Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren was in the infirmary waiting for his next match to start. Luckily he hadn't been hurt too badly in the last battle so his body didn't need anything more than a quick dose of basic healing magic. The boy sat on the bed drawing in his sketchbook. He was drawing what looked like a very detailed portrait of Conway. He wondered what the sailor was doing right now. Did he see Ren's match? Maybe not considering Conway was usually doing his own thing. After the tournament was over Ren would take him to go meet Master Gilad and hopeful get him into Saberooth. He didn't really know why but Ren was very excited to spend more time with him. He always got this weird warm tingling in his stomach whenever the sailor spoke to him. He was too absorbed in his thoughts to really judge how his sketch was going but anyone could easily tell that it was an almost perfect representation of the sailor. Not surprising considering the image of his handsome features had been burned into Ren's memory. The boy just continued drawing, not paying much attention to his surroundings.

@Salt Lord
Conway - Infirmary

The sailor slowly opened the door to Ren's room. Yep, it was it. From the looks of it, the guy had barely even taken any damage in that last battle. He seemed to be drawing in some sort of sketchbook, but what it was, Conway couldn't say--not from where he was standing. But he didn't want to disturb the other's privacy like that, so he let him know he was there. "Ey, Ren. I saw yer' fight. Ya did great. So, uhh... what're ya drawin'...?"
Alfie - Outside Chris' Apartment

The halves of the pan being thrown at him hadn't done much to send him off, and the kicks to the shin had done even less. Hooray for having your soul disconnected from your body. And even if he could feel pain, there was Kelica to allow him to explain himself. "Both of those sounded wrong, and I blame myself. But the 'end product' is the positive energy you two can produce now that you're finally happy. Energy I'd like to harvest. Chris, when I said you could benefit me, that's what I meant. And while I may seem heartless for getting you two back together, believe me when I say I only got the idea after deciding to help Kelica. After this, I won't bother either of you again. So just a quick walk around the house to look for energy and then I'll be off. Does that sound alright?"

@Isune @Zuka
Chris Lengheart(Regretting choices)

Chris sighed as he opened the doors with a frown and muttered,"Fine, but the second you get what you need you get out!" he said while walking over to Kelica and glaring at her as he remembered her saying "down boy". He stared at her for a brief moment and finally said,"I'm not a dog you know."

@Zuka @Salt Lord
Alfie - Scavenging Chris' Apartment

With a small bow, Alfie thanked Chris before walking around his apartment, just like he said he would. His hand was holding his gem and extended, slowly pulling the positive energy in the building into itself. Its hue became even lighter than it was, with more much more white than pink, emitting a glow that was a mix between white and gold. "We're almost there," hes spoke softly to himself as he stepped past Chris and Kelica back outside, and dropping the gem in his pocket, he turned around. "Thank you for letting me do that. Have a nice day."

@Isune @Zuka
Lysander - Rooftops

It took quite some time before the burning in his eyes started to subside. A few tears had managed to leak out, that he sniffed and rather angrily dashed away with the palm of his hand. There was a cool breeze drifting about the rooftops, and though initially it had been biting cold due due to the disappearance of his poncho, he had more or less gotten used to it by now, enough at least to actually find the breeze comforting. He loved heights and cities, and one of his favourite things to do was to climb up to the rooftop of a high building and just sit there, meditating, relaxing after a difficult day. And of course, heights and rooftops were his constant companions during his times of distress, as they proved to be now. Lysander simply was not used to confiding in people, hence in times of great distress he tended to disappear. But perhaps, one day, he would find someone to confide in. And perhaps that day was extremely close.

At least finally, he could think clearly, between bouts of anger, regret, humiliation, shame, which immediately flooded in the moment words began to process within his mind. He had been told a million times by well meaning guild members that he had an extremely low self-esteem and it was true. This was not the first time he had lost a battle, nor would it be the last, but each time he lost, it hit hard like a ton of bricks. Tears, shame, humiliation, the disappearing... the works. He knew the foolishness of this. He could not react this way every time he lost. Conventional wisdom told him to treat each loss as a learning opportunity, to learn from one's mistakes and to gain strength, but for him, each loss left him feeling helpless and simply wanting to hide. And being such a sore loser would surely not impress other people. Especially Sora.

