Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament StandsThe welts hurt so bad she couldn't move, she was scared she actually was going to die this time. Or worse. Thankfully though, they didn't last much longer thanks to Alfie. She kind of just laid there for a bit to catch her breath until Ophelia came over checking on her. She shook her head and sat up, "No..it doesn't. Thanks for checking on me." She replied before quickly asking, "What was that stuff anyway?" Whatever it was, she was glad it was gone and they were both alright. Especially due to the fact Mizuki would probably destroy Magnolia if Alicia herself had died.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Ophelia, with another relieved sigh, let her arms flop down beside her. "That happened because of something called flux. Ya see, when you use magic, you turn energy into waste called flux. Flux is really dangerous if there's too much. Kim's magic is based around using the waste of others' magic. It's really unstable and unreliable, which is why you really shouldn't use magic like that too much. I shouldn't have let her be in the tournament. Her and me are gonna have a little talk when the match is over. But we should be safe for now."

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - 2 Posts until sigil completion

Ren gritted his teeth when Kim completely ignored the illusion. It looked like she wasn't about to make this easy for him as she sent out 2 more beams of flux. He noticed that these ones were actually curving towards him as he ran. These were obviously homing in on him so he had no choice but to defend. He pulled out the appropriate card and held it so it was facing towards the incoming projectiles.

"Sigil Art: Guard!"

A rectangular barrier materialized in front of Ren and intercepted the attack but the shield was immediately lost. It looked like Ren's basic barrier spell could only take up to two of the flux beams at a time before breaking. Not surprising since it was only a basic defense spell to be used in situations where he didn't have time to draw a sigil that put up a stronger shield. The boy then noticed that the outer limits of the arena were being covered in solid walls of taint. Great, now he had less room to work with. Although, he figured that this might work in his favor. Surely it took up a lot of energy to cover an area as big as the ring. Maybe she wouldn't be able to stop his cards so easily now. Going along with his theory, Ren pulled out a 'shuriken' card(the ones that cut you) and threw it at one of the purple masses floating around Kim. He noticed that they seemed to be the source of Kim's beam attacks. Unfortunately he only had one hand to use so he could only throw one card at a time. The other was obviously busy drawing the sigil he needed.
Kim half expected Ren to hit the masses eventually, once the card hit the sphere it imploded along with the card. Two shots left for the spell, just then Kim remembered one of her spells. She waved her hands dissmising the spell she had previously cast. She ducked down, letting her hands touch the ground.

" Taint wash." The ground around Kim tuned a nasty shade of purple moved over remaining arena. Dark purple flower buds grew under the light of day.

" Taint spores." The rather large flower bloomed, thier petals extending out. As they spread their petals a noxious gas like masses flowed out of them filing the arena with the spores. If breathed in they would put anyone but Kim to sleep.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Ophelia, with another relieved sigh, let her arms flop down beside her. "That happened because of something called flux. Ya see, when you use magic, you turn energy into waste called flux. Flux is really dangerous if there's too much. Kim's magic is based around using the waste of others' magic. It's really unstable and unreliable, which is why you really shouldn't use magic like that too much. I shouldn't have let her be in the tournament. Her and me are gonna have a little talk when the match is over. But we should be safe for now."

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia nodded slowly. She'd understood only the bare minimum of what Ophelia had said, which was evidenced by the semi-confused look on her face. She understood Flux was basically a by-product of magic, dangerous, and that Kim used it. "Ohhh. I see. Makes sense I guess." She replied. "I'm getting kinda hungry..wanna go get something to eat?" She asked, her question further being enunciated by her stomach growling loudly which illicited a giggle from Alicia.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia nodded slowly. She'd understood only the bare minimum of what Ophelia had said, which was evidenced by the semi-confused look on her face. She understood Flux was basically a by-product of magic, dangerous, and that Kim used it. "Ohhh. I see. Makes sense I guess." She replied. "I'm getting kinda hungry..wanna go get something to eat?" She asked, her question further being enunciated by her stomach growling loudly which illicited a giggle from Alicia.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

At the sound of the girl's stomach rumbling, Ophelia giggled along with Alicia. "Looks like someone's hungr--" cut off by her own stomach growling, the two would find that the sound was so powerful that if caused the bench they were sitting on to slightly rumble. Embarrassed, the Guild Master rubbed the back of her head and patted the bench. "Gotta love earthquakes... Alright, let's go get some food. There should be a bunch of vendors through the arena's gates."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

At the sound of the girl's stomach rumbling, Ophelia giggled along with Alicia. "Looks like someone's hungr--" cut off by her own stomach growling, the two would find that the sound was so powerful that if caused the bench they were sitting on to slightly rumble. Embarrassed, the Guild Master rubbed the back of her head and patted the bench. "Gotta love earthquakes... Alright, let's go get some food. There should be a bunch of vendors through the arena's gates."

