:
Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

Alex just stood there now, awkward as could be as she did not want to intervene them in any way. It would be rude to do so, so she refrained herself from coming over as a rude kid who thought the whole world was turning around her. However as she got the comment of the female, she tilted her head to the side at the tone of voice. She did not like the way it was said, though the other probably had her reasons to do so.
”I’m Alex.” She responded in a short manner as she did not feel like telling more. Why? Because she was not obliged to do so.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


"Now miss Kim," Ryu said admonishingly, turning to look at her as she remained perched on his back. "That's no way to introduce yourself," He turned back to face Alex again. "I do apologize for miss Kim's hostility," He said, his soft smile returning. "You must understand, she's just finished participating in the tournament, so she's more than likely a little bit tired and stressed," He added, although Kim's behavior prior to noticing Alex said otherwise. "Now then, shall the three of us find seats?" He asked

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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As she fell towards her opponent her path became obstructed by a large purple barrier. She had little time to react, barely bringing her sword up to pierce the barrier as it sped towards her. She let out a small cry of pain as she slammed into the solid purple material, however she kept firm hold on the hilt of her sword and used it as an anchor to keep herself from being flung away. With no time to try and recover from the impact she brought her spare hand up, igniting her fist in her customary flame being bringing it down on the pummel of her sword. The fire raced from her fist down across the blade, crimson symbols appearing in tandem with the flames until they reached the tip. The blade let out an explosive burst of magic, shattering a hole in the barrier and causing her to plummet towards the ground.

She managed to stick her landing, although nowhere near as gracefully as she had intended. As she stood up she couldn't help but rub her right arm, again clicking her tongue as she moved it in various directions to make sure everything was fine. She spared a quick glance behind her at the mass of slime before turning her attention back to her opponent. She gave him a quick once-over, taking in the knightly attire that he now donned. "You really are a bag of tricks, arentchya?" Judging by the way he was using his magic it seemed as if he planned on engaging her in swordsmanship. She knew she'd be at the disadvantage if this came down to a contest of blades, especially with that mound of slime behind her. She spared another glance back at the mound, wondering if he planned to make use of it or not.

Nonetheless, standing around wouldn't get her anywhere and after taking a brief moment to stretch her shoulders she readied her blade before her. As before flames licked at her heels as she quickly rocketed towards her opponent. This time there was no slime to vault over, no barrier to punch through and she closed the gap in seconds. As she got in range she put one foot forward and slid to a halt, angling her blade and quickly swiping it upwards towards her opponent.
"I dare say I am," Adrian replied as Tanari again foiled his plans. But really, he wasn't even doing nearly as much as he could be doing. In fact, he wasn't even really trying. He had just been feeling her out, trying to see if she could do anything other than just charge him recklessly. It seemed that she really couldn't think of anything else, a fact that he was reminded of as she charged him once again. Yes, that's it, Tanari, he thought, Keep charging me like a moron. When she got into melee range, he disappeared in a purple light, causing Tanari to strike air. The next thing Tanari saw was a cube of arcane barriers surrounding her on all four sides and forming a ceiling. The floor was left untouched. Adrian could be seen in front of her, reappearing about ten feet beyond the barrier. More slimes emerged from his body, as the mound behind Tanari began to surge forward into a tidal wave. The huge amount of slimes coalesced around the barrier, completely enveloping it and surrounding Tanari in total darkness. Normally, the slimes would be translucent, but there were so many of them that they blocked out the sun. Tanari was soon under a mountain of hundreds if not thousands of slimes, forming a hill up to the roof of the arena. The barriers buckled under the strain, and it looked like they were going to collapse soon.

Adrian's voice could be heard through the mound of slimes. "This arena's enchantment will protect you from death, even if your magic is completely drained. But getting this much slime dumped on you, to say nothing of its magic-draining effects, will hurt. A lot. But you can save yourself the trouble and surrender now, and that won't have to happen. What do you say, Tanari?"
Honoka Redfox

riding a train with her twin

Monoka seat in the fast moving train, the window next to her slightly ajar. a soft stream of air blew her hair around, almost like a pair of ghostly hands were slightly moving her hair. She was proud that their job had gone so well, they even got a few extra rewards along with their money.

She held her prized violin in her lap, keeping it at a nice comfortable position. With her left hand she started to pluck each string, with her right she tuned it making the strings tighten and loosen to her likening. Once everything sounded well and done she let it sit there, motionless. " Hey, Haruhi wasn't there a festival at magnolia today?" She honestly couldn't remember, all that swimed around her mind was notes songs and sweets. Yes especially sweets. She looked at her blue haired twin, they didn't look like twins because of the different hair color. Honoka thought she would dye her hair a raven color to look a little different from her sister, and it worked. Mabye when her hair grows out they could switch places one day

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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia StreetsAlicia was glad that Ophelia seemed to be getting along with Mizuki. She figured Ophelia would get along well with her, but she wasn't so sure Ophelia would seeing as Mizuki had been destroying a fruit stand a minute prior. She also figured Ophelia was fine since she didn't answer her. She had to admit, the girl was both strong and very durable. She doubted she could of taken such a physical blow and just shrugged it off. She would of asked Mizuki how her fight went, but she figured that might of been the reason she was mad originally. She doubted there was any other reason. She felt bad for her, really. She'd talk to her about it later, that was for sure.

