Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

purplepanda288 said:
Kim's expression darkened. " I've looking for him for 3 years now. The contact that I have is out dated and doesn't go through. " Kim sat in silence for a while. She looked at Eias and her smiled came back. " I won't give up though."

Aiden saw this coming. before it would hit him he somehow managed to parry the strike with the key he held. His movement was fluid as he grabed onto Adrian's arm and purposely let him self fall. As he fell he kicked Adrian in the stomach area throwing him away from him.

Before his opponent could do another attack he quickly cast a spell.
" Star robes, Snake form!" Aidens jeans and buttoned up shirt turned into a skin tight kimono.
That's a good resolve. I'm sure they are out there somewhere.

I am traveling all over right now. If you wanna tell me how they look, i'll be sure to send them your way. I have to say though. After meeting you and our little battle, I think i have found some well needed inspiration. Perhaps take some time to dwell on it a little here.

She smiled towards Kim. This person must have been important for her to be searching high and low for. Eias did know that some guilds have request boards.

Maybe a guild could help? I don't know pay per job very well, but that is a resource my family used every now and then!
Zuka said:
Valken - Tournament Arena

Valken watched the girl lick the blood from her scythe with an eyebrow raised. It seemed all the rumours were true and she really was a vampire. Hearing her whisper that fraze, he glanced down to his palm now bleeding profusely. When she striked out he rolled back and out of the way. He cursed as he ripped the only glove left on, his arm, quickly wrapping it around his palm and tightening it like a bandage. Though it still seeped through. The match was closing down, he would need to end it fast if that bleeding was anything to go by. He glanced at his pocket, maybe it was time for his secret weapon?

He put his hand in his pocket with a deadly serious look on his face, before throwing his hand out.

Confetti suddenly exploded before her in a flurry of colour.

"Surprise!" He grinned.

It was more then an unusual distraction, the confetti covered the air in thousands of tiny objects, the objects now flooding the ground in shadows. He was there and in an instance he was gone, melting into the ground and darkness, looking for all the world like he had juat vanished.

Sera: Tournament Ring 1

Sera tsked as he dodged her strike, oh well she could probably make another one eventually. She readied herself for some kind of attack going by Valken's expression, but surprisingly he just...threw glitter. Well..it was a decent distraction nonetheless. She was without a doubt confused however when he dissapeared, did he really use the shadows from the confetti? Or was the confetti the teleportation?

She wasn't sure what extent his shadow magic has so either was a possibility. She was forced to do nothing more than steady herself and rely on her slightly enhanced senses to see if she could pick up on him.
Valken - Tourney Arena

Valken slipping 2D along the shadowed arena floor, moving much more freely against the darkness on the ground, skirting along and behind her. He slipped himself half way out of the shadow in a ploom of glitter, waist up above the ground, grasping her leg suddenly and with a heave attempted to throw her from her feet. The confetti slowly landed to the ground. It was pretty ingenious really, the confetti was so thickly coating the floor, each piece of it made its own shadow, basically basking the ground in thousands of shadows. All joined from one side or another.

He slipped himself fully out of the ground, crash tackling her while she was off balance, hopefully able to pin her beneath him if his idea worked. Though it would no doubt raise eyebrows. In fact this whole fight round would probably raise some eyebrows.

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PeteTSs said:
Sabrina---Battle Tournament

Sabrina was half expecting that type of move and was ready to counter it. She jumped up into the air a couple of seconds before the crystal shards rammed into the ground, morphed in her wings and started to circle in towards Masaki, this time to the right side. She threw both her explosive vials at him, one slightly to the left and one slightly to the right, and equipped her poison-based vials. Although these were still work in progress, they were still able to cause nausea and head pains a minute after coming in direct contact with them. She had made these a few days ago, by messing around with the DNA of a mysterious bacterium she had come across a year ago and was able to reproduce them in her portable mini lab. She had three of them in total, one for each hand and one for back up use. She threw her first vial at the ground where she expects Masaki will land and another at his chest, and continued to dodge and tank the shards, moving quickly towards him. She took a few shards to her body, some only grazing her and some embedding quite deep in her, but she was able to suppress the pain, for now at least.


Maya Morne - 5th Wizard Saint: Harvest Festival Tournament.

