Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lyra Maelste - Magnolia Tournament

The blow sent Lyra flying but she had clamped both hands upon the girl's wrists and brought her spiraling with her, quickly regaining her composure, breath becoming slightly rigid and heavy from the punch itself. She had no idea how someone in a world of pain and having their lungs collapse on themselves was able to still move yet alone act like everything was fine and dandy, but hey, more things had surprised her in the past. So another dirty trick was released, dropping the virus and enacting the sleep spell since she was physically touching the female. A small grin spread across her face as Yuna fell limp onto the ground and was sound asleep. " Toodles! " She wiggled her fingers childishly in front of her face, making sure to stand and smash the headphones with her bare feet as well as kicking the bag from Yuna's sleeping body, remaining hovered over her in wait. " Checkmate. " Was all she could say upon gazing down at her opponent unconscious, an arm wrapping about her torso to acknowledge the previous blow.

@Angeliquie Perry
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Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Tournament Ring
Sera didn't even flinch from having the dagger pressed up against her neck, if anything she continued her amused smirk. She didn't much care if he dodged or not, she knew how fast he was now. Things just got a lot more interesting for her. "
Mmm. I suppose so." She replied. Of course her immediate thought was to move and try to kick him, but she soon found out she couldn't move her feet for some reason.

Interesting. I'll assume I can't move because of you? Oh well." She commented before swiftly bringing her arm forward and her elbow back towards his sternum, he probably saw it coming but hey it was worth a shot right?
Valken - Tournament Arena

Valken was impressed, not many people continued to smirk with a dagger against their neck and unable to move their feet. "Ahh yes... shadow possession....pity it isn't night time otherwise I would have won by now... "

The elbow was expected of course, so Valken took a step back to avoid it, breaking his hold on her shadow as he did. It a hilarious twist of fate, he slide the dagger down to cut at the top of her outfit, one sleeve, causing it to fall to one side and exposing herself if she didn't try and fix it. "Oops.." he said quickly, grinning more.
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Auren Sol

Ren had managed to pull out a few more cards by the time he heard the gunshot. Reacting immediately, Ren turned one of the cards so that the Sigil drawn on it was facing towards Lysander.

Sigil Art: Guard!"

The Sigil on the card glowed and a transparent rectangular barrier appeared midair in front of Ren, blocking the bullet. However, he didn't expect the bullet to erupt into a mud-like substance. Since there was space between the ground and the shield some ofthe mud seeped under and caught one of the boy's feet. Before he realized his foot was stuck, Ren had tripped trying to continue his running.

"Crap!" he said worriedly as he attempted to pull his foot out of the sticky mud. If he remained stuck any longer, he'd be an easy target. Ren looked towards Lysander and realized he had at least made it to 'second base' for his plan. Quickly, Ren threw two more cards at the man, these ones identical to that of the first ones. Hopefully the boy would be able to break free of the mud while Lysander was distracted.
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - fighting area The blast from the bubbles exploded only to implode just after. She covered her eyes but caught the tail end of the effect. It looked similar to a teleportation spell with how it sucked the blast in. She made a mental note of that. She refocused on her mirror bubble. Only to see Kim running right for her.

Getting up from the ground, she knew running wasn't going to work. It took a lot of energy just to stand now from those lights. All she could do is use offense to hopefully get some form of defense.

Blowing a few mini bomb bubbles towards Kim, Eias felt like she was about to run on empty. She never realized how much magic went into fights like this. Bandits were one thing, but another wizard was much more difficult.

She wasn't sure how much power was packed into those bubbles since she was feeling a little weak. Most likely they would just slow her down. If that was the case, Eais would probably try to get more space between them.
Kim kept up her speed. her free hand raised above her head. " flux tendrils." Six in tendrils sprouted fro Kims upper back. Each latched on to a bubble and imploded along with them. Nothing was on Her back any more. Kim ran up to Eias.

The light that enveloped Kims hand morfed into a long sword like odject. She thrused it towards Eias. Even though it looks like Kim was gonna murder her, the blade would pass right though her Like a phantom in the night.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

Her opponent was the speedy type, utilizing his magic to bypass her attack and get around behind her. She barely had enough time to bring her arms up, blocking the kick. While the kick itself was fairly weak the charge imparted on her body was anything but. She grit her teeth, igniting her arms in fire and pushed outward, throwing the boy back and releasing herself from the electric touch. As soon as she broke contact she jumped back a few paces before falling to a knee. Her breath was ragged and she had a strained expression on her face as she stare up at the boy. That cocky grin still adorned her features as she let out a pained laugh. "Huh. I always wondered why people never use their strongest attack first. This must be why." She took a deep breath and pushed herself back to her feet, regaining her composure. Any other opponent and she probably would have won right then and there, figures she'd get paired up with someone capable of avoiding her attack.