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia couldn't help but laugh at Ophelia, "They're funny huh?" She asked her while grinning, pretending to go along with her excuse before standing up. "Alright then, let's go then we can hurry back and watch the rest of the fights." She told her. "And I'll pay for it too, only fair since you'll be helping me soon anyway." She added. Alicia honestly couldn't be happier, she'd managed to make a friend her age that could use magic and that was in a town she wouldn't forget within a few days. She was sure Mizuki would be happy for her too, so even better.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament StandsAlicia couldn't help but laugh at Ophelia, "They're funny huh?" She asked her while grinning, pretending to go along with her excuse before standing up. "Alright then, let's go then we can hurry back and watch the rest of the fights." She told her. "And I'll pay for it too, only fair since you'll be helping me soon anyway." She added. Alicia honestly couldn't be happier, she'd managed to make a friend her age that could use magic and that was in a town she wouldn't forget within a few days. She was sure Mizuki would be happy for her too, so even better.

Ophelia - Gateside Vendors

Blushing slightly, Ophelia stood up and stretched. "Oh, really? Well, I'm not gonna stop you, but as a Guild Master, I make a lot of money... Whatever. Let's go!" Happily, the girl grabbed Alicia's hand gently, guiding her through the stands and down the stairs. She had upset a few people by momentarily blocking their view, but a few weeks prior to the tournament, Ophelia had crashed a train through Magnolia. If she hadn't cared then, she wouldn't care now.

The two had moved past the gate and were now in the streets, each side containing an endless line of small tents. Every single one sold food, and all of the food sold was amazingly tasty.
"I don't think we should eat cotton candy or anything like that on empty stomachs, before you ask. Let's eat real food before eating junk, okay?"
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament StandsAlicia couldn't help but laugh at Ophelia, "They're funny huh?" She asked her while grinning, pretending to go along with her excuse before standing up. "Alright then, let's go then we can hurry back and watch the rest of the fights." She told her. "And I'll pay for it too, only fair since you'll be helping me soon anyway." She added. Alicia honestly couldn't be happier, she'd managed to make a friend her age that could use magic and that was in a town she wouldn't forget within a few days. She was sure Mizuki would be happy for her too, so even better.
Auren Sol - 1 post until sigil completion

When Ren saw that Kim had given up on her beam attack he was glad but this happiness was short lived since she decided to convert the entire area into a field of taint...somehow. It wasn't hard to spot the strange flowers and the glowing purple spores they were emitting. He could already tell from experience that it wouldn't be a good idea to get anything having to do with taint inside his body so his first instinct was to begin holding his breath. He was so close to completing the sigil. He just hopes he could hold out for a little bit longer. He wasn't known for having strong lungs so he'd only last for about 45 seconds before he had to breathe. At least she wasn't using any other attacks right now.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Gateside Vendors

Blushing slightly, Ophelia stood up and stretched. "Oh, really? Well, I'm not gonna stop you, but as a Guild Master, I make a lot of money... Whatever. Let's go!" Happily, the girl grabbed Alicia's hand gently, guiding her through the stands and down the stairs. She had upset a few people by momentarily blocking their view, but a few weeks prior to the tournament, Ophelia had crashed a train through Magnolia. If she hadn't cared then, she wouldn't care now.

The two had moved past the gate and were now in the streets, each side containing an endless line of small tents. Every single one sold food, and all of the food sold was amazingly tasty.
"I don't think we should eat cotton candy or anything like that on empty stomachs, before you ask. Let's eat real food before eating junk, okay?"