Maya smiled. Sora was confident in her abilities and had resolved to partake in training that should help her control her dragon force. Maya sent a kind smile Sora's way as she then spoke. "I'll come and oversee your training if you'd like. We'll think of something from there. But your priority has to be to get that dragon force under control." After that she stopped speaking, listening to Sora tell her the name of the mage who had upset her, who had caused all of this grief. "Jaymes, huh?" A grin formed on her face. "Well then if I ever see him I will make sure he experiences a world of pain worse than death itself. I'll tear his senses from his body and crush his bones! I'll-" with that she stopped, sending a smile towards Sora accompanied with a giggle. "I'll come with you, Lysander will win don't you worry~" with that she chased after Sora and stood with her outside of the arena, watching Lysander fight.



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HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Competition Grounds
Lysander paused as the man threw up a card to protect himself from the bullet, only to have the bullet explode in a mass of sticky mud, trapping the man's foot. Yet it still did not stop the man from flinging out two more cards in his direction, which he managed to dodge once again, sliding calmly, almost stylishly, to the right. The cards seemed to have the same effect as the other two cards previously thrown, for they landed sliced deep into the ground a few inches from his left foot. It was fortunate that none of the other man's attacks had hit him yet, as his agility was quite strong. It had to be anyway, as a gun mage who specialized in long distance attacks, because he knew full well that the moment any of those attacks hit, it would not be long before he was downed. The downside of focusing so much on agility was the decrease in focus on constitution.

The man's foot was trapped in a patch of mud, and Lysander knew that it would not be long before the man freed himself from it. He loaded yet another bullet into his revolver and quickly fired it, in the direction of the man's head, while the man was distracted. "Guns Magic: Sunlight Shot." And a huge flash of light exploded around the man, in the hopes of blinding him temporarily at least.

When the bullet created a bright light, Ren merely shook it off. A little known fact about the Sol family was that they were very tolerant to bright lights. For example, the sun. Anyways Ren used the man's missed opportunity to get hsi leg free and continued running in the same direction as earlier. Instead of just running to 'third base' expecting Lysander to let him do so, Ren pulled out a new card. This one was meant to create a distraction. He threw the card like the one's before but this time, just before reaching Lysander, the card glowed and turned into a flock of doves. They wouldn't be able to actually affect him but they should do nicely for a diversion. They were illusions after all.
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown spun back round to the counter and took another swig from his tankard, and let out a sigh. "I prefer not to talk about it, so I will just say this. Despite being deceased myself, it's kind of hard to date the deceased who aren't walking the earth once more." For a brief moment he had a melancholic expression, before chuckling to himself "I will say, I didn't take you for the fish type. Isn't that, like, weird for the living? And don't you need oxygen now that I think about it? Seriously that's just ridiculous!" he had a big smirk on his face.​

Clair Fernandes : Fairy tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair sat with a broad grin on her face , this guy was funny and little bit wacky but funny all the same "no , i'd say it's actually pretty typical nowadays in fact one of my best friends, Sora dated a salmon for a few months". Clair laughed subtly at her own joke but didn't expect Unknown to know who Sora was. "anyway leaving the whole fish thing behind , what did you think of that fight between the sound mage and .....the other one "
Bolts said:
That's a good resolve. I'm sure they are out there somewhere.
I am traveling all over right now. If you wanna tell me how they look, i'll be sure to send them your way. I have to say though. After meeting you and our little battle, I think i have found some well needed inspiration. Perhaps take some time to dwell on it a little here.

She smiled towards Kim. This person must have been important for her to be searching high and low for. Eias did know that some guilds have request boards.

Maybe a guild could help? I don't know pay per job very well, but that is a resource my family used every now and then!
Kim looked deep into Eias' eyes. She was sincere with that offer. Honesty something Kim values more than anything else. " I don't know what he looks like now. But I do remember he wears a heart shaped pendant that I have him."