She clicked her tongue as she fell back into a combat-ready stance. Having depleted so much of her magic in that opening strike she would have to play it careful from here on out. Fortunately the boy's kick managed to give her a way out as it showed the boy was all speed and no punch. While annoying, those types were fairly easy to deal with as long as she kept her wits about her. "Time for round two!" With that she quickly charged forth towards the boy. As she approached her body once more erupted into flame, ensuring that any direct attack would result in the boy burning himself. As she drew near she threw a punch, all she had to do was force the boy to run around for now so whether her blows landed or not didn't matter much to her, all she had to do was keep up the onslaught.

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelste - Magnolia Tournament

The blow sent Lyra flying but she had clamped both hands upon the girl's wrists and brought her spiraling with her, quickly regaining her composure, breath becoming slightly rigid and heavy from the punch itself. She had no idea how someone in a world of pain and having their lungs collapse on themselves was able to still move yet alone act like everything was fine and dandy, but hey, more things had surprised her in the past. So another dirty trick was released, dropping the virus and enacting the sleep spell since she was physically touching the female. A small grin spread across her face as Yuna fell limp onto the ground and was sound asleep. " Toodles! " She wiggled her fingers childishly in front of her face, making sure to stand and smash the headphones with her bare feet as well as kicking the bag from Yuna's sleeping body, remaining hovered over her in wait. " Checkmate. " Was all she could say upon gazing down at her opponent unconscious, an arm wrapping about her torso to acknowledge the previous blow.

@Angeliquie Perry
By the time this happened, what Lyra was looking at was indeed yuna but Lyra didn't notice that Yuna was still conscious. Yuna starts to get back on her feet but is very unstable doing so.

She had summoned her barrier called sound break causing lryas attacks to be cut by 75% for the next 7 attacks that she does. and the last attack causes 25% mana/health re gen for yuna giving her the ability breath better. annoying sound comes from thin air like a ringing sound and cheers from the croud aplify as the sound gets louder she casts sound make causing any of yuna's sound attacks to become 3X stronger than before. Which her means her unique ability is also tripled.


The air around yuna is dense and the ground is under constant vibrations causing it to crack more. Lyra has bout a second before yuna punches her into the ground bout twice in a rapid session leaving a large creator in the middle of the edge of the arena. The sound of drums vibrates through the air (using sound make)

The crowd roars.

Yuna jumps back panting and is on one knee.

Dam it; please just stay down. just stay down.
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Zuka said:
Valken - Tournament Arena

Valken was impressed, not many people continued to smirk with a dagger against their neck and unable to move their feet. "Ahh yes... shadow possession....pity it isn't night time otherwise I would have won by now... "

The elbow was expected of course, so Valken took a step back to avoid it, breaking his hold on her shadow as he did. It a hilarious twist of fate, he slide the dagger down to cut at the top of her outfit, one sleeve, causing it to fall to one side and exposing herself if she didn't try and fix it. "Oops.." he said quickly, grinning more.

Sera: Tournament Ring

Sera liked this guy, he was funny. What was even funnier was the fact he thought she cared if she exposed herself to the crowd, she cared about the outfit more than that. Shrugging she did what was probably unexpected and took the top off altogether before tossing it to the side, she had a more free range of movement without the tight leather anyway. "If you're implying I actually care you're wrong, though that was my favorite top." She told him before shrugging.

Running forward she aimed to kick him in the head while he was hopefully distracted by obvious distraction.
[QUOTE="Angeliquie Perry]By the time this happened, what Lyra was looking at was indeed yuna but Lyra didn't notice that Yuna was still conscious. Yuna starts to get back on her feet but is very unstable doing so.
She had summoned her barrier called sound break causing lryas attacks to be cut by 75% for the next 7 attacks that she does. and the last attack causes 25% mana/health re gen for yuna giving her the ability breath better. annoying sound comes from thin air like a ringing sound and cheers from the croud aplify as the sound gets louder she casts sound make causing any of yuna's sound attacks to become 3X stronger than before. Which her means her unique ability is also tripled.


The air around yuna is dense and the ground is under constant vibrations causing it to crack more. Lyra has bout a second before yuna punches her into the ground bout twice in a rapid session leaving a large creator in the middle of the edge of the arena. The sound of drums vibrates through the air (using sound make)

The crowd roars.