He had left her behind and she might have woken up by now. And she would find him gone if that was the case. Surely she would have watched the viewing lacrima and had seen him lose the battle. She was strong enough to defeat a dragon. Why would she bother with him then? Surely it would have been better for her to be with someone equally as strong as she was, or slightly weaker, like that Hibiki fellow. It made no sense for her to bother with someone as weak as he was. Yet... he still wanted to be with Sora. He still wanted to spend time with her, to get to know her, to confide in her, share his life with her. He wanted to her support, to be someone she could entrust to be there for her, someone worthy of teaming up, of fighting along side. How could he do that if he was so weak? Would she still want him, knowing that? How could he be there for anyone, if he was going to be so weak. He would need to get stronger, for Sora, he realised. She was going to be the motivation for him to gain in strength. If she was willing to spend time with him again. And if not, he would need to get stronger anyway, so that perhaps he could one day be worth her time. And that one day he would be strong enough to represent his guild, to protect the people he cared about. He was going to gain in strength for that reason. He needed to. Otherwise he would be worthless as a man, as a mage, as a Lamia Scale member.

Ultimately, he would probably have to face her again. He would need to get his poncho and guns anyway. He had been so stupid to leave them behind. Yet he wanted to improve in his skills, so that one day, he would be strong enough for her. He was in no hurry to move though. He was not sure whether he had the courage to face her again. But he needed to get his guns and his poncho if he wanted to gain in strength. And so he hesitated, trying to work up the courage to head back to the infirmary. Just when he managed to raise his head though, he heard his name being called. He whirled around, and there she was. She was wearing his cloak, and hugging his guns to herself. She looked good in the poncho, he fleetingly thought, just as she began to speak.

For a moment he sat there, processing her words. She did not think he was not worth her time. She had chosen him, despite his weakness. She still wanted to be with him, despite his lack of strength. He could not comprehend it, yet... she was there. And she was right. Her strength came from her will to protect those she cared about. And if she had gotten to such a level of strength with that motivation... maybe he could to, as well as that was also his motivation. It filled him with a sense of hope, and love, and relief, that he was still worth her time, and that one day, perhaps he could be as strong as her. Hesitantly, he stood up and climbed down from the roof, slowly approaching her. His heart wrenched at the sight of her tears the moment he was near enough to see them, knowing that this time round, he was probably the cause of them. "I'm sorry," he mumbled finally, eyes on the ground, not daring to meet hers. "I'm not strong enough. But one day, I will be. I will work hard to gain in strength and power, so that I would be worthy of you. That will be my promise, and my motivation. And you..." here, he hesitated. "You will be my greatest motivation. Because I... I want to be worthy of you. I... I want to be someone that you can trust both on and off the battlefield. And... to be your support. And one day, I will be."

Zuka said:
Valken - Infirmary

As Sera kept pushing him, throwing his fears back at him, he got an idea. It wasn't bright, it wasn't clever, it was downright mad. But...it was an idea. If she didn't believe how good he was, he would show her just how good he was. Or rather, how good he thought he was.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, slowly regaining his balance on his two feet. He stood up, popping a shoulder and rotating it, hissing happily when his muscles relaxed and stretched. He let go of Millie by his side, leaning in to whisper in her ear quickly. "This is only for show, Darlin', I still love you..." Winking to her, before taking a big stride over to Sera. This was a contest, his pride and manilness was on the line. He stood, ominiously, beside Sera bed, his expression dark as he gazed down to her. "Well then, why don't you tell me how good I am..." His voice a dark rumble, reaching down to grasp her cheeks, his head coming down to seal his lips against hers. His eyelids lowered down as he poured as much passion as he could within the kiss while keeping his element of surprise. And just like it had started, he pulled away, his chest rising and falling fast. He took a step away, awaiting her reaction before a huge grin worked it's way over his face, rubbing a finger under his nose in a smug way.

"Go On...Tell me how terrible I am...I'm sure Millie can fill you in to the rest of the details. Old Hag..." chuckling darkly.


Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Sera watched with an arched brow as Valken took her words in and got up whispering something to Millie. What the hell was he planning? Did he finally decided to go along with his 'challenge' and told her the details, ultimately leaving the two alone do their thing? Annd then he walked over to her. Her expression changed from confident to a pure 'wtf' expression at his words, not entirely sure what to expect him to do. But whatever it was she didn't really want it, she didn't really think he looked bad...but the challenge was Millie not her.

She had little time to react, however, before he kissed her. However, she didn't kiss him back. Quite the contrary, infact she scrunched her lips up and attempted to move away. At-least at first. Towards the end however she slowly relaxed, starting to be drawn into it. However, luckily he stopped before she got to into it. She wasn't going to do anything beyond a snarky comment, however..him calling her an old hag probably wasn't the best move on his part to prove he was the best when it came to pleasing your partner.

Her expression grew angry and she hauled off and slapped him as hard as she could. "
I didn't feel anything from that at all! And what the hell are you getting at calling me an old hag? I don't age you jackass, it's literally impossible for me to physically be old! And another thing, you don't insult someone directly after trying to prove your better at relationships than them after randomly trying to kiss them to prove the point!" She shouted at him before crossing her arms in an angry huff. "Clearly you know nothing and you were just trying to save your man pride, Mr. Expert with women. You're right, it'd be pointless to go through with it anyway. Clearly I'd win. I'd hate to take away the one woman kind enough to care about your pitiful ass." She added just as angrilly.

Valken really didn't shift anything to his favor, not at all. If anything he only made things worse by making him angry, however at this point Sera was a mix of not giving a damn about if he went through with his bet and silently celebrating what was undoubtedly a psychological victory for her. Unless of course he went against what she'd assume would be the typical male reaction of further trying to prove himself by actually going through with it and instead getting violent and angry as she had and starting a fight in the infirmary.

Either one was fine with her, really, especially seeing as their fight ended poorly. Even better to kick his ass in front of Millie and further piss him off.
Mikael walked up to a food stand on the foot of the arena. Vendors, usually the most knowledgeable people of all. They stand in the backgrounds observing quietly the day to day activities of the passers-by. They're everywhere yet they are no where, invisible as the air they blend into every day. He approached one of them and bought a cup of juice. He passed on to the vendor a small piece of gold. "You shall pardon my lack of currency my friend." he said, the man's eyes widened and quickly took the gold away and kept it in his pocket. "I don't mind sir, take whatever else you need." he said excitedly.

"I have no need but one thing. Information. Information is all I ask good lad."

The vendor tilted his head in inquiry.

"I'm pretty certain that the powerful old man is here somewhere, I don't know his name and how he looks and I need you to tell me where he is."

The man nodded doubtingly.

"I'm looking for the master of the Fairy Tail guild. Can you help me?" he asked with a serious face.

The vendor fell on his knees laughing. "An old? HAHAHA, a Man? Hahahah"

Mika stood dumbfounded and stared at the man with an innocent look on his young face.

The vendor looked around the stands and point towards a group of people. "There's the guild Master. " still holding his laughter "she's the girl , her name is Ophelia."

"No no no, you got it wrong... I'm looking for a..... wait? You're serious?" Mikael pointed to the girl who looks pretty younger than he does. "She? The master of a guild? But ...but..."

"Go on, better you don't underestimate her kid." the vendor said.

Mikael went up to the benches and walked near the girl hesitantly. "Excuse me, are you the guild master of fairy tail?" he asked a question but his face portrays a thousand more.

@Salt Lord (this time it's real. :D )
Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica's eyes followed Alfie's every step, with an raised eyebrow, it was a rather bewilding site to see. As he made his rounds he seemed to be satisified with whatever it was he was doing. When Chris glared at her, she looked unfazed. "I never said you were a dog....but that's beside the point, you never answered my question...are you jealous?" Smiling up to him with a soft giggle, hand covering her mouth cutely. When Alfie thanked him, she gave him a nod and a wave. "No...problem...I guess?" At least it was painless.

Suddenly Kelica realised Alfie was literally the only person who had realised Kelica and Chris had made up there differences. She turned then and looked to Chris with a clouded look in her eyes. "Sora, the guild...they don't know we have spoken...to all intents and purposes we still have a death wish against one another....how are we going to explain it?.." She seemed generally worried.