She wondered what Mizuki meant by 'interesting' but figured she meant it because Ophelia was Fairy Tail's Master. "I know, right? She's actually really nice! I met her after Alfie helped me, it was kind of funny..really." She told her. "Oh! Yeah! I bet you didn't notice..or maybe you did, but Alfie took the energy back and explained why he acted that way yesterday. It was't his fault, kind of. Something to do with the negative energy? He's actually really nice, at-least I think so." She explained. "He told me not to tell you...but I figured I would incase you saw him so you didn't worry or get mad at him." She added.
Mizuki's eyes narrowed slightly when Alicia mentioned that a peculiar pink haired man had helped her with her strange and sudden depression. Maybe the man's intentions weren't as bad as she made them out to be. However it made her relieved to know that her sad feelings were gone and that Alicia was back to her happy self. "Perhaps I must forgive him. Though I still view him as a threat. Do not let your guard down."

Her gaze suddenly whipped around as a voice approached them, one the dark Mage didn't recognize. She didn't like the idea of having an unknown stranger in their company, but if she tried anything Alicia would stick up for him. To make matters worse he called her out on her chin scratching. Mizuki forgot that showing affection to girls that weren't related to you was strange and looked down upon, which made her quite mad. Sighing in frustration she lowered her arms and crossed them across her stomach, her softening face hardening again. Just as she was being more open this man came to mess it up. Though maybe it was better he did. "What makes you think that I know anything about this area? And what makes you think I'll tell you?" She asked in a bit of a hostile tone, her lips curling back slightly as she finished speaking.

@Salt Lord @Unknown Falling
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Salt Lord [ Mentioned: @Mr Swiftshots ]
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's eyes narrowed slightly when Alicia mentioned that a peculiar pink haired man had helped her with her strange and sudden depression. Maybe the man's intentions weren't as bad as she made them out to be. However it made her relieved to know that her sad feelings were gone and that Alicia was back to her happy self. "Perhaps I must forgive him. Though I still view him as a threat. Do not let your guard down."

Her gaze suddenly whipped around as a voice approached them, one the dark Mage didn't recognize. She didn't like the idea of having an unknown stranger in their company, but if she tried anything Alicia would stick up for him. To make matters worse he called her out on her chin scratching. Mizuki forgot that showing affection to girls that weren't related to you was strange and looked down upon, which made her quite mad. Sighing in frustration she lowered her arms and crossed them across her stomach, her softening face hardening again. Just as she was being more open this man came to mess it up. Though maybe it was better he did. "What makes you think that I know anything about this area? And what makes you think I'll tell you?" She asked in a bit of a hostile tone, her lips curling back slightly as she finished speaking.

@Salt Lord @Unknown Falling
Ophelia - Magnolia Streets

Ophelia opened her eyes with a confused expression as the wonderful scratching of her chin stopped, and when she looked up at Mizuki, she appeared to be mad at someone... It was another guy, and while he wasn't the cloaked man the girl so wished she could vaporize the blood of, this one was probably just as annoying. Crossing her arms as Mizuki had been curling her lips in frustration, the shadow mage's reply to whatever the guy had to say was probably related to directions. "The tournament's over there," she pointed, not knowing that was where the man didn't want to go, "And we're surrounded by vendors and funhouses and all sorts of stands if the fighting doesn't appeal to you." While he tried her hardest not to tell the guy off, her goal was to keep her job as a Guild Master, and one of the things that went into that was not getting complaints from people.

purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox riding a train with her twin

Monoka seat in the fast moving train, the window next to her slightly ajar. a soft stream of air blew her hair around, almost like a pair of ghostly hands were slightly moving her hair. She was proud that their job had gone so well, they even got a few extra rewards along with their money.

She held her prized violin in her lap, keeping it at a nice comfortable position. With her left hand she started to pluck each string, with her right she tuned it making the strings tighten and loosen to her likening. Once everything sounded well and done she let it sit there, motionless. " Hey, Haruhi wasn't there a festival at magnolia today?" She honestly couldn't remember, all that swimed around her mind was notes songs and sweets. Yes especially sweets. She looked at her bus haired twin, they didn't look like twins because of the different hair color. Honoka thought she would dye her hair a raven color to look a little different from her sister, and it worked.

Haruhi's face was lightly pressed against the cold glass of the moving train, her eyes wide and shining like a kid on Christmas. The speed of the train sent shivers down her spine as she continued to watch blissfully. Her sister has her music and she had her trains. Speaking of her sister, her voice broke the soft rattling of the cabin, making the blue haired girl turn her head slightly to face her. She seemed to be asking about some sort of festival going on in Magnolia, and Haruhi's jaw nearly dropped. Did her sister already forget the reason they were on the train in the first place? "Yes Honoka, there is in fact a festival going on. It's the whole point we are on this train." She said in a soft voice, her lips breaking into a warm smile. "Did you forget already?"
Kayzo said:
Haruhi's face was lightly pressed against the cold glass of the moving train, her eyes wide and shining like a kid on Christmas. The speed of the train sent shivers down her spine as she continued to watch blissfully. Her sister has her music and she had her trains. Speaking of her sister, her voice broke the soft rattling of the cabin, making the blue haired girl turn her head slightly to face her. She seemed to be asking about some sort of festival going on in Magnolia, and Haruhi's jaw nearly dropped. Did her sister already forget the reason they were on the train in the first place? "Yes Honoka, there is in fact a festival going on. It's the whole point we are on this train." She said in a soft voice, her lips breaking into a warm smile. "Did you forget already?"
Honoka Redfox

begin stupid

Honoka's pale skin began to switch color from its normal near white, to a red rose color. " Oh you know me, I forgot things easily when we come back from stuff." She waved her hand infront of her, trying to dismiss her embarrassment. Unfortunately it didn't work. The train had a little bump making Her jump.