Yuna jumps back panting and is on one knee.

Dam it; please just stay down. just stay down.

After this attack, Yuna's world goes black and she falls forward completely passing out. Lyra wins.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim kept up her speed. her free hand raised above her head. " flux tendrils." Six in tendrils sprouted fro Kims upper back. Each latched on to a bubble and imploded along with them. Nothing was on Her back any more. Kim ran up to Eias.
The light that enveloped Kims hand morfed into a long sword like odject. She thrused it towards Eias. Even though it looks like Kim was gonna murder her, the blade would pass right though her Like a phantom in the night.
Eias Baole - fighting area

She expected as much. The bubbles practically did nothing to stand in Kim's way. Eias tried to back up but it didn't matter. Within a matter of seconds she was on top of her. Eias' eyes bulged out a little at the sight of the sword. Was she really about to stab her? The sword was thrust down towards her. In a last ditch effort, she placed the flute on her mouth. A small foam man appeared in front of the blade. It took all of her energy to just summon this little guy hoping it would stop the blade somehow.

The blade sunk into the foam and for a moment it looked like they cancelled each other out. The blade was only half way gone but the foam man was absorbed like all the other bubbles. The blade sunk right into her gut. It didn't hurt though. No, it felt cold in her body but didn't hurt. She felt her energy getting sucked away. Like a cold river was washing over her. The bubbles started to pop here and there with no abilities being triggered. Eias reached for the blade with her hands to try and pull it out. Her physical and magical energy was pretty much all gone now. In her quite voice, she tried to project it a little. I give up. Y-you win.

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia Tournament

Lyra threw her hat in the air, wanting to jump up and grab it in a gracefully skilled manner once she was announced as the winner but it'd seem the blow to her stomach was more taxing then she originally thought so she settled on simply catching it with her head. " Thanks for the fight.. " Her words were their usual whisper, a soft sincere smile slowly following. A small bow of the head was made to those watching, unable to cursty since that movement was inhibited too, followed by her walking off. Her hand remained clutched at her side, grasping her stomach before she found her way completely out of the arena and to a medic to be looked at. She swatted at the intrusive hand that tried to touch her stomach, bruising evident along her pale skin, before sighing and allowing them to do as they wished though she hated the touch entirely too much. " I wonder how Hibi-kun is doing... " Lyra mumbled to herself, sighing quite heavily. She'd have to wait until she was done being looked at and by then his match could already be over. Part of her hoped it would be, and the other part kind of hoped it dragged on, though that was a selfish thought. Oh well, she'd find out soon enough.

@Angeliquie Perry @LeSoraAmari
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

Her opponent was the speedy type, utilizing his magic to bypass her attack and get around behind her. She barely had enough time to bring her arms up, blocking the kick. While the kick itself was fairly weak the charge imparted on her body was anything but. She grit her teeth, igniting her arms in fire and pushed outward, throwing the boy back and releasing herself from the electric touch. As soon as she broke contact she jumped back a few paces before falling to a knee. Her breath was ragged and she had a strained expression on her face as she stare up at the boy. That cocky grin still adorned her features as she let out a pained laugh. "Huh. I always wondered why people never use their strongest attack first. This must be why." She took a deep breath and pushed herself back to her feet, regaining her composure. Any other opponent and she probably would have won right then and there, figures she'd get paired up with someone capable of avoiding her attack.

She clicked her tongue as she fell back into a combat-ready stance. Having depleted so much of her magic in that opening strike she would have to play it careful from here on out. Fortunately the boy's kick managed to give her a way out as it showed the boy was all speed and no punch. While annoying, those types were fairly easy to deal with as long as she kept her wits about her. "Time for round two!" With that she quickly charged forth towards the boy. As she approached her body once more erupted into flame, ensuring that any direct attack would result in the boy burning himself. As she drew near she threw a punch, all she had to do was force the boy to run around for now so whether her blows landed or not didn't matter much to her, all she had to do was keep up the onslaught.

Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia, Tournament - Ring 8.