@Isune @Salt Lord
Millie eased up as she felt Valkens tight grip around her curvy waist. Calming vibes filled her body and she fell comfortably into his side, her arms wrapping around him. She still didn't quite understand why the two were fighting over her or what they meant by please her. Surely Sera knew that she was taken by Valken and that she had no chance of getting with her, yet the two kept going at each other. She really wished they'd stop bickering so Valken and her could spend some time alone.

When Valken began to get up Millie clung to his side. However she didn't get to hold him for much longer as the man slipped out of her grasp. He whispered something into her ear about loving her before he went over and kissed the girl he was fighting. Almost immediately she welled up with tears. "Valken, what are you doing?" She asked sadly, tears falling down her cheeks.

@Zuka @Mitchs98
Valken - Exit is looking Pretty good right now - Infirmary

Valken never said it was a good idea. He should have seen that slap coming. But she hit so hard he stumbled slightly, knocking off a lamp fitting on a bedside table which went crashing onto the ground into a shower of glass and broken fragments. He lifted a hand to his now throbbing jaw. He should have expected that, then she spewed all kinds of things to which he cursed. Mistake number 1. He turned as that tiny voice asked him what he was doing before he saw Millie's eyes well up with tears. Mistake number 2. Another curse under his breath, and if Maya found out that would be mistake number 3. And ultimately death. Seeing Millie's face so sad made him regret every action he'd done in baiting the vampire girl so far, jokes were one thing but he never wanted to hurt Millie... Sera was right. He was lucky to have someone love his sorry ass. He should have thought that gameplay through before doing in...He took a step closer to Millie, hand out stretched, still holding his jaw with the other hand. How would he get out of this one... then...another masterful plan.. Sera would always hold a grudge but as long as Millie still loved him...

"Millie!" He pleaded with abnormally wide eyes. "It...it was her vampire powers!! She took me in, against my will, and is framing me like I'd tried to kiss her first!! You know I would never do that Baby..."

One day karma would bite him fair on his ass.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
purplepanda288 said:
Kims eyes shifted, much to her dismay Aiden had changed into a karate uniform. Kim let out a Audible whine.
" you seem like the gal that likes romantic things, hey made I should take him to the bath house at night." He blush started to go out but weird hormone induced thoughts still went though her head
Eias shrugged at the comment of being the romantic type. It's not that she wasn't. She just didn't think about it much. That might be a nice way to catch up. At least if you want it in the Romatic sense as you say it was. Eias placed her chin on the palm of her hand. She has been so caught up in her little adventure that she didn't stop to eve check out the girls along the way. Maybe a bathhouse would be a nice place.
Kayzo said:
Millie eased up as she felt Valkens tight grip around her curvy waist. Calming vibes filled her body and she fell comfortably into his side, her arms wrapping around him. She still didn't quite understand why the two were fighting over her or what they meant by please her. Surely Sera knew that she was taken by Valken and that she had no chance of getting with her, yet the two kept going at each other. She really wished they'd stop bickering so Valken and her could spend some time alone.
When Valken began to get up Millie clung to his side. However she didn't get to hold him for much longer as the man slipped out of her grasp. He whispered something into her ear about loving her before he went over and kissed the girl he was fighting. Almost immediately she welled up with tears. "Valken, what are you doing?" She asked sadly, tears falling down her cheeks.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Inwardly, Sera grinned as Millie started crying. It was the perfect opportunity to swoop in and comfort her while pegging Valken as a typical male jackass and win her over. Though, before she could Valken started begging her forgiveness and blaming
her for him kissing her. Seriously? Really? She didn't even have those powers, at all. She wished she did...hell if she did she'd of already used them to take Millie from him and make the both of them forget the other exsisted.

I did not!" She shouted in reply. "Your hubby there has been arguing who could sex you up better this entire time without your consent as if you were a toy. He kissed me to, somehow, prove he could. Not..entirely sure how he thought that would prove anything. He clearly wasn't thinking about you or your feelings, that's for sure." She explained. "Instead of doing it because he had feelings for you like I did he was only thinking of himself, clearly. If I were you I'd get rid of him and find someone else, possibly me, you deserve better." She added.