Just then over the lacruma vision she herd the voice she longed for. The voice she missed all those years they were apart. She faced the lacruma vision and saw him, Aiden on the floor holding the jade key in his hand.
" It can't be. Could it? Is that you,Aiden?"
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]
Clair Fernandes : Fairy tail / 4th wizard saint
Clair sat with a broad grin on her face , this guy was funny and little bit wacky but funny all the same "no , i'd say it's actually pretty typical nowadays in fact one of my best friends, Sora dated a salmon for a few months". Clair laughed subtly at her own joke but didn't expect Unknown to know who Sora was. "anyway leaving the whole fish thing behind , what did you think of that fight between the sound mage and .....the other one "


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown placed his Tankard back onto the table, "Well! First off, I would not call that a fight. Stopping someone form being able to breath properly is both cheap and I would have assumed illegal. Especially when they just used something similar to just try to put them to sleep without the lack of breathing part when it wasn't working fast enough. Though I will admit there is slight justification as the sound mage made her ears bleed, which I am pretty sure will possibly cause permanent damage. But possible hearing damage is better then possible death. Also how she destroyed the sound mage's headphones is just a low blow, they was no need for it. If I even met her I'm going to need to give them a stern talking too. Wouldn't you agree?"
Eias Baole - med place

She looked at Kim with concern as she seemed lost in something. Following her line of sight, she saw a man fighting in another ring. Her voice emotioned longing.

If what your voice says is true, then although there is much to seen, it is a very small world.

Perhaps when his match is done, you should say hello?

Don't worry about my company.

Eias patted Kim's hand. Swinging her own feet off the bed edge, she sprung up. It was a little tipsy staying up, but after a short time laying down her strength was almost back.

Let's go watch befor your next match.

She held out her free hand to Kim.

purplepanda288 said:
Kim looked deep into Eias' eyes. She was sincere with that offer. Honesty something Kim values more than anything else. " I don't know what he looks like now. But I do remember he wears a heart shaped pendant that I have him."

Just then over the lacruma vision she herd the voice she longed for. The voice she missed all those years they were apart. She faced the lacruma vision and saw him, Aiden on the floor holding the jade key in his hand.
" It can't be. Could it? Is that you,Aiden?"

purplepanda288 said:
Kim's expression darkened. " I've looking for him for 3 years now. The contact that I have is out dated and doesn't go through. " Kim sat in silence for a while. She looked at Eias and her smiled came back. " I won't give up though."

Aiden saw this coming. before it would hit him he somehow managed to parry the strike with the key he held. His movement was fluid as he grabed onto Adrian's arm and purposely let him self fall. As he fell he kicked Adrian in the stomach area throwing him away from him.

Before his opponent could do another attack he quickly cast a spell.
" Star robes, Snake form!" Aidens jeans and buttoned up shirt turned into a skin tight kimono.
Adrian was shocked as his opponent managed to somehow parry a mace with that tiny key. He wasn't surprised that the key was durable enough, he was surprised that it wasn't knocked out of his opponent's hand. Then he was kicked in the stomach and vaulted away from Aiden, but he recovered with a sliding three-point landing. Adrian formed an Arcane Barrier underneath his opponent's feet, encompassing half the arena, and then forced it upwards and diagonally back, effectively creating a springboard that would hopefully knock Aiden into the barrier behind him or to the ground. To continue the assault, Adrian hurled an Arcane Grenade at his opponent, the purple orb shooting towards the Celestial Wizard. It would create a decent-sized explosion on impact.

(@Mitchs98 What are the rules of engagement? Is it to knockout, submission, first blood? Does the arena's magic protect the opponent from death, like in Jade Empire? Are there healing services available?
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Clair Fernandes : Fairy tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair had to agree somewhat with what Unknown was saying but unfortunately he didn't seem to know Lyra "i do see where your coming from Mr. falling but trying to give Lyra a stern talking to is like trying to give an elephant a ride home on your bike. It just won't work , goes up an over her head in an instant" Clair giggled a bit remembering how Lyra had started the fight piratically lying down "that's just who she is , a proud member of Fairy tail".

Clair finished her second drink and passed it back to the bar maid demanding another refill "and it would take a lot more than simple loss of lungs to stop Lyra from making noise ,besides i'm sure she has plenty of spare headphones to replace the ones she lost"

@Unknown Falling , ( mentioned = @Kyuubey + @Angeliquie Perry )
Sabrina---Battle Tournament

Sabrina saw the crystal spikes coming her way. Interesting... She closed her eyes and opened them. "Draco Adrenaline Rush," she said. Her speed increased dramatically as she continued her charge at Masaki. Seeing the fact that Masaki could encase himself completely in his crystal, she knew that her attacks would be practically useless against him, but she had a plan in mind. She threw one of her larger bottles, this one containing a pure black liquid (aka petrol) together with a explosive vial. after this attack, she started to pellet Masaki with more explosive and petrol bottles, flying ever closer to him.

