Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

purplepanda288 said:
Aiden looked at the snake, how odd. Mabye it was just the way the snake perceived the girl that it adapted to her. " You said that you can use another type of magic right? What magic would that be?" Aiden eyed the spirit, it looked at him with both heads. That slightly disturbed him.
"Huh? Oh, it's a bit unusual, but I use Yin-Yang magic. It focuses on the balance of light and darkness. But you said he has a human form?" Serpen, tired of them acting like he was just an animal, took action. The two headed snake morphed into a two headed human. He wore a simple brown cloak, ragged at the edges but sturdy. They had the same features as the snake, grey skin and glowing white eyes, pale white skin and swirling black eyes. The pale one said, "Well young wizard, you went and channeled a bit too much of your energy into the key, but I won't hold it against you. Lets make the contract now!" Before she could respond, the dark one spoke up. "Don't be so hasty, we don't even know her yet." The head then tried to hide beind his neighboring head. "And you know I don't like to hang out with anyone buy myself."

(OOC: Imagine future rogue, but if Natsu punched him so hard he broke in two.)

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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training Grounds
Surprisingly enough Alicia wasn't crying, sure tears pricked at her eyes from the pain but she didn't burst into tears over it. She was a mage, after all, she needed to learn how to deal with such wounds. When Ophelia came over apologizing and examining her arm Alicia removed her hand from the cut so as to allow Ophelia a better look. "It's okay! Really! It wasn't your fault, I kinda ran into it..literally." She told her as she healed it. When she was done she lightly moved it, testing it for pain when she was asked how it felt. "Good as new! Thanks!" She told her before wrapping her arms around her and hugging her briefly.

I was gunna tell you, but, I can kinda make barriers to protect myself. But, still, you have a point. I should probably learn how to do this when I don't have the time to cast one." She told her as she released her from the hug and grabbed the sword she'd dropped. "I can do it this time, probably. Come on, not gunna let one mistake stop me!" She added excitedly with a wide grin on her face. Alicia was anything if not determined, especially when it came to something she wanted to do.

Ophelia - Training Streets

With a relieved sigh after finding out her spell had worked, Ophelia stood back up, and unsheathing her own blade again, she extended her free hand out at Alicia. "If you say so! Let's get you up so we can get back to training, alright?" With an excited giggle, the Guild Master pulled the other up before preparing another horizontal strike. Swinging, she hoped Alicia would not make the same mistake as before. But now that Ophelia knew the girl could cast barriers to defend herself, Ophelia was quite a lot more confident that their training would go well.
Genon said:
Damn, she's acrobatic! Adrian thought as Tanari vaulted over his blade. Where'd she g-OH, Adrian thought as he turned to see her rushing towards him. He wasn't able to react in time to avoid getting punched in the face, though. He was sent flying back, rolling along the ground until he came to a halt, his armor having protected him from most of the damage he would have taken otherwise. He got to his feet. His sword in his scabbard. Alright, so it looks like fighting her on her own terms won't work. She's too nimble. I guess it's time for magical roulette then.
A magic circle opened up at Adrian's feet as he cast Chaotic Mimicry. When he was done...

1d190 = 153 = Dog Whistle Magic

"Oh you have to be kidding me," he said as a Microphone Staff materialized in his hands. "Well, screw it." Then slime began to ooze out of his body, and began expanding throughout the arena, largely building towards Tanari, but also expanding in other directions to cut off her avenues of escape. A few bubbles of slime began jumping towards Tanari in an attempt to drain her of magic on contact. "I don't like this magic any more than you probably do, Tanari, but I'll take what I can get," Adrian said to his opponent.

Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

With her fist firmly connecting she was quick to follow it up, rushing after her opponent to secure another hit. She slid to a halt as a magic circle appeared beneath the boy, quickly followed by a large microphone appearing in his hands. Deeming a mere microphone as hardly a risk she again bolted forward, hoping to overwhelm her opponent. Just as she was about to reach her target a large blob of slime oozed out from the boy's clothes, rapidly expanding. She was forced to use a rapid ejection of flame to send herself flying back, gaining some distance between the two of them. As the slime continued to flow through the arena she couldn't help but grimace in disgust.

