Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

purplepanda288 said:
Kim hadn't expected to be hit, she reeled back. A large gasp escaped her lips. As kept down on one knee, she raised her hand to try and use the flux. Nothing, not even a single butterfly. The lance she had summoned no longer had its purple tint but was still able to be used.
She quickly recovered as she got up she grabed the handle of the lance. " You severed the connection with the taint! Do you know what you just did!?" The out side of the null barrier fibrous taint started to form on the ground. She was murderous now, he didn't understand. Kim swong the lance 5 time at the boys head and legs,putting all her weight in to each swing. " Your going to kill us all!"

The flux around the barrier creeped it way up covering it completely letting no light though, both Kim and Ren had to fight in the dark now.
Auren Sol

Ren was glad that his plan had worked and Kim couldn't use her spells anymore but this happiness was short lived. Kim attitude made a drastic change as she began to fight as if her life depended n it. He didn't understand! When she moved to hit him with the lance he managed to parry her blows with his wand but he hadn't expected her to use so much force in her swings. Was she trying to kill him!? It was then that everything went dark as the taint covered the outer limits of the barrier. Now neither of them could see...great.

"I don't understand! What's going to happen!?"he asked worriedly as he backed off carefully so he wouldn't be so easy to hit in the darkness.
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Ohhh. That's what she meant. Then things should be a lot easier than she would expect, even with all of the paperwork she'd have to deal with. If she got it done early, training time could be longer. "Then it's settled! Leave the scheduling to me! I'll have everything done! Should we tell Gilad about the sessions or not?"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

That..was a good question actually. Alicia's excitement dimmed visibly while she tried to decided and a look of concentration affixed itself on her face. Would he be mad if he knew, if they told him? He most assuredly would..he might even kick her out of the guild. He'd be bound to find out eventually, but the question was would he take it any better if he was told up front? She didn't want to make him mad, but she figured he would seeing as she'd be accepting help from Fairy Tail, and the Master no less.

In the end she shrugged and sighed. "I dunno. I don't think he'd like it, really. I don't have anything against you guys myself..but I don't think he likes Fairy Tail that much." She replied. "I'm not really sure why..I dunno maybe we should tell him after the tournament. He might be more mad if we hide it from him altogether." She told her.
Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

After hearing Clair's proposal Unknown responded while checking if his body could move properly, "I wouldn't mind tagging along, but there is no need to buy me anything. As the equivalent to buying me any form of food or drink is just throwing your money into a fire. I only do it rarely with tea or alcohol for the social interaction, which I can get anyway. I don't need it to survive and I can't taste or feel so it literally means nothing to me." he shrugs. "Besides, I might just take you up on that offer to join you on a mission if I join your guild. So we both got what we wanted for winning so you got nothing to make up for. I think it's a fair deal. Either way I think it is best to wait a bit, because I don't know about you but I need some time to recover my magic before I can go on a mission."

@Mr Swiftshots
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 3

She slowly got to her knees as she surveyed the damage. Laying across the arena from her was a non-transformed unconscious boy, the announcers signaling that it was her victory. Her lips curled into a tired smile as she shakily got to her feet and made her way out of the arena. It had been a long time since she had a fight that good and if her next opponent was even half as decent she'd need to get all the rest she could. She made her way towards the medics, getting her wounds treated before finding somewhere quiet to take a nap and restore her lost magic.

After an hour or so she was woken from her slumber as one of the officials fetched her for the next match. She stretched her aching muscles and let out a yawn as she lazily followed after towards the arena. As she entered the ring she took note of her opponent. He was some short little thing and certainly didn't look the brawler type. Judging by his attire he seemed to have a rough fight same as she did and she couldn't help but wonder if her outfit would survive were she to win this match. With a small shrug she flashed the boy a wry smile as she made a show of looking him over. "At the rate I'm going I'll be facing a little boy in the finals. Not that I'd be against that..."