When the kick connected with the girls body despite her blocking it, the electrical charge sent coursing throughout her body had clearly effected her. Tanari responded quickly by engulfing her arms in flame and pushing Hibiki away from her, then traversing a few paces back. Upon landing on the ground, Hibiki sent a smile the girls way to combat her stare. It was evident that she was having fun, and so was Hibiki for that fact. Tanari came charging towards him quite clearly intending on throwing a punch towards him, her body engulfed itself into flame as she closed in on his position. Clapping his hands together his body crackled with electricity, he pointed both of his hands her way and called out "Twin Bolts!" As two spear like bolts of lightning were sent charging towards Tanari. Clearly, they were easy to dodge since they only travelled in a straight line. Hibiki also figured out that close ranged attacks would result in the flames around Tanari burning him. However that was unavoidable. Charging towards her, following behind the spear like bolts of lightning, he intending on colliding his electrically charged fist with her flame charged fist.
Sabrina---Battle Tournament

Sabrina noted that her opponent was S-class, which pretty much means she's screwed. I probably don't have any chance of beating him, but I'll try my best anyway. Besides, I will be able to test out my new bio-weapons, contained within these tubes I carry all over myself. Luckily, I have already immunized myself to these toxins...Hmm...Crystal orbs...I wonder what they do..."Yes, I am from Fairy Tail, though I am a new member," Sabrina replied with a small smile. "And yes, let us have fun this match..." And thus, Sabrina began her assault. She started off by equipping one dark fire vial in each hand and threw them both, first left then right, at Masaki to see what he'll do. The liquid inside the vial was reddish-black in colour, and is actually compressed magical flames. These ones weren't of the offensive type, and will only create a smoke screen when it explodes and deals minimal damage. It was also to see what Masaki will do, and what those crystal orbs do. After throwing those, Sabrina quickly dashed towards the left side of Masaki, now equipped with a pair of bright yellow vials in hand.

Bolts said:
Eias Baole - fighting area She expected as much. The bubbles practically did nothing to stand in Kim's way. Eias tried to back up but it didn't matter. Within a matter of seconds she was on top of her. Eias' eyes bulged out a little at the sight of the sword. Was she really about to stab her? The sword was thrust down towards her. In a last ditch effort, she placed the flute on her mouth. A small foam man appeared in front of the blade. It took all of her energy to just summon this little guy hoping it would stop the blade somehow.

The blade sunk into the foam and for a moment it looked like they cancelled each other out. The blade was only half way gone but the foam man was absorbed like all the other bubbles. The blade sunk right into her gut. It didn't hurt though. No, it felt cold in her body but didn't hurt. She felt her energy getting sucked away. Like a cold river was washing over her. The bubbles started to pop here and there with no abilities being triggered. Eias reached for the blade with her hands to try and pull it out. Her physical and magical energy was pretty much all gone now. In her quite voice, she tried to project it a little. I give up. Y-you win.
Kim looked like she had done the worst thing in her life. Fear rose in Kims mind, Eias sounded so weak. Had she gone to far? The it hit her, she had a quiet voice. The barrier around the two fell. Large letters announced that Kim had won.

Kim, like you do, carried Eias off the area and into the medic bay. Kims purple marks disappeared from her body in a smokey release. " you did awesome Eias." Kim set Eias down on the white linen bed. " Thanks for the fight dear."
LeSoraAmari said:
Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia, Tournament - Ring 8.
When the kick connected with the girls body despite her blocking it, the electrical charge sent coursing throughout her body had clearly effected her. Tanari responded quickly by engulfing her arms in flame and pushing Hibiki away from her, then traversing a few paces back. Upon landing on the ground, Hibiki sent a smile the girls way to combat her stare. It was evident that she was having fun, and so was Hibiki for that fact. Tanari came charging towards him quite clearly intending on throwing a punch towards him, her body engulfed itself into flame as she closed in on his position. Clapping his hands together his body crackled with electricity, he pointed both of his hands her way and called out "Twin Bolts!" As two spear like bolts of lightning were sent charging towards Tanari. Clearly, they were easy to dodge since they only travelled in a straight line. Hibiki also figured out that close ranged attacks would result in the flames around Tanari burning him. However that was unavoidable. Charging towards her, following behind the spear like bolts of lightning, he intending on colliding his electrically charged fist with her flame charged fist.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

As she closed the distance the boy unleashed a quick ranged attack. The two bolts were fairly easy to predict where they would go and while her speed didn't compare to her opponent's enhanced movements she was no slowpoke herself. With a nimble grace she managed to weave her way past the two bolts, only marginally slowing her charge towards the boy. The sight of the boy charging in after his electric bolts caused her grin to widen ever-so-slightly. As the two closed it became readily apparent that the boy intended to match blows with her. She raised her right arm, moving as if she were going to meet his blow. Sadly for him she would never fall into such a cliche and at the last moment she pivoted on her foot, spinning around and narrowly missing the boy's punch while aiming a kick at his side. As with all her melee attacks she put quite a lot of power behind them. Her raw strength coupled with the explosion caused by impact generally resulted in a very hefty blow if she could actually land it.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim looked like she had done the worst thing in her life. Fear rose in Kims mind, Eias sounded so weak. Had she gone to far? The it hit her, she had a quiet voice. The barrier around the two fell. Large letters announced that Kim had won.
Kim, like you do, carried Eias off the area and into the medic bay. Kims purple marks disappeared from her body in a smokey release. " you did awesome Eias." Kim set Eias down on the white linen bed. " Thanks for the fight dear."
Eias Baole - Medical area