"I'm a very open minded girl but I gotta say this is a bit too much even for me." Her eyes darted to and fro, watching as the mass of goop spread throughout the arena. She took another step back, her fists raised and at the ready as she thought over her options. Without warning several small blobs ejected from the mass and flew towards her. A brilliant flame erupted around her fist as she went to meet the attack, throwing her fist into the blob of slime. Almost immediately her flames were extinguished and she recoiled in disgust while quickly flailing her arm in a vein attempt to remove the slime. She could feel the magic being drained from her and had to move quickly. Seeing only one option to free herself she deftly removed her free arm from her jacket and spun it around, wrapping the slime up within it and pulling her other arm out. Her right gauntlet along with her jacket fell to the ground with the small blob of slime as she was quick to take several strides back.

She looked down at her now bare fist and clicked her tongue in frustration, casting a glare at her opponent. "I ain't gonna lie, you have some really nasty magic." Knowing her usual style of fight wouldn't work against this type of magic she reached her now bare hand behind her back, grasping the hilt of her sword at her waist. An automatic lock unclasped and she quickly drew her sword. Once free from it's scabbard it seemed to lightly pulse with a magic of it's own. In one fluid motion she whipped the sword around, slicing through a few more globules that had lunged at her. The crimson blade effortlessly sliced through the slime, seemingly unaffected by it's magic draining properties and able to render the individual slimes inert, leaving them to fall harmlessly to the ground before her.

Once her immediate foes were taken care of she fell into her usual ready stance, her blade held firmly before her. While her sword may be effective against the individual slimes that came after her it could do nothing against the main mass. Her only hope for victory was to go after the boy directly, but depending on how much control he had that would be more than a little difficult. Nevertheless she would never win at this rate and as the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense. With that she quickly sprinted directly towards her opponent, seemingly ignoring the mass of slime that separated the two. Once she drew close enough flames erupted around her feet and she leapt into the air, vaulting over the mass in an attempt to strike the one controlling it.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

With a relieved sigh after finding out her spell had worked, Ophelia stood back up, and unsheathing her own blade again, she extended her free hand out at Alicia. "If you say so! Let's get you up so we can get back to training, alright?" With an excited giggle, the Guild Master pulled the other up before preparing another horizontal strike. Swinging, she hoped Alicia would not make the same mistake as before. But now that Ophelia knew the girl could cast barriers to defend herself, Ophelia was quite a lot more confident that their training would go well.

Alicia: Training Streets

Alicia grinned and stood at the ready, now actually expecting Ophelia's attack. This time she actually managed to dodge it, but just barely. With a confident grin on her face she decided to attempt to mimic Ophelia's slash, assumig she was meant to do that. She was training her how to use a sword, right?
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]
"Huh? Oh, it's a bit unusual, but I use Yin-Yang magic. It focuses on the balance of light and darkness. But you said he has a human form?" Serpen, tired of them acting like he was just an animal, took action. The two headed snake morphed into a two headed human. He wore a simple brown cloak, ragged at the edges but sturdy. They had the same features as the snake, grey skin and glowing white eyes, pale white skin and swirling black eyes. The pale one said, "Well young wizard, you went and channeled a bit too much of your energy into the key, but I won't hold it against you. Lets make the contract now!" Before she could respond, the dark one spoke up. "Don't be so hasty, we don't even know her yet." The head then tried to hide beind his neighboring head. "And you know I don't like to hang out with anyone buy myself."

(OOC: Imagine future rogue, but if Natsu punched him so hard he broke in two.)

Aiden and Shen got closer to the spirit. Shen was the first kfnthebtwonto say anything." another Chinese magic Aiden, this might be interesting." The white snake turned its head to Serpen. " You two stop bickering, itss getting on my nervess." Shen was right, another Chinese magic that was extremely hard to come by. Especially when it effects the spirits. "You two should make the contract with her now."
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training StreetsAlicia grinned and stood at the ready, now actually expecting Ophelia's attack. This time she actually managed to dodge it, but just barely. With a confident grin on her face she decided to attempt to mimic Ophelia's slash, assumig she was meant to do that. She was training her how to use a sword, right?