Unlike her last opponent, this one didn't seem all that chatty. Instead he seemed far more focused and determined. As expected of someone who got to the second round. Nevertheless, stoic and serious fighters weren't that fun so she'd have to coax some life out of him during the fight. She fell into her usual stance as she stared at the boy. It seemed he was the 'wait and see' type as he made no move to engage her. Both of her opponents seemed to share more in common than just a pretty face and yet again she would have to be the one to take the initiative. Without warning flames erupted around her feet and she launched toward the boy with incredible speed, a fiery fist flying right towards the boy's gut.
Adrian sputtered at what she just said. Little boy?! "Excuse me? I'm 21, thank you very much!" But then he smirked and got into a fighting stance. "And sorry, but I don't intend to let you get to the finals in the first place."

Then she rushed towards him with a blazing fist. He just barely had enough time to materialize an arcane heater shield and bring it in front of his chest to block the blow. However, the force was enough to send him flying back about 20 feet, his shoes bringing up dust as he dug in to stabilize himself. So she's a Fire user, eh? She seems to have a highly aggressive fighting style. Fitting. I don't know if I can outrun her, so I'll have to engage her on her terms.

He materialized a broadsword to go along with his shield, moving said shield to his arm rather than his hand as he did so. The broadsword was in a scabbard on his hip. Then, arcane particles coalesced around his body to form a set of purple armor that covered him from head to toe. It was really more like a force-field, it would move when he moved and had no joints of its own, it just looked intimidating. A white orb, glowing purple with power, then materialized in his hand and he hurled it at his enemy. It would explode on impact. If it successfully exploded, he would charge through the cloud of dust that would result and attempt to get Tanari with a horizontal sword chop.
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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament StandsThat..was a good question actually. Alicia's excitement dimmed visibly while she tried to decided and a look of concentration affixed itself on her face. Would he be mad if he knew, if they told him? He most assuredly would..he might even kick her out of the guild. He'd be bound to find out eventually, but the question was would he take it any better if he was told up front? She didn't want to make him mad, but she figured he would seeing as she'd be accepting help from Fairy Tail, and the Master no less.

In the end she shrugged and sighed. "I dunno. I don't think he'd like it, really. I don't have anything against you guys myself..but I don't think he likes Fairy Tail that much." She replied. "I'm not really sure why..I dunno maybe we should tell him after the tournament. He might be more mad if we hide it from him altogether." She told her.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Alicia seemed rather quiet, her excitement almost completely leaving her body. The girl seemed to be thinking about how Gilad would react, and Ophelia couldn't blame her. Stoic as he was, the man was a bipolar force of nature, and there was generally no predicting how he'd feel about things. But when Alicia told her that Gilad didn't like Fairy Tail too much, Ophelia had a hypothesis as to why. He had struggled and strived to get to where he was now, yet Sabertooth was still a league under her own guild, even if the old man was the most powerful wizard in Fiore.

"I guess Gilad's jealous that Sabertooth is still considered less powerful than Fairy Tail. But if I can convince him to help me in training you, that would mean you can give the both of us a good name. Especially because you're more with him than you are with us. If he's the one training you more often, you're gonna get more powerful and maybe even surpass him at some point in time. You might even raise Sabertooth high enough to be known world-wide. I think you can do it if Gilad's willing, to be honest." But did Ophelia particularly want any of that to happen? Fairy Tail was still under her name, whether it was ranked highly or not. She didn't want to give her and her members a bad reputation for helping another guild to surpass them... but she could only imagine how much good Alicia would do in the world with training from two Guild Masters at once.
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Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren was glad that his plan had worked and Kim couldn't use her spells anymore but this happiness was short lived. Kim attitude made a drastic change as she began to fight as if her life depended n it. He didn't understand! When she moved to hit him with the lance he managed to parry her blows with his wand but he hadn't expected her to use so much force in her swings. Was she trying to kill him!? It was then that everything went dark as the taint covered the outer limits of the barrier. Now neither of them could see...great.

