Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Auren Sol

"Uhhhhh, nice to meet you? I'll just uh, yeah I'll start now..." he trailed off not knowing what to make of the strange woman in front of him. She didn't seem malicious in nature but she did give off a very weird vibe. He'd have to be careful. He opted to go with the basic card throw to initiate the fight. Surely she was bluffing when she said she saw his match...right? She couldn't have watched him if she was having her match at the same time he was an hour ago.

Like usual, the card was razor sharp and would leave moderate cut damage if it hit.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Tournament Stands

Quite a lot of commotion had been caused by the dismemberment of Alfie's body, and to his dismay, the start of it was his own Guild Master. He didn't blame her, because even he knew he looked like he was about to kill Alicia. But it didn't matter now, because his gem was close enough for him to be able to use magic. Surprisingly, it hadn't been launched far enough to completely disconnect from his body. "Thank you. Now before anyone comes after us to see what's wrong..." A small contraption of pink gears appeared and activated, stopping everything but Alicia and Alfie dead in its tracks. The Earth was unsettlingly still as his gem began glowing. Slowly, Alicia's great burden of negative energy was depositing itself into Alfie's gem yet hardly blackening it at all. By now, the girl should feel a lot better than she did with the added power, but now her magic wasn't quite as strong. In fact, it was back to normal.

"How do you feel?" Alfie said. As of now, the two had all the time in the world to converse--but the wizard hoped Alicia didn't have much to say.

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia was a little freaked out as Alfie seemingly stopped time, though she could partially see why. Slowly but surely she could feel the gem sucking the negative energy back out of her, when it was done she felt like her old self. Maybe..maybe Alfie wasn't entirely bad like she thought he was? She wanted to hug him whe she asked how she felt, but hugging a head would be weird. So she didn't. "
I feel great! Thank you so much!" She cheered in reply. "But..I have to ask...Why did you do it in the first place? Why did you threaten to kill me too?" She asked him. "Do..do you still want to?" She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament StandsAlicia was a little freaked out as Alfie seemingly stopped time, though she could partially see why. Slowly but surely she could feel the gem sucking the negative energy back out of her, when it was done she felt like her old self. Maybe..maybe Alfie wasn't entirely bad like she thought he was? She wanted to hug him whe she asked how she felt, but hugging a head would be weird. So she didn't. "I feel great! Thank you so much!" She cheered in reply. "But..I have to ask...Why did you do it in the first place? Why did you threaten to kill me too?" She asked him. "Do..do you still want to?" She added.

Alfie - Tournament Stands

With a sigh and a few small hops, the head was facing towards Alicia, his eyes connecting with hers. "The negative energy that I gave you and then took back? That was what made me say that. That was why I had wanted to kill you. But after the tournament, I'm a lot stronger than I was, so I can cancel it out. Neither you nor your friend need to worry about me trying to kill you. But, uhh, if you two could stray away from me, that would be great. Mizuki still probably hates me, and I'd really hate to have to kill her if she tried attacking me. Now before I unstop time," he paused, looking at the floating contraption of clockwork in motion, "Could you bring the rest of me together? The limbs will connect on their own."
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Tournament Stands

With a sigh and a few small hops, the head was facing towards Alicia, his eyes connecting with hers. "The negative energy that I gave you and then took back? That was what made me say that. That was why I had wanted to kill you. But after the tournament, I'm a lot stronger than I was, so I can cancel it out. Neither you nor your friend need to worry about me trying to kill you. But, uhh, if you two could stray away from me, that would be great. Mizuki still probably hates me, and I'd really hate to have to kill her if she tried attacking me. Now before I unstop time," he paused, looking at the floating contraption of clockwork in motion, "Could you bring the rest of me together? The limbs will connect on their own."

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia nodded slowly. So..it wasn't his fault he threatened to kill her? She didn't exactly understand it, but she did understand the fact that he didn't intend on killing her or Mizuki anymore. "I see..though. I doubt Mizuki would try to kill you if you explained this to her too. I could help..I dunno." She replied. "And sure, I'll help you put yourself back together." She added before quickly standing up and gathering his body parts together. "Hows this work anyway...? Shouldn't you like..be dead?" She asked him, clearly confused on the concept of his shell body.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia nodded slowly. So..it wasn't his fault he threatened to kill her? She didn't exactly understand it, but she did understand the fact that he didn't intend on killing her or Mizuki anymore. "I see..though. I doubt Mizuki would try to kill you if you explained this to her too. I could help..I dunno." She replied. "And sure, I'll help you put yourself back together." She added before quickly standing up and gathering his body parts together. "Hows this work anyway...? Shouldn't you like..be dead?" She asked him, clearly confused on the concept of his shell body.