Ophelia - Training Streets

Smiling playfully, Ophelia held her own blade vertically, perfectly deflecting Alicia's hit and raising her sword, going for a vertical strike downwards. "The more hits you can block, the more counters I'll make!" That had been her plan all along, and for the rest of the day, that was exactly what they would be doing. Their next lesson would be about magic--that is, if Alicia could finish today's lesson.

purplepanda288 said:
Aiden and Shen got closer to the spirit. Shen was the first kfnthebtwonto say anything." another Chinese magic Aiden, this might be interesting." The white snake turned its head to Serpen. " You two stop bickering, itss getting on my nervess." Shen was right, another Chinese magic that was extremely hard to come by. Especially when it effects the spirits. "You two should make the contract with her now."
The grey one looked at Thalia. "Fine. I suppose she did summon us with quite a lot of power." The pale one grinned and rubbed the grey one on the head, using the arm opposite him."Yes, thats the spirit! She will be quite the formidable patron." "Well, is there anything else involved in a contract besides the agreement of both sides?" She looked questionigly at Aiden. She seemed slightly disturbed that her cute little snake had turned into a two-headed, twenty year old man.

" Just specify the terms, like if they kill you directly or indirectly then they are banished from the spirit realm. Also that spirits can ask to terminate their contracts if they want to. That's about it." Shen kept looking at the snake, it felt creepy that magic could change a spirit so much.
purplepanda288 said:
" Just specify the terms, like if they kill you directly or indirectly then they are banished from the spirit realm. Also that spirits can ask to terminate their contracts if they want to. That's about it." Shen kept looking at the snake, it felt creepy that magic could change a spirit so much.
She repeated what Aiden had told her to the snake, and they agreed. "Well, I guess that seals our contract. Would you like us to stay or go?" the pale head says cheerfully. "I would love for you to stay!" Thalia replies, already seeming to get over the fact that her snake was a two-headed schizophreniac. The grey man sighed. "How wonderful. More time in the human world." Serpen laid his arm around Thalia's back, then transformed back into a snake, laying across her shoulders. She began to scratch both of their heads, getting almost identical reactions as from Shen. She looked over at Aiden. "That was awesome! I didn't know anyone could do simple Celestial magic!" She perked up, remembering something."Didn't you say something about a monkey...?"

LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, Round Two.
The explosion cards had managed to shatter the crystals, but even then all Masaki needed to do was send them back to her. By exploding them, all Momoki was doing was creating more crystal shards for Masaki to use. However, Masaki did no thing. He was taken off guard at Momo's next attack though, the fact that she had sent an army of bikini babes his way to restrain him was actually rather amusing. It was a pathetic move, why would you do that in a tournament? Quickly whipping up a storm of crystals generated around his body, he shook the bikini clad girls off of him and jumped back, pointing both hands towards Momoki as he did so. "Crystal Formation: Amethyst Chains!" And with that, four large crystal chains tore out of the ground and made there way towards Momoki in all directions, in an attempt to restrain her. It was then that Masaki kept his eyes on the S-Class Mage. The fact that she hadn't done any direct attacks made him curious, was she really as cocky as she was acting? To be honest, it was typical.

Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia Milkshake Shop.

For the past hour or so, Maya had actually taken a detour to the loca bakery. There was something fascinating about the bread the Magnolian bakers could bake, and they were actually incredibly tasty. After handing the baker a rather large sum of money to help with the living costs for his family, she set off again, a basket of bread in her hands. "So that's one piece of bread for me, one for Lysander... And oh! One for Clair!" She chuckled, there was actually enough bread to feed the thousands, and she'd be sure to share it out to the relevant people and then hog about five pieces to herself. The baker had used pepper in his recipe, and my god did the bread sound nice. After walking for a few moments, she arrived near to the milkshake shop of which Sora had invited her to. Outside there seemed to be a large group of people gathering, and upon further inspection. She noticed Sora in a lads arms, seemingly in an unconscious state. Maya's eyes went wide with worry, and her magical aura exuded a hellish amount of anger that could probably be sensed all the way in Margaret Town. What had caused Sora to collapse like this?