If he wanted to turn things around and make her seem like an ass, she'd do the exact same thing. Doing something so cheap as blaming his pride on her having 'freaky vampire powers'. Please.
Chris Lengheart(house)

"Jealous?" Chris said as he suddenly used his draco form and suddenly threw Kelica onto his back,"Why would I be jealous of a guy in a pink outfit who participated in the swimsuit contest when I can do this? Besides, I doubt you'd ever cheat on me." he said as he shook himself slightly as a bit of a joke. Chris then walked over to the counter and looked up at Kelica with pleading eyes,"Do you mind getting the sandwiches? I would of done it myself, but I don't really feel like releasing this takeover...not yet at least."

Millie- Being hurt in all directions

Millie sniffles loudly as Valken explained his situation, her hand reaching up to wipe her tears away. Did Sera really have powers that could do that? Mind control? It seemed to far fetched yet realistic at the same time. That girl could've been around for who knows how long, and she could've picked up some crazy spells. However before she could speak Sera did in her place. She couldn't believe what was being said. Valken was thinking of her as some sort of sexy toy rather than a girlfriend? This only made her cry even more while taking a few steps back. "Why would you do that Valken? Lie to me and think of me as an object? Were you lying yesterday too? I can't believe you..."

Mizuki- Fight Tournament Stands

As if she had the power to teleport, Mizuki's dark shadow casted over Alicia's small body. Sitting down a row above her, four shadowy appendages draped around her and pulled Alicia into her lap. "Hello little one. How did your round go?" She asked in a bored tone, rocking her gently. The Dark Mage had no idea that Alfie had been the poor girls opponent, or the sad thoughts and feelings that she was experiencing. All she knew was that Alicia was alive.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka
Valken - Yeap Commence Emergency Evacuation Protocol - Infirmary

Valken had failed. In more then one way. Millie was hurting, Sera was right. His eyes were downcast, before he looked away. Even being 26 he still acted like a child, a far cry from the man he envisioned himself as. He reached up to grasp his shoulder in an awkward manner. "Nothing I said was a lie...but believe what you will...If you want to be with Sera, whatever, I won't stop you...You're the only girl I've been with, and the only girl I think about..." He didn't make eye contact with either, simply letting his hand drop off his jaw and his head tilted downwards, hair covering his face darkly. With that he strode out of the room without a backwards glance. Not being in the tournament gave him free leave to just, disappear if he chose to. It was an appealing idea.

Kelica - Chris's house

Kelica blinked as he tossed her once more on his back, and as he asked for her to grab the sandwhichs she obliged, taking a bite out of one as she offered the other to his muzzle. "I can but...why do you want to stay in your draco form? I thought you preferred to be normal Chris...." She asked honestly.

Kayzo said:
Millie- Being hurt in all directions
Millie sniffles loudly as Valken explained his situation, her hand reaching up to wipe her tears away. Did Sera really have powers that could do that? Mind control? It seemed to far fetched yet realistic at the same time. That girl could've been around for who knows how long, and she could've picked up some crazy spells. However before she could speak Sera did in her place. She couldn't believe what was being said. Valken was thinking of her as some sort of sexy toy rather than a girlfriend? This only made her cry even more while taking a few steps back. "Why would you do that Valken? Lie to me and think of me as an object? Were you lying yesterday too? I can't believe you..."

Mizuki- Fight Tournament Stands

As if she had the power to teleport, Mizuki's dark shadow casted over Alicia's small body. Sitting down a row above her, four shadowy appendages draped around her and pulled Alicia into her lap. "Hello little one. How did your round go?" She asked in a bored tone, rocking her gently. The Dark Mage had no idea that Alfie had been the poor girls opponent, or the sad thoughts and feelings that she was experiencing. All she knew was that Alicia was alive.

Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Sera's first thought was more than likely 'It's working!'. Though, as she furthered looked between the two she sighed. She couldn't bring herself to enjoy it, nor like it. Hell if she continued to fully go through with it and steal Millie away from Valken this way she was nothing more than an evil creature like that guy had believed her to be. She'd never really forgive herself, nor really enjoy any relationship she'd potentionally convince Millie to have with her. Standing up from her bed she walked over to stand in front of Millie before looking at Valken, or rather the back of Valken, as he exited the room.