Eias blushed a little hearing she did well. It was the first time she really chose to fight like that. Thanks, I still need some practice though. Heh. I didn't realize you were so strong! She scratched the side of her cheek. Eias wondered if Kim was in some guild. She didn't see any symbol on her though. At least from this angle. a little warning next time you go to stab me though. I was a little freaked there. She said with a reassuring smile that everything was fine.
Mitchs98 said:
@Kayzo (le mention) @Salt Lord
Alicia: Tournament Ring

Good luck Mizuki, you can do this!" She called out as they were both ushered into their arenas. She'd, of course, noticed Alfie in the stands. She wasn't quiet as scared as originally, but she was still pretty damn scared. She just prayed he didn't see her, or Mizuki. That was the last thing she wanted but as long as they were in the barrier and neither of them were paired against him everything..should..be..fine.

W..what. No! NO! She thought to herself, frantically backing into the corner of her side of the arena as she spotted Alfie in the same arena, her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets in fear. "P-please. I-I didn't know, I swear! I-I..please don't kill me." She begged him, attempting to move further away but failing miserably. "I-I was just trying to protect Mizuki..I'm sorry." She added, visibly trembling with fear at this point. She didn't imagine she'd be seeing him so soon, let alone being matched against him in the tournament.

Alfie - Tournament Ring

Alfie looked at his feet shamefully, the thought of what he was about to do hanging over him like a dark overcast. But at least she wouldn't descend with emotional energy... Slowly, he forced himself to look up at the horrified Alicia with a drooping smile. "I know what you were trying to do," he finally said, raising his bow at the girl as it formed in his hands, "But some things can't be excused. Like me threatening you. But take comfort in the thought that you won't actually be dying," he paused for good, an abnormally black arrow appearing beside the bow, and right before he pulled back on the string and released, his pupils and the whites of his eyes switched colors, giving him an unsettling appearance despite him wearing pink. The arrow flew at Alicia with a blurring speed before finally stabbing into her head. Rather than actually killing her, however, it collapsed into dust and swirled around the location of the girl's heart, filling her with an amazing amount of power and an even greater amount of grief.

"Now, if you can find it in you to do so, I want you to use that power to take revenge. Consider it a repayment for taking all of that off my chest." With that, the bow vanished right out of Alfie's hands, leaving him to stand passively, a an expression of relief on his face.

Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

As she closed the distance the boy unleashed a quick ranged attack. The two bolts were fairly easy to predict where they would go and while her speed didn't compare to her opponent's enhanced movements she was no slowpoke herself. With a nimble grace she managed to weave her way past the two bolts, only marginally slowing her charge towards the boy. The sight of the boy charging in after his electric bolts caused her grin to widen ever-so-slightly. As the two closed it became readily apparent that the boy intended to match blows with her. She raised her right arm, moving as if she were going to meet his blow. Sadly for him she would never fall into such a cliche and at the last moment she pivoted on her foot, spinning around and narrowly missing the boy's punch while aiming a kick at his side. As with all her melee attacks she put quite a lot of power behind them. Her raw strength coupled with the explosion caused by impact generally resulted in a very hefty blow if she could actually land it.
Hibiki Dreyar: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring 8.

Tanari proved to be quite the agile foe as well. Managing to evade the twin bolts AND bypass the punch that was sent her way, even though it really was just sent to counter her own and didn't really hold any purpose other than to do just that. It was then that the girls foot managed to collide with his side, sending Hibiki crashing to the ground at full force. Managing to stand up again with relative ease, he jumped back and away from Tanari, the electrical charging in his body dissipating as it slowly turned into an ominous and most certainly imposing aura. "I'll be honest, I thought that this would be easy enough for me to deal with you by using my lightning magic. Clearly, I was wrong." It was with that, that a rather large dark purple magical glyph appeared overhead of both Tanari and Hibiki, a bright light engulfing Hibiki as his appearance began to change. He developed a large tail, claw like gauntlets and scales all over his body. Crack present on his face and any visible parts of skin as his hair became longer and pointed upwards. Wings spouted from his back. A look of sheer determination formed on his face as with that he charged towards Tanari at a faster speed than before, going in for a punch with incredible strength. He was now in his Satan Soul state. And Lyra was most definitely going to nag him for using it in a friendly tournament, but Hibiki didn't really care.