Rushing towards the group, she quickly knelt down beside Sora and the man who was holding her, apparently healing her. Placing the basket of bread beside her Maya placed a hand on the dragon slayers forehead and then turned to face everyone, a piercing glare being sent straight into everyone's souls. "What's happened?" She said simply, and then turned back to the collapsed Sora as a look of worry consumed her face.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Unknown Falling @Drakerus @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
Mitchs98 said:
Pasted for @Zuka
Valken - Milkshake Shop

Valken was seeing red, and he ultimately didn't even know why. For all intents and purposes the new guy had only said a word or two and it had riled him up to the point were he would have killed someone. Lysander's grasp on his forearm finally made the man come to his senses, taking a huge breath inwards to get some oxygen into his head. As quickly as the dagger had been unsheathed he spun it and slide it effortlessly back into the holster on his hip. His eyes closed momentarily. He needed to find Lloyd. He knew the man was not meant to be here till the 3rd day, but if he knew the Guild Master he assumed he would make the trip early to avoid being late but would whole himself up in a room away from the crowds. In a single day he had almost killed an S-Class from Fairytail and whoever this guy was, possibly angering a Wizard Saint as well... He needed to talk, this background knowledge of traitors and dark guilds was sending him paranoid. He glanced to Lysander. "I need you to keep an eye on Millie...Stay together please..." At his last word, he strained it while his eyes slid to Millie. "I have to go, I will find you later, ok Millie?" Stepping into the booth, a knee resting on the chair before leaning in to kiss at Millie's head softly. His hand reaching up to brush the side of her face gently, brushing a few stray strands behind one of her ears. "I love you..." He said sincerely, before kissing her lips sweetly. She barely could have responded because then he straightened, gave Lysander a comforting pat on his shoulder and turned away, heading to the back of the store. They only saw his back before he put his hand to the darkened wall in the corner, basically melting into the shadows on the wall and disappearing from sight.

Using the darkness already on the walls, he escaped unseen, running horizontal against the wall, slipping out of the windowsil and appearing in a back alleyway behind the shop. He rematerialized then, melting into the crowd. He went straight to some stall owners, talking in a deep hushed voice, gesturing around and after some time he came before the house Lloyd was staying at. He grasped a drainpipe along the side, hoisting himself up before swinging and vaulting to the windowsil, sliding the window open and crouching on the window. He rested his arms on his knees, squatting, peering in with deep purple eyes. "So this is where you were hiding, Master Lloyd..." He said with a famous Valken grin plastered on his face.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Milkshake Shop

Feisty? The man left with that statement and Sora was unsure if that was to be taken as a compliment or another insult. It would be safe to assume it wasn't meant in a negative manner from the way he'd worded himself so she remained calm and composed for the moment, not wanting to appear as a ticking time bomb. A soft sigh left her lips in an exuberant breath, as if her lungs had filled to the brim with held breaths for quite an extended amount of time. Those stray thoughts honed in on one in particular that she'd been quite comforted by despite everything; Lysander had stood up for her. They seemed to be extremely sensitive to one another's emotions, something she only had shared with the small exceed whom was off scouring the city for pastries and that was an adventure that could last the entire day. Nami's appetite was horrendous after-all, her stomach coming to close relation with a black hole.

At the end of it all, Lysander being there would always be enough. This realization helped her break her steady gaze on the window to tilt her head, eyes slowly falling to rest on his face at the exact moment he began to answer her dreaded question. It was so hard to decipher whether physical contact would be welcome here, warranted, desired, or shrugged off it she attempted to reach out. His words were soothing, abolishing the worry that had begun to weigh on her mind, before he turned the question around to wonder the same thing she had been. Logically, it made sense. Eight years was quite an age difference...
Eight years. It doesn't matter... She told herself, truly standing by that decision without fear of wavering. " I'm comfortable with everything about you already, a number isn't going to sway me. And my birthday is tomorrow, so technically it's less than eight. " She couldn't help but smile slightly at the sudden optimism that had surfaced as she spoke before she continued. " Also, I can fly when determined, so gaps mean nothing to me. " And there was the lovable warm persona slowly clambering back up from the mixed emotion whirlpool it had been temporarily drowning in.