Alfie - Tournament Stands

Alfie let out a giggle as Alicia told him Mizuki would understand if her explained it to her. It might work, but he wasn't about to repair a relationship with someone like her. Letting a bit of his real personality out a bit wouldn't hurt, would it? "I would never explain things to her. She knows enough." He may have come off as slightly rude at that moment, but he figured he would cover it up by explaining the whole 'shell body' deal to her. "Y'know that tiny pink gem you brought to me? That thing is my soul. As long as it stays unharmed, I'll live. And as long as it's close enough to an empty body, or a soulless body, it can control that. Which is why I'm a talking head. Thanks for helping," he finished, ribbons extending and attaching to the insides of the limbs, pulling them together until it seemed like Alfie was never blown apart at all. With a slight smile, he looked back up at Alicia. "I think I oughta go now. Any more questions before I take off?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Tournament Stands

Alfie let out a giggle as Alicia told him Mizuki would understand if her explained it to her. It might work, but he wasn't about to repair a relationship with someone like her. Letting a bit of his real personality out a bit wouldn't hurt, would it? "I would never explain things to her. She knows enough." He may have come off as slightly rude at that moment, but he figured he would cover it up by explaining the whole 'shell body' deal to her. "Y'know that tiny pink gem you brought to me? That thing is my soul. As long as it stays unharmed, I'll live. And as long as it's close enough to an empty body, or a soulless body, it can control that. Which is why I'm a talking head. Thanks for helping," he finished, ribbons extending and attaching to the insides of the limbs, pulling them together until it seemed like Alfie was never blown apart at all. With a slight smile, he looked back up at Alicia. "I think I oughta go now. Any more questions before I take off?"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia nodded and shrugged. If he didn't want to be around Mizuki and her, he didn't have to be by all means. She listened intently as he explained his body and junk. Seemed overly complicated to her, but still pretty cool. "
Oh I see." She replied. Though, she ran up and hugged him when he reformed his body. "No, I don't. Thank you again Alfie." She told him.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia nodded and shrugged. If he didn't want to be around Mizuki and her, he didn't have to be by all means. She listened intently as he explained his body and junk. Seemed overly complicated to her, but still pretty cool. "
Oh I see." She replied. Though, she ran up and hugged him when he reformed his body. "No, I don't. Thank you again Alfie." She told him.

Alfie - Tournament Seating

Surprised that the little girl he had threatened to kill days before was now hugging him, Alfie hugged her in return. "If you say so. Have a great day, and, uhh, try to let Master Ophelia know she didn't kill me. If she breaks down into tears, just walk away, I guess." With that short request, the wizard let go and jumped gracefully onto a nearby building before leaving the sight of Alicia. The small contraption vanished along with him, starting time once more.
Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica smiled as he mentioned not caring about the colour change. She decided to stick with the blond for now, twirling a finger around a lock of it. She laughed with the threat of no rides, she knew he would always toss her onto his back, it was a faster mode of transport and Kelica held herself so securely on him that he had no need to slow down or be careful. She would always be snuggled on his back. Kelica placed the picnic basket on the table. "Alright, well before we go I'm going to have a shower and get changed..."


Kelica didn't realise just how long she had taken to get ready, finally coming out into the living room with a warm smile.. She had washed and braided her hair down her back in a loose plait, (think Elsa from Frozen), which came to her waist, and was sporting a rather cute little green dress, layered so it blew out gently at her waist. Though even for the pretty green dress, she still wore her leather boots to her knees she pretty much always wore. She did a quick twirl for Chris. "What'da'ya think?"


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WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada: Tournament ring:
Momo was ushered into her ring and waved at Vex as she was. Momoki gave Masaki a apologetic look,"Sorry about Grace. You know. Tournament and all. Plus she thought I still had a crush on you which I did,but I told her I didn't.She didn't listen and wanted to kick my ass,but I would never let that happen and I'll come by you guys after the tournament if I win,or after I kick you ass. Who knows. Oh yeah by the way I gonna kick your ass. Don't be surprised." Momo said. She was joking half the time,but still meant all of it.

Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, Round Two.

After his victory in the previous round, his match against Sabrina, Masaki was quick to make his way to the infirmary after he found out that Grace had in fact lost her match. Her match against Momoki Asada, S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail. Who he was actually going up against in the next round, if that wasn't a coincidence then Masaki didn't know what it was. Staying with Grace for the hours break before the next round, the S-Class mage vowed to Grace that he would beat Momoki. Defeat was not an option, Masaki resolved to come out on top not only for his guild but for Grace too. After a minutes walk from the infirmary and back to the tournament, Masaki was ushered into his designated ring where his opponent stood before him. "Momoki..." He said quietly, a grit in his teeth and the slight clenching of his fists. The red-headed mage knew that this was a tournament, but the thought of Momoki hurting Grace so badly that she was sent to the infirmary just couldn't leave him. And it made him mad. Sighing, Masaki calmed himself down and listened to Momoki speak. A blank and incredibly stern look on his face, matching with the aura of his magic, Masaki was far from happy. It would be safe to say that he was close to losing his shit, something that even Zephyr or even Momoki herself had only ever seen once or twice. "No." He said bluntly, and with a serious tone. "You won't "kick my ass" it will be me that'll kick yours. You hurt Grace, and that is something I won't forgive. Not only does it anger me, but... It upsets me too. " pausing for a moment, he began charging up a significant amount of magical energy in his palms. "Why did they put Grace up against you? Did they just want to see a B-Class getting smacked to the ground? That is NOT on. The fact that you're proud of it is another thing, entirely." After that, Masaki raised his hands as eleven crystal orbs floated in the sky above them both, the twelfth one finding its way into Masaki's hands. "It will be me that kicks your ass!" And it was then that he slammed his hands together, "Crystal Formation: Meteor Shower!" He yelled and then with that, all of the orbs plus the one in his hand rained down towards Momoki at alarming speeds. Glowing a vibrant purple as they did so.

Granted his opponent was an S-Class like himself, Masaki planned to fight like one in this round. He would show everyone what he was capable of, what Sabertooth was capable of. And he would win this match, for the one he loved... For Grace. As the crystal orbs rained down towards Momoki, Masaki hoped that his parents hadn't somehow made their way into the audience, that would've been... Awkward.
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[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint
Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Clair rested the hammer on her shoulder and began to laugh louder and louder until she was forced to wipe the tears from her eyes , she hadn't had that much fun in months ! "Wow you really are good if you weren't dead and used hadn't used dark magic to form your weapons i wouldn't have been walking away with just this cut on my cheek" Clair threw the hammer up into the air and caught it with her left hand "as for war hammers being forbidden i totally agree however this item here is more of an antique or holy weapon in my opinion". Clair sent the weapon back into her pocket dimension with a grin and immediately after she went about collecting unknowns coffin and Shillelagh.While doing this she realized just how big of a mess she and Unknown had made of the Training grounds , Clair had yet to meet the new Guild master but it didn't look as though that was how i would stay.

After a few minutes Clair returned to the crater with Unknowns belongings and placed them down beside him "I'm sure with your skill set you'd be welcome into the guild and even though i won I wouldn't mind bring you along on a mission if you joined".

[QUOTE="Britt-21]Lavender wasnt sure what to think now that she had found out that Mika had been a vampire. All this time he was able to keep himself from biting into her soft velvety skin. It shocked the woman to know this. At least Mika said he would tell her just about everything she wanted to know. Slowly, she nodded "I'll follow." Lavender said as she turned towards Clair and Unkown, watching as the fight began to die down and soon finish "Well that was perfect timing you two. I will be taking my leave, I hope you do not mind."
As Lavender turned towards Mika, it seemed he was climbing into a magic cart with a man sitting on the front. It looked like he was going to lead the way to the location Mika had wanted to go to. 'I am not good with directions so I thought it was better to hire one of these. He told me he knows the fastest way to White Mountains.' well Mika fully confirmed her thoughts. 'Talked to him on my way here, he just went out to get this. Are you coming or not?' the wizard approached the carriage and got on "Of course I am coming. I did say I will be joining did I not?" she asked


Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

"Thanks." Unknown said slightly annoyed as Clair returned his belongings, as Lavender said her goodbyes and went off with the two vampires Unknown spoke "Remind me to never, ever. Let her be referee again. Talk about bias, stopping me from using a war hammer but looks away when you use yours. I don't even think she noticed I am a pile of limbs with a talking head now. And don't give me that it's actually either a "antique" or a "holy weapon". It's still a giant hammer. In fact I am pretty sure if it is a holy weapon, it's a holy hammer which makes it even worse! Your excuse justifies me ever more." he lets out a long sigh. "Whatever, despite your unfair advantage I will admit you probably would have won anyway. I just would have preferred a "fair" fight. But that was because of Lavender who let you do whatever. All-though of course your still to blame slightly for actually doing it. I swear I think she is a lifeist... Putting myself back together is going to be a pain, literally. Uggghh... After I finish that I'll tell that person you mentioned there a "Flat-chested pipsqueak" as per our agreement."

@Britt\-21 ]
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

"Uhhhhh, nice to meet you? I'll just uh, yeah I'll start now..." he trailed off not knowing what to make of the strange woman in front of him. She didn't seem malicious in nature but she did give off a very weird vibe. He'd have to be careful. He opted to go with the basic card throw to initiate the fight. Surely she was bluffing when she said she saw his match...right? She couldn't have watched him if she was having her match at the same time he was an hour ago.

Like usual, the card was razor sharp and would leave moderate cut damage if it hit.

Kim's smile faded, not that the card was a danger to her no. She frowned because she expected more form him. Kimberly brew back the whip, with just a single slash she took the card of its corse and in to the ground. Kim raised her free hand in fornt of her, the purple on her skin gave of an ominous glow.

" Taint swarm" small purple lights appeared around Ren, they wouldnt do any damage but they would drain him of physical strength fast. Of corse that's assuming that he somehow knew how to get rid of them. As she cast the spell Kim sprinted towards Ren, the whip seemed to have a mind of its own at this point. As Kim got closer to him the whip slashed out 3 times in attempt to hit him.
Momoki Asada: Round 2 Tournament matches:

Momo was not awesruck at all. She was actually expecting this,and since she saw Masaki lose his cool this could only mean one thing. She's winning this match. As Masaki was talking on and on Momo couldn't help but laugh for a sec as Masaki was doing it. Masaki made a bunch of orbs and sent them at Momoki. She rolled her eyes,"Drama much. Not even I would do that if you destroyed my boyfriend. But loved the act." Momo was just saying this because it's true. If Masaki's mad she should just run the hell away before he beats the shit out of her,but Momoki knew more about then even Masaki's parents knew. Momo immediatly dropped her bag and threw it against the walls. Momo dodged the crystals with ease and expected another move from Masaki . Masaki was a S class mage and Momo was too. No holding back and don't let Masaki's now ugly as hell face (because he makes faces when he's mad) get the best of her. The quicker she finishes this match the better.

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie - Tournament Seating

Surprised that the little girl he had threatened to kill days before was now hugging him, Alfie hugged her in return. "If you say so. Have a great day, and, uhh, try to let Master Ophelia know she didn't kill me. If she breaks down into tears, just walk away, I guess." With that short request, the wizard let go and jumped gracefully onto a nearby building before leaving the sight of Alicia. The small contraption vanished along with him, starting time once more.

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia waved as Alfie jumped away, "Okay I will! Thanks again!" She called out in reply while waving at him until he dissapeared. She couldn't wait to tell Mizuki the good news, she was no doubt worrying about her or rather what she might do to herself. She hoped not, she really didn't want her to lose due to it. When time started back up again she quickly scanned the stands for where she saw Ophelia. Upon spotting her she quickly shuffled through the crowd to her before coming to a stop beside her. "You're Ophelia, Fairy Tail's master, right?" She asked her, though she knew she was, she just didn't want it to seem weird or anything when she started talking to her at random.