Honoka gently placed the vilon on to her shoulder and paving her chin on the chin rest. She out stretched a hand, a small runic circle appear around her hand making a bow appear. She held the bow up to the strings and began to play a small tune, just something to get rid of her embarrassment.

Rhodus said:

Marshmallow said:
Alex Liljeström

Class A / 27


Location: Tournament stands.

Socializing with: @Rhodus, @purplepanda288

Alex just stood there now, awkward as could be as she did not want to intervene them in any way. It would be rude to do so, so she refrained herself from coming over as a rude kid who thought the whole world was turning around her. However as she got the comment of the female, she tilted her head to the side at the tone of voice. She did not like the way it was said, though the other probably had her reasons to do so.
”I’m Alex.” She responded in a short manner as she did not feel like telling more. Why? Because she was not obliged to do so.

Kim lock

calming the F down

Kim looked at Ryu, when he chastised her. She gave Alex another glance, this time with out looking like she was gonna murder her.
" It's a pleasure to meat you , Alex dear." Kim have her a goofy smile, why did she act like a bitch before Ryu had spoken up. She had no idea, but at lest Alex seemed nice enough to not kill any one. When Ryu mentioned something abut seats she unconsciously looked down at the arenas. Half the fight s had been over leaving two matches yet to end. " Sure I'm down with that."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Tournament Stands


"Now miss Kim," Ryu said admonishingly, turning to look at her as she remained perched on his back. "That's no way to introduce yourself," He turned back to face Alex again. "I apologize for miss Kim's hostility," He said, his soft smile returning. "You must understand, she's just finished participating in the tournament, so she's more than likely a little bit tired and stressed," He added, although Kim's behavior prior to noticing Alex said otherwise. "Now then, shall the three of us find seats now?" He asked
Drakerus said:
Tokine - Magnolia Streets

As the dinosaur suddenly vanished from underneath them, Tokine quickly adjusted her midair position to land on her feet safely. She then moved grab the dazed Sakura's hand helped her off of the ground.

"Are you alright?" she asked the girl concernedly. Not everyone had enhanced physical traits like Tokine so she often underestimated others' frailty. When she was younger, many of the other children her age thought she was unnatural nd tended to stay away from her because of her rather distant demeanor. From then on she has tried to be more considerate of how others feel or how they view her.
Sakura: Magnolia Streets

Sakura sat there unmoving for a bit, just kind of stunned, until Tokine seemed to effortlessly pull her to her feet. She was kind of impressed by it, really. After a brief few seconds of collecting herself she took to giggling, "That was fun! Let's do it again!" She shouted excitedly. "How are you so strong? You look small like me but you picked me up like nothing! That's awesome!" She told her, grabbing her hands lifting her arms up inspecting them. They looked just as thin as hers did, how was she so strong? It was confusing to Sakura, but stranger things HAD happened. "Soo..now that that happened. Wanna go do stuffs?" She asked her while collecting her sketchpad and dismissing it, turning back to Tokine with a smile on her face once finished.

Sera: Mountain Valley


Sera continued distracting the Wyvern until Mika had fed, summarily getting bitchslapped to the ground again after he'd done his thing. With a groan she stood up again, pretty sure her shoulder was broken. Oh well.. it'd heal. She'd fight through it anyway. "You good Mika? Lavender?" She asked them, not turning to them and assuming a defensive stance in front of the massive beast. She'd killed strong things, beaten strong opponents. But this? This was beyond her capabilites. She was glad Lavender had came along, Mika and herself would never stand a chance alone.

Alicia: Magnolia Streets

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Salt Lord [ Mentioned: @Mr Swiftshots ]

Kayzo said:
Mizuki's eyes narrowed slightly when Alicia mentioned that a peculiar pink haired man had helped her with her strange and sudden depression. Maybe the man's intentions weren't as bad as she made them out to be. However it made her relieved to know that her sad feelings were gone and that Alicia was back to her happy self. "Perhaps I must forgive him. Though I still view him as a threat. Do not let your guard down."

Her gaze suddenly whipped around as a voice approached them, one the dark Mage didn't recognize. She didn't like the idea of having an unknown stranger in their company, but if she tried anything Alicia would stick up for him. To make matters worse he called her out on her chin scratching. Mizuki forgot that showing affection to girls that weren't related to you was strange and looked down upon, which made her quite mad. Sighing in frustration she lowered her arms and crossed them across her stomach, her softening face hardening again. Just as she was being more open this man came to mess it up. Though maybe it was better he did. "What makes you think that I know anything about this area? And what makes you think I'll tell you?" She asked in a bit of a hostile tone, her lips curling back slightly as she finished speaking.