Alicia: Tournament Vendors

Alicia grinned and followed after Ophelia as she lead her towards the food. As soon as the scent of food hit her nose her stomach growled again, all of it smelled goood. She frowned slightly at Ophelia's statement but she made a good point. They'd just end up getting sick anyway. Eventually she nodded. "Okay! Sounds good to me!" She replied. "What do you wanna get to eat?" She asked.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - 1 post until sigil completion

When Ren saw that Kim had given up on her beam attack he was glad but this happiness was short lived since she decided to convert the entire area into a field of taint...somehow. It wasn't hard to spot the strange flowers and the glowing purple spores they were emitting. He could already tell from experience that it wouldn't be a good idea to get anything having to do with taint inside his body so his first instinct was to begin holding his breath. He was so close to completing the sigil. He just hopes he could hold out for a little bit longer. He wasn't known for having strong lungs so he'd only last for about 45 seconds before he had to breathe. At least she wasn't using any other attacks right now.
Kim's limbs felt heavy, her use of was getting to her. She has a about enough flux to cast one last spell, it was apparent to her that Ren had been drawing a sigil this entire time. She went wide eye, one shot. One shot to knock him down. She out both her hands together. Both her arms had the complex twists of violet both trails ending at the middle of her palms.

The markings glowed for one last time, a large sphere growing in her conjoined palms. Her hair flung around violently as she poured her last drops of power into this last attack. " Tiant beam, homing." She mumbled in a quiet voice. As the beam fired off searching for its target Kim felt every once of strength leave her body, she's gone to far this time. Her opponent was good, she appreciated that.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Vendors
Alicia grinned and followed after Ophelia as she lead her towards the food. As soon as the scent of food hit her nose her stomach growled again, all of it smelled goood. She frowned slightly at Ophelia's statement but she made a good point. They'd just end up getting sick anyway. Eventually she nodded. "Okay! Sounds good to me!" She replied. "What do you wanna get to eat?" She asked.

Ophelia - Tournament Vendors

Ophelia, who was using one of her hands to rub her chin, looked around to scan all the types of food there. She didn't want any seafood, seeing as how living on it most of her life had made her sick of it, so that was off the menu. Maybe... corndogs? "Definitely corndogs!" After a long minute's walk, the two arrived at a decorated tent which proudly displayed a sign saying "CORNDOGS". The smell coming from inside had been the best Ophelia had ever layed her nose on, and close to fainting from it, the girl stumbled as she walked inside. "I'll let you pay for it, Alicia..."
purplepanda288 said:
Kim's limbs felt heavy, her use of was getting to her. She has a about enough flux to cast one last spell, it was apparent to her that Ren had been drawing a sigil this entire time. She went wide eye, one shot. One shot to knock him down. She out both her hands together. Both her arms had the complex twists of violet both trails ending at the middle of her palms.
The markings glowed for one last time, a large sphere growing in her conjoined palms. Her hair flung around violently as she poured her last drops of power into this last attack. " Tiant beam, homing." She mumbled in a quiet voice. As the beam fired off searching for its target Kim felt every once of strength leave her body, she's gone to far this time. Her opponent was good, she appreciated that.
Auren Sol - Sigil completed

Ren was at his last breath. It was now or never. Kim had launched her own attack, a massive beam of flux. This last exchange of attacks would decide it but he feared that he wouldn't be able to see the outcome. He had to say his spell verbally to cast it and that would mean inhaling the taint spores. He pointed the sigil so that it was facing towards Kim and let himself take a deep breath, spores entering his system. He could already feel their effect as his body began to grow heavier and heavier. With his last bits of strength he pulled out a solaris lacrima and held it up.

"Oh great creator of the stars, I summon thy essence to smite my opponent! Aurelion Sol!"

At that moment Ren collapsed, his body going limp and hitting the ground with a thud. He kept one eye opened to watch what would happen next. The crystal that he still clutched in his hand was emitting a blinding glow in tandem with the sigil that began to rotate rapidly above him. Suddenly, a massive burst of yellow energy emerged from the sigil. It's form bent and shifted like that of a serpent, it's features becoming more distinct as the energy settled. The spell had taken the form of a massive shining golden dragon. Even though it was a spell, the energy it was made from seemed almost alive as the dragon let out a mighty roar for all to hear. It then flew towards Kim, clashing head on with the taint beam. Now it was a contest of pure power. Whoever overpowered the other would be the victor of the match. Ren had made sure that in the scenario where Aurelion won the clash, the spell wouldn't be powerful enough to maim Kim. It would still hurt though, definitely.

