Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

All of his doubt was lost in the limbo. Mika's mind was filled with a weird temptation of making fun of what is front of him. A cute little girl that has the power to control magic in its strongest form and to get a rowdy guild in line.

He stared blankly at Ophelia while blinking intensely, the disbelief was evident on his gaze. The cuteness from her words to how she said it was too much for Mikael, he couldn't do anything but to break out into a big grin. He raised his hand and slowly placed it over Ophelia's head. He started to gently pat it. "Cute. Cute. Cute."he uttered repeatedly while patting her head with a big grin on his face.

Like popping a bubble over his head, Mikael recovered from the bliss he was just in. "Pardon my rudeness, you're just overly cute."he said without a trace of regret on him. "Oh yeah, here's what I wanted to say." Mikael took out the small sheet of paper and showed it to her.

It was an ad for a job request. The job itself was rated an A class job. The paper read:

We need several teeth of the Wyverns from the white Moutain.

Reward : 150,000 joules

Counting on you.

"I would like to be a part of your congregation."his voice was serious and all the playful stares were now gone. Replaced by dedicated and motivated look on his face.
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Well, if you've studied them for as long as I have then it just becomes easy i guess. Speaking of that, what kind of magic do you use? I've been wondering." he asked curiously. He thought it was a bit strange that Conway got into the bed with him. Wait, that sounded really weird out of context! Ren shook his head to clear his mind of such thoughts and focused his attention on the sailor.
"I don't think I'll ever get good wit' my magic, even if I do it tha rest o' my life. It ain't all that cool, really. I just do stuff wit' my aura is all." As he extended his hand, a gentle blue glow emanated from it. A nearby vase suddenly shared this same glow before lifting itself into the air and floating over onto Conway's lap. "I mean, I can do a lot more stuff wit' it, but nothin' too special." With a grin, he looked up at Ren's face. "Nothin like yours."
purplepanda288 said:
" They sound like some one that I know and I have a feeling that they might just be here with us ." Kim looked to the side, and eyed down what looked like thin air. A loud giggle was herd above the crowds cheer. The air next Kim seamed to shimmer for a few seconds until, you guessed it, mother appeared. Her long purple hair draping back on to her shoulders. She seemed to be floating while seated,something that seemed only a playful God would do infront of their followers. " Sorry dear I simply couldn't resist seeing you and you're little friends play around." Mother clapped her hands excitedly, she had what looked like small stars in her eyes.
From the L.V(( I'm to lazy to type in the full name)) Aiden was herd to be opening the gate of time.
" proud of that boy, he's learned a very powerful spell." Mother looked at the group of three mages, one of them was weak but had potential to be a major threat to every one. Another that she couldn't read. And her dear kim, the one she had carful brought up since she was in her mothers womb. Ah the memories that she had of making the flux born a reality.

She spoke once again, just to clear up any confusion they had.
" Oh how rude of me, I am Kims mother. Nice to see you Ryu, Eias. Anyway, I guess I must explain what Aiden is doing with that gate of time. That gate can move time extremely fast or extremely slow for the one that opened it. And in this case Aiden sped up time so he can recover magic in there. Amazing isn't it?


Eais Baole - seating area

Eias followed Kim's eyes as they rested on waving air. Then out of no where, Mother appeared. She was the same person before that greeted Kim and herself just a while before. She waved shyly at her. Eias didn't realize that Kim was so close to family. It made her a little homesick thinking about it.

As Mother scanned the group, her expression changed with each person. Eias donned a nervous face. What was she thinking while looking at them? She probably wouldn't say.

She turned to the L.V. to view Aiden in his fight again. He must be super powerful to gain this much attention from the two. Hearing the spell explained just proved that he was. Eias couldn't help but be a little jealous. She wanted to make her family proud. They encouraged her to get better at her music AND magic. That is just what she is going to do. She had a determined face now. A goal to prove she would be stronger. She would beat one of these people in a match some day. A friendly match with no i'll intent. Just a match to prove how much she would grow over time.
Valken - Infirmary

It took everything Valken had not to stab her straight in the chest then and there, though as she gestured to Millie across the room, he took a side long look to see for himself. She looked dazed, but she was standing still. Valken was torn for a moment, and in that instance while his rage subsided, his brain went into overdrive. His hold lessened before letting her go and placing her on her feet. What was happening to him? He was always so overly cautious, over thinking every aspect of life, but when Millie was involved or his Guild Mates, he completely lost it. He would have killed her without a second thought, without knowing all the facts. This was more then a little disturbing and it showed on his face.