@Salt Lord @Unknown Falling


Alicia nodded. She didn't fully trust Alfie herself, but he seemed nicer than she'd originally thought even with the death threat. Though before she could say anything on the matter some guy came up, and for some reason deemed Mizuki hugging them as weird? Alicia wasn't sure why, but she didn't like the fact he made Mizuki stop hugging her. She didn't really find it weird at all, nor understand why anyone else would. With a slight frown on her face she listened as Mizuki and Ophelia talked, it was clear Ophelia felt the same way of disliking when Mizuki stopped hugging them.

Even worse he'd made Mizuki unhappy to it seemed, her expression that had actually gained somewhat of a smile now back to an annoyed state. Whatever his reasons she didn't like it one bit, though she didn't say anything about it. She'd probably ask Mizuki about it later if she remembered, probably. Regardless of what the man thought she was still leaned against Mizuki hugging her slightly, she considered her her sister so she didn't really see anything weird at all about it. Nor would she otherwise, really. They were just hugging, what was bad about that?

Then, she got kind of an evil idea. "
There's a really good corndog stand over there if you're hungry too." She told him, pointing at said stand. On the inside she held an evil smile, on the outside she had the most innocent look she could muster. "Ooorr...I dunno." She added with a shrug. Really, she hoped he ate the drugged corndogs. It'd be funny, plus they weren't exactly harmful.

Alfie - Hanging Out

Alfie heard the whole conversation from behind the corner. The wizard had already known that the man and Ophelia had fought over something so petty and that Raa had fled the battle, but the ribbon mage had no idea he had a companion... a companion that was a possible crisis. Considering that the cloaked man had threatened Ophelia and Alicia before the fight they had, that meant that not only was the Fairy Tail Guild Hall at stake of being "bombed", but both the Guild Master and the Sabertooth girls were being looked after by a man probably more powerful than he seemed. Putting on a calm yet haunting smile, Alfie turned the corner and took slow steps toward Raa and Niur, his hands folded politely in front of him.

"Excuse me," the wizard began, eyeing the two down, "But would you mind if we had a little chat?"

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Hanging Out

Alfie heard the whole conversation from behind the corner. The wizard had already known that the man and Ophelia had fought over something so petty and that Raa had fled the battle, but the ribbon mage had no idea he had a companion... a companion that was a possible crisis. Considering that the cloaked man had threatened Ophelia and Alicia before the fight they had, that meant that not only was the Fairy Tail Guild Hall at stake of being "bombed", but both the Guild Master and the Sabertooth girls were being looked after by a man probably more powerful than he seemed. Putting on a calm yet haunting smile, Alfie turned the corner and took low stems toward Raa and Niur, his hands folded politely in front of him.

"Excuse me," the wizard began, eyeing the two down, "But would you mind if we had a little chat?"


Raa and Ruin - How Rude

Raa didn't even bother speaking and signaled the man to sit down. Ruin, however, was getting ready release a small Gift. "Ruin, don't. He's only here to chat." Raa chided, making her stop. "B-but-" "No." "...Fine." She said as she forced herself to be on her best behavior. "So, what do you want to talk about?" He said as he slid a small business card to the man:

That Guy

~Does repairs and constructions~

The card was meant to introduce him. Meanwhile Ruin, growing bored with the way things were going, decided to swap with Niur and fall asleep in her psyche.

Mikael La Viere

Location: White Mountains

Mikael managed to pierce through the wyvern's throat using the black magic from the demon powers of his Senketsu. With all his might he sliced through it severing its head from its body. He took it from the ground by picking it up with his sword. His eyes calmed down and turned to grey losing the blood red hue. He walked over to Sera and Lavender.

"I could not thank you both enough for accompanying me with this quest. I shall be forever grateful." he bowed his head low in front of them with small beads of joy overwhelmed his eyes. Finally he could help the village from dying. A village on the verge of death is their next destination, to deliver a faint sense of hope to cure whatever curse befell upon them. "So are you ladies ready to deliver the goods? We shall make haste to the village. It's just near here anyway." he asked.

Under an hour of walking they made it to the village. It was quiet, silent and dead. The silence was deafening and the morbidness of the sends despair and sorrow to one's soul. He proceeded walking with the ladies on his heel towards the house of the old man. He was just sitting there motionless and looking out to nowhere. "Old man! We've come back with the wyvern's teeth." Mika called to him and his heart leaped from his chest when the man turned to him with tears on his face. Mikael rushed towards him and asked him with a rapid succession. "What doth happened?? Where's Agnes? Where's she begoneth ? What happened? Answer me!"

"Agnes, she...." the old man said between sobs." Agnes..." Mika dropped to his knees and the bag he was holding slipped through his hands. "Was I too late? Was it because of me? Was it all my fault? It's my fault Agnes is dead." ---

"Wait--- hold up. She ain't dead. She's inside cooking." the old guy said with a surprised look on his face.

"What do you mean she's inside? She's alive? Then why are you crying??" Mika asked in all confusion.