PeteTSs said:
Sabrina---Battle Tournament

Sabrina noted that her opponent was S-class, which pretty much means she's screwed. I probably don't have any chance of beating him, but I'll try my best anyway. Besides, I will be able to test out my new bio-weapons, contained within these tubes I carry all over myself. Luckily, I have already immunized myself to these toxins...Hmm...Crystal orbs...I wonder what they do..."Yes, I am from Fairy Tail, though I am a new member," Sabrina replied with a small smile. "And yes, let us have fun this match..." And thus, Sabrina began her assault. She started off by equipping one dark fire vial in each hand and threw them both, first left then right, at Masaki to see what he'll do. The liquid inside the vial was reddish-black in colour, and is actually compressed magical flames. These ones weren't of the offensive type, and will only create a smoke screen when it explodes and deals minimal damage. It was also to see what Masaki will do, and what those crystal orbs do. After throwing those, Sabrina quickly dashed towards the left side of Masaki, now equipped with a pair of bright yellow vials in hand.

The girl was quick to begin her assault and Masaki was surprised. He couldn't identify the magic she utilised but it seemed to consist of vials? No matter. With the clapping of his hands, two pillars of crystal formed from the ground and were sent soaring up towards the sky and crushing into the vials, shattering them. Then, noticing Sabrina come in from his left, Masaki used his agility to jump up into the air and away from her. With a few hand movements the crystals began to swirl around Masaki one by one until each one shattered into hundreds of glowing, purple crystal shards. Spinning around violently while in midair, Masaki pointed his palm towards Sabrina as the crystal were sent soaring her way upon calling out. "Crystal Formation: 100 Shard Barrage!"
WoodenZebra said:
"Oh wait.Forgot.Everyone has a different kind of list of people that they could date.Everyones is different trust me.Masaki is a kind hearted nice guy that a lot of people would like,but he was probably almost at the bottom of my list.I only liked him because he was the only person I knew who fit my discription,so don't hate when I say this.It turned out.Masaki isn't my type.Plus the guy I'm crushing on gave me one of his two only possesions he had left from his hometown.It's not like Masaki did that for you.He's from here so could just go to a novelty shop and by you something.So ending with that and on to the battle" Momoki said breifly showing Grace her new long and lucious scarf before the judge said,"Let the Battle begin!" Momo first decided not to take off her backpack.Yet and waiting for Grace to attack.

Grace: Magnolia Fight Tournament

Grace rolled her eyes as Momoki began to explain her situation. Sure it was true that everyone had different tastes, but she was the stubborn type of girl who wouldn't just give in easily. "I don't need Masaki to give me things to make me happy. I get his love and that's more precious than anything else." This was somewhat of a lie. She really want him to buy her things to make her happy, but the short girl would never shove it down his throat and drive him away. When Momoki suggested that they start the fight Grace was more than happy to. She was sure the people were getting bored of the two girls talking about their boyfriends. "Alright, let's start. It seems yore giving me first hit so I won't waste any time!" She said grinning happily, her hand sparking a purple flame. The first thing she did was summon small round objects and launched them at her opponent. The little balls scattered around her feet and began to explode, releasing a dark smoke around the girl. When Momoki's vision was blocked Grace launched another attack. "Hell storm!" She called out, small missiles seeking out Monoki.
Bolts said:
Eias Baole - Medical area Eias blushed a little hearing she did well. It was the first time she really chose to fight like that. Thanks, I still need some practice though. Heh. I didn't realize you were so strong! She scratched the side of her cheek. Eias wondered if Kim was in some guild. She didn't see any symbol on her though. At least from this angle. a little warning next time you go to stab me though. I was a little freaked there. She said with a reassuring smile that everything was fine.
Kim let a smile creep into her face. " I'm sure you'll become strong soon enough. Oh and sorry for the stab, I didn't mean to scare you so bad. " Kim sat on the edge of the bed, her legs dangling over the side of the bed. She looked down and realize how short she was. " you remind me of my child hood friend, haven't seen him in so long though."
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]
Clair fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard saint
Clair listened to what the man had to say which in turn lead her to believe that he was crazy , like come on who dates fish? How do you go on long walks with a fish ? And how can you enjoy tea with a fish ? None of his story added up yet he seemed very sure of himself which made Clair laugh uncomfortably "a fish you don't say , haha well everyone goes through a faze like that i'm sure".