He took another big, shaky breath to get his mind to maximum. He stepped away from Sera. "I...didn't know you could control it...." He struggled with words for a moment. How would it looked if an S-Class from Lamia Scale had murdered an S-Class from Fairytail in cold blood. Ruine the reputation of Lamia Scale, turn it into a Dark Guild, put Lloyd in trouble from the Magical Council, hell it could have started a civil war between guilds, at the exact moment they needed to be together because of Lucian Grey's evil master plan. "If you want to kill yourself that is your provocative, but I won't have a part in it. But it is worth mentioning, as S-Class wizards, we have to put our Guilds before ourselves. This includes me as well....I thought you had killed my guild mate. Even though they may hate us, push us away or reject us, we have to protect them. Our Guild Masters can not be everywhere at once. It is our duty. But ah... thank you...for helping Millie...I...guess?" Raising an eyebrow. He still didn't understand her powers. He slotted his dagger back into his belt holder, before turning and grasping Millie's hand, practically dragging her out of the room. He had some work to do, and needed to take Millie somewhere safe before he could do it. On the hunt for Maya.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
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rbshinichi said:
All of his doubt was lost in the limbo. Mika's mind was filled with a weird temptation of making fun of what is front of him. A cute little girl that has the power to control magic in its strongest form and to get a rowdy guild in line.
He stared blankly at Ophelia while blinking intensely, the disbelief was evident on his gaze. The cuteness from her words to how she said it was too much for Mikael, he couldn't do anything but to break out into a big grin. He raised his hand and slowly placed it over Ophelia's head. He started to gently pat it. "Cute. Cute. Cute."he uttered repeatedly while patting her head with a big grin on his face.

Like popping a bubble over his head, Mikael recovered from the bliss he was just in. "Pardon my rudeness, you're just overly cute."he said without a trace of regret on him. "Oh yeah, here's what I wanted to say." Mikael took out the small sheet of paper and showed it to her.

It was an ad for a job request. The job itself was rated an A class job. The paper read:

We need several teeth of the Wyverns from the white Moutain.

Reward : 150,000 joules

Counting on you.

"I would like to be a part of your congregation."his voice was serious and all the playful stares were now gone. Replaced by dedicated and motivated look on his face.
Ophelia Kaiser - Arena Seating

It took all of Ophelia's might, all of her willpower not to stab this man as he patted her head, repeating the word "Cute". A few drops of water even formed around the Guild Master as she quivered in anger, her smiling face twitching. He must have been mad to do something like that. No sane person would walk up to someone of such a rank and call them cute. Satisfied with this thought, she released her anger in a sigh.

Now he was holding a paper in front of her, asking to be a part of Fairy Tail. It was a rather big quest, and what he wanted to do was an even bigger request. Did Cece or any of the previous Guild Masters just let people in all willy nilly? Probably not, right? And now was the worst time to be letting people in. With Lucian's disappearance and Cece's murder, she had to be careful with who joined without letting anyone know there was danger. She pushed the paper away before looking back up at him.
"As much as I'd like to," she lied, "We can't just let people in. We need either suggestions from other guild members saying they want you to join, or we need to put you through a test. But now isn't the time to do that."
Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica yipped and yanked back her hand as he snatched at the sandwich, looking down to him in a disapproving manner. "Bad Chris! No snatching!" She still glared at him even as she finished the last of her sandwich. And then the man decided he'd changed and change again, making her slightly dizzy as she was still clung to him like a back pack. "Chris really...I just ate...stop the rollercoaster..." This was his tallest form however and cause her to have to practically haul herself over his shouler as her back and neck were brushing the ceiling. "And is the sexy bull man really an indoor form?"

She tensed and blushed furiously as she realised she'd call him sexy...again. What was with that silly cow and making her blush like a school girl. Glancing away for added lack of material for him to make fun of her. So the girl liked muscles!! Chris AND all his forms pretty much took first place in Fairytail or any other guild for that matter. She buried her face then into his shoulder to will away the naughty naughty thoughts, though her thighs tightened around his waist. For...added balance. Yeap.

But now isn't the time to do that.