"Ah, this. Taste this." he gave Mika a bowl of freshly cooked stew from his side. "Agnes cooked it, it just tasted real good that I am in tears. I'm so happy to see her grow in a fine woman like this." Mikael stood up and hit the old man with the wyvern's head. "Just go ahead and make the medicine for the whole village. Stupid old fart!"


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth. "Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Metaphysics said:
Raa and Ruin - How Rude

Raa didn't even bother speaking and signaled the man to sit down. Ruin, however, was getting ready release a small Gift. "Ruin, don't. He's only here to chat." Raa chided, making her stop. "B-but-" "No." "...Fine." She said as she forced herself to be on her best behavior. "So, what do you want to talk about?" He said as he slid a small business card to the man:

That Guy

~Does repairs and constructions~

The card was meant to introduce him. Meanwhile Ruin, growing bored with the way things were going, decided to swap with Niur and fall asleep in her psyche.
Alfie - Hanging Out

As he was signaled to sit down, Alfie took a seat... except that it wasn't on a seat. Floating midair as though he were on some sort of invisible, tiny throne, the wizard ignored the spell that the little girl had been preparing as a flurry of tiny ribbons spawned in his hands, dropping a cup of mercury into them. Taking a sip of the silvery liquid and reading the business card handed to him, the ribbon mage slipped it into his vest before looking up at Raa. "I'm pretty much only here to tell you to try and stay away from a few people. I'm sure you're already trying as hard as you can to avoid trouble, but your friend there still seems a threat." Alfie held out his cup of metal, offering the mercury inside it. "I can't drink any more. Want the rest?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie - Hanging Out

As he was signaled to sit down, Alfie took a seat... except that it wasn't on a seat. Floating midair as though he were on some sort of invisible, tiny throne, the wizard ignored the spell that the little girl had been preparing as a flurry of tiny ribbons spawned in his hands, dropping a cup of mercury into them. Taking a sip of the silvery liquid and reading the business card handed to him, the ribbon mage slipped it into his vest before looking up at Raa. "I'm pretty much only here to tell you to try and stay away from a few people. I'm sure you're already trying as hard as you can to avoid trouble, but your friend there still seems a threat." Alfie held out his cup of metal, offering the mercury inside it. "I can't drink any more. Want the rest?"

Niur and Raa - Kek

"Oh you have no idea. I seem to be a magnet for trouble. Why, tin the span of a few days I got into a fight that had to-" He started before he heard Niur groan at his pun. "Hey, my puns are great." Niur only shook her head and left the shop to find something to do. "...Now that she's gone..." He started as he took the mercury inside the cup and poured it in his hood, making it seem like he drank it. "I always try my best not to hurt people much. Because the moment that I stop holding back..." He stared off at the distance, lost in memory before shaking his head. "Anyways, if they come at me I will defend myself."

"And I wouldn't worry about Ruin." He said as he stood up. "She won't start anything. I made her promi...shit." He suddenly rushed outside and went back in. "...Welp...this is a problem."
Metaphysics said:
Niur and Raa - Kek
"Oh you have no idea. I seem to be a magnet for trouble. Why, tin the span of a few days I got into a fight that had to-" He started before he heard Niur groan at his pun. "Hey, my puns are great." Niur only shook her head and left the shop to find something to do. "...Now that she's gone..." He started as he took the mercury inside the cup and poured it in his hood, making it seem like he drank it. "I always try my best not to hurt people much. Because the moment that I stop holding back..." He stared off at the distance, lost in memory before shaking his head. "Anyways, if they come at me I will defend myself."

"And I wouldn't worry about Ruin." He said as he stood up. "She won't start anything. I made her promi...shit." He suddenly rushed outside and went back in. "...Welp...this is a problem."
Alfie - Chillin' Somewhere

Alfie shook his head with a snicker at the pun and gave off a satisfied smile as Raa drank up the rest of the mercury. Nodding as the man explained why he did what he did, Alfie leaned back in his invisible throne and crossed his legs even iff the other seemed worried about Niur. "Go ahead and track her down. I'll wait here. But if I were you, I wouldn't worry about her. You really underestimate the wizards at Fairy Tail, don't you? Or the wizards anywhere, for that matter." The wizard shifted to lean as if there were a desk in front of him, his elbows on the table as his head rested on folded hands. "This festival is one big gathering of people and wizards from all across Fiore. I'm sure there are plenty here who can completely destroy the girl and her magic alike."
Kelica - Sabrina House

Kelica regained her senses as Chris re-entered the room to find out more, Kelica knelt down beside her and started to brush her fingers through her hair in a comforting manner, like a mother might to their child, palm brushing over her forehead with every stroke. She promised never to leave her side and she meant it. Not even for a second. As Chris came back out with the same haunted expression, she gave him a sympathetic look. "She is still the lovely girl we know, nothing has changed. I don't care how old she is, what people did to her, or how crazy that Doctor was, she is still my friend!" Suddenly falling on her chest and wrapping her arms tightly around her, protectively.