"I don't understand! What's going to happen!?"he asked worriedly as he backed off carefully so he wouldn't be so easy to hit in the darkness.
Kim lock- Arena 1 (about to kill Ren)

Kim's purple eye glowed in the darkness. " That taint and flux out there is gonna kill everyone, the magic that you people use creates flux. they'll start developing flux sickness, death will follow Those who can use magic. Even then magic won't exist if the taint gets a foot hold here." Even if Ren couldn't see her expressions, Kim looked desperate to get out of the barrier. The light that her eye emitted faded, signaling that all the flux that she stored in her body had gone back into the atmosphere. She raised the lance infront of her. " if it means spilling your blood to save them then I will."

Unknown to the two the taint had spread into the stands, the audience thought it was part of the show. Unfortunately the effects of the taint sickness started to take effect. they started to develop large purple rashers, the first stage.

Aiden- streets of magnolia(Being vain)

Aiden walked down the streets of magnolia, Shen following close behind him. Both of them received stares from the other people in the streets. Shen leaned close to whisper to Aiden.
" Dude I'm getting weird staress out here." Aiden chuckled at his best friend, he gave a flirtatious wave at one of the woman. " That's cuz your attractive mate. Enjoy your self out here, your always in the spirit world." Shen rolled his golden slit eyes. He put his hand around Aiden's back, Shen glowed white and there around aidens neck what's a white snake. Aiden pet the snake and continued on his way.
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Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Ophelia looked back down at the fight between Kim and Ren. Things were getting a little serious with those two... Worriedly, she turned to Alicia. "Hey, I think someone needs to stop those two-- what is this?!" Giant purple welts had quickly popped up from under the girl's skin, and soon, she found it so painful that she couldn't even move. Defeated, she flopped onto the bench, the control in all parts of her body had been lost. Frantically, she looked up at Alicia and made a whine of despair.

@purplepanda288 @Mitchs98
@purplepanda288[/URL] @Mitchs98
Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia nodded. Ophelia had a point, she was still a member of Sabertooth after all..in the long run it'd only make Sabertooth more powerful if she got more powerful, even if it did mean she was training with Ophelia too. Plus if Gilad agreed to it she'd get to know him better too, which despite his abrasive attitude towards most people Alicia wanted to do. After all, he was generally nice to her. "Yeah, you're right. When you put it that way I'm sure he'll agree!" She replied, her excitement once more returning to her features.

She watched as the match between Kim and Ren started to get..well..it got. They were in pitch black darkness and the dome thingy was covered in purple junk. "
What's going on..?" She asked, inching away from the purple junk covering the crowd. She was about to burst into a full run before she heard a small thud, looking over it was Ophelia covered in the stuff. The sight of it caused her to gasp in shock. "Ophelia! What is this stuff?!" She shouted, quickly running over and doing her best to pull Ophelia and herself away from the taint.

She wasn't that strong, and the taint was on Ophelia, so it wasn't long until it got on her too. Still she tried to pull her out of the way before she tripped. The same purple welts on Ophelia soon formed on Alicia. She was scared and confused, and really had no clue as to what was going on.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- Arena 1 (about to kill Ren)
Kim's purple eye glowed in the darkness. " That taint and flux out there is gonna kill everyone, the magic that you people use creates flux. they'll start developing flux sickness, death will follow Those who can use magic. Even then magic won't exist if the taint gets a foot hold here." Even if Ren couldn't see her expressions, Kim looked desperate to get out of the barrier. The light that her eye emitted faded, signaling that all the flux that she stored in her body had gone back into the atmosphere. She raised the lance infront of her. " if it means spilling your blood to save them then I will."