Hey lover boy! You owe me one." She called out to him, ultimately more than likely leaving both him and Millie confused. But whatever, he'd figure it out eventually. With that she turned back to Millie and frowned slightly. "Shame..if only I'd lost these pesky emotions over the years. Maybe then I could bring myself to steal you from him. Not sure what you see in him..but oh well. Guess I'll have to win you over in a more legitamate way." She told her followed by a small sigh. Quickly stealing a kiss for the hell of it she just as quickly moved to sink her fangs into Millie's neck while she attempted to process what she said.

After roughly thirty seconds she stopped feeding and stared blankly into her eyes, effectively wiping the entire conversation of Valken suggessting his little contest from her mind. However, everything that happened and was said previously would remain, which included Sera stating she was interested in her. Millie might not feel the same way, not yet at-least, but she figured she should leave that bit there. Plus it was as far back as her powers would allow anyway. The bite mark would quickly heal, leaving two small scars where her fangs had been.

After everything was said and done she wiped the blood off of her mouth and moved to sit down on the nearest cot, leaving a confused Millie to her thoughts as the mind wipe process finished itself more than likely leaving the already easily confused Millie more confused than ever. Though it'd become evident to Valken that she just saved his relationship for him, which she found kind of pathetic that she had to do in the first place.

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown looked at Lavender, "Oh, he got himself some lemonade" pointing at the pitcher, "then took a flier off the request board" his finger moved over to the request board as he was saying this, "and then he just walked out the entrance". Stopping his finger's movement at the front door. "He did all this when you were informing Clair when she woke up about what she had been doing when she had one too many. He didn't even say anything and just walked out without even a goodbye. An educated guess would be he went out looking for your guild master so he can join your guild and then be able to go on the job he took." he shrugged. "And you guys thought I was the rude one."

@Britt-21 @Mr Swiftshots [ @rbshinichi (Mentioned) ]
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Valken - Infirmary

Valken knew he had lost his chance with the only girl who had not been repulsed or offended by him, reaching out to let his hand grasp the doorframe, fingers cracking it slightly. But then, Sera's voice. He turned slightly, not hearing what she was mumbling to Millie but then she leaned down and bit into her neck. He was stunned, and for a few seconds his mouth gaped as he watched her. So this was it, not only would she steal the girl but drink her bone dry? Valken was unaware she had any amount of control on what she could drink, assumed she was literally killing Millie and saw red. In a flash, it was so fast it was unseen (the broken lamp causing more shadows to seep against the floor and walls, allowing him to literally appear beside them), he saw Sera give her some weird eye thing, but he didn't care he was in a rage. Suddenly he had wrapped his fist around Sera's neck, slamming her hard into the closest wall he could. One of his daggers where already out, the tip pressing hard against her chest, where her heart was, the tip already cutting into her flesh in a threatening manner. "What the hell did you do to Millie you fanged freak!!" He hissed. He had never lost his cool like this before but if Millie was injuried, or worse, he would cut the bitches heart out with pleasure. The omnious look in his dark eyes told Sera he would not hestitate to kill someone if need be. Light Guild or not.

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@Mr Swiftshots[/URL] [ @rbshinichi (Mentioned) ]

Lavender Gray

Lavender sighed "He is just like a child." her words sounded like a mother who knew that her son did these types of things. "Well if he is looking for the Guild master to join the guild..I suppose it is alright if he had taken the flier." even though she told him not to. 'And you guys thought I was the rude one.' had come out of Unknown's mouth and her golden eyes glared at him "I thought you were rude because I thought you were going to ask her questions as soon as she woke up." she needed to cool down a bit. Maybe Lavender was just stressed "Sorry." she said softly as she looked at her drink

@Unknown Falling @rbshinichi (mentioned) @Mr Swiftshots
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Food Stand
Ferra nodded admist her eating. Sneaking in sounded fun, and she had a few materials that weren't food to use now that she'd eaten. Letting out a conteed sigh after eating the last of her food she emitted a loud burp followed by giggling. She paid for their food and then turned to Cinla. "
Let's do it!" She told her enthusiastically.


Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Sera crossed her arms defiantly as he waved her off, growing even more annoyed when he pretty much said he'd win without even trying. How dare he be so overly confident just because they tied! "
How do you know, huh? I bet you're just scared you'll lose her to me like you were gunna lose the tournament Mr. Scared of heights." She retorted. "Just 'cause you're a guy and have a stick between your legs doesn't mean you'd be the better partner ya kno'." She added with a smirk. After all, she'd been around far long than he had. She knew things, yes, 'things'. Things he could only hope to know. "Buuut if you're too chicken to follow through with your own challenge I understand." She told him with a shrug.

Sure it involved Millie too, but currently the challenge was involved purely with them. Sera figured a bit of reverse psychology might work on him, seeing how both of them were prideful. He could've said the same thing to her to rope her into something, in all honesty.
Cinla found a back alleyway and then points to it and then slowly starts to move that way as she sees the guards moving going into another building and smiles playfully and hand signals that the coast is clear for them to continue.

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora had glanced up to see him scaling the building and actually coming down to the ground. Was this where the rejection happened? At least he'd built up the courage to do it to her face this go about. Her whole frame steeled itself, no movement being sensed, her eyes had locked themselves onto his face as the words poured out. It seemed to be taking a while to register what he was saying, body stiffening further more as he finished pouring out his words; his hopes. The breeze seemed to be the only thing causing any sort of movement, his poncho fluttering in the wind to dance with the strands of splayed hair behind her. Again her own mind was a place of turmoil and confusion, happiness and relief crashing down like cool waves on a shore to erase any of the negative feelings that had taken harbor there.

Before she knew it, she was stepping forward as his guns slipped through her arms; arms that only wanted to be found wrapped around his body. Lysander was pulled close against her, a hand idling on his back as the other slipped upwards to slide into his soft wavy locks, fingers curling within them. For right now, she had no words, and it was unknown if this physical form of comfort was more for herself or simply for him. Everything he had said took just as much or even more bravery than she had managed to muster up when she spoke from the heart and that sense of fortitude was admirable. He had strength in so many places, he simply needed a push to be reminded of that, he needed someone to help him see it. Lysander required a reason and becoming that reason felt like an honor, it felt like a bond, an indestructible bond. A warm smile slowly graced her face, abolishing any fearful looks that might have remained, hope being an emotion that brimmed to the top of her thoughts.

Sora took a small step back, hands still remaining in place, as her head tilted and she gazed at him lovingly though this time it was slightly different. " In my mind you are worthy of me, Lysander, but if you wish to get stronger.. I can only hope that you'll let me be by your side. I want to be there for as much as I can, I don't want to miss out on another part of your life as I've already missed out on so much. I.. " Sora took a moment to breathe quite audibly before she continued, her chest feeling unnaturally tight. " I want to be a big part of your life, if you'll let me... If I'm worthy of you.. " Her voice began to trail off, the words being harder to form from the overwhelming emotion piling up. " My heart has been telling me so many things since I first met you and I'd be naive to ignore it and just cast it aside. I'll help you get stronger and achieve your goal, Lysander, that is my promise to you. I-I want to be an anchor and someone you can rely on as well, someone you run to... not from. "

A content sigh released itself from getting those words off her chest, which had felt like a dooming weight that was slowly crushing her. Both hands slid from their respective places to raise themselves to his face, fingers lightly framing his cheeks. Sora leaned in then to press a delicate yet affectionate kiss upon his cheek, frozen like this as her eyes drew to a close. The magnitude of this was huge to her, never having experienced or done any of this physically nor mentally and it was nerve wracking to say the least, but if she was being honest - it felt natural. Her cheeks were ultimately painted red as she thought about how close his lips were from hers, possibly an inch or two, almost too close - almost too far away. That thought made her internally panic, wondering if she truly wanted his cheek to be replaced with his lips, but perhaps that was too soon. Her inexperience would be the death of her, not knowing when or how to do much, or what was acceptable... what was desired.