(Sabrina just knows that petrol is extremely flammable but nothing else. She's going to suppress Masaki down with continued attacks, forcing him to encase himself in his crystal, and at the same time 'boiling' him inside his crystal encasement with the flaing petrol)

Genon said:
Adrian was shocked as his opponent managed to somehow parry a mace with that tiny key. He wasn't surprised that the key was durable enough, he was surprised that it wasn't knocked out of his opponent's hand. Then he was kicked in the stomach and vaulted away from Aiden, but he recovered with a sliding three-point landing. Adrian formed an Arcane Barrier underneath his opponent's feet, encompassing half the arena, and then forced it upwards and diagonally back, effectively creating a springboard that would hopefully knock Aiden into the barrier behind him or to the ground. To continue the assault, Adrian hurled an Arcane Grenade at his opponent, the purple orb shooting towards the Celestial Wizard. It would create a decent-sized explosion on impact.
(@Mitchs98 What are the rules of engagement? Is it to knockout, submission, first blood? Does the arena's magic protect the opponent from death, like in Jade Empire? Are there healing services available?
Aiden smiled as he flew though the air, not only at the sheer idiocy that his opponent has shown but at the fact that he's trying to back him to a corner. As aiden fell the kimono he wore glowed a soft purple color. He landed on his feet, but not before he saw the ball shaped magic flying though he air at him. Aiden raised his hand before the explosive hit. Effectively the grenade hit his hand. Some thing of the nature should of kill him. Once the smoke cleared form the area there stood another man, not Aiden anymore. But a mirror image of Adrian. The same smug smile that adorned Aiden was plastered on the clone. " So many thoughts running in your head, mate. And your magic so hard to control isn't it, eh."

[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair Fernandes : Fairy tail / 4th wizard saint
Clair had to agree somewhat with what Unknown was saying but unfortunately he didn't seem to know Lyra "i do see where your coming from Mr. falling but trying to give Lyra a stern talking to is like trying to give an elephant a ride home on your bike. It just won't work , goes up an over her head in an instant" Clair giggled a bit remembering how Lyra had started the fight piratically lying down "that's just who she is , a proud member of Fairy tail".

Clair finished her second drink and passed it back to the bar maid demanding another refill "and it would take a lot more than simple loss of lungs to stop Lyra from making noise ,besides i'm sure she has plenty of spare headphones to replace the ones she lost"


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown raises an eyebrow, "So your fine with her actions? Putting a life in danger because it was an easier option? Because she doesn't care about her actions, or another's life that makes her proud? There is a difference between pride and arrogance Clair. Your not really giving me a good impression of her, or of Fairy Tail you know. I may not be from these parts, or aware of much of the world's events and people. But I know that if there was an easy option at the cost of another, I wouldn't take it."
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Lysander - Competition Grounds

Lysander was disappointed that the blinding light did absolutely nothing against his opponent. And he was surprised too; most people reacted that way to bright lights. By now, he was heartily regretting not launching another mud shot at his opponent when he was distracted by the mud. That would have slowed him down significantly. But now he had to recover and make his next move, because his opponent threw a card that transformed into a whole flock of birds, aimed right at him.

"Guns Magic: Omnidirectional Expansion." Lysander raised his gun arm and fired dead center, right into the flock of birds. He knew that they were meant to be a distraction, and it seemed to have worked on him because there was no way he could fight his opponent with a mass of birds attacking him. However, much to his surprise, when the one bullet he fired magically divided into a hundred other bullets, they seemed to pass through the birds rather than hit them. It took about a second for him to realise that those were illusions, and he was no stranger to illusions: Maya fought with them, after all. And boy did he feel rather dumb about that.

And during that time, while he had to set of his spell, his opponent had no doubt planned something up his sleeve. Lysander could only hope that he would be ready for it when it came.

HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Competition Grounds
Lysander was disappointed that the blinding light did absolutely nothing against his opponent. And he was surprised too; most people reacted that way to bright lights. By now, he was heartily regretting not launching another mud shot at his opponent when he was distracted by the mud. That would have slowed him down significantly. But now he had to recover and make his next move, because his opponent threw a card that transformed into a whole flock of birds, aimed right at him.