After Unknown asked about her past Clair was reluctant to answer but decided to anyway as she really had no solid reason not to "well , i like to collect swords and armour. I enjoy traveling actually i do travel a lot so that's great....." Clair downed the rest of her drink and ordered another one before continuing "ummm, i haven't dated a fish just yet but it's rather high up there on my bucket list. say why did you two break it off?"


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown spun back round to the counter and took another swig from his tankard, and let out a sigh. "I prefer not to talk about it, so I will just say this. Despite being deceased myself, it's kind of hard to date the deceased who aren't walking the earth once more." For a brief moment he had a melancholic expression, before chuckling to himself "I will say, I didn't take you for the fish type. Isn't that, like, weird for the living? And don't you need oxygen now that I think about it? Seriously that's just ridiculous!" he had a big smirk on his face.​
LeSoraAmari said:
Hibiki Dreyar: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring 8.
Tanari proved to be quite the agile foe as well. Managing to evade the twin bolts AND bypass the punch that was sent her way, even though it really was just sent to counter her own and didn't really hold any purpose other than to do just that. It was then that the girls foot managed to collide with his side, sending Hibiki crashing to the ground at full force. Managing to stand up again with relative ease, he jumped back and away from Tanari, the electrical charging in his body dissipating as it slowly turned into an ominous and most certainly imposing aura. "I'll be honest, I thought that this would be easy enough for me to deal with you by using my lightning magic. Clearly, I was wrong." It was with that, that a rather large dark purple magical glyph appeared overhead of both Tanari and Hibiki, a bright light engulfing Hibiki as his appearance began to change. He developed a large tail, claw like gauntlets and scales all over his body. Crack present on his face and any visible parts of skin as his hair became longer and pointed upwards. Wings spouted from his back. A look of sheer determination formed on his face as with that he charged towards Tanari at a faster speed than before, going in for a punch with incredible strength. He was now in his Satan Soul state. And Lyra was most definitely going to nag him for using it in a friendly tournament, but Hibiki didn't really care.

Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

She managed to land her kick on the boy, an explosion emanating from the impact causing the boy to flying back into the ground. With a distance once more separating the two she again fell back into her combat-ready stance, her fists held at the ready for another onslaught. Just as she was about to charge in she forced herself to stop, noticing the strange aura surrounding the boy. At the boy's remark she flashed him a cocky smile accompanied by a shrug of her shoulders. "Fighting's all I'm good for, even with the handicap I've given you I wont go down easy." Despite her bluster she couldn't help but mentally chide herself for wasting so much magic without even hitting him. Fortunately her style of combat didn't use that much magic, but it was still a disadvantage she didn't want to deal with.

She took a step back, covering her eyes as a white light engulfed the boy. After a moment she lowered her arm, not about to leave herself vulnerable more than absolutely necessary. She couldn't help but frown at his change in appearance. While she had never personally fought someone who utilized take-over magic she knew what it was and what it could do. With the change she doubted her previous strategy would still hold up, this new form appearing far stronger than what she was previously dealing with. Without warning the demon came careening towards her at an explosive speed. While she was already in ready stance, the sheer speed caught her off guard and she just narrowly managed to move her arms the few inches it took to guard against the punch. Unlike before this blow held power behind it and she went rocketing back into one of the barriers that surrounded the arena.

The impact knocked the wind from her, a silent gasp of pain coming from her as she fell to the ground in a heap. She coughed as she pushed herself to her hands and knees, wheezing in desperate gasps of air in-between her coughs. As she slowly regained her composure she looked up at the boy, another strained laugh fighting the coughing fit. "I.. like you better this way.." She took a deep breath as she used the barrier to help get to her feet. "You're nowhere near as cute... but at least now you don't hit like a girl..." With this she again fell into her combat stance, however she made no move to charge the boy as she had previously. Instead she threw her punch at the air where she stood and from her fist came a small fireball aimed directly at the boy. Without pause she threw a punch with her other arm, a second fireball heading in the boy's direction. She did this several times, saturating a large area around him with explosive balls of fire. However, she knew this wouldn't be enough and ensured they were no normal explosive shots. Whether they hit their mark or not they would explode on contact and leave a blazing inferno in their wake. If she couldn't match his speed she'd simply have to ensure he had nowhere to run.
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purplepanda288 said:
Kim let a smile creep into her face. " I'm sure you'll become strong soon enough. Oh and sorry for the stab, I didn't mean to scare you so bad. " Kim sat on the edge of the bed, her legs dangling over the side of the bed. She looked down and realize how short she was. " you remind me of my child hood friend, haven't seen him in so long though."
Eias Baole - med room