Sora peered out the window to try to catch a glimpse of Clair and the stranger whom had recently departed but they remained out of sight, at least from this viewpoint. The feeling of something hard and cold skid against her bare skinned thigh, eyes quickly flickering between the gun and then to Lysander and Valken. It would seem the man was upset - no, it was more than that... he was drenched in murderous intent, smelling of a vile motive. She didn't dare utter a word or rise to stop him, knowing it was best left to someone like Lysander whom knew the man and was in the same guild as him. What Lysander said was true though, she admitted as she watched the scene, ready to interfere if it truly came to that but she silently hoped the man would heed Lysander's words and not do anything too serious. Sora's hands grasped the gun delicately then as she reached over to clasp it back into Lysander's holster, returning it to its rightful place. " I think I'll go order for us. " There was a lot of tension in the air and not only could she feel it, but she could taste it and if it could be described it would be anything less than delectable or savory.

An apologetic look was given as she dismissed herself and managed to squirm under the table, avoiding the tangle of legs before she popped out and in front of Valken. She barely managed to bypass the arm Lysander was grasping the other man's with as she took off to wait in line, steps feeling heavy. It would probably have been best to remain seated but it was much too late for that now. The sudden outburst of energy probably wasn't the most intelligent choice seeing as she was already residing on a low pool of magic from using so much of it earlier. Sure, healing a few people wouldn't do in her so easily, but healing someone from the brink of death? That certainly would. Her healing magic always took more than she expected and no matter how hard she trained, it was the one ability she had that didn't want to budge in what it cost her to use. A hand grasped a nearby chair beside her, the occupant swiveling around quite surprised and almost angry but that anger turned to worry as the woman looked at her questionable condition. " S-Sorry... " Sora mumbled dizzily, gaze drifting to the exit.

Hopefully Lysander was too occupied to notice, a pang of guilt tugging at her heart as she remembered she'd assured him she was just fine. At the time, she certainly felt like she had been okay, this was simply unexpected. The room began to spin and with it came to the urge to hurl, hands fumbling to grab onto random people for support as she tried to make her way outside for some air and failing quite miserably. Vertigo started to pull her under, becoming quite prominent with each step before she simply dropped to the ground almost having made it out the door.
Almost. And now she was acting as a barrier for those trying to enter and leave; how embarrassing. At least she wasn't unconscious, every limb just felt like gravity was working against them and pinning her down, inhibiting her movements. Through blurred vision she managed to make out the red head, Clair, but it was currently a mystery if Clair had even noticed her. If Lysander saw her like this then he'd blame himself even if it was her choices that had brought upon the depletion of her magic.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia streets

Clair sheathed her sword when she saw Sora go faint , naturally she wanted to make a move for girl but she managed to withhold herself as already a few people had moved to help her. The situation turned from bad to worse when Maya showed up , the woman was livid and her aura showed that off all to well. Fortunately Maya calmed down just as fast as she got wound up which was a relief because Clair had honestly had enough and had seen enough fighting for one day.

Clearly Sora was in good hands , much more so than if she was left alone with Clair anyway. All Clair could do now was wait and hope that Sora would make a quick recovery. And so that was what she did , Clair lay back against the wall and watched entrusting the girl's well being to her aunt and her aunt's acquaintances.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Smiling playfully, Ophelia held her own blade vertically, perfectly deflecting Alicia's hit and raising her sword, going for a vertical strike downwards. "The more hits you can block, the more counters I'll make!" That had been her plan all along, and for the rest of the day, that was exactly what they would be doing. Their next lesson would be about magic--that is, if Alicia could finish today's lesson.

Alicia: Training Streets

Alicia blinked as her hit was easily blocked. It was to be expected but it didn't make it any less cool. "
Okay!" She replied while blocking the strike, albeit not as skillfully as Ophelia she'd managed to do so just in time. To be honest she'd expected magic training, not combat training. But nevertheless it was fun and she was grateful for it. After successfully blocking the strike she once again attempted to mimick Ophelia's attack.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training Streets
Alicia blinked as her hit was easily blocked. It was to be expected but it didn't make it any less cool. "
Okay!" She replied while blocking the strike, albeit not as skillfully as Ophelia she'd managed to do so just in time. To be honest she'd expected magic training, not combat training. But nevertheless it was fun and she was grateful for it. After successfully blocking the strike she once again attempted to mimick Ophelia's attack.