(Video for reference)


[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Vendors

Ophelia, who was using one of her hands to rub her chin, looked around to scan all the types of food there. She didn't want any seafood, seeing as how living on it most of her life had made her sick of it, so that was off the menu. Maybe... corndogs? "Definitely corndogs!" After a long minute's walk, the two arrived at a decorated tent which proudly displayed a sign saying "CORNDOGS". The smell coming from inside had been the best Ophelia had ever layed her nose on, and close to fainting from it, the girl stumbled as she walked inside. "I'll let you pay for it, Alicia..."

Alicia: Corndog Stand

Alicia grinned, "
Yay corndogs!" She cheered after Ophelia before quickly following her to the stand. The food smelled great as she followed the stumbling Ophelia into the stand, "'Kay." She replied. Though she wasn't sure how a corndog didn't count as junk food, she didn't exactly argue. "I'll take five corndogs!" She told the vendor. "What about you Ophelia?" She asked. Honestly the way Ophelia was acting she expected her to buy the entire stand out between the two.
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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Corndog Stand
Alicia grinned, "
Yay corndogs!" She cheered after Ophelia before quickly following her to the stand. The food smelled great as she followed the stumbling Ophelia into the stand, "'Kay." She replied. Though she wasn't sure how a corndog didn't count as junk food, she didn't exactly argue. "I'll take five corndogs!" She told the vendor. "What about you Ophelia?" She asked. Honestly the way Ophelia was acting she expected her to buy the entire stand out between the two.

Ophelia - Corndog Stand

Going slightly unconscious from the beautiful smell of corndogs, Ophelia muttered what she hoped would come out as eleven. "Elevenzeen corndigz, pleasszzz" Even her speech came out unconscious, 'z's plaguing her speech. Who knew the power of food was so strong?
Kelica - Chris's house

The girl waited, waited, seeing Chris burst into the room and bursting into a fit of giggles. Still, he was angry she might be naked in his bed? Strange fellow. She could think of a couple of other emotions a guy might have to discovering a naked girl in there bed. Though she couldn't dwell long on it before she was thrown over his shoulder, green eyes huge. "Hey! Da hell?!" Squirming and kicking around on his shoulders, though secretly she was blushing like a mad woman. He couldn't see it, so it was ok right? Well not exactly, he threw her to the couch and her blush was on full display, eyes sliding distracted to the side. "Ahh..." Doing an enni mini miny mo sort of deal and pointing at a random one. "That one I guess..."

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Corndog Stand

Going slightly unconscious from the beautiful smell of corndogs, Ophelia muttered what she hoped would come out as eleven. "Elevenzeen corndigz, pleasszzz" Even her speech came out unconscious, 'z's plaguing her speech. Who knew the power of food was so strong?

Alicia: Corndog Stand

Alicia arched a brow, though she assumed she meant eleven..it could've been higher. But eleven was still a pretty high number for a girl her size, then again Alicia could eat a lot sometimes too..soo yeah. After paying for their food the vendor soon produced their food for them, placing a plate of corndogs in front of each of them. Unable to resist Alicia grabbed one of Ophelia's corndogs and started poking her in the cheek with it, "
Opheliaaa. Corndogs are readyyy." She told her as she poked.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Sigil completed

Ren was at his last breath. It was now or never. Kim had launched her own attack, a massive beam of flux. This last exchange of attacks would decide it but he feared that he wouldn't be able to see the outcome. He had to say his spell verbally to cast it and that would mean inhaling the taint spores. He pointed the sigil so that it was facing towards Kim and let himself take a deep breath, spores entering his system. He could already feel their effect as his body began to grow heavier and heavier. With his last bits of strength he pulled out a solaris lacrima and held it up.

"Oh great creator of the stars, I summon thy essence to smite my opponent! Aurelion Sol!"

At that moment Ren collapsed, his body going limp and hitting the ground with a thud. He kept one eye opened to watch what would happen next. The crystal that he still clutched in his hand was emitting a blinding glow in tandem with the sigil that began to rotate rapidly above him. Suddenly, a massive burst of yellow energy emerged from the sigil. It's form bent and shifted like that of a serpent, it's features becoming more distinct as the energy settled. The spell had taken the form of a massive shining golden dragon. Even though it was a spell, the energy it was made from seemed almost alive as the dragon let out a mighty roar for all to hear. It then flew towards Kim, clashing head on with the taint beam. Now it was a contest of pure power. Whoever overpowered the other would be the victor of the match. Ren had made sure that in the scenario where Aurelion won the clash, the spell wouldn't be powerful enough to maim Kim. It would still hurt though, definitely.