"Guns Magic: Omnidirectional Expansion." Lysander raised his gun arm and fired dead center, right into the flock of birds. He knew that they were meant to be a distraction, and it seemed to have worked on him because there was no way he could fight his opponent with a mass of birds attacking him. However, much to his surprise, when the one bullet he fired magically divided into a hundred other bullets, they seemed to pass through the birds rather than hit them. It took about a second for him to realise that those were illusions, and he was no stranger to illusions: Maya fought with them, after all. And boy did he feel rather dumb about that.

And during that time, while he had to set of his spell, his opponent had no doubt planned something up his sleeve. Lysander could only hope that he would be ready for it when it came.

Auren Sol

Ren inwardly cheered when Lysander seemed to fall for the distraction. Taking the opportunity, he threw two more cards towards Lysander when he reached 'third base'. He then ran for the last spot where he would throw the last two cards he needed to finish his setup. Hopefully it would be enough to win him the match. Ren didn't expect to get too far in the tournament but he'd be happy if he won one match. At least he'd have SOMETHING to show for the practice he'd put in during the last few months. If not, well, Ren wasn't really a sore loser so it wouldn't be a big deal. He was just happy he got to fight someone who was decently powerful. Although, the boy had a suspicion that the gun mage wasn't trying that hard against him. The attacks he had used so far weren't anything to write home about. Then again, Ren hadn't been doing anything noteworthy either so he didn't have a right to judge the man's intentions so quickly. In any case, he hoped to end the match soon before Lysander found a way to screw up his plan. If that happened then Ren was pretty much screwed.
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@Unknown Falling[/URL]
Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown let out a sigh again, "Perhaps your right, it just feels a little too "extreme" for me. But I never had to worry about it myself so how would I know to begin with." he chuckled. "Either that or the alcohol is talking for you. You have been going through those things like crazy. Was it a bad break up? Got rejected by the fish of your dreams?" he said finishing off his drink he then pushed the tankard away, "I won't be having any more, thank you."
Zuka said:
Valken - Tourney Arena

Valken slipping 2D along the shadowed arena floor, moving much more freely against the darkness on the ground, skirting along and behind her. He slipped himself half way out of the shadow in a ploom of glitter, waist up above the ground, grasping her leg suddenly and with a heave attempted to throw her from her feet. The confetti slowly landed to the ground. It was pretty ingenious really, the confetti was so thickly coating the floor, each piece of it made its own shadow, basically basking the ground in thousands of shadows. All joined from one side or another.

He slipped himself fully out of the ground, crash tackling her while she was off balance, hopefully able to pin her beneath him if his idea worked. Though it would no doubt raise eyebrows. In fact this whole fight round would probably raise some eyebrows.

Sera: Tournament Ring 1

Sera had no clue where he'd went to, maybe the confetti contained some form of magic? Nah that was dumb. She'd been able to sense him well enough to not entirely be tossed off her feet but she was infact thrown off balance, thus the crash tackle worked like a charm. She also quickly found out boobs and cobblestone didn't miss, frankly it hurt more than the knife stabbing in her wing, though it didn't stop her.

True enough for the time being he had her body pinned, but her wings were for the most part unaffected, and there was no way in hell she was going to just lose to him. Her wing was only partially healed, but she didn't need to fly too high. "
Might wanna hold on buddy." She told him. Slowly he flapped her wings as best she could, eventually she gained enough air to lift her off the ground. She ascended to roughly 10 foot in the air, of course he was still more than likely hanging on, and if he wasn't that meant she broke free. However if he WAS hanging on, she intended on shaking him off as best she could.
Mika - Streets of Fiore

Walking aimlessly at the outskirts of Fiore he stumbled into Magnolia. Looking through his hoodie above his head the mood around town was festive. The people were busy going back and forth. Looking left and right he bumped into one of the townsmen. "I'm sorry" he said, "No worries" answered the man before continuing to walk. "Hey, can I ask something." he turned back to the man.

"Is there something going on with the place? It seems like you are having a celebration or something." his curiosity was piqued. Part of it he owes to the high magical outburst in the wind that he feels. "Some sort of festival you may say." the man pointed at the arena just up ahead, "Fairy tail is holding a tournament of some sort over there. What a rowdy guild of mages." he said.

