Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Lord Chaos]I manage to catch the girl that ran into me as she falls, helping her to her feet I immediately let go. "Sorry about that...." I mummer softly, staring at a shop nearby confused at where I am at. My hand tighten around my violin case as the ever present fear of my captors finding me creeps in.

Bizma//S-Class//Fairy Tail

".....Er.....i-it's fine....!" Bizma said, dusting herself off. ".......I was......running.....and I forgot where I was looking.....I-I'm sorry..." She mumbled, panicked. ".......Are you all right?" She picked up her satchel, which was filled with books, books, and more books.
Midnight Seras~A-Class~No Guild Currently

femjapanriceball said:
Bizma//S-Class//Fairy Tail
".....Er.....i-it's fine....!" Bizma said, dusting herself off. ".......I was......running.....and I forgot where I was looking.....I-I'm sorry..." She mumbled, panicked. ".......Are you all right?" She picked up her satchel, which was filled with books, books, and more books.
I nod silently, touching my eye patch to make sure it is in place. Still clutching my violin case I mummer, "I'm Midnight...." My gold eye gleams as I scan you quickly assessing how to escape if need be. Blushing I start to mummer again, "Um... Do you know where a guild hall is...." I watch you, hoping you do not notice my worn and tattered clothing and have the info I need. Then I glance at your satchel and notice the books.
[QUOTE="Lord Chaos]Midnight Seras~A-Class~No Guild Currently
I nod silently, touching my eye patch to make sure it is in place. Still clutching my violin case I mummer, "I'm Midnight...." My gold eye gleams as I scan you quickly assessing how to escape if need be. Blushing I start to mummer again, "Um... Do you know where a guild hall is...." I watch you, hoping you do not notice my worn and tattered clothing and have the info I need. Then I glance at your satchel and notice the books.

Bizma//Fairy Tail//S-Class

"You mean Fairy Tail?" Bizma muttered, hiding her face in her hair. He was staring at her. He was staring at her! Was it something about her appearance? Did she have acne? No, she was past that age! Did he find her amount of books weird? "Uh......yes......er......I'm actually......ah.....in it....." She mumbled, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose and preparing for an escape if needed.
Midnight Seras~A-Class~ No Guild Currently

femjapanriceball said:
Bizma//Fairy Tail//S-Class
"You mean Fairy Tail?" Bizma muttered, hiding her face in her hair. He was staring at her. He was staring at her! Was it something about her appearance? Did she have acne? No, she was past that age! Did he find her amount of books weird? "Uh......yes......er......I'm actually......ah.....in it....." She mumbled, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose and preparing for an escape if needed.
I blush and look down, mummering, "Any will do..." Looking around I notice a book that mmust of escaped you bag. Kneeling I pick it up as the worn cord on my eyepatch snaps falling away from my face as I rise up and offer you the book. My gold eye gleaming as I open my other eye

revealing silver instead of gold. "You dropped this..." I mummer skittishly, afraid of what is going to happen to me now that you can see I am a freak among mages.
Zuka said:
Valken - Tourney Arena

The cut on Valkens palm kept bleeding, trickles of blood sliding down his arm before pooling on the ground under him. He thought he had a pretty good hold on her, straddling her while shoving his elbow up under her face. The same arm infact that was dripping blood, he wondered if she might get distracted with the scent og his blood being so close. He figured if she had excelled so high in Fairytail it was altogether likely she could control her urges however and wouldn't turn into a raging beast.

Plan B then...

Only Plan B never happened.

"Hold on?" He said with a raised eyebrow and like that their was a gust of wind and she was lifting herself up off the ground. 10 feet wasn't too high a distance, but the second Valken's feet left the floor, without his control mind you, his face seemed to pale even as he clutched to the half naked girl.

So it turned out Valken had a phobia of heights, which he only just now discovered. It made sense, most of the time his feet were planted firmly on the ground, and his centre of gravity either low to the ground or within in.

In a strange fevered panic, he clung to her. "Alllllright, haha, very funny, put me back down please..." Though his eyes spoke volumes of his fear.