Ophelia - Training Streets

Smiling, Ophelia swiped diagonally at Alicia, her movements becoming slightly faster. "Y'know, Alicia, when I was appointed as the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, I was really surprised. And scared. Cece generally didn't pay attention to the paperwork she had to do, and even so, she was never bothered by the Council. But she was really, really brave. And she didn't care about anything aside from her guild members. But I'm really not like that. I'm always so afraid that if I don't do things exactly how I'm s'posed to, the council's gonna come down and fire me or put me in prison or something. But you have a friend who doesn't seem to care about much, right? Mizuki? Do you think she has any advice on how not to care?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Smiling, Ophelia swiped diagonally at Alicia, her movements becoming slightly faster. "Y'know, Alicia, when I was appointed as the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, I was really surprised. And scared. Cece generally didn't pay attention to the paperwork she had to do, and even so, she was never bothered by the Council. But she was really, really brave. And she didn't care about anything aside from her guild members. But I'm really not like that. I'm always so afraid that if I don't do things exactly how I'm s'posed to, the council's gonna come down and fire me or put me in prison or something. But you have a friend who doesn't seem to care about much, right? Mizuki? Do you think she has any advice on how not to care?"

Alicia: Training Streets

Alicia dodged out of the way of the strike instead of attempting to block it. This time instead of trying to attack her she simply steadied herself while she listened to her talk. She couldn't help but frown slightly at her words. Ophelia seemed just as carefree as Cece was made out to be, she didn't expect to hear that she was actually scared she wasn't doing a good job. Though..truth be told she guessed it was a heavy burden to be placed on someone as young as she was. Sure she was three years older than Alicia, but both her and Cece were kids. She honestly wasn't sure how they were able to do it, Alicia would've never been able to do such a thing and she knew it.

When she mentioned Mizuki having advice for her she shrugged. "
I don't know, she might. She secretly cares for most of Sabertooth though, I think. She just acts like she doesn't..I'm not sure why." She replied. "I'm sure you're doing a great job though! As long as you care for your guild mates and do your job as best you can that's all that really matters I'd think. You have nothing to worry about in my opinion, really." She assured her.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training Streets
Alicia dodged out of the way of the strike instead of attempting to block it. This time instead of trying to attack her she simply steadied herself while she listened to her talk. She couldn't help but frown slightly at her words. Ophelia seemed just as carefree as Cece was made out to be, she didn't expect to hear that she was actually scared she wasn't doing a good job. Though..truth be told she guessed it was a heavy burden to be placed on someone as young as she was. Sure she was three years older than Alicia, but both her and Cece were kids. She honestly wasn't sure how they were able to do it, Alicia would've never been able to do such a thing and she knew it.

When she mentioned Mizuki having advice for her she shrugged. "
I don't know, she might. She secretly cares for most of Sabertooth though, I think. She just acts like she doesn't..I'm not sure why." She replied. "I'm sure you're doing a great job though! As long as you care for your guild mates and do your job as best you can that's all that really matters I'd think. You have nothing to worry about in my opinion, really." She assured her.

Ophelia - Training Streets

Flashing Alicia that same grin yet again, Ophelia stopped her attacks for a moment. "I've never heard a single one of my guild members say that to me, much less someone from Sabertooth... thank you so much! And, anyway, I think it's time we advanced. Ready to start blocking against magic enhanced attacks now?"
Kelica - Chris's House then Magnolia Streets

Kelica watched Chris hobble away and into his bedroom with a soft sigh. Why did he always do that? It was like whenever something bad happened he just removed himself from the situation. Kelica needed to get a breath of fresh air, so she wandered to his bedroom door and called out. "I'm going for a walk...I'm heading back to the tournament to check on Sabrina...I'll see you later..." Letting her hand fall from the doorframe with another soft sigh, before she turned grasping her belt bag and slinging it across her hips, closing the front door behind her.

She wandered the streets, and with every step towards the tournament ring she felt worse for having left Sabrina, some friend she was. She desperately needed the girl's company anyway. As she neared the stands she recognised Ophelia their new Guild Master, a young girl whom she didn't recognise. She also saw a person in bandages and a wheelchair, it took her a full few seconds to realise that was her friend, suddenly running the last few feet and reaching out for her. Though she stopped her hands at the very last second, unsure if she might be more hurt by her physical touch. "O..oh my God Sabrina!! What the hell happened to you?!"