"Thank you." Mika said and looked up at the arena. Magical spurts filled the sky above the huge building as he hear cheers from where he was standing. "Fairy tail." he whispered under his breath.
LeSoraAmari said:
Hibiki Dreyar: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring 8.
His opening attack had landed and sent the girl blasting towards one of the many barriers surrounding them. After she got back on her feet, she threw a compliment? and an insult? His way. Whether it was unintential or not it was a rather clever remark, but it did tick him off a bit. Well, the last part of it did at least. "You think I'm cute? Well, uhm... Thanks I guess. Do people often tell you how attractive you are or?" Pausing for a moment he continued, "Anyway, I wasn't going to use my Satan Soul but I figured you deserved that much. You're actually a pretty skilled mage, and clearly have guts. People usually flee when they see this form. Perhaps you should join the guild?" With that, the girl sent a storm of fireballs his way. Of course Hibiki managed to dodge all of them with relative ease, but he got caught up in the huge explosion of flame they left in their wake. Hibiki grinned before flying out of the blazing inferno and up into the air, pointing his palms towards Tanari as he called out a spell. The energy was imposing and was most certainly dark. It was one of Hibiki's strongest spells in this form. Charging up a ball of darkness magic between his hands for a few seconds he then called out "Soul Extinctor!" And with that a large beam of darkness was sent hurling towards the guildless mage. The explosion upon impact the spell carried was devastating and covered nearly the entire arena, blocking out the sunlight from outside the ring. Plummeting the arena into an ominous pit of darkness until the spell dissipated. Hibiki then flew back down towards the ground, and awaited to see what exactly Tanari would do next.

View attachment 244858

Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

She quirked a brow at the boy's comments before falling into a fit of laughter. Of all the things to focus on he focuses on that? It was like dealing with some awkward little boy. "Oh yeah, you're totally adorable!" She did her best to stifle her laughter, trying to bring herself back under control. She continued the barrage, soon coating the entire bottom half of the arena in one big inferno. She watched as the boy took to the sky, avoiding her blazing heat caused by her trap. As she continued to throw out fireballs she had been making her way towards one of the corners of the arena, her eyes glued to her opponent as she went. She could tell by the flow of battle, by the flow of magic that something big was coming and she fully intended to meet it head on. "Although being adorable doesn't mean much in my book." As with before the flames engulfing her body rapidly expanded, filling the entire arena with a stifling heat.

As she suspected the boy began to channel his magic in much the same way she was. The inferno surrounding her began swirling in towards her fists, it's color shifting from the orange-red into a deep blue as it was condensed in her fists. While she channeled the magic into her fists she did not interlace them and aim them at the boy as she had before. At this point that cocky grin was long gone, her expression one of the utmost concentration. She never liked using her magic in this way but in such a confined space she had little choice in the matter. Blue-flames ignited around her feet as she lowered her stance, leaning forward slightly as if at the start of a race. The moment the boy called out his spell she kicked off, the the flames jetting from her boots. The force of the ejection caused her to rocket forth towards the underside of the boy.

Upon reaching her destination below him she held her arms out in front of her, emitting a similar stream of flame to slow herself before quickly kicking up into the air towards her opponent. This was the hard part and she knew she'd have to time everything perfectly to pull it off. As she approached her target at a blistering pace she reached out and grabbed onto the wings sprouting from the boy's back. In one fluid motion she kicked her legs into his back and leaned back, using his own body as a shield against the explosion. The blue flames that engulfed her fists suddenly expanded, racing along the boy's wings as she drove him towards the inferno below.
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - med place She looked at Kim with concern as she seemed lost in something. Following her line of sight, she saw a man fighting in another ring. Her voice emotioned longing.

If what your voice says is true, then although there is much to seen, it is a very small world.

Perhaps when his match is done, you should say hello?

Don't worry about my company.

Eias patted Kim's hand. Swinging her own feet off the bed edge, she sprung up. It was a little tipsy staying up, but after a short time laying down her strength was almost back.

Let's go watch befor your next match.

She held out her free hand to Kim.