Auren Sol

Unknown to the two the taint had spread into the stands, the audience thought it was part of the show. Unfortunately the effects of the taint sickness started to take effect. they started to develop large purple rashers, the first stage.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, what!? You're going to kill me!? Hold on a second, there's no need to fight each other to the death. Killing me doesn't undo the spell. it was activated with pre-stored magic from a lacrima. The field will last 10 minutes, no way around it. Listen, I had no idea this would happen, I swear!" he exclaimed in a panic. He didn't want to be responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. He would never be able to forgive himself! There had to be a way to fix this. Ren immediately started on thinking of a way to get them out of the barrier but it was hard to do so when someone was trying to murder you.
Drakerus said:
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, what!? You're going to kill me!? Hold on a second, there's no need to fight each other to the death. Killing me doesn't undo the spell. it was activated with pre-stored magic from a lacrima. The field will last 10 minutes, no way around it. Listen, I had no idea this would happen, I swear!" he exclaimed in a panic. He didn't want to be responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. He would never be able to forgive himself! There had to be a way to fix this. Ren immediately started on thinking of a way to get them out of the barrier but it was hard to do so when someone was trying to murder you.
Kim started to calm down, but she still had the underlying layer of fear. She turned around and started to try and break the taint that trapped them inside of the barrier. The lance broke as soon as she made contact with the taint. " We could speed up the process somehow right? Right?!" Panic laced her voice, she didn't want to emerge to find hundreds of bodies lying dead on the ground. She wanted to reach out to ask for help from mother, she tried. Nothing went though, not a pray could even escape.
Kelica - Magnolia Forest

Kelica continued to smile upside down at him. "A cowboy huh? That's pretty cool...." giggling when he mentioned his family getting extra crispy. She guessed that had something to do with his Draco form. She took a happy little sigh, her eyes blinking more and more heavily, a tiny yawn escaping to which she covered her mouth to try and hide. "Do you think your dad and brother would be happy to meet me eventually?" It seemed inevitable she would meet them eventually. She blushed shyly at that point.

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Alfie - Ren and Kim's Ring

The carnage among the crowd Kim and Ren's flux had caused had been observed by the super soaker stalker completely. This sort of thing was not new to him, and his soul and magic came in handy when balancing energies out. The death threats had been a little extreme, but of course, Alfie would know about those. As the man in pink soared through the barrier and onto the ground with a glowing trapeze, a small pink gear had been shot out of nowhere, shattering through the taint and sticking out of the ground. When Alfie was finally able to stand on his feet, he glared sternly at Kim.

"Taking things to such and extreme will not be necessary. If you had actually known how flux works, you would have been wise not to partake in this tournament, Kim. Clockwork: Balance."
Another small system of pink gears had appeared above Alfie, and as the contraption activated, the taint was slowly balancing itself to equal the amount of raw magical energy. "Take it easy with this fight. It's meant to be a friendly competition. Not a barbaric battle to the death."

@purplepanda288 @Drakerus
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purplepanda288 said:
Kim started to calm down, but she still had the underlying layer of fear. She turned around and started to try and break the taint that trapped them inside of the barrier. The lance broke as soon as she made contact with the taint. " We could speed up the process somehow right? Right?!" Panic laced her voice, she didn't want to emerge to find hundreds of bodies lying dead on the ground. She wanted to reach out to ask for help from mother, she tried. Nothing went though, not a pray could even escape.
Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren was glad that Kim calmed down. But there was still the matter of preventing a disaster.

"Well...let me think." he said as he thought of a way to get them out. After a minute of tense silence a light bulb went off in hsi head.

"I think I've got an idea. This field only neutralizes energy that's external so the magic and flux inside of our bodies are unaffected. If that's true then you should be able to absorb the magical energy of the sigil into your body and nullify it with your flux. That should cause the duration to shorten drastically. It's a bit of a stretch but it should work.' he explained as simply as possible.

"Go on, try it. Just put your hand on the ground and concentrate." he urged. They probably didn't have much time before people got seriously hurt.
Chris Lengheart(I've got nothing)

"Happy? More like doing a backflip off the top of the barn." Chris said with a chuckle as he only imagined how his father and brother would react. He could hear the screaming followed by his dad picking Kelica up like she was the savior of the galaxy and twirling her around. Chris could only shake his head at the thought. And in the corner of the his mind, he thought about how badly Kelica would be blushing when she saw him in his "cowboy" attire. Regardless, he looked at Kelica, expecting more questions to follow.

