Worker of the shit
Kim her self looked shocked, mother only comes out of her realm to fight off imposing threats to Kim or the flux realm. Once Eias spoke in her own voice Kim turned to her. " It seems my mother believes you have something powerful in you, and I don't doubt her. If your going to ask why she knows me, then I have to tell you how I came to be infused with flux." Kim started to walk, not at the same pace as before but at a walking pace. " about 12 years ago I was playing in my fathers lab. He , as any scientist would, was experimenting with the dangerous form of waste that was named flux. As a child I didn't know any better so I was fumbling around a lacruma sealed case of pure flux. I fell into it when mother spoke to me, saying things about how she needed me to help the world. That with out a proxy on earth to control the flux and taint it would fall into chaos, with magic begin destroyed before it could be used." Kims expression turned peaceful as the conversation calmed her, longing thoughts and prayers filed her head as she remembered the first feeling of flux in her.Bolts said:Eias Baole - onlooker area Eias followed as fast as she could while being taken to the onlooker area. Kim's face told many stories of her thoughts. Confusion being the main one. Her demeanor as well as Eias's also changed after hearing an amazing voice. They found themselves in front of a very lovely looking person donning a violet dress. Close to the colors Kim's skin becomes actually. Eias listened as the woman spoke towards Kim. She wondered who this was and how they knew Kim. That was answered shortly after she told Eias to care for her daughter Kim. She stood there for a moment in disbelieving. Part of it being that she just vanished our of thin air.
Why would she need to care for Kim? Kim had so much more power than she did any given day. That all too obvious. She spoke in her own voice. This situation made her completely forget she could use her flute. I... am confused now..