Kim put her hand with Eias' own. The smile the adorned her face widened at the sight of her actually standing. She held Eias' hand and half pulled her to the onlooker area. Thoughts still raced through her head as they walked down the hall to find some sort of seat. Why did Aiden just happen to show up at a time like this. Where was he all this time, had he know that Kim was looking for him. At last the storm of thoughts ended when a soft voice spoke out of the blue. " Sorry my dear Kim, it was gonna be a surprise. But of corse things got in the way. "

In front of the two was mother, her short violet dress seemed to float around her legs. " I called your friend here to join you, we planed it for a days before the festival started. He was gonna surprise you at your home." Mother gave Eias a smile. " take care of my daughter for me Eias." With that mother disappeared, leaving not a single trace behind to show she was there.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim put her hand with Eias' own. The smile the adorned her face widened at the sight of her actually standing. She held Eias' hand and half pulled her to the onlooker area. Thoughts still raced through her head as they walked down the hall to find some sort of seat. Why did Aiden just happen to show up at a time like this. Where was he all this time, had he know that Kim was looking for him. At last the storm of thoughts ended when a soft voice spoke out of the blue. " Sorry my dear Kim, it was gonna be a surprise. But of corse things got in the way. "

In front of the two was mother, her short violet dress seemed to float around her legs. " I called your friend here to join you, we planed it for a days before the festival started. He was gonna surprise you at your home." Mother gave Eias a smile. " take care of my daughter for me Eias." With that mother disappeared, leaving not a single trace behind to show she was there.
Eias Baole - onlooker area

Eias followed as fast as she could while being taken to the onlooker area. Kim's face told many stories of her thoughts. Confusion being the main one. Her demeanor as well as Eias's also changed after hearing an amazing voice. They found themselves in front of a very lovely looking person donning a violet dress. Close to the colors Kim's skin becomes actually. Eias listened as the woman spoke towards Kim. She wondered who this was and how they knew Kim. That was answered shortly after she told Eias to care for her daughter Kim. She stood there for a moment in disbelieving. Part of it being that she just vanished our of thin air.

Why would she need to care for Kim? Kim had so much more power than she did any given day. That all too obvious. She spoke in her own voice. This situation made her completely forget she could use her flute. I... am confused now..
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Tournament Ring 1
Sera had no clue where he'd went to, maybe the confetti contained some form of magic? Nah that was dumb. She'd been able to sense him well enough to not entirely be tossed off her feet but she was infact thrown off balance, thus the crash tackle worked like a charm. She also quickly found out boobs and cobblestone didn't miss, frankly it hurt more than the knife stabbing in her wing, though it didn't stop her.

True enough for the time being he had her body pinned, but her wings were for the most part unaffected, and there was no way in hell she was going to just lose to him. Her wing was only partially healed, but she didn't need to fly too high. "
Might wanna hold on buddy." She told him. Slowly he flapped her wings as best she could, eventually she gained enough air to lift her off the ground. She ascended to roughly 10 foot in the air, of course he was still more than likely hanging on, and if he wasn't that meant she broke free. However if he WAS hanging on, she intended on shaking him off as best she could.
Valken - Tourney Arena

The cut on Valkens palm kept bleeding, trickles of blood sliding down his arm before pooling on the ground under him. He thought he had a pretty good hold on her, straddling her while shoving his elbow up under her face. The same arm infact that was dripping blood, he wondered if she might get distracted with the scent og his blood being so close. He figured if she had excelled so high in Fairytail it was altogether likely she could control her urges however and wouldn't turn into a raging beast.

Plan B then...

Only Plan B never happened.

"Hold on?" He said with a raised eyebrow and like that their was a gust of wind and she was lifting herself up off the ground. 10 feet wasn't too high a distance, but the second Valken's feet left the floor, without his control mind you, his face seemed to pale even as he clutched to the half naked girl.

So it turned out Valken had a phobia of heights, which he only just now discovered. It made sense, most of the time his feet were planted firmly on the ground, and his centre of gravity either low to the ground or within in.

In a strange fevered panic, he clung to her. "Alllllright, haha, very funny, put me back down please..." Though his eyes spoke volumes of his fear.

Mika - Onlookers' Area

Mika made his way into the arena where the magical forces were concentrated. As he entered, there were battles going on left and right. He blended in with the crowd at the stands, trying to avoid making eye contact with the on lookers. His sight were stolen by a particular fight going on. His eyes widened as his vision narrowed. He can smell her right from where he was standing. And as she flapped her magnificent wings he knew. She was a vampire. He remembers seeing one from when he was little. Emotions mixed up inside him. He wanted to call out to her but she was obviously busy. He just continued watching the fight in awe.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka
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