Kayzo said:
Millie intently watched Valken and Sera's intense fight. The whole time she was shouting and cheering and waving her hands as if she was a cheerleader. "Go fight win! Whoop her ass Valken!" She cheered, smiling brightly and jumping up and down, drawing a crowd to her chest. She was like a one woman cheer machine. Soon she decided to pull out her special move. Things were going pretty even in the fight, and Valken really needed some moral boots. Whistling loudly she called out for Valken and flashed her hombagolaloos at him quickly, giggling as she did.
Grace gasped loudly as the many bolts of lightning struck her, sending the girl's small frame sailing into the arena wall before collapsing to the ground. That move hurt like hell and really did a lot to her, but this wouldn't stop her from giving up. Slowly getting up she summoned three rings behind Momoki, following up with a swarm of missiles. She couldn't take
Much more and decided to go out with a bang.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @WoodenZebra

(Forgive my shit post.)
Sera: Tournament Ring 1

Sera only laughed as Valken displayed fear of a measly ten foot difference between him and the ground. "What's that? Go higher? Okay, sure." She replied, ascending an additional five foot into the air followed by laughing wickedly. Though, the extra height was probably a bad thing judging by what happened next. Sera's eyes widened in pure shock at Millie flashing her boobs in the crowd. At first she simply stared, then donned a classic cliche perverted anime grin before passing out and falling out of the sky. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately depending on how Valken looked at it, she landed with her ass directly on his his face and her face well..down there. You know, that place. Yeah.
Chris Lengheart(infirmary)

Chris' injuries were eventually taken care of as he silently stood up, the look of rage still in his eyes. He walked down the halls only to see Kelica and Sora, however he payed Kelica no mind as he walked right past her. It was obvious Chris was still angry at Kelica, it didn't take a genius to put two and two together. He walked out of the infirmary and went back to the streets. He then simply walked back home as he began to grab Kelica's things. One by one, he piled everything together and began to carry it all back to the guildhall. Chris wanted nothing to do with someone that had tried to kill him! He eventually made it to the guild hall and told the person there to put everything into any open room. He even paid them for the first two months of Kelica's rent. He then silently turned around and headed straight back home before slamming the door, locking it, and throwing himself onto his couch. Chris only closed his eyes as he slammed his hand onto his face. "Of course I fall for a girl who wants to kill me. You know what? No more dating for Chris."

@Zuka @Kyuubey
Kayzo said:
Millie intently watched Valken and Sera's intense fight. The whole time she was shouting and cheering and waving her hands as if she was a cheerleader. "Go fight win! Whoop her ass Valken!" She cheered, smiling brightly and jumping up and down, drawing a crowd to her chest. She was like a one woman cheer machine. Soon she decided to pull out her special move. Things were going pretty even in the fight, and Valken really needed some moral boots. Whistling loudly she called out for Valken and flashed her hombagolaloos at him quickly, giggling as she did.
Grace gasped loudly as the many bolts of lightning struck her, sending the girl's small frame sailing into the arena wall before collapsing to the ground. That move hurt like hell and really did a lot to her, but this wouldn't stop her from giving up. Slowly getting up she summoned three rings behind Momoki, following up with a swarm of missiles. She couldn't take
Much more and decided to go out with a bang.

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Valken - Not Flying, Falling with Style - Tournament Ring

Valken only clinged more desperately as the girl lifted him harder, panic flooding his face as his hand frantically grabbed at anything he could. Seeing as she had no shirt there was then no more logical place to grip onto then her pants, tearing those off her in a panic as well. He couldn't be any more smooshed to the naked girl and then....his head swivelling as he heard a whistle, falling onto Millie as he grinned. And then-

Was that-?

Did she just-?

His eyes bulged along with Sera's, I mean he had see that same voluptious rack the night before but still....It was hypnotic how it swayed to her every jump and tremble...

Where was he again?

His cheeks flustered. And then the pair were falling rapidly, head spinning back to look to Sera as she seemed as bewilded as him, crashing into the ground with a ploom of glitter. What a match...

As Valken and Sera's match was one of the last still running, a lot more people were tuning in, the screens focusing in on it. Now a massive close up of what could only be described as a Karma Sutra battle positioning. Valken was still dazed and dizzy from hitting his head as he landed.


@Peeps watching
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Sora Marvell - Tournament Infirmary

An eerie silence fell upon them after Sora reached over and turned the lacrima device off, not really sure what to say. There wasn't much to say, it was pretty well laid out. She didn't mind being used as a human teddy bear much, she was tiny so people naturally found comfort in holding her. Perhaps Sora should've been afraid of Kelica snapping at any moment again but for some reason she wasn't. It'd seem whatever that was that had happened hadn't been intentional per se, and Sora was hardly a threat at the moment so there shouldn't be anything to trigger that. But something needed to be said before the quiet hovering about crushed them both. " So, what are you going to do Kelica? " She inquired in a small voice.