I'm such a child...
She groaned mentally but the warmth from his cheek kept her from freaking out too much, finding a secure comfort in it before she brought herself to pull away with a severe amount of hesitance. " M-Milkshakes? " She managed to stutter out, heart now acting like a hammer within her chest as she gazed at him, face still lingering rather close. Her innocence seemed to be plastered all over every action she made, like a flashing neon sign hovering over her with an arrow pointed in her direction - it was that obvious. I can kill a dragon but I can't gather the courage to kiss the man I adore, figures... Her mind remained in a flurry as her fingers left a feather-like touch upon his skin and dropped to find his hands, squeezing them lightly to grasp them for reassurance.

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Zuka said:
Valken - Infirmary

Valken knew he had lost his chance with the only girl who had not been repulsed or offended by him, reaching out to let his hand grasp the doorframe, fingers cracking it slightly. But then, Sera's voice. He turned slightly, not hearing what she was mumbling to Millie but then she leaned down and bit into her neck. He was stunned, and for a few seconds his mouth gaped as he watched her. So this was it, not only would she steal the girl but drink her bone dry? Valken was unaware she had any amount of control on what she could drink, assumed she was literally killing Millie and saw red. In a flash, it was so fast it was unseen (the broken lamp causing more shadows to seep against the floor and walls, allowing him to literally appear beside them), he saw Sera give her some weird eye thing, but he didn't care he was in a rage. Suddenly he had wrapped his fist around Sera's neck, slamming her hard into the closest wall he could. One of his daggers where already out, the tip pressing hard against her chest, where her heart was, the tip already cutting into her flesh in a threatening manner. "What the hell did you do to Millie you fanged freak!!" He hissed. He had never lost his cool like this before but if Millie was injuried, or worse, he would cut the bitches heart out with pleasure. The omnious look in his dark eyes told Sera he would not hestitate to kill someone if need be. Light Guild or not.


Sera: Tournament Infirmary

Where the hell is he? Save his shitty relationship and he still runs off..seriously." She mumbled before sighing. Though she wasn't exactly left wandering long as he appeared in the room behind her and slammed her into a wall by her throat and effectively knocking the wind out of her, followed by nearly piercing her chest with a dagger. Normally she WOULD attempt to get free, but at this range he could easily kill her. And she'd rather not die, at-least not yet. Besides she didn't do anything wrong anyway. "I wiped her memory of your fuck up...you idiot." She choked out. "I have to feed for it to work...she's fine." She added, gesturing to the very not dead Millie.

Go ahead. Kill me for fixing your problems for you." She told him followed by a deathly glare. Really, she couldn't believe him. Effectively destroy his own relationship, do nothing to repair it, then kill the person that fixes it. To top it all off he'd called her a freak. Damn people were ungrateful. Though, she guessed that's all she really was. A freak and an outcast that survives on others' blood. It made sense, she guessed, why most people shyed away from her. The only people that tolerated her were her guild mates, really. And even then could she really be sure they were, and just weren't scared they'd wake up to her draining them one day?

She sighed as best she could while being choked and grew limp, hanging her head down as best she could with a hand around her neck. "
Do it..go ahead. You're right. I'm nothing but a freak that doesn't deserve to live. I'm told that every single day, and you know what? They're right, you're right. I'm nothing but a monster in the end." She told him, admittedly taking a bit to choke it out around the pressure of his hand. "I've taken countless lives..lives that had families, friends, children...I don't know why I'm fooling myself by saying I have a right to live just because I learned to control myself. I don't..I should of been long dead. So go ahead. Just..do it and get it over with. I'm ready.." She continued before growing silent.

Who the hell was she kidding, even if she hadn'tve wiped Millie's memory and went along with being a heartless bitch and taking her from Valken she'd still be a freak. Hell if she got in a relationship with anyone for that matter, she'd still be a freak, they'd still be nervous around her for what she was. In the end that'd always be true, no one would ever truely care for her in fear of her snapping and killing them. What was even the point in trying? Who was she kidding, relationship nothing. She doubted she even really had any friends, friends that weren't at-least partially scared of her anyway.

What was the point of have anything if people lived in constant fear of you and your actions? In the end, there wasn't. Valken was right, all those random people that often called her a freak were right. Hell some of her guild members even call her a freak. There was really no point in proving them or anyone else wrong, especially when it was true.

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