@PeteTSs @Isune

Shalquoir Darcel

Magnolia Town

Shalquoir wandered through the streets of Magnolia whilst doing her best to drown out the Fantasia parade festivities that lit up the town. This wasn't to say that she didn't appreciate the hard work and dedication it must have taken to throw such a glamorous party, but this scene wasn't really her style. The Sabretooth Mage confidently strode through waves of people who were much too busy enjoying themselves to pay any mind to her. Their idle chatter about a tournament caught her attention, but not enough to warrant her pursuing details of such an event. Shalquoir approached a street corner, deciding to take short break to enjoy the scenery before continuing. Children ran around in costumes, couples danced and proud shop owners displayed their wares at a variety of stalls. Even Shalquoir, who never really had much of an appetite, found herself committing the names of several food stalls to memory in case she wished to find something to eat in a few hours.

While she scanned the festivities, she caught a glimpse of a few familiar faces. Mizuki and Alicia, both members of her guild, were talking with a couple of individuals Shalquoir was not familiar with. She'd never particularly spoken with these two guild mates before, but she figured that starting a conversation with them would be much more appealing than standing around doing nothing. Shalquoir strutted her way through the street, pushing her goggles up onto her forehead and then up past her long, silver hair. With each step towards the group, she began to notice distinct features in the strangers that her Guild Mates were talking to. One was a young girl, and another a cloaked stranger.

"Enjoying the party, are we?" Shalquoir stood a good distance away from the group, one hand firmly planted on her hip. "It's all a bit excessive for my tastes, but no matter. I'm sure I'll find a way to entertain myself." She was referring to her plan of finding a nice tavern to enjoy a drink or two, or three.

Glancing towards the young lady and the cloaked stranger, Shalquoir turned to face them and properly introduce herself.

"I don't believe we've been acquainted. I am Shalquoir Darcel of Sabretooth."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Alfie - Chillin' Somewhere

Alfie shook his head with a snicker at the pun and gave off a satisfied smile as Raa drank up the rest of the mercury. Nodding as the man explained why he did what he did, Alfie leaned back in his invisible throne and crossed his legs even if the other seemed worried about Niur. "Go ahead and track her down. I'll wait here. But if I were you, I wouldn't worry about her. You really underestimate the wizards at Fairy Tail, don't you? Or the wizards anywhere, for that matter." The wizard shifted to lean as if there were a desk in front of him, his elbows on the table as his head rested on folded hands. "This festival is one big gathering of people and wizards from all across Fiore. I'm sure there are plenty here who can completely destroy the girl and her magic alike."

Raa - Little Girl

"Oh you don't get it." The way Raa said it made the temperature several degrees colder. "I'm not worried on what she might do." A feminine voice rang out. "I'm worried what I'm going to do if someone even touches a strand of hair on her head." Before Raa stepped out he suddenly paused. "You're paying." He said cheerfully in his distorted voice before leaving in search off Niur. Meanwhile, Niur was lost in the festival, she looked panicked at her situation and flinched away from anyone who approached her.
Genon said:
"I dare say I am," Adrian replied as Tanari again foiled his plans. But really, he wasn't even doing nearly as much as he could be doing. In fact, he wasn't even really trying. He had just been feeling her out, trying to see if she could do anything other than just charge him recklessly. It seemed that she really couldn't think of anything else, a fact that he was reminded of as she charged him once again. Yes, that's it, Tanari, he thought, Keep charging me like a moron. When she got into melee range, he disappeared in a purple light, causing Tanari to strike air. The next thing Tanari saw was a cube of arcane barriers surrounding her on all four sides and forming a ceiling. The floor was left untouched. Adrian could be seen in front of her, reappearing about ten feet beyond the barrier. More slimes emerged from his body, as the mound behind Tanari began to surge forward into a tidal wave. The huge amount of slimes coalesced around the barrier, completely enveloping it and surrounding Tanari in total darkness. Normally, the slimes would be translucent, but there were so many of them that they blocked out the sun. Tanari was soon under a mountain of hundreds if not thousands of slimes, forming a hill up to the roof of the arena. The barriers buckled under the strain, and it looked like they were going to collapse soon.
Adrian's voice could be heard through the mound of slimes. "This arena's enchantment will protect you from death, even if your magic is completely drained. But getting this much slime dumped on you, to say nothing of its magic-draining effects, will hurt. A lot. But you can save yourself the trouble and surrender now, and that won't have to happen. What do you say, Tanari?"
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

As her blade cut cut through the air her target seemed to vanish into thin air. With no time to react she found herself quickly trapped amid the boy's barriers. She let her sword fall to her side as she glared through the barrier as her opponent reappeared before her. From his clothes came pouring another wave of slimes, the mound that was already present making it's move as the mass of ooze soon encased her makeshift prison. She looked around the cage, searching for some way out. However, try as she might she was incapable of finding a crack in the boy's trap. He certainly was far more tactical than her previous opponent and that wasn't exactly someone she enjoyed going up against.