Honestly, if it were herself in that video, Sora was unsure of how she'd handle everything afterwards. Regardless, being uncontrollable and hurting someone you cared for wasn't something someone just moved past; Sora knowing this all too well.
" If you plan to talk to him at all, I'd give him some time. Those weren't exactly love taps he was giving you... " Her back still ached from the hit she'd endured, not having the time or energy to heal it herself since Kelica was in critical condition and she came first. " And Kelica. " Sora gazed at the other girls face then, smiling. " The you in that match isn't a monster. It's an uncontrolled part of your magic that you tapped into due to heightened emotions. It's always been there deep inside of you but you need to find a way to access it and control it before you truly do something you regret. " Like I did... A small huff of air was released playfully in Kelica's face. " Got it? " Selfish thoughts arose, wanting to use the lacrima device to take a look at Lysander's match but unfortunately that'd be rude to Kelica, no matter how badly she wanted to know how he was doing.

@Zuka @Isune (Mentioned)
purplepanda288 said:
Another mistake, Adrain's thoughts flowed to the transformed aidens mind. His emotions his memories, every thing in his head was know in Aiden's. Aiden ran up the imposing barriers. As it came at him he pressed his hands on to it as it hit him, you would expect it of pushed him but it changed its corse back at the original adrien.
Aiden pulled out another key. Another jade colored one at that. "Open gate of the horse, Ma." A long haired man about two times the size of Aiden stood behind him. " Ma, enchantment number six." The spirit lifted his arms and muttered something that couldn't be herd. Once he finished a large aura encased Aiden.
Adrian, as he pushed the barrier back at his opponent, knew his tactics wouldn't work. So instead he opted for something completely different. He was familiar with something called zazen, a Buddhist technique for clearing the mind. He focused on his breathing, counting his breaths, keeping his mind empty. But as he did so, he flipped a switch in Aiden's body.

Arcane particles were the magical equivalent of stem cells, able to differentiate into different types of magic. An arcane novice would find that if they weren't careful, they would kill themselves by forcing the particles they manipulated to differentiate on accident. Now the arena's magic protected his opponent from dying, so he had no qualms about using this technique. And besides, he was out of options. Using it was so easy it was instinctual at this point, and Aiden's magic hopefully wouldn't be able to notice it through the filter of zazen.

The arcane particles in Aiden's body began differentiating. First, his right wrist would catch fire. Then, his left leg would start painfully spasming from Lightning magic, which would likely render him unable to walk or do much of anything. The hand around his key would be encased in a block of ice. His right leg would be turned to stone. Of course, it could be reversed, but it would be very difficult to do. It was likely that only Healing magic could reverse it, and Adrian could with significant effort and time.
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Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra stared at the drink placed in front of her, contemplating the pros and cons to having a drink to which the pros won. She was emotional and unaware of how Hibiki was doing, this making her rather impulsive by nature. The connection they shared was unrivaled and the protectiveness the two had over one another was probably ridiculous in the eyes of others. She sipped at the drink before deciding to just down the entire thing, always seeming to forget that being weightless played a part in her tolerance for alcohol; making it completely way too low. " Fish man? Elephants? Bikes? This seems like the best circus show ever! Can we go see it? " Lyra stared dumbfounded at the two and the conversation they seemed to be having, eyes widening. Needless to say the man next to Clair was strange and when he spoke to her a very dramatic shoulder shrug was made in response.

" Oh, you know! She just buys you drinks, takes you to her humble abode of a home and then chains you up in her basement and has her way with you. I can't exactly say I agree with her methods since I prefer just being cheap, skipping the paying for drinks part, and putting people to sleep before I kidnap them. " She rose her hands in a nonchalant manner, grinning childishly before turning to face Clair, hands reaching to rest on both of her shoulders to turn her towards her. " Clair, I've come to the serious realization that Hibiki is really handsome and quite sexy, but he acts like my dad. Is it okay to feel that way about your father? I mean... he could ground me, if you know what I mean. " A drunken wink lazily appeared on her face, it was so bad that she ended up closing both eyes in several attempts to get it right, lips scrunching to the side as she gave up. Yay for one drink being enough to send Lyra onto the crazy tipsy train.

@Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling @LeSoraAmari (Mentioned )
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Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary

Kelica hands slowly slipped from Sora. 'What are you going to do?' She had asked. Kelica looked to her palms with an unreadable expression. Her mind was a torrent of emotions, a lot of them not nice one's. Chris was hot headed, and stubborn as a mule, but she had always felt safe around him. Especially in his beast form, even when he had first transformed she was not scared simply worried for his sake...but now...Kelica curled up, wrapping her arms around herself, hiding her head under her blond hair. Now, she knew she was the Beast not him. Tears were whelling in her eyes and she trembled harder now, physically rolling away from Sora. She should have listened to Chris when he told her to leave the back area, now there was a black fog between them and it was all her fault. And that power? She wanted nothing to do with her magic if it meant she had a chance to go back there... Fear and panic only climbing more on her features as she started to slowly sob, holding her head as tears slid down her cheeks to coat her pillow.

@Kyuubey @Isune

Sora Marvell - Tournament

The change in emotion was noticed almost immediately and Sora let a sigh escape her lips now that she was physically freed from Kelica's grasp, taking the opportunity to sit herself up on the bed. A hand reached over to rub the other girl's back before she gave it a few pats and stood up, trying to steady herself on her feet with her small hand clutching at the bedside table even though she was still drained. " All wounds heal with time, you just need to be patient. I'll give you your space now, rest easy. " Sora hated feeling like she was intruding, and the two weren't close enough for her to know if her presence was desired in such a vulnerable moment. A look of determination crossed her features, forcing herself to walk out of the room, regardless of the vertigo feeling that she couldn't shake.

Once out of sight she found a wall to lean against, body hugging it for stability as she caught her breath. Her hues slid to the ground, hair collapsing into a curtain around her face, her mind trying to wrap around everything that had happened between her guild-mates and why such a friendly matter had to become so violent. It upset her; to say the least. Sora hated unnecessary fighting, especially within the guild, unless it was in jest which that clearly was not. After a few minutes she began walking again, fingertips sliding along the wall for the reassurance of having something to lean against if she needed it. " Better find Auntie Maya before she freaks out... " She mumbled to herself, pushing herself forward.

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
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Genon said:
Adrian, as he pushed the barrier back at his opponent, knew his tactics wouldn't work. So instead he opted for something completely different. He was familiar with something called zazen, a Buddhist technique for clearing the mind. He focused on his breathing, counting his breaths, keeping his mind empty. But as he did so, he flipped a switch in Aiden's body.
Arcane particles were the magical equivalent of stem cells, able to differentiate into different types of magic. An arcane novice would find that if they weren't careful, they would kill themselves by forcing the particles they manipulated to differentiate on accident. Now the arena's magic protected his opponent from dying, so he had no qualms about using this technique. And besides, he was out of options. Using it was so easy it was instinctual at this point, and Aiden's magic hopefully wouldn't be able to notice it through the filter of zazen.

The arcane particles in Aiden's body began differentiating. First, his right wrist would catch fire. Then, his left leg would start painfully spasming from Lightning magic, which would likely render him unable to walk or do much of anything. The hand around his key would be encased in a block of ice. His right leg would be turned to stone. Of course, it could be reversed, but it would be very difficult to do. It was likely that only Healing magic could reverse it, and Adrian could with significant effort and time.
As the arcane particles in aidens body made him forcefully catch fire, freeze, spaz out, aswell as turn to stone he knew he had to release the form. Of corse the pain from the fire hurt ,but it didn't come close to the fire that long had used on him. The form that Aiden was in started to crack, after a few moments it completely disappeared leaving Aiden in his normal clothes.

" Close your gate ma, I'll be fine." Aiden winched at the combination of heat and cold on both his hands. Fear rose in him, then he remembered. He knew a way to end the fight, aswell as a way to summon his last spirt. " Second origin, Force open gate of the illusionist, Shen!" Another gate was opened, Shen , stood at the side of Aiden. He cast a glance at Aiden near crippled body. Aiden was nearly out of magic at that point, a force gate open had taken more then half of the second origin magic he had. " Shen transform into me quickly." The snake spirit nodded. After a puff of smoke enveloped the two a loud chanting was herd form the smoke cloud.

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...

All the stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance...

With such shine.

Oh Tetrabiblos...

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect become complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

At this point in the incantation the smoke had cleared ,leaving not one but two Aidens reveled. They both had thier eyes closed. Along with their back to each other. Only one of them showed signs of pure pain, but the incantation continue ,as large green aura envolping them like a protective shield.

Oh 283 Stars of the heaven...

The light that entered to the arena was no longer present. Insted it was replaced by a large infinite space with 283 Chinese constellations shining bright.

Shine! urano metria!"

Each and every constellation came down at an incredible rate. Each attempting to hit Adran with their explosive force. This was a last ditch effort, his magic near completely gone. If this didn't work he would lose the fight.
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Bolts said:
Eias Baole - seating area She nodded at Kim's response to her question. Catching up is always a nice option. She wasn't sure what the washing meant but just ran with it. As they proceeded down to the seats, Kim sat down and invited Eias to join next to her. Happily, she sat down next to her and watched the vision lacrema. Eias's face went bright red. She saw a fight taking place where a rather pretty girl was fighting topless.
Kim laughed at Eias. " You ok over buddy?" Kim continued to giggle as poor Eias became me flustered. She turned her attention to the fight that Aiden was in. The arena that Aiden and Adrian fought looked like an intense fight to say the least. The lacrama visions showed the fight close up, what interested her was that Aiden had a few jade colored keys with him. She didn't know what they were so she asked Eias. " Hey Eias, do you know what those keys are." She pointed at the vision for her to

Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary

Kelica felt the soft pats of Sora against her back, though as soon as they lifted they were forgotten. Kelica was mentally a wreck from fear, saddness, guilt. It was all very hard to swallow. "Thank you, Sora, for healing me..." She whispered as the girl left, not even sure if she heard it in the first place. Physically Kelica was more then capable of moving now her wounds had been dealt with, emotionally?.. Kelica glanced over to her bedside table and the typical vase with flower stem attached sitting beside her. Tentatively, she reaches out and let her fingers brush against the leaves. Her eyes wide, she watched the flower droop, curl up, brown and shivel up like it had never been watered in it's life. Tears still brimming her eyes, she tucked her hands under her armpits. It took awhile for her head to wrap around the concept, but eventually she understood.

She was atuned to the forest and all living things. Just as she could heal, grow and strength the plants and animals, it seemed logic she could always weaken, hurt and eventually kill them to. It seemed a hard pill to swallow, she had always only ever been helpful, supportive and eager. Now she was capable of dark things, and frankly it terrified her. As her eyes closed she used her 6th sense to feel the town, in much the same way a pack of birds all flee together or deer get spooked and group together, Kelica could literally feel the presence in the air. It was hard, and so subtle, but there was a gap almost between emotions, a dark void she hadn't sensed before.

Her eyes opened even as tears still rolled down her cheeks. Alfie always had a habit of simply 'being' right were she needed him to. She wasn't sure how he even did it, he just did. It was long shot but she needed to talk to someone. "A...Alfie...can you hear me? If you can...please...I need to talk to you..." She whispered frantically. It was more then a long shot. Perhaps she was going crazy. Or maybe Alfie knew what this heaviness was in her heart. This darkness seeping over her. Was it really just her?

@Kyuubey @Salt Lord
Lysander - Competition Grounds

It worked! Lysander was relieved. That spark shot had been a mid-tier spell, and it was time to use his most powerful spell to end this. He had a choice of either the Tornado Shot or the Bomb Shot for his final move, only... the Tornado Shot required two guns, and his left arm was barely functional. Bomb Shot, it would have to be then.

And it would have to be soon, because if not... something might possibly happen. Lysander had seen his opponent throwing cards on the ground that did not seem to have any function... and only now did he realise that he quite possibly might have fallen into some sort of trap. He was tempted to curse out his bout of stupidity; instead of attacking his opponent, he should have simply attacked those cards, but it had never occurred to him. Now, it might possibly be too late, if his opponent had already laid out all the cards the spell required. He could only hope that his high agility could save him from the effects, though he highly doubted it; he was already seriously injured and was not even half as mobile as he should be. His wounds ached to high heaven, and the pain in his hip was extruciating. It was very well that he did not need to move in order to execute his moves.

"Guns Magic: Bomb Shot," Lysander said, extending his gun in the direction of his opponent and calmly firing it. A bullet wizzed towards his opponent's prone, electrified form, and unless his opponent did something to save himself, the bullet would land on the ground directly in front of him, setting off an explosion with a radius of 365 meters.

Clair stared dumbfounded at Lyra , was it a circus they had previously been talking about ? Yes of course ! "a circus , i love circuses ! We should go right now !". Clair was about to jump off her chair when Lyra turned her "but Lyra the circus !" she whined. It was then Lyra started talking about being attracted to Hibiki who now seemed to be her father "no no no no no ! If you get grounded now i won't have anyone to go to the circus with! Besides Hibiki is to innocent i doubt he even knows how to have funnnnn let alone find his way to a circus!"

Clair fell forward after speaking but caught herself just before she hit the ground , making quite a loud bang as her chair (well bar stool) also fell down with her. She Stood back up slowly , clearly finding it a task to do so, and gave Unknown a death stare "you pushed me didn't you !"

@Kyuubey @Unknown Falling
purplepanda288 said:
Kim laughed at Eias. " You ok over buddy?" Kim continued to giggle as poor Eias became me flustered. She turned her attention to the fight that Aiden was in. The arena that Aiden and Adrian fought looked like an intense fight to say the least. The lacrama visions showed the fight close up, what interested her was that Aiden had a few jade colored keys with him. She didn't know what they were so she asked Eias. " Hey Eias, do you know what those keys are." She pointed at the vision for her to
Eias Baole - watching them fights.

She snapped out of it once the crash happened as well as Kim grabbing her attention. She hadn't realized that almost anything but killing goes in these tournaments. Eias was kinda glad Kim beat her now. Once Kim asked about the jade keys, she went to view the vision lacrema she was talking about.

There Eias saw the young man fighting with just that. A jade key. Blowing a bubble since it was too loud for her to be heard with her normal voice. Isn't that one of those spirit keys? Like heaven spirits or something like that. I've only seen a few grey ones while traveling though.

She wasn't sure if that was totally accurate, but can you blame her? She wasn't brought up in life to wizards. She just had to figure it out herself. Still if it was a celestial spirit key then what kind of being would come from a jade one? Do colors even matter for the keys?
HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Competition Grounds
It worked! Lysander was relieved. That spark shot had been a mid-tier spell, and it was time to use his most powerful spell to end this. He had a choice of either the Tornado Shot or the Bomb Shot for his final move, only... the Tornado Shot required two guns, and his left arm was barely functional. Bomb Shot, it would have to be then.

And it would have to be soon, because if not... something might possibly happen. Lysander had seen his opponent throwing cards on the ground that did not seem to have any function... and only now did he realise that he quite possibly might have fallen into some sort of trap. He was tempted to curse out his bout of stupidity; instead of attacking his opponent, he should have simply attacked those cards, but it had never occurred to him. Now, it might possibly be too late, if his opponent had already laid out all the cards the spell required. He could only hope that his high agility could save him from the effects, though he highly doubted it; he was already seriously injured and was not even half as mobile as he should be. His wounds ached to high heaven, and the pain in his hip was extruciating. It was very well that he did not need to move in order to execute his moves.

"Guns Magic: Bomb Shot," Lysander said, extending his gun in the direction of his opponent and calmly firing it. A bullet wizzed towards his opponent's prone, electrified form, and unless his opponent did something to save himself, the bullet would land on the ground directly in front of him, setting off an explosion with a radius of 365 meters.

(Consider this Ren's climax theme)



Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

Ren had managed to recover before Lysander's attack hit its mark. It was now or never, He had only a moment before it was too late and he'd lose the match. Quickly, Ren pulled a lacrima out of his pocket and it began to glow brightly. The cards that littered the battlefield also emitted the same glow.

"Sigil Art: Link, plus, Sigil Art: Solomon's Great Barrier!"

Immediately, the cards were linked by thin golden lines of light that traveled along the ground. If one looked at the specific way the lines were arranged, they'd see that a Sigil had now been drawn. Lysander, who had cards embedded into his skin was at the circle's center where many of the lines converged. At the edges of the circle, a gold-tinted, transparent wall had formed. This had all happened in the span of a second or two so the bullet would collide with the barrier before hitting Ren. Lysander's bullet made contact with the wall and it appeared to be absorbed into it but in actuality, it had appeared on the opposite side of the Sigil directly behind Lysander's back and was heading straight for the man with its velocity conserved.

One would've expected the bullet to hit the wall and explode from the impact but this shield spell was special. It was deigned to trap one's opponent and use their own power against them. The Sigil had the effect of bending space in such a way that the outer edges acted as infinitely looping portals. You go in one end, you come out the other. Obviously this was really only viable if your opponent used projectiles or was very large in stature compared to that of the barrier and even then, you would need to catch them by surprise. If they figured out how it worked then all they'd need to do is stop attacking until it dissipated.
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Mikael keenly watched to game through his hoodie, fixated on the vampire girl who flaunts proudly her wings in battle. He looked closely at her face as he saw something drawn in it like a mark of some sort. He took his hood off revealing his bright blonde hair and pale white face. He squinted for a second and saw the mark clearly. It was a familiar one, he saw the mark on a building on his way to the arena. He thought that it was a guild's mark. His fangs peeked out of his mouth as he smiled when he saw Sera fall flat into a man's face unconscious. "Interesting."

He walked out of the arena wanting to go to the building with the mark. He thought he could learn some things first about the place and about the girl.

He walked left, then turned to a right, and then left again. A few more turns has been made before he realized, or before he accepted rather, that he was lost. He saw a girl sitting outside a house who looks exhausted and just about to pass out. He paced slowly up to her and asked her with a smile. "Good day miss, may I trouble you for a second? I am looking for a place, do you happen to know if there's a guild based from around here?"

Lavender was sitting outside her house with a bottle of water in hand. She was tired, yes, but not as tired as yesterday. She had all the energy she needed to stay awake but not all of her energy to fight in battle like most of her guildmates in Fairy Tail were doing. Her golden eyes lifted as she seen a boy approach her. Asking about a place, and it seemed to be about a Guild Hall. "I'm guessing you're talking about Fairy Tail?" she asked as she smiled gently and tapped her left shoulder softly, showing him the dark purple guild mark that rested there "I am one of the wizards of that guild." getting up from the step she had been sitting on.

She may have had her armored boots on, but she already knew she was shorter than this guy by a inch or so. Oh well! "I will be happy to assist you on finding the Guild Hall. I promise, it is not a hard place to find once you find the perfect route." The boy also had such wonderful words. Meaning his way of talking was similar to hers. Was he royalty? Lavender had no idea.

He was relieved when he saw the mark on the girl's shoulder. He felt that he found what he was looking for. "Indeed, that mark! Fairy tail huh. " he replied with joy reflected all through out his features.

The girl offered him assistance and it was more than what he could ask for but it was certainly the very thing he needed at the time. "Really? That will be a huge help, you're a lifesaver. You have my gratitude fair lady." he said gratefully.

"By the way, I am Mikaela, please call me Mika if you would." @Britt\-21

Lyra Maelstre

" Yes, the circus, we must go! " Lyra tugged at Clair's hand before the girl fell forward and started accusing the guy they had been conversing with of pushing her. Uh oh! " Oooooh, someone is in trouble! " A click of the tongue was heard, Lyra shaking a taunting finger back and forth in the air. Clair's temper usually picked up faster than her own, which was slightly terrifying, Lyra being the epitome of unstable emotions herself. " Hibiki is innocent... " Clair's previous words hit her pretty late and her head tilted, hair flowing to the side in a dramatic effect. " I could change that! Clair, I must show Hibiki how to have fun! His innocence is no match for the tricks I have up my shir-- I mean, sleeve! " A series of giggles erupted from her mouth as she contemplated how she should go about this. Wait, that was perverted. Crap!

Her cheeks flushed red but her confidence remained steady, almost thankful Hibiki wasn't there to witness this shamefully embarrassing scene. " Lightweights? I'll show you lightweight, sir! " Lyra didn't hesitate to jump out off her stool and onto the other man, arms wrapping about his neck to hold herself there. And he'd find she weighed absolutely nothing, perhaps her entire frame feeling equivalent to the weight of a feather. " What about attics? Do you like attics? " Her grin spread even further as her soft voice portrayed no sign of joking. She wasn't nearly anywhere as drunk as Clair but she seemed unreserved, her usual more polite and composed side completely thrown out the window at the moment, thoughts seeming to flow freely into the conversation.

@Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling @LeSoraAmari (Mentioned)

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