@Isune @PeteTSs
" Oh yes I almost forgot about that." Aiden held out the new key infront of him, his black hair slightly floating form the usage of a new key. He had lost his eye patch in the fight so he had nothing to cover the magic circle that shined in his right eye. " Open gate of the swordsman, Jūn!" For a moment there was a gong mixed with the sound of a bell. Infront of Aiden stood a lean man the adorned a long tail and monkey ears on the top of his head. " You called?" He commented, it was obvious that the money spirit didn't want to be there.

"Thanks!" Sabrina said after Alicia had turned her wheelchair. She was just about to lay back and relax, when she suddenly saw Kelica racing towards her. "Oh, hey Kelica! How are you doing?" she said. "Oh...the battle tourney, haha... I kind of, er, blew up...nothing I can't handle, don't worry! So, how has it been with you and Chris today? I think I've been out cold for an hour now, so I need some catching up to do." she tried to smile at Kelica, but remembered that her mouth was ALSO bandaged, so she stopped because it hurt too.


Also my RP is up :P
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Flashing Alicia that same grin yet again, Ophelia stopped her attacks for a moment. "I've never heard a single one of my guild members say that to me, much less someone from Sabertooth... thank you so much! And, anyway, I think it's time we advanced. Ready to start blocking against magic enhanced attacks now?"

Alicia: Training Streets

Alicia smiled back at her, "You're welcome! I'm sure your guild members will like you, they just need to get to know you is all." She replied. "And yeah, I'm ready to try!" She added quickly after. She wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do, but she was ready for it. It sounded more fun than what she was currently doing, and it was already pretty fun.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training StreetsAlicia smiled back at her, "You're welcome! I'm sure your guild members will like you, they just need to get to know you is all." She replied. "And yeah, I'm ready to try!" She added quickly after. She wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do, but she was ready for it. It sounded more fun than what she was currently doing, and it was already pretty fun.

Ophelia - Training Streets

Ophelia looked down thoughtfully at what Alicia had said about Fairy Tail and mumbled, "I sure hope so.." Almost immediately after the pitiful sentence she sneaked in, the girl looked up at the other, a shine in her eyes as she said she was ready. "Alrighty! These next few swipes are gonna have a bit more force behind them and are gonna make things a bit more slippery," she paused as her blade shrouded itself in a coat of water, "So try to be careful! Ready? Begin!" Ophelia made a horizontal slash, a small trace of water being left in the sword's wake.
Kelica - Tournament stands

Kelica took a seat on the stands next to Sabrina, turning to face her, her emerald eyes still huge and terrified. "I can...ahh...heal you but as you know it will hurt..." Eyes racing over her form, with a more upset gaze. "Like really hurt....judging on how extensive your burns are...how did you even do this to yourself?" She said in a worried whisper. At the mention of Chris her eyes turned hazy, and she turned her head away not facing her. "Chris...was going into the tournament...in the commotion of starting up, I got placed into the ring with him....I should have just conceded but I wanted to try and battle him except...something took over and..." She shudded gently. "I turned into a monster. I didn't care about the contest, or Chris, I just wanted power, more power, and I tried to kill Chris in the proces... It didn't end well, he snapped and beat me to within an inch of my life, Sora saved my life...she healed me...At that time I was so scared..." At this Kelica sniffled, curling up and wrapping her arms around her legs. "I was so scared, I ran away into the forest...but without my magic it was so cold...so dark...so lonely. And then Chris appeared again. He said sorry, and we made up our differences. But Alfie told me not to do my magic..." Looking back to Sabrina sadly. "What am I supposed to do without my magic?" Glancing to her feet. "So, I guess I shouldn't heal you afterall..." Tears still coming down her face gently.

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Raa - Super Happy Pun Time

Raa loitered around the festival looking for something to do. Everyone seemed to be having fun and going off to do something while he stood aside and let them have their fun. But there stood the apex of his problems, he was extremely bored. Being a wandering repair mage he didn't have much when it came to attachments. What he did have however, was an extremely specific set of skills that make being him extremely easy. And horrible, horrible luck. "I wonder if there's anything interesting to do here..." He mumbled. "Maybe I should join a guild...nah..." He chuckled. "They take being in a guild waaaaay to seriously." He added before sighing.
Lysander - Outside Milkshake Shop

Lysander sighed with relief as Valken sheaved his dagger. He watched as the man departed, giving an answer in the affirmative as Valken instructed him to look after Millie. That was extremely strange. Valken usually was not this high-strung. He could not help wondering if something had happened recently for the man to be behaving this paranoid. And there was Maya too, with her instructions to remain with the others during the festival. He did not understand; the seniors in his guild seemed to be acting as if there was some form of danger at the festival, and this was starting to put him on edge as well. He would have to be far more alert now. His gun was in his holster again; he would have to thank Sora for putting it there later. He usually was not this careless but... he had just been so distracted lately.