Alfie wanted me to tell you that you didn't kill him, it was just part of his magic and junk apparently. He's perfectly fine, so don't worry." She explained. "Wanna maybe..watch the tournament with me?" She asked. "It's better than watching it alone, after all." She added. Truth be told Alicia was a bit jealous of Ophelia. She wasn't that much older than her and she was so much stronger..a Guild Master no less. Honestly she was curious to learn how she got so strong.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim's smile faded, not that the card was a danger to her no. She frowned because she expected more form him. Kimberly brew back the whip, with just a single slash she took the card of its corse and in to the ground. Kim raised her free hand in fornt of her, the purple on her skin gave of an ominous glow.
" Taint swarm" small purple lights appeared around Ren, they wouldnt do any damage but they would drain him of physical strength fast. Of corse that's assuming that he somehow knew how to get rid of them. As she cast the spell Kim sprinted towards Ren, the whip seemed to have a mind of its own at this point. As Kim got closer to him the whip slashed out 3 times in attempt to hit him.
Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren was surprised that Kim actually put the card off course. Well, that plan wasn't going to work. She then casted a strange spell that had strange little purple lights surround him. He couldn't grasp what their actual purpose was yet but it was easy to assume that staying near him was a bad idea. Unfortunately before he could make his getaway Kim had rushed at him with her whip and his reflexes were good enough to dodge the first 2 slashes but the third hit him at his waist. He winced in pain but it wasn't anything serious so he continued backing off away from Kim and the lights. Once he had managed to create a good amount of distance, Ren took out his wand and began drawing a sigil midair in front of him as he continued to run away. The magically drawn lines followed him as he moved. If he could buy enough time, he'd be able to hit Kim with something a little harder to dodge. What he had to focus on right now was keeping his distance.
Chris Lengheart(About to give Kelica the ride of a lifetime)

Chris had to wait a literal HOUR before Kelica was ready. By the time she had finally came into the living room, Chris was almost about to fall asleep. When she asked bout how she looked, Chris looked her up and down before simply replying,"Perfect." and planting a quick kiss on Kelica. He then turned around and opened the door,"So...any requests?" Chris said as he turned his head to look at Kelica with a short grin.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia waved as Alfie jumped away, "Okay I will! Thanks again!" She called out in reply while waving at him until he dissapeared. She couldn't wait to tell Mizuki the good news, she was no doubt worrying about her or rather what she might do to herself. She hoped not, she really didn't want her to lose due to it. When time started back up again she quickly scanned the stands for where she saw Ophelia. Upon spotting her she quickly shuffled through the crowd to her before coming to a stop beside her. "You're Ophelia, Fairy Tail's master, right?" She asked her, though she knew she was, she just didn't want it to seem weird or anything when she started talking to her at random.

Alfie wanted me to tell you that you didn't kill him, it was just part of his magic and junk apparently. He's perfectly fine, so don't worry." She explained. "Wanna maybe..watch the tournament with me?" She asked. "It's better than watching it alone, after all." She added. Truth be told Alicia was a bit jealous of Ophelia. She wasn't that much older than her and she was so much stronger..a Guild Master no less. Honestly she was curious to learn how she got so strong.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Ophelia's head was facing down at her hands, her whole body quivering. Clearly, she wasn't used to people dying like this. Wasn't Fairy Tail all fun and games? Not a single Guild Master before her had accidentally killed someone, and now its reputation was gone. She was about to burst into a despair filled scream until a little girl came along and told her it was a part of Alfie's magic to get ripped apart the way he did. When she looked up, she found that not a single bit of Alfie's body was anywhere. Had he... escaped? Reformed and just left?

The Guild Master slowly stood up, her head facing the floor once again. However, the tears coming from her face floated downward and just evaporated. Ophelia looked up at Alicia with a smile. Now she had someone to relate to. A little girl just like her who might even be able to use magic.
"Sounds fun!"

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Ophelia's head was facing down at her hands, her whole body quivering. Clearly, she wasn't used to people dying like this. Wasn't Fairy Tail all fun and games? Not a single Guild Master before her had accidentally killed someone, and now its reputation was gone. She was about to burst into a despair filled scream until a little girl came along and told her it was a part of Alfie's magic to get ripped apart the way he did. When she looked up, she found that not a single bit of Alfie's body was anywhere. Had he... escaped? Reformed and just left?

The Guild Master slowly stood up, her head facing the floor once again. However, the tears coming from her face floated downward and just evaporated. Ophelia looked up at Alicia with a smile. Now she had someone to relate to. A little girl just like her who might even be able to use magic.
"Sounds fun!"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia smiled back and sat down beside her. "
Awesome! I'm Alicia from Sabertooth by the way." She replied. It was kinda neat really, a Guild Master was just casually talking to her. Sure, Gilad talked to her some. But that was different, Gilad was kinda obligated to talk to his guild members at-least a little bit. She guessed Ophelia was like Cece wherein she was laid back and junk, which Alicia liked. She liked Gilad but he could be a bit uptight most of the time in her opinion.