His whole rejection was based on that fact. It wasn't time for him to join. He could ask Lavender to vouch on his behalf but the master could argue it isn't the time for that. He's confident that he could do well on a test of his skill and magic affinity but again, he could be turned down for the timing.

And there's only one thing left for him to do. Make it the time for him to join the guild. The job he took was a rather peculiar task and he chose it for a reason. He knew what the job was, and he knew who it was from. And this information could be vital for his case.

A few days before he got to Fiore ---

As Mikael wanders to the low lands he stumbled upon a village. It was an old village just beneath the foot of a mountain range. The land was vast, the field was filled with crops and tall grasses but the soil itself was dry. It was a fine day to work on them but not a single soul is to be seen. He walked further into the place and found himself into a group of houses made of palm and wood. He can see through the doors what pitiful state of life people are in. They appear to be struck by an epidemia of some sort , he thought.

Mikael saw a girl who appears to be 6-7 years of human age. She was sitting on the front porch of their house looking up the sky, it's as if she was looking for something and she does that despite of the blazing sun. It was hot and the magical robe barely keeps Mikael conscious. "Hey there. What are you doing there?" he said gently to the girl. The girl didn't seem to hear him and he sat beside her. She was wearing a one piece dressed as old as a rag could be. "What are you looking at?" Mikael asked softly. "My father and mother." she answered.

His brows came together and formed a furrow in the middle of his forehead, he felt a bit confused of what the girl just said. "Why would they be up there? Do they fly or something?" he asked. "My grandpa said, they are now in heaven. Heaven is up above right? He said they're looking down at me." Mikael realized what happened to the poor girl. "I don't quite get it. How could they be up there when they're sleeping inside for days." she gestured towards the open door which lead to their small house.

Mikael slowly stood up and went inside the house. He took his hood off and placed his right hand on his chest. Two bodies, a female and a male laid there, stiff and lifeless. The body started to decompose as flies hover from over them. A coarse and rough voice crept from his back, "They were just dead a couple of days ago. But they looked like that even when they were fighting for their last breath." He was an old man, carrying a large hunch on his back, a staff on one hand and a long greyed hair on his head.

"What happened to them?" Mikael asked the old man.

"Disease. Not just them, the entire village suffers from it. And a couple more days, we too shall perish. That poor girl. She would better off be dead." they both looked at the girl who was still attentively looking up at the sky.

"The disease infects a human by an insect bite, the wound will grow and scatter all over the body and starts to eat away the flesh of the infected. "

"That's horrible, have you tried medicine? Healing magic?"

"Magic doesn't do a thing aside from slowing down the growth of the wound. The only medicine that seems to control it is the marrow inside a Wyvern's tooth. But here." the old man produced a small vial with a few dirt inside. "This is the only we have left. We have saved a few people, kids, but those two there, they chose to help the young'uns instead of themselves. As you can see no one here is capable of extracting a tooth from a live Wyvern. "

Mikael looked at the girl he sat down beside her again and wrapped his hands around her. The girl felt the warmth of affection from Mikael's cold body. Tears started to roll from her eyes. "Mama...Papa..." somehow he knew she understood.

"We sent out requests for guilds to help us, but since we have nothing to offer no one seems to be interested."

"Time you say? Time is something these people doesn't have! This request sits on that board for who knows how long and no one seems to care." he waved the piece of paper in front of her. "People's lives are at stake here and it does not seem to matter to all of you. They sent this request as a last resort for their battle between life and death." His eyes started to turn red, his fangs slowly tried to emerge. He torn the paper in half "What good of a guild are you if you can't even see the importance of a single job. Be it with a guild or not, I am doing this task even if it's the last thing I do." Mikael said before he turned his back to Ophelia.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
Ophelia Kaiser - Arena Seating
It took all of Ophelia's might, all of her willpower not to stab this man as he patted her head, repeating the word "Cute". A few drops of water even formed around the Guild Master as she quivered in anger, her smiling face twitching. He must have been mad to do something like that. No sane person would walk up to someone of such a rank and call them cute. Satisfied with this thought, she released her anger in a sigh.