Mizuki- Fight Tournament Two

Time passed on and Mizuki was unfortunately ushered away from Alicia and into another fighting ring. She didn't know who she would be fighting this time around but the dark Mage hoped that they'd actually show up this time. Her gloomy eyes stared intently at the other entrance as she waited, her pale arms crossed across her stomach. Her mind however was fixed on Alicia and her wellbeing. She really didn't want to leave the little girl alone especially when she was contemplating suicide. But Mizuki had promised Master Gilad that she'd win for the glory of Sabertooth. And that's what she planned on doing.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren was glad that Kim calmed down. But there was still the matter of preventing a disaster.

"Well...let me think." he said as he thought of a way to get them out. After a minute of tense silence a light bulb went off in hsi head.

"I think I've got an idea. This field only neutralizes energy that's external so the magic and flux inside of our bodies are unaffected. If that's true then you should be able to absorb the magical energy of the sigil into your body and nullify it with your flux. That should cause the duration to shorten drastically. It's a bit of a stretch but it should work.' he explained as simply as possible.

"Go on, try it. Just put your hand on the ground and concentrate." he urged. They probably didn't have much time before people got seriously hurt.
Kim di as she was told, the empty void that was Kim's ethernano happily sucked up all the magic from the barrier. She never realized that her body never naturally absorbed magic form the air, only neutralize it as soon as it tried to enter. The feeling of actually having magic was…was so thing foreign to her, something that felt oddly normal. Kinda like the warm feeling that flux gave her. The barrier flickered,then completely disappeared from existence. Unlike the barrier the fiberous taint kept strong around them, keeping light form coming through.

@purplepanda288[/URL] @Drakerus
The taint keeping the light had been shattered, by none other than the pink haired basterd. Instantly the taint and flux around them had disappeared with the help of Ailfe's spell. Kim's natural absorption started making her eye glow, as well as the markings on her skin to glow.

" Of corse but this wasn't my doing, it was his. Now I thank you for your help, you should get back your seat Alife."

Kim didn't wast any more time on saying those two sentences. A purple aura formed around Kims right hand, taking shape like a sword. Before Ren could react to them begin freed she plunged the sword like aura into his body. It would drain him of his magic and the lacruma's magic completely if she managed to get it in there.

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purplepanda288 said:
Kim lock- Arena 1 (about to kill Ren)
Kim's purple eye glowed in the darkness. " That taint and flux out there is gonna kill everyone, the magic that you people use creates flux. they'll start developing flux sickness, death will follow Those who can use magic. Even then magic won't exist if the taint gets a foot hold here." Even if Ren couldn't see her expressions, Kim looked desperate to get out of the barrier. The light that her eye emitted faded, signaling that all the flux that she stored in her body had gone back into the atmosphere. She raised the lance infront of her. " if it means spilling your blood to save them then I will."

Unknown to the two the taint had spread into the stands, the audience thought it was part of the show. Unfortunately the effects of the taint sickness started to take effect. they started to develop large purple rashers, the first stage.

Aiden- streets of magnolia(Being vain)

Aiden walked down the streets of magnolia, Shen following close behind him. Both of them received stares from the other people in the streets. Shen leaned close to whisper to Aiden.
" Dude I'm getting weird staress out here." Aiden chuckled at his best friend, he gave a flirtatious wave at one of the woman. " That's cuz your attractive mate. Enjoy your self out here, your always in the spirit world." Shen rolled his golden slit eyes. He put his hand around Aiden's back, Shen glowed white and there around aidens neck what's a white snake. Aiden pet the snake and continued on his way.
A small girl with long black hair and a huge sword on her back runs down the street. She is whistling, and seems to be off in space somewhere. With a bounce in her step, she continus down the street... and straight into a boy with a snake net to him. She lands on her butt, seeming to be in a daze.

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purplepanda288 said:
Kim di as she was told, the empty void that was Kim's ethernano happily sucked up all the magic from the barrier. She never realized that her body never naturally absorbed magic form the air, only neutralize it as soon as it tried to enter. The feeling of actually having magic was…was so thing foreign to her, something that felt oddly normal. Kinda like the warm feeling that flux gave her. The barrier flickered,then completely disappeared from existence. Unlike the barrier the fiberous taint kept strong around them, keeping light form coming through.
The taint keeping the light had been shattered, by none other than the pink haired basterd. Instantly the taint and flux around them had disappeared with the help of Ailfe's spell. Kim's natural absorption started making her eye glow, as well as the markings on her skin to glow.