Eias sat up from her bed. A small winch from phantom pains was in her gut but she shrugged it off pretty quick. Grabbing her flute so Kim could hear better, and for Eias to feel more comfortable, she blew a bubble. It was a lot smaller than normal and when it popped it was not as loud. Louder than her voice but not on the normal scale. You remind me of my family too. I don't see them often now so I know how you feel. Have you tried going to see them? She let her arms slump back down to a resting position. Those lights drained a lot of strength from her. She was kinda glad Kim saw her as a friend rather than some enemy.
Alicia: Tournament Ring

Alicia's eyes widened and she slowly sank to the ground as Alfie formed and aimed his bow at her. Surely the officials wouldn't let him kill her, right? As he drew the bow back she wrenched her eyes shut and turned her face away from him, too scared to even attempt forming a barrier, and began crying. It was over, he was going to kill her..though she calmed down partially in knowing that Mizuki and Gilad would more than likely kill him when he did.

Thought what happened next wasn't death, though death quite possibly could of been preferrable. Infact, she wished she
were dead. The sudden influx of negative emotions clouding her thoughts, most of them revolving around wanting him to kill her from the sheer amount of sadness and grief she felt.

She didn't understand what he meant, but it became apparent he gave her a fate worse than death. She didn't
want to hurt him despite what he did..for some reason she couldn't understand. But maybe..maybe if she fought him it'd dispel the negative energy once it ran out of power? It was as good a thing to try as any. Slowly she removed her fire beads from her hair, they instantly caught fire and levitated beside her.

Slowly they slit apart and enlarged into fist sized rocks, "
Fire Shotgun!" she shouted while thrusting her palm forward. The beads all shot out at once aimed at Alfie's chest. "I'm sorry.." She mumbled.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Ring
Alicia's eyes widened and she slowly sank to the ground as Alfie formed and aimed his bow at her. Surely the officials wouldn't let him kill her, right? As he drew the bow back she wrenched her eyes shut and turned her face away from him, too scared to even attempt forming a barrier, and began crying. It was over, he was going to kill her..though she calmed down partially in knowing that Mizuki and Gilad would more than likely kill him when he did.

Thought what happened next wasn't death, though death quite possibly could of been preferrable. Infact, she wished she
were dead. The sudden influx of negative emotions clouding her thoughts, most of them revolving around wanting him to kill her from the sheer amount of sadness and grief she felt.

She didn't understand what he meant, but it became apparent he gave her a fate worse than death. She didn't
want to hurt him despite what he did..for some reason she couldn't understand. But maybe..maybe if she fought him it'd dispel the negative energy once it ran out of power? It was as good a thing to try as any. Slowly she removed her fire beads from her hair, they instantly caught fire and levitated beside her.

Slowly they slit apart and enlarged into fist sized rocks, "
Fire Shotgun!" she shouted while thrusting her palm forward. The beads all shot out at once aimed at Alfie's chest. "I'm sorry.." She mumbled.
Smiling as he saw that she wouldn't be too grief-stricken to use her magic, Alfie realized that he shouldn't have even had to give her the grief so shamefully. After using enough despair-imbued magic, the effects would wear off of Alicia as though she was never even hit with he arrow. It would only take her about a year to fully get rid of them, if less. But now he had to focus on the task at hand: make Alicia feel safe. Sticking his open palm in front of him, a chain of his signature pink mandalas appearing quickly before the balls of fire heading straight for his chest. As they passed through the symbols, they were sped up and magnified to an incredible degree-- to the point that their whole area to fight was illuminated and hot.

But as soon as it started it was over, and as the bright light and intense heat died down, Alfie's body had been sent meters away from the impact of the spell. His clothes were torn and blackened with ash yet still revealed not a single bit of his skin-- skin that was burned and scraped by sliding across the ground. But his gem remained hidden and unharmed. The body was still usable, and in Alfie's opinion, snatching another one would be too much of a hassle. Especially now that he was so close to transcending.

Chris Lengheart (about to fight...Kelica?!)

Chris watched as Kelica was dragged into the ring. He tried to explain to a offcial that she wasn't a participant, but they merely said that because she chose to go into the waiting area, she'd be a last minute addition. Great, just great. Chris, a very loving guy, would have to knock his girlfriend out. He looked at Kelica with a apologetic look on his face as she slowly stepped up to her and placed an arm on her shoulder, "Please Kelica, just surrender. I don't want to hurt you. But don't think that I won't if I must."



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