So, you use water magic uh?" She asked her. "That's pretty neat! I use magic beads myself, lightning and fire." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Stands
Alicia smiled back and sat down beside her. "
Awesome! I'm Alicia from Sabertooth by the way." She replied. It was kinda neat really, a Guild Master was just casually talking to her. Sure, Gilad talked to her some. But that was different, Gilad was kinda obligated to talk to his guild members at-least a little bit. She guessed Ophelia was like Cece wherein she was laid back and junk, which Alicia liked. She liked Gilad but he could be a bit uptight most of the time in her opinion.

So, you use water magic uh?" She asked her. "That's pretty neat! I use magic beads myself, lightning and fire." She added.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

It didn't make all that much sense as to how someone from another guild got to talk to her, but weirder things have happened. "Alicia? That's a pretty name!" Why couldn't I have been named Alicia? Ophelia might have been a little jealous of the girl, but she wouldn't make a fuss over it. "My name is-- well, I'm sure Alfie pretty much told you who I am, so yeah. But fire and lightning is a pretty cool combination! A lot more interesting than just water, to be honest. I don't suppose you can show me what a Sabertooth member is capable of after the tournament?"
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren was surpr ised that Kim actually put the card off course. Well, that plan wasn't going to work. She then casted a strange spell that had strange little purple lights surround him. He couldn't grasp what their actual purpose was yet but it was easy to assume that staying near him was a bad idea. Unfortunately before he could make his getaway Kim had rushed at him with her whip and his reflexes were good enough to dodge the first 2 slashes but the third hit him at his waist. He winced in pain but it wasn't anything serious so he continued backing off away from Kim and the lights. Once he had managed to create a good amount of distance, Ren took out his wand and began drawing a sigil midair in front of him as he continued to run away. The magically drawn lines followed him as he moved. If he could buy enough time, he'd be able to hit Kim with something a little harder to dodge. What he had to focus on right now was keeping his distance.
Kim's smile returned, Ren was drawing a sigil in the air with his wand. She let the whip go, as it fell it turned into purple glowing butterflies. " Taint infusion." The amethyst colored butterflies zoomed at Ren, each attached to the wand covering the object with purple taint, unfortunately the spell didnt hold due to the wand actually have magic imbued in it. Kim made a circle motion with her two index fingers. "Flux Barrier." A magic circle appeared where he stepped, before he could react the barrier sprung up and trapped him. The small lights passed through the defensive wall and started to drain the strength out his body.

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Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica beemed as he mentioned she was perfect, that was a much better response then before. The kiss made her twist a foot and look downward cutely, while she edged towards the kitchen bench and slung the picnic bag over her arm. She wished that red blush would escape her cheeks, but it seemed perminately stuck there. "Any requests?" She said with a puzzled look. What in the world did he mean by that? Kelica was never the brightest or sharpest tool in the shed.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

It didn't make all that much sense as to how someone from another guild got to talk to her, but weirder things have happened. "Alicia? That's a pretty name!" Why couldn't I have been named Alicia? Ophelia might have been a little jealous of the girl, but she wouldn't make a fuss over it. "My name is-- well, I'm sure Alfie pretty much told you who I am, so yeah. But fire and lightning is a pretty cool combination! A lot more interesting than just water, to be honest. I don't suppose you can show me what a Sabertooth member is capable of after the tournament?"

Alicia: Tournament Stands

Alicia grinned, "Really? I like your name too. Ophelia, it sounds nice. I don't think my magic is entirely too special though, I can't really use both types at once. I can't form neat stuff out of it like you did when you exploded Alfie either." She replied. "I'm actually in the tournament, though the guy I was supposed to fight this round dropped out..Soo yeah. But I'd be happy to spar you later too if that's what you meant." She added excitedly. Of course, she didn't stand a chance against a Guild Master, but a sparring match for fun would be nice. Maybe she could even become friends with Ophelia, that'd be even cooler. After all it wouldn't be everyday that a member of Sabertooth became friends with Fairy Tail's Master.