" Of corse but this wasn't my doing, it was his. Now I thank you for your help, you should get back your seat Alife."

Kim didn't wast any more time on saying those two sentences. A purple aura formed around Kims right hand, taking shape like a sword. Before Ren could react to them begin freed she plunged the sword like aura into his body. It would drain him of magic completely if she managed to get it in there.

Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren gave Kim an unamused stare as she pinned the whole problem on him. He let out a big sigh as the ethereal sword almost plunged into his stomach. Before it could get deeper than his outermost layer of skin he grabbed onto the blade to hold it back. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt but he knew that the attack probably involved his magic being drained. Figures.

"No break? Fine... In my defense I had no way of knowing you were the sole thing keeping us safe from catastrophic magical pollution. Thanks for doing that for us by the way." he said a tiredly since the sword was draining his strength through skin contact. Still holding onto the blade so that Kim couldn't move her arm, Ren used his left arm to grab a card from his pocket and threw it at her forehead at point blank range. This one wouldn't leave any damage greater than that of a plain old card throw but it would put whoever got hit to sleep. It had to hit them in the forehead though or it wouldn't work so well.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren gave Kim an unamused stare as she pinned the whole problem on him. He let out a big sigh as the ethereal sword almost plunged into his stomach. Before it could get deeper than his outermost layer of skin he grabbed onto the blade to hold it back. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt but he knew that the attack probably involved his magic being drained. Figures.

"No break? Fine... In my defense I had no way of knowing you were the sole thing keeping us safe from catastrophic magical pollution. Thanks for doing that for us by the way." he said a tiredly since the sword was draining his strength through skin contact. Still holding onto the blade so that Kim couldn't move her arm, Ren used his left arm to grab a card from his pocket and threw it at her forehead at point blank range. This one wouldn't leave any damage greater than that of a plain old card throw but it would put whoever got hit to sleep. It had to hit them in the forehead though or it wouldn't work so well.
A rather large purple butterfly flew in front of Kims face. The card past though losing the magic it had imbued onto. When it hit Kim it cut her for head, a bit of blood flowed from the small wound. " No breaks, sorry." The card fell to the ground, still having a butterfly shaped imprint on it. Kim gave Ren a sweet smile, with out any further words the blade extended out about two feet. The aura speared into his skin leaving no cuts in its wake.

[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]A small girl with long black hair and a huge sword on her back runs down the street. She is whistling, and seems to be off in space somewhere. With a bounce in her step, she continus down the street... and straight into a boy with a snake net to him. She lands on her butt, seeming to be in a daze.


Aiden was knocked down on to his chest by a girl. He sighed hoping it wasnt intended. With a soft grunt he got up form where he landed. He look down to find the dazed culprit. " Hey you ok down there?" He held out his hand, hoping that the teen would accept his help.
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purplepanda288 said:
Aiden was knocked down on to his chest by a girl. He sighed hoping it wasnt intended. With a soft grunt he got up form where he landed. He look down to find the dazed culprit. " Hey you ok down there?" He held out his hand, hoping that the teen would accept his help.
She blinked, still dazed from the fall. Then she shyly accepted the boy's help. When she was back on her feet, instead of asking who he was and thanking him for his help, she stared in wonder at the snake. "Wow, thats cool. How did you make it?" With wide eyes, she tried to reach out and touch its head.

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purplepanda288 said:
A rather large purple butterfly flew in front of Kims face. The card past though losing the magic it had imbued onto. When it hit Kim it cut her for head, a bit of blood flowed from the small wound. " No breaks, sorry." The card fell to the ground, still having a butterfly shaped imprint on it. Kim gave Ren a sweet smile, with out any further words the blade extended out about two feet. The aura speared into his skin leaving no cuts in its wake.
Auren Sol

Ren didn't act surprised when Kim made his attack useless. He was starting to understand how Kim worked more and more so he would use that to his advantage. He fell down onto one knee when she extended the blade to pierce his body deeply. His breaths were becoming labored. A sure sign that if he didn't do something soon, he'd be out for the count. The boy reached into his pocket to pull out a solaris lacrima and placed the crystal so that it made contact with Kim's flux blade. He didn't want to waste his limited resource on something like this but he had no choice.