Soon enough the boy spoke up, seemingly assured of his own victory as he offered her the chance to surrender. After he finished she gave a bemused snort of air as a smirk crossed her lips. That smirk quickly grew into a smile as she began to laugh at the very prospect of surrendering. After a few seconds she managed to calm herself down enough to give her own retort. "Surrender? Now why would I go and do a thing like that?" She again glanced around her cage, the strain of the mass becoming ever more evident. "Well I didn't exactly wanna use this so early, but sometimes you're just dealt a bad hand y'know?" As cracks began to form in the boy's barriers she gave her sword a quick twirl before slamming it down, stabbing it into the ground beneath her as a large crimson sigil appeared beneath her feet. She stood straight and firm, her hands clasped atop her pummel and eyes closed in concentration. "Brilliant vanguard of the heavens..." Wisps of flame danced around her blade, climbing along it's surface towards her hands and flowing out across her body. The fire grew in intensity, filling her little makeshift cage with a blazing inferno as if the very ground beneath her was erupting. Fissures began to spread outward from the sigil, an eerie crimson glow emanating from them. "Cry havoc and with your wrath unleash the flames of purification!" Her eyes shot open and she quickly withdrew her blade from the ground. Blazing blue flames erupted from the hole, seemingly being pulled from the earth by the blade as it was brought to point skyward. "Elohim Gibor!"

The fissures in the ground suddenly exploded with light and heat as fire began erupting from them. Within seconds a massive wall of flame arced up from the ground beneath the mountain of slimes. The sheer intensity of the heat overwhelming their ability to absorb the magic and ultimately vaporizing them along with the cage that had encased her. Much like her previous match the eruption rebounded off the arena's barriers, doubling back into itself and further fueling the inferno. Within moments the arena was awash with brilliant blue flames.
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Little Girl

"Oh you don't get it." The way Raa said it made the temperature several degrees colder. "I'm not worried on what she might do." A feminine voice rang out. "I'm worried what I'm going to do if someone even touches a strand of hair on her head." Before Raa stepped out he suddenly paused. "You're paying." He said cheerfully in his distorted voice before leaving in search off Niur. Meanwhile, Niur was lost in the festival, she looked panicked at her situation and flinched away from anyone who approached her.
Alfie - Somewhere

Alfie let out a small 'hmph' as Raa explained to him what he didn't get before leaving him to pay for ice cream he didn't even eat. Giving the owner of the vendor a sharp look, the ribbon mage stood up from his invisible chair and desk before flicking a wrist, a tornado of magical pink satin ribbons tearing the stand apart piece by piece before opening a tear through space and time, crossing his pocket dimension to get to who knows where.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Mountain Valley


Sera continued distracting the Wyvern until Mika had fed, summarily getting bitchslapped to the ground again after he'd done his thing. With a groan she stood up again, pretty sure her shoulder was broken. Oh well.. it'd heal. She'd fight through it anyway. "You good Mika? Lavender?" She asked them, not turning to them and assuming a defensive stance in front of the massive beast. She'd killed strong things, beaten strong opponents. But this? This was beyond her capabilites. She was glad Lavender had came along, Mika and herself would never stand a chance alone.
rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: White Mountains

Mikael managed to pierce through the wyvern's throat using the black magic from the demon powers of his Senketsu. With all his might he sliced through it severing its head from its body. He took it from the ground by picking it up with his sword. His eyes calmed down and turned to grey losing the blood red hue. He walked over to Sera and Lavender.

"I could not thank you both enough for accompanying me with this quest. I shall be forever grateful." he bowed his head low in front of them with small beads of joy overwhelmed his eyes. Finally he could help the village from dying. A village on the verge of death is their next destination, to deliver a faint sense of hope to cure whatever curse befell upon them. "So are you ladies ready to deliver the goods? We shall make haste to the village. It's just near here anyway." he asked.

Under an hour of walking they made it to the village. It was quiet, silent and dead. The silence was deafening and the morbidness of the sends despair and sorrow to one's soul. He proceeded walking with the ladies on his heel towards the house of the old man. He was just sitting there motionless and looking out to nowhere. "Old man! We've come back with the wyvern's teeth." Mika called to him and his heart leaped from his chest when the man turned to him with tears on his face. Mikael rushed towards him and asked him with a rapid succession. "What doth happened?? Where's Agnes? Where's she begoneth ? What happened? Answer me!"

"Agnes, she...." the old man said between sobs." Agnes..." Mika dropped to his knees and the bag he was holding slipped through his hands. "Was I too late? Was it because of me? Was it all my fault? It's my fault Agnes is dead." ---

"Wait--- hold up. She ain't dead. She's inside cooking." the old guy said with a surprised look on his face.

"What do you mean she's inside? She's alive? Then why are you crying??" Mika asked in all confusion.

"Ah, this. Taste this." he gave Mika a bowl of freshly cooked stew from his side. "Agnes cooked it, it just tasted real good that I am in tears. I'm so happy to see her grow in a fine woman like this." Mikael stood up and hit the old man with the wyvern's head. "Just go ahead and make the medicine for the whole village. Stupid old fart!"

Lavender Gray

Lavender nodded as Sera asked if she and Mika were okay but, Lavender didnt think that Sera realized that Mika was absolutely destroying the wyvern with no hesitation. Soon enough, the head was removed from the monster and had dropped onto the floor as its body fell limp in the snow. Taking her hand off her bitten neck, she looked at her hand that was now covered in her blood. Though, she was sure that the blood had stopped slipping from her wound. Lavender took some snow and wiped her hand off with it, getting all the blood off before grabbing her sword and standing up.