A shout made him turn towards the entrance of the shop, and his face paled the moment he realised that Sora was lying on the floor, unconscious. He immediately made his way over. The man from earlier was leaning over Sora, and according to him Sora had overextended her magical energy; somehow, Lysander felt as if he could trust the man despite what had happened earlier. Immense guilt welled up within him, and as if to pound things in even further the opponent who had beaten him in the tournament was there as well, just having placed some sort of spell on her. The last thing Lysander wanted to do right now was deal with the man, so he turned to the corpse without acknowledging the other man. "I need to take her to the infirmary then," he said quietly, swallowing down the bout of panic and guilt. Him panicking would not do Sora any good. "Thank you for your aid," he said, about to gather her up in his arms to take her to the infirmary.

Much to his relief, Maya appeared just then, carrying a bag full of buns. He winced at her apparent anger, though he was extremely glad to have her here. "I need to take her to the infirmary," he said to Maya. "She overextended herself, used too much magical energy earlier," he said, knowing full well that guilt was lacing his tone. Of course he would blame himself for it. If he had not been so careless during the tournament... "If I may," he added, tentatively gathering Sora in his arms and getting carefully to his feet, making sure not to drop her. He would have wrapped his poncho around her then, but fortunately, she was still wearing his poncho to begin with.

"Maya," he added, turning to her, some frustration evident on his face. "Valken asked me to keep an eye on Millie but I need to bring Sora to the infirmary. If you don't mind... could you ask Millie to come with us?"


"Kelica..." Sabrina said. "Cmon, girl! Cheer up! Nobody was harmed in the end, right? And your magic, you just need to get a hold of it yourself! Like, you have to just practice controlling it, and you'll be fine! Trust me! I've been through this myself...although I'd rather not talk about it here, where so many people can hear...tell you what, how about you practice controlling your magic with me! Heal me up with your magic and we can finally go to my place, and I can show you what I wanted to show you yesterday!" she said with a reassuring smile.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Training Streets

Ophelia looked down thoughtfully at what Alicia had said about Fairy Tail and mumbled, "I sure hope so.." Almost immediately after the pitiful sentence she sneaked in, the girl looked up at the other, a shine in her eyes as she said she was ready. "Alrighty! These next few swipes are gonna have a bit more force behind them and are gonna make things a bit more slippery," she paused as her blade shrouded itself in a coat of water, "So try to be careful! Ready? Begin!" Ophelia made a horizontal slash, a small trace of water being left in the sword's wake.

Alicia: Training Streets

Alicia nodded and watched as Ophelia coated her blade in water. She wasn't exactly sure how doing that would make things harder, or beneficial at all beyond being flashy, but she went along with it anyway. She nodded once more when she said to be careful and fully readied herself. Alicia sidestepped and blocked the slash, though she almost tripped from the water on Ophelia's blade. She guessed that's what she had meant. Nonetheless she quickly composed herself and attempted a horizontal slash at her.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Training Streets
Alicia nodded and watched as Ophelia coated her blade in water. She wasn't exactly sure how doing that would make things harder, or beneficial at all beyond being flashy, but she went along with it anyway. She nodded once more when she said to be careful and fully readied herself. Alicia sidestepped and blocked the slash, though she almost tripped from the water on Ophelia's blade. She guessed that's what she had meant. Nonetheless she quickly composed herself and attempted a horizontal slash at her.

Ophelia - Training Streets

With a sparkle in her eye, Ophelia just stood as the blade swung at her. The water already coating her own slid off and formed a replica, and before Alicia knew it, her slash was blocked by the watery double. With a grin, the Guild Master made a small movement with her hand, the second blade swiping vertically with an uppercut. However, it was even slower than Ophelia's normal slashes with normal blades, making the spell even easier to deflect.

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