Gilad might get mad at her...but it'd be a risk well worth it in Alicia's opinion. She doubted he'd do anything drastic anyway. "
So, how did you get to become Fairy Tail's Master? Are you like...super strong? Ooh, did you have a brawl with potentional candidates and win? Or were you all cool and like 'I'm the next Master wether you like it or not!'?" She asked her excitedly, curious to learn more about her now that she had the chance.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim's smile returned, Ren was drawing a sigil in the air with his wand. She let the whip go, as it fell it turned into purple glowing butterflies. " Taint infusion." The amethyst colored butterflies zoomed at Ren, each attached to the wand covering the object with purple taint, unfortunately the spell didnt hold due to the wand actually have magic imbued in it. Kim made a circle motion with her two index fingers. "Flux Barrier." A magic circle appeared where he stepped, before he could react the barrier sprung up and trapped him. The small lights passed through the defensive wall and started to drain the strength out his body.
Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren was confused when the purple butterflies attached to his wand but then just faded away but he didn't have time to dwell on it as he was trapped in a barrier and the lights were able to catch up to him. This time he could feel it. his magical energy was being sappe dout of his body. It was then he realized that these were anti magic particles, or flux to be exact. He had read about it in a book at some point when he was studying. If that was the case then he could get rid of the annoying lights by canceling them out with magic of his own. He stopped drawing the sigil for a moment to pull out one of his enchanted cards. Instead of throwing it like he normally would, he used it as a blade to slash at the lights in hopes of destroying them. If he got rid of them then he'd have much more room to think about how to deal with the unusual woman that was his opponent. Well, after he escaped the barrier she trapped him in but one problem at a time!
Chris Lengheart(About to go out for a nice picnic)

Chris stared at Kelica as it seemed that she didn't get what he asked. He suddenly took over his Taurus form as he got down on all fours,"Well, since it took you too long I just went ahead and chose for you. Come on, let's get going." it was still something to behold to see such a massive creature on all fours. The bull man hooked a horn around Kelica's leg and tossed her onto his back much like his Draco form would. He carefully stepped outside and looked back at Kelica,"Ready to get going?"

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament StandsAlicia grinned, "Really? I like your name too. Ophelia, it sounds nice. I don't think my magic is entirely too special though, I can't really use both types at once. I can't form neat stuff out of it like you did when you exploded Alfie either." She replied. "I'm actually in the tournament, though the guy I was supposed to fight this round dropped out..Soo yeah. But I'd be happy to spar you later too if that's what you meant." She added excitedly. Of course, she didn't stand a chance against a Guild Master, but a sparring match for fun would be nice. Maybe she could even become friends with Ophelia, that'd be even cooler. After all it wouldn't be everyday that a member of Sabertooth became friends with Fairy Tail's Master.

Gilad might get mad at her...but it'd be a risk well worth it in Alicia's opinion. She doubted he'd do anything drastic anyway. "
So, how did you get to become Fairy Tail's Master? Are you like...super strong? Ooh, did you have a brawl with potentional candidates and win? Or were you all cool and like 'I'm the next Master wether you like it or not!'?" She asked her excitedly, curious to learn more about her now that she had the chance.

Ophelia - Tournament Stands

Alicia thought her name was pretty...? If only she knew the meaning behind it. Ophelia decided not to dwell on names but on other things, like magic and sparring. "Maybe if you train with Gilad enough, he can teach you how to use both of your beads at once. Even if I can make things with it, water still isn't that special. And yeah, I saw you fight Alfie... that fireball you shot was really strong. I'm surprised it didn't kill him. I think it has something to do with his magic, like how he didn't die when I blew him into pieces. But, y'know, something that strong is good for a mage. I'm glad you can spar with me, because I really wanna see what you have in store." Ophelia herself knew she'd obliterate Alicia if they were going all out, but spars weren't like that. It would just be a friendly match between two little girls. But what about Gilad? How would he feel about that?

And when asked how she became a Guild Master, the girl couldn't quite explain it. How
did she obtain such a high rank so soon? "I dunno, really. I guess it has something to do with Cece's death. Maybe I was just the strongest and they chose me? Or maybe they wanted to keep the record Cece started with little girls being Guild Masters?"
Kelica - Chris House then Streets of Magnolia

Kelica gaped as he transformed into the minotaur, not saying a single word this time just avoiding looking at him at all costs. So when he hooked a horn around her leg and threw her behind him, she squeeled loudly, the picnic basket going flying into the air. She settled her thighs strongly around his waist, before hands spread wide to catch the picnic basket which was falling down to them now. Luckily, she did indeed catch it, slinging it over an arm again before her spare hand twirled into the fur at the scruff of his neck. "You wanna watch the catapults while I have food to hold onto?" Eye twitching dangerously


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