(Video for reference)


Kim fell to her knees, she smiled as Ren breathed in the spores. Her body felt like lead that was mixed with gold. Both attacks collided, each battling for dominance. The two forces cancelled each other out ,leaving Kim on the ground completely drained of all her energy. She raised her head and saw Ren on the floor as well. It seems that it ended in a tie
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Corndog Stand
Alicia arched a brow, though she assumed she meant eleven..it could've been higher. But eleven was still a pretty high number for a girl her size, then again Alicia could eat a lot sometimes too..soo yeah. After paying for their food the vendor soon produced their food for them, placing a plate of corndogs in front of each of them. Unable to resist Alicia grabbed one of Ophelia's corndogs and started poking her in the cheek with it, "
Opheliaaa. Corndogs are readyyy." She told her as she poked.

Ophelia - Corndog Stand

Like a dog might snatch food from the hands of a human, a tendril of water rose from the ground and tore the corndog from Alicia. Quickly, the petite Guild Master devoured the dog, leaving only the stick in a matter of seconds. Rejuvenated, the taste of the unhealthy food was enough to send her into a hallucination. She was floating through the depths of space, riding on a corndog the whole way. Even more odd, the universe shined through he eyes, and anyone looking at her would see that her irises displayed the beauty of space.

This would last even as she used the watery tendril, which small specks of light had appeared in, grabbed the other ten corndogs and threw them into Ophelia's mouth on by one. She didn't bother to spit out the sticks, because those would be lost in the void of her stomach as well.
Chris Lengheart(Movie time)

Chris smiled as Kelica selected a movie. He grabbed the movie and held it up to the lacrima before it basically absorbed the movie! Chris grabbed the small remote as the lacrima projected itself onto the nearby wall. Chris leaned over to Kelica as the movie began,"I heard this is a good one." he said with a short smile as he remained silent for the beginning of the movie.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Corndog Stand

Like a dog might snatch food from the hands of a human, a tendril of water rose from the ground and tore the corndog from Alicia. Quickly, the petite Guild Master devoured the dog, leaving only the stick in a matter of seconds. Rejuvenated, the taste of the unhealthy food was enough to send her into a hallucination. She was floating through the depths of space, riding on a corndog the whole way. Even more odd, the universe shined through he eyes, and anyone looking at her would see that her irises displayed the beauty of space.

This would last even as she used the watery tendril, which small specks of light had appeared in, grabbed the other ten corndogs and threw them into Ophelia's mouth on by one. She didn't bother to spit out the sticks, because those would be lost in the void of her stomach as well.

Alicia: Corndog Stand

Alicia squeaked slightly and jumped back a bit as Ophelia snatched up the corndog with water. Well, at-least it was a water tendril and not Ophelia eating her hand along with the corndog. Shrugging Alicia slowly started to eat her own plate of corndogs, though she had an arm around them protectively so as to not lose them to Ophelia. "You uhh..okay Ophelia?" She asked after her second corndog, staring in disbelief at Ophelia's eating habits.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Corndog Stand
Alicia squeaked slightly and jumped back a bit as Ophelia snatched up the corndog with water. Well, at-least it was a water tendril and not Ophelia eating her hand along with the corndog. Shrugging Alicia slowly started to eat her own plate of corndogs, though she had an arm around them protectively so as to not lose them to Ophelia. "You uhh..okay Ophelia?" She asked after her second corndog, staring in disbelief at Ophelia's eating habits.

Ophelia - Corndog Stand

Ophelia stood straight and silent, her eyes still visibly filled with stars, her mouth hanging open. "I'm fine. Those corndogs were amazing. Let's go... search for other things now." The girl's speech was noticeably more elegant, but her voice was even more bland. Her cape flowing behind her, the Guild Master exited the tent. "I see everything," she muttered to herself.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Corndog Stand

Ophelia stood straight and silent, her eyes still visibly filled with stars, her mouth hanging open. "I'm fine. Those corndogs were amazing. Let's go... search for other things now." The girl's speech was noticeably more elegant, but her voice was even more bland. Her cape flowing behind her, the Guild Master exited the tent. "I see everything," she muttered to herself.