'I could not thank you both enough for accompanying me with this quest. I shall be forever grateful.' Mika's words had grabbed Lavender's attention which caused her to look at him with a gentle smile "I did not mind accompanying you on this quest. I wanted to help." Lavender said. He was so greatful that his eyes were filling with tears. 'So are you ladies ready to deliver the goods? We shall make haste to the village. It's just near here anyway.' with a gentle nod, lavender agreed to going to deliver the goods.

As they made it to the village, she looked around, feeling like something was watching them even though the place had been deserted. The only human life she saw was the Old Man who Mika approached and seemed to be distressed. Of course, Lavender had her distance but she then closed it, hearing their conversation and then letting out a gentle laugh as Mika called the Old man a Old Fart. Never did she ever think that he would ever call someone that.

"My my, Mika, I did not think you could ever call your elder an Old Fart." she said teasingly with a giggle. When they get back to the guild, she was planning on taking a shower and getting the dried blood off her neck and patch up Mika's fang marks. Hopefully they wouldnt leave scars, Lavender absolutely hated them. @rbshinichi @Mitchs98
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's eyes narrowed slightly when Alicia mentioned that a peculiar pink haired man had helped her with her strange and sudden depression. Maybe the man's intentions weren't as bad as she made them out to be. However it made her relieved to know that her sad feelings were gone and that Alicia was back to her happy self. "Perhaps I must forgive him. Though I still view him as a threat. Do not let your guard down."

Her gaze suddenly whipped around as a voice approached them, one the dark Mage didn't recognize. She didn't like the idea of having an unknown stranger in their company, but if she tried anything Alicia would stick up for him. To make matters worse he called her out on her chin scratching. Mizuki forgot that showing affection to girls that weren't related to you was strange and looked down upon, which made her quite mad. Sighing in frustration she lowered her arms and crossed them across her stomach, her softening face hardening again. Just as she was being more open this man came to mess it up. Though maybe it was better he did. "What makes you think that I know anything about this area? And what makes you think I'll tell you?" She asked in a bit of a hostile tone, her lips curling back slightly as she finished speaking.

@Salt Lord @Unknown Falling
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia nodded. She didn't fully trust Alfie herself, but he seemed nicer than she'd originally thought even with the death threat. Though before she could say anything on the matter some guy came up, and for some reason deemed Mizuki hugging them as weird? Alicia wasn't sure why, but she didn't like the fact he made Mizuki stop hugging her. She didn't really find it weird at all, nor understand why anyone else would. With a slight frown on her face she listened as Mizuki and Ophelia talked, it was clear Ophelia felt the same way of disliking when Mizuki stopped hugging them.

Even worse he'd made Mizuki unhappy to it seemed, her expression that had actually gained somewhat of a smile now back to an annoyed state. Whatever his reasons she didn't like it one bit, though she didn't say anything about it. She'd probably ask Mizuki about it later if she remembered, probably. Regardless of what the man thought she was still leaned against Mizuki hugging her slightly, she considered her her sister so she didn't really see anything weird at all about it. Nor would she otherwise, really. They were just hugging, what was bad about that?

Then, she got kind of an evil idea. "
There's a really good corndog stand over there if you're hungry too." She told him, pointing at said stand. On the inside she held an evil smile, on the outside she had the most innocent look she could muster. "Ooorr...I dunno." She added with a shrug. Really, she hoped he ate the drugged corndogs. It'd be funny, plus they weren't exactly harmful.

Unknown Falling

Location: Magnolia Streets

Unknown narrowed his eye at Mizuki's snarky response wondering if he annoyed some witch that cursed him to explain why everyone was so mean to him, after everything today he is starting to lose his patience "Well for your first point you could have just said "I'm not from around her too so I wouldn't know, sorry." like a polite individual and with the second point because I assumed you weren't a huge jerk."

He then turned his attention to Ophelia, "Well of course the fighting doesn't appeal to me, I just said that?" why was she annoyed at him when she wasn't even paying attention? Then he heard Alicia's suggestion, he knew she was planning something, he had dealt with these types before and being undead made him more sensitive to peoples true intentions and emotions, he was mainly just surprised she was so young with that mindset.

Unknown decided he would make a point and said "I'll try a corndog why not." and went over and bought a corndog, returned to the group and eat it in front of Alicia. Luckily for Unknown being undead meant he was unable to be effected by drugs due to a lack of chemical reactions in his body, not including the fact he didn't even have the blood for it to travel around his body in the first place. He then spoke to Alicia "By the way kid, if you want to trick people you might want to avoid looking "too" innocent, overdoing it is the worse way to lie. Doesn't make it believable and comes across as fake." he then threw the stick into a nearby bin when he had finished his corndog, "Also "never" underestimate your opponents."
Niur - "I'm lost..."

Niur kept to herself as she searched for her way back. She didn't like this situation at all. She shied away from the crowd as she traversed the festival. "Raa? Raa?" She called out as she walked. "...Raa?" She called out weakly. Before she could another word out she was suddenly enveloped in the familiar feeling if a certain man's cloak. "Don't get lost again okay? You had me worried there." She nodded at him before Raa wiped away her forming tears with his cloak. "C'mon, I'll give you a lift." He said as he lifted her up to his shoulders, letting her see more than what she normally could. She enjoyed her ride as Raa traipsed through the crowd, looking for the stand for cured meat for the journey.

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