Now he was holding a paper in front of her, asking to be a part of Fairy Tail. It was a rather big quest, and what he wanted to do was an even bigger request. Did Cece or any of the previous Guild Masters just let people in all willy nilly? Probably not, right? And now was the worst time to be letting people in. With Lucian's disappearance and Cece's murder, she had to be careful with who joined without letting anyone know there was danger. She pushed the paper away before looking back up at him.
"As much as I'd like to," she lied, "We can't just let people in. We need either suggestions from other guild members saying they want you to join, or we need to put you through a test. But now isn't the time to do that."

Chris Lengheart(House)

"How did you know? Also, I think this is about the tenth time you've called me sexy." Chris said as he tried to bring himself down to keep Kelica from smashing through the roof. Eventually, the massive bull man was on all fours. But for whatever reason, it seemed almost natural for Chris to be in this state, the way his hooves bent and his hands acting like a second set of them, it looked like Chris could actually run like this. The truth was, the minotaur Chris fought was able to run on all fours. How did Chris know? Let's just say that he had to learn how to ride a bucking bull quick.

Kelica - Chris's House

Kelica clung more desperately as he started to lower down till eventually he was down on all fours. "So what if I did! A girl has eye balls! You expect me to not look at...that!" Gesturing to, well, all of him. Seriously! Did he really not understand girls at all? Well that was an overstatement. All girls like different things in people, some like shy guys, some like awkard guys, some liked mystery men or 'bad boys', some even liked girls. She didn't know what others liked, but she liked em' big and strong. I mean there where feelings there as well, but it didn't hurt to melt at the sight of someone when you spent all your time together. Which brought her to her next question. "Well, do you think I'm sexy?" Watching him carefully. It was what was known as a trick question, and with woman if he answered wrong he would be sent to the dog house. Literally.

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Zuka said:
Valken - Infirmary

It took everything Valken had not to stab her straight in the chest then and there, though as she gestured to Millie across the room, he took a side long look to see for himself. She looked dazed, but she was standing still. Valken was torn for a moment, and in that instance while his rage subsided, his brain went into overdrive. His hold lessened before letting her go and placing her on her feet. What was happening to him? He was always so overly cautious, over thinking every aspect of life, but when Millie was involved or his Guild Mates, he completely lost it. He would have killed her without a second thought, without knowing all the facts. This was more then a little disturbing and it showed on his face.

He took another big, shaky breath to get his mind to maximum. He stepped away from Sera. "I...didn't know you could control it...." He struggled with words for a moment. How would it looked if an S-Class from Lamia Scale had murdered an S-Class from Fairytail in cold blood. Ruine the reputation of Lamia Scale, turn it into a Dark Guild, put Lloyd in trouble from the Magical Council, hell it could have started a civil war between guilds, at the exact moment they needed to be together because of Lucian Grey's evil master plan. "If you want to kill yourself that is your provocative, but I won't have a part in it. But it is worth mentioning, as S-Class wizards, we have to put our Guilds before ourselves. This includes me as well....I thought you had killed my guild mate. Even though they may hate us, push us away or reject us, we have to protect them. Our Guild Masters can not be everywhere at once. It is our duty. But ah... thank you...for helping Millie...I...guess?" Raising an eyebrow. He still didn't understand her powers. He slotted his dagger back into his belt holder, before turning and grasping Millie's hand, practically dragging her out of the room. He had some work to do, and needed to take Millie somewhere safe before he could do it. On the hunt for Maya.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @anyone

Sera: Infirmary > Magnolia Streets

When she was sat down and death didn't come she just sank down and sat on floor, her head still bowed and looking at the floor, her wings laying against her shoulders loosely. She guessed she wasn't even worth killing and that's why he didn't follow through with it. He soon started speaking to her, which she only half listened to. He had a point, she guessed. Even if they didn't truely like her she still cared for all of her guild mates and still felt protective over them. A small smile formed on her face, his words helping her more than he could probably ever realize.

She'd been thinking about things all wrong, not everyone hated her. Even if they did it was part of her job as a S-Class to protect them when they needed it. She stood and walked over to the wall her scythe was resting on before grabbing it. After that she quickly caught up to Valken and gave him a small and brief hug, "Thanks.." she told him before walking off just as quickly as she'd arrived. She felt better than she had in quite a long time, even if the world viewed her as a freak she wouldn't be letting it get her down anymore.

Walking outside of the stuffy infirmary she sighed before slowly making her way towards her apartment, no way in hell she was carrying this scythe around by hand all day after all.
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

As he saw Clair's katana he thought about how he should counter. It didn't take long. As Clair dashed Unknown reached behind himself, under his cloak. Summoning a shillelagh into his hand, in order to trick her into believing that he had it all along. He held either side and as she slashed he blocked with the center of the stick again and again. Until he let go with his left hand using what looked like the handle to what appeared to be a walking stick to hook onto her blade. Pulling it away from them leaving her open. Quickly he attempted to jab his weapon into her gut. Dispite looking like a walking stick it would have quite the punch and very durable.


Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Clair watched carefully as the man pulled out his shillelagh and blocked her attacks with it , he was quite resourceful which was a good indicator that this match was going to be fun. Clair couldn't help but smile when the man disarmed her because it was the last thing she had expected him to do in that situation with the weapon he had. However his follow up move could be easily predicted and so clair reequipped into her battle armour and all that came of his attack was a dull ping.Clair had also reequipped her battle armour set's sword having made her katana vanish as she did so , she brought the large sword down on the shillelagh cutting it in two "you really are something , you know that. Where did you get such a weapon ?"

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]
"I don't think I'll ever get good wit' my magic, even if I do it tha rest o' my life. It ain't all that cool, really. I just do stuff wit' my aura is all." As he extended his hand, a gentle blue glow emanated from it. A nearby vase suddenly shared this same glow before lifting itself into the air and floating over onto Conway's lap. "I mean, I can do a lot more stuff wit' it, but nothin' too special." With a grin, he looked up at Ren's face. "Nothin like yours."

"There's no such thing as magic that can't be powerful. If you just keep working at it then you'll be sure to master it and use it like no one else can. My Sigils can do some pretty neat stuff but they have limitations just like everyone else's magic. Do you know how long it would take me to draw a powerful Sigil in the middle of a battle? Well, I wouldn't be alive for long, that's for sure. The way I compensate for that weakness is by using strategy and preparation." Ren explained encouragingly. He'd never seen a type magic like Conway's so Ren was interested in experimenting with its potential.

"Don't forget that you'll have allies to help you out as well. When you're part of a guild, that tends to be the case. So, if you and I were fighting together then I could help you out by...hmmm. Oh! Just a moment. "the boy said as he took out his wand and began drawing a Sigil in the air in front of them. Once it was done, he moved to open the window in front of the Sigil and stood to the side.

"Try shooting something through the sigil." he said, gesturing towards the symbol in front of Conway. If his assumption that Conway's projectile wasn't anything amazing was correct, then it would fly safely out the open window even if though it would be powered up by his Sigil.
Lysander - Streets of Magnolia

Lysander instinctively wrapped his own arms around Sora the moment he felt her arms around him. He pulled her close, both hands gentle, resting on her back, his nose almost in her hair. He could not quite tell if the physical contact was meant to comfort her or himself, possibly both, and he welcomed it. It felt good, comforting, loving, to be held like that by someone he cared dearly for. His guns crashed to the ground between them and he had to bite back a wince. Inwardly, he apologized to his precious guns, but he truly did not want to spoil the moment that he and Sora were both sharing. Besides, his guns had been through worse; a fall from chest height was nothing for them. He felt a gentle pull on his hair, and that also brought him immeasurable comfort.

This time, he managed to meet her eyes as she pulled back slightly to look up into his face. Her words were like a balm to his wounds. Together, they could move on. Together, they could get stronger. Together, they would go through life's twists and turns. Together. And suddenly life did not seem so lonely. He had always wanted someone to share his life with, and now... here she was, in his arms. His breath caught in his throat. He felt truly lucky, as he gazed down at Sora, once again a faint blush blooming on his cheeks, a shy smile drifting to his face. "Together," he echoed aloud. "I... I would love that, very much. To have you in my life... as my strength and motivation... and to be yours in turn. That... would be an immense honour for me."

Lysander had not been expecting the kiss, however. As he felt her arms disengage from his frame, he felt a brief flash of disappointment, only to have that wiped away as she rested her hands on his cheeks. His arms still remained around her frame though. It just felt... wrong, to remove them, so comfortable he felt, with her in his arms. He felt his head being pulled downwards and he chose not to fight against that, though he was quite stunned when he felt her lips press against his cheek in a gentle kiss. His entire face turned red then, much to his embarrassment. He had never been kissed like that by anyone outside his family. One again, his breath caught, and his eyes went quite wide as he gazed down at her again, rather stunned, yet pleasantly so, going by the shy upturn of his lips. Suddenly, he wondered what would happen if he were to reciprocate that, but on her lips this time. It seemed far too early to be moving that fast and he did not want to unintentionally push her away after everything that had just happened. Perhaps... later.

"That... that would be great," he said, a more boyish grin appearing on his face at the mention of milkshakes. Come to think of it, he was quite thirsty; hungry as well.

It was then that he felt a hand on his shoulder that seemed too big to be Sora's. He turned his head and found Maya there, smiling down at them. The peaceful look on his face was replaced by a crestfallen one as her words reminded him of the duel that he had just lost. It was a good thing Lloyd had not been there to see him shame himself in front of everyone. If he had, he did not think he could look his Guild Master in the eye for a long time after. This shame and humiliation, however, he would store as a reminder and a motivation that he would get stronger, no matter what, for both Sora and himself, his Guild and his family name. He would remember this, and turn it into a motivating force and a victory. "Thank you," he said quietly to Maya, steely determination undercurrent in his voice. "I'll... I'll do better next time."

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari

Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

As she split his weapon in two a small burst of energy was released as the artificial soul within it was destroyed. Unknown chuckled at Clair's comment, "And your easily impressed. Have you never seen a walking stick before, or a stick in general for that matter?" chuckling again, he then sighed, "You and your friends sure like to destroy other people's possessions." tossing the half of the Shillelagh in his hand away. What now, he thought to himself. She is slow and armored currently, but all armors have there weak points. Perhaps speed is the best solution here, he reaches under his cloak similarly to before and summons and pulls out a rapier this time. Jumping back to get a bit of distance between them, ironically taking the defensive. He took a readied position and cautiously awaiting her next attack.

Chris Lengheart(About to be led to doghouse)

Chris bit his tongue as Kelica asked if he thought she was sexy. Luckily, Kelica wouldn't be able to see his bright red blush under his dark fur. What was he going to say? The big bull only held his breath as he spoke, "Well...'sexy' isn't the word I'd use. I think of you as beautiful or pretty." Chris said as he lowered his head down. At least if Kelica were to try to pull his ears or horns he'd be fine.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Clair laughed of course she had seen a walking stick before however she had never seen one used in such a way. When he stated that she herself and her friends enjoyed destroying other peoples possessions she simply relied "I thought you said it was just a stick".Clair watched the man call forth a rapier and jump back clearly trying to use speed against her current set of armour , of course Clair could just switch out her armour to counter this but that wouldn't be any fun now would it. Clair began to walk casually towards the man with a grin in the hoping her actions would coax him into an offense.

@Britt-21 @Unknown Falling
purplepanda288 said:
Another magic change, this time God slayer magic. Aiden immediately jumped to the side. He held out his hands and poured a large amount of magic into this spell. " lost magic! Open malevolent Gate of time! " now after three years he was able to open this gate. The gate of time, a gate that can let the caster into the celestial spirit world. Once Aiden opened the gate he completely disappeared.
Shen and long had jumped to the oppeset side of the air flow. Long took this opportunity to attack, his hands were interlocked with each other.
" Inferno." Fire speared around the two spirit and the opponent. Even of there was flowing oxygen into the room. The smoke from the fire would cause human lungs to reject the air around them.
Man, these guys were good at dodging. Adrian couldn't even get a hit on them! But that smoke, magical in nature, would likely do a bit more damage than ordinary smoke. Frankly, he didn't want to find out what it would do. He decided to try his previous Arcane Barrier trick. He surrounded himself in Arcane Armor and a personal Arcane Barrier to protect against the flames, and before it reached him he created four Arcane Barriers one after the other between him and the flames, and moved them forward in an attempt to push his opponents and the attack out of the arena.

Behind his many layers of defense, Adrian said to the two sprits casually, "You know, Aiden left the arena for the Celestial Spirit World. You two might be contracted with him, but you're not actually my registered opponent, so I'm 90% sure he's basically forfeit at this point. Call me crazy, but I'm reasonably sure that you can't just leave for another plane of existence and still count as being in the ring. Are you even sure that your team hasn't lost by default?"
Genon said:
Man, these guys were good at dodging. Adrian couldn't even get a hit on them! But that smoke, magical in nature, would likely do a bit more damage than ordinary smoke. Frankly, he didn't want to find out what it would do. He decided to try his previous Arcane Barrier trick. He surrounded himself in Arcane Armor and a personal Arcane Barrier to protect against the flames, and before it reached him he created four Arcane Barriers one after the other between him and the flames, and moved them forward in an attempt to push his opponents and the attack out of the arena.
Behind his many layers of defense, Adrian said to the two sprits casually, "You know, Aiden left the arena for the Celestial Spirit World. You two might be contracted with him, but you're not actually my registered opponent, so I'm 90% sure he's basically forfeit at this point. Call me crazy, but I'm reasonably sure that you can't just leave for another plane of existence and still count as being in the ring. Are you even sure that your team hasn't lost by default?"
" I'm still in this plane, my body just isn't here." Aidens disembodied voice said. " Time moves differently in the had I opened, my body has aged about 2 hours in there that's what the equivalent of 2 seconds here." Eventually Aiden appeared on the shoulders of Shen. He gave Adrian a childish wave. Of corse the barriers were coming at them so he tapped Shen on the head.

Shen hated when Aiden tapped him but that just ment that he wanted to transform. The fire parted as Aiden jumped off on to the ground. A green light engulfed Shen as he transferred into Adrain. He spied his hand, making all the barriers that Adrain put to collapse. The fire died down, Aiden
" Thank you Shen, long. You many go now." The two spirits nodded at him, they closed their eyes and faded away back to their realm.

Aiden stood back, he put his three keys back in their chain. " It seems that we are at an impasse. I do say that that was fun mate" Aiden put his hand up. Signaling that he had forfeit. " I have to say that you have a very Dangerous type of magic, anyways I give up I don't have anything to gain from winning. Hope to see you again."


Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Unknown let out a sigh, of course she wouldn't attack. He began to walk around her while also keeping his distance "Sentimental value is a thing my dear. For all you know it could have been my dying grandmother's last gift to me before she died... In reality, I just really don't want to go through the effort of getting or making a new one." he shrugged. He needed to think of something and fast, it was time for him to go on the offensive. He had no chance but to use some of his magic as a full frontal assault with only a rapier when she can immediately counter was not wise.

He would have to use the Coffin. Only for a moment just to leave a little mystery to his magic. Although he would prefer not to, he took it off with his offhand and held it in-front of him. Almost like a shield, he then jumped placing his feet on the box pulling it towards him with his hand to stay on. But it didn't go back, it went forward, really fast almost instantly. Holding his rapier back ready to strike, her armor wouldn't do much against the large almost completely solid, iron box traveling at high speeds, and he was ready to make a attack if she changes to get out of the way while her armor was gone.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair was happy to see that the man had resulted to taking the offensive however she did not expect him to use a heavy iron box as a weapon. This guy's fighting style was weird however it was refreshing at the same time , Clair knew that her current set of armour wouldn't be able to sponge the attack and also that should she dodge Unknown would attack her from the side. However if she was quick enough she could possibly avoid Unknowns attack and if he was held down well her odds of successfully dodging sky rocketed. Clair quickly reequipped into her flight armour and took to the left with great speed before casting dark grab , the spell toke the form of a large amount of red glyphs, which surrounded unknown, swirling around him and then grabbing him holding him firmly in place. Clair had dropped her sword to cast the spell however now it was casted she could control it with one hand while taking back up her sword in the other. "Dalm your a lot more resourceful than i had originally thought , i might actually bring you along on a mission anyway". As she spoke the glyphs began making there way up his arm and between his fingeres forcing him to release his weapon.
Sabrina---Battle Tourney

Sabrina was crushed beneath the pillars of crystal. Although she was able to slow them down with her strength, she couldn't do anything against it in the state she was currently in. The fire burning her body finally went out, revealing a charred black body. She was somehow still alive,although bother her legs were bent in weird directions and her left arm looked all floppy-like. She was defeated.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98

Unknown Falling

Location: Fairy Tail Training Grounds

Despite his current situation he responded calmly mainly due to just being dead, "Why thank you. I must say, so far you seem to be quite fitting of your title of a Wizard Saint. You've been making this fight quite difficult for me. Especially seeing I currently can't move and all." With no option left he couldn't hide his magic from her any longer if he wanted to keep going and if he didn't there would be no reason too hide it anyway. So while he was speaking he summoned a war hammer behind her, preparing to strike her with it while she believes he can't move, let alone fight back. "So what now? You going to hit me or just stand there?" he chuckled as the war hammer swung at her.

Lavender Gray - Fairy Tail Training grounds

@Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling

Lavender continued to watch the fight after it had started, both Clair and Unknown going at it. There had been nothing but a pretty good amount of back and forth with different skills. It entertained the warrior quite a lot. Though, as the fight grew more intense, she watched as something had appeared behind Clair. It was a hammer of some sort A floating hammer? No...A war hammer? Impossible. Watching as it pulled back just a little bit, it began moving towards Clair. Clearly, it was to hit Clair.

"This will not do." Lavender said as she dashed towards the Hammer, even though not mentioned before, she had a shield with her. Her own custom shield that pretty much helped her through everything. She ran into the way of the hammer, taking her shield and preparing herself for impact. And so, that is what happened. The hammer slammed into her shield, causing her to slide back but with her grip on her shield and the strength she was putting into her legs, she only slid to a stop. By the look on her face, she was gritting her teeth, feeling the strength behind the hammer

"I am sorry to stop this but this hammer is way too far."
she managed to say aloud, glancing over at the two "This could kill one of you. No matter who may be in control."
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint

Fairy Tail Training grounds

Clair turned back to when she heard the metallic clank of the hammer hitting Lavender's shield , a small smile grew on Clair's face when she seen the hammer however she made sure to keep Unknown restrained "A sneak attack very good ! however it seems the ref has intervened" Clair sighed and shook her head "Lavender i told you to intervene if you thought we'd end up breaking something ... oh well whats been done has been done" Clair clicked her fingers and the glyphs vanished. Clair turned back to Unknown with a pleasant smile "to make up for that attack i've released my spell , now shall we continue good sir ?".Clair reequipped her long sword for the two short swords that accompanied her flight armour normally , completing the set. @Britt\-21
Drakerus said:
"There's no such thing as magic that can't be powerful. If you just keep working at it then you'll be sure to master it and use it like no one else can. My Sigils can do some pretty neat stuff but they have limitations just like everyone else's magic. Do you know how long it would take me to draw a powerful Sigil in the middle of a battle? Well, I wouldn't be alive for long, that's for sure. The way I compensate for that weakness is by using strategy and preparation." Ren explained encouragingly. He'd never seen a type magic like Conway's so Ren was interested in experimenting with its potential.
"Don't forget that you'll have allies to help you out as well. When you're part of a guild, that tends to be the case. So, if you and I were fighting together then I could help you out by...hmmm. Oh! Just a moment. "the boy said as he took out his wand and began drawing a Sigil in the air in front of them. Once it was done, he moved to open the window in front of the Sigil and stood to the side.

"Try shooting something through the sigil." he said, gesturing towards the symbol in front of Conway. If his assumption that Conway's projectile wasn't anything amazing was correct, then it would fly safely out the open window even if though it would be powered up by his Sigil.
Ren seemed to know quite a lot about magic, unlike the interested Conway, who was listening intently the whole time. Even before his times of exploring the land, even if there there more than a handful of people on the ship he'd spent his life on who could use magic, Conway had never bothered to learn about the magic of others or how it even worked. All he focused on was using his own powers to make it out in the world, and not until now was he interested in others' magic. As Ren's sigil formed near a window, the sailor nodded at him from the bed and extended his palm. It glowed a pinkish orange, but before anything was blasted from his, Conway hesitated. If he was start going to practice with other people, namely Ren, shouldn't he at least come up with names for his abilities like they did?

Before he finally decided on it, he called out. "Sunset Circle!" Before he could realize how corny the name was, a sphere had formed and launched itself through the glyph.

Ophelia - Arena Seating

The man seemed rather angry when she denied him entry. What a prick. Was he seriously going to throw a fit because she wouldn't test him in the middle of the seating in the arena? Those were the kinds of people Ophelia didn't want in her guild. Well, this was her first time having to deal with accepting a mage, but she decided those were the kinds of people she wouldn't let in right then and there.

What didn't help was the fact that the guy tore the quest paper afterward. So he was stupid AND moody? With a giggle, she figured she'd let him find out that it's hard to do a quest when you don't have the paper on his own and went back to watching the remaining fights.

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