Alicia: Tournament Vendors

Alicia collected her remaining now two corndogs and followed after Ophelia. She was a bit worried about her, honestly. Maybe it was a side effect of the flux? "
Are..you sure you're okay Ophelia?" She asked her worriedly before taking a bite of her corndog. "Maybe..we should of gotten ourselves checked out at the infirmary after that flux stuff dod that." She added with a sigh. Honestly if she continued to display symptoms of weirdness she probably would.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Vendors
Alicia collected her remaining now two corndogs and followed after Ophelia. She was a bit worried about her, honestly. Maybe it was a side effect of the flux? "
Are..you sure you're okay Ophelia?" She asked her worriedly before taking a bite of her corndog. "Maybe..we should of gotten ourselves checked out at the infirmary after that flux stuff dod that." She added with a sigh. Honestly if she continued to display symptoms of weirdness she probably would.

Ophelia - Tournament Vendors

Ophelia spun around quickly at the mention of the infirmary. She hated doctors fervently, and even the thought of going to one sickened her. Couldn't Alicia tell the corndogs were just really good? "Alicia. We don't need to go to the infirmary. I hate doctors. A lot. I mean, I don't know what's up with that weird eye thing," she paused to hold a mirror up to her face, "But I highly doubt we need to go to the doctor for it. Probably because the corndogs were infused with some sort of weird magic or something. But seriously, I'm fine. Let's go get soda or something. I'm parched."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Vendors

Ophelia spun around quickly at the mention of the infirmary. She hated doctors fervently, and even the thought of going to one sickened her. Couldn't Alicia tell the corndogs were just really good? "Alicia. We don't need to go to the infirmary. I hate doctors. A lot. I mean, I don't know what's up with that weird eye thing," she paused to hold a mirror up to her face, "But I highly doubt we need to go to the doctor for it. Probably because the corndogs were infused with some sort of weird magic or something. But seriously, I'm fine. Let's go get soda or something. I'm parched."

Alicia: Tournament Vendors

Alicia took a small step back as Ophelia quickly spun to her, did she hit a nerve? Yeah she hit a nerve. She held her free hand up apprehensively, "
Alright, alright. I believe you. You just seemed a bit out of it earlier so I wasn't sure." She told her. "And yeah, I'm thirsty too..." She added, trailing off and scanning the vendors for a drink stand. "Ooh! There!" She told her after a minute before quickly downing her last corndog and tossing the stick aside. Wiping her hands on her shirt she gently grabbed Ophelia's hand and led her to a stand serving frozen drinks.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Vendors
Alicia took a small step back as Ophelia quickly spun to her, did she hit a nerve? Yeah she hit a nerve. She held her free hand up apprehensively, "
Alright, alright. I believe you. You just seemed a bit out of it earlier so I wasn't sure." She told her. "And yeah, I'm thirsty too..." She added, trailing off and scanning the vendors for a drink stand. "Ooh! There!" She told her after a minute before quickly downing her last corndog and tossing the stick aside. Wiping her hands on her shirt she gently grabbed Ophelia's hand and led her to a stand serving frozen drinks.

Ophelia - Drink Vendor

Ophelia allowed herself to be pulled over to the drink vendor, sighing to show the relief from not having to go to the infirmary. But wherever she looked, there were bits and pieced of her vision completely blocked by cloud of... space? Were the corndogs really that good? Shaking her head, the found that the two had arrived at the stands, a variety of giant tanks of assorted liquids lining the back. "Woah... I'll, uh... I'll have what you're having."
Mizuki Kohaku

Mizuki's eyes narrowed slightly as her opponent made her way into the arena. Once again she was matched up with someone whom she knew nothing about, and this would surely lead to an interesting fight. She watched with an unwavering gaze as the girl before her bowed and apologized for showing up late. She didn't exactly understand why she bowed or why she was being so polite, and not once did she plan on returning the kindness. However it did seem that she spoke of a sickness spreading through an arena, and at the mention of young children she couldn't help but think about dear Alicia. If something happened to the sweet girl then Mizuki would level the city. Don't test her.

Fortunately it seemed that Lyra was as eager to start the fight as she was, and without further ado (did I spell that right?) Mizuki began. "Yes, let us hurry this fight up. I must check on my friend to confirm her safety." The moment her sentence ended her four shadowy arms launched towards Lyra in an attempt to grab the girl and slam her down, only to be followed up with a series of magical attacks. However she half expected Lyra to weasel her way out of this. Only time would tell.

@Kyuubey (I suddenly got into it)

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