The lacrima glowed with a blindingly bright light as the solar energy was released and Kim's sword glowed white before evaporating into the air, shimmering sparkles left in its wake. The magic from the crystal had successfully canceled out the flux in Kim's sword so he was free to back off. When he reached a safe distance, he went back to running around while drawing a sigil. This time he would be ready to dodge any barriers she would try to trap him in. He had another lacrima ready in his left hand to counter any bothersome flux attacks Kim would use. As of right now he had 5 lacrima left to use in this match so he had to make each one count.
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Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren didn't act surprised when Kim made his attack useless. He was starting to understand how Kim worked more and more so he would use that to his advantage. He fell down onto one knee when she extended the blade to pierce his body deeply. His breaths were becoming labored. A sure sign that if he didn't do something soon, he'd be out for the count. The boy reached into his pocket to pull out a solaris lacrima and placed the crystal so that it made contact with Kim's flux blade. He didn't want to waste his limited resource on something like this but he had no choice.


The lacrima glowed with a blindingly bright light as the solar energy was released and Kim's sword glowed white before evaporating into the air, shimmering sparkles left in its wake. The magic from the crystal had successfully canceled out the flux in Kim's sword so he was free to back off. When he reached a safe distance, he went back to running around while drawing a sigil. This time he would be ready to dodge any barriers she would try to trap him in. He had another lacrima ready in his left hand to counter any bothersome flux attacks Kim would use. As of right now he had 5 lacrima left to use in this match so he had to make each one count.
A lacrima dismissed her sword. She could pin point where the the remaining 5 where on him. She raised Both her hands above her head " Taint beam." As she spoke the spell she let her hands fall down to her hips, ten individual violet masses form as her hands fell. With her left hand she pointed at Ren, Four out of the the ten fired leaving an acidic smell trailing behind them. Those wouldn't inflicted any pain but they would drain the strength from his body.

Kelica - Magnolia Forest

Kelica laughed, so they would approve. That was nice to know. She gazed up at him with a cute little giggle, a cow boy? Really? It wasn't all that surprising when she thought about it, he had come into contact with animals as much as she had, so it made sense. Even for all the magic in the world, people still needed to eat. Though her face fell slightly and paled as she thought of her own parents reactions. She'd get the silent treatment from her father no doubt, and a long winded discussion about how she was mean't to be developing magic not hanging around 'some boy', and her mother....well... It would be a case of if she was incinerate him first or after he said hi.

"Heh...I'm glad your family would be happy... mine.. yeah... " drifting off and avoiding looking at him.

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Chris Lengheart (Picnic)

"Oh I'm sure they can't be that bad. I'm sure they'll love me." Chris said with a smile on his face as he reached for another sandwich. The only real thing that worried Chris was the fact that her father or mother (possibly both) might try to kill him. But that, that was something he wouldn't have to worry about for a while. Chris looked into the basket and noticed that he had already eaten most of the food in there, which caused him to blush slightly in embarrassment as be turned to Kelica, "Uh...I think there's about one or two more sandwiches. Sorry Kelica, wanna head back home?"

Kelica - Magnolia Forest

Kelica winced as he said 'not that bad'. Yeah if your version of bad was total genocide and the death of thousands of puppies, then yeah I guess they weren't THAT bad. If her father took a liking to him, he might be able to restrain her mother... there were countless times her mother would blow up about something silly like putting mud on her dress, but her father would step in and diffuse the situation almost instantly. It was weird, really, how they did that.

She lifted from her train of thoughts as he mentioned eating all the sandwiches. "No biggy...I'm not overly hungry today...." Though she did steal one of them to om nom quickly. As she gulped it down, she patted her belly and make a happy sigh from a full tummy. She yawned, stretching her arms high into the sky, one eyelid started to droop in a lazy fashion. "Man I